//------------------------------// // Episode 4: Having a Normal Day?/ An Alien first encounter // Story: Dragon Ball Z: Equestrian Saiyan // by Kamen rider accel 2 //------------------------------// In the city of Canterlot town. People were minding there own business as usual. The streets were filled with many voices as they talked and gossip around. But there however, Something got there attention or to be precise, Someone. The people looked to see a boy carrying large amounts of supplies and stuff as it reveals to be Flash who was carrying them. He walked with ease as he had no problem with the luggage. Twilight and Velvet were walking Infront of him as they only carry some baggs. "What are we doing hear again any way, Velvet-san?" Flash asked the two women while they were walking. "You honestly forgot again. We told you that we needed someone to help us with the shopping supplies." Twilight reminded the young Saiyan."We also need new cloths for you aswell. You've been wearing those old Gi outfit since.. I don't know. Since we first meet you. We thought you could use a change." "Hah?... But I like my old outfit. It suites me better when I'm Fighting and Training. My Ji-chan gave me that on my 15th birthday, as a gift." Flash told as he is protective over his outfit . "Were not saying we should get rid of it. No, Were just buying you other clothes so you could have a bit more dress code and fashion. Other then the simple outfit you wear. We'll get it fixed and give it back to you soon." Velvet assured the teen boy. She could tell about family things and they should be kept with, Rather then throw away. "Hmmm????" Flash thought about it as he didn't notice that the two women took a turn on the street and he walked right on the main street. *HONK* HONK* He didn't hear the car horns as he was lost in his own thoughts. He then finally took notice and look to see it was about to hit him. He simply raise his arm and stopped it in its tracks with no effort or so. The people around him were left in awe and shock as they saw this. Flash simply hold the car from one arm and the other hand held the supplies and things."Mister, You should really way h were your going. You could hurt someone like this you know." Flash told the shocked driver who was trying to understand what happened. He nodded quickly on this as he saw the teens strength. "FLASH?!" He looked to see Twilight and Velvet calling him out."What the hay happened?!" The both shouted. Flash just scratch his cheek as he smiled slightly."Gomen, I got carried away on my thoughts that I didn't see where I was heading. Gomen na" He bowed but kept the supplies up in his hand. Both women signed at this. This is gonna be a longer run then they thought. Night light was checking the monitor as he was typing fast. On the side of the table was the bot that Flash fought a while back. When his daughter came back with it and told them what happened. Both parents were shocked at this. Someone was still coming for them and wanted the dragon ball and raider from them. He searched through the bots memory and found the data had been erased from there. Meaning who ever made this knows to keep there track clean. But this doesn't add up. Why are they coming after the Dragon balls. If what Twilight story on what they told is true. The that means that there wish can be granted on anything they want. Meaning that they would do anything aswell. Just then Shining cake in the room. He wore a gym outfit and was sweating a lot as he just came back from a work out. "Anything on our mysterious attacker there dad?" Shining asked while examining the bot. Night light signed tiredly."None what so ever. I checked through its memory and system to find any leads but couldn't. Who ever had mad this didn't wanted to be tracked back at them. I'll be impressed if it wasn't out to kill us, who wer that is?" "I can say the same for the assassins aswell. They didn't budge or told anything in,either there loyal to there dealer. Or someone is making them shut up." Shining theorized. He had a tuff time trying to brake them but when ever he did that, They had a look of fear on them."It's also this that the one who send them knows about business then. Cause the men I captured were all mercenaries and for hire. Meaning the person would be someone with high money to get them on there side." "That may be true. We still can't tell who thought?" Night light said."But that aside, Why isn't the satellite picking up any signal so far. I try to search for the other dragon balls but it can't be found. Its not working what so ever." Now Shining develop an uneasy look."About that,..." He slowly told getting his dad attention."Since Flash started to train us both, me and spike. Well he gave us a work out regiment on what to do. But while he was Training us...." "What do he do?" Night light couldn't help but ask. "He... Thought the Dish was a giant Frisbee and threw it to see if it would return or not." Shining explained. Night light jaws dropped on the floor."Newsflash, It didn't return. But I think it may have hit a mountain or plan and hopefully not the last one." Night light took a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes."You mean to tell me.. the weather and geographical dish we installed to monitor the worlds climate change and help us locate things. Was destroyed because it looked like a frisbee!" He shouted in anger. "Yes..." Shining answers as Night light signs in defeat."Hey, On the bright side. We could now fix the dish to improve better and