//------------------------------// // The right choice // Story: The five wishes of Rainbow Dash // by Kawat3ngusan //------------------------------// The right choice The next day, Sunset went to the farm with the other girls, they were there to help Applejack with the apples, since she could not do much. Sunset had already explained everything to them about the last thoughtless gesture of Rainbow Dash. Applejack was the first to talk, "So….Sunset... are ya telling us that Dash used the last wish to make this guy disappear?" "Yes, that's right, he was her best friend, besides he was in love with her", Fluttershy questioned "But how why nobody remember this Thunderlane, apart you and Dash?" "Well, Dash because I think it is because she is the one who has the pendant, as for me because I think the pendant has had effect only to the people of this world" Rarity replied "So now she made this guy disappear, and are you also telling me that she has declared her love to him right in the middle of a crowd of fans?" Twilight made a thought "It does not look like our Dash" "But it happened, but Rarity can not remember, since Thunderlane was never born" Appleajck was mad, "Well, she deserve it, finally she’ll learn a lesson". Twilight stopped picking up apples and talking to the girls. "Girls, it does not seem right to say such a thing" Applejack asked Twilight why that sentence, "Why do ya say so Twilight? After all, now ya can not even go on with the studies" "I know, but do not think about how she feels? Imagine losing all your closest friends, then there was only one person who believed in you and who always forgave you, and then you lost that person too ". Twilight made a wise speech, all four looked at each other and thought she was right. "What Dash did was a bad behavior, but I know what it means to be alone even if surrounded by friends, that's how I felt at the Crystal, but with all of you things have changed, now I feel part of a group and in this group I want Dash to be here, even if it means I will never have my acumen again. " Sunset was not happy about what Twilight said, "Twilight, it's really a good talk, but Rainbow can not get away with it after how she behaved" "It was not her fault but the pendant’s" Rarity agreed with Sunset, "And She expressed all her wishes with superficiality" "It's true she did not notice, but we will not have to try and stay close to her?" Applejack came forward to Twilight "I want to remind ya that she has also absorbed our musical talent, and then now she has health, fame, money, fans, so she can have what she wants, don’t ya think?" "And who will take care of her, since Thunderlane is not there now?", Sunset was sad at those words, Twilight was right, even though Dash was now with her parents, she no longer has her dear friend . "If this Thunderlane was so special to her, then can’t you imagine how she feels now? What kind of sensation of guilt does she has?" Sunset greatly appreciated what Twilight said, and so he went near her. "Twilight, even without your intelligence you said some fantastic words" "I do not believe it depends with my brain but with my heart, I only told what I felt like saying from my heart" "Actually you're right, we have to give Rainbow Dash another chance, now I'll call her." So Sunset took the phone and called Rainbow Dash, but her mother answered, who told Sunset that she was not at home, but added more. Sunset turned off the phone to warn the girls. "Girls? We have a problem", Applejack stopped "What happened?" "Dash is not at home, and her mother does not know where she is" Rarity was thinking "Maybe ....... she is back out of town" "No, Dash's mother spoke at the phone with her agent, he said that Rainbow had a performance in a square, but she did not show up," the girls worried after that news. Rarity was surprised, "What do you mean?" "That if she is not at home, and she did not go out of town, then who knows where she will be" Applejack sat on a chair. "Perfect, now we'll have to look for her somewhere," but Fluttershy stepped forward "Um ... I actually, maybe I know where Dash is" Applejack spoke to Fluttershy, "Are ya serious about that, Fluttershy? And where?" "It's just a theory, but maybe she went to see Pinkie Pie", Sunset thought that maybe Fluttershy was right, "Probably, maybe it's better for me to go there, let's keep in contact by phone." Sunset took her bike and headed for the hospital. When she got there, she rushed straight to the room where Pinkie Pie was hospitalized, never as at that moment Fluttershy was right, Sunset found Rainbow Dash crying holding Pinkie Pies’hand. "Dash?" Rainbow Dash raised her head, she was crying, "Sunset? What have I done? That stupid pendant turned me into a stupid spoiled child, in fact I have always been, just as Thunderlane once told me" "What are you doing? "Maybe I can restore the energy to Pinkie if I hold her hands" "It's a nice gesture, but I think you have to come with me". Sunset immediately brought Rainbow Dash to the farm, but she could not look her friends in the face. When they arrived there, the girls did not welcome Dash, and she tried to apologize. "Girls, I'm sorry, I've behaved like a stupid and spoiled selfish girl, and I drained your intelligence, your strength and your health, and your talent, it's true that I didn’t do it on purpose , but I'm still responsible for your troubles, I know you will not forgive me, but right now I lost my best friend, even my boyfriend, even if you do not remember him, he was great and I would have I really wanted to spend my life with Thunderlane, because .... because he was the only boy I ever loved ". After that confession, Rainbow Dash began to cry, the girls went to her and hugged her, and she was so amazed. Applejack consoled her, "Don't worry sugarcube, we forgive ya", then Rarity spoke, "Yes, the fact that you are crying before us is already something", then Fluttershy "We can‘t pouting, if we left you what kind of friends would we be?", And Rainbow started crying again, "But ... sniff ... how can you do it after what I did to you? And what I did to Pinkie?", The girls broke away and Sunset explained them. "Dashie, We know that you're sorry, but you do not have to throw yourself down, you have to react, we know you're sad and sorry, and even if you've acted badly, we're here to help you". The girls sat around a table, Applejack offered them apple juice, Rainbow Dash cried again, but this time because she missed Thunderlane. "I miss him so much, he was always there to cheer for me, it's true that sometimes he wasn’t there like at the concert, but Thunderlane was the only guy I loved, but also the only one that I didn’t want as a boyfriend " "Why Dash?" "Since Thunderlane is gone, I can also tell you the truth, Thunderlane and I had a special friendship, but actually I loved him, even before the high school" "Too bad for your pride Dash, otherwise you would have been together for a long time" It was not just for pride, I really loved Thunderlane, but I couldn’t ask him to be my boyfriend", Rarity was surprised "Do you mean there was another reason?", Rainbow Dash cried again, but this time she was telling the truth. "Because .... Thunderlane was my best friend, with him I could say anything, behave as I wanted, because he didn’t judge me, we were very best friends, and I .... sniff .... I didn’t want things to change ... sniff ... ". The girls were surprised, Rarity felt happy, "Oooh Dash, how sweet, do you mean you didn’t want you two got engaged because you were afraid of losing your friendship?" "Exactly, .... sniff .... what would have happened if Thunderlane would have been my boyfriend? We would have argued, and if we had a fight we would have left ... sniff ... and then not I would have seen more as my friend but ... sniff ... like my ex ". The friends softened again. Sunset hugged Dash and consoled her. "Dash, oh poor girl, then you behaved badly with him not juyst because you could not tell him you loved him, but because you were afraid of losing him, right?" "Yes, sniff ...... and think that I was able to tell him that I loved him .... sniff ..... and now he's not here ... oh I want Thunderlane back". Sunset felt sick to see Rainbow Dash in that state, but there was something else she needed to know. "Dash, you know, there'd be a couple of little things you should know about Thunderlane," Dash wiped his tears and listened. "Sniff ... what?" "Thunderlane could not tell you that night at the restaurant, and I promised him I would never tell you, but since he was never born, I think you should know the truth, so Sunset said to Rainbow Dash what Thunderlane confessed to her at the workshop, his vindictive gestures, the truth about the father's Christmas tree incident and all the rest. "I think you deserve to know the truth, especially now that he is gone". Rainbow Dash began to feel bad again, she ran away into the barn and started crying. Sunset and Rarity followed her and saw her sitting on a sheaf of straw hugging her guitar case in desperation. They couldn’t see her in that state anymore, so it was Rarity who hugged her. "Dash, you do not have to break down, you have to react" "And how do I do Rarity? Sniff ..... I made the only guy that ….sniff .... I've ever loved ……disappear, and I've finished my wishes" "Oh Dash, I've never seen you like this, I feel bad for you" "Sniff ..... Thunderlane has always been on my side, and I did not know that he was so special ... sniff" "From all that Sunset said, this Thunderlane had to be really crazy about you, Dash" "Sniff .... The only time I confessed I loved him was on that stage, but then I ruined everything with that pendant". The other girls also entered the barn, and all of them wanted to console Dash. Twilight get close to Dash, "Dash, you look like another girl right now", Applejack get close too "Yeah, we've never seen ya like this before" Fluttershy spoke "It seems that this Thunderlane was your guardian angel "Yes .... sniff ..." "And although you had always treated him badly, he loved you". Rainbow Dash stood up, leaned against a wall and stared gloomily at the apple orchard. "You know?" Thunderlane was definitely careless and mawkish, and certainly not a mature boy", Dash turned and stared at her friends with more tears in her eyes, "But he always made something for the trouble that he combined, it was this that made him special, he was sweet and he considered me the number 1, whatever trouble he did I’ve always forgave him, even when he was never there for me , he bought me to the laser games, he often bought me gifts, brought to the fireworks, to the bowling, and if I cheated in our video games competitions he would not get angry " "Dash? About number 1, have you ever had more contacts from your admirer?" "No, now that I think of it, since I became famous, I never received his letters again". Rainbow Dash went for a moment to take her bag at the table and then returned to the barn. She started looking for the letters of her number 1 fan she had kept. "But ... how strange, the letters are gone, but I had kept them in this pocket of the bag" "Maybe Thunderlane found them and threw them" "No, Thunderlane would never have put my hands in my stuff, he often respected my privacy, early in the morning when we were in the house outside the city, he always knocked on the bathroom door to know if I was inside" "So this confirms the only theory" "And which one?" "Think about it, if the letters have disappeared is because they have never been written, and so?". Dash finally began to understand, her fan number 1 was none other than Thunderlane. "But it's not possible, he ripped that letter in front of me" "Dash? Do you know that Thunderlane always tends to write the letter R with a double spiral?" "How do I know? I mean ... I never noticed it" "Exactly like your fan did, I think Thunderlane ripped the letter off to make you understand that he wasn’t your admirer." Rainbow sat down on a sheaf, put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her hands. "I can’t believe it ... Thunderlane is ... my admirer number 1, in fact he has always been cheering for me", Rarity spoke to Dash "I do not know what he wrote to you, but evidently he was afraid to tell you what he felt for you" "Even after the bad date" "In fact it was not so bad, he was the only one who knew of my favorite waffle taste, it is true that he was wimp that night" "But he was because he wanted to confess to you, Dash" "And I mistreated him, I threw him on the grass, I'm stupid". "Dash, what's this?", Rainbow Dash went to Rarity, opened the guitar case, but inside there was not her blue guitar, but her old one. Rarity asked Dash "Is this your old guitar? What happened to the blue one?" "The blue one ..... I never bought it" "What do you mean?" "You see, a few days before the music competitions, me and Thunderlane ...." /In the past / Dash was near Thunderlane's workshop, he was repairing her motorbike, while she sat in a chair and played a couple of notes. "What are you playing?" "Do not tell me you've never heard the Red Hot Chilly Peppers?" "Of course I heard ‘em, they did songs like Arizonication, Give it Way, Tell me Honey ....." "Ok, you know them, anyway I have to practice with different songs if I want to become a famous singer" "If you do it, I swear I'll buy all your CDs" "You're very sweet, is there any song you'd like to ask me?" "Why?" "So, just to practice" "So ... why do not you play Deep Violets's Fog on the water?" "Too easy, I'll play it right away". Thunderlane returned to Dash's bike, but after a few seconds he heard a strange noise. "What was that Dash?" "My guitar ... it broke a rope". Thunderlane stared at Dash's guitar closer, and made a negative comment. "But why do you keep using this wreckage?", Dash got angry for that judgment, "Look, this was my first guitar, I've always done my exercises with this guitar" "How many years? Do you know that I remember you have this guitar from the middle class?" "In fact, but I can not buy another one" "Why?" "Because I do not have the money, otherwise I would already have a new one, I would love to go to the shop where Vinyl Scratch works to take a look at the guitars that are there, but they cost a lot and I can not ask for money to my father" "And you intend to play at school with this one?" "And what should I do?" "Well, find a job" "I would do it but ... how long should I wait to put the money aside to get my guitar?" "Oh, someone is in a hurry" "Forget it, I already have to ask my father for money to repair my bike" "Ah, but your bike is fine" "What it means that it's okay?" "I do not know why but your bike is very strong, it has no problems" "What are you talking about?" "That's nothing, I'll put it back on immediately and without costs" "Wait ... you’ll fix it for free?" "No, it's just nonsense, so I do not ask you for money, in fact I want to make you a little surprise". Thunderlane took an envelope from a bag and gave it to Dash, she opened it and there was money in it. "What's this?" "It's that .... I had a scholarship" "And why are you giving me your scholarship?" "I want you to take it", Dash was puzzled by what seemed like a proposal. "Why do you want me to take it?" "I want you to use it to buy yourself a new guitar". Rainbow Dash from a puzzled face became doubtful and then reacted a little badly. "Thunderlane I can not, it belongs to you, it's your money, you can not give it to me" "I'm not giving you all the money, just use what you need to buy a new guitar" "But anyway I can not give you back the amount used, I do not have a job yet, I can not accept" "Dash? You have to accept, and if you do not do it I’ll feel offended, and then it will mean that you will return them in the right time" "No Thunderlane, I can not, do not insist" "Then we do that, in exchange for that money you give me a kiss", Dash surprised and blushed, "Are you crazy? Do you want me to kiss you?" "Not on the mouth, on the cheeks" "What kind of proposal is it? A kiss on the cheeks for some money?" "Ok, ok, if you feel offended then we do so, I’ll give you the money and tomorrow morning you come and have breakfast with me on the Ferris wheel, what do you think?", Dash lit her eyes, " Wheel? Breakfast? Do you talk about the wheel at Canterlot's amusement park, where you can have breakfast with waffles, pancakes, and all the rest?" "And what's more, you can enjoy a beautiful view, if you accept, I'll pick you up at 8 in the morning in front of your house" "But you’ll you spend more money?" "But ... it's been a long time since we've spent time alone ... that is ... since we were young" "Why are you doing it?" "I understand, then let it go, honestly you do not need me to give them back" "No wait .... I accept", Thunderlane hoped for that answer, and when Dash stopped him he thought it was a positive answer. "Do you accept? "Yes, I accept, a breakfast on that wheel I was hoping to do it for a long time, so I'm fine" "Then here's the hand", Thunderlane held out his hand to Dash to shake it, she held it, Thunderlane was happy, then the unexpected happens, Rainbow Dash hugged him tightly and he blushed. "Thank you Thunderlane, thank you very much, thank you a million, smack", Dash eventually kissed his friend, and then broke away and stared at him, he put his hand on his cheek and looked at her with wide eyes . "So?" "So what?" "My bike? How is it?" "Oh yes, it’s fine, I'm going to finish it, but there was no need for a kiss" "Listen, about the kiss we do not talk about it anymore, I would not like that ..... well that is" Dash acted instinctively for that kiss, but blushed, because she had long wanted to go on that Ferris wheel , but she was afraid of having made a bad impression with Thunderlane. "All right, we will not talk about it anymore, what's the problem?" " I like you so, give me a nice fist between friends" "And fist is". /In the present/ The girls felt sorry for the memory of Dash, she was crying and could not look at their faces. Sunset was the first to talk, "Oh Dash, that dear boy", then Rarity, "Yeah, he was really an angel like Fluttershy said", Fluttershy replied, "A guardian angel", Applejack spoke to Dash too, "Ya really can be sentimental when ya want" "The next day, Thunderlane took me to the wheel, and we ate several things, and we talked, I did not want to give him that kiss, I was afraid he thought I liked him", Twilight questioned a thing, "So, your guitar ... is it Thunderlane who bought it for you?" "Yes, that guitar was special for me both because I defeated Trixie by dueling in the shop, but also because I consider it a gift from my best friend" "And the only thing he wanted was a kiss or an appointment". Rainbow Dash put her hands in her pockets and pulled out a plastic ring, she stared it, Twilight approached her. "Hey Dash? What's that?", Rainbow Dash saddened again. "This ring ... had to be divided in half" "Half?", Sunset remembered, "Wait ... is it by chance the half ring Thunderlane had given you back?" "Yes, and I had given it back to him the other night, but now that Thunderlane is not there, the ring has never been broken", Rarity thought that that ring was not special, "Ah, what a garbage, it's just plastic, not a precious ring, it's just an insignificant pat", Rainbow Dash reacted badly to Rarity's critique, "THIS RING IS NOT INSIGNIFICANT" "Oh sorry," Rainbow Dash sat down and stared at the ring with nostalgia, Twilight and Sunset moved close to her. "Dash? Did this ring really matter to you and Thunderlane?", Fluttershy questioned "Maybe ... a childhood memory?" Sunset thought, "Was it a promise you made?", then Applejack, "Or the relic of yer victory?", then Rarity, "Or ..... your first kiss?". All the girls looked at Rarity for her guess. "What kind of question is it? Rarity?" "I.... I apologize", but the girls saw that Dash was not angry, rather she sighed and answered their curiosity. "I ... I know that for you it will seem strange, but Rarity is right, indeed you are all right", the girls were again surprised. "What do you mean Dash?" "You and Thunderlane .... have you already kissed in the past, and on the mouth?", Rainbow Dash felt comfortable confessing with her friends, so she took courage, and even smiled. "Yes, me too, like many girls,I had my first kiss, but when I was five years old", Rarity was surprised, "Five years? Did you have your first kiss when you were just five years old?" "Maybe it's a little late?", Rarity hugged Sunset, "Oh nooo, I haven’t had mine yet, and Dashie has kissed her first boy at the age of five" "Tell Dash, if you feel it" "This is also a secret that I share with Thunderlane, nobody knows about my first kiss" "So then it is Thunderlane who stole your first kiss" "How many other secrets do ya have in store, Rainbow Romantic Dash?" "Ok, tease me, but it's the truth, when we were young, at the time I was five, he was six, and we were at a wedding" "A wedding?" "Yes, we were in a church in the mountains, there were several people, including my family and the Thunderlane’one" "Is this your memory of your future vision of marrying you in a beautiful church in the mountains?", Dash could not hide her blushed face, "Yes, it's true, it's because of this memory that I wanted to get married in the mountains and in that church", Twilight was curios, "And continue, I'm curious, Dash", And so was Rarity, "Yes, what happened to that wedding?". Rainbow Dash breathed and held her ring tight, "Anyway on that day, Thunderlane and I were sitting next to each other, and we were with our families because the bride was a schoolmate of my mother, while the groom was a patient of Thunderlane's mother, it was a nice coincidence, do not you believe? " "Yeah, but it was not the first time you knew each other, did you?" "Logical, since we already knew each other from kindergarten", Twilight wanted to listen the story, "When did you give the kiss, and the ring?" "Here, the fact is this, I too like many girls I was fascinated by that celebration, and when we were at the reception I had started to fantasize on my wedding day", Rarity was amazed, "Oh Dash, how romantic you are", Applejack was more surprised, "Now I do not think Ah'll be able to see her as before", Twilight was still curios, "That day Thunderlane, what did he tell you? Because did you tell him that, did you?" "Yes, me and Thunderlane were walking in the garden of the restaurant and we went near a small pond". /In the past/ Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were children and they were all dressed up for a party, they were staring at a pond with some goldfish. "Thunderlane?" "Yes, Dash?" "When we grow up ... do you think you'll marry?", Little Thunderlane blushed and tried not to look at the little Dash in the eye, "Get married? ..... We are too young to think about it", little Dash thought she had said something stupid, "Yeah, I'm sorry if I asked you," Thunderlane embarrassed and tried to clear up. "No, no, it's not what you think is that ....." "Do you think it was a stupid question?" "No, absolutely, it was not, because I ... me ....." "What?" "I ..... I think ...." "Do you think what?", Rainbow Dash looked closely at Thunderlane, the boy blushed, and when he looked at her in her sweet magenta eyes the heart beat faster. "I think if I got married ... I would do it with you" "With me?". Now it was Rainbow Dash who blushed, Thunderlane wanted to disappear, because he had said exactly what he felt for her. "No, I'm sorry, I did not want to say" "Does that mean ... do not you like me?" "Of course I like you ... I mean ... you're my friend and I ... I love you" "When we grow up ... we’ll get married?", Thunderlane gulped, then turned and took something from his pocket, "See Dash, after what happened last year, I think we should always be together, like two best friends, just male and female, even my parents were dear friends" "What are you hiding?" "Look". Thunderlane turned and showed the little Dash a plastic ring. "It's a special ring, an old lady gave it to me" "Can I see it?" "You must," Rainbow Dash took the ring in her hand, but when she touched it broke into two parts. "Oh no, I broke it" "Do not worry, to tell the truth, it was normal to break" "What do you mean?" "The old lady told me that if I gave it to the girl of my heart, the ring would be broken" "The girl of your heart?" "Yes, so I would have given the other half to her, and there is no other girl with whom I would like to share my heart if not you", Thunderlane took the two halves of the ring, one held him and the other gave it to Dash. "Dash, I promise you that when we grow up I'll marry you" "Oh, but ...." "Maybe it's a little too much?" "Your father hates me after that accident" "Do not mind him". Thunderlane sat on a bench and posed as a superhero pointing to the sky, "I promise you and I swear to you that if you go on the altar, I will be next to you, I will never allow any other boy to take my place", little Thunderlane was serious, but Dash smiled at that oath. Hearing Dash smiled, Thunderlane turned awkwardly, but he stumped and fell on the grass. "Ah, what a blow, I hurt my ass," Thunderlane looked up and saw that Rainbow Dash had swollen cheeks, she was trying not to laugh at the fall of Thunderlane, but she burst into laughter, and Thunderlane embarrassed, then he got up from the ground and turned back. Rainbow Dash approached him and looked at him. "Thunderlane? What's up?" "I ... made a bad impression, and in front of you, I'm an idiot" "No, what do you say?" "I wish you would not look at me Dash, I'm too embarrassed" "Come on, I liked your superhero speech" "Seriously?" "Listen, what we said let's not tell anyone, it must stay between us" "I promise you Dash, nobody will ever know" "And you promise me that even what I will do now you will not tell anyone?" "What will you do?" "A nice gift for you, but you have to close your eyes" "Ok", Thunderlane closed his eyes and waited, he opened them immediately when he felt his lips touched, Rainbow Dash was kissing him on the mouth. Dash broke off after two seconds, she was red in the face and even a little embarrassed. "I wanted to ..... I just wanted to see what a bride felt when ... when she kissed, do not believe that I kiss other boys", Thunderlane did not know what to answer, he swallowed and consoled her, "No, I do not think so, in fact that was my first kiss" "But your father does not have to know it, and neither is mine" "I'll never regret it, I'll never tell anyone, it will be our secret" "Ok, so all right? We can come back to our parents, because I do not want to miss the cake" "Let's go then" /In the present/ This time all the girls started crying, but Dash was red in the face. Rarity, Twilight and Applejack spoke for first, "Oh Dash ... sniff, what a beautiful memory, what a beautiful memory" "Yes, sniff .... what a beautiful story" "However, Thunderlane was a mess even as a child" "What I do not understand is why the ring is there, since Thunderlane never existed I do not know why it's in my hands" "It could be really magical, but I do not feel the power" "Thinking back to these things is always hurting me, how could I express that wish?" "Dash do not cry, I can not see you like that anymore", Rarity agreed "It's true, we have to do something" "The only thing to do is looking for Mrs. Marta, but I do not know where to start". Twilight saw that Rainbow Dash had started crying more than before. "Hey Dash, do not cry, we'll help you" "Thunderlane is ... sniff .... he always gave me a hand ... sniff .... he was always there ... sniff .... when I needed a hand and I .. ..sniff ... I never said thank you " "Do not cry please" "If he were here ... sniff ... he would console me ..... saying he would think ... sniff" "Stand up, Dash, Thunderlane will not be here, but we're here" "Oh girls, how stupid I am, and how emotional I am" "Ya do not have to cry, even if you've acted badly, we'll be close to ya" "Yes, because this is what the friends are for" "He .... sniff .... saved my life" "What did you say?" "He has saved your life?" "Yes..sniff .... as a child I saved him from bullies, but Thunderlane once saved my life". "Seriously Dash?" "Wait ... is it about the accident you were talking about when you were little?" "Yes ..... sniff". The girls moved into the farm kitchen, Applejack asked Granny Smith to make apple tea for Rainbow Dash. Dash drank it all in one breath, then wiped away her tears. "There's another thing I have to confess", Rarity and Sunset talked to each other, "Never before Dash confessed like today" "Silence, go on, Dash" "A year before, when I was four, my father and I were in a bank, unfortunately at that time there was a robbery, there were only two robbers, luckily the police has been called immediately, but it was not a fortune", Twilight spoke, "Yeah, who knows what a bad experience to witness a robbery" "It was not just that, the two robbers took a hostage, and they took me". The girls looked impressed. "What do ya mean, Dash? Ya had this experience and ya never told us?" "It was a horrible experience, I did not want to think about it again, also because .... I put Thunderlane's life in danger", Twilight was curios, "He ... was there in the bank?" "No, but it so happened that the two scoundrels took me to a building site, they wanted to ask for a ransom, and for not letting me escape they tied my hands to a column and put a bandana on my mouth because I could not ask for help, in the meantime they were checking the stolen money " "And Thunderlane?" "As I said before, we were on a building site, and luckily all of Canterlot's building sites belong to Construction Site, Thunderlane's father, and sometimes Thunderlane went to play on his father's building sites when no one was there" Sunset started to think, "I begin to understand, he was there, right?" "Yes, that time Thunderlane saw the two robbers who brought me inside, so he followed them sneakingly, freed me from the ropes with a small knife, and then we escaped from the yard holding hands" Rarity spoke, "How romantic" "Unfortunately I slammed my ankle against some boards, so I hurt myself and the robbers heard us" Fluttershy as scared, “Oh my goodness, did they capture you?" "No, Thunderlane picked me up in his hands, and we managed to escape outside, Thunderlane made me go to the other side of the fence, but when it came to him, those two caught him and beat him" "Oh my" "I felt sick, Thunderlane had carried me to save me, I felt helpless, but I took courage and managed to find two policemen, so they entered in the yard and arrested the two robbers" "What a bad and horrible experience, Dash" "But what happened to Thunderlane?" "He was full of bruises, fortunately the policemen and my father immediately called an ambulance." Dash stood up and stared at the window, "Thunderlane was badly reduced, he was immediately taken to his mother's hospital, luckily he did not have anything serious, but because of that day, Construction did not want to know neither about me nor about my father" "And what did Thunderlane tell you?" "He had a arm in plaster and bandages on his head, I was sorry, but it was also nice, I went to his room and ...." /In the past/ Thunderlane stood with her head on the pillow, Rainbow Dash had brought flowers and put them in a vase by the window, then she held his hand. "Hey Dash, I did a stupid thing , eh?" "What are you saying? You saved my life" "Seriously? It seems to me I've made a mess" "It's not true, you saved my life, and I'm indebted to you" "But…..you saved me from those bullies" "But this time there was really danger, those two were also armed" "It's true, I should not have been acting instinctively, but I could not see you in danger" "I really appreciate that, you're my best friend" "My arm hurts, but what matters is that you're safe", Rainbow Dash gave a kiss on Thunderlane's forehead, he blushed, just like her. "You know, this time I can say you're my hero, you'll always be", little Dash gave Thunderlane a piece of paper, then she left because her father called her. "Get well soon Thunderlane, and thank you", when Rainbow Dash left, the little Thunderlane opened the leaflet and saw that there was a drawing made by Dash with the two of them holding hands, and with the inscription To My Hero, with a little heart in place of the dot on the i, he blushed again and leaned on the pillow happy. /In the present/ Rainbow Dash cried again, and this time Fluttershy hugged her. "Oh Thunderlane ... what have I done to you? Sniff" "Oh Dash, vent yourself". Sunset decided that thing was the last one, they had to put an end to all this. "That's enough, it's time for action" Twilight was surprised, "What do you mean, Sunset?" "No matter how long it will take, nor the sweat, we should look all over Canterlot till we will find Mrs. Marta, we will seek a remedy to Dash's wishes, so we will save you, we will get back our talents but above all Rainbow Dash will meet with her boy" "But ... sniff ... how are we going to do that? .... Sniff .... Didn’t she say I should have kept a stone?" "It may be, but there must be another way, and we will find her, Dash, so we do not linger and go immediately to look for that van." Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash decided to go to different parts of Canterlot to look for that van, while Applejack remained at the farm. The girls had to hurry up to find Mrs. Marta also because Pinkie became weaker and had already lost a lot of time. But the search was unsuccessful, none of the girls found the van, and by then it was afternoon. Sunset met with Rainbow Dash near the workshop. "Dash? You did not find anything?" "Nothing" "We must not be discouraged, we must find Marta", Dash looked at her cell phone. "I received a lot of calls from my agent, but I'm not going to answer" "What does he you want, you have to sing?" "Yes, but for me it makes no sense to go back there, especially without Thunderlane, and to say that he also helped me to escape from my fans" "Dash, how nice you're back yourself", Dash became melancholy when she stared at the workshop. "You know? If I think that Thunderlane has always repaired my bike for free I feel bad" "It's not your fault, he could never ask you for money, even if it was his job" "It 's what makes me feel worse, because practically I have always taken advantage of him, I never had regard to his feelings" "Due your confessions of today I wouldn’t say that" "Yes, but we were kids, when you’re a kid it's much easier to say things like I love you or I want to be with you forever, or be my future bride, but unfortunately when you grow up it's much harder to have do with your own feelings " "I know Dash, but ... if you and Thunderlane were together, did not you care about what the people of Canterlot would have said about you?" "What do you mean?" "Did you care more about what the others thought? Like your father?", Dash stopped, then answered, "This question is strange, but I think that now I do not care more about the judgment of others, maybe it is ...." "Is it more important to be happy than to be famous?" "I ... I think you're right" "Do not make my own mistake, I was with Flash only for popularity, I do not know what true love is, but you and Thunderlane are such a nice couple, because you knew you as children, you have a nice bond, even after those stories you told us you had a much deeper bond than we thought, and even if he is not the perfect guy, at least he was trying to please you, but I do not think it's worth changing a boyfriend just to please others". Dash wiped a tear and answered Sunset. "You're right, Thunderlane wanted to change for me when he was a tough guy because of his pendant, it was very cool, but it was not him" "Yeah, his real self is a sweet, sensitive boy, faithful to his sweet Dash" "For him ... for him I was like the center of his universe, he did not think that to me, he did not care what I did him, he did not complain" "Because it was enough for him to see you happy" "And now he's gone, my heart is crying to see this workshop without him, and to say that the owner always said he was the best guy had ever worked here" "Thunderlane used to say that when it came to repairs, he never pulled back" "Thunderlane never backs up to the challenges, in fact even if it's a mess, he's very good at repairing things, in fact the only thing I did not forgive him was my father's Christmas tree" "And to say that he did not even open your last present" "If I think that he spent Christmas alone, but in fact the gift I gave him was rubbish" "Ah yes? And what was it?" "A scarf with gloves, I did not know what to give him so I chose something simple, but I bet that to make me happy he would have said it was the best gift of his life" "Surely, but maybe not to make you happy, because I think it would have been a gift made by you" "Yes, it's probable". While the two girls talked, Dash's cell phone rang, the girl checked, she thought that was her agent, but she was wrong, it was Applejack. "What's up, Applejack?" "Dash? Did ya find that lady?" "No, and we do not know if the others have had more luck" "Well, Ah have good news, ya have to stop looking" "Why?" "Because that lady you were looking for, she came to the farm to sell some trinkets and she is talking to Granny Smith," Rainbow Dash was immediately pervaded by a feeling of happiness and hope. "Seriously, is she really her?" "The description of Sunset matches, and moreover she is called Marta" "Please Applejack, do not let her go" "All right, Ah will not let her leave the farm". Dash closed the call and hugged Sunset; and she was very happy too; so without delay they also phoned to the other girls to find themselves immediately at the Sweet Apple Acres farm, because now there was no time to waste. Sunset and Rainbow Dash left immediately for the meeting place, and when they saw that van their hopes increased, it was Mrs. Marta’s one. The lady was talking to Applejack, and she was enjoying some excellent apple pie, Rainbow Dash immediately got off the bike and ran in front of her. "Mrs. Marta, Mrs. Marta" "Oh Dash, how nice to see you again, at least I think", Dash did not know where to start to confess, but she had to talk. "Listen, Madame Marta, I have to ... I have to tell you things ...." "Sunset has already told me that you used superficial wishes, tell me the truth, you're in big trouble, are not you?" "Much bigger than those who you believe". Thus, with a good dose of courage in body; Dash confessed everything she had combined thanks to the pendant and because of the pendant. The story was very long, but Mrs. Marta wanted to hear it all, Dash often confessed to being superficial, but Sunset saw that Mrs. Marta seemed not to care. At the end of the story Dash breathed a sigh of relief. "And that's all" "Mmm, it's much more serious than I expected" "And now I beg you, I need help, I know, I should have been careful, but I absolutely need you to give me a hand, I want to cancel my wishes". The lady began to think, and then formulated a verdict, which, however, was not positive. "I'm sorry Dash, but I can not help you", at that answer, Dash's hopes began to fall. "Why can’t you? You are a magical creature" "To be precise, I am an Anguana, but also I have my limits" "Please, my friend Twilight is in danger of not being clever, Applejack will never have her strength again, and my friend Pinkie is at the hospital, and unwittingly I stole the musical talent to all of my friends, not to mention that I made my best friend disappear " "If he was your best friend, why did you make him disappear?" "I ... I was just angry with him, and I did not want to tell him that phrase" "But you did it, and to wish it had never been born, you had to love him very much, did not you?", Dash began to cry, knelt down and begged the lady to help her. "Please, Mrs. Marta, I beg you, you have to help me, I made a mess one after one, I know I was selfish and capricious, but please, my friends need help, and I want my friend back ", but it was useless to ask Madame Marta, who got up from her chair. "I'm sorry, but I can not do anything about it, you should have used that stone, not even me or all my Europone’s sisters can help you, you wanted to be greedy and childish? Well, the trouble is all yours, learn this lesson, a thing becomes precious only when there is no more, as in your case, goodbye ". After said that the lady slammed the door of the van and said nothing, but didn’t leave. Poor Dash now understood that Marta would not help her, so all her hopes dissipated, she got up from the ground and leaned her back on one side of the van, then started crying again. At that moment the other girls also arrived, and it was up to Sunset to explain the matter. It was not easy for Sunset to tell the whole truth, but she did not want Rainbow Dash to do it, because surely at that moment she could not even speak. "Does this mean that .... Pinkie will not heal?", said Fluttershy, "That’s not right", said Rarity, "I do not think it's the case with poor Dash like that, I think she has already suffered enough, and then look at her now", Fluttershy and Rarity look at Rainbow Dash, "Yeah, poor thing, she has a broken heart" "I do not know if she feels bad for us or because she will never see Thunderlane again." Twilight went to Rainbow Dash to talk to her. "Hey Dash, do not be discouraged" "And how ... sniff ... how could I not get discouraged? Now everything is lost" "No, I'm sure we'll find a way" "No ... sniff ... Twilight, it's all lost ... sniff ... because of me .... sniff ... you'll have to go back to your school ... and maybe you will not do not even do an exam anymore .... sniff ... and Pinkie ... oh what have I done? " "For me it does nothing for my intelligence, but I do not want to lose you, and then I forgive you Dash" "And Pinkie? Oh how I would like to help her, and how much I would like ... sniff ... give you back the musical talent ... I was a stupid exhibitionist" "Dash, do not cry, maybe if we talk to Mrs. Marta she could do something" "There's nothing more to do Twilight ... sniff ..... oh how I was stupid with Thunderlane .... sniff ... he loved me ... sniff ... why only now I realized that it was so important for me? ". Sunset spoke with Applejack, the latter went to Dash. "Dash, do ya feel like helping me do a couple of jobs?" "What?Me? Sure?" "Of course, a bit of work will distract ya, Ah promise we will try to make the lady reason, but ya need to distract." Rainbow Dash got up and wiped a little before starting. "What do you want me to do?" "First of all there are boxes to move, then the apples to be picked and then ....". Applejack gave several jobs to do to Dash, and she did them all without a word. Two hours passed, and Rainbow Dash finished doing all the required jobs, but then, when Dash was repairing a fence, Applejack came up to tell her something. "Could ya come for a moment?" "What is it?" "It's kind of a surprise, just come" "Ok". Applejack accompanied Dash near the van, Sunset and the others were talking to Mrs. Marta, Rainbow Dash did not know what to think. "But ... what are you doing?", Sunset explained everything to her. "Dash? Madame Marta has agreed to help you" "Really? And why?", Fluttershy added something, "I know we should not have done it, but we told you everything you told us today" "Do you mean ... my memories with Thunderlane?" "Exactly, those ones" "So ... you made me work on purpose?" "Of course, and the lady wants to talk to you". Madame Marta approached Dash. "Dash? Your friends told me everything, they told me how much you and Thunderlane were together" "Much more than I thought, but now I do not know what to do" "I can not help you, but you can", Dash was incredulous, "What do you mean?" "Simple, can you show me your plastic ring?". Dash took the ring and gave it to the lady. She looked carefully at the ring and was surprised to see it. "Interesting, really very interesting" "What's interesting? It's just a plastic ring" "But for you it represents something important, is not it?" "Yes, it represented something important to me and Thunderlane, it was a special bond" "Dear Dash, this ring is not a simple ring" "What do you mean?" "Think about it, if it belonged to Thunderlane, why is it still here? Why did not the ring disappear?" "I have no idea" "I'll tell you, in the past some of my sisters must have passed through these parts, and this ring was made by an Anguana". All the girls, Rainbow Dash included were surprised. Sunset approached to Marta, "It means that .... there was an Anguana in Canterlot?" "Exactly, and this ring is magical, and can not be broken, unless it is split between two special friends" "It means ... Thunderlane and me" "Exactly and you know what else is special? If the two people who have the two halves feel a strong feeling like love, this ring will protect those two people from various spells and curses, even just one of them, and if he holds half in his hand he or she will come to his senses ". "That's why Thunderlane was no longer under the effect of the pendant when I gave him back his half" "And maybe that's why Thunderlane was not under the effect of sirens" "Surely, thanks to the love he felt for you, and I'm not talking about respect, neither about friendship, but about love". Rainbow began to cry. "Sniff ... for all these years .... Thunderlane was always in love with me, but I do not .... sniff .... I did not want to ruin our friendship ... but I would not even have to treat him bad" "How much I would see the tough Dash as before, I can not take it anymore" "But the truth is that Dash hid this side, after all she was never good with feelings" "Enough with the delay, Dash, you and Sunset have to come with me". Marta brought Dash and Sunset into the van and made them sit on the floor around a table. The lady took a small cauldron with boiling water, and put the ring inside. Martha took the girls' hands and then asked them to concentrate. Sunset asked to Marta, "Why did you call me?" "I need someone linked to that boy and someone to help me with the magic of Equestria, but above all because you two are the only ones besides me to remind of that boy" "What should we do?" "Dash, thanks to your ring we can give a further charge to your pendant" "Seriously, can you?" "Yes, you have to put your pendant in the cauldron, but there is another ingredient to put" "And which one?" "Tears, you have to shed tears in the cauldron" "Some tears?" "So it's easy" "But yours must be tears of love, pure tears of love" "Should I shed tears of love?" "Yes, so you must be honest with yourself, throw away your fears and your pride, you have to say exactly what you feel for your dear friend Thunderlane". Rainbow Dash concentrated and stared at the cauldron. She tried to think of Thunderlane and tried to cry. A tear came out and ended up in the cauldron. "Here it is" "No, it's not good" "Why?" "That tear was not sincere, you tried to cry, Dash I want a tear of love, a spontaneous tear" "How do I do? I have already cried a lot" "Think about it, Dash, what binds you to that boy?". Sunset squeezed Dash's hand and spoke to her. "Dash? Madame Marta is right, you have to make your heart talk not your brain" "But I'm doing it" "You have to make your heart talk, but your brain covers the voice of your feelings, you have to concentrate better Dash" Sunset gave an advice to Dash, "Think back to the moments spent together, like those of your childhood, and the recent ones". Rainbow Dash gulped, but took courage, then focused on the most precious memories she had shared with Thunderlane both past and recent. "So ... okay ..... I remember ... the first time I met Thunderlane, at the kindergarden, I saved him from the bullies, and then I remember when he saved my life and then I thanked him at the hospital ",Marta could sense sincerity by simply touching Dash's hand. "Yes, go on Dash" "And then ... and then ... I remember our first kiss, and our promise of marriage, even if we were children we were sure that we would be together forever" "All right, all right, again" "And then ... I remember when he lent me the money for a new guitar, and all he wanted was a date, not money but a simple date". The more Dash went on, the more she began to cry. "Here we are, Dash, there is a little left, a few more tears" "And then ... sniff ... I remember when I was always stupid about him, and when I took advantage of him .... sniff .... he asked nothing but .... sniff ..... a chance to be my boyfriend ... but I ...... sniff ..... I did not want to ruin our friendship ... sniff ... but if he were here .. ..I would say that ... sniff ... that I agree to be his girlfriend ... oh, I want Thunderlane back ". More tears fell into the cauldron and the liquid turned pale blue. "Perfect, Dash, now throw your pendant in the cauldron, right now", Rainbow Dash immediately removed the pendant from her neck and threw it into the liquid of the cauldron. Immediately the liquid disappeared, in the cauldron there was only the star pendant of Dash. "Did it work?", Marta took the pendant and gave it to Rainbow Dash. "Yes, it worked", but Sunset and Dash noticed something unusual. "But .... there is only one stone" "How do I do now? I have not cried enough?" "Dash, what you gave, or rather that what the pendant has granted you are not other wishes, but the possibility of remedying your mistakes, so what you have to do now is to choose your last wish wisely" "Do not worry Ms. Marta, Dash has learned the lesson". Sunset put a hand on the shoulder of Rainbow Dash, she knew very well that Dash would not ask anything selfish and that she would have said the right choice. "Of course ... you'll miss being famous and idolized, right Dash?" "Yes, but it's not worth to be famous if I can not share my success with you or with true love" "Of course if you keep talking like that you'll be sweet as a candy" "You're right, maybe it's better if I stop , it's not my style". Rainbow Dash gripped her pendant in her hands, placed it against her heart and closed her eyes. "I wish ... my wishes to be canceled". After saying that sentence, the pendant lit up and after a while disappeared into thin air. "Oh no, and now?" "Is it gone?", Marta explained, "Do not worry, all shooting stars are destined to disappear after all" "Does that mean .... it worked?" "Of course it worked, now all the wishes you asked before have been all canceled, no one will remember anything, apart from you two and your friends, as if nothing had ever happened" "I have to go check it out right away", Dash immediately left the van, while Sunset still spoke to Mrs. Marta. "Just a little curiosity, Mrs. Marta, did you know that all this would happen? "Maybe yes, maybe not, I will also be a sort of a witch, but the fact is that I only followed the will of the pendant" "So it was true that you could not do anything to put things right?" "Actually, the ritual I did was the only way to put things right, but I did not know that your friend really would have given up everything" "Instead you were wrong, finally Dash preferred to follow her heart" "Honestly I would never have done it if you had not told me what she felt about her boyfriend" "I like you Madame Marta, will you still stay here in Canterlot?" "No, it's better that I leave, I do not know if I'll go back to my home in the Alps of the dear Europone, or if I’ll go to the original Europe, however, I've already taught my life lesson here" "But ... then it was all a plan to teach a lesson to Dash?" "I can say yes, but also no" "You Anguanas are strange" "We're not all the same, my dear, but I'm happy to have met another pony of Equestria, even if my true aspect is not that of a pony" "Really? And you Anguanas of Europone what do you look like?" "We actually have the upper part of a unicorn, but the other part of our body is that of a goat, a fish or a reptile" "One moment, I have an idea, can I ask you one a last question?". After a while Sunset came out of the van greeting Mrs. Marta, and saw something that made her smile, Applejack no longer had the cane and was loading several cases. "Yeeehaaa, look at this Sunset, Ah'm back as before" "Oh Applejack" Dash was happy too, "It's extraordinary Sunset, Applejack has recovered her strength and Twilight her intelligence" "Seriously, Twilight?", Twilight was excited and went near Sunset. "Yes, try asking me questions, but they must bee complicated" "Let's see .... Which states do Finland borders with? When did Benedict Arnold live? How do I say in German I would like bacon and eggs? What is the square root of 500000?", Twilight answered happily, "Finland borders to the west with Sweden, to the north with Norway, to the east with Russia and then to Estonia to the south, Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, on 14 January 1741, and died in London on June 14, 1801, the sentence is Ich möchte etwas Speck und Eier, and the square root of 500000 is 707.1070811865475 " “How beautiful, Twilight" "I've returned as before and all thanks to Dash" "It's the least I could do, after all ....", Rarity interjected Rainbow Dash to say something. "Girls? Maud called about Pinkie Pie", the girls stopped to hear what had happened. "Yes, is it even worse?" "No, Maud said that she wants us to go back, she's disturbing the other patients, she started singing, dancing, she’s doing a lot of mess". All the girls were happy to hear that their friend was fine, but then Dash asked one thing. "Wait, girls, but ....... and Thunderlane?" Rainbow Dash was afraid of the answer, but luckily Applejack answered first. "Thunderlane? Wait ... Ah remember him, like when he repaired the tractor" Then Rarity spoke, "I remember Thunderlane too" Fluttershy replied too, "Me too", then Twilight, "Now that I think , I remember him too, and I remember when he once helped me take the books that had fallen to me". Rainbow Dash was happy, but also worried. "But ... if it worked, where is Thunderlane?" Sunset was thinking, "Maybe he’s in the workshop, or maybe he’s at home" "Then we must go there immediately". Sunset immediately accompanied Rainbow Dash to Thunderlane's house, fortunately the girl still had the house keys. They arrived there, Dash felt badly entering the house, but there was nobody. Dash glanced around. "Thank God, there's his stuff, Thunderlane is here, but he's away from home" "You know Dash? Now that I think about how you were able to get the keys if Thunderlane had never been born?" "That’s simple, I had the keys because I had attached them to my half ring" "Oh ... so it works like that" "But now I would like to find Thunderlane, who knows where he is" "Maybe we should try at the school or in the workshop or ...". At that moment the girls heard that someone was entering, it was Thunderlane who had some shopping paper bags in hands, when he entered the two girls frightened. "And you two what are you doing in my house?", Rainbow Dash did not know what to think, she remained petrified but felt relieved and sad to see her dear friend Thunderlane. She approached him weeping and hands to her eyes. "Oh Thunderlane, is really you?" "What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again" "Thunderlane, I must tell you something" "Well I do not want to hear it, in fact I would like you to leave", at that tone of voice Dash remained a little sad. "But Thunderlane? It's urgent ... and important" "Look ... I do not want any more disappointments, I do not want you to break my heart again, so I decided I'd rather never see you again," Rainbow Dash had never seen Thunderlane so enraged, not even when he took the pendant at the concert, for the first time he was misbehaving to her, but Dash tried to apologize. "I know, I'm sorry for everything you've been through, even for deluding and taking advantage of you, but I swear it was all true what I told you on the stage of the concert, if you remember well I was sincere " "Which stage?". Thunderlane was confused by the girl's words, but he did not notice it and if he went to the kitchen to place the expense, without bothering the two girls, or adding any answer. Dash was sad again, but then Sunset asked Thunderlane questions. "Thunderlane? Do you remember the slap you gave to Dash?" "I slapped her?" "Yes, and I punched you in the stomach" "And when? It's true that I'm angry with her, but I could never give her a slap" "But do you remember what you told her the last time you talked to her?" "I gave her the money for the dress and then we never met again, in fact I have always avoided her". Sunset formulated a hypothesis, and spoke softly to Dash. "Dash, I think I understand." Thunderlane does not remember what happened after " "After what?" "Thunderlane was part of your wishes, and you have now canceled them, I believe that Thunderlane has the last memory of before you expressed your first wish". Dash started thinking about too, so everything that had happened with Thunderlane after her first wish had never happened. "But ... then he doesn’t know about the declaration I made to him in public?" "No, because for him there has never been, you have never been famous" R"Oh no, and now how do I do?" "Oh come on Dash, you managed to tell him that you love him in front of all that crowd, what reason do you have not to do it now that we are only three persons?". Thunderlane again told the girls to leave. "Do you want to go out of my house forever?" "Thunderlane? You have to leave?" "Of course, I failed the exams, so I’ll move out of Canterlot next week". Rainbow Dash told him not to leave. "No, Thunderlane, you do not have to leave, you do not have to do it" "I know why you say that" "Really?" "Because there will not be anybody else to whom you can ask favors, like repair the bike for free, right?" "No, it's not for this" "Instead it is so, and now go away" "Thunderlane, let me talk" "No, you said too much, so I'm just an immature, and you would never talk with an immature, right?". After said that, Thunderlane began to put fruit in the fridge and ignored Rainbow Dash. The girl put a hand to her heart and began to cry, but Sunset consoled her again. "Dash, come on, remember what you've been through" "But he doesn’t want to listen to me” "And you insist, Dash, let your heart speak, be firm, do you want to lose him again?" "No ... sniff .... you... you're right, I have to do it". Dash swallowed and went near Thunderlane. He turned and looked at her grimly. "What do you want, do you want to go away?" "Thunderlane? There's ... there's another thing I have to tell you" "What is it? I hope it's the last you tell me because I do not want to deal with you anymore". Dash got depressed again, but Sunset waved her to encourage her, so Dash took courage. "What I have to tell you is that ..." "Yes ... what?", Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly and started crying again, that gesture and those tears astonished Thunderlane. "Ahhh, I'm sorry, Thunderlane, I'm sorry .... sniff .... I'm sorry about everything I did to you, I'm a stupid, arrogant girl, forgive me ... sniff", after only those few words Thunderlane was no longer angry, but he blushed and touched Dash's hair to console her. "Dash, what's wrong with you? "It's that ..... sniff ... I never want to lose you again, I ... sniff ...... I love you Thunderlane". Thunderlane was again incredulous, for him it was the first time that Dash told him that phrase. He looked at her face, took a handkerchief and wiped away her tears. "Dash? But what happened to you? Why you’re so sweet?" "I love you Thunderlane, I love you ... sniff .... and I do not want you to ever leave me again" ... sniff ... I never want you to leave the town ". How many times Thunderlane had dreamed of hearing those words from her, and now he could not believe that she really told them. "But ... what happened to you Dash? I can’t believe it, and I did not even moved, I just avoided you" "Thunderlane... sniff ..... you can not remember though ....", Thunderlane looked at Dash's neck for a moment and noticed something that was missing. "But Dash? Where is the pendant I gave you?" "Oh ... yeah, the pendant, the reason of all my troubles" "What?", Sunset intervened, "Thunderlane? I think you two need to talk, let's go do it in the living room". So all three went into the living room, Sunset sat down on a chair, while Dash and Thunderlane sat down next to each other on a sofa. Sunset decided that Thunderlane had to know the whole story, so helped by Dash, she told everything that had happened because of the pendant, including the little cohabitation of the two. The story was long and Dash often tended to cry, but Thunderlane wanted to hear it all. Finally he felt sad and turned to Dash. "Wow ..... I have to be really important for you, if you wished I had never been born". Dash sobbed again, but she had to clarify the matter. "I was just angry, it was the pendant that had changed me" "But that does not mean that you did not want me to be born, why should I believe you?" "Thunder? I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I need you to forgive me" "How do I do it? Now I'm even more sure now that I do not want you to break my heart again, I do not want any other false hopes, so I'd like you to leave." Thunderlane got up and went to his room. Rainbow Dash followed him. "Thunderlane, please, I told you I'm sorry" "Are you sorry ... of hurting me? ... of making me disappear? How do I know if you're honest?" Dash took a little breath and sat down on the bed, then spoke at Thunderlane in a sorry tone. "Because only when you disappeared I realize how important you are to me, and not because you made me those favors, or lent me money or cheered for me". Thunderlane did not want to stay close to Dash after the story, but since the girl was very melancholy that day he decided to listen to her again, in fact he sat on the bed next to her. "But I understand that you are my best friend, the only guy I always want with me, the only one who does not judge me if I act like a tomboy, and if I have to be honest, I have always mistreated you and judged to be an immature, but after this experience I am the real immature, and yet you have always forgave all my whims ". Thunderlane blushed and answered. "Wow ... I do not know ... I do not know what to say ...", Dash shook a hand of Thunderlane, she began to cry again, but he became even more red in the face. "You disappeared only for a day, but Sunset and I desperately searched you everywhere, at the workshop, at theschool, I also talked to your father and mother, but no one, neither your family nor your friends knew you, you had disappeared even from the photos, as well as those ones of my cell phone " "Do you have pictures with me in your cell phone?" "Yes, Thunderlane, I have always kept every picture when we went out together". Rainbow Dash took her cell phone and showed the gallery of photos to Thunderlane, there were so many photos and he felt excited to know that she had kept them. "I do not believe it, I can not believe you really kept them in your phone all this time" "You're my best friend and .....", Thunderlane paused to think again. "Yeah ... a friend, I'm just a friend for you". At that moment Sunset opened the door and leaned against the door and spoke to Dash. "Dash, did you tell him the real reason why you do not want Thunderlane to be your boyfriend? Because I think he needs to know the truth." Thunderlane stared at Dash and she gulped, but now the moment of truth had arrived and she had to finish off. "Thunder? I ..... the truth is that ....." “Do you want me to change, Dash? Do you want me to be a sure boy? Do you want the tough guy, cool and serious? "No ... is that ....". Dash could not make it, but she re-embraced Thunderlane and rested her head on his chest, and she confessed in an anxious voice. "It's that ..... you've always been my best friend, but