
by GurbangulyBerdimuhamedow

Chapter 1: The magic of taxes

Twilight Sparkle was a very accomplished pony. She had saved Equestria multiple times and was considered to be one of the most powerful unicorns in the land. However, there was one thing that she had never learned how to do: taxes.

Twilight had always been so focused on her studies and her magical abilities that she never really thought about the practical aspects of life. But as she grew older, she realized that she couldn't rely on others to do her taxes forever. It was time for her to learn how to do them herself.

She approached Princess Celestia with her request. "Your Highness," Twilight said, "I was wondering if you could teach me how to do taxes."

Princess Celestia smiled kindly at Twilight. "Of course, my dear. Taxes are an important part of being an adult. I would be happy to teach you."

And so, Princess Celestia began to teach Twilight about taxes. She explained the different types of taxes, such as income tax and property tax, and how they were used to fund various government programs. Twilight took notes diligently, eager to learn everything she could.

After a few lessons, Princess Celestia decided it was time for Twilight to try doing her own taxes. She gave Twilight a stack of forms and a calculator and instructed her to fill them out.

Twilight stared at the forms in front of her, feeling overwhelmed. She had no idea where to begin. She read over the instructions, but they were full of legal jargon that she didn't understand.

After several minutes of struggling, Twilight let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't understand any of this," she said.

Princess Celestia came over to look at the forms. "Ah, I see the problem," she said. "These forms are meant for ponies who earn a steady income from a job. Since you're a princess, your income is a bit more complicated."

Twilight nodded, relieved that there was an explanation for her confusion.

Princess Celestia went on to explain the various sources of income that Twilight had, including her royal stipend, book sales, and merchandise revenue. She showed Twilight how to calculate her total income and deduct any eligible expenses.

Twilight began to feel more confident as she worked through the forms. She was grateful to have Princess Celestia there to guide her through the process.

After several hours, Twilight had completed her taxes. She submitted them to the proper authorities and waited anxiously for her return.

A few weeks later, Twilight received a notice from the tax office. She nervously opened it, expecting the worst.

To her surprise, she had received a sizable refund. She let out a happy squeal and ran to show Princess Celestia.

"Look!" she exclaimed, holding up the check. "I did it! I did my own taxes!"

Princess Celestia smiled proudly at Twilight. "I knew you could do it, my dear. You're a very capable pony."

Twilight beamed with pride. She had always been focused on her magical abilities, but now she realized that she was capable of so much more. She had conquered her fear of taxes and had gained a new level of independence.

From that day forward, Twilight made sure to do her taxes every year without fail. She even offered to help her friends with their taxes, knowing that it was an important life skill that everyone should have.

And so, Twilight Sparkle became known not only as a powerful unicorn and a hero, but also as a responsible adult who knew how to do her taxes.