more not easily breakable." He tried to ease his dad tension. "Hah.... That boy is gonna be the death of me or he'll make our company better. I don't know which still." He muttered."But that aside. I managed to make the robot over hear checked. I couldn't find on who made this machinery but I did manage to find one thing about it... It was made to combat Flash." Shining paid close attention."What do you mean 'Made to Combat Flash?' wasn't it send to deal with all of us?" "No actually. I checked it's system and there was only one command given to him 'DESTROY THE MONKEY TAIL BOY' that got me to see it was after Flash and was there to eliminate him. But it got its role switched as Flash destroyed him. That kid is stronger then I thought. He managed to destroy this robot who is made up of Pure Titanium and is the hardest metal on earth!" "Yeah, I could see that actually. The way he trained shows he's no push over. Its like he went through hell to train to get to that level of power." Shining said as he is going through the same way Flash trained to get better. Its only been two days and his body was gonna rip apart with all that work out. "I didn't ask but where is he now?" "Oh, He went with mom and sis to the mall for some new clothes. They wanted him to grab there errands and all." Shining told. "Let's just hope nothing bad happens there." Nigh light said but he didn't know that he just Jinxed it. "I'm almost complete my search master." A figure said standing in a alley. The figure was in a cloak as it hid it's features but his down body could be scene as he wore metallic type boots and white pants. His hands were covered in white Armor as his face was hidden in the cloak. He was talking to someone on the screen that was shown in his hand as the one he was talking to was a fat bear type man with furr over his hole body except his face as he wore shades and a hat. = But what's taking so long for you to get what I ordered you to do! How long would I have to wait for you to bring me the women from this planet!= He demanded "There's just a bit of difficulty on what you said. While I agreed on getting the females of this strange planet which is know as earth. The problem is that some of them... How do you say. Lack of beauty." The figure told as he looked at the women going on there way. They were dam beautiful in the human eyes but to him they were like children. =I don't give a fucking care on what you think on them. I paid good money on you to retrieve this planet female for my collection and I don't want you stopping just cause you don't see eye to eye on beauty.= The near man yelled at his employe.= Just pick some of these female and get it over with. I don't have all day to go with!= He soon ended the call as the Figure signed. Looks like he gotta start with this some how. But doesn't know where to start. He quickly spotted two women walking and talking."It isn't much but they will be a start for now." "Wow, These are a lot of clothes for one person to wear." Flash said seeing all the clothes on the stands."How can one person wear them and move around without an problem." Both girls laughed a bit on his silliness."No Flash. You don't have to wear all of them, You just need to pick one or two on which you like and try them on one by one to see if there good and if not yo lu could return it." Twilight clarified to her Monkey friend as she was looking at the girls ayle."But, Let's get you to the men's ayle, Cause.. the costumers are getting weird feelings on you around hear." Various female customers were looking at them. Mostly at Flash since the things he wore attract attention to him. Mostly the muscles as many whisper and blushed on seeing his body strength. Flash was just confused on why there looking at him like that? Do they want to talk to him or Fight. "Let's go quickly before things around hear tend to go a bit, Chaotic," Velvet told as she grabbed Flash and dragged him making the other women pout. After going out from there they reached the Men's ayle and we're now checking clothes that could Mach him. After finding some they gave it to him as he went to the changing room. He accidentally went in the girls one as they didn't mind but Twilight pulled him out quickly and send him to the boys changing room. So first one were simple blue green pants and a plane yellow shirt as it didn't soothe him. So he went and changed again. Now he cam out wearing a blue geans pants with a plan white shirt over a red sleeveless coat and a red cap with a fist symbol on him. He didn't know why but he felt a bit off on this outfit as he was wanted to fight badly then usual. Then he came back in a red pants and a button up yellow shirt with pocket and wore glasses on for some reason as no one know where he got them from. This one made him look like Twilight as she looked at him with a bit of edginess and shook her head telling no. The third time he came out wearing a black tuxedo outfit with his hair done back and wore black shoes and a bow tie. This one was a bit, Cool type. Like he was a secret agent or something. And he wanted to say 'Sentry, Flash Sentry.' For some reason. The two girls were waiting for him as he to try out the other outfits. Twilight was really loosing her patients. She wanted to hurry this up and go out to search for the other dragon balls. They could be anywhere right about now and someone would get them before her and make it harder for her mission. "HAHHHHH!" She groaned as she was loosing it."What is taking him so long to get ready. Its