//------------------------------// // Dialog mellan drakar // Story: Kristall Snö // by Kawat3ngusan //------------------------------// Dialog Mellan Drakar Dialogue between dragons It was nearly day and Flod couldn't think of what to say to Regn when she returned, he was sitting in the cave eating some gems when Sven came, and he was angry. -"Dad?"- -“Oh Sven, I see you're back, which means your mother is back too“- -"Yeah, but she's not very happy"- -"What do you mean?"- -“Before coming here we stopped by to see how Kristall Snö was doing, and guess what? She wasn't there." -“Well… maybe she went outside“- -"Without me? I didn't find her weapons either, she would have told me that she was going out to train, and if she's not here, then where is she?” -“Why should I know?“- -"Because I thought she was here, but Flail told me that she is not here, and also she told me that you knew where she was"- -“He told you what?“-. Flod immediately called Flail, who said he couldn't keep the secret from his friend Sven, at which point Flod spoke to his son, -“Listen Sven, I have to tell you something“- -“About Kristall? What did you do to her?” So Flod confessed everything he said to get Kristall Snö out, and of course Sven wasn't happy. -“But how could you do such a thing? To chase away the only sister I had"- -“She wasn't your sister, and she worried me about how you and she were related, a dragon and a pony can't have fraternity bonds“- -"She wasn't a dragon, of course, but she was still my sister, and I loved her, and she said that if she was in danger I would have saved her from death, because to save me she killed her father, even if he was already dead, even if he was assimilated by the Green Changeling"- -“Do you want to understand that she was making you soft? You were getting weak with all that talk of peace between dragons and ponies“- -"When I was in the egg, her mother shielded me, I bet that if I wasn't the survivor you would never have cared about me, you would have chosen one of my brothers, or one of my sisters"- -“You're wrong, I would have always chosen you“- -"Now you say so, but if there had been my other brothers you wouldn't have chosen me, you didn't want me to have a pony friend, and you didn't believe in peace between dragons and ponies, you are a bad father and a bad boss"- -“Don't you dare talk to me like that, I lost a dear friend of mine“- -“Flamma died only because you asked him to burn down the village, you didn't want Kristall and her people around anymore, I loved Kristall, even if she was a pony she was still my sister, and I owe my life to her mother"- -“I curse the day when her mother saved Regn, in doing so my wife was indebted to her”-. But at that moment Regn came in, she too was angry, and she had heard everything, Flail went somewhere else so as not to look at what would happen, Sven instead sat down next to a wall. Flod felt embarrassed, but Regn didn't spare a word. -“How could you do this? Making that poor depressed pegasus, she was the only thing I had left of Lumi, my dearest friend, and you drove her out, indeed you even burned down her village and killed her people"- -“Honey, how was I to know there was going to be a Changeling’s attack? I have no power over them"- -“The only thing I know is that a dragon of ours killed our comrade and Flamma, and we don't know who is , and my poor Kristall is in the snow towards a village she doesn't know, and is about to arrive a snowstorm"- -"I wanted to accompany her, but she insisted on going alone, she was angry with me"- -"And I don't blame her, after how you've always treated her"- -"I did it for her too, it's right that she stays with people like her, and not with dragons, were you hoping that she would stay with us for life?"- -"Yes, because you only did it out of pride, because for you the fact that she was with Sven was just a waste of time, but she was happy to be with us, and I was happy that a part of Lumi was still alive with her"- -"Anyway I don't think she wants to see us anymore, she herself said that she doesn't care about us anymore, and that one day she would come back stronger than now"- -“And what did you hope she would say to you, sweet words? You've always treated her badly, you've never loved her, and neither did to Lumi, you're a terrible boss, now you know what I do? I see I go to that village and bring her back“- -"I don't think she wants to see you anymore, she's mad at everyone now"- -"But I know how to treat her, and now I have to see if I can fly"-, but at that moment came Flail in a hurry and stopped Regn, -“Alarm, alarm, he is missing“-, Flod was amazed, -“What is missing, Flail?“- -“The crystal dragon skull, it's disappeared“-, all the dragons present were amazed now, Flod never had the cave with the skull guarded, so who could have taken it? -"I don't understand, no one could take that skull without me realizing it, because we'd have to go through here before leaving give in that cave“-, But Flail had a suspicion, indeed much more he knew who it could have been, -"I think I know who did it, it was Kristall Snö, I saw her go to that cave last, then no one went there anymore, at least I think, because only now I saw that the skull wasn't there more"- -“Are you sure Flail?“- -“In fact she seemed very determined to leave, in my opinion she hid the skull in her bag, she seemed very heavy, but I didn't think she could be a thief“-, Regn interjected, -“Nej, Kristall Snö may have some flaws, but she's not a thief, she can't have stolen it“- -“Regn? Flail is right, I haven't seen anyone else go to that cave, but I don't remember her going there too"- -“And how could she melt the ice around the skull?”- -"I don't know, she could have used magic, or she may have carved the ice with an ax, the fact is that she stole our treasure"-, Sven at that moment stood up and shouted, -"IT WASN'T HER"-, the three dragons watched him, -“It wasn't her, it was I who gave her that skull“-, Flod was incredulous, -"What? It was you? You, Sven?”- -"Yes exactly, I gave that skull to Kristall Snö, she didn't steal it, I stole it, I thought it was better if she kept it"- -“Why did you do such a thing, that skull was a treasure of our clan“- -“Why did we have to keep it? No dragon has drawn power from it anymore, only Kristall has absorbed the power of that skull and now can use magic, and then we can summon the Bifrost with our ancient language, while she can invoke it with that skull, it seems fair to me that she guarded it"-, Flod was still surprised, -“My son, why did you do this? Even it reacted with her, you didn't have to give it to her, and if she knew why didn't he tell me?” -"because I asked her to keep it and not to give it back to us for any reason, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to her again, it seemed right to me that she was our new caretaker, it was my initiative, and I don't want to hear any complaints, if she's now scattered it's not my fault, didn't you want me to start taking initiatives since one day I'll be the new boss? Well my first decision was to give that skull to the person I trusted the most“-, Flod put his paw to his face, -“I can't believe it, that precious crystal dragon skull in a pony's hooves“-, but Sven was not sorry, indeed he stood out of an opening in the rock to look at the mountains, Regn approached him, -“Sven? In my opinion you did well, I think the best keeper for that skull was Kristall, but you should have told me earlier“- -"It's all fake"- -"What?"- -"Mom? I told a lie, it's not true that I gave it to Kristall Snö, I don't know who took it, but it couldn't have been her, I just told that story to avoid dad thinking she was a thief, and then Flail, he always treated her badly“- -“Did you do it to protect Kristall? It's a nice gesture, don't worry, I won't tell your father, indeed anyone, but it will be better to go find her before she gets into trouble"- -“But the storm is about to begin, even a big dragon like you can be swept away by a very strong wind“- -“I know it sounds like a bad idea, but after the storm you and I will go looking for it“- -“ We hope to be able to find her“-. And the snowstorm came, no dragons wanted to go out, but what was even worse was that the storm lasted until morning, only when the weather had cleared Regn and Sven flew south to look for Kristall Snö. Hours passed but finally the two of them returned, unfortunately with bad news, Flod spoke to Sven, -"So, did you find her?"- -“Nej, dad, we asked the villagers and…..“- -"AND…?"- -“It seems that Kristall Snö had already been there, people said that they kicked her out by throwing stones at her“- -“Why? She had never been there” – -"That's what we said too, but the ponies that lived there said that she had used her powers to destroy the village and also destroyed some supplies, so when they saw her again they kicked her out"- -“But it can't be her, she has never gone beyond this area“- -"In fact it's strange for us too, someone must have pretended to be her to get her kicked out, we tried to look for her in the surroundings, but without results, we tried to look for her all the way, but nothing"- -“So she…is she lost?”- -“Many of us have to look for her, we can't leave her down there in the snow“- -"Okay, we'll organize teams to look for her, I'll talk to the other ice dragons and maybe even the fire ones when they come back from their kingdom, since they made Flamma's funeral"- -"It's a great idea, Lava and Lapillus were friends of Kristall, so they'll help us"-. Regn stood outside the cave in thought. -“Oh Sven, my son, I really hope that nothing happened to her“- - “We will find her, mom, have faith“-. To be continued….. My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro