//------------------------------// // The second wish // Story: The five wishes of Rainbow Dash // by Kawat3ngusan //------------------------------// The second wish The next day, the girls were excited, Dash had an important baseball game in the afternoon, and all six of them sat in the closest places in the field. Sunset was excited, "Ok girls, let's cheer for Dash", Twilight was happy, "After so much study I think that Dash deserves it", Pinkie stand up, "Not to mention the banner I made for her, Rarity, can you help me open it?". Rarity helped Pinkie Pie with the banner, it was a white banner with the drawing of Dash's face made with markers, with a writing saying Come on Dash, you’re one of us. "It's really a beautiful Pinkie banner" "Thanks Rarity, I would have put a little more time and ribbons and glitters and confetti if I had prepared it before and not a few seconds ago", Applejack was surprised, "Ya mean you did it just a few seconds ago?" "Precisely, maybe I should wear a pouch with me, as Gianduia does" "Why? What does Gianduia do?", Fluttershy spoke, "Pinkie Pie says she always wears a pouch with her" "That's right Fluttershy, because you never know when you need anything," Sunset smiled at Pinkie's words, then watched Twilight as she was reading a history book. "You can also avoid studying Twilight, now we have to cheer for our friend" "I know, but the fact is that I asked the professors to redo the exams" "And ....?" "They told me that it is not possible to repeat it just because I wanted to get more" "Oh well, you'll do it again, what's the problem?", Twilight made a face scared at the words of Sunset. "What's the problem? You ask me what's the problem? I did some tests last night at my house with my mother's supervision, and I got only a measly 90 out of 100" "Really?" "Yes, and I do not know how I made mistakes, in fact when I opened the math book and I did some exercises I discovered that I had skipped some steps" "Steps? You mean that you skipped operations while you were calculating?" "Exactly, if this continues, I do not know what will happen to me" "Come on, it will only be a phase, you do not have to be scared, oh….. the game starts". The game started very well, Dash's team immediately had an advantage towards the other team. However, Sunset noticed something strange though. When Dash was at the baseball bat, she always made a home run, and when she threw the ball, her shot could not be warded off, more than once whoever took the ball with the glove could fall to the ground. Sunset and Applejack spoke to each other, "Wow, Dash is strong today" "Ah do not think Ah've ever seen her so charged". At one point it was Snips who threw the ball, but unfortunately he was a fool, so in the following round he earned points for the opposing team. Rarity was worried, "Poor Dash, she did not have to send Thunderlane away", Sunset nodded, "In fact, but after what happened these days I do not think it's possible to call him back anymore", Twilight was sorry, "I'm sorry for them again", Applejack was mad, "If Ah meet Thunderlane Ah swear Ah'll give him a nice backhand", Rarity agreed with Applejack, "I think Sunset did well punching him," Sunset could not tell the others what she had learned about Dash, that she was sure she liked Thunderlane. So she spoke to herself in a low voice, "I just wish Dash could tell him exactly what she feels for him." At one point in the game, Dash did another home run, and ran through the field, but she did not ran as she usually did, in fact she ran as fast as the wind, until she reached the goal and earn another point. Sunset and the others were amazed, as well as the rest of the audience. "How is it possible?", Twilight was surprised, "It almost seems ... almost ...", Pinkie was excited, "Uhuuu, Dash seems almost magical", Rarity was thinking "Pinkie is right, Dash runs as if she uses magic", Applejack questioned, "How can it be?", Sunset was trying to find an answer, "I do not know, but it's not normal". Throughout the game Dash showed off her skills, and then she had a huge advantage for the team, at the end of the game, the team brought her captain in triumph. Rainbow Dash was happy, even her friends were happy for her, even if they wanted to ask her something. They found each other in the women's locker room, Dash had just taken a shower and was wearing a blue bathrobe when the girls asked her how she felt. "How do I feel? In a very good shape, but did you see how fast I was, and how cool I was? It was the best game ever, I can not wait to do another one" "Dash? Can I ask you something?", Rainbow Dash turned on a hair dryer to dry and made a curious face to Sunset, "What is it? I hope it's not about Thunderlane" "No, it's about the game" "Ok then" "Did you use the magic to win?", Dash was puzzled. "The magic? Of course not, I did not use it, and I do not even know how I would have done it" "Your performance today was not normal, you seemed almost full of magic, all that speed was not normal" "But I did not use magic, I did not even have wings", Twilight nodded, "Dash is right, she had no tail, ears or wings, so I do not think she was using magic" "Mmm, but I do not think all this is clear yet", Applejack came forward, "Sunset? Ah know that Dash would do anything to win, but believe me, using magic would not be in her style" "Noe you’re talking Applejack, I knew you understood me" "You did a great job Dash, give me five," Dash gave the five to Applejack, but the country girl got hurt. "Ouch, what a blow" "What's up, Applejack?" "How bad, Dash how much strength do ya have in that hand?" "I've always had it, why?" "Sorry if I tell you but you hurt me" "Have you become weak?" "No, it's that you really gave me a big blow" "It was only a five, not a punch" "Okay, that's okay, but Ah have to go to the infirmary for a moment if ya do not mind", Twilight helped Applejack, "Come Applejack, let me accompany you". Twilight and Applejack went away, the other girls stared at Rainbow Dash, while she dressed they looked at her with a strange look. Sunset talked to her, "Dash? What have you done?" "But I did not do anything, I just gave her a five", Rarity was confused, "But it's not like Applejack to react like that, and it's not up to you to hurt a friend". Rainbow Dash was offended by the words of Rarity, and after slipping on her shirt she fastened the star pendant around her neck. "Listen to me girls, I did not do anything to her, I just gave her a five, I would never hurt her, why should I do .....", Rarity interrupted Rainbow Dash. "Dash? But do you still have that pendant?" "Yes, I still have it", Sunset questioned, "I thought you did not care about Thunderlane anymore, and yet you still wear the pendant he gave you," Rainbow Dash blushed again, but tried to find an excuse. "It's true, but it's my lucky charm, and then I like to consider it the only gift he gave me when he was really cool", Fluttershy spoke, "Dash, but does he knows you still keep it?" "No, he does not know, I do not want to let him know that I wear him, he would think that I would care about him and that he impressed me", Rarity saw something strange, "Dash, but have you lost the pendant stones?" "No, I have not lost them" "But two of them are missing", Rainbow Dash took the pendant in her hand, Rarity was right, there were two nearby spaces without stone in the pendant, and she had not really noticed it. "It's not possible, I did not remove them, in fact they do not take off, maybe I have lost them?" "Now that I think about it, the other day I noticed something strange in your look, in fact, here's what it was, your pendant was missing a stone", Sunset was surprised, "Are you sure Rarity?" "Yes, I'm sure, a stone was missing from her pendant, but now there's another one missing", Fluttershy speculated, "Maybe she lost it today at the game" "It can not be, if it was dropped I would have noticed, at least I was not too focused", Sunset wanted to see the pendant, "Can I see the pendant up closely, Dash?", Dash unfastened the pendant and handed it to Sunset. Sunset examined him carefully, and saw that the stones were perfectly fused with the metal of the pendant, her fingers touched the parts where the stones were missing, it seemed almost as if the missing stones had never been welded, yet the others were firm. "Dash, do you remember if the stones came off when Thunderlane gave you the pendant?" "I remember, but the stones were perfectly set, and they did not take off at all, not even if I pressed with my fingers or crushed them" "In fact, this pendant is magical, I'm not surprised if the stones did not come off, but why have they come off now?" "I do not know, maybe it's not as magical as a wish pendant". Sunset, had an illumination, had almost forgotten the words of Mrs. Marta. "Of course, now I remember, the old lady said that this pendant made wishes", Rarity disagreed, "But please Sunset, will not you tell me that you believe it?" "Yes, I believe it, that lady was magical, she said she was an Anguana coming from the equestrian version of Europe", Pinkie was interessed, "So it was really an Anguana? I’ll communicate it to Gianduia tonight with the e-mail". Sunset stood up, held the pendant in her hand and spoke to Rainbow Dash. "Dash? If I remember correctly, before the exams you wished to have at least half of Twilight's intelligence, right?" "Er ... yes, I said it" "And yesterday afternoon, when we were on my bike, you wished to be stronger than Applejack, right?" "Yes, I remember this " "Well, Mrs. Marta told you that if you had said the words I would like.... or I wish ... ... followed by a wish the pendant would have realized them". Rainbow Dash was amazed, so do Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "What do you mean? It works?" "How do you explain that you are able to answer questions you do not know? And how do you explain those high votes? Not counting your speed today, not to mention that you hurt Applejack without wanting it" "So the pendant really works, did it realize my wishes?" "It made two", Rainbow Dash took the pendant from the hands of Sunset and put it around her neck, she was excited by the diagnosis of Sunset " "But it's too cool, I can ask for what I want, I can have high grades and not study, being quick without training, I could ask for what I want without asking my parents" "Dash? Be careful, Mrs. Marta has advised me to tell you to be careful, because as she has often explained to you the wishes conceal side effects, and recommends you leave at least one stone" "Side effects? If they do not show up, there's no problem" "Dash? I know it will surprise you but I would like you to pay attention to what you wish" "All right, all right, also because now I do not know what to ask". Sunset came out of the room, and headed for the infirmary to see how Applejack was. She saw that Twilight and Applejack came out of the infirmary, and the latter had bandages on the wrist of her right hand. "Oh my, Applejack? How are you?", Twilight explained, "Nothing serious, it's just a crippling, it will get better soon", Applejack was embarassed, "The nurse asked me if by any chance Ah tried to lift something heavy, Ah was embarrassed to say that in reality this was the result of a five given to a friend" "But now how are you?" "Better, Ah'll be right back as before, after all Ah'm or not the strongest girl in high school?" S"Well, I do not think you're the only one anymore" "What do ya mean?" "That ... that Rainbow Dash ...", Applejack spoke for a moment in the ear of Sunset to tell her something, "Not to interrupt ya, but today Twilight is a bit strange" "What would you say?" "She did not remember where the infirmary was, in fact it seems that she felt lost, as if she did not remember the hallways", Sunset saw that Twilight was going in various corridors, as if trying to orient herself. "Poor Twilight, maybe this fact of having taken low votes compared to her average has just stressed her" "We'll have to be close to her, Ah'm going to her, where are the girls?" "In the locker room together with Rainbow, they will reach us immediately" "See ya later then" "Wait Applejack, I had to tell you something" "Ya will tell me later, when we all go out together". After a while all seven girls went out, they were determined to take a trip around town to celebrate the victory of Rainbow Dash, and they thought to use the Applejack’s car that was more capacious, but since she had the bruised hand, it’s Sunset who drove. "So girls, where are we going?", Rarity spoke for first, "Why do not we all go shopping?" "I would propose to go to the .... what ... what's the name? Hall?" "Ya mean the mall? Ah would say it's a good idea", Dash was not very amused, "Not that I want a new dress, but I would like to take a look at the sporting goods stores and maybe eat a great waffle". For the girls it was a beautiful afternoon, all together went to various shops to observe clothes and more. Dash especially stopped at the sports store, spent a lot of time watching the various stuff, as well as tennis rackets and winter accessories, then stopped to buy new sneakers. Instead, her friends went to the Waffle Shop, a nice shop where they could eat waffles of all kinds. Sunset and Twilight began to see the various tastes, to keep her company there was also Spike who wanted a little taste. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy had already decided their tastes, but they did not think about the taste for Rainbow Dash. "And now what taste should we choose for her?" "Ah do not know, now that Ah think about it, we do not even know if she has a favorite taste" "Let's have it with triple chocolate, you never wrong with chocolate", Fluttershy smiled, "Eh, eh, Pinkie, this applies to you" "Mmm, no, I always ask for quadruple chocolate", Rarity had an idea, "Then we'll take one at random”, "No, I have a better idea," Sunset interrupted her friends and picked up her cell phone. After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash returned. She had several bags below. "Rainbow, honey? But how much stuff did you get?" "I tried a lot of shoes, and I thought I'd take them all, I'll do a great job in the field with these wonders" "Ya look almost Rarity" "Nonsense", Rainbow Dash sat down next to Rarity and Applejack, and tried to see the menu. "Which taste will I choose?" "It's a surprise Dash, we've chosen the taste" "So what's your taste?", Pinkie answered, "I quadruple milk chocolate, with white chocolate and half a bar of chocolate" then Fluttershy, "I am for the classic, and I preferred a waffle with berries", then Applejack, "Ah a waffle cream and apples", then Rarity, "I waffle blueberries and strawberries",then Sunset and Twilight, "I chocolate and cream" "And I ......", Twilight remained silent, did not remember the taste she had asked for. "Oh my, I forgot, how did I forget it?" Spike came out of the backpack and spoke for her. "Ice cream, cream and cocoa, Twilight" "Oh sure", Rarity spoke, "You're a little careless