getting late right now." She wined a bit. "Patient Twilight, You know about men and there choices of fashion. They always take time to get the right thing to wear." Velvet said to her daughter as they sat on the chairs."It could take us a while to fully get out of hear and then we need to go to hospital you know for making Flash a medical record." "Ugh! That would take us way more time then that." She groaned again."Can't we take him on there tomorrow or something. We clearly need to get going on our quest." "That again, Twilight, While I know you were able to get the two dragon balls from your previous encounter but you gotta have to take it slow. If you rush like this then you may not succeed in this." "Mom, While I know about taking things slow. I'm just not in the right mood to do so. While we're talking and shopping some one is out there clearly going after the remaining dragon balls. The men in black masks had attacked us before to get the dragon raider, Thanks to Flash we got lucky on escaping them. But..." She stopped "But what?" Twilight didn't say anything as she saw someone standing behind her mother. Velvet felt that aswell. She looked behind to see a Cloaked figure standing behind her. The figure looked at them like he was scanning them or something. He finally stopped and nodded his head like they are ok. "You two would do just fine right now." He cold calculatedly told them. "Um, can we help you, Mister?" Velvet questioned as Twilight quickly pulled her phone and was ready to call for help. The figure raised his hand towards them as they see a bracelet on his hand with a triangle red gem on it."You two are perfect for my client so I'll be taking you with me." Before they could do anything his gem glowed and made the two girls disappear in to light leaving Twilight phone as it dropped down on the ground. He then toon his leave as Flash just came out wearing his normal Gi outfit."Sorry about that Velvet and Twilight-san, the clothes hear don't- Huh?" He stopped seeing them not there."Ara? Where did they go so suddenly? Did they went to the bathroom or something?" He thought about that but his eyes landed on the phone on the floor as it had a cartoon owl on the back. He picked it up to inspect it as he seen this before."This is Twilight-san walke talke. But what's it doing hear? She Usually keeps it with her all the time." He questioned on this. His sense kicked in as he thought 'Some thing isn't right, I can't feel there Ki hear or anything. Its like there ki just up and vanished all of a sudden.' Not just him but Shining and Sole were at the living room as Spike played a game on his the phone and Shining was busy with doing pushup, when they suddenly stopped as they also felt there Mom and Sister ki go out. "Shining, Did you felt that?" Spike asked looking away from his game as he felt dread. "Yeah," Shining nodded getting up as he had a serious look." Twilight and Mom's ki just vanished in to thin air. Something isn't right." "We gotta check it out then. I'm feeling that there gon a be in trouble then."Spike told as he got up. "Normally, I won't allow you to even go with us."Shining reminded him making him pout."But since Flash has been training you for self defense and Ki manipulation, I think your ready for a bit of outside world mission." He told making spike eyes widen as he developed stars in his eyes. "Yes Finally!" "But you gotta do as I say, ok" he clarified as spike nodded in excitement."Ok then. Let's go." The clocked figure was now standing on the top of a sky scraper as he was checking his communication device on the pad. He just gotten enough women from this city as they all were transported to the ship. He dile in the coordinates to his ship. He was done with this town girls. Now it's time for the other cities of this planet. 'This is kinda easy, But the women hear are not quite attractive yet the male species see them as attractive. What are they blind or something? But, I guess that it's there way of being attractive.' The cloak figure thought as he finished on what he was doing.'Now to find on who's next to-' "Oi You!" He stopped as he looked to see Flash landed on where he was.This caught him a bit surprised as he didn't know about the human being able to do this. But he had to think about that later."What is it you want human?" "I'm looking for My friends hear. I was sensing there Ki signature but I couldn't find there traces. But I did find a ki signature and it was yours." Flash said in serious toon as he wasn't in the mood to chat long."So, I'm gonna ask you on why your ki was there and if you had something to do with Twilight-san and Velvet-san disappearence." "I don't have time for your petty talk human. My client had hired me for a job and I'm gonna finish that. So I'm gonna have to simply tell you to leave or else." He warned him dead serious. Flash eyes widen as he now know on what happened."So you are the one that had made Twilight-san and Velvet-san disappear! Were are they and what have you done to them." He got in to position. 'I don't have time for this.' The cloaked figure grunted in annoyance as he wanted to end this quickly and get back on his job. In a blink of an eye he launched an energy shuriken towards flash as he went for the quick kill. But to his surprise Flash doged the shuriken.'What the? My light shuriken is faster then the eye could see. How can a mere human see it coming?!' While he was in that thought, Flash was in his thoughts.'This guy....He's ki energy is very different then a normal human I have seen so far. He's aura around him is twice the amount of mine. What ever he is. This guy ain't normal' Both were now ready for attack as they stood on there ground. They waited for a few seconds then launched there assaults. Flash came in quick speed and gave an axe kick to him but the figure side steeped as he doged in the last second but didn't see the fist coming as it hit him on the chest taking him by surprise. Flash didn't stopped as he delivered fast punches to the opponent who doged some in quick second but was hit with few but he grabbed his fist on the next stoke and twisted it but Flash used this and gave him a kick to the face. The figure blocked the strike and grabbed his foot and then start to spun him around fast. Flash was getting a bit dizzy which was quite a surprise as he didn't get this much dizzy before but he had to think later. The Figure then threw him towards the wall as to ram him but flash used this by flipping in mid air and using the wall to boost him self forward towards him. Before he could make a move he was rammed right in the stomach by a powerful fist by Flash as he skid back. The figure grunted in pain as he put a hand on where he was hit. He flared at the teen."You... You managed to dent me a bit. I'm surprised that a earthling like you could manage to do this." "I train a lot so I'm that good. But don't cut your self short as your not a half bad fighter your self." Flash complemented."But, That's gotta stop as I want my friends back. So I'm in a hurry." "I can agree to this. This has to stop." He said as he took of his cloak to show his face as it had mint green skin and two large fangs sticking out of his mouth and had green spiky hair upwards."As you managed to push me a bit back it's wise to tell my opponent his executors name. My name is Blade Kamakari." "Bokwa, Sentry, Flash Sentry." Flash introduced."Your a weird guy with a bug face. Is it some disease or something?" Kamakari grunted at that as he had an annoyed look."It's my actual face. I was born with it!" He said angrily. "Oh, Gomen." Flash scratched his cheek in embarrassment as he mistook his face." I didn't know there were people like you on earth." He told not seeing the annoyed face he made as he mistook him fjr an earthling."But anyway let's get this over with." Both then got in a stance. Soon they went for the attack as they delivered punches and kicks. They were moving so fast that it was quite hard to see there movement. They both then flew in the air as they as they fought on the sky. They flew fast around town as Flash chased after Kamakari. The mantis man hands glowed green as he launched an attack. "WIND STYLE: SHURIKENS CUTTERS!" He laughed green shurikens at Flash who doged them in quick speed as they exploded behind him. The teen still gave chase after him as he doged more shurikens. Flash then teleported right Infront of Kamakari taking him by surprise a she delivers a kick on the face sending him inside a building as few office workers were at. They all cried in shock as Kamakari landed in there crashing through. They looked at him in shock as one aht he was."Sorry about that people. I was fighting him on air didn't mean to drag him to you." Flash called out apologizing as they now looked at him shock."Haha.. Yeah you guys-" He was cut off as Kamakari went in super speed and delivered straight punches right at him as flash was caught off guard. But he in the next punch grabbed his hand and twisted it to give him a direct kick on the side rib and the other. Kamakari didn't back down as his body was covered in a green aura as he slipped right out of Flash grip and went behind him before he could do anything and gave Flash a spin kick but Flash suddenly diapers again and then reappear Infront of him."HAAAAHHHH" Flash yelled a she delivers a fast punch right on his face. Kamakari was flung back as he crashed in the streets. He spin around and skids to halt as he glared at the teen."This Human. He has such skills that he's pushing me back towards the wall. I only saw the humans hear have no power to posses so far but this human right hear has immense power that is overflowing with in him." He examined the teen boy with critical eye."But then again. I also enjoy my time fighting him. With this I am pushing my skills to the other level." He grinned."HOPE YOUR PREPARED HUMAN! IM NOT HOLDING BACK NO MORE!" "HURRICANE SLASH!" Kamakari body glowed green as he fired a large air slash right at Flash."Uh oh!" Flash shouted as he then put his hands back and fired a Yellow beam at the attack. Both attacks collided and soon clashed with one another. Then suddenly they exploded in mid air causing a giant explosion. "Wow! Flying around hear is awesome!" Spike yelled as he flew in air. After getting taught the crane style he started to love the thrill to fly around."I never felt so alive like this before. It's amazing!" "Spike focus on that later. Fist we gotta go check on Twilight and Flash to see that if there alright." Shining Armor reminded as he flew behind him."Your forgetting our main mission hear." "Oh would you relax Bro. We find them in no time as Flash is also how hard could be to find them. It's not something bad is about to happen or anything." Spike assured. *Boom* Both stopped as they looked to see an explosion happened right at another area of the city as smoke could be scene coming from there. Shining gave spike a stoctick look as spike smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Hahaha.... Maybe I made a mistake then." He muttered.. "Let's go and check it out. We can find flash there. Hopefully he wouldn't have cause to much trouble there or anything."Shining Armor told.’Oh who am I kidding. He definitely would have done much trouble, Just hope he doesn't cause more or else people are gonna mistake him for a terrorist.' They both went towards the smoke place but Shining soon felt another aura and it was stronger then he felt anything before."Hey. Who ever you are show your self!" Shining armor called out making his brother look at him. Before he could ask on what's happening they soon heard heavy laughter coming from some where. They look up to see a bulky figure flying over them. He wore the same suite as Kamakari and had two large gaunglet on his arms. He's face was whole pink with two screws on his ears."Well, Well, I didn't know that humans like your self could detect my presence hear. And hear I thought that you were all talk and no bite." He gruffly said as she looked at the two. "Who the heck are you? No scratch that, what are you?" Spike asked seeing the unknown person Infront of him."Wait, Are you some sorth of alien or something!" "If that's what your kind call us. Then yes I am an alien. Names Buck shoot. My partner over there was told to get some girls on this place and retrieve them to the ship. He was doing well when suddenly he was cut short when some random person decided to fight him." Buck told them making Shining eyes widen when he heard about what he said. "So your the one behind My sister and Mom sudden disappearence then!" Shining accused him."Where are they. What have you done with them?! If you hurt them, I'm gonna make sure you suffer hell!" Buck simply laughed at his attempt of threat."So a tuff guy eh. But let's see if you could keep your words for it. Beside I wanted to have a good fight in hear for a while." He said cracking his knuckles as he got ready. "Spike listen to me." He called out his little brother, Who looked at him."This guy is dangerous news. As of right now your not fully ready to take tuffer enemies on. So for right now your gonna have to sit this one out." "No way!" Spike argued."I know I'm not ready but I still wanna help." "Spike, This isn't a human were dealing with. It's an unknown Alien being and the aura around him is no joke! You have to-" He was cut off as they avoided a blast launched at them as they avoided it. They look to see him glaring at them. "In not hear for any family drama or anything else. What I want is you to fight me, So enough chit chat and start with this already." He said. "Looks like we have no other choice then." Spike said as they got ready. This is gonna be hard. Back at the fight between Flash and Kamakari. There was smoke around the alien as he looked to find where the Human was. Just then, Flash came in flying hitting him square on the face with a drop kick making him stagger back. Kamakari grunted as he checked his bruised cheek. "This guy... He was able to counter my moves and attacks with ease as he was also able to avoid my Stronger attacks without so much of difficulty." Kamakari thought as he glared at the Teen who was in position."Not only that but he was giving off a vibe of some sort that I can't help but feel familiarity with, But, Right now. I have a job to do instead of fighting him." Kamakari flew up as he glared at flash."This fight was quite good. I can complement that you have exceeded my attention that a human life you was able to push me back this far." "Thanks. I been training my self to the next level." Flash said. "But I have to end this hear now. My duty calls for me so while I enjoyed our fight. It ends hear." Kamakari dead seriously told. He suddenly start to power up as the green aura around him formed over his body as it started to expand more and more."HAAAAAHHHHH!" He started to yell as energy of his expanded more around him as he start to form an energy orb in his hands. "Yaiba, looks like this powering up for his final attack." Flash though but instead of fear it was replaced with excitement."Awesome, I want to fight him in his fullest. So I gotta go for my A game aswell!" Flash suddenly went in to a crouching position as he moved his arm back together in a holding position."Kaaaaaaaa......Meeeeeee." He started to chant as a small ball of ki energy start to form in his arm."Haaaaaaaa......Meeeeeeee." The energy in creases more and more as it glowed brighter and brighter. Kamakari didn't back down as energy formed in to his hands aswell as it was being formed into a large green ball as he held it up. "Prepare! Fir your end!" He then launched the attack right at him. Flash launched his attack aswell."HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He fired his blue energy orb as both attacks went in full force as they collided soon. They were pushing each other back to who will prevail and win. "Don't think you can push me back human! You may have gotten lucky back there but this is my ultimate attack!" Kamakari declared as he pushed his beam further making Flash attack loose power as it was being pushed back. "No... Way... I'm not gonna lose hear!" Flash shouted." I need to save Twilight and Velvet-san no matter what happens. I will, win!" He yelled as he used more force in his attack giving it more power."HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The blue beam increased as it went through Kamakari attack making the mantis go wide eyes. Before he could even figure out what to do the attack collided with him taking him whole. He could only manage to scream out as his body was taken over by the beam. The attack then went up warda in the air as it soon exploded in a blue light. Causing the bystanders around to be amazed and shock as a force of wind blew making them all cover them self. Finally the force stop as the sky went back to normal but the people wanted to know what or who caused the attack. Back down below Flash was breathing heavily as he had pushed him sled further ahead of using his special attack."I, I did it. I pushed my self further ahead." He smiled but then he looked to see Kamakari still up in the air, as the smoke clears to reveal his whole body had burned marks over him as his eyes were all white. He finally called down to the ground making a thud on the impact. Flash can sense that his aura is low as it took most of the attack. But he'll love through it as he is only unconscious only and a bit beaten up. Flash started to walk towards the down alien when suddenly Buck appeared infront of his down partner."Nani?!" Flash jumped back as he took position."Another one. Your his comrade then!" Buck looked at him, then smirked."You could say that. I'm surprised that you managed to beat this guy. He always claimed that he was stronger then me. But guess what. He was all talk then since he was beaten by a human of all things." Buck told him."As much as I want to fight you. I have a job to do and that involves us getting paid from our client with big money." "What have you done to my friends then. Were are Twilight and Velvet-san!" Flash demanded as he wanted to find his friends. "Hell if I know. Maybe Mantis over hear had already got them or something." Buck lazily told with no care."But, As you did give me a show back there. I grant you an award. Our client wants to have this world women for his own collection of such. We haven't fully done with our mission so we're still hear before we transport them to him. So I'm the mean time.were still hear checking out this planet till were done. Which gives you the time to find us." Flash heard this and knew he had a chance."Ok then. So I have about and hour or two then right or more." He asked in confusion "Yeah. So hope you can find us or say good bye to your friends forever." Buck siad as he pressed the button on his bracelet as both were covered in a white light and soon disappeared from the palace. "Ok then! Time to go and find them before they take off. That won't be that hard right." He asked him sled as he didn't know he made a stupid mistake back there."I gotta find the other and tell them about this. Just need to know on where they are." He muttered then sensing there Ki energy as they were close by."Found them!" Flash disappeared from there as he got to the location on where Shining and spike was and found them unconscious on the ground and spike was using the wall as support as he laid back. Both had quite lot of injuries on there bodies as they had blood coming out of the wounds. The palace around them was broken down as cars were smashed and flipped around. "Shining-san! What happened to you!" Flash ran towards him and check to see if his ok. To his relief he was still breathing. But his injuries were quite heavy as were spies but his were a bit light. Shining groaned a bit showing he was still conscious."Looks like I need to hurry up and get them to the hospital quickly!" "Hah~." Violet pair of eyes opened. As Twilight groaned as she got up. She slowly opened her eyes to look around and found that she was in some sorth of chamber."Where the hey am I?" She looked around to see her surroundings when she spotted her mother unconscious on the side."MOM!" She quickly went towards her to see if she was alright or not. "Ugh, Twilight is that you?" Velvet groaned a bit as she opened her eyes to see her daughter panic look."Where am I? What happened?" Before she could answer her another voice spoke."You two have been kidnapped that's what happened." They looked to see another girl there with them as she was standing there using the back wall as support. They didn't notice her until now."Yes, if you hadn't heard right. We were kidnapped by some crazy alien guy who wanted us,cause his client wanted pretty girls." "What?!" Both said in shock. "That's right. The names Aria Blaze. Buckle up you two cause we're be hear for a long time. And I tell you this. No one is gonna come to rescue us at all." Aria told the two women dead serious as they try to process the news. At an unknown room, A figure was sitting on the chair as he was looking at the screen Infront of hm as he watched the fight between Flash and Kamakari a while back. He watched the movement of the two and the way they doged. He was fascinated by the display of the power they were giving off and the skills they had. But his most attention was on Flash as he zoomed in on the boy. He soon found something over his waist and he could swear that it's a tail"Marvelous. This is quite marvelous, To think that there was a remaining survivor of the Saiyan rase hear. I thought that they were all wiped out by Lord Frieza." He guessed as he sees the last Saiyan outcast. He then checked his energy level to see that there were quite a lot."The energy readings on this Saiyan child is very much a lot as it's up to 999. It went up when he used the attack as it was 1000. But it's still not enough. Lord Cooler will like to know about this very much as he wished to fight with a Saiyan." He said. "Count your days now earth as it won't last long." He told with a sinister toon as he looked at the screen.