what if we get engaged? We could argue, and we could even leave ...... and you would end up becoming my ex and no longer my old dear friend " "What, this is the reason?" "There were many times when I wanted you as my boyfriend, but I did not want our friendship to be threatened, I love you Thunderlane, but I do not want to lose you as my friend". This time he was crying, Thunderlane, he looked into Dash's eyes and spoke to her. "You must not be afraid of this, Dash" "Why not? I do not want our friendship to change" "Listen, I swear to you that if we get together, I would do anything because we could not quarrel, and then it is normal to do it between lovers, but then I would immediately make peace with you, and if we had to leave ...." "If we were ....?" "Well, in that case I promise you I would do everything in my power to get back together, I would cover you with gifts, I would write poems, songs, move the seas and mountains to see you smile again, Dash." Rainbow Dash wiped away the tears, and felt better. "You already write me some poems" "No, I've never done it" "Yes, with your letters, the ones you signed as my number 1 fan". Thunderlane jumped up from the bed. "What? How ... how did you understand that?" "I knew it was you, or better, Sunset made it clear" "And the mysterious fan was discovered" "But how .... did you ...." "Your letters were gone, in fact, when I expressed the wish I checked in my bag and the letters were back". Thunderlane could no longer lie now. "Yes, I know how much you hate the romantic guys, so I made sure you did not understand that I was, so I tore a letter in front of your eyes, because you could not understand that it was me" "You two are a nice couple, you should give yourself a chance, and without being picky, you have a lot to talk about, if you want I’ll leave you alone" "Sunset, I have to thank you, if you had not intruded ....." "Thank dear Marta, it was also thanks to her if you learned the lesson, now I would say I can go, I salute you". Sunset greeted the couple and once outside the house she breathed a sigh of relief and cried a little too for the happy ending. Meanwhile, the two lovers had not finished speaking. Rainbow Dash kissed Thunderlane on the mouth, she hugged her tightly, then asked her a question. "But do you really want to be with me? I'm a wimp, and I’m spineless" "But you are very sweet, and you make me feel special, with you by my side I do not need a fan club" "I thought you hated the romantic guys," Dash leaned to him, closed her eyes and hugged him much more strongly than before. "It's true, but I love when you fill me with attention, and if I have to be honest I do not mind when you're romantic with me, in fact, I want you to always be so sweet when we're alone." "Heck, there are so many things I'd like to do with you, how many times I've wanted this moment, I want to cry," Dash got out of bed and made a request to Thunderlane. "Thunderlane? Would you do something for me?" "What?" "Would you sing to me the song you dedicated to me?", The boy was surprised, "How ... how do you know about the song?" "Well, you told me that, when we were together". Thunderlane went to get his guitar and sang the song he had written for her, this time Dash listened to it with pleasure, in the end she applauded. "Did you ... like it?" "I love it, I think I could also put it as a ringtone for the phone" "But .... is not too mawkish?" "A little, but I told you, I do not mind you being romantic with me, I do not want you to change even a little" "Seriously?" "Seriously Thunderlane, I want you to stay as you are, sweet, romantic and always available, of course I would like you not to always give me reason, but otherwise I want you to stay exactly like that." Thunderlane put the guitar in place, then sat on the bed and kissed Dash on the lips, the girl was happier than ever. Then after the kiss, the two lovers laid their backs on the bed, Dash pressed on him once more and kissed him on the cheek, he put his hand on her hair and caressed her. "Dashie?" "Yes? Thundie?" "I can not believe you asked me to be your boyfriend in front of an entire audience at a concert" "I feel exactly like now, I was afraid of losing you" "And I can not believe you told your friends about our childhood secrets" "I had to do it, you did not exist anymore, and you can not know how much I cried" "I can, honestly I liked you earlier, but this romantic side of yours is not so bad." Dash returned sadly because she thought back to the fact that he had to move. "I would like you not to leave Thunderlane, I wish you did not miss the exams on purpose, and because of me," Thunderlane did not know how Dash knew about the truth, but he did not think about it because surely it had to do with the story of the pendant. "Dash? If you do not want I won’t leave," this time Dash was surprised, "What do you mean?" "Do you really want me to stay?" "Yes, more than anything else" "Well, then, do not wish that I hadn’t never born again" "This I can do it" "And I would also like us to get engaged" "This I can do it too " "Really? Even if your father does not want me?" "Leave him alone, I should have defended you that time, I do not want you to worry more about the Christmas tree" "How can you forgive me?" "I’ve always forgiven the troubles you made" "I would not say, I've often disappointed you when it comes to cheering for you" "I would not say, after all you are my executioner, my guardian angel" "What do you mean?". Rainbow Dash told of all that Sunset told her about what Thunderlane did against those who had taunted the Rainbooms. Thunderlane got up from the bed amused. "I can not believe it,she told you, and do you consider me your guardian angel?" "In fact you care about me, and you are often close to me, you defend me and you love me, you can be it" "Well, you've always been an angel to me, in fact, you're like a shooting star from the sky" "I do not want more to do with shooting stars, too dangerous, I prefer to enjoy the time with you, Thundie Thundie". Thunderlane blushed again for that nickname, then Dash grabbed him by the neck and kissed him again. Then he went back to the bed and she returned to hug him. "Thundie?" "Yes, Dash?" "Can I ... can I stay with you tonight?", Thunderlane thought that was a strange request, "What? Here? At my house?" "I just need to stay on the couch, it's that I do not want to go home, and then I would like to stay here because I do not want to separate from you anymore" "But I remind you that I have to leave, I failed the exam". Rainbow Dash stood up and stared at Thunderlane in the eye. "Then let's do something, take me with you" "But Dash? And your friends? "My friends will understand, I told you, I never want to separate from you again, I want us to stay together" "But we'll be together" "No, we will be divided, I do not want this, Thunderlane I want you to get engaged, living together, I will learn to cook, I swear, and I want one day you ask me to marry you and ..... that you and I had a baby ". Dash began to list the projects that she had always imagined doing with Thunderlane, after she started crying again, then Thunderlane blushed. "Wow, I can not believe you've imagined all this" "It's always been my secret, and I do not want you to leave, it's all my fault if you've failed on purpose". Thunderlane smiled, got up and kissed Rainbow Dash on the forehead, then looked her in the eye. "So ... do you want me to stay here?" "Yes ...... sniff .... and I would like you to understand it" "So if one day I’ll ask you to marry me ... would you answer me yes?" Rainbow Dash: "A million of yes" "Do you promise?" "Of course" "Well now listen .... I will not leave anymore" "Beacuse you promised?" "No, Principal Celestia will have me re-run the exam". Rainbow Dash did not understand that answer. "What do you mean? You can not do it again" "See .... two mornings ago Celestia came into the workshop, and she wanted to talk to me" "Why did she come to see you in person?" "Flash and the other friends of mine told her that I made the exams wrong because I wanted to be kicked out, and since I've always had good grades she came to talk to me" "So ... you'll do it again because your friends have confessed?" "Oh no, it's thanks to my boss who convinced Celestia" "How did your boss convince her?" "It's a nice story, do you know the times I used to repair your bike for free?" "Yes" "Here ... even my boss when he was just a high school boy repaired the bike for free to a girl he was in love with, and it was just a beautiful day that he declared himself to her, unfortunately she was already at the time with another guy, so she broke his heart, "Dash interrupted Thunderlane, "Wait ... you will not tell me that the girl is .... was Celestia?" "Exactly, when he revised her he had a kind of nostalgia" "I do not believe it, what a combination" "But it's a happy ending, I mean ... in the name of their old times he managed to convince Celestia to have me re-run the exams, I'll do them again next month, and then there's more, now Celestia is single, so he made it back, thanks to me my boss has an appointment with our principal, " Dash smiled and hugged Thunderlane strong, then he stood up and looked at him wrong. "Wait ... and you made me promise to marry you, when you would not have left?", Dash began to hit Thunderlane with a pillow, "Hey, stop Dash, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" "I do not apologize you, and I was worried that I would never see you again, how could you take advantage of my feelings?" "Hey, calm down Dash, I'm sorry, I do not do it anymore". Rainbow Dash threw off the pillow, and started crying again, hugging Thunderlane, "Do not ... sniff ... never make a joke like that again," Thunderlane patted her on the head again, “Excuse me Dash, I promise you I will never make jokes again, in fact I promise I will always take care of you, and that I will never make you angry again, and I promise that I will always be present at any celebration" "I'm sorry I had to sacrifice our ring" "Ah, the ring, but it does not do anything" "But it was our marriage proposal when we were kids" "Maybe the ring is gone, but we keep the memory of that day, right?" Dash stopped to think and then answered sincerely, "Actually ... yes", Thunderlane looked Dash in the eye again, "Dash, do you still want me as your friend?" "Yes" "And ... in the future would you still want me to be your husband?" "Of course yes, as husband and father of our children," Thunderlane blushed, then turned back to her, "Mom always wished me to find a girl who would also be my friend, and she's right here in front of me," Dash made a tear of joy and re-embraced Thunderlane again, "Oh Thunderlane, I love you, don’t leave me" "I promise you, I will never leave you, my sweet Dashie" "Ok, now you're too sweet" "You inspire me, my sweet rainbow angel" "Enough, so you make me blush" "So ... do you want to go out with dinner tonight?" "Yes ... and you know what I want?" "Waffles?" "Yes ... but how?" "With chocolate, strawberries, cream, four pieces of banana and a coconut sprinkle?", Dash smiled, gave Thunderlane another kiss in his mouth and then leaned her forehead on his neck. "You know me, Thundie". Thunderlane was as happy as ever, from that day onwards the girl he had always loved would have been his girlfriend. The following day, after classes, Dash met up with her friends at the bar near the high school for a drink. They were happy that life had returned as it was before. Everyone was enjoying their drink, Twilight had Spike over her sleeping knees, and she occasionally caressed him. Twilight spoke to the girls, "How beautiful, girls, it's really nice to be able to stay here all together", Appleajck agreed with Twilight, "Ya can say that loud, I'm back in health and now Ah have no problems with the work at the farm" Rarity replied Rarity: "And we all got our musical talent back, not to mention our beloved Pinkie", Pinkie Pie was playing with straws, she put them all together to make an Eiffel tower made of straws. "Et voila, what about this, girls?" Fluttershy was happy, "It’s nice to see you again Pinkie " Pinkie was thinking, "I can not believe how long I was lying in bed, I have a lot to recover" Sunset approaches Pinkie, "By the way Pinkie, I have something to tell you" "What?" "Before saying goodbye to Mrs. Marta, I asked her for a curiosity, not that I expected a positive response" "About what?" "I asked her if by chance it was possible to know if there was an Equestrian version of your friend Gianduia" "And what did she say?" "She told me that her sisters in the Equestrian version of Italy, they know a certain Choco Gianduia who lives in the city of Flowerence", Pinkie Pie approached Sunset to listen better, in a hurry she dropped her Eiffel Tower straws and made Spike wake up. "Really? And how did she describe her?", Sunset was frightened, but then she explained better. "Let’s say, she said she is a tireless mare, full of inventiveness, she's a baker, a pastry chef, she's a sweet tooth and she's a party planner, oh ... she's always wearing a scarf, a bow and a pouch , and it's a pegasus ". Pinkie Pie made a huge smile, put her hands in her hair and threw confetti around. "Yeeeeeeesssss, it's her, it's her, wait when I’ll tell her, in fact the next time she arrives I swear I'll introduce you, the human one of course" "Heck, I did not expect so much happiness", Spike blamed, "And I did not expect her to interrupt my nap" Twilight caressed Spike, "Ooh Spike, do you want to sleep a little longer, eh little puppy?", Sunset laughed, then noticed Rainbow Dash playing with her straw. "Dash? What's wrong?" "It's just... I'm sad, I can not believe I was going to lose you, because of my selfishness I was about to lose my dearest friends" Twilight spoke to her, "Dash, come on, we forgave you, you do not have to think about it anymore" Rarity asked, "Rather ... in the end how did you get at the exams? Since you canceled your wishes?" "Ah ... well I got the sufficiency", all the girls were happy with that answer, Twilight said, "The sufficiency? Then this means that your parents will let you go to clubs" "That's right", Sunset speaks to Dash, "I bet you got enough thanks to us" "I really think so, but I do not think my parents will let me rest, especially if I want that they will let me go to the Camp Everfree ", Applejack was happy to hear that place, "Ah can not wait to go there" Sunset asked another thing to Dash, "It will be beautiful, but you and Thunderlane now what do you plan to do?" And so Pinkie does, "Yeah, are you and your Thunderlane going to get engaged?" Then Rarity, "Are you going to live together like two sweet lovebirds?" "Hey girls, go slow, anyway, it's too early to go living together, but yes, Thunderlane and I decided to get engaged this summer, but I hope to convince dad to invite him to dinner at my grandmother's birthday , for that occasion bad will not act like a beast, for the moment ...... ", Dash heard a horn behind her, it was Thunderlane with his car that had come to get her. Dash beckoned him to wait, got up and took her bag before greeting her friends. "I was saying that for the moment Thunderlane and I have many dates to be recovered and a lot of time to spend together, just the two of us" Rarity was happy, "How romantic" "Do the witty Rarity, but the important thing is that I and Thunderlane can finally be together without being afraid of ruining our friendship, I'll see you". The friends greeted her, Dash entered the car and kissed Thunderlane on the cheek. "So, where are you taking me?" "To see a good romantic movie, so we will hold hands and look into each other's eyes, then we will go straight into the tunnel of love of the funfair ", Rainbow Dash was not really happy with the program of her boy, but she pretended to be happy. "Oh ... it's beautiful as a program, I love it", Thunderlane burst out laughing, then told her the truth, "Come on Dashie, I'm joking, we're going to that new laser game in town, and then I'll take you to a pub downtown to eat a big portion of chips," Dash punched her boyfriend. "You fool, and I believed it" "Come on, I wanted to see how you would react" "Thunderlane? No more jokes like that" "Ok, ok, I do not really want to fight now that we're together" "I forgive you just because you're cute" "Oh, so you think I’m cute?" "Get going, come on" "Do you know you're cuter when you get angry?" "Start the engine!!!". /A month later/ Rainbow Dash had gone along with Sunset in the Canterlot hospital to visit Thunderlane who had undergone an operation. The two girls found the room and found the boy on a bed with a bandaged left leg. "Hi Thunderlane" "Oh Dashie, how nice", Dash went to kiss her boyfriend on the mouth, he was happy that she had come to see him. "How are you?" "A little better, now that my sweet angel came to see me", Sunset asked a thing, "But what exactly happened to you? I still did not understand" "That’s simple, my boss has ordered a new equipment, he wants to enlarge the workshop, but one of the new machines has worked badly and crushed my leg" "Does that mean ... you will lose your leg?" "No, I was lucky, but my leg bone brok and I can’t go to work" Sunset felt scared, "That’s scary" then Rainbow Dash questioned, "But for how long do you have to have the plaster?" "A month, and I will not be able to walk, then another month to rest my leg, fortunately my father will take care of me" "After all you were lucky" "I would not say that, like now I can not work, thank goodness that my boss will pay me the same, only I will not be able to come to the Everfree Camp" "Oooh, I'm sorry". Thunderlane had been bad for the expressions of Dash. "I'm so sorry Dash, I disappointed you again, after the dance, the battle between the bands and the Friendship Games I disappointed you for the fourth time, I wanted to spend some time with you at the camp, but apparently I am just a degenerate boyfriend, I do not deserve you, because I can not keep my promises ". Thunderlane leaned on the bed and began to sigh, but Dash smiled and looked into his eyes and consoled him. "Hey, do not do that, Thundie, it was not your fault" "Yes, but once again my work has prevented me from being with you" "Yes, but this time it was an accident, you did not choose to break your leg" "Well ...." "And now we are together, we have all the time in the world to be alone the two of us, there will be many other occasions, but I like you to worry about me even now". Rainbow Dash kissed Thunderlane on the mouth and then on the forehead. "I promise you that after the camp, I'll tell you everything we've done" "At least far from here we will not have to deal with magic" " Good thing, I do not want to spend a week dealing with magic " "I hope you’ll enjoy the camp without me" "I'll try, then when I come back I promise you we'll spend the rest of the summer together" "It's not like I can go around like that" "We will find a way to have fun, even just the two of us" "I love you Dash, I love you so much" "Me too Thundie-Thundie, you're my guardian angel" "An angel with a broken leg?" "Angels do not need legs, they fly" "Then I have a broken wing," Dash talked to her dear boy to cheer him up. "I will come to see you tomorrow" "Oh ... could you bring me some cookies?" "Okay" "See you soon Dash" "See you tomorrow, love". Sunset and Dash greeted Thunderlane and walked down the corridor, and Sunset laughed. "Can I know why are laughing?" "Nothing is ... I mean Thundie-Thundie, my angel, you're so cute when you talk to each other", Rainbow Dash blushed and with an offended face looked from the opposite side to avoid watching Sunset. "Look, I behave like that only when we're just the two of us together, do not think I've become completely romantic, in my heart I'm always the tough Dash" "Come on Dash, I did not want to offend you, it's nice that this experience made you approach each other, once you would not have even looked into his eyes, right?". Sunset was right, long ago Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were just friends, and after all that time they were engaged. Dash smiled again. "You know, you're absolutely right, I'm glad he's my boyfriend, and I would not want anyone else outside of Thunderlane in my life" "But tell me a little thing, sometimes you do not miss your success and your fans? I still remember the days when all the newspapers were talking about you and then thanks to the repairing wish everything was gone" "No, I do not miss anything, it's true, I had everything, but if I had it was thanks to magic, I still hope to become a rock star, but I love the life I do now" "You really do not care?" "No, it's enough to have my family and you, my friends, and then there's Thunderlane and I do not need anything else", by now the girls had left the hospital, but Sunset did taunted Dash another time. "Do not you need anything else?" "No, I have everything" "Except that now what you need is a nice house with a tennis court, a church in the mountains and a beautiful baby", Rainbow Dash blushed and screamed at Sunset, "SUNSET! SHUT UP, PLEASE !!! Oh I wish I did not say anything to you" "OK, I'll stop, but please, stop with the I wish…". THE END My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro