Kristall Snö

by Kawat3ngusan

Kristall Sno lamnar

Kristall Snolamnar

Kristall Snö leaves

Kristall Snö was shocked to see that scene, fire and green Changelings who were killing her people, she also saw poor Vinge who was lying on the ground, then she saw a green Changeling who used his magic and merged with the griffin's body dead, the body was that of the griffin and all green but the head was that of the green Changeling and with that body he attacked the other inhabitants.

Kristall Snö screamed

–“Nej, de dödar allt mitt folk(No, they are killing my people), we have to do something, Regn, Sven, Lava, Lapillus, we have to help them”-

Sven was confused,

-"But we can't do anything, if the Green Changelings take possession of a body it's because they killed the pony or griffin it belonged to, we can't do anything for those who have been assimilated"-

-"But we have to save the others, I myself have to look for my father, I hope he is still alive"-,

Kristall Snö charged trying to kill as many Changelings as possible, she would collide with one of them and then she would kill him with the ax, it doesn't matter if it was a Fire Changeling or a Green Changeling, Regn could see how strong Kristall was, the trip to the other two realms had already given her some experience and strength, then she called all the dragons,

-“Listen to me everyone, we have to help these people, they are friends of Kristall Snö, so they are also our friends, we have to save them“-, so all the dragons got busy, with flames, ice jets and claws, all they fought against the Changelings, but the latter seemed more.

Fire Changelings surrounded Kristall Snö, Sven wanted to go and save her, but she took the ax in her hoof and spun around, hitting all the Changelings,

-“ Virvelvind öxa(Axe of the Whirlwind), Step forward damned Changelings, I'm not afraid of you“-,

Sven was impressed by how calm and strong Kristall was at that moment, he didn't know if her fear made her stronger, but even if it was as he thought he didn't know if it was the fear of dying or the fear of not finding his father Tømmer.

At that moment Kristall ran throughout the village in search of her father checking all the huts since her hut was all destroyed by flames.

-“Pappa, pappa, var är du? (Daddy, daddy, where are you?) "-, Kristall started screaming, and her voice attracted Changelings, but they weren't a problem for her, since she only needed two blows of the ax and she killed them immediately.

All the dragons present were helping her, but still she couldn't find her father, then she walked towards Flamma's body, she touched it with her hoof and was shocked again,

-“Nej, det kan det inte vara, Flamma är död!(No, it can't be, Flamma is dead“-,

Sven heard her,

-“Are you sure, Snö?”-

-“I can't feel the life force of him, he must have been dead for quite a while“-

-“How can a big fire dragon like him be dead?”-,

Kristall and Sven saw the other part of the body, where the head and torso were, the dragon was in one piece, but it had wounds all over its body, Sven looked closely, it was sword wounds, ax wound and spear wounds, he also had many spears on his body.

Sven wasn't sure what he was thinking, then he and Kristall heard a growl above them and saw another corpse with the head of a Green Changeling, it stood on two hooves over Flamma's corpse, it was flying and had a spear between its hooves , suddenly lunged at Sven, and tried to hurt him.

-“Help me Kristall, this one wants to kill me“-, but Kristall recognized her clothes and fur, that was the body of her father,

-“Nej, det är omöjligt, den kroppen är min pappas kropp(No, it can't be, that's my father's body“-

Sven fought but was then knocked down by the Changeling, who tried to kill him, but Sven held his spear steady,

-“Are you sure, Snö? Is that your father's body?"

-“I'm sure, it's him, how could he have lost against a Mutant? My father was strong“-

-"Well, I'm sorry, if it's really him, then you can't help him, because if the Changeling got him then he's dead, and you have to kill him, otherwise he'll kill me"-

-"But I can't kill my father"-

-“But he is dead by now, you can't do anything, none of the powers you have can help him, help me, please Snö“-,

Kristall Snö didn't know what to do, could she really kill her father? In fact Sven was right, by now he was dead, but she didn't feel like killing the only pony in her family, but if she hadn't done something the Changeling would have killed Sven.

-“Help me, please Kristall“-,

The Changeling seemed much stronger than Sven, and was about to impale him with the spear, struck the dragon with the hoof on the face, then aimed the spear at his heart, but just before the point touched Sven's skin Kristall threw her ax against the Changeling causing him to fall on the snow, Sven immediately regained consciousness, he saw the Changeling with the ax stuck in his head, but he got back up, but Kristall went on the Changeling and resumed her axe, then struck him several times, until he fell to the ground.

Sven approached her,

-“Kristall? You saved my life?"-

-"I could not choose otherwise, you are right, my father is dead, but you are still alive"-

Sven hugged her,

-"I swear I will never forget this gesture, I promise you that if necessary I will save your life if you are in danger of death"-

-“Don't say that, you're already protective enough towards me“-.

As the two of them embraced they saw that Flail was coming, who charged every Changelings he could find and burned them, for the fire Changelings, however, he used a different method, sometimes he grabbed them by the neck and turned their heads, at others he stuck the claw into the breastplate and killed them.

After a while the Fire Changelings and the Green Changelings were finished, but there was no longer an inhabitant alive, they were all dead, Kristall looked around, but even searching the huts she saw that they were all dead, she was the only survivor, she was shocked she couldn't believe she was left alone.

She sat down on a stone with an ax in her hoof and began to think, Regn approached her to console her,

-“ Kristall Sno? I'm sorry, I'm sorry that happened"-

-“De är alla döda, ingen har överlevt(They are all dead, no one survived) I thought they were all safe, you said there was an ice dragon protecting them”-

-“And he did, I don't understand where he is, I left him guarding the village“-, one of the ice dragons spoke to Regn,

-“Noble Regn?“-

-"What happens?"-

-“We found our comrade guarding the village, it seems that someone opened a wound in his stomach and destroyed his organs“-

-"How is it possible? Who could it have been?”

-"We don't know, but it seems that the wound was caused by a dragon's claw"-

-“A dragon killed one of our companions?“-, meanwhile Flail, Lava and Lapillus were looking at their father's corpse,

Sven approached Flail,

-“Flail? I am sorry"-

-“Your words won't bring my father back to life, was that what these people wanted? Peace between ponies and dragons? Did you see what they did to my father? They killed him"-

Kristall Snö stood up and spoke to Flail,

-“My people would never kill a dragon, even if some of them were afraid of dragons they would never kill one“-

-“Did you see all those wounds? My dad didn't get those by himself, so it's obvious your people did it, how can you expect us to live in peace if ponies kill dragons?”

-“I tell you that my people would never hurt a dragon, and then you weren't here to see, so how can you think it was them, what if it was the Changelings? Changelings hate dragons“-

-"And instead I was there, I was there when they attacked my father"-, everyone was amazed, if Flail was there with his father, why then had he come just during the battle? Then Flail explained,

-“The thing is…they attacked me too, and I ran away, I thought my father could do it, but then I came back“-,

Lapillus got angry,

-“Have you abandoned our father?”-

-"I know, I'm a coward, and I deserve to be covered in insults, but the fact is that suddenly the Changelings arrived and I ran away, then I came back, I'm sorry, I too have my faults"-

-“But how did dad lose? He was big and he could beat all the Changelings” –

-“I don't know, maybe dad was weak, anyway we can't leave him here, we have to take him to Múspellsheim, we have to burn him and give him a proper burial“-,

Regn approached Flail,

-"I'll call for Flod and the dragons bigger than him to take him there, so you can say goodbye to him"-,

Flail thanked her

-“Thanks Regn, sorry for my behavior, I still have to learn to manage my emotions, sorry for yelling at you”-

-“You should also apologize to Kristall Snö, she was with us the whole time“-

-“Should I apologize to her? But if her people killed my father“-

-“But she is not responsible for your father's death“-

Sven chimed in,

-“Kristall and I saw his wounds, and although he had weapon’s wounds, he had a very deep wound, I checked the corpse of our comrade, Flamma was surely killed by a dragon's claw“-,

Flail, Lava and Lapillus were amazed, Flail himself asked Sven,

-“ A dragon killed my father? Are you sure?"-

-“Kristall didn't see the wound, but I did, and I can say that surely it was a dragon that gave your father that wound, but I don't know if he was an ice or fire dragon“-

-“So….could there be an impostor dragon among our tribes?”-

-"Probably, but it's certainly not me, nor my mother, nor your brother or your sister or some of my companions, since we were in the other realms together with Kristall, don't you have any suspicions about some fire dragon?"-

-“And who can tell? My father was envied by many dragons, but they all respected him, none of his followers would kill him"-

-"Neither I'll talk to my father, we need to see who the culprit is, but I only ask you one thing"-


-"You have to apologize to Kristall Snö, you've been treating her badly since you met her"-

-“Okay, okay, I'll make peace with her“-.

Flail approached Kristall Snö, who was again sitting on a stone looking at the corpse of her father,

-“Listen Kristall, it's not easy for me to tell you that I…that I'm sorry“-

-"You do not have to apologize"-


-“Everyone has the right to express themselves, if you don't like me, it's not your fault, maybe Flod is right, it's difficult for dragons and ponies to be friends, but if we now look for who is the impostor dragon among us, we it will certainly be disorder among all the dragons, of course, however, it will be necessary to find your father's killer, and perhaps who can find him is you and your brother, but only one thing I ask you, a small favor“-

-"What is it about?"-

-“Could you burn my father's body? I don't want it to stay in the snow“-

-"Of course, indeed I will call as many dragons as possible to burn all the bodies of your companions"-

-"Thank you"-.

Kristall Snö got up and walked towards a hut, luckily thanks to the ice dragons the fire had been extinguished, however she saw the body of a griffin, it was Vinge's mother, the same griffin who had helped her to be born, now there was no one left of her village, and she didn't know what to do.

She watched as Flail set her father's body on fire, and she thought back to when she had axed him to save Sven,

-“Jag är ledsen pappa, men jag var tvungen att göra det(I'm sorry dad, but I had to do it)“-.

At the end of the day all the bodies were burned, Regn dug a very big grave to put them in, Kristall Snö and Sven threw all the bodies in it, right next to the frozen lake in the village, and of course Snö buried her father right next to Kristall Lumi's grave .

Poor Kristall Snö knew that from that moment on she would have to be alone, the only survivor, she was only lucky because she had gone with the other dragons to other realms.

She didn't know what to do, her hut was half destroyed, so she went inside a less destroyed hut to stay, the same one where Vinge, the griffin friend of her father, lived.

At that moment Sven came in to talk to her,

-“Hey Kristall“-

-"What is it Sven? “-

-“I was thinking that….since you are alone now, I could visit you more often, maybe I could help you if you need a hand“-

-"You are kind, in fact I need help, I should rebuild this house better, go fishing, look for food in the forests, but at the same time I would like to train, if those Changelings were to return I would know how to deal with them"-

-“And you won't be the only one, I'll help you too, and then Lava and Lapillus are your friends, they themselves have decided they want to stay with you“-

-"Seriously? Did they say that? “-

-“After seeing you fight against all those monsters in the other realms they know that you are a strong pony, and therefore they want to be your friends“-

-“Who knows, maybe then it's possible that ponies and dragons are friends“-

-“If that were the case, this would be a first step“-.

Meanwhile in a cave, Flod and Flail were discussing, Flod was worried about the loss of his friend Flamma,

-“But how could this have happened? Flamma was big, he couldn't lose against the villagers” –,

Flail tried to reason with him,

-"And yet it happened, my father was killed, unfortunately we will never know the truth, it may have been the Changelings' fault, they took possession of the inhabitants' bodies and killed my father"-

-“But those Changelings weren't from this realm, how did they pass through the Bifrost?”-

-"I...just don't know"-

-"The agreement was that you and your father only had to set fire to the village, I would have advised him to move to another part to avoid the attack of other dragons, so the inhabitants would be forced to leave"-

-"Unfortunately they began to attack my father, and then the Changelings arrived, unfortunately I fled and I don't know how it really went"-

-“So it could also be that the inhabitants have already attacked your father?”-

-“It could be, but I'm not sure, the only certainty is that it's better for Kristall Snö to go away, if she has become so strong, she could be a danger for us dragons“-

-“But I can't ask her to leave now that she's alone, Regn will never forgive me“-

-“Listen to me Flod, there is a village south of here, she could go there, she is a pony, there is full of ponies, they will certainly welcome her“-

-"Are you sure?"-

-"It's very far from here, but she could easily reach it, especially now that she's much stronger"-

-“I don't know, what if maybe she isn't accepted?“-

-“Listen to me carefully Flod, if she stays here it will be a problem, Sven said he will visit her every day, and if he stays in Kristall Snö's company he will go soft, become weak, have those horrible thoughts of a possible friendship between dragons and ponies, is this what you want for your child's future? Friends with ponies? So the dragons will laugh at him, even if he’ll finds the scepter of power, they will immediately change him as leader, because no dragon will follow a dragon who is friends with ponies“-

-"You're right, I couldn't bear such a thing, my son must be like me, strong, powerful, authoritarian and above all respected, that filly must go, but how to convince her?"-

-"We just have to convince Kristall Snö that it's better for her to be among the other ponies, that we dragons can't keep her, and above all that she can't stay in that village alone, even if we dragons are close to her, but we should talk to her without Sven and Regn knowing, just you, me and her, we won't tell anyone the truth, but you'll have to be convincing"-

-“I'm sorry for her, but I have to do it for Sven's sake, even if Regn will be angry, but just do as you say, not telling her the truth, and so be it, we'll talk to her tomorrow“-

-"Let me talk to her, all you have to do is nod to everything I tell her, and then kick her out"-.

The next day, Regn traveled to Niflheim with some dragons and therefore Flod thought that now was the right time to talk to Kristall Snö, so he set off to the destroyed village together with Flail.

Kristall was setting up planks from other cabins to fix the roof so no breeze would come in during the day or night.

Then at one point she looked around and saw the graves of her parents in the distance,

-“ Min mamma, min pappa, mina vänner (My mother, my father, my friends), now everything is lost, I can only count on the help of the dragons to go on, but I'm still the only pony around“- ,

Kristall knew she couldn't go on like this, there had to be other people in the village, but she didn't know where to start, but at least she wasn't alone.

But here she is as she is about to take a plank of wood she sees Flod and Flail coming.

-“Flod? Flail? What are you doing here? Where is Regn?”

Flod answered her

-“She went to Niflheim, I don't think she'll be back soon, but I should tell you something important, Kristall”-

-"What is it about?"-

-“The thing is….you…should….no, I can't do it, I can't tell you“-

-“Tell me what?“-,

Flail then intervened, asked Flod to walk towards the entrance to the village and wait, Flail then asked Kristall to follow him to the hut she now used as a home.

-“Kristall Snö, listen to what I have to tell you, because it's important, so important that Flod can't tell you himself”-

-"But did something serious happen?"-

-"No, it happened that my father and the people of your village died, these are the serious things"-

-“I know, but now I think I should start over, maybe find other people, Sven said he will help me“-

-"This is not possible"-

-"Why not?"-

-“Because Sven doesn't know the truth about your mother“-

-“What does my mother have to do with it?”-

-“Kristall, it's not easy to say, but Flod told me the truth about what Regn didn't do that day, she was present when your mother was attacked by the Ice Changelings, but she was too scared, and therefore she didn’t help her"-

-"But what you're saying? Regn wanted to help my mom, but she wasn't there that day” –

-“It's all false, Regn was there, but she was afraid of the Changelings, and even if her eggs were in danger, she didn't do anything, she's big, but fear stopped her, what I want from you The only thing to say is that Regn took care of you because she felt guilty about your mother's death, if she told you she loves you it's because she never told you the truth, but Flod wanted to tell you today, that's why he didn't make it to tell you“-

-“Nej, that's a lie, it's not true, Regn didn't do it for this reason“-

-“It's like this instead, and I'm saying it it's because I too like Flod want you to be strong against dangers, I myself was weak like you, but now I'm strong, and you too must become strong, much stronger than now, and you want to know the truth about your village?”-

-"Which truth?"-

-“It was Flod who gave the order to burn your village, he asked me and Flamma”-

-"But what are you're saying? This is madness“-

-“If you want you can try to ask him, but he could lie to you, he just wanted to burn down your village, to make sure that all of you go away from here, unfortunately the Changelings arrived and pandemonium ensued, in short he wants that you get out of here, you're a stumbling block to Sven, with all your nice words you're making all the dragons soft, you have to get out of here, and never come back, if I'm telling you these things it's because I don't know how much Flod will hold back, he might even kill you, because he doesn't want you around his clan"-

-“No, Flod would never do that“-

-"Maybe you don't know him well, after all he hates you, do you know that?"-

-"'s true he hates me, but where should I go?"-

-"You have to go south, there is a village of ponies , you will be safe there, bring your stuff, Flod wanted to tell you, there he will leave you alone, but you should never come here again, for any reason“-

-“Let me talk to Flod first“-.

Kristall Snö was upset by what Flail had said, she knew that Flod hated her, but he couldn't have caused the end of her village, so she headed towards him, but the truth scared her, because even though Flail was not a dragon to trust, at the moment it seemed to her that he wanted to protect her from Flod.


-“Tell me, Kristall“-

-"Is everything Flail told me true? It's all true? Did you want them to set fire to my village?”-

-“Yes, it's all true, but it was an accident, I just wanted your village to burn down, I didn't want anyone to die“-

-“Men...varför gjorde du det?(but...why did you do it)?“-

-"I just wanted the village burned, that way I would have asked you to go somewhere else, and in fact there is a village south of here where you could stay"-

-“But in that way I would stay away from Regn, and from Sven“-

-“Listen, I don't want you to see Sven anymore, he's getting soft being with you, and I don't want him weak, he has to be strong and decisive, just like his father, I never wanted Regn to have a stupid friend pony, but that dragoness wants to have her own way, and I can't command her"-

-"Don't you dare speak badly of that pony, because that pony was my mother, then it's true that you hate me"-

-“Of course I hate you, and I hate your mother, like I hated your friends, they killed Flamma, an old friend of mine“-

-“But it wasn't them, Sven said the wound was made by a dragon“-

-“But those swords and those other weapons belonged to your people, not dragons“-

-“Probably the Green Changelings“-

-"I just want you to stay away from here to be safe, it's dangerous to have a pony that uses weapons around here, you also know rune magic, which makes you even more dangerous"-

-"It was a coincidence that I learned those spells, and then you dragons wanted me to become strong"-

-“But not me, for me you represent a danger, and now I want you to leave here, otherwise I could well think of killing you, and then….you're right, I've never loved you, for me you're just a obstacle, I never want to see you again, and I also don't want you to come back here“-,

Kristall Snö started to shed a tear, but she tried to be strong, so she got angry at Flod,

-"Okay, do you want me to leave? I'm leaving, I'll never come back here, even though my parents are buried there I'm not going back to this village, I really wanted to be able to create a place where ponies and dragons lived together, that's what mom wanted too, but since it's impossible to reason with an icy head like you it's useless to try, and now if you allow me I'll take my things and go away“-.

Kristall Snö went back to the hut where Flail was, he was leaning against a wooden wall waiting for her,

-"What did he say to you?"-

-"You were right about him, but don't worry, I'm leaving, I'll go to that village and no one will ever see me again, it will be a pleasure for you since you couldn't stand me"-

-“Actually I had just started to know you and…“-

-“No words, I'm leaving, I'm going to take my weapons and my food, and I'm going to that village“-,

Kristall Snö took her axe, her bow and Flail handed her her bag where she put what little food she had,

-"I'm sorry about all of this"-

-"Forget it, after that attack on my village you lost your father, but I... I killed mine, because he was about to kill Sven"-

-“Well, you did the right thing“-

-"Why? If your father had attacked Sven, would you have killed him?”-

-“And how could I? My father did you see how big he was” –

-“And I only had my father, I also had the other inhabitants, but now I have nothing left, you dragons were the only friends I had, now I really have nothing left, så Hej då(So….goodbye)“- ,

Kristall Snö left the hut wearing Regn's ice dragon skin, by now she was determined to leave and forget about dragon friendship, when she passed by Flod he called her,

-“Do you want me to take you to the village, Kristall?“-,

Kristall Snö stopped for a moment and answered in an angry tone without even turning around,

-"It would be the only nice gesture you can make towards me, but I prefer not, the village is to the south anyway"-

“What if something happens to you on the way?”, at that moment Kristall turned and replied to Flod,

-“Now you worry about me, right? You don't care about me, well from today on I don't care about you anymore, but I warn you Flod, one day I will return and I will show you that I will have become strong, even stronger than a dragon, I don't know how , I don't know when, but one day you will see me again, and you will hope you never kicked me out of your life”-

-“I'm not doing it just for me and my son, but also for you, you can't live together to the dragons”-

-“And who says that? You? You only do it because you don't want the other dragons to talk bad about you, you only care about your role as leader of the pack, Adjö(Goodbye)“-.

Flod didn't want those to be the last words Kristall said, but after all he and she never had a serious conversation, but she was right, Flod had kicked her out just for his pride, he felt a little depressed about those words spoken by him and by her, but he thought he was doing it for his own good and that of his son.

Flail approached him,

-“Did I do the right thing, Flail?”-

-“She couldn't stay with us, and then so Sven won't have distractions“-

-“Now I just have to find a way to tell Regn, when she comes back“-.

Kristall Snö looked back and saw her village and the two dragons in the distance, but this time her heart was divided by sadness and anger

-“ Farväl min förstörda by, hejdå mammas grav, hejdå pappas grav, hejdå isdrakar för alltid (Goodbye my destroyed village, goodbye mom's grave, goodbye dad's grave, goodbye forever ice dragons) “-.

And after that farewell to her village she resumed her journey through the village to the south, thinking of what her new life would be like.

To be continued… ..