//------------------------------// // The final chapter // Story: The Next Step // by TheKing2001 //------------------------------// I smiled as I bounced around the fair going from stall to stall. I had miraculously won a dozen of the stuffed animals. I loved me my stuffed animals. It was only a shame Sunset had to work the security detail and not be here with me. Well, she was in a way with me. Just not the way I wanted. I did know she was sometimes following me around and smiling for some reason. I faintly remember her arresting some guy for being overly drunk. A blush crossed my cheeks and I really hoped those weren't the handcuffs we had used the other night. If they were, I just hoped they were sanitized. They had seen lot of use the past few years. I was in the middle of getting us both some food when she grabbed my hand and kissed me. I sighed happily into it and felt her tongue pushing against my teeth. I opened my mouth and felt her tongue push past mine and swirl around my tongue. I pulled away for air, panting slightly. "Come with me," Sunset instructed and grabbed my hand. "Are you having fun?" "A tad," I admitted. "It would be more fun if you weren't working so we could have done the rides." "Well you're in luck," she grinned as we stood in line. "We're going on the ferris wheel." "Oh okay," I smiled. The ferris wheel always was a bit too tame for me but at least she was here. We quickly got into our car and sat down. Gotta hand it to the workers, they worked quick. Probably experience. I looked over the edge and smiled faintly at the view of the lake nearby. "Hey Pinkie," I focused back on Sunset. "Yeah, Sunshim?" I stared in confusion as she slid off her seat and onto her knee. "Get back in your seat, we need to stay seated he said. It's dangerous." She rolled her eyes and produced a black case from her pocket and opened it. I stared at the bright blue diamond in curiosity. "These past four years, three hours, fifty minutes and twenty seconds have been the best ones of my life. I don't want them to end. So Pinkie Pie, wanna marry me?" I stared in shock. I never expected this. I leaped forward and hugged her. "Yes. Yes and yes," I gave her a long kiss. She pushed me back slightly and slid the ring on my ring finger. "I love you." "I love ya too," Sunset smiled. "I figured this was a good anniversary gift." I grinned at that. I was worried she had forgotten it was our anniversary all day. I quickly reached into my hair and pulled out a present. I shoved it into her hands. "Open it," I grinned even bigger. She slowly opened the gift and stared at it. "I love it," she hugged the picture of us from high-school and all our friends. "I miss them." "Me too," I sighed. "It's crazy how our lives separated. I thought we would all stay in the band and tour worldwide." "Me too honestly," Sunset admitted as our car got closer to the ground. "Maybe in the future. We are still young and just out of college." She looked closer at the picture. "I don't recognize this one." "It's another angle from our first day going out, when we confessed our feelings to each other on the roof of my house when we all climbed out on the roof in the morning and took a selfie," I smiled at her. "That was the best part, when we confessed. Plus when you kissed me. Oh and sleeping with someone else was nice. You were very warm." "It was a nice night." "Wait. Aren't you supposed to be walking around the fair and keeping people safe?" I demanded and she smirked. "My shift ended by the time I saw you getting food. Sorry for interrupting that by the way." "It's okay," I reached into my hair and pulled out more pretzels wrapped in their plastic prison. "Tada!" I handed one to her and she rolled her eyes, smiling. "I don't know how you do half the things you do." She took a bit and sighed. We got off the ride and down the steps. I angled the ring and admired it in the setting sun. "Like it?" Sunset chuckled. "Like it? I love it!" I hugged her from behind and squeezed. "Love what?" Bon Bon asked and I gasped, hugging her. "This!" I stepped back and showed Lyra and Bon Bon my ring. They smirked and Lyra punched Sunset in the shoulder. "You finally proposed I see. Good," she hugged Sunset with a massive grin. Bon Bon gave me a hug too. "We're so happy for you both," she said. "We get to come to the wedding, right?" Lyra asked with a grin. Me and Sunset looked to each other with smirks. "I supposeeee," I teased. "We did get invited to yours so it's only fair you can come to ours." "But we are hiring a party planner," Sunset piped in, looking at me. "We shouldn't really have to work on all of it alone." "Okay," I agreed eagerly and she looked surprised that I agreed so fast. "Well, if you need help, come to us," Bon Bon smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "We would love to." Lyra gave Sunset a quick look, head to toe. "If I wasn't married to Bon Bon and you weren't engaged to Pinkie, I'd totally hit on you," she announced. "Like me a women in uniform." "Lyra!" Bon Bon chided. "What about my candy store work uniform?" Lyra grinned and hugged her. "A uniform is a uniform," she pointed out. "And you make it look good." Bon Bon turned bright red. "Thanks," she focused on us. "Well, congrats. We gotta get home. Liza is probably wondering where we are." I gave them both one last hug and waved bye. I turned to Sunset. "So. Home?" I asked and she nodded. "You can help take off my uniform," she said and I grinned. "Is that all you want help with?" I teased. "Nope." ------------------------------------------------------------- "Marble, I'm terrified." Marble grunted as she helped Limestone zip up the back of my dress. It was a very pretty pinkish white dress that my sisters helped me pick out. I didn't even know what Sunset was wearing or where she was. "Relax," Limestone growled. "Your wedding is going to go fine." To say I was scared was the understatement of the century. We had spent the last few months planning our wedding. It sucked only Applejack, her sister, Bon Bon and Lyra could come to our wedding. I had no idea where Applejack was. She was supposed to be helping me out with this, not that I didn't mind my sisters helping of course. "What if it's too soon? What if she gets cold feet or decides someone else is better than me. Or that my snoring is too much?" I demanded. Limestone sighed. "Might I point out she proposed to you? I highly doubt she would get cold feet now. And if she liked someone else better, I'd kill her." I shuddered at that. "And she has been sleeping next to you for the past four, almost five years now. I think your snoring is the least of your concerns." "Mhm," Marble agreed. "She's right," Maud intoned. The door swung open. "Sorry Ah'm late yall," Applejack burst in. "Ah was a bit busy with a chore." I hugged her. "Ya looking good, Pinks." "Thanks," I blushed. "What chore at the farm you had to do? Ooh was it feeding the chickens? That's my favorite!" "Actually no. I was at the airport." I raised an eyebrow at that. "Why?" I asked as I turned back to the mirror. "Are we late?" I spun around to the best of my ability. "Dashie!" I shouted. Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy were standing behind me. "You guys came?" Rarity stepped forward and hugged me. "Of course we came, darling. We wouldn't miss this for the world," she looked up and down my dress. "Where did you get this gorgeous dress?" "Uh, Coco Pommel made it for me with Sassy Saddles," I played with my hair and Rarity squeeled. "Darling, you could have told me you were getting it from one of my boutiques and I would have waived the fee!" Rarity glared at me. "This dress must have been a lot." "It was," I admitted sheepishly. "Way over our budget. I feel bad for Sunset, she must have had to pick one she hated." Rainbow and Rarity shared a look and grinned. "I have no idea," Rainbow declared. "Wait! Does Sunset know you're here?" I asked suddenly. The three girls shared a laugh. "Know? She set this up!" Rainbow laughed. "It was a surprise for you," Fluttershy said softly. "Are you surprised?" "Well, duh!" I shouted and Marble flinched. "Pinkie, I swear to God. If you don't stop moving while I sort your dress out, I'll smack you," Limestone threatened. Rarity stepped forward and helped put the finishing touches on. "Did everyone know?" I asked, looking at my sisters. "Well duh," Limestone smirked. "Why do you I didn't kill Applejack for being late when she walked in the door?" "Yeppers," Applejack gave my sister a worried look. "Now get out there and marry Sunset. We already got our dresses in the back and it's easier for us to get ours on." She gave me a gentle push. "We'll be right out." I gave a nervous nod and a laugh as response as I moved for the door. ------------------------------------------------------------- I stared at Sunset in awe as we stood across from each other. I was completely wrong about her picking a dress she didn't like. Her bright red dress completely suited her. I smiled at her and then Maud. I didn't even know Maud had legally gotten her license to wed people. I knew she had found religion and such, but still a shocker. "Dear friends," Maud intoned. I always did love my sisters voice, it just suited her so well. "we're gathered here today in the presence of God to bless this union as Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer join together in holy matrimony." "I didn't know she was allowed to do this," Rainbow whispered and Rarity elbowed her. "Shush!" She chided. Maud stared at both of us. "Do you two agree to enter this marriage without coercion and willingly marry the other?" "Yes," we said at the same time. "Pinkie, do you take Sunset to be your wife?" She focused on me. "I do," I said with a massive grin. "Sunset, do you take Pinkie to be your wife?" "Yes, I do," Sunset gave me a smile that I adored. "Do your vows, please Pinkie." I took a deep breath and began to recite what i had memorized. This part was the scariest not gonna lie. "Today, I take my place as your wife. May our days be long, and may they be seasoned with faith, love, understanding and respect forever and ever. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows, with you," I was glad that was over. It's different when hosting a party and everyone watches you. At a wedding, it's so different. Sunset maintained that big grin. "And your turn Sunset." Sunset took a breath of her own. "Pinkie, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together.” I resisted the urge to kiss her right then and there. I quickly wiped a tear away and we watched Derpy guide Liza and Dinky with our rings. I really resisted the urge to hug those cute kids. "The rings please," Maud asked and Derpy helped Liza give them to her. Derpy quickly stepped next to me and took her place as one of my bridesmaids. I shyly looked out at the crowd and Minuette gave me a encouraging thumbs up. Sunset waited and I picked up her ring and slide it on her correct finger. She quickly did the same to me. "I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss her." I stepped forward and kissed Sunset. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rarity wipe a tear out of her eye and Fluttershy hugged her. A bunch of clapping ensured and I walked down the aisle with Sunset, grinning. ------------------------------------------------------------- "Pinkie love, you have cake on your face," Sunset pointed out with a grin. "You do too!" I replied. We may or may not have butchered trying to feed each other cake. Rainbow snickered. "You two are made for each other," she grinned. I smiled as Flash came up and hugged Sunset. "Congrats, you two," he grinned. "Oh I have an announcement for you and Pinkie, Sunset," Rainbow smiled at us. "I'm moving closer to Canterlot, the air force wants me an hour away from here. So we can see each other more often." "Yay!" I shouted. I honestly missed her. The amount of pranks we could do excited me. "That's great," Sunset said with a grin of her own. "Did I miss anything?" We jumped and I stared into Twilight's eyes. "This is so awkward," our Twilight mumbled. Me and Sunset both stood up and hugged her. "Thought you were busy with the aftermath of the triumvirate of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis?" Sunset asked. Twilight sat down and stole some food off her doubles plate. "I was. We sorted it all out. Sorry I couldn't get here sooner." "We understand," I piped in. "Hey you two," Lyra grinned and Bon Bon gave us a wave. "Hey!" I hugged them. I've been hugging pretty much every one who came up to our table. Minuette, Roseluck and her sisters, Amethyst. "Liza did great." "That she did," Lyra agreed. "We already thanked Derpy for helping her and Dinky up the aisle." "We're just coming up because we gotta head out unfortunately," Bon Bon said. "Liza is feeling sick and Lyra is about ten shots in of the hardest whiskey here." "I am perfectly fine," Lyra slurred out and almost fell over. Sunset stood up and caught her. "Lyra, you tried to take your dress off and wear a table cloth. You also thought we were dating again instead of being married and proposed to me. Twice." "Only ten shots?" Rainbow scoffed. "My max is twenty." "I don't really let her drink at home in front of Liza," Bon Bon argued. "Not much at least. I let her cut loose because was a special occasion and doesn't happen often. I'm regretting my decision." "We should totally hang out sometime again!" I exclaimed. "Definitely," Sunset agreed with a grin. Bon Bon waved and started to drag an evidently drunk Lyra from another shot to where Minuette was playing with Liza. "We probably should get going," Sunset touched my shoulder. "We have a plane to catch tomorrow for our honeymoon." "Sunset told us you were slightly upset about us all moving away," Rarity stared at me in the eyes. "No matter the distance, we're bonded. We're more than friends, we are family. We're also bonded by these." She pulled her geode out from under her dress and my other friends did the same. "We are always gonna be family." I hugged her and everyone else joined in. "I hope so," I mumbled. We untangled ourselves and I took Sunset's arm. "We will see each other again," I promised. "We know," Rainbow smiled. "We will be here." Me and Sunset walked to our car. "I'm going to kill her," Sunset fumed and I burst out laughing at the car. Rainbow had used the paint in a can that washes off and went to town. Phrases like newly married and the stuff all over it. "I think it looks funny," I grinned. "I especially like the drawing of Rainbow playing soccer with a bunch of flowers." "How can she even play soccer with flowers?" Sunset wondered and I shrugged. "It's Rainbow Dash," I reminded her. "She probably wasn't thinking about that and wanted to be festive." "Good point." I kissed her. "You look beautiful by the way. I didn't get a chance to say that." "You too," she looked me up and down. "I was afraid you would get a dress you hated because of how expensive mine was," I admitted and she laughed. I looked at her confused. "Rarity and Rainbow may have chipped in to help me buy mine," Sunset said sheepishly. "Asking for help is hard for you, I know. I'm proud of you," we sat down in the car. "Sunset?" "Yes Pinkie?" "I love you. Thank you for making this is best day of our new life." I kissed her hard on the mouth and she returned it with the same amount of passion. "You're welcome, Pinks. I love you too. This isn't just my day though, it's our and I'm so excited to see where our life takes us. I'm always gonna be by your side, whatever you face I'll face it with you." "Together?" "Together."