lately Twilight", Spike replied, "Yet it never happened to her, she always had an excellent memory" "What's happening to me? Am I losing my intelligence?", Dash answered, "Do not worry Twilight, it is impossible that you have a lack of acumen, I think it's just a period of lack of concentration perhaps due to the fatigue of your muscular system". The girls were again amazed at the language of Rainbow Dash. "Of course since ya passed that test ya developed a nice vocabulary" "You know, and yet I do not even know what I said, but I know I said it", Pinkie spoke, "Dash? Can you tell me how Australopithecus is spelled?" "A-U-S-T-R-A-L-O-P-I-T-H-E-C-U-S, wow, I really said it", Twilight disagreed, "It's not such a complicated word" "And you Twilight? Can you tell me the spelling of Acetylsalicylic?" "Of course, A-C-E-T-Y-L ....... S-A-L-I-N-D-R-I-C?" "A-C-E-T-Y-L-S-A-L-I-C-Y-L-I-C, acetylsalicylic acid, commonly called aspirin" "Wow, I think that Dash will be our new Twilight", poor Twilight was upset, both for the wrong answer and for the right answer from Rainbow Dash. "How is it possible? How did I get it wrong?" "Twilight do not take it, even after this date we’ll come to your house to help you study", Dash had another idea, "Honestly, I'd rather try a few musical notes at Applejack’s house" "Twilight urgently needs Dash, try to understand it" "Okay, so today we study", but Twilight preferred the music, "No, I would love to see you play, also because I have not seen the Applejack farm yet" "Then ya are welcome Twilight, I'll show ya all the farm" "It will be great". Finally all the girls had their waffles, Spike got on Twilight's knees to get a few bites. All began to eat a piece, but Rainbow Dash was perplexed, the waffle that was in front of her was appetizing, but when she ate a little, was amazed. "That's good ..... it's very good, but this is ....." "What's up Dash?", Rainbow Dash was eating her waffle with taste, she was even crying. "Girls, I do not know how you did it, but this is my favorite dessert, I love it" "So your favorite dessert is a waffle?" "Not just any waffle, but a waffle with chocolate, strawberries, cream, four pieces of banana and a sprinkling of coconut" "So ya are a gourmet too?", Pinkie was surprised, "Why did not you ever tell us your secret Dash?" "To tell the truth, it's a secret that not even my parents know, because it's a secret that .....", Rainbow Dash stopped, stared at her waffle and saddened. "What's up Rainbow?", Rainbow Dash stared at her friends sadly "There is ..... there is only one person in the world who knows that this is my favorite dessert" "Is it by chance Thunderlane?". In fact, before Sunset called Thunderlane to ask him what was the taste of Dash's favorite waffle. Since Sunset had remembered that Thunderlane had taken a waffle from their date, she thought she would take that same taste, and Thunderlane told all the ingredients. Rainbow Dash got up from her chair and left, the girls were amazed at the reaction. Sunset got up and followed her. Sunset found Rainbow Dash sitting on a bench, went to her and spoke to her. "Dash? But why did you run away?", Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes, and turned to Sunset in an angry tone. "How did you know that?" "What?" "How did you know about my favorite dessert?" "Here .... first I called Thunderlane ... he told me he gave you a waffle for your date, and he told me of your favorite taste" "In fact, what he gave me that night was the same as I eat now" "But why did you react like that?" "And why do not you leave me alone?" "Dash I just wanted ...." "If you had not intromitted in my business now Thunderlane and I will still be friends" "What?", Rainbow Dash began to cry more. "And above all .... sniff, now he would not relocate" "Oh Dash, but do you see that you really care about Thunderlane?" "Of course I care, he's different from the other guys, he's not a narcissist, and he's not like me." From those words, she understood an important thing. "Wait .... then it means I was right, you like him?", Rainbow Dash blushed, looked the other way and with a finger she rubbed her head. "I do not like him, it's just that I'll miss him" "Dash, you're lying again, just like at home, and you've turned red, will not you tell me what I see is a reaction from someone who will lose a friend?", Rainbow Dash turned to Sunset and vented. "Okay, I confess, I like Thunderlane, are you happy? I like him, I like him, it's not that I love him but I love being in his company", Sunset made a happy face to Dash's words. "Oh Dash I knew it, I will not be an expert, but I knew that there was something sweet among you" "I told you I do not love him" "You can also lie, the important thing is that you have vented" "But now he will leave, and it will be my fault" "So why for once you do not tell him the truth, that is, that you like him and that you do not want him to go away?" "Because I never feel comfortable talking about my feelings, and then because he's incredibly careless" "But he loves you, he has a lot of pictures of you in his wallet", at those words Rainbow Dash was amazed, "Pictures?" "Oops, he is ......" "Do you know what, I'll call him" "Oh well", Sunset returned to the table with the girls and sat down. Twilihgt questioned "How was, Sunset?" "I managed to help Dash, now she's calling Thunderlane" "Not to say anything, but do ya really think that to help Dash and Thunderlane it would be enough for her to eat her favorite dessert?" "I think it's a good reason to make peace" "I do not think so, I do not know Dash like all of you, but I do not think she's the kind of romance girl", Rarity answered, Rarity: "She was never like that, but maybe because she is a tomboy, she has difficulty expressing her feelings" "In fact it is so, but who knows, maybe now she and Thunderlane will make peace, after all I have done all the mess". After a while Rainbow Dash returned, but seemed more angry than before, and when she sat down, she devoured her waffle little by little. "Dash? How are ya?", Pinkie come forward, "Yes, Dash, you and Thunder have made peace?", Rainbow Dash got up again and this time she screamed at all her friends. "I never asked you to take care of my business, I never told you anything about me, do you want to leave me alone?" The girls were scared by that reaction. "Dash, what's wrong with you?" "Yes, I thought you had clarified with Thunderlane" "But no, I have not clarified anything, and then he is a fool, and I'm not in love with him, and you know something? I'm not hungry anymore." Rainbow Dash left, the other girls decided to stop eating, so they decided to pay and leave. Sunset and the others searched for Rainbow Dash. They found her near a drink dispenser who drinking a drink. "Dash? Look, I ...", Rainbow Dash answered Sunset without looking at her face. "Why do you care so much?" "What?" "Why do you care so much that I and Thunderlane make peace?" "I do not know, it's that he was sorry for me, or tenderness, but I think because I saw him in trouble and I wanted to help him" "Well, now he's more angry than before, and he does not want to know me anymore" "What did you say?", Rainbow Dash shouted and punched the distributor. "THESE ARE NOT YOUR BUSINESS", Dash was frightened, because when she withdrew her fist she saw that she had left her mark on the machine. Her friends were scared too. Pinkie spoke for first, "Damn Dash, I did not think you could get mad like this", Fluttershy said, "Oh my goodness, you must be very angry", Dash was frightened for the fist, she touched her hand and spoke with a frightened voice. "I do not ... I did not want to do it, I did not want to do something like that", Sunset replied, "Maybe it's better to get away from here before anyone sees us", so did Applejack, "Right, it's better to go to the farm and immediately". The girls hurried to leave the mall immediately, got into the car and went straight to the Sweet Apple Acres farm. Applejack and Rarity saw that Rainbow Dash still seemed shocked by the gesture of violence from before, so they thought to carry out some rehearsals of the band to distract her. The girls settled in the barn as they usually did for rehearsal, Sunset leaned against the wall, Twilight sat on a chair with Spike sitting on his lap, so for the first time she could watch a Rainbooms song. The distraction worked; Dash just looked full of energy again, and she played the guitar as usual. At the end of the song, Twilight applauded. "Fantastic, if only I could play" "You can always sing Twily, like you did long ago ... I mean, the Twilight Princess" "I do not know if I could ever sing in public" "If ya do not try ya can not know, Twilight". Applejack heard someone calling her from outside, it was her brother Big Mac who asked for a hand to move boxes, so she went for a moment to help her brother. "It was a good performance" "Thanks Sunset, and I'm glad Twilight liked it" "Listen, Dash?" "Yes?" "I know you do not want to talk about it but ..... what did Thunderlane tell you?", Rainbow Dash sat down on a sheaf of straw, held her guitar tight and spoke melancholy. "Here ..... the truth is that ...." "What?" "When I called him I told him about the pictures you told me" "What?" "I asked him about the photos, and he told me he had done them while I was training, so I got angry, I screamed at him, he got angry too, and then he turned off the phone” "What? Dash, but you had to tell him not to leave and ....." "I know, but I did not do it, then he got angry and I lost my patience and ..." "And ......?" "..... And he told me to have anticipated his departure at the end of the week". Sunset and the other girls were surprised by the news. "Thunderlane will leave this week? Oh no" "Dash, what have you done?" "I did not tell him not to leave, because then ... I do not know, I did a stupid thing" "I understand, maybe it's better if I talk to Thunderlane" "No,Sunset, you do not have to tell him anything" "Dash, if you can not tell Thunderlane clearly that you love him, well, then I'll tell him" "No, he does not need to know it", Twilight spoke, "Know it? Then you love it?", Rainbow Dash blushed, "Er ... no, no" "Dash, do you want to stop lying to yourself?" "Lying to myself?", Rarity nodded, "It's true, stop talking with your head and let your heart talk" "Girls, leave me alone" "Dash, do not worry", Pinkie Pie, did a somersault, got behind Dash, hugged her and told her about one of her plans. "I know a nice way to make you rest, think, a nice walk on the beach, he meets you and you meet him, lots of colored balloons, signs with what you have to say, and of course the excellent smell of wildflowers, and maybe a mega-screen with the words you have to say, or rather that he will say in case you do not make it " "Are you crazy Pinkie? So Thunderlane will think I love him". Pinkie Pie broke away from Rainbow Dash and took a Rainbow Dash and a Thunderlane doll from her hair and moved them with her hands. "Look ... this is you with Thunderlane", Pinkie put the nearby dolls as if they were dancing. "Oh Thunderlane you are my best friend, I confide you all my secrets I love you", then moved away the puppets. "And this is you now, Thunderlane I hate you, I hate you, I do not love you", then Pinkie dropped Thunderlane's puppet. "And this is you next week", Pinkie Pie clutched the Rainbow Dash doll and pretended to cry, "Oh Thunderlane, how I miss you, I realized it too late, I want you back, please come back, come back", then Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash. "Did you understand Dash?" "Pinkie? Since when do you have those dolls?" "Silly, I always have my friends' puppets, including Thunderlane" "Well, anyway I will not behave like that". Rainbow Dash got up and went out for a walk. "Pinkie, I say you made it clear" "Thanks, if you want I can do a little show with your doll and Flash" "Personally I would rather not, between me and Flash I do not think there may be ...", Applejack entered the barn with his back aching, he entered and sat down. "Girls, Ah can not believe it, for the first time Ah feel tired and only for bringing two boxes", Rarity was confused, "You? Applejack? Already tired after such a simple task? Do not tell me you're already getting old?" "Ah'm not getting old, Ah just feel like Ah do not have the strength Ah had in the past few days". Sunset began to think. "You know Applejack, since when do you feel so weak?" "Ah think ..... from today, it is from today that Ah feel a strange sense of exhaustion" "Um ... this thing gives me to think, let me check something". Sunset went to the outside and saw something singular, then reported to her friends. "Girls, do you know that Rainbow Dash is carrying three boxes on top of each other?" "What did ya say?", The girls looked out and saw that Rainbow Dash was really carrying several cases. "It's not possible, only mah brother can do that". Rainbow Dash replaced the crates and returned to the barn. "You know girls? Do you want to play again?" "Dash? Since when are ya able to transport so many boxes all together?" "I do not know, I'd rather say it's been a while since I feel so strong, but I still can not explain how I did to destroy that dispenser", Rarity replied, "Well, anyway, let's make another good one together". The girls played again, and then since it was evening, they decided to say goodbye. "Well, girls, see you tomorrow, I would say to come back here", Pinkie was sorry, "Oooh, I wanted to continue a little bit", Twilight replied, "Next time I would like to try and sing" "Great Twilight, and maybe I could find you a place like the band's voice" "You love playing so much, eh Dash?" "Dear Twilight, you have in front of you a future rockstar, one day I’ll be in the world of music", Applejack crossed the arms, "And certainly without us" "Oh come on Applejack, imagine if I can forget you" "Rainbow Dash is our leader, and she will never leave us" "Yes, but ... Ah have mah job here at the farm, Rarity, ya have your projects, so Ah do not think Rainbow Dash would take us with her," Pinkie Pie went to Rainbow Dash and hugged her tightly. "Dash, oh no, no, do not leave us, please" "Hey Pinkie, I will not abandon you for sure you are my friends", Rainbow Dash detaches from Pinkie and comforts her friends. "Wow, Pinkie, sometimes I wish to have your energy, so I would never get tired, and then I would never stop singing, or playing, or running" "Silly, my energy is not transferable, unless Twilight has created a device that sucks magic" "Oh no, no, I've got enough of that stuff ...", Suddenly a rainbow of sparkle came out from the star pendant, the girls were amazed, including Dash, then the glow disappeared immediately. Rainbow Dash took the pendant in her hand. "But ..... but ... but what happened?" "Dash? Look at the pendant, now another stone is missing". Dash looked at the pendant and in fact Sunset was right, now there were only two stones set in the pendant. To be continued……… My Little Pony by Lauren Faust and Hasbro