The five wishes of Rainbow Dash

by Kawat3ngusan

The wrong wish

The wrong wish

Dash finally confessed,
"It's true .... but I didn’t do it on purpose, I just wanted that talent scout to stay, I didn’t want to express that wish", Sunset was angry, and also Rarity, and as far as Sunset hoped so far that it was only a guess in reality had always been a certainty. Sunset turned away from Rainbow Dash and scolded her.

"I can not believe you did it, did you really wanted to be a famous singer? You cared more about being famous than Thunderlane stayed in Canterlot", Rainbow Dash got up from her chair and screamed,

"Listen, I do not really care about Thunderlane, it's not my boyfriend, he’s just a friend".
Sunset felt herself boiling again with rage, she wanted to say the things Thunderlane had told them, but she could not because otherwise Rainbow Dash would have driven him out.

"Listen to me, with whom you were before?"
"What, have you were spying on me?", Rarity made a curios stare,
"Spying? Why, you were hiding?"
"It's none of your business with who I was"
"You were kissing with that band's singer, right?"
“Okay, I met that singer at the villa party, he's cute, smart, he loves sports, and so we kissed in secret, both at the villa and here", then Rarity replied
"And you did not think what Thunderlane would think of all this? Do not you think you could break his heart?"
" I can tell him what I want, just a nice word, a couple of kisses, and he forgives me, me and that singer are not engaged, I'm not doing anything wrong"
"Yes instead, you're lying to that singer but especially to Thunderlane"
"Besides, you are taking advantage of Thunderlane's good faith, that poor boy who knows what he is doing for you and you are not only lying to him but you have also deluded him to marry him". Rainbow Dash made a surprised face, Sunset was frightened, only after Rarity noticed what had leaked.

"And you ... how do you know?"
"Er ... here it is ....."
"Thunderlane has not told you about us, I hope?" Rarity tried to stay calm and so she made up an excuse.

"Actually, we heard Thunderlane saying it aloud, we were eavesdropping "
"Have you eavesdropped?"
"Exactly", Rarity blinked at Sunset as if to say she had a good idea.

"Yes, it's true I made a lot of stupid promises to Thunderlane, all right? It's true that I promised to marry him and have a family of our own, but the truth is that I'm not going to separate from him"
"Yes, because it’s comfortable for you, is not it?"
"You have a boy who does everything for you, because you can manipulate him so much, do not you? In that case he is not a boy but a lackey"
"This is enough, now I call Thunderlane", Rainbow Dash opened the door and called Thunderlane, he arrived immediately, and closed the changing room’s door.

"I would like you to drive them away", Sunset was amazed,
"Drive away? Your friends?"
"A friend would not behave like you", but Rarity replied,
"And you then? Wanting to be famous you have drained our musical talent"
"None of us can play anymore, because our talents have been absorbed by you, like you absorbed Twilight’s intelligence, the strength of Applejack, and the energy of Pinkie, but you know how they are now reduced? "
"I've had enough," Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane by the arm and asked him again to send her two friends away. Thunderlane stared at the angry girls.
Rarity asked no,
"Thunderlane, no",then Sunset answered
"Reflect well Thunderlane, do not listen to her, reflect well what you do"
"I have reflected, and I have decided that I will protect her from anyone who stands in front of her"
"But Thunderlane?".
Thunderlane hugged Rainbow Dash and kissed her on the head, the girl calmed down, but then the truth was revealed in that gesture, Thunderlane had unlaced the pendant from Dash's neck and held it in his right fist, Sunset and Rarity were happy, Rainbow Dash whimpered to get it back, but Thunderlane held his hand higher so she would not take the pendant back.

"Hey, give me that, Thunderlane, give it back, what are you doing?"
"I'm protecting you, I'm protecting you from yourself", Sunset was happy from Thunderlane gesture
"Good Thunderlane, that’s the way"
"Thunderlane give it back immediately, are you perhaps agreeding with them two"?
"Those two are your friends"
"Thunderlane? If you do not give me back the pendant right away, I swear that it's over between us, or rather I quit you right away".
Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the shoulders and spoke to her with tears in his eyes and an angry tone.

"Oh yes? And then dismiss me, but the pendant comes with me, if you want it you will have to go with them to Canterlot", Rainbow Dash was frightened by that outburst,

"But Thunderlane? How can you say something like that? You gave it to me"
"Yes, and I regret it, because look at what it has transformed you, into a selfish, corrupt and capricious girl"
"What are you talking about? It's just the success that transformed me"
"It's just a week you're famous, but you've already act like a famous rock star, do you want to chase me? Do it, I really want to see how you manage to live alone, with your work, without parents, with the shopping, the kitchen, the laundry, and if you're sick who will take care of you? Not me of course, because I'm going back to Canterlot now, "Thunderlane broke off from Rainbow Dash, but she held him by the arm .

"No, Thunderlane, don’t go"
"I know why you do it, because I'm the only one who can take you with the car, well, good luck with the fans, I hope you’ll find a free taxi"
"No, Thunderlane, listen, I do not want you to leave me alone"
"You are not alone, there is that beautiful singer of the band with which you can be accompanied". Thunderlane pulled away from Dash's grip, Rainbow Dash was shocked, but before he touched the handle, she stopped him again.

"So ... have you seen us?"
"You told me that I was the only guy for you, you told me that we would be engaged, that we would get married, that you wanted we had a family, instead they were just words in the wind, you lied to me, and I have enough of your lies "
"But that singer does not count for me, I swear, how can I make you understand? I'm sorry I lied to you"
"I wish I could believe you, but now I have a broken heart, and much more than you did before, I'll hold the pendant". Thunderlane left, Rainbow Dash felt bad and began to cry.

"No Thunderlane I ... I love you", Sunset and Rarity noticed something strange in Dash, she got on her knees leaning against the door and crying, as if she had come back herself.

"Thunderlane come back .... I love you .... since you saved my life .... I ... I ...”, Sunset talked to Dash,
"Dash? Is everything all right?"
"Since you saved my life as a child, I ...... I love you ....", even Rarity notice something new about her friend,
"Dash, what's going on with you?" Rainbow Dash got up and sat on a chair, stared at the mirror and blew her nose. Sunset and Rarity approached and consoled her.

"Dash, do you feel good, now how are you?"
"Why? Sniff ...... why can not I tell him what I feel for him?"
"If you said this thing it means that you are really you"
"So it's true that the pendant has influenced you"
"But I was honest with him, I really wanted us to be together, I do not know how I told him that, but I really wanted us to go and live, get married, and have a family", Sunset and Rarity were very surprises because Dash was talking without the pendant around her neck, so she was sincere.

"Really ... have you ever really wanted those things?"
"Of course I do," Rainbow Dash took a comb, combed her hair and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"Me and Thunderlane that we live together, in a house with a nice garden, maybe a swimming pool or a tennis court, and we would get married in a nice church in the mountains and with a nice wedding reception, and I would wear a nice white and blue wedding dress ", Rarity then asked
"Dash, but since when did you become romantic and a dreamer?", Rainbow Dash blushed, but she had not finished yet,

"And then we would go on honeymoon to Japan, and then he would take me to our new house, and we would talk about our problems, not a normal relationship, but we would always talk, cooked together, done the works at home, and ..... then we would have a baby "
"Ehm ... Dash?"
"Let her continue", Rainbow Dash took a pillow and hugged it, she was all red in the face and could not hold back her fantasies,

"Yes, a beautiful girl, with my eyes, no, her father's yellow eyes, my hair, my skin, with the passion of music of her mother and her father's passion for mechanics"
"Dash? Earth calls Dash?", Rainbow Dash pulled her head off her pillow and blushed again, threw her pillow away and stood up, but she spoke awkwardly.

"Ehm ...... that is .... Thunderlane is not ..... he's cute but .....", Rarity hugged Rainbow Dash and then stared into her eyes.

"Dash, Dash, oh Dash, but why have you never told us about your romantic side? You are an artist of And they lived happly ever after". Rainbow Dash broke away from Rarity and went back to normal.

"Because I hate being romantic, it's not for me, but there was only one guy in my life that made me heartbreaking, and that made me dream all these things, the only one that was both my friend and my playmate "
"Is it Thunderlane? True?"
"Yes, and I do not know how I would do without him"
"But how many things do you have to tell him yet? You even imagined your first daughter"
"Yes, but when I look at him .... I do not know, I feel like ... I can not do it, especially as I have dealt with him lately". Sunset tried to talk to Dash about the pendant again.

"Dash, can I talk to you for a moment? Do you know what have done to your friends?"
"Yes, I got your talents, but I did not think it would happen"
"All your wishes you desired without wanting, being intelligent, strong, energetic and famous, now I ask you to use the last stone to cancel them"
"But if I do ....... I know I'm wrong but ... I'll lose everything, my future with music, my fans"
"Is it worth having this at the expense of your friends' health?"
"What do you mean?". Sunset and Rarity told Dash about how her friends were, to whom she had stolen strengh, intelligence and liveliness by mistake.

"Twilight is getting lower and lower ratings, her parents would like to bring her back to the Crystal Prep, Applejack struggles to work on the farm, she even had to get a cane to walk, and Pinkie ..."
"And Pinkie?"
"See Dash, there's only one candle left for her, but maybe she'll be half right now"
"And when the effect of that last candle will end, Pinkie will return to feel bad, you must come to Canterlot immediately"
"I did not realize how superficial I was, all right, I'll come after the concert"
"Oh thank you so much"
"But you do not have to tell Thunderlane what I told you"
"Promised, rather ... when did he save your life?"
"Yeah, is it something between you two?"
"Ehm ..." Just at that moment, a guard opened the door to warn Dash that it was time for the grand finale.
Rainbow Dash immediately took her guitar and went straight to the stage.
It was an extraordinary success, she sang Awesome as I wanna be in front of that big audience, and then there were several flashing colored lights that lit up the stage.
At the end of the song, Dash took the microphone to thank the fans, the crowd was literally delirious, shouted more her name than the band one, then Dash looked in the direction of the singer and saw that he approached her. He spoke into the microphone in a clear voice to the audience.

"I want to ... I want to thank all of you, especially the band that allowed me to make this interpretation, and I hope you are happy with this beautiful evening".
From different parts of the audience were raised several banners with the name of Rainbow Dash, they were much more than those ones of the band, she felt like she was on the top of the world, but the next day she had to say goodbye to all this .

"I would like to thank all of you for being here, but I wanted to tell you that in life not only music matters, but also simple things like family, friends and love and I am lucky because here, in this place, there is a person who loves me, and he is a person close to me ".

At that moment the singer of the group hugged Dash, and kissed her on the mouth.
Everyone in the audience was in awe, they thought a new couple was born on that stage.
Dash broke away from the embrace, but the singer continued to hug her, but then she noticed behind a stage structure that was Thunderlane staring at her, she saw that he was crying, then he took a poster of the band and tore it in two.
Rainbow Dash then slapped the singer, the band members and the audience were amazed at the girl's reaction. She took the microphone in her hand.

"That's not what you think, he and I are not together, he's not the guy I was talking about".
The singer was sick, there was someone in the audience who was shouting whose identity was her boyfriend.

"The boy I'm in love with is a special person, he's always been my best friend, I told him lies and I never told him what I felt for him, because I'm stubborn and stupid and because .... he is my best friend, I would like him to know that I love him, that I love him crazily, and that I wish he was my boyfriend, but not that I want favors from him, only that it is my boy, but also my friend, and I do not care if he's a mess, but I would like him to forgive me if I misbehave with him and give me another chance to be his girlfriend, "
Dash looked to the right to draw attention to Thunderlane.

"Thunderlane? Can you come here on stage please?".
Thunderlane came out from behind the scenes, and a lighted enlightened him, with a little fear he went to Rainbow Dash.
When he looked at her, he was still angry, but Dash, red in the face and with an insecure voice, tried to clear through the microphone.

"Thunderlane, can you forgive me? I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry to have treated you badly, but the truth is that for me ... it's not easy to express my feelings, but those things I promised you ... I really thought of them ",
Thunderlane began to be less angry, indeed he saw that Dash seemed quite pained.

"I wanted to tell you that ... I do not want you to leave, nor that you are angry with me .... can you ..... can you forgive me?".
All the audience made a kind of tenderness, Rainbow Dash had the microphone in her hand and was shaking, but she felt stiff like a statue.
It is true that Thunderlane did not want to forgive her, but he was so touched by those words, as well as the fact that she had spoken in front at such an audience, who decided to forgive her at the moment.

"Okay Dash, I forgive you", Rainbow Dash blushed,
"Really? You forgive me? After all I did?"
"Of course I forgive you, it's true that you're stubborn and selfish, but you're like that, I do not mind your defects, indeed, they make you unique, and I would still go to live together if you like, or alternatively that we simply engage ". Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly and cried for joy.

"Thanks Thunderlane, thank you, I love you so much"
"I will never let you go again Dash."
All the audience applauded, Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane left behind the scenes, Sunset and Rarity were happy with their statement.

"Dash, we are proud of you, you finally told Thunderlane what you felt for him"
"Yes, and without the help of the pendant"
"I do not even know how I did it, I was so tense, but ... I was also afraid of losing Thunderlane"
"By the way, remember to express the wish"
"I'll do it right now, Thunderlane? Can you give me the pendant?"
"Of course."
Thunderlane unbuttoned his shirt, he had the pendant around his neck, and it had begun to worry Sunset.

"But ... Thunderlane? Did you wear it?"
"Well, I had to hide it, no?", Thunderlane took off the pendant and was about to give it to Dash.
"Now I will ask that my wishes be canceled".
Thunderlane stopped, he was about to give the pendant but then withdrew it.

"Wait ... this means you'll lose everything?"
"Yes, Thunderlane, but my friends are in danger, now give me the pendant"
"And how will you do with your fame and all that?"
"Why are you acting like that Thunderlane?", Thunderlane did not seem so convinced, Sunset had a bad feeling.

"Dash? Can you come out for a moment?"
"Ok, but why?"
"It's about us," Thunderlane and Dash came out of the changing room.
Rarity was surprised,
Rarity: "What's going on? What's wrong with Thunderlane?"
"I do not know, but maybe we should go away"
"Not before Dash expressed the wish"
"I know it sounds strange but I think Thunderlane ....", at that moment two security men entered the changing room and took the two girls away, Rarity started to complain, but both were taken out of the building .

"What manners, what have we done?"
"Yes, we were talking to our friend Rainbow Dash", Thunderlane went out for a moment to talk with the two girls, the two security departed.

"Thunderlane? But what happened?"
"I'm sorry girls, but I do not allow you to ruin the life of Rainbow Dash"
"What are you talking about?"
"She deserve all this, and you will not take it away"
"Are you crazy? Our friends need that wish"
"No, Dash needs it, if I let her cancel the wishes she would lose everything"
"What does your head tell you?"
"You have to leave her alone, let the two of us stay together"
"Thunderlane but what are you doing?"
"Let’s leave, Rarity, let's go, I understand". Sunset and Rarity left, but the white girl did not know what was going on.

"What are we doing? We were able to talk to Dash"
"Did you not notice anything"?
"That Thunderlane drive us out?"
"He seemed changed, and I bet it has to do with the pendant"
"I think the pendant is so powerful that it has infected Thunderlane"
"Are you sure?"
"Believe me, I felt very well the magic of the pendant, and it was evil"
"And how do we do now?
"We absolutely must prevent Thunderlane from giving back the pendant to Dash, otherwise she will come back to be selfish".
But unfortunately for the two girls, Rainbow Dash came out of a back door with Thunderlane, they were escaping from the fans, so they got into the car, and Rainbow had the pendant around her neck.

"Oh no, it's too late"
"No, let's go"
"But we can not make our way among the fans"
"We have to do it", Rarity and Sunset tried to make their way through the fans, but it was not easy because when they managed to get close to the car, Thunderlane started it.

"Oh no, we did not make it"
"Do not despair, Sunset"
"Why are you so optimistic?"
"Look here", Rarity pulled a piece of paper from a pocket.

"What is it?"
"Before in the changing room I found the receipt of a rotisserie, with the address of Rainbow Dash on it"
"Oh Rarity, what a genius"
"We have to find the address, so we'll talk again with Dash, and with Thunderlane". Rarity went to get her car and searched for the address of the house. After about half an hour they managed to find it.

"Well, here it is, now those two will hear me yell"
"Wait, if they know it's us we could be drive away, they could even call the police"
"And what do we do?"
"I know it's not a good thing to do, but I think we'll have to sneak"
"Do you mean ... climb up the wall?"
"I believe so".
Sunset and Rarity had to work hard to find the right place to climb the wall, and luckily they found it.
Sunset helped Rarity with the wall, the problem was not so much to get in, but that Rarity was complaining about the fact that she was getting her dress dirty. Immediately after they rang the bell. To open them it was Thunderlane.

"What are you doing here? And how did you get in?"
"The gate was open and if you do not mind we should talk to Dash"
"Why should I ever? You want her to give up her fame"
"No, we will not ask her, we just want to ask her about her tour"
"Seriously, is it a trap?"
"No, we just want to flatter it all here"
"If you think I'm so stupid ...". Dash heard the voices and told Thunderlane to let them in.
So the two girls entered the house, Rainbow made them sit in the living room.

"Tell me girls, what's wrong?"
"Thunderlane literally blew us away"
"Yeah, he should apologize"
"Why did he chase you away?". Sunset explained the matter, and Dash began to think, then turned to them.

"Well, I think Thunderlane did well", Sunset and Rarity were again worried because Dash had said that phrase with a careless tone.

"What do you mean?"
"If I wanted to cancel my wishes I would lose everything I have now, I am a rock star now and nobody will prevent me from becoming more and more famous"
"Dash, it's not you, it's the pendant that makes you talk, you have to cancel your wishes so your friends will return to normal", Rainbow Dash tightened her pendant with her hand.

"You're just jealous of my success, you're envious of how I became famous", Sunset got up angry,

"But look at you, it's almost a week you're famous and you already behave like a spoiled true rock star"
"And then remember that you owe your success to the fact that you have drained our talents"
"Thunderlane? Send them away now". Thunderlane arrived and asked the two girls to leave.

"Rainbow, you can not drive us, Twilight risks losing her intelligence, Applejack can no longer work without her strength, and Pinkie Pie becomes weaker and weaker". At that moment Rarity's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Rarity went off into a corridor, while Sunset tried to reason Dash and Thunderlane.

"Dash, think, you have to give us a hand, all this you do not deserve it"
"Ah yes, so I should not deserve this success?"
"No, because you did not deserve it, you only expressed wishes, and you did it superficially, you should think what is really worth for you, and that is your friends"
"Leave her alone, she stays here and even her pendant"
"Thunderlane? You know what you're saying?", At that moment Rarity went to Sunset with a shocked expression.

"What's up, Rarity?"
"Oh Sunset, it's horrible"
"It was ... ... it was Pinkie's mom, she said that a while ago the last candle was consumed and that Pinkie began to be pale again", Sunset was frightened by that phrase.

"Oh heaven, no"
"She also said that they also had to call an ambulance, because Pinkie could hardly breathe"
"Oh no"
"We must go immediately to Pinkie".
Sunset and Rarity came out, Thunderlane opened the gate for them and they left. But before leaving, Sunset said one last thing to Rainbow Dash from the car window.

"I hope you are happy Dash, your selfishness has sent Pinkie to the hospital, if you really are our friend you would give up your success, you should immediately fix your mistakes if you do not want Pinkie to end badly". Having said this, Sunset left immediately. Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane returned inside. Dash put herself on the bed.

"What a mess, and tomorrow I have to do another performance"
"Do not worry, Dash, it’s gone now"
"Would you do me the favor of doing a nice feet massage?"
"Oh sure, love"
"Please avoid calling me love". Thunderlane took a cream and started massaging her Rainbow Dash’s feet. She relaxed, but then she took her bag and started looking for something.

"Since you behaved so well tonight Thunderlane, I want to give you back one thing"
"What is it?"
"The half ring you gave me back". In fact she took the half ring from the bag that Thunderlane had given her back in the envelope with the money.

"Thank you for keeping it". But something happened, when Thunderlane took the ring in his hand he felt different.

"Thunderlane? Why did you stop massaging me?"
"What have we done Dash? Sunset and Rarity have gone away"
"I know, and think that they wanted me to give up my new life"
"But it does not work, you have to cancel your wishes, Dash "
"Thunderlane? Do you feel good? Why this change of mind?"
"I do not know but .... you have to do something"
"I'll do it, now I think I'll fall asleep"
"What are you talking about?"
"Thunderlane, now go to sleep, tomorrow is waiting for us another day before the tour"
"But how? How do you think about sleeping after what we did?", Rainbow Dash got angry at the tone of Thunderlane's voice.

"Go and sleep right away in your room and run"
"Ok, I'll go, but tomorrow we'll talk"
"Yes, but tomorrow I want you to wake me up with a good pancake and some cappuccino, goodnight".
Thunderlane did not understand why he had changed his attitude, but he had to call the girls. Unfortunately, he received no answer from either Rarity or Sunset.

"But what did I do? What did we do?" Thunderlane did not sleep that night, but when the morning arrived he had to make breakfast, so he got near the stove and made pancakes and cappuccino.
Dash arrived as soon as she smelled the pancake in her room, gave a kiss on the cheek to Thunderlane and then sat down to eat.

"Mmm, what a delicious"
"Dash? Can I tell you something?"
"What? I hope it's important"
"Do you care about me or your friends?"
"You, it's obvious"
"What if your friends are in danger?"
"Well, what do you want me to tell you? They treated me badly, so it was worse for them"
"But they did not treat you badly, I wore the pendant and I felt bad and the same has happened to you, you should cancel your wishes"
Rainbow Dash: "Do you complain too?"
"Look, I know it's hard for you, but I know how to say it in plain language." Thunderlane went to his room and took a guitar, then sat down at the table.

"What do you want to do?"
"A year ago I wrote you a song, and now that we are together, I want you to finally hear it".
Thunderlane sang his song in a safe voice and without making any mistakes, he had never been able to tell Dash about his song, but now he's doing.
Towards the end of the song Thunderlane was very happy.

"♫ My girlfriend's name is Dash, she's the most beautiful and the most loyal ♫ ........ So how do you think?", Rainbow Dash got up from the chair and looked at him closely.

"Thunderlane? This was ...."
"The most beautiful song you've ever heard?"
"No, it's absolutely the most disgusting, pathetic and cheesy thing I've ever heard," Rainbow Dash was horrified by the song, but Thunderlane was left in his judgment.

"But Dash?"
"Do not interrupt me, I told you that I hated romantic things, do not you? And you even wrote me this rubbish?"
"But Dash, until yesterday you told me those beautiful things, and in front of all those people"
"What are you talking about? I did not do anything"
"But yes, you told me so many romantic things, you asked me to forgive you"
"I do not know what you're talking about, but now I'd like you to go to my agent's office and immediately without a word"
"Ok, okay".
So Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash took the car and went to that agent's office.
Once there they saw that there were several journalists who wanted to take pictures, Thunderlane tried to cover Rainbow with a jacket. They managed to escape from the journalists, and found Dash's agent who wanted to talk to them.
He showed some magazines, they were all different but they all talked about the couple of the moment, that is Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane. Dash was incredulous, read parts of an article and was surprised, as if she remembered nothing of what had happened on the stage.
"But it's not possible, I can not have done it, I can not have said those things"
"But you did Dash, and you even slapped the singer"
"No, no, no, I liked him"
"But Dash? You asked me to ...", Rainbow Dash threw the magazine on the ground and became angry with Thunderlane.

