//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Gizmo's Day Out (part 2) // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins // by Sketch App //------------------------------// The Turtles are in the Shell Raiser, driving on the road. They have Casey with them, but they are on their way to pick up one more person before heading to Canterlot City. Raph was sitting in his seat excited, but at the same time a little nervous. He's twiddling his thumbs together and bouncing his leg up and down. Mikey notices and puts his hand on his back. "Raph, Chill dude. This isn't your first time hanging out with her." He reminded his brother. "I know, but I still get nervous." Raph explained. "I just want her to have a best time in Canterlot. To keep her mind of enemy attacks, mutant attacks, and im just hoping Equestrian Magic doesn't get involved." "Yo Raph, it's gonna be fine." Casey assured. "It's been a good while since we dealt with Equestrian Magic. I think we're good." Raph face palmed. "Why did you have to say that? Whenever someone says that, the complete opposite happens." "Raph, calm down. That's just your stress talking." Donnie said. "Donnie's right." Leo agreed. "We've all been abit in a little stress after that Purple Nightmares incident. But if you worry about something happening before it does, you'll miss out on the good times that are happening now." Raph let out a big sigh before nodding. "Yeah, you're right. I just... want things to go right today. At least for her." Soon the Turtles arrived at the Mighty Mutanimals hideout. The doors open and came out Slash, Dr. Rockwell, Mondo Gecko, and the one person Raph was eager to see, Mona Lisa. The Turtles and Casey got out of the Shell Raiser and greeted the team. "Greetings, Turtles." Rockwell greeted with a wave with them waving back. "How've you guys been?" Slash asked. "We've been doing pretty good honestly." Leo replied. "Michelangelo!" Mondo greeted the party turtle. "Mondo, what's up bro?" Mikey said, giving him a high three. "Where's the rest of the Mutanimals?" Casey asked curiously. "Oh, they're inside decorating the lair." Slash answered. "We've just started setting up the tree again." "Again?" Donnie repeated in confusion. Just then, they hear a commotion going on inside as there were screams and crashes being heard. "Pigeon Pete, watch out for the tree!" They hear Ray Fillet shout before another crash is heard. "Aaand Pigeon Pete just knocked over the tree." Rockwell said with a sigh. "Again." Slash added, pinching his forehead. As they were hearing the commotion inside, Raph and Mona Lisa walked towards each other, smiling at each others presence. It was awkward for a moment, till Mona grabbed his shoulders, pulled him towards her and nuzzles their noses together. Raph was happy to return the gesture with a blush across his cheeks. "It's good to see you again, Raphael." Mona said pulling away. "Uh, yeah, it's great to see you too, Mona." Raph smiled, still blushing a little. Everyone smiled seeing the two together, while Casey was softly chuckling seeing how flustered Raph is, earning him an elbow by Donnie. "So, are you looking forward to coming to Canterlot with us, Mona?" Asked Leo. "Indeed. I am quite intrigued to take part in these, 'Winter activities' with you all." Mona said with a nod. "Oh man you're gonna have a blast!" Raph said with excitement. "There's all kinds of things to do in the winter! We got sledding, ice skating, and snowball fights!" "Not to mention making snowman and snow angels!" Mikey added. Leo turned to Slash. "Are you sure you and the other Mutanimals don't wanna join us?" Slash waved his hand assuringly. "Nah it's alright, you guys go on ahead and have fun. Besides, crime here doesn't take winter breaks." "Boy i heard that." Leo nodded in agreement. "Common dudes, let's go!" Mikey urgingly said as he enters the Shell Raiser. "Well we better get going. It was great catching up." Leo waved. "Sure was. Give Fluttershy and the girls my regards." Slash said waving. "By everyone." Donnie waved. "See you guys next time." Casey said as he entered the vehicle. "Farewell my fellow commerads." Mona waved as she and Raph entered the Shell Raiser. "See you, Mona." Rockwell waved. "Have fun over there." Slash added. They then watch the Shell Raiser drive off from their hideout smiling. But their smiles faded when they hear Hakum Hare screaming inside. "No, Pigeon Pete, not the lights too!" Pigeon Pete now can be heard screaming as another crash is made, causing Slash and Rockwell face palm. At the park in Canterlot City, the Rainbooms were waiting at the park, while waiting with April and Karai, who were already there. And Karai was of course accompanied by Shinigami. As they wait, they see a familiar pink car park by. Soon Fluttershy came out, holding her backpack which contained Gizmo inside. Everyone was excited to see both of them as Fluttershy walked over to them. "Hello everyone." Fluttershy greeted with a smile. They all greeted Fluttershy back before turning their attention to her backpack. "So he's in there?" Sunset asked her friend. "Mhm." Fluttershy nodded. "He's been having so much fun today so far." "Well that's good to hear." Twilight said with a nod. "Common, let's see him!" Rainbow Dash eagerly said, Applejack trying to calm her down. Fluttershy looked at the sky and sees it's still cloudy. She pondered for a bit before slowly unzipping her backpack. The girls waited a bit before Gizmo pokes his head out of the backpack. All the girls cooed and 'awed' at the Mogwai upon seeing him. Even Karai and Shinigami can't help but stare at Gizmo in awe. "Hey, Giz!" Rainbow Dash greeted the Mogwai. "How is the little sweetie~?" Rarity cooed, earning her a gibberish response from the Mogwai. "Oh! I have a present for you~." Rarity reaches into her pocket and puts on a little Santa hat on the mogwai, which he seems to already like. "Oh Rarity, that's so thoughtful." Fluttershy smiled. "Well I figured he should at least wear something to keep himself warm." Rarity exclaimed. "Uh, Rarity? He's covered in fur." Rainbow Dash points out, which Rarity immediately shrugs off. "Doesn't mean he can't look fabulous on the holidays." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, knowing there's no point arguing with her. Spike, wanting to see Gizmo, walked towards Twilight who picks him up so he's able to see him. "Hey, Gizmo. Remember me?" Spike asked, wagging his tail. Gizmo looks at Spike for a moment before quickly remembering the dog. "Ah, Woof-Woof." Gizmo said with a smile. Spike blinked and tilted his head before shaking it. "Uh, no, it's Spike. The names Spike." He exclaimed, patting himself. "Woof-Woof." Gizmo repeated. "No, it's Spike." He explained again. "Woof-Woof." "Spike. Spi-ke." "Woof-Woof." Gizmo innocently smiles. Spike sighs in defeat as his ears droop downward. "Okay, I guess I'm 'Woof-Woof' to him." All the girls giggle at the nickname Spike has recieved from Gizmo. They soon hear a loud engine approaching, which they quickly recognize was the Shell Raiser. "Oh, the guys are here." April exclaimed. "Didn't they say they were also bringing Mona Lisa here too?" Asked Sunset. "Yep." April nodded. "Oooh, I can't wait to see her!" Pinkie Pie said with excitement. They all walked over to the Shell Raiser that just parked. Soon exited Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Casey and the two couple, Raph and Mona Lisa. The girls greeted their friends with hugs, high threes and/or fist bumps, from either raph or Casey. "Glad you guys could make it." Began Twilight. "Hope you didn't have trouble getting here." "Nah." Leo shook his head. "Surprisingly the roads weren't too crowded. And there wasn't much snow on the road either, so we managed to get here in good time. "Really?" Pinkie Pie said surprised. "Because it felt like it took a good. Two months for everyone to finally get together." Pinkie says, as she turns her direction towards the author, shaking her head in disapproval of the authors... inapability... of releasing chapters... Uh anyway, everyone looked confused on what Pinkie Pie just said but slowly shrug it off. "Uh.... okay?" Donnie confusingly raised his eyebrow. "So, how have you been, Mona?" Sunset asked the Salamandrian. "I have been good, thank you for asking, Sunset Shimmer." Mona answered before looking around. "Canterlot City. Still as beautiful as I remember." She takes in the winter environment of Canterlot City. She then hears unfamiliar babbling, but familiar to the Turtles. She looks to see Gizmo in Fluttershy's backpack as the Turtles walk over to them. "Yo, what up, Giz?" Mikey greeted the Mogwai. "So how are things going with him?" Donnie asked Fluttershy. "Things are going great. So far he's having the time of his life." Fluttershy explained with Gizmo confirming with gibberish. "That's awesome to hear, Fluttershy." Leo nodded. "Um, pardon me, but what is that creature in Fluttershy's bag?" Mona asked, looking at Gizmo. "Oh. Mona, this is Gizmo. He's a Mogwai." Fluttershy explained. Mona steps closer to examine Gizmo, making Gizmo tucked himself in the bag as he hasn't seen Mona before. Mona still examines him curiously, noting his appearance. "Mogwai. I have never seen, or heard of such a creature. Where did you get him?" "We're not sure where exactly he came from. But long story short, I'm watching over him as his real owner recovers from the hospital." Fluttershy told the Salamandrian. "We'll fill you in on the other details later." April added. Mona nods as she steps away. "So, shall we get started?" Applejack asked everyone. "In a minute." Donnie told the farm girl. "We gotta put on our human disguises first before we do anything." The girls nod in understanding while Mona was looking confused. "Disguises?" She said looking at Donnie. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention this on the ride over. You see, we gotta put on human disguises while we're out in public here." Raph explained. "But why? Aren't the humans here aware of your precens?" Mona asked confused. "Well, some are." Leo admits. "But most of those people are from CHS, and Crystal Prep. There are still people here who don't know we are mutants. So it's best to keep a low profile for saftey measures." Mona now understands the situation and nods. "I see. So how will we be disguised as humans exactly?" "With this." Donnie answered, holding out his portable cloaking device. "This device is designed to give us holographic human disguises. It'll make us look exactly the way we see ourselves as humans." Mona was taken aback by this information. "Remarkable. The way we see ourselves as humans? Truly fascinating. Have you four put on these disguises before?" "A few times." Donnie replied. "The first time was at April and Casey's school." Leo recalled, which earned the four turtles a little scowl from April. "And the time we were looking for the girls at the mall when Juniper Montage trapped them in a magic mirror." Mikey added, which earned a eyebrow raise from Mona. "And the time we had that adventure with Static Shock on Dakota City." Casey mentioned. "They even used it when we were making that music video for the fundraiser." Karai recalled. "So I've worked out a few bugs that were a problem before. Now, without further ado, our disguises." Donnie announced before fiddling with the device. "So who wants to go first?" "Me!" Mikey said as Donnie passes him the device. Mikey points the device on himself and activates it. He then transforms into his human cloak. Gizmo, who has never seen anything like this, was completely amazed by Mikey's sudden transformation, letting out a 'wow' noise. Mikey then noticed this time his human cloak is wearing a winter outfit as he checks himself out. "Whoa, this outfit is awesome!" Mikey cheered. "It's a new setting i added." Donnie explains. "Now if we want to, we can have our human disguises wear almost any outfit for a special occasion. Since it's winter, I figured it'd be fitting if our disguises were wearing winter outfits." "That's pretty cool, Donnie." Sunset applauded the turtle. "My turn." Leo said, taking the device. He points it at himself and he changed into his human cloak which was also wearing a winter outfit. He checks himself out as Twilight stares and blushes, seeing him in his human disguise again. Donnie takes the device and changes into his human disguise, which everyone still can't believe that's how he sees himself as human. Raph takes the device and slightly hesitates. Whenever he used the device he turned into a prom queen, twice. And he definitely didn't want to turn into one infront of Mona Lisa. Raph slowly breathes and turns the device on himself. Once he opens his eyes, he sees he has turned into his human cloak, which was also wearing a winter outfit as he raises his fists in the air victoriously. "YES!!!! No prom queen!!!" He shouted, but quickly shuts his mouth as Mona blinked upon hearing that. Raph cleared his throat and presented himself to Mona Lisa. "So uh, what do you think?" "I must say, Raphael, this human disguise definitely suits you." Mona complimented as she examines Raph. Raph then handed over the device to Mona. "Well, your turn, Mona." Mona looks at the device and slowly grabs it. She continues to stare at the device, wondering what she'll look like as a human. Donnie said it'll make them look the way they see themselves as humans. But Mona never had that thought before. So what will she look like? Well, only one way to find out. Mona points the device at herself and changes. Everyone was anticipating to see what she'll look like. Once it's finished, they see her human disguise which was also wearing a winter outfit. Everyone was amazed by Mona's human form. Especially Raph who was completely starstruck by her human disguise. "Mona, Darling, you look absolutely astonishing~!" Rarity complimented. "Truly amazing!" April added. Mona slightly blushes at everyone's compliments. Mona turned to Raph, wondering what he thinks. "So, how do I look, Raphael?" Raph could hardly speak, as he is too love struck to come up with words. By then he completely faints. Fortunately, Mona quickly catches Raph before he hits the ground, recreating the moment Twilight fainted at Leo's human cloak, which the two immediately took notice of. Soon Raph came to his senses and looks at Mona, who is still holding him. "Wow, Mona. You look.... so beautiful." Mona smiles at the compliment. "Thank you, Raphael." The two continued to stare at each other, not breaking eye contact. Soon the silence was broken when April cleared her throat, immediately getting their attention. "Uh, guys? We got a day planned, remember?" Raph and Mona quickly stood upwards and cleared their throats, feeling flustered. "R-right!" Raph stuttered. "Let us begin!" Mona added, feeling extra flustered. Everyone chuckled at the two's embarrassment as they all begin to start walking. Now that everyone was finally here, and their mutant friends have their disguises on, they can begin their winter activities. Rainbow Dash saw Gizmo was still in Fluttershy's backpack and tapped her shoulder. "Uh, Fluttershy? Think you can let Gizmo out so he can experience the activities better?" She asked. Fluttershy looked up, seeing it's still cloudy, but hesitates. "Um... what if it's not safe..?" "Im sure it'll be fine." Sunset assured. "Besides, Gizmo has been poking his head out from the bag for awhile now. Think it's safe for him to come out." Rainbow Dash pointed out. Fluttershy thought about it for a bit before nodding. She unzips her bag completely and gently grabs Gizmo, pulling him out of her bag. Gizmo looks around, finally able to see the city around him. The white snow everywhere, all the lights and decorations around the city, and the cool breeze being blown. It's cold, but Gizmo doesn't mind one bit. He's finally able to see the outside world without being crammed into a box or a bag. Gizmo looks down and reaches down, wanting to touch the snow. Everyone finds this adorable as Shinigami speaks. "I think the little guy wants to touch the snow." "Um, is it safe? Snow is technically water, what if-" Before Fluttershy could finish, Pinkie Pie covered her mouth and spoke. "It's fiiiine~! As long as we all don't think too much about it~!" Pinkie said with a forced smile, slowly creaking her head towards the direction of the reader. "Um... okay..?" Fluttershy sighed to herself before slowly setting Gizmo on the ground. Gizmo felt the snowy ground around him. It was cold, soft yet very icey at the same time. Gizmo loved it. He started smacking his hands in the snow repeatedly, making snow fly everywhere. Everyone watches the Mogwai play in the snow to their delight. Spike runs over to Gizmo, happily barking at him as he ran circles around Gizmo. Getting the hint he wants to play, Gizmo gets on his hand and scurries around Spike. Spike and Gizmo are now running/scurrying around the area playfully. "Spike, make sure you and Gizmo don't run off too far." Twilight informed her dog. "Sure thing, Twilight." Spike barked before going back to playing with Gizmo. "So, what winter activities are we going to start off with first?" Mona asked curiously. "Oh! Oh! Let's build snowmen!" Pinkie Pie suggested. "Every winter activity starts off with building snowmen~." "I don't see why not." April shrugged. "Sounds good to me." Sunset agreed. "I'll keep an eye on Spike and Gizmo, make sure they don't get into any trouble." Fluttershy said. "I'll join you." Twilight offered. "Spike can get carried away when he's having too much fun." Fluttershy nodded and the two sat at a bench where they can keep an eye on Gizmo and Spike. Everyone else started to begin building their own snowman. Mona was with Raph as he explains the steps on building a snowman. "It's easy. All you need to do is grab a pile of snow, squish it into a ball, set it on the ground, and roll it till it gets bigger." Raph explained. He then demonstrates by piling some snow, squishing them into a ball, and starts rolling it on the ground. Mona was amazed to see the little ball of snow roll into a much bigger one. "Fascinating. And what happens when you finish rolling it?" She asked. "Well, you make two more to make the body. I made the bottom part for the snowman, and all that's left is the middle part, and the head. Give it a try." Mona looks at the snow. She piles them up and begins to roll them into a ball. She was quickly starting to get the hang of it. She keeps rolling it until it gets bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And bigger. And bigger... Raph quickly noticed this and tried to inform her. "Uh, Mona, I think that's good enough." But it didn't do any good as Mona was still rolling the ball of snow. As everyone was working on their snowman, Fluttershy and Twilight were watching from a bench they were sitting on while also keeping an eye on Spike and Gizmo, who were still playing in the snow. Twilight can't help but notice how much fun Gizmo is having. Rolling around in the snow and chasing Spike around, making her smile at the sight. "Wow, Gizmo sure is having the time of his life. Even when he's just rolling around in the snow." Fluttershy looks at Gizmo and smiles. "Yeah. Something tells me he hasn't had the chance to experience life outside in a long time. I don't know how long for sure, but I think Gizmo hasn't been outside the antique shop for a very long time. I guess he's trying to cherish every moment before it's his time to go back." Twilight thinks about what Fluttershy just said and nods. "I think you're right. After being in that antique shop for some time, I'd be happy too." After awhile everyone finished their snowman. Or more accurately, their snow sculptures. Not one of them, aside from Raph, has made a snowman. Leo and Sunset made the Hamato clan symbol. "What do you think, guys? Not too shabby, right?" Leo said, patting the snow symbol. "Not bad, Leo." Karai said, with a hint of smugness in her tone. "But I think me and Shini did much better on ours." They look to see Karai and Shinigami have made the foot clan symbol. "Ha! While you amateurs made symbols." Rainbow Dash began saying. "Me and Dash have made something much cooler." Casey finished as they revealed to have made two hockey sticks crossing each other with a hockey puck below. "Now that's nice and all, y'all, but I like to believe my snow sculpture feels more at home." Applejack step aside to show her miniature snow version of her family farm. Everyone looks and starts chuckling, as Casey is the one to speak up. "You mean the sculpture Rarity is spreading glitter on?" He said between his chuckles. Applejack blinks and turns around to see Rarity is indeed spreading glitter on her snow sculpture. "Rarity! What in tarnation are you doing?!" "Oh, I'm just giving your sculpture a little pizazz." Rarity answered as she spreads more glitter. "You know, Applejack, me and April kinda had the same idea." Donnie exclaimed. "But I think we executed it better~." April said smugly as she and Donnie revealed to have made mini version of April’s old family home. "I don't know guys~." Pinkie Pie said confidently. "I think me and Pinks outdid all of you by a long shot~." Mikey finished off as both he and Pinkie Pie revealed there snow sculpture. They showed they made a life sized snow sculpture of Leatherhead, which everyone was pretty wowed by. "Wow you two, that's pretty cool." April admitted . "Truley impressive." Shini added. "So what did you make, Raph?" Mikey asked his brother. Raph was just standing their dumbfounded at the sight of everyone's snow sculptures as he had a simple snowman standing next to him. "I thought we were making snowmen, not snow sculptures!" Raph screamed. "Oh potato potahto, it's all the same, right~?" Pinkie shrugs, making Raph’s eyebrow twitch. Casey looks over at Mona and his eyes widen when he sees what she's doing. "Uh, Raph? What's your girlfriend doing?" He points over to Mona. Raph turns and his eyes widen in shock, along with everyone else. They see Mona has rolled up a big snowball the size of a tree. Practically all the snow around her was gone as she finally stops. "Um, Mona? Why did you roll a giant snowball?" Raph asked. Instead of answering, she turned around to look at him. She continues to stare, as if she's examining Raph closely. She then whips out her plasma sword and starts slashing at the giant snowball. She's jumping left to right, over and around, slicing pieces of the giant snowball, making mist of snow fly everywhere. As soon as Mona finishes and the mist clears up, everyone was in complete shock seeing what she did. Mona has made a large snow sculpture of Raphael flexing his muscles. Everyone, even Raph stared with their jaws dropped, completely at a loss for words. Even the Leatherhead sculpture's jaw literally drops to the ground. Mona turned to raph. "Did I do it right, Raphael?" She waited for an answer, folding her arms behind her back. Raph snapped out of it and smiled at her. "Mona, you did amazing. Probably better than everyone else." Everyone was still silent, staring at the snow sculpture. "Wow, who knew Mona had an artistic side to her." Fluttershy said eyes widened. "No kidding." Twilight added. Meanwhile while everyone was distracted by Mona's snow sculpture, Spike and Gizmo were still running around in the snow chasing each other. But as the two continue to chase each other aimlessly, Spike bumps into someone's leg. He looked up and saw a woman in a fur coat that almost reached her ankles, a fur hat and boots. The woman gives a scowl look at Spike as she whips her shopping bags at him, trying to shoo him away. "Get back you filthy mutt!" She screamed at him as Spike whimpers. Gizmo's ears droop as he cowars in the snow. Everyone heard the screaming and turned their attention towards it. Twilight gasps and quickly runs over with Fluttershy following her. Twilight quickly scoops up Spike as Fluttershy scoops up Gizmo. "I am so sorry, ma'am!" Twilight apologizes. "I should've been paying more attention to him-" "I care not of your apology!" The woman interrupts Twilight. "That filthy dog of yours got it's filthy fur all over my boot! Don't you know how expensive and valuable these boots are!?" Everyone made it to Twilight and Fluttershy as Leo stepped in. "Ma'am, Twilight apologized. I don't think screaming at her is necessary." "And who might you be?" The woman scoffs. "I'm-" Leo was interrupted as the woman held her hand over at him. "I don't actually care, my issue is with miss Sparkle and her dog!" "Yeah? Well as her friends, your issue with her is now our issue." Karai said with a glare as everyone nodded stepping in. "No everyone, it's fine. I don't want to cause anymore problems." Twilight told her friends as she faced the woman. "I'll keep Spike as close to me as I can." "You better make sure of that, Miss Sparkle. Cause the next time I see this dog near me, I'm gonna remove his collar, and throw him into the furthest dog pound where you will never find him." She threatened, earning an eye twitch from Twilight. "I understand." Twilight said between her teeth. "I sure hope so." The woman said doubtfully. As the woman was about to leave, she quickly notices Gizmo in Fluttershy's arms. She walked towards the two as Fluttershy's eyes shrink, slightly taking a step back as Gizmo buries himself into Fluttershy's arms. "Well well." The woman began, examining Gizmo. "What strange creature is this?" "U-Um... th-this is Gizmo... h-he's a Mogwai..." Fluttershy answered, her voice trembling with each word. "How... exquisite." The woman grinned maliciously. "Never heard of such a creature. The fur looks... endearing. I wonder what type of attire I can make with it." Gizmo, understanding each word, tremples and quivers in Fluttershy's arms more. The woman turns around and starts walking away. "You better keep your word, miss Sparkle. And I'm hoping to see that creature again very, very soon~." With that the woman puts her shopping bags in her car and drives off, leaving a sour feeling on everyone. "Who the heck was that, grouch?" Asked Casey. "Ugh, that was Mrs.ColdHeart. She lives down the street at my place." Twilight exclaimed with her voice sounding irritated. "The first time we met was when I was taking spike out for a walk. When we got to her block, he was sniffing around her front garden." "I wasn't gonna do my business on them, I was just smelling the flowers!" Spike Explained. "Once she saw what he was doing, she completely made a scene that basically the whole neighborhood could hear. After that, me and my family tried to avoid her as much as possible." "Wow, she's probably as nasty as Spider Bytez." Raph said shaking his head. "Haha, mabye they're somehow related." Mikey joked. "Ugh, I don't even wanna imagine that." Twilight shuddered. "If you would have allowed me, Twilight, I would've threatened to obliterate that Mrs.ColdHeart to where there is nothing but dust from where she was standing." Mona told Twilight as she flexed her wrist, where her wrist cannon was. "Thanks, Mona." Twilight smiled. "But we'd probably be in more trouble if she suddenly disappeared." "Not entirely a bad thing, right?" Raph shrugged. April noticed Fluttershy was quiet. Well, more quiet than usual. She was looking at Gizmo, stroking his head as she had the biggest frown on her face. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" April asked concerningly. Fluttershy took awhile before speaking. "The way that woman was looking at Gizmo... like he was the next fashion wear... it made me so... upset and angry... I've never met anyone like her..." Fluttershy held Gizmo tight in her arms, as if it's the only way to keep him safe from that vile woman. April nodded and gently pats Fluttershy's back. "Yeah, I felt the same too, Fluttershy." "We all did." Applejack said with everyone nodding. "But don't worry, we'll be sure that Mrs.ColdHeart doesn't get near Gizmo." Leo added. "Yeah! If anyone wants to get to Gizmo, they gotta go through all of us first!" Rainbow Dash said encouragingly. "I'm one for fashion, but I won't allow anyone to turn sweet Gizmo into an accessory!" Rarity crossed her arms. "I have only met Gizmo today. But if he's that important to you, I will lay down my life to keep him safe." Mona kinda exaggerates abit, but is still determined to keep him safe for Fluttershy. "And same goes for Spike." Leo said. "Darn toot'n! No one's throwing spike in a dog pound when we're around." Applejack nodded with Leo. Fluttershy smiled, happy to know her friends will be there to keep Gizmo safe. "Thank you, everyone. I feel much better knowing you guys will keep anyone from harming Gizmo." Even Gizmo understands the situation as he nods to what Fluttershy said, making gibberish noises. The mood is now happy again, as if what happened with Mrs.ColdHeart was already forgotten. Mikey threw his fist in the air. "Now come on, dudes, let the fun continue!" Everyone cheered in agreement. Now everyone continued to do many winter activities. They started off with a snow sledding race. They were on a hill in teams. Raph with Mona Lisa, Leo with Twilight as Spike was on her lap. Casey with Sunset, Mikey with Pinkie Pie, Karai with Shinigami, Donnie with April, Rarity with Applejack, and Fluttershy with Rainbow Dash, as Gizmo was on Fluttershy's lap. "Um, Rainbow Dash? You sure this is safe for Gizmo?" Fluttershy asked concerningly. "It's fine, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash assured. "Gizmo is gonna have a blast, right Giz?" Gizmo cheered and clapped his hands. Though he doesn't know what he's really getting himself into. "Alright everyone, on my mark." Leo announced as everyone got ready in their sleds. "Ready..." Rainbow Dash grabbed the front of her sled, exchanging glances with everyone. "Set..." Everyone leaned in, getting ready to push their sleds down. They waited in anticipation for Leo to give the word. "...... GO!" Everyone quickly pushed their sleds and are now riding down the hill. Everyone was sledding past each other left and right, competing to get down first. Rarity was of course not having fun as she held her hat on her head and hanging on tight to Applejack. "Why did i agree to this?!" She screamed as her and Applejack maneuvered around Donnie and April. "See ya at the bottom, slow pokes." She taunted before Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sled past them. "Yeah, see you at the bottom!" Rainbow Dash taunted as Fluttershy and Gizmo were screaming behind her. "Oh! We should capture Gizmo's moments of fun while he's here!" Rainbow Dash said as she reached for her phone. Making sure the flash is off, she puts the phone in selfie mode as she smiles. "Say cheese." Rainbow said as she took the picture. The picture showed her smiling, but Fluttershy and Gizmo had the look of fear on their faces. Raph and Mona's sled was swerving left and right, avoiding the bumps on the hill. "Isn't this fun, Mona?" Raph called back to her. Mona was gripping onto the sled as tight as she can as the wind is blowing against her face, not use to sledding down a hill. "Uh, quite." Mona answered, though she wasn't quite sure. Mikey and Pinkie Pie were sledding recklessly as Mikey was standing on his sled and Pinkie Pie was on his shoulders. "Mikey, Pinkie Pie, that's too dangerous, sit back down!" Leo shouted at the two. "Nah dude, wanna make this as fun as possible!" Mikey told his older brother. Somewhere down the hill were two kids that just finished making a snowman. The girl speaks to her friend. "Mabye if we sing that song, he'll come to life." "Ready?" The boy asked before the two start singing. "Ooooh there once was a snowman-" but their song was interrupted when Mikey and Pinkie Pie crashes through the snowman, surprising the kids. Pinkie Pie had the head part of the snowman as Mikey had the lower body parts. Pinkie Pie turned her head towards the kids. "Life as extreme as you wanna make it~!" She screamed as she and Mikey cheered down the hill. The kids watched them slide down as the girl spoke up. "Mabye we didn't sing it right..?" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were halfway down the hill as Rainbow Dash felt the rush of victory coming to her. "Oh yeah, we're gonna be the first ones down~!" She cheered before Casey and Sunset were sliding next to them. "Out of the way, chumps! Casey Jones and Sunset Shimmer is gonna be number one!" Casey confidently said as he and Sunset leaned forward, picking up more speed. "Shoot! Come on, Fluttershy! We gotta get more speed!" Rainbow Dash informed her shy friend as she leans forward. "Uh, Rainbow Dash, mabye we should be careful. We might get hurt." Fluttershy exclaimed. Not listening, Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy to lean again more urgently. Fluttershy sighs and looks at Gizmo. "Gizmo, you better hang on tight." Fluttershy then leans forward with Rainbow Dash, putting more weight forward as they catch up with Casey and Sunset. The two teams are neck in neck as both try claiming first place. Rainbow Dash and Casey were so focused on glaring at each other, they didn't see a bump ahead of them. Soon, Rainbow Dash's sled hits the bump and she and Fluttershy start swerving left and right as Rainbow Dash tries to gain control of her sled. Casey was laughing at the two before Rainbow Dash accidentally bumps into Casey and Sunset's sled, making them start swerving now. Them swerving was getting too out of hand that both sleds started spinning out of control as they started screaming. Soon both make it down the hill and lose grips on their sleds as they land on their backs and slide on the ground. Donnie and April were next to make it down the hill. "Are you guys okay?" April asked in concern. Rainbow Dash groaned as she slowly gave a thumbs up. "We're good..." "Especially when we totally won..." Casey said all dizzy. "What?!" Rainbow Dash sat up. "No way! Me and Fluttershy were definitely the ones to make it down first!" Rainbow Dash argued. "As if! Sunset, did we not make it down first?" Casey looked back at Sunset who was still laying on her back. "I'll... get back to you on that... when my head stops spinning..." Sunset groaned. Soon everyone else made it down the hill. Mikey and Pinkie Pie were still covered in the snowman before the both shake it off. "Are you guys okay?" Leo asked. "We saw you guys spinning out of control like crazy." Karai added. "Though it was kinda funny." Shinigami snickered. "I think we're okay." Fluttershy groaned, until she notices something. Fluttershy moved her hands abit and doesn't feel something. Or more specifically, doesn't feel someone. She looked at her arms and notices Gizmo isn't in her arms and starts to panick. "Gizmo? Where's Gizmo?!" Everyone started to panic too until they hear familiar gibberish in muffles coming from somewhere. "Over there!" April points a direction. Everyone looks to where she's pointing and sees Gizmo's legs sticking out from a pile of snow, kicking and saying random gibberish. Fluttershy sighs in relief as she goes over to the stuck Mogwai. She gently grabs hold of him and pulls him out from the snow pile. Gizmo shakes his head and body, shaking the snow off him. "I'm sorry, Gizmo. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked the Mogwai. Despite being stuck in the snow, Gizmo smiled at the girl and nodded, making reassuring gibberish noises. "Phew, that's good to hear." Fluttershy wiped her forehead. She grabbed Gizmo's Santa hat that slipped off him and put it back on his head. Everyone smiled seeing Gizmo is okay. "Uh, how about we do some other activities that aren't too... extreme, for Gizmo?" April suggested. "That's probably a good idea." Leo nodded as everyone agreed. Soon everyone continued to do more snow activities, while also being safe for Gizmo. One of those activities was ice skating. Everyone, along with other residents around, was skating along the icy grounds. Raph was helping Mona how to ice skate, as she's constantly wobbling and moving her legs around, trying to balance herself. Fluttershy was calmly skating with Gizmo in her arms, as he's liking this activity. The next activity they did was ice hockey. The ones playing were Raph, Leo, and Karai against Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and of course Casey. Everyone else were on bleachers cheering on whoever. Gizmo seems to like watching them play, as he's mimicking Casey's movements of juggling the hockey puck before smacking it in the goal. After that everyone was making snowmen. For real this time. Everyone had their own unique snowman and Mona Lisa made sure not to make her snowman too big. Rarity, of course, was decorating her snowman with fashionable attire. A fancy scarf, a monocle, and a fancy top hat. After spending the whole day doing countless winter activities, the group was at a Cafe where they were drinking hot chocolate and eating warm treats. "Ahh, nothing like a good cup of hot chocolate after a long day in the snow." Sunset sighed. "You said it." Leo agreed, sipping his hot chocolate. "How are you enjoying your treats, Gizmo?" Fluttershy looked at the Mogwai. Gizmo, who was chewing on a cookie, rubbed his belly nodding. "Mmm-mm." Fluttershy smiles and nods. Raph turned his attention towards Mona Lisa. "So, Mona, how was today for you?" "I must say, I had a good time today." Mona admitted. "It was fun doing these winter activities with you all. I am hoping to do more fun things like this." Raph, remembering the winter dance at Canterlot High on Friday, quickly had an idea. "Well, Canterlot High is having a winter dance on Friday. Mabye you'd wanna join us?" Raph twiddle his thumbs, waiting for an answer. Mona smiles and nods at the offer. "I would love to accompany you at this winter dance. Will we need these human disguises aswell?" "Nope, we are free to go as our true selves." Raph exclaimed. "Though, mabye we could wear something festive at the dance?" Donnie suggested. "If you're suggesting ugly sweaters, count me out." Raph said with a hint of scowl. "Seeing you four in ugly sweaters? Now that's something I'd wanna see." Karai snickered at the idea. "I mean that's one idea." Donnie said, though only to spite Raph. "Or mabye just wear anything that screams the holidays." "I'm still hoping you guys would do the ugly sweaters." Karai grinned. "We will only if you and Shinigami will." Leo teased with a smug look on his face. "Oh, don't temp me." Karai exchanged a smug look with Leo. Though Shinigami had a worried expression on her face as she slightly slides down from her seat. "Oh I hope he's not actually considering it..." Raph groaned to himself. It was starting to get dark. Everyone gathered to the vehicles they came in, the Turtles and Mona Lisa had their disguises removed and started saying their goodbyes. "Man, today was a blast." Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah today was really fun." Karai admitted. "Minus that ColdHeart lady but overall had a good time." Donnie added. April yawned and stretched her arms. "Boy, am I beat. Only get this tired when we fight crime all night." "You said it, Red. I'm about ready to crash on my bed." Casey said as he too stretched his arms. "Will we see you guys at the barn for practice?" Sunset asked. "Wouldn't miss it." Leo nodded. "Cant wait to hear what you girls will be playing at the dance!" Mikey cheered. "Mona, you should join us." Raph eagerly said to his girlfriend. "Well, if it is alright with the Rainbooms." "Of course!" Sunset said. "Any friends are welcome on my family farm." Applejack added. "Then I am looking forward to it." Mona smiled. "So, do we have a deal on the ugly sweaters, Karai?" Leo asked smugly. "Perhaps. We'll just have to see." Karai answered with a grin. Both Raph and Shinigami groaned in worry. "Well, see you all tomorrow." Sunset waved. "Bye everyone." Twilight waved back. "See ya later, Giz." Mikey held his hand up infront of Gizmo. Gizmo had a confused expression. He looks at his own hand and held it up like Mikey. "Uh here, watch this." Mikey gently grabbed Gizmo's arm and had him clap his hand with his. "That's called a high three." Mikey happily explains to Gizmo. Gizmo blinked his eyes and stared at his hand again. Gizmo then had a smile on his face, immediately starting to like giving high threes. He quickly turned towards Fluttershy who is carrying him and held his hand up for a high three. Fluttershy giggles and happily gives Gizmo a high three. Everyone can't help but smile at the scene. "Well, better get going now. Wanna rest up for tomorrow." Leo said as he started getting into the Shell Raiser. "Yeah, I gotta go pick up Zephyr from his job." Fluttershy said with a sigh. "I thought he was gonna start taking the bus?" April said in confusion. "So did I." Everyone said their goodbyes and started to head to their respective homes. Fluttershy got into her car, put Gizmo back in her backpack, buckled him and herself up before she started driving. She picked up Zephyr from work and starts to drive home. Once they got home, Fluttershy made sure to feed Gizmo before she got ready for bed. As Gizmo was chewing on his food, he notices Angel next to him eating a carrot. Gizmo greeted the white rabbit with a wave. Angel scoffs and turned his head away from him. Gizmo then held his hand up for a high three. Angel turned his head back to Gizmo and saw he had his hand held up infront of him. Angel was confused, like Gizmo was. And like Gizmo, he slowly held his paw up too. Once he did, Gizmo clapped his hand on Angel's paw. Fluttershy came back in her pajamas and scooped Gizmo off the ground. "Okay Gizmo, time to get some shut eye." As Fluttershy carried gizmo to his bed, Angel still had a confused look on his face as he stared at his paw before hopping to his cage. Once Fluttershy tucks Gizmo into his bed, she crawled into her own bed, stretching her body before relaxing. "Did you have a good day today, Gizmo?" She looked down at the Mogwai. Gizmo nodded as he snuggled into his bed. Fluttershy yawns and rubs her eyes. "Hopefully we'll continue to have good days like these. Wouldn't that be nice?" Fluttershy sighed before she and Gizmo drifted to sleep, awaiting for the next day to arrive.