"This is all your fault Thunderlane, because of you, look what a mess you made me do"
"But Dash? I did not do anything, you did everything by yourself, I swear"
"No, you just ruined my career, and now I do not know how I'll have to apologize to the singer"
"But Dash? And me?"
"You do not count for me, wake up, you're just my assistant".

Those words hurt Thunderlane harshly, never as now he understood that Sunset was right, Dash was really under the influence of the pendant, she did not want to speak to him and went to his agent.
The day was not quite quiet, as Rainbow Dash had to sing, but several journalists continued to arrive in the studio who wanted to interview her and unfortunately for Dash everyone was asking about her boyfriend.
But every time someone asked her that question she denied it. At lunchtime, Thunderlane brought Dash to eat something. All the way she did not look him in the face, meanwhile he felt bad.

"Dash? Do you want to eat spicy?"
"As you please, I have a stomach that grumbles, but do not you dare talk to me while I eat"
"I can always go and take everything in the car".
Thunderlane stopped near a Mexican restaurant, left Dash in the car, took tacos, quesadillas and drinks.
Then he brought everything into the car, but he saw that Rainbow Dash had left the car, she was making autographs for teenagers.

"Oh Thunderlane, finally, I'm hungry"
"Who are these?"
"They are my fans, and if you do not mind I'm signing autographs"
"Do you want to eat in the car or do we go straight to the house?"
"Since I can not see from hunger, what have you got me?"
"I took tacos and .....", Thunderlane had a bad surprise, did not realize that one of the two shoes was untied, so he tripped and the bag with all the food ended up on Dash, staining by the food, spicy sauce and drinks. Thunderlane felt sick, Dash was left with a surprised expression, the teenagers laughed, some even took pictures.
Thunderlane was embarrassed, tried to clean Rainbow Dash, but she slapped him and got angry.

"See what you have done, you good for nothing"
"I'm sorry, Dash, I did not do it on purpose, it was an accident"
"Meeting you was an accident"
“I-I ... I'll take you some other tacos"
"NO, now take me away from here right away."
Thunderlane got into the car and decided to bring Dash back home.

"Do you wish I’ll prepare something at home?"
"My hunger is gone"
"So I'll make you a nice hot bath, what do you think?"
"All right, but you owe me some tacos"
"I have an idea, I’ll call home service, I'll bring you some barbecue chicken, eh?".
Returning home, Thunderlane called the home service and filled the bathtub with hot water and put bath salts in it.

"Here Dash, now you can wash, now go to the bathroom undressed, and leave the clothes in the basket, so I’ll wash them immediately".
Rainbow Dash blushed, and snorted, but she did as Thunderlane required. So Dash dumped the dirty clothes in a basket outside the door, and so while she enjoyed her hot bath, Thunderlane took the clothes and put them in the washing machine. After an hour, Dash came out with a blue bathrobe, and went into the kitchen, Thunderlane told her that the delivery had arrived.

"Eat Dash, it's all for you". Without saying a word, Dash ate a few pieces of spicy chicken, looked at Thunderlane and motioned to him that she likes it. Thunderlane smiled.

"I'm happy, now I'm going to check if the clothes are ready, so I'll do the laundry for you and for me". Rainbow Dash felt guilty for what she had said to Thunderlane. After a while she went to the terrace where Thunderlane was hanging the clothes.

"Dash? Why are you still in a bathrobe?", Rainbow Dash did not have a pendant around her neck, so she was not affected by her selfishness,

"I wanted ... I wanted to apologize to you, Thunderlane"
"Ah, it does not matter, it was my fault rather, I wanted to know if you want to still be my friend"
“Actually ... I do not know what got me, I do not understand why I reacted like that, it's like I did not forget I told you I love you"
"Dash, do you understand it's the pendant?"
"It's changing me, is not it?"
"Yes, and now your friends are in danger"
"Listen .... can you call them to ask if they can forgive me?"
"I'll do it right away". Rainbow Dash went near Thunderlane and hugged him.

"You are a honey, I do not care if I lose everything, I need you, Thunderlane"
"Oh how nice". Just at that moment there was the sound of some flashes. Rainbow Dash appeared and saw some photographers in their garden photographing them. She was embarrassed and ran away into the house.

"Thunderlane? How did those paparazzi come in here?"
"I do not know"
"Let them go"
"I'll go right away". After a while, Thunderlane managed to drive them away. Then when he came back he saw Dash sitting on the couch.

"How did they get in?"
"Here ... I'm afraid I left the gate ajar". Rainbow Dash got up and got angry.

"But then you're just a fool, how did you leave the gate semi-closed?"
"Dash calm down"
"No, I'm not calm, since we're together I always have to live with your face, and since last night everyone here thinks we're engaged, and now those paparazzi have also photographed us embraced". Thunderlane saw that Dash had the pendant around her neck.

"Dash? Why did you put the pendant back?"
"Because it gives me safety, and then because it's my lucky charm"
No, you have to leave it, put it away"
"No, it's mine"
"You promised to help your friends"
"Leave me alone"
"But do not you want us to get engaged? Or friends?", Angry Rainbow Dash looked closely at Thunderlane.

"I would not be your girlfriend even if you were the last guy on this planet". With that said Dash went to her room and leaned against the door, but Thunderlane spoke to her from outside.

"Dash, I'm sorry, can I do something for you?"
"You have not caused me anything but trouble, you're a useless mess, go away"
"Do you really want me to leave you alone?"
"Since I've known you, I've never met a boy like you, you're useless, stupid, spineless, mawkish, messy, and no one but no girl would love you"
"Dash, but I love you, and this is not you talking, but the pendant", Rainbow Dash covered her ears not to hear Thunderlane,

"Shut up, shut up, don’t talk, I prefer to return to Canterlot alone rather than having you around, and tonight I’ll go back to Canterlot, and I don’t want to see you again"
"Okay, if that's what you want", Rainbow Dash threw herself on the bed and squeezed a pillow,
"And for once, be a man and not a child, oh how I wish I never have .... HOW I WISH YOU HAD NEVER BEEN BORN".

After the scream Dash threw herself on the bed and fell asleep in tears.
"I hate you, Thunderlane, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you".
Dash woke up after about an hour, she saw that it was five o'clock and she heard her cell phone ringing.
It was Sunset who wanted to talk to her.
“Hello? Sunset?"
"Dash, I know you do not want to deal with us, but I have to ask you to come here to Canterlot, right here, right now"
"What's up?"
"It's for Pinkie, she wants you"
"What does she wants?"
"Maybe it's better if I'm clearer, she's in the hospital"
"What do you mean in the hospital?"
"But Dash, have you already forgotten what we told you?".
Dash remembered the dialogue between her and Sunset, and after a long time she worried.

"Oh my, how is she?"
"She's sick, she's pale, I think if she continues like this ... oh I do not even want to tell you, I just wanted to remind you what should be important to you, if your success or your friends, and do not say that you prefer to be famous ".
At that moment Dash broke off the call, Sunset hoped that Dash would have been able to recover if she heard Pinkie Pie's voice, but unfortunately she did not have time to let poor Pinkie talk.
Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight stood next to pale-skinned Pinkie, who was standing on a hospital bed and breathing with a device.

Sunset was holding Pinkie’s hand,
"I'm sorry Pinkie, it seems that Dash does not care more than us", with a low voice the pink girl answered,
"It does not ...... nothing .... but I wanted to say goodbye ... because ... I’m not angry ... with her", Applejack was angry,
"After all she did, you're not mad at her?", Fluttershy calmed Applejack,
"Please Applejack, do not let her talk, Pinkie needs to rest", Rarity was angry too,
"Dash, you will pay for this, I can not believe you've became so selfish", Twilight tried to talk,
"It's the fault of the pendant, we should not blame her", Sunset get up,
"No, it's all my fault, if I had not intruded into her life, Rainbow Dash would never have had that pendant", Applejack then said
"Come on Sunset, we could not predict such a behavior by Dash", Rarity replied
"We should had".
After an hour, the girls had to leave the room where Pinkie was, as a doctor had to take her exams.
Sunset was worried for the health of Pinkie,
"I'm so worried, I wish Dash was here, I'd like she to express the wish to save Pinkie", Applejack replied,
"She should ask to cancel the wishes, Ah have to go around with a cane for walking ", then Twilight spoke,
"And I'm beginning to forget also how to pronounce some foreign words".

"Do not despair, I'm here," said a voice from the hallway, the girls turned, it was Rainbow Dash who was coming towards them.
All five girls were happy to see her, Fluttershy and Twilight hugged her, while Applejack, Rarity and Sunset were sulky, but Rainbow Dash was happy to be there and was sorry.
In a tone of submissive Dash turned to the other three friends.

"I ... I'm sorry for what I did, girls, I know you can not forgive me, but I ask you to listen to me if I tell you I'm sorry", Sunset approached her,
"Pinkie is in the room and the doctor is visiting her, you also chase us away"
"I know, and I wanted to tell you that I prefer to be an ordinary girl rather than being famous", Applejack turned to Dash,
"Why did ya come to this conclusion?"
"I do not know, when you phoned me, I felt like an impulse, I looked around and ..... I do not know, I felt alone, and I did not even have a car, I had to take the train and camouflage me not to meet fans and journalists, I do not know how to explain it, I felt like that, maybe it's not the life for me "
"Ya know, it seems a little strange, but now it seems you're talking as the loyal Dashie", Sunset agreed,
"A little too loyal"
"Do not worry, now I'll settle everything".
Dash took the pendant from her neck, closed her eyes and squeezed it in her hand.

"I wish my wishes to be canceled", the girls were happy with that phrase, apparently Dash was back to normal, but Sunset was not convinced, also because the pendant did not emit any light. Dash tried again, reconcentrated and tried again.

"Hey, what's going on? I wish my wishes to be canceled," but once again the pendant did not shine.
Sunset made a question to Dash,
"Dash? Did you bring the pendant around your neck so far?"
"Do you know that you could have made this wish also from the other city?"
"Yes, I know, but the fact is that I had to come here to apologize"
"And you did not behave badly, as a selfish I mean, since you had it around your neck?".
Sunset was right, Dash was acting well despite the pendant around her neck, how could it be since when she wore it she acted badly?

"Can I see the pendant?"
"Yes, here you are." Dash gave the pendant to Sunset. What Sunset said was scary.

"Dash? The pendant ...."
".... It's uncharged", Dash and the girls got scared.

"What ...... uncharged?" Sunset showed the pendant to Rainbow Dash closer and there was something she had not noticed.

"It means that it is without magic, have you noticed that the last stone is missing?", Rainbow Dash took back the pendant and began to sweat, she was shocked and surprised.

"B-but, but it's not possible"
"Have you used the last stone? What have you done?"
"I have not used it, I swear you, Sunset, I swear to you girls I have not expressed wishes"
"Due the use you have made of other wishes it does not surprise me if you have also expressed the last without wanting it"
"No, Sunset I swear, I have not expressed wishes", Fluttershy was panicing,
"Does this mean that it will not give us back the strength of Applejack or the intelligence of Twilight?"
"Neither the energy of Pinkie", Applejack added .
Dash collapsed on a bench in the hallway. By now her friends began to look at her again badly.
Rarity crossed her arms,
"I knew we couldn’t trust you, you became selfish, and now because of you Pinkie will not be able to heal", Twilight blamed Dash,
"How could you, Dash? Do you realize what you've done?"
"Girls, I swear I did not express wishes, that was my last stone"
Sunset Shimmer: "We would like to believe you, Dash, but we can not, not after how you behaved". Rainbow Dash saw that all her friends were now against her, so she felt sick and began to cry.

"Girls .... sniff ... I swear ... I have not done anything .... I have not expressed wishes ... yesterday I even argued with Thunderlane .... sniff ..... .he left with the car, without telling me where he went ... sniff, please, I do not even know how to apologize to him. "

Applejack looked Dash in the eyes, "The thing does not matter, and then who is Thunderlane?"
"Sniff ..... Thunderlane". Strangely, Applejack made an intrigued face.

"And who is he, your friend?". Rainbow Dash stood up

"I'm talking about Thunderlane, my childhood friend, I convinced him to work for me in exchange for some kisses, and now I don't know how to apologize to him"
Rarity was surprised,
"Wait ... did you live with a guy out of town?", Fluttershy’pupils became smaller,
"Oh my goodness, Dash, did you live with a stranger?".
The phrases of Rarity and Fluttershy surprised Rainbow Dash.

"But how? Don’t you remember who is Thunderlane?", Sunset nodded,
"Of course we remember", but Twilight said no,
"And who would he be?"
"Oh come on Twilight, Dash's best friend, you know, a Mohican hairdo, a nice boy, gray skin, the mechanic near Dash's house, how many times have we talked with him lately."
Applejack, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy, they looked at each other and then each of them said that they had never seen or heard a boy with that name.

"How is it possible? How do you not remember him? Rarity, you and Sunset have talked to him the other night in my changing room"
"Dash you are enough mature to have all the guys you want, but what you say is false, the other night in your changing room there was not the guy you say, but only a bodyguard, and not even with that appearance"
"What are you talking about Rarity? We talked with Thunderlane, how can you not remember?
"What are you talking about? It's Rainbow Dash who called security".
At that moment the doctor had left the room, the girls asked about Pinkie's health.
Unfortunately the doctor did not have good news, Pinkie was getting weaker and weaker, and she was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Fluttershy began to cry, Rarity consoled her.

Applejack stormed against Dash.

"Ah hope you are happy Dash, I can not beat you because you have my strength, but keep in mind that you are responsible for Pinkie's health, and it's only your fault, don’t blame on non-existent people like that Thunder Line "
"But girls? Thunderlane really exists, how can you not remember?", Rarity had enough of Dash’words,
"Dash, please stop saying lies, rather you have to tell Pinkie that she will not be able to heal", Twilight was sad,
"I believe that since I can not get my intelligence back, I'll get to find a job in a fast food restaurant, or in a pet shop, at least I could keep Spike there".

Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight left.
Rainbow Dash did not know what to think after that dialogue, but thought about going into the room where Pinkie was.
She went inside and there, near her bed, she also found Maud, when Dash saw how bad she was, she felt sick. She knelt by the bed and took Pinkie's hands. Dash asked Maud to leave them alone for a moment.

"Who is it, is it you, Dashie?"
"Yes, it's me and I'm sorry"
"Now ...... you're here .... now you can give me my liveliness"
"I can not .... I lost the last stone and I do not know how I did"
"Oh ... this means I will not get well", Rainbow Dash hugged Pinkie Pie,

"Pinkie? I'm sorry, forgive me .... sniff ..... I was selfish, and I realized it too late, and I also had a fight with my friends and with Thunderlane, oh how stupid I was"
"Come on ... do not take it, it happened ... I forgive you"
"How can you forgive me after what I did?"
"Because it can happen ... anyone would do like you"
"Oh Pinkie Pie, forgive me"
"Can I ask you a question, Dashie?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"Who is ..... Thunderlane?".

Sunset had been confused by the girls' reactions, it seemed they did not know Thunderlane, so she picked up the phone and called him.
A minute later, Rainbow Dash came out scared from Pinkie's room.

"Sunset? Sunset? I have to talk to you"
"Me too, about Thunderlane". Sunset and Dash came out of the hospital, leaving Maud to take care of Pinkie. Dash and Sunset sat down on a bench to talk even better because Rainbow Dash seemed upset.

"Summing up, you Sunset, you remember Thunderlane, right?
"Of course I remember him, and if I had not helped him to impress you, this whole story would never have happened"
"Well, the others do not remember him, and neither is Pinkie, and Pinkie remembers everybody, she even made him a car-shaped cake for his last birthday"
"A cake shaped like a car?"
"I asked Pinkie to make it to him, because he's a mechanic"
"Dash? Did you try calling Thunderlane on the phone?"
"No, I did not think about it, now I’ll call him".
Rainbow immediately took the phone, did not know what Thunderlane would have said, but had nothing to fear but worse.

"He does not answer ... it says... it’s a number that does not exist"
"The same thing that happened to me before, maybe Thunderlane had removed the number but this does not explain why the girls do not remember him", Sunset saw that Rainbow Dash was checking the gallery of the pictures of her phone, and she seemed worried.

Sunset Shimmer: "What's up?"
"The photos ... have changed"
"What?", Rainbow showed the pictures to Sunset, they were all taken in different places and not even recently and in each there was Rainbow Dash.

"What do you mean that they changed?"
"Look at this, I made it to the sea with Thunderlane, we took a selfie to capture the sunset behind us, but he is gone"
"What, does that mean that Thunderlane disappeared from the picture?"
"From one? He disappeared from all the photos I had in my cell phone, as if I had never done them with him"
"The thing is strange, let's go straight to school"
"Wait, can you go to school? I have to go to the building site where Construction Site works, he’s Thunderlane's father"
"All right, I'll take the bike". Sunset took the motorbike and drove Dash to the yard while she went straight to high school.
Once there, Sunset found Flash and some of his friends playing soccer.

Flash greeted Sunset,
"Hey Sunset"
"Hello Flash"
"Why are you running? Something is wrong?"
"More or less, I should check the registers of your class"
"I'm looking for Thunderlane"
"Thunderlane? Why do you look for him in our class?", Sunset preferred to explain after the situation to Flash. So Flash, although hesitant, helped Sunset check the records of his class.
Sunset consulted those of the recent school year and even those of last year. But the name of Thunderlane was not written anywhere.

"I do not understand, I can not find Thunderlane"
"Who is this Thunderlane?"
"Do not you remember? It's your friend, the one who works in the workshop, he's in your class, he did wrong the tests because of Rainbow Dash"
"There is no Thunderlane in my class, and I have no friends in any workshop"
"But it's not possible"
"Maybe it's in another class"
"No, it's in yours, he's also in Dash's team".
At that moment, Sunset remembered something else, the pictures of the teams hanging on the wall near the principal's office.

"I have to go to the principal for a moment if you do not mind"
"Ok, do you want me to accompany you?"
"No thanks, but I would like to know if any of your friends remember Thunderlane".
After almost an hour, Sunset came out of the high school, said goodbye to Flash and drove off to the building site.
But she found Rainbow Dash halfway, she entered Thunderlane's house and she was talking to a 30 year old lady, with dark blue skin and light gray hair.
After a moment, however, Dash greeted her and left. Sunset stood near the sidewalk and turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? How did it go?", Rainbow Dash began to cry and hugged Sunset.
"It's .... sniff .... gone .... Thunderlane is gone"
"Oh, I was hoping you had more luck".
Sunset brought Rainbow Dash to a diner to drink a good smoothie.
They sat near the window and spoke.
Poor Dash was still crying, and Sunset handed her some handkerchiefs.

"I ... sniff ... talked to his father ... sniff"
"And .....?"
"He thinks I am crazy"
"Because he told me he never had a son named Thunderlane, that the only child he has is Rumble, which is the younger brother of Thunderlane"
"Does this mean that his father does not remember him?"
"Since I had Thunderlane's spare keys, I went to his house, but he was not there"
"And who was that lady?"
"That was Cough Syrup, the mother of Thunderlane, I tried to explain the situation but she said she has never had a child but Rumble"
"Well, even I did not get anything, Flash and his friends have no memory of him, I also asked the principal Celestia, but nothing, Thunderlane does not appear on the registers, nor on the photos, even on the photos of your teams ". Rainbow Dash was amazed again.

"It's like Thunderlane disappeared into thin air"
"Exactly, but maybe there's another place he's gone".
Sunset thought about playing one last card, the workshop where Thunderlane worked.
The two girls went there, Rainbow spoke to the owner, but unfortunately he did not know Thunderlane either. By now it was almost evening and Sunset brought Rainbow Dash back to her house.
The blue girl went to her room, she did not even greet her parents, Sunset justified her friend's behavior with a small stomach ache, and then followed her into the bedroom.
Dash leaned on the pillow and started crying again, Sunset comforted her.

"Why? Why he wasn’t there? Oh Thunderlane, but where are you?"
"Dash? I know it's just my guess, but ... isn’t that maybe the disappearance of Thunderlane is also linked to your last wish?"
"What ... sniff, you mean?"
"Didn’t you say you had a fight? Maybe you said something last night"
Rainbow Dash sat on the bed and blew her nose and tried to remember.

"Yesterday I just treated him badly, he was so nice to me and I treated him badly"
"Come on, tell".
Rainbow told Sunset everything that had happened, trying not to leave out any details.

"And then I fell asleep, but I do not remember anything anymore"
"We have to find Mrs. Marta, maybe she can tell us if anything has to do with the disappearance of Thunderlane"
"Do you know that there was nothing in his house, any object that belonged to Thunderlane has disappeared"
"In fact it seems that Thunderlane has never existed".

Suddenly Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, Sunset asked her what she had, but she reacted by putting her hands over her mouth and crying.

"Dash? Dash? What's wrong?", Rainbow Dash took her hands off her mouth and gulped.

"Sunset? Now I understand what may have happened"
"What, have you been reminded of an important detail?"
"Yes ..... when I was in my room, I screamed at Thunderlane and told him some bad things"

"And what?
"That he is spineless, mawkish, messy ....."
“You have already told him once"
"But then I screamed even worse"
"And what?", Rainbow Dash could hardly say the sentence in fear.
"What ....... that ...."
"What? Dash goes on, it can be important"
"That ....... I wished he had never been born".

At that sentence it was Sunset that dilated the pupils, then she closed her eyes, Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

"But I did not do it on purpose, I was angry and ......", Sunset spoke in a low, rebuking tone.

"Dash, what have you done?"
"I was angry with him and ......", Sunset reacted by slapping Rainbow Dash.
Dash got scared, Sunset got out of bed and looked at her in a bad way.
"Do you realize what you did?"
"Sorry, Sunset, I did not want to, I was just ......
"The pendant has changed you, but I did not think you could make a person disappear, especially if that person was your best friend"
"I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong"
"You have expressed wishes in a superficial way, and now your friends are paying the price of your mistakes, but who was most unlucky is Thunderlane, because you made him disappear, even worse, he never existed"
"Please, I would like to cancel my wishes, I want Thunderlane back"
"No, you always deluded that poor boy, what he asked you was a chance to be your boyfriend, but you would never have given him that chance, and when you told him you loved him you came back to be selfish because of the pendant”
"Please Sunset ... sniff ..... I want Thunderlane back"
"Unfortunately I do not know how to help you, and I am responsible for everything"
"I want him back, and I would like to tell him that I'm sorry"
"No, this time you will not have the help of any of us, do it by yourself, you have made Thunderlane disappear and you will have to pull yourself by this mess, goodbye".
Sunset left without greeting anyone, leaving poor Dash in tears.
By now she was successful, she had intelligence, money, health and strength, yet Dash did not feel happy, because in that day she had lost her friends and the only boy she loved.
Only her tears remained, she threw herself on the pillow and cried again.
"Oh Thunderlane ........ sniff .... what have I ever done to you? Sniff ..... if you were here .... sniff ... definitely ... sniff, you would console me .... oh ...... what did I do to you? "

To be continued.........

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro