The five wishes of Rainbow Dash

by Kawat3ngusan

The star

The 5 wishes of Rainbow Dash

The star

At Canterlot's high school, a highly acclaimed event was about to arrive, but above all very hated: the spring exams were coming. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were chatting in front of the school.

"Three more weeks and then we start, Twilight"

"I can not wait, they say these tests will be really difficult"

"And you know what that means?"

"Total revision?"

"Yes, and all together". While they were talking they also saw their other friends who were heading to the entrance.

"Hey girls, how’s the mood?", Applejack answered

"And ya ask, don’t ya know that there are the exams next month?", Rarity was worried,

"It's a disgrace for me, I will not have time to study spring fashion", Rainbow Dash walked next to them,

"Is that a problem for you? My parents told me that if I do not get better grades they will not allow me to attend clubs after school", Fluttershy was not afraid

"I do not see what the problem is, my votes are good", Pinkie appeared in front of them

"It is also mine", Sunset was thinking, then she spoke

"Something tells me that it's just me and Twilight to be excited for these tests", Dash breathed

"They should not allow such a torture at all, after all we have just rested from the winter holidays", but Twilight had an idea

"Well, girls, so what do you think if we all get together in the next few weeks to study?", Rainbow Dash made a strange face to the Twilight proposal.

"Wait, do you mean to study together, in the same room? With the books, the notebooks and all the rest?"

"Yes, and there will also be a blackboard, we will be at my house"

"So we'll spend the afternoon studying?", Sunset said another thing

“Actually the two of us were thinking about sleepovers, it could be fun to be together in the evening studying, right?" Pinkie Pie was excited and hugged Sunset and Twilight

"Yes, it will be great, think of all the beautiful games we will play, mathematical game tables, desserts with names of different languages, pinatas to split", Dash liked that

"The idea of the pinata is the only one I like"

"Inside that there will be sheets of the capitals of the world"

"Damn it", but Sunset corrects Pinkie

"Pinkie? That was not what we meant, with the concept of pajama party with study"

"Oh, does that mean we will not play, we will not eat sweets, and we will not have fun?" Pinkie made sweet little puppy eyes at Sunset,

"Nooo, actually we were thinking about…...", Twilight liked that ideas

"No, but it can be a nice idea for what Pinkie proposed, certainly some changes will be good but I'm sure that studying will be more fun"

"Are you sure?"

"I think so", Pinkie Pie threw confetti in the air,

"Yes, Pajama party with studyyyyyyyy", Rainbow made an angry face,

"I hate studying, I can not wait to graduate and be able to work into the world of sport and music", Appleajck questioned her,

"How do ya feel about working into the music business without a proper education?"

"With a talent like mine there is no need for things like education".

The seven girls heard the bell and entered the classroom. The day for the dear Dash passed slowly, being the one less good for study. Unfortunately for her this time she would have liked to go over with her friends because her title as president of all the sports clubs was in danger. At the end of the lessons the girls meet outside.

Twilight asked them for attention,

“So girls, when will we be able to start?", Dash was not happy for that question,

"Certainly not today, I have to talk with my baseball team and also with the soccer team", Rarity teased her

"What is it? Do you want to enjoy your last moments with your classmates?"

"Very funny, I just have to talk to them and that's it"

"I would love to know what will you say to them"

"We'll talk later".

Rainbow Dash walked back to the courtyard, she had to spend a moment near the school warehouse to get the soccer ball, when she turned the corner she saw a boy who was leaning against the wall. The boy was dark gray skin and had a light blue and white mohawk hair, wearing jeans, a yellow shirt and a red jacket over it. It was Thunderlane, a childhood friend of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh Thunderlane, what are you doing here?"

"Here ... I ......"

Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were friends since childhood and Rainbow Dash considered him as the only boy in the school as a very best friend, and they used to meet sometimes to challenge with video games, also he was also one of his best strikers in baseball. But even they knew each other for a long time, Rainbow Dash ignored something about Thunderlane, he had a crush on her since they were little, but had never managed to declare it, he often waited near the courtyard to confess her the secret, but since he met her again in Canterlot's high school he had not yet succeeded. And now, as usual, he was there in front of the most beautiful girl in Canterlot silently.

Rainbow Dash waved to him in front of his face

"Hey Thunderlane, are you there?

"Eh? What?"

"You shut up for a minute, you just said I and then stopped", Thunderlane felt embarrassed and tried to talk to her, he put a hand behind his head and blushed embarrassed.

"Oh sorry ... is that ....

"Did you want to train together?"

"Uh ... yeah"

"There's no need to embarrass you, we always do it, come with me"


Rainbow Dash took the soccer ball and began to dribble.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I ... I do not know, do you want to try to make shots to goal?",

Rainbow Dash took the ball and immediately fired a shot that ended in the goal, with a grin she turned to Thunderlane.

"Ok, but do not hope that I will go easly because we are friends"

"F ..... for me is fine".

Thunderlane got in the goal, and here that Rainbow Dash started running across the field, running in different directions to confuse Thunderlane, but he was determined to ward off the blows, when Dash was close she kicked to the right and he threw in that direction, but Dash made a feint so she shot to the left and scored. Needless to say the girl's reaction, she slipped on the field and shouted her victory.


Thunderlane was on the ground, and he felt a little demoralized, but he got up and then spoke to her.

"Hey Dash?", Rainbow Dash gets up and goes towards him,


"How about doing another couple of shots?"

"Thunderlane? Honestly you really need more training, maybe you're not good as a goalkeeper, but after all I prefer to keep you warm for baseball"

"Give me another chance"

"All right, all right, how many shots do you want to do?"


Dash knew well that Thundelane had never been good with the parades, and it seemed strange that he even wanted to score five goals,

"Five, are you crazy? Do you want to ward off five goals?”

"Yes, I want to ward off five of your goals"

"Thunderlane? I honestly do not want to disappoint you but you can’t do it, and now I'm sorry but I have to go and talk to the rest of the team",

Rainbow Dash was leaving the field, but Thunderlane had not finished with her yet, so he swallowed and called her back.

"Dash? Come back, I'm going to train",

Rainbow Dash stopped and turned of him, and began to walk towards him,

"Are you going to train, and why, do you want to think about training your baseball arm?"

"No, I want to ward off five goals, I want to make a bet", having been friends as children, Thunderlane knew very well Rainbow Dash and knew that she never backed a bet when her athlete’s pride.

"Ah yes, let's hear what you bet?"

"If I can ward five goals, you come to dinner with me", Rainbow Dash blushed at that phrase,

"Are you going crazy? Do you want me to go out for dinner with you?",

Rainbow Dash was close to him a few inches, Thunderlane could not believe it, he finally made a proposal, but then returned to be hesitant.

"Er..…that is ..... if I win you .... you will come to dinner ..... to dinner with me"

"I do not understand Is It a date?", Rainbow Dash looked closer to Thunderlane and he started both to sweat and to blush,

"N-n-no, it's not an date, it's just that ...... I thought you would like it if we were ... come out together to talk a little bit between us"

"So it's date"

"No, it's not"

"Thunderlane, that does not interest me, I have to go and talk to the team, also in the next days I'll have to study, if I do not get good grades my parents will not allow me to participating in club activities"

"Perfect, then we could study together, would you like to come to my house? Just tell me the subjects you do not find easy to repeat"

"You tried, but I will study with my friends, and then sincerely what would they think if they saw me with you at your house?"

"But what is the problem? We will only go to study, as we did in the past"

"Thunderlane? Be more mature, we were in elementary school, middle school, now we're in high school, do you want to understand that we've grown up?"

"And our going outs together to the games room?"

"I can do those with my friends, you do not have any friends?"

"Yes, I have them, my classmates but ...."

"Then study with them"

"Listen, I'm studying, and after all, I'm in the class of guys who have chosen to do two consecutive years"

"Do you think I’m a donkey?"

"No, it's just that .....", Rainbow Dash turned and left,

"... It's just that I have to leave now, we're going to see again, maybe," Dash left without looking back, Thunderlane stood in silence, then put his hands in his hair and screamed .

"Aaaaaah, stupid, stupid, stupid, and I was almost inviting her to go out together, why I'm so clumsy?".

Thunderlane left the schoolyard, took his motorbike and left. At that moment he felt depressed, since he and Rainbow Dash had met again in high school their friendship was beginning to dissipate, at the beginning they met again to train with the team, but he would have preferred to train only with her, the only possible moment to be only two of them was after school, in the hope that he would meet her in the courtyard before the others. Thunderlane had no intention of returning to his home; so he stopped in a fast food and bought a hamburger and a drink, but when he sat down at a table he did not start eating right away, instead he started to look out and then after sighing he took a picture from his wallet, it was a photo of Rainbow Dash playing football, he leaned on one elbow on the table and stared at the picture. After a minute Thunderlane felt that there was someone staring at him, it was Sunset Shimmer, Thunderlane got scared, but Sunset quickly calmed him.

"Hey, easy, I did not mean to scare you"

"Sunset, what are you doing here?"

"Well, Pinkie has insisted so much to let us taste the new hambuger with mozzarella, and so we all came here"

"All here, is there even Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes, there is also her, or rather in a while she will come, and it is not made of paper like yours",

Thunderlane took the photo away from the table and immediately hid it in a pocket of his jacket, and with an embarrassed face told a lie to Sunset.

"It's not like you think, it's ..... it's a surprise for her, I'm taking pictures of her for a poster dedicated to her"

"Seriously? And do es sheu knows that you photograph her?"

"Er ..... no, otherwise what a surprise it would be?"

"You know you can’t take photos of people? What would Rainbow Dash think of you if she knows?"

"Please leave me alone, how much do you want for your silence?"

"Are you in love with her?",

Thunderlane felt as if his heart had stopped to start again soon after, he tried to invent an excuse to send away Sunset, but she crossed her arms and looked at him with eyes as if trying to read his mind, he confined himself to sweat and sit on the chair, then put his hands in his hair and answered with a whimpering voice to Sunset.

"Leave me alone, I'll give you any money but do not say anything to Rainbow Dash," Sunset snapped his fingers as if to be right.

"I knew it, you're in love with Rainbow Dash," Thunderlane took his hands off his head and stared at Sunset closely,

"Yes, all right? I'm in love with her since we knew each other when we were little, are you happy?"

"Hey calm down, what's this outburst?"

What do you care about? "

"Dash is my friend, and it seems to me that you and I have never had the opportunity to speak"

"Yeah, I never had the opportunity to talk to you after the accident, or rather since you wanted to submit us to your slaves",

Sunset blushed with shame, in fact she had never been to that with Thunderlane.

"It's true, in fact I do not know you well yet, I just know that you were one of Flash's best friends"

"I'm still one of his best friends, but I'm often busy with my job"

"Really? And what's your job?"

"Leave me alone, I'll take the stuff and eat it at home,",

Thunderlane takes the ordered food, pushes Sunset away and leaves the fast food.

"Hey, what manners", Sunset notes that at that moment Rainbow Dash was coming, and he was entering the fast food with her eyes on his cell phone, and exactly at that moment Thunderlane comes out, so the two collide.

"What the hell .... Thunderlane?

"Oh .... Dash?"

"Why do not you look where you're going?"

"Sorry, sorry I'm sorry, I did not do it on purpose, I was thinking without looking"

"Well, pay more attention"

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry",

Once again, Thunderlane had made a bad impression with Dash, then he left. Rainbow Dash went to the table of her friends, in the meantime also Sunset had sat down.

"Hey girls, then what do we want to do"? ", Pinkie Pie was playing with straws, and then put a menu sheet in the face of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh Dashie, you should taste the new hamburger with mozzarella is a Korean specialty, it is very good"

"I agree Pinkie, then I'll take the burger, but get this sheet off my face." All seven girls ate, Twilight took a piece of her burger and gave it to Spike, who was in the backpack .

"I must admit this hamburger is really delicious", Rarity smiled,

"But is not a cure for health", Twilight answered,

"So girls, we want to talk directly now about how to set ourselves up for the big review?", Sunset smiled too,

"I would say to start with the subjects that each of you has difficulty", Applejack stand up

"I would say mathematics and French", then Rarity,

"I have no problems with French, Je parle francais tous les jours", then Fluttershy,

"I'm in a hurry .... um, let's say a little good with math, but I'm not good in history", Pinkie answered,

"I get along very well with math, and also with geometry, and my grades in Spanish, French and German are excellent", Sunset did not belevied in Pinkie,

"Yes, of course Pinkie, right"

"Do not you believe me? Here, look at my last semester grades",

Pinkie Pie took a piece of paper on which her grades were written and gave it to Sunset, and there were written the votes she had said.

"Damn Pinkie, how can you be so good in languages?", Pinkie sipped a drink and then responded.

"Oh it's easy, I have a friend in Italy who loves languages very much and once a year she comes here to Canterlot and we spend time together"

"Ya never told us you had an Italian friend"

"Her name is Gianduia, she lives in Florence, she works in a bakery, and during the year she often travels several times, this winter she went to Korea and bought me several souvenirs, and the next time she’ll come to visit me she will give them ", Twilight speaks about the other subjects,

"Speaking of other things, Rainbow Dash what are the subjects that you do not like? "

"Let's see .... history, geography, French, Spanish, German, mathematics, geometry ....", Applejack teased her,

"Don’t ya first tell all?"

"What a nice punchline",

After a while all seven girls got out of the fast food, to head to the library, Rainbow Dash declined as he had the training with the team, Sunset Shimmer told the others that she would go with her, and that they would start to study all together from the day after. Rainbow Dash took to the courtyard to train with his team, she noticed that Thunderlane was not there, but decided to start trying some throwing and a few strikes, Sunset got comfortable on the bench to watch her and her team. After a while, Dash went to the bench to drink and wipe away the sweat. Sunset approached her to talk to her.

"Listen Dash? Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Tell me"

"But you must be honest"

"All right, I'll be honest"
"You ... do you have a crush on some guy?"

"Of course not, I'm not the kind of girl who wastes time with some silly romance "

"Are you sure, is not there some guy interesting?"

"No, there's nobody"

"And tell me, what's your relationship with Thunderlane?"

"What does Thunderlane have to do with it now?"

"Well, he's a nice guy, and then ... well, I do not know anything else,"

"What a strange taste you have in boys"

"No you do not misunderstand me, is that I often see you two talking together"

"The two of us? Ah, but the two of us are just friends"

"Friends? How much friends?"

"What would you say?", Rainbow Dash was a little surprised by Sunset's question, and she went back to her drink, Sunset thought she wanted to know more about Dash and Thunderlane.

"That ..... I did not know you had a boyfriend,", at that answer, Rainbow Dash spat out the water she had drunk, then looked into Sunset's face.

"But how do you think that he is my fiancé? What made you think it?", Sunset thought only later that perhaps her question had been rushed and inopportune.

"Well ... he's your friend, is not he?"

"Exactly, it's just a childhood friend, it's not my boyfriend"

"But it seems that he is often close to you"

"Do I have to repeat it? We are childhood friends"

"And how did you two meet?"

"Why are you asking me these questions?"

"I will explain it to you only if you tell me how you met Thunderlane"

"Tell the truth, are you in love with him?"

"No, of course not, but I was thinking that maybe you like him," Rainbow Dash sat down on the bench and wiped the sweat with a towel.

"I'm pleased with Thunderlane, but what are you going to think about?"

"Why? Do not you think he can be in love with you?"

"I do not think so, not after what happened in December"

"Why, did something happen between you two?"

Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset, who was frightened.

"First of all, there is nothing between the two of us, in fact it is already so much if I speak to him"

"But it seems to me that you get along, I did not even know you had a boyfriend ... that is, a boyfriend as a friend", Rainbow Dash spoke in a calmer tone

"Well, it all started when I was four years old and he instead was five, at the time he was a shy and scary child ..."

"It seems to me that even now"

"Yeah, he's not really changed, however it all started in the courtyard of our old school, there were bullies that tormented him, you should have seen him, those three bullies made fun of him because he always used to cry"

"Oh poor thing"

"In fact I felt sorry, it was there when he cried, and those bullies pushed him into a sandpit, and began to throw sand in his clothes and in his face"

"Oh poor man"

"Already at the time I was good at getting by with my strength, and so ......"

"Let me guess, you hit the bullies and save Thunderlane?"

"Exactly, it was easy, I beat them all three in a moment, and then I helped Thunderlane get up, that day I made a friend"

"What a beautiful story, I would say almost romantic"

"And stop it"

"And then what happened that day?", Rainbow Dash stretched out on the bench, using his gym bag as a pillow,

"Thunderlane and I became great friends, in fact it is very difficult for a boy and a girl to be friends"

"So you grew up together?"

"You can say that, me and Thunderlane have always been playmates, we went to the same schools to high school"

"So is he your best friend?"

"Actually no more, I would rather like him to leave me alone"

"But why? And yet I saw you working out together," Rainbow Dash stood up and grabbed a baseball bat to train her arms, and while she was swinging in the air she kept talking to Sunset.

"So you spied on us?"

"I did not want to do it, I just wanted to talk to you, but then I saw you with him and I thought you'd rather stay alone"

"A little bit alone? I would rather stay in a narrow room with the company of a jaguar rather than with Thunderlane"

"Wow Dash, it did not seem you hate him so much"

"The fact is that since we arrived in high school we lost sight of ourselves, unless it was about training, but now I think our friendship is over"

"Why?", Rainbow Dash stopped swinging and yelled at Sunset

"Why? Why do you want to know why? Because Thunderlane is immature, he's childish, awkward, sloppy and overly compliant"

"Oh, gee"

"Do you think I could be with such a guy? He also embarrassed me more than once in my life"

"What would you say?", Rainbow Dash blushed and stared at the ground,

"Last summer we went to the beach, I was changing in the cabin, when he enters without knocking, I had never felt so ashamed"

"Oh my"

"I just gave him a slap and did not talk to him all day, but since he was the one who brought me there me and paid everything, I forgave him"

"And then, what else did he do wrong?"

"When there were judo contests, I had to face the champion in charge, my parents were not there, but my friends did"

"And Thunderlane? He was not there?", Rainbow Dash sat down and started talking again with an angry tone.

"Maybe there was not, that madman had brought a megaphone and kept screaming Come on Dash, You can do it, Dash, I believe in you Dash"

"I do not think he wanted to do a bad thing, he just wanted to cheer for you"

"The trouble is that security started to chase him, and he ran from one side of the gym to the other continuing to shout sentences of incitement on me, until the security took him out and beat him"

"What a story, why did you never tell it to me?"

"Because it was embarrassing, I lost my concentration and risked being expelled for his behavior"

"So you lost?"

"No, I won, because after all the words of Thunderlane heped me"

"And you got angry with Thunderlane anyway?"

"No, when he came out I found him full of bruises and he also had a scar"

"You seriously did not tell him anything?"

"No, he was there in front of me asking me to apologize for his behavior, that he was late and to get noticed he took a megaphone that was near the jury table, and that he wanted to invite me to play bowling to get to forgive, so I forgave him and accepted his invitation"

"It does not seem bad to me"

"Wait, do you really want to know what he did last December?"

"Oh, it's true, what happened?"

"The fact is that I wanted to introduce Thunderlane to dad, he has always been very possessive towards me, but he did not say anything since he was just a friend"

"So your father did not complain that you brought a boyfriend for the holidays?"

"I did not introduce him as a boyfriend, I took him to my parents to let him spend Christmas with us, nothing more, the fact is that Dad was arranging luminous decorations to a tree he had in the gardwn of his old house"

"And what happened?"

"See, Thunderlane is able with electronics, but he had a stupid idea"

"And which one?"

"Creating an audio system coordinated with the decorations, in this way the decorations would shine in time to music"

"Ah, what a nice idea"

"Bad instead, because that idiot Thunderlane made a mess and fired the tree"

"Oh heavens, have you hurt yourself?"

"No, luckily Thunderlane had a fire extinguisher, and luckily the fire did not do any more damage"

"But I do not think he did it on purpose"

"The fact is that dad was very angry, fortunately it was not my boyfriend otherwise my father would have killed him, fortunately mom was sympathetic to him"

"So ... is this why you're angry with him?"

"Believe me, I would not want to be angry with Thunderlane, but I had to drive him away from home"

"So he spent Christmas alone? Without his family?"

"He has a family, but since I invited him, his family did not take him with them"

"And for such an accident, such a beautiful friendship must end?"

"What do you know about it?"

"Dash, but you want to be mad at Thunderlane forever?"

"Of course not, it's my best friend and ... I honestly do not see why I should like a childish idiot like him"

"Ah yes, and if you like a boy, what kind would you like?"

"What kind do you say? I do not know, I think an athletic type, a tough guy, very tough, determined, who might not always agree with me, as long as it is not a whiner, in other words, the opposite of Thunderlane"

"Interesting, and you feel a bit, but do you know Thunderlane what is his job?"

"Oh, he works in the workshop near my house, I often go there because he repairs my motorbike, everyone at school has their vehicles repaired by Thunderlane, including his friend Flash Sentry, even though I do not never pay, he always says it was just nonsense. "

Sunset left Rainbow Dash at his training, and returned home. Before getting home, Sunset saw the workshop described by Rainbow Dash, and decided to check. It was a fairly large workshop with different tools and various machines. And right next to one of these machines was Thunderlane who controlled the hood of a car, Sunset called him and he turned to her.

"Sunset, what are you doing here?"

"So this is your job? Are you a mechanic?"

"Yes, maybe it's not a clean job, but I can earn well, keep my studies and get to the end of the month"

"Could I talk to you for a moment?"

"We have not already talked to fast food?"

"I know, but I would still like our speech to be cleared"

"Nothing to do, get away from working," Sunset turned but stopped and used a sarcastic tone of voice

"Too bad, because Rainbow Dash just confessed what she thinks of you", Thunderlane stopped, and looked in the direction of Sunset.

"What did he tell you?", Sunset turned with a small smile,

"Now you want to talk?"

"What did she tell you about me?". Sunset sat on a chair and told Thunderlane everything Rainbow Dash had told her, Thunderlane listened as he finished working on the car.

"Do you know what she thinks of you?


"That you are immature, childish, clumsy, and compliant", after those words Thunderlane stopped working and went into the back of the workshop, Sunset followed him, and found him sitting near a desk, he was staring at photos of him and Rainbow Dash. Sunset turned back to him.

"Are those old photos?"

"Dating back to last year"

"You seem best friends"

"But what do you want from me?"

"I do not really know, it's like I've seen Rainbow Dash in a new way, and she's my friend, and in a way it's like you're my friend too"

"Are you playing the part of the the guardian angel?"

"I know it sounds stupid but ... I'm just trying to help you, I'm sure you and Dash are still good friends"

"What would you do? Apparently I will never like to her, I tried "

"So why do not you change?"


"Yes, for Dash, do you know that she likes tough guys?"

"Well, I'm not like that, and I hypothesized it"

"She would like an athletic boy, tough, determined, who did not always agree with her, and not a whiner"

"Did she really say that?"

"Yes, would you manage to become like that? For Dash?", Thunderlane stared at the pictures and thought aloud.

"Quick, athletic, no whiners, and not condescending, eh?"

"What will you do?", Thunderlane smiled and wandered Sunset.

"For Dash I can do it".

The following day the girls began to discuss where to go to study in the afternoon.

Twilight spoke for first

"How about my house?", but Rarity said

"Why do not we go straight to Pinkie's house?", Pinkie agreed

" We will have fun", Applejack said

"This is the problem",Flutteshy answered

"Er .... and if we try at my house?"at the end Sunset had the right answer

"So let's go to Twilight's home, it seems to me the quickest and least distracting choice", Rainbow was not happy,

"I honestly do not see how deciding the right place could help us"

“Who is that guy?", Rarity pointed to a guy on a motorcycle, it was Thunderlane, but he did not have his usual look, he was wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, a T-shirt with Pure Rock writen on it, he was wearing sunglasses and a baseball bat in the right hand. The seven girls stared at him as he walked toward them, then when he stopped near Rainbow Dash he stared at her and spoke to her in a firm tone.

"Hey, Dash?"

"Thunderlane? Are you really..…you?"

Yes, it's me, I wondered if after an avalanche of those boring lessons you'll be doing two shots with the ball, or maybe playing baseball"

"Well, I really should be studying with my friends"

"Look, I do not want a no as an answer, it means that you'll study later, no? To be sincerely today I feel fit and ready to beat you, or do not you feel because you're afraid? "

"What? I'm afraid of you? Not at all, after the lessons I'll give you a good lesson"

"We'll see, we'll see, for the moment, prepare to cry for defeat"

"You will cry"

"Then after lessons, Little Dashie," Thunderlane gave a small kiss to Dash's cheek, and as he entered the school, Dash touched his cheek, the other girls stared at her.

"Dash? Was that Thunderlane?"

"Yes, but ... I do not know what happened to him, it seemed so ....."


"Different and interesting, I really want to see what he will do after school, as far as I'm concerned, maybe it's just one of his attempts to get attention," Rainbow Dash came in, while the girls talked to each other.

"Who was that?",asked Twilight,and Rarity answered

"Ah, it's true you and Sunset do not know him, that's ... actually it was Thunderlane", Applejack continued

Applejack: "He's an old childhood friend of Rainbow Dash, they've known each other since they were young",Sunset was surprised

"Wait a moment? Did you all know him?",Pinkie happly said

"And to be honest between us, that's not the real Thunderlane"

"Yeah ... it looked…..looked .... ..."

"Sure of himself, a tough guy?"

"He looked like a thug rather than anything"

"Yeah, Thunderlane does not behave like that"

"Is not that by chance you know his secret?", Applejack answered

"What? That he has a crush on Rainbow Dash?"

"Did you know?",Pinkie Pie laughed

"You silly, we knew it well, until the two of them didn’t fight last winter", Fluttershy replied

"They didn’t fight Pinkie, it's just that Thunderlane burned Dash's father's tree"

"Did you know that too? Was it just me who did not know anything?", Rarty explained to Sunset

"See Sunset, the fact is that none of us wanted to interfere with each other, and then Thunderlane had to do it alone"

"Yeah, do ya know what an advantage it would have if we helped it?"

"But I helped him", Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack were surprised.

"What have you done?"

"Sunset, have you helped Thunderlane?"

"Wait, is it because of your help that Thunderlane came all dressed up like that?"

"I felt sorry, and I wanted to help them, I do not know why I did it, but I wanted to help them"

"But this is not good"

"Fluttershy is right, you had to let Thunderlane do it by himself"

"I was not thinking of doing such a serious thing"

"But maybe Sunset is right, we should have helped them"

"Pinkie? Look, Rainbow Dash is not the kind of girl who likes romance"

"Who knows, maybe Sunset did well", Pinkie said

"Now I feel guilty, I just wanted to help that poor boy"

"Who knows what you have unleashed". After the lessons Rainbow Dash went with Thunderlane to the baseball field for some training.

"Then Thunderlane? Why this change of look?Is it by chance a way to get attention? "

"Not at all, it's just my way of expressing myself, why, do you have something to say about it?"

"No, it's that ..... for the first time I see you sure of yourself"

"You know what's new, so we want to do some practices? Or do you prefer to talk again?"

"Let's have a couple of launches".
Sunset was worried about Thunderlane, so she began to spy on him and Dash. But there were no news, it seemed a normal training session between two friends, at one point they stopped. Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane and headed for the school entrance, Thunderlane followed her, but Sunset wanted to talk to him on the sidelines.

"Thunderlane? Look, you do not think you have ... how to say ..... exaggerated?"

"Not at all, your advice worked, acting like a tough and determined guy and Rainbow Dash finally noticed me"

"Oh, so it was not a bad idea, our other friends said they never helped you because you had to do it by yourself"

"And they were wrong, now I and Dash are more than united, in fact I invited her to dinner at my house"

"But we must study"

"What a pity, if we study today we could not have fun", Dash waved from far to Thunderlane, he ran to her immediately, put on his helmet and turned on the bike. Sunset tried to stop them.

"Wait Dash, today we had to study all together"

"Damn, this is true"

"Leave Dash alone, you'll study another time, you and I have another program for tonight"

"Ah yes? And which one?"

"First, at the cinema to see an action film with shootings, second, to take a drink at the bar and then we go to the Thai restaurant to eat noodles so hot to make you twist your guts, of course we will take noodles take away and we will eat them at my house "

"What a program, do you want me to stay at home with you?"

"Let’s be clear, Dash, you’ll sleep at my house tonight, and I do not want to hear no, of course?"

"Clear, all right"

"Hello Sunset, and do not call us". Thunderlane and Dash left, and without another word.

Sunset could not believe what he had seen and heard, her advice had worked too much, and what is worse is that Rainbow Dash seemed happy with the change of Thunderlane. An hour later Sunset went to Twilight's house and of course had to explain Dash's absence. After the fact, the girls, except Twilight, were amazed and spoke to them in almost unrelenting voices.

"Damn, it can not be the same Thunderlane", explained Rarity

"It can not and should not",answered Applejack

"We hope it will not continue like that, otherwise he will not allow Rainbow Dash to study", replied Pinkie

"And her parents will not let her go to her clubs anymore" said Fluttershy, Twilight thought aloud,

"Not to say something Sunset, but ... did not you use magic?"

"No, I did not use the magic, I only advised him to change for Dash, but I did not expect him to change that .....", Appleajck stood up

"Well, it will be better to call them, Ah call Dash", Applejack went into the corridor to call Rainbow Dash with her cell phone, she came back two minutes later angry.

"Ya can’t believe it, ya can’t believe it"

"What did Dash answer you?"

"She told me that they were going to see a war movie, and that Dash said she was happy with the change of Thunderlane, then Thunderlane arrived and he offended me, saying he thought Ah would interrupt their date, and then he turned off the phone, how rude",Rarity calmed Applejack

"All right, as for today we have to do without Dash, congratulations Sunset"

"I just wanted to help them".

The day after the girls saw that Rainbow Dash had come with Thunderlane, they took advantage of the fact that Dash had to arrange her locker to talk to her privately away from him. Sunset was the first to talk to her.

"Dash? Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"Does not this sudden change of Thunderlane seem strange to you?"

"In fact, yes, but for the first time I'm happy for him, he's finally sure, decided, mature and with that look I have to admit it's interesting too",Rarity explained to her

"But if Thunderlane was pretending, if he did it just for you?"

"What do you mean?",Applejack and Pinkie talked to her,

"Thunderlane is not like that, he is ... is ... how to say?"

"Sweet, sensitive and shy?"

"In other words, a hopeless immature", Fluttershy replied

"This is ... a little exaggerated"

"Listen, girls, yesterday I and Thunderlane did a good game of baseball training, and for the first time he was not distracted, indeed he was concentrated, and usually he does it only as much as I shout at him, but this time he did everything by himself "

"Oh, so what do you think of him?"

"If this goes on, maybe I know who with i’ll go at the prom this year "

"Does that mean you like Thunderlane?", Dash dropped a book and made a frightened and flushed face.

"As if I like it? No, I do not like it, it's just that I want it to be ... my knight, I want all the eyes of the high school to be on me and on him, the best of the team, that's all ",Applejack and Pinkie teased her,

"You would not say that with that face"

"Ooooh, Dash has a crush on Thunderlane, Dash has a crush on Thunderlane"

"I do not have a crush on Thunderlane",Twilight calmed her,

"But what's the problem, Dash?"

"I do not have any ...", Dash stopped and saw a pink envelope in one of her books, she opened it and started reading it.

"What is that Rainbow Dash?"

"I would say it’s the letter of a fan of mine"

"Oh, do you have a fan?"

"It seem so, and listen what he writes, My sweet Dashie you are the light of my eyes, I could never live without you, you're the most beautiful girl in high school, and I admire you very much, I'm in love with you, I’m lost for a lifetime, there is no day that I thank you because you were born, you have beautiful magenta eyes, fragrant hair, and an angelic voice, you have a contagious energy and I would love to know you and talk to you closely because you you are my special angel and I would like you so much that you can one day be my girlfriend ",Rarity exclaimed,

"Ooh, how sweet, who is it that sends to you?"

"I do not know, it has my fan n ° 1 signed"

"Who knows maybe it's just Thunderlane"

"Why do not you ask him?". At that moment Thunderlane arrives and talks to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Dash? After school, would you like to come to my house? Maybe you and I will be alone"

"Thunderlane? Is this letter yours?"

"What letter?", Rainbow Dash gave the letter to Thunderlane, he read it immediately and after he got angry.

"Who is your number one fan? Eh? Is it by chance someone from our team? Or some other guy you know?"

"Do you mean that you did not write it?"

"Not at all, the Thunderlane doing these things is not available anymore, now I'm like this and you have to accept me for what I am", Rainbow Dash blushed and hugged Thunderlane.

"Oh Thunderlane, what beautiful words", Then Thunderlane took the letter and tore it, throwing the pieces on the ground.

"Here's what I do with the letter, you're my Dash, and no other idiot will have to look at you"

"Oh? Wow Thunderlane, how about studying together in your house?"

"I hate studying, I'd rather go around together and then maybe put my lips on you, Dash"

"Can you wait here for a moment?", Dash closed the locker and went with Thunderlane next to the girls' bathroom. Sunset and Rarity followed them, to see what they did.

"Thunderlane? What do you think of me?"

"What I think, Dash? You're the most beautiful girl in school, and I will not let anyone take you away from me, because you're mine"

"And ... what do you think of the studiying?”

"What should I think? I already have a job, I do not care about a piece of paper when I manage to make some nice money and I hope you can understand"

"Wow, I've never seen you so interesting, I would say that ...."


"If you want to stay in your house, you and I will kiss?"

"Kissing, why? Do you like some romance?"

"Have not you ever received a kiss from a girl?"

"No, and sincerely the only lips I'd like are yours Dash", a second after Rainbow Dash wrapped the arms around Thunderlane's neck, giving him an intense kiss, Thunderlane was amazed, and then wrapped his arms around Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile Sunset and Rarity looking from behind a corner looked impressed. After a while Dash broke away from Thunderlane, and she smiled at him.

"Then I will come after class to your house, but if my father asks me, I will tell him that I have been to my friends to study"

"Very well, I'm going to class, ah, another thing", Thunderlane tickled Dash's back, she threw him away and then he left.

"Hey, go easy, do not spread your hands"

"Check your pockets", Dash checked the pockets of the skirt and when she took out her hand she saw that there were some keys, Thunderlane had not tickled her but had only put the keys in his pocket.

"What are these keys?"

"I's a copy of my house keys, you know the way, see you this afternoon", Thunderlane greeted her with a wink. Rainbow Dash smiled, then put the keys of Thunderlane in her bag, and before going to class she found Sunset and Rarity in front of her.

"Dash, does Thunderlane's behavior seem normal to you?"

"And then you did not say you did not have a crush on Thunderlane?"

"It's true, it's true, but I would say that this Thunderlane likes to drive me crazy, or rather I can say certainly that at the end of the month, he and I will already be engaged". Sunset and Rarity gasped at those words, but Dash simply dismissed them with just a greeting. Another afternoon passed and Rainbow Dash was not part of their study group, but it did not end that day, in fact in the following days, Rainbow Dash spent more time with the new Thunderlane than with them, and the girls were worried about their friend .

"It's already been a week since Rainbow Dash is not with us", said worried Fluttershy,

"If this continues, Dash will never pass the exams",Twilight was worried too, and then it was Rarity’turn

"And her parents will stop her from spending time at the clubs".then Applejack and Pinkie exclaimed

"Ah can not really believe she prefers to be with Thunderlane that with us"

"Things have gotten worse since Thunderlane found those letters", Sunset was thinking about a solution, when Pinkie said those words,

"But how? More letters?",Rarity explained to Sunset,

"Yes, apparently the so-called number one fan of Dash continually puts letters in her locker, so Thunderlane decided he would never leave her alone",Applejack and Twilight spoke,

"Apparently Dash is really going to get engaged with him"

"I'm sorry to say Sunset, but I'm afraid that giving that advice to Thunderlane you have unleashed a mess"

"At least they do not spend all the time on their own, since Thunderlane has changed, they spend a lot of time playing football and baseball",Applejack was mad about that,

"But that does not change, both he and Dash will not pass the exams if they avoid the studies"

"It will be better if Iìll talk to them both immediately". Sunset was determined to talk to Thunderlane about the matter, so she took the motorbike and drove off. Luckily, she did not have to go far, because there was a small flea market in the Thunderlane neighborhood, and Sunset noticed a van that sold lucky charms, and in front of that van there were Dash and Thunderlane.

Sunset went near them and tried to talk to him.

"Thunderlane? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"What is it?"

"Oh hello Sunset, did you come to see this flea market?"

"Actually I should talk with you two"

"About what?"

"Can not you wait a minute?"

"No, it's important"

"Let me talk to you, Dashie, you look at what you like"

"Okay, then", Sunset took Thunderlane away from the van, and tried to make him think.

"I hope it's important, I wanted to take advantage of this market to be alone with Dash"

"Thunderlane? But do you realize what you're doing?"

"What, I gave her a better boyfriend?"

"No, you're keeping away her from studying, and next month we'll have exams, and you too"

"Exams, what are they for?"

"If Dash does not pass these exams, she may have to repeat the year, and her parents will not allow her to attend her clubs"

"You can understand, it's not the end of the world"

"But you do not care if she has an education? And you do not care about finding a job?"

"I already have a job, I'm a mechanic, and if Dash does not find work I told her that I can host her in my house, even if her parents do not agree"

"What are you talking about, what kind of speech is it?"

"Look Sunset, you told me to change and I did, and now that Dash is finally interested in me you want all this to end?"

"No, I did not say that ....", Sunset noticed something on Thunderlane's neck, stared at him and saw that it was a lightning-shaped pendant, took it in her hand and Thunderlane began to complain.

"Hey, stop, what are you doing?

"What's this? I never saw you wear it," Thunderlane pulled away from Sunset and shook the pendant with his hand.

"As if you knew me well, you never even spoke to me, when you did it you were involved in my love affairs", Thunderlane was returning from Rainbow Dash, but Sunset stopped him by pulling his sleeve.

"Thunderlane? Where did you get that pendant?"

"I got it from that old lady, she has a lot of amulets and lucky charms in that van"

"How come I feel some magic in that pendant?", Sunset left Thunderlane's sleeve, and he revealed a secret to her.

"You want to know the truth? The old lady had sold me this amulet long ago, she told me that if I had worn it I would have had more confidence in me, and since I wore it I have not taken it off"

"Does this mean that is that pendant that makes you behave like that?"


"And Dash knows it?"

"No, she does not know, and then I do not think she would believe me"

"I knew it, it could not be true that you had changed, in fact you only wore that pendant, I bet you did when I gave you that advice"

"Yes, it's true, and you know what? Since I did it, Dash likes me, I'm not making a mistake with baseball, I'm not making mistakes in football, when I'm at my place, we read and kiss, you have no idea how long I had dreamed of telling her my feelings "

"But not the way you wanted"

"What do you mean?"

"That she is in love with the fake you, and not the real Thunderlane"

"Do you think I've ever tried? She would have ever loved the real me?" No, that's why I will never take off my pendant, and now I'm sorry I'll go to her. " Sunset had not finished speaking yet, so she yelled at Thunderlane from a distance.

"Is that so eh? Would you like to lie to her, staying with you by a lie?", Thunderlane stopped, But Sunset continued,

"Of course, she loves the tough, irresponsible Thunderlane, the rock and roll lover, doing nothing but lying to you and yourself, do not you care about losing your identity? After all, you did not say you were best friends? ", Thunderlane turns back to Sunset, and this time he is screaming.

"What should I do? Crying all my life?" She never forgave me the Christmas tree incident", Sunset approaches again to Thunderlane.

"You know, you should have come along with her a long time ago, maybe she would have forgiven you, you were declared before"

"No, and then his father hates me"

"Why? Now he accepts you?"

"No, he does not accept me, in fact, when he saw me he did not want to see me again, but Dash does not care"

"So you want to lie to her for your life?"

"Exactly." As they argued, Rainbow Dash called Thunderlane to come back to the van, Thunderlane rushed to her.

"What's up, Dash?"

"There's a pendant that I like to have, will you buy me it?"

"Which one?"

"The one there", Dash pointed to a star-shaped pendant in a window, it was yellow and on the five points there were some stones that looked like diamonds.

"Oh, it's so cool", Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane for a hand and she looked at him with sweet eyes

"Thundie? Come on! Do you buy it?",

"Sure, I'll buy it right away," the old lady who owned the van heard their sentences, an old lady with glasses and blond white hair, Thunderlane turned to her.

"Excuse me, madam, how much is that star-shaped pendant?"

"It's fifteen dollars"

"Wow, fifteen dollars?"

"Oh, it costs so much because it's handmade, and then because it's special"

"In what special sense?"

"See, dear girl, the fact is that this pendant has been worked on a shooting star, and is said to exhaust the wishes of those who own it"


"Yes, as long as you say I wish ..... or I would like ... and the star will grant your wish"

"Oh how nice, can I ask for anything I want?"

"Yes, but you can ask only five wishes, as five are the tips of the stars"

"Oh what a pity"

"That’s nothing, come on Dash, I'll buy it "

"Oh thank you, Thundie, how I love you".

Thunderlane paid the pendant, the old lady took it from the window and gave it to Rainbow Dash, who immediately put it around her neck, and then looked at herself in the mirror.

"I have to admit it, I'm not into these things, but I like it a lot", Sunset approached the couple and looked at the merchandise, she could perceive a little magic in some of those pendants, but felt a more powerful magic, and it came from the Rainbow Dash star pendant. Sunset asked the old lady for more information about the pendant.

"Tell me madam, does that pendant have any side effects?"

"Excellent deduction my dear, in fact I was going to illustrate it to the girl"

"Dash, come and listen"

"What's up?"

"Dear girl, you must know that the desires have positive but also negative aspects"

"What do you mean?"

"That you must always pay attention to what you want, because it could turn into something bad for you and for those around you"

"Got it? You have to pay attention to what you ask"

"So, could I have negative wishes?"

"It depends on what you ask, you just have to reflect on what you really want, and not on something superfluous, just so you can be happy"

"As you can see these pendants can be dangerous if used in the wrong way, is not it Thunderlane?", Sunset looked at Thunderlane, but he turned the other way

"Remember, if you are not satisfied, keep a stone, and thus you can cancel your wishes"

"All right, I'll remember it". Thunderlane paid the pendant and Rainbow Dash hugged him, while Sunset wanted to continue talking to the lady.

"May I ask you a question, madam?"

"Tell me"

"How come these pendants are magical? And why do I perceive a magic that reminds me of ......"

".... Your dearest Equestria?", Sunset made a face astonished, then put her hands on the counter and spoke in a low voice with the lady.

"But how? How did you understand it? Do you can read my mind?"

"I do not need it, I immediately perceived the Equestrian magic in you, dear girl"

"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I am .... actually I was Princess Celestia's favorite pupil"

"And you can call me Marta"

"Are you ... by chance a unicorn? And how did you go through the portal?"

"Do you think that the statue of the high school is the only passage?"

"Is there another portal?"

"Of course not, I created it together with my sisters"

"Sisters, are you a unicorn?"

"No my dear Sunset, I am an Anguana, and I am in this world to sell my amulets, believe me, it is much easier to sell them here than at Equestria"

"Anguana? I do not remember any Anguanas at Equestria"

"Of course, because we are creatures of Europone, and sometimes the oldest of us come looking for our Anguana friends of your world"

"There other Anguanas here at Canterlot?"

"No, there are in Europe, I am here because I followed the magic of the amulets"

"Did you follow the magic of the amulets?"

"It is not the people who choose the amulets but the opposite"

"But do not you think it's dangerous to sell magic amulets in a world without magic?"

"Actually it's that pendant that has chosen your friend, I could not do anything but go along with it"

"Like you did with that guy's pendant?"

"He needed a push, but you will see that it will not last, that pendant is not destined to last, in the coming days it will exhaust its magic"

"Even that one of my friend?"

"Only when it ends its desires"

"But ... then does that mean it works?"

"Now excuse me, but I have to close the shop". Sunset would have talked again with Mrs. Marta, but she had already lowered the gate, and it was useless to knock, partly because the owner started the van and left. Sunset went to Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, the two were talking about the soccer match of the afternoon.

"So, what about this scheme, Dash?"

"You know, I like it I did not know you understand it"

"Um, guys? Can I talk to you?"

"Yes, tell us Sunset"

"I would like to talk to you about your behavior". And so Sunset finally said what she wanted to say before, about the fact that they were not studying and the trouble they would have both. Dash and Thunderlane stopped to look at each other, then looked at Sunset, she thought she had their attention, but she was wrong.

"I'm sorry Sunset, but we have to do, Dash and our team today plays to prepare for the spring rounds"


"Sorry Sunset, but now that Thunderlane plays like a pro I decided to anticipate the matches, and I'm sure that soon he and I could compete as a new high school couple"

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend, Dash?"

"If I want to? Ask me when we will win the next cup and we will go to the prom together"

"Great, can I already buy you a ring?"

"Take it easy, first we win, and then decide if our story can be public". Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane left on their motorcycles, Sunset had failed to make them reason. When the following day she returned from the others unfortunately she did not have good news, so all six decided to talk with the couple. But they found them busy with a baseball game, so Sunset, Applejack and Pinkie went to the Dash team's bench to try and talk to the captain. Rainbow Dash had put Thunderlane as a launcher, and she made gestures from afar.

"Come on Thunderlane, throw that ball as hard as you can, I believe in you", Thunderlane nodded from afar, and when he threw the ball it was a big surprise for the team, the challengers and the small public that was looking, since he threw the ball so hard that nobody saw it coming, so he made an home-run giving a point to the team. Rainbow Dash made a happy cry for the friend's launch. Applejack and Pinkie were as surprised as everyone in attendance.

"Since when Thunderlane launches so well?It's usually good but this was an epic launch"

"Maybe he’s magic like us too?"

"You got it, Pinkie"

"What do ya mean, Sunset?"

"Thunderlane has a kind of magic pendant around his neck, it seems that gives confidence to whoever wears it, he bought it from an old lady"

"A pendant for trust?"

"Whoever wears that pendant becomes more confident, very more confident",Pinkie was surprised,

"Ooooh, then this explains the change of Thunderlane"

"The other thing is that Rainbow Dash does not know, when I found out I tried to make him reason, but he says he wants to keep it again because Rainbow Dash prefers him as it is now"

"Well, but this is not fair"

"In fact, I'm going to ask Dash if I can talk to him for a moment". Sunset asked Rainbow Dash to speak to Thunderlane, at the first moment she said no, but she decided to do it to anyway, and so they exchanged places.

Thunderlane arrived,

"Did you see me Dash am I or not your best hitter?"

"Exceptional, never like these days I see you are concentrated and so strong"

"So do you really want to send me to the bench?"

"Just for a while, Sunset has to ask you something"

"Oh no, you again? But why don’t leave us alone?"

"Mind how you talk, she’s still my friend, you rest, I go into the field," Dash dismissed Thunderlane with a kiss on the cheek, Thunderlane touched his cheek and blushed, Dash hid her blush covering her cap. Then Thunderlane went to a place to talk to Sunset, along with her Applejack and Pinkie wanted to talk to him.

"So what's up? Do you want to stop worrying about my business?"

"Thunderlane? Why did not you tell me that the pendant would lose its power?"

"What ... I ... I did not know anything"

"Liar, you knew that, Madame Marta told me it yesterday, and yet you were going to make it last longer"

"I know, I know, but the fact is ... since the Christmas incident I started to suck at baseball, I needed it"

"To cheat? Already it is bad that you lie to Rainbow Dash, now you use the pendant to play better?", Applejack was mad,

"This is lying to an exaggerated level", Pinkie nodded

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're lying to Dashie"

"Did you tell them too?"

"Thunderlane? Give me your pendant right away", Thunderlane clenched his pendant with his fist.

"Never, it's mine, and you can not take it from me", Applejack pointed Thunderlane

"But do ya realize that ya behave like that just because it's thanks to that pendant?"

"I know, but have you seen that Dash gave me a kiss? Since I wear this pendant I have improved my performances, Dash and I are united again, when we are alone in my house I do not stutter, nor do I behave stupidly, awkward, she finally loves me, you can not understand "

"Thunderlane we know, but what will happen if the power of the pendant is exhausted at the wrong time? What if you return to behave as before? Did not you think about it?"

"You have to take off that pendant"

"I will not do it, and now excuse me, but I have to return to the field," Thunderlane did not take long steps that Sunset screamed at him.

"All right, then you know what I'm saying? I did not want to do that, but because of your selfishness Rainbow Dash will not to pass the exams, you know what I do? I'll tell the truth by myself." Thunderlane stopped and turned to Sunset.

"You can not do it, I need it, if I had to lose Dash, I think I would go crazy"

"And do not ya think that if she knows that you used a magic amulet to change, ya can not get angry? Would you prefer to hide the truth from her?"

"And being a failure again? She didn’t like me before, I would never have wanted to be my girlfriend, and you knew I had a crush on her", Applejack felt sorry,

"Thunderlane we're sorry, we're sorry we did not help ya, but we wanted ya to do it alone, if I realized ya were so desperate we would have helped ya, I swear"

"But if you do not tell the truth to Dash today, then we will do it". Thunderlane took off the pendant and stared at it, he had a resentment and felt depressed as he usually was, and a tear escaped to him, then he turned back to the three girls.

"Can you give me until tomorrow? I beg you and I swear I'll tell her," Sunset sighed and then answered,

"And so be it, until tomorrow"

"I swear to you, not one more day, tomorrow we'll have another match, just give me time to prepare the right context to tell her." Thunderlane put the pendant back on his neck and returned to the field. Sunset sat on the bench with Pinkie and Applejack. The latest gild questioned,

" Sunset? Does that pendant have the magic of Equestria?"

"Yes, the old lady who had that van told me it came from Europone"


"I did not know it either, it seems that it is the Equestrian equivalent of Europe, and she said she was an Anguana, but I never heard of it, and I did not even have time to send a message to Princess Twilight "

"Ooooh, an Anguana", Sunset was amazed at Pinkie's sentence.

"Do you know the Anguanas, Pinkie?"

"It is said that they are creatures related to water, and that they are benign or malignant witches, they have half the body, goat, reptile or fish and live in the high Alps of Italy, sometimes it is also thought that they trade with human beings "

"How do ya know these things?"

"My friend Gianduia knows a lot of legends of Europe, after all she knows all the legends of the old peninsula, in fact I wonder if there is a pony of myself, maybe exist a pony version of Gianduia, I think it might be a unicorn or a pegasus? "

"Well, that explains why I perceived magic in that lady”

"So there's a malignant creature here at Canterlot?"

"No, she was sincere, I do not know why but I perceived that she was good, she did nothing but sells amulets and luchy charms, and said that it was the amulet who choose its owner," Sunset remembered only then the star-shaped amulet of Dash.

"Now that I think about it, Thunderlane bought an amulet for Dash in that van"

"Does it mean that Dash also has a magic amulet?"

"Yes, but the old lady told me that the amulet can realize wishes"

"Oh how nice, I want one too." At the end of the game the whole team managed to make a good game, Dash joyfully embraced Thunderlane, and then ran to embrace her friends. Thunderlane thought of talking to Dash at the time.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course, whatever you want"

"Tomorrow we'll play another game, and I wondered if you'd like to go to dinner with the restaurant afterwards"

"The whole team? I don’t know if....."

"No, no, just you and me, Dash, just you and me"

"No offense Thunderlane, but I would like to spend some time with my friends, after all we are always going out together "

"Dash please, I absolutely have to talk to you, that's why I need you to be alone"

"Er ... okay fine, then tomorrow night we'll see ok?", Thunderlane went to his motorbike to go home, but Sunset and Applejack wanted to tell him one last thing.

"Thunderlane? It’s a very mature thing from you"

"Do you know that after dinner she will hate me? She has never appreciated my true me"

"Listen Thunderlane, whatever happens, she can not hate you, you're best friends for a lifetime, and it's hard not to see you as a couple"

"But she only loves the new me, she first saw me as a friend, then the tree accident happened, and then she did not want to know me anymore"

"Thunderlane? You are doing the right thing, if you would have continued like this both you could not have passed the exams, and then do not worry, we will talk with Dash"

"Whatever will happen between ya, we’ll ask her to forgive ya, and maybe she will accept you as you are"

"The fact is that when I'm alone with Dash I can’t stop thinking of her, and I feel weak, and that's why I do not give the best of me"

"It's normal, but let's face it, she has her flaws, don’t you think?"

"It's true"

The next day there was the other game, Thunderlane as usual wore the pendant, and was determined to win. Dash had her friends cheering for her, and in fact the game was exceptional. Thunderlane at the launches was always phenomenal, and even at the strikes, but at one point in the middle of the game there was a hitch, Thunderlane got a strike.

"But what?", Dash from far away shouted to encourage him.

"So you do Thunderlane, let's take advantage of it, and then hit"

"Thanks Dash, I will not miss the next one". But Thunderlane also missed the second ball, Dash encouraged him again, but when the third was missing, Dash brought him back on the bench, Dash's friends also arrived.

"Thunderlane? What's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

"I ... I ... I do not know it's just ...", Sunset approached,

"Maybe he’s just a little tired, Dash you're pushing him to the limit"

"Um ... it's true, then it's better if you rest Thunderlane, in fact you've always giving the maximum", Dash returned to the field, Thunderlane instead did not understand what was happening, while Sunset had doubts.

"Can I touch your amulet?"

"Go ahead, as long as you do not cut it off", Sunset touched the amulet with her fingers and understood that she had thought well.

"My, my, just as I suspected"


"The magic of the amulet"

"What's wrong with it?"

"It’s ... it's running out", Thunderlane made a frightened expression at the words of Sunset,

"What would you say that you it’s running out?"

"The magic of the amulet is fading"

"No, no, no, not now, not right now"

"I think you've waited too long"

"That's why I'm starting to feel weak, and now how do I do it?"

"It’s time you will have to play only with your strength"

"I can not do it"

"What did I tell you? What would have happened if you had waited longer?"

"I was wrong, I know, but now it's done, I swear to you that I'll tell her tonight"

"Do not you think it's too late now?"

"And what do I do? I have tell her the truth now that we're going to win?"

"If I were you I would do it ". Unfortunately, despite the presence of Rainbow Dash in the field, after a while the game came in a draw, and it was just after a while that Dash called Thunderlane back to the field.

"Excuse me Thunderlane, but I need you to do me one last favor, you absolutely have to make me an home run so we can win"

"Dash listen, I have to tell you something, it's very important"

"You'll tell me tonight, at our dinner"

"No, no, I must tell you now"

"Later, now go and beat". Thunderlane did not make it, Dash did not let him talk, and now he was there in front of the public, his team expected a home run but he could not do it, due to the ineffectiveness of the pendant. And then the opponent launcher throws the ball, Thunderlane used the club, but misses the ball. From the Dash bench he shouted at him.

"Come on, what do you do? You want to stop playing?" "Strike that damn ball," Thunderlane began to sweat, he tried to hit the second ball harder, but unfortunately made another strike. Rainbow Dash began to lose patience, got up from the bench and screamed at him.

"THUNDERLANE? If the next ball you don’t throw it into the orbit, I swear this is the right time I will never speak to you again, in fact I will never look at you again"

"Ok, ok". Thunderlane felt even more under pressure, for him it was over now. When he saw the opposing ball coming, he thought the time had come for him.

He tried to concentrate on Rainbow Dash, because if he failed she would never say him hello. But just when all hope was over for him, he managed to hit the ball and not only with the strength given he managed to do a home run. From the bench Dash shouted for happiness, Thunderlane ran as hard as he could, and even managed to get past the bases until the last, the team had won. Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly.

"I knew you would not let me down Thunderlane, I knew it"

"Er .... I did it for you"

"What did you want to tell me before?"

"Er ... what time do I have to come get you?": "We'll be at half past eight"

"Then ok".

When all the teams withdrew from the field, Thunderlane went off to his motorbike to go home. In the parking lot he found Sunset and Twilight waiting for him.

"What do you want? And you Sunset? Do not you just have already have been right?"

"I'm not here to rage, Thunderlane, just to wish you luck"

"More than luck, I need a new lucky charm, because now that I and Rainbow Dash are going to eat, she will not want to meet me anymore"

"You must not feel downcast”

"What do you know about that, Twilight? You're still a new student"

"I know I do not know much about love but .....", Spike poked his head from Twilight's backpack.

".... But it did not take long to meet her new friends"

"Spike? Be good," Twilight pushed Spike into her rucksack with a wave of her hand. Sunset approached Thunderlane and put a hand on his shoulder.

" Anyway, Thunderlane, you do not have to feel downcast, you just have to be yourself and Rainbow Dash will not get mad at you"

"But then you do not understand that it's just because I've always been myself that Dash never cared about me?", Sunset turned away, but continued to talk,

"It's true but maybe if you talk to her in the right voice and open-hearted she will not be mad with you"

"After all, are you or not best friends?"

"Dash hates romantic things, and hates sweet guys, so she will never want me as a boyfriend"

"And you do not say romantic phrases, try to be yourself but with a tough tone, as you would have been before"

"But first I was tough because I had the pendant, and only with that thing she adored me"

"You do not need a pendant because Dash could notice you, maybe you just get more involved"

"If you care so much for Dash, promise me to be more confident"

"And ... if she will not accept me?", Spike put his head back outside the Twilight backpack

"Oh boy, you're really pessimistic", Twilight looked wrong Spike, Sunset immediately interacted with Thunderlane.

"Thunderlane? If by chance your evening does not fit, we'll talk to Dash"

"Ok ... okay". Before Thunderlane left, Sunset asked him to give him his cell phone number, then he drove home. Thunderlane had plenty of time to take a shower, cut the beard, deodorize and wear a good dress, even bought flowers. He was all excited, but the words of Sunset were for him a great warning to remain calm. When the time came, Thunderlane took his car and went in front of Rainbow Dash's house, tried to remain calm, but his hands were already sweating, fortunately he had brought handkerchiefs and also an air freshener. And here he heard Dash's voice. Thunderlane saw her as an angelic vision, her hair tied in a ponytail, she wore a rainbow dress, and a blue skirt, a purple belt, pink ankle boots and purple sleeves covered her arms. Thunderlane saw her coming down the stairs as if it were a slow motion movie scene. When Dash stood in front of him, she smiled at him. Thunderlane did not know what to say to her, but when Dash looked at him again with her sweet magenta eyes, he had to stop playing dumb.

"Wow, you're beautiful, you're a masterpiece, Dash"

"Thanks Thunderlane", Rainbow Dash looked at Thunderlane's car intrigued.

"So this is your car, I've never seen it before" "

"Oh right, it's true, I forgot that I never showed it to you, not that it was needed"

"So where do we go"?

"At a good restaurant, it's not near, but not very far, so we can also talk about the way back"

"I can not wait, I'm hungry after that good game". Thunderlane opened the door at Rainbow Dash, then stepped into the driver's seat and turned on the car. Thunderlane also gave flowers to Dash.

"I got you some flowers, Dash, they will not be as beautiful as you, but I could not come here empty-handed," Dash took the flowers and nodded, but did not seem happy.

"They are beautiful but .... you're strange tonight, Thunderlane"


"You look different, as if you were not you", Thunderlane realized that not having the pendant was not as tough as recently, and sought a solution to Dash's suspicion.

"Er .... because I thought it was better for once to give the respect you deserve, you will also be a girl out of the ordinary but still remains a girl"

"Um ... I do not know, it seems strange to hear you say it, I would have preferred to tell me a few phrases less mawkish, I do not like someone to compliment me for my dress or tell me that I am a splendor, and not even that you bring me flowers, not to mention that you have also opened the door, so much knight ", Thunderlane had become even more nervous, then he asked her a question.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"If I had lost to the game, would you have come to dinner with me anyway?"

"Are you kidding? If it wasn’t for the good work you have done and for the fact that now you had become a real tough guy, I would have never wanted to speak to you again, and that's why I forgive you this staging of the false gentleman ". For once Thunderlane's worries were true, in his mind he thought it would be the last night with the girl he loved. When they arrived at the restaurant, Thunderlane parked the car, and then they both set off in the room. It was a fairly elegant restaurant, Thunderlane told Dash to wait for her, as she had to talk to the room manager about the table he had booked. Thunderlane returned to Dash to take her to their table. It was a table next to a window, as soon as they sat down they saw what was on the menu, but Thunderlane wanted to think about what to say rather than what to eat.

"So, I take a great appetizer, then I think that some excellent spaghetti will be ideal, and maybe some excellent spicy chicken, and you Thunderlane?"

"Here ... I ...... anything is fine with me"


"Um, I meant, I take spaghetti and chicken, too, and maybe drink, take some sparkling water, do you want a dessert?"

"No, I do not like dessert"

"Ok then". Thunderlane called the waiter for the orders, at one point the hand menu fell, but then he immediately picked it up from the ground.

"Is there something wrong with you, Thunderlane?"

"What? No, no, all right"

"Listen, is not that you could behave as usual?"

"But I'm doing it"

"No, you're behaving like the usual Thunderlane, I want you to behave like that hard, because you’re embarrassing me"

"Oh .... ok then"

"You do not have to tell me ok, you should be angry, or say no," Thunderlane pretended to clear his throat and tried to take a serious look.

"I meant, if you stop acting as a little girl, I can also tell you ok"

"That's even better"

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"You had to talk to me"

"Er ....." Thunderlane was embarrassed, he wanted to reveal his feelings to her, but he did not know how to do it without ending up seeming clumsy.

"Remember when we were kids?"

"Of course I remember"

"I know it sounds stupid, but I'm so nostalgic about those times"


"Do you remember how we met?"

"Yes, the kid ... I mean when I was weak and fragile, but if I had been like I am now then I would have spread all the bullies"

"But I am grateful that you were shy and awkward"


"Yes, because I made a new friend," while the starter arrived, and while they were eating they kept talking.

"So .... do not you mind how I was before?"

"A little bit, if you had not been so weak, fragile and pathetic I would never have come forward, in the sense that I would never have been interested in you"

"So ... did you like how I was before?"

"Maybe once, because I liked having a friend to talk to". The evening luckily had no other hitch and the two friends kept talking, Thunderlane just had to be careful not to look awkward. Unfortunately, without knowing it, he asked a question that he would never have wanted to do.

"Dash? So if I stop being hard, would not it be a problem for you?"

"No, I want you to stay that way, I really love the tough Thunderlane"


"I want you to stay that way, in fact we will be a fantastic couple, both in the field and in social life, you and I will be unbeatable, because you will always give the best of yourself"

"Wait ... Does that mean you prefer me now just because I'm good? Just because I help you win?"

"And for what other reason? To have you as a boyfriend?"

"But ..... but you said we'll be engaged"

"It's like that, all the high school will know about us, but in spring, and then even at the prom, but this time we'll have to look like engaged only in public"

"What do you mean?"

"Thunderlane? For heaven's sake, you're a great guy, but even if we kissed those times at your house, I started thinking, we two will have to increase our fame in high school, so you and I will be known as a winning couple, but I want us to be friends, I do not think you're sorry, are you? "

"So ... are you using me only because it makes you comfortable having me in the team?"

"Sure, but what's wrong? It looks like you're taking it badly." Thunderlane could not believe what Dash had said, she was only using him for personal needs, at this point he felt he had to confess immediately what he had to say.

"Dash? There's one thing I have to tell you absolutely, actually…. right away, Dash "

"What is it? You're strange tonight, you act like you did before"

"Like the real Thunderlane?"

"Exactly, and it's something I do not like"

"Dash, I'm still the same"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen to me well", Thunderlane quickly got up from his chair, but he did not notice that a waiter was passing close with a tray of spaghetti and wine, so he bumped the waiter and unfortunately for the poor Dash the plate and the bottle poured out on the dress, staining it. She jumped up from the chair.

"Aaaah, my dress, I put it only once"

"Oh Dash, I'm sorry, I'm mortified, I did not do it on purpose, let me clean you up," Dash slapped Thunderlane.

"Don’t you dare touch me, now I'm going to clean myself in the bathroom," Dash went into the women's bathroom, unfortunately she could not clean all the stains, and when she came out of the bathroom Thunderlane was waiting for her, but she was certainly not happy to see him.

"Dash listen"

"But do you know what you're doing, Thunderlane?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Listen, take me home"

"But Dash, it's important"

"I do not want to know anything, I just want to go home". Thunderlane went to pay the bill, then accompanied Dash to the car and left. Thunderlane as he drove noticed that Rainbow Dash was angry and had her arms crossed and did not look at him in the face, every time he looked at her she looked away.

"Dash, it's very important that I tell you, could you listen to me?"

"No, and I wanted a good cake to end the evening"

"But you said you did not want it"

"Instead I wanted it, they had a nice choice of sweets and because of you I could not have the dessert now and you even stained my dress"

"I'll pay you the laundry, I promise you"

"I do not want your pity, but maybe maybe it's the least you should do"

"Excuse me"

"Excuse me? Since we have been dating you have never apologized, but what have you got tonight?"

"Wait, I have an idea", Thunderlane got out of the car, leaving Dash inside.

"Hey, and now where are you going? I'm not going to walk by foot, what an idiot." After seven minutes Thunderlane returned and handed something to Dash, it was a waffle with chocolate cream, strawberries and coconut powder, all wrapped in napkins, Thunderlane had gone to buy it in a nearby kiosk.

"What's this?"

"It's dessert, it's your favorite dessert, is not it?" Dash was hesitant, but she took the waffle and ate it with joy.

"Even if you remembered my favorite dessert I'm not going to forgive you for what happened tonight, you'll still have to wash my dress"

"I know, I know, can I talk to you now?"

"Let's hear, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"So ... do you know that lightning-shaped pendant I usually wear?"

"Yes, so what?" And so Thunderlane finally confessed, he revealed to Rainbow Dash of his change and his confidence, as well as the exhaustion of the magic of the pendant. When they arrived near Rainbow Dash’s house, and yet she had not said a word, Thunderlane was worried.

"Dash? We're here," Thunderlane saw that Dash's eyes were closed and crying, and she was clutching her knuckles on his knees.

"Dash? Dash please do not act like that”, Thunderlane touched her on the shoulder, but Dash slapped him

"Don’t touch me"

"Dash", Rainbow Dash took off her belt and immediately left the car, Thunderlane stopped her immediately.

"Dash? Dash? Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"


"I just wanted you would like me"

"I liked you when you were a tough guy, and now you're back ... as ... an idiot"

"Dash, I'm sorry, this is me, I'm sorry for tonight and for the Christmas tree and for who knows how many things"

"Thunderlane? You know that now because of you I'll have to study really hard for the time wasted with you?": "But you did not mind when I was a tough guy"

"Yes, because you were not a useless child"

"So you judge me, I do my best"

"And your best is not enough, and now let me pass or I'll call my father", Rainbow Dash was about to open the door, but Thunderlane took her by the shoulders and stopped her

"Dash? I'm sorry I lied to you, but I'm like this, I'm careless, but just because I'm in your company, I'm in love with you Dash, and I've been like this since we're kids, I wish I could have been more of a friend for you, and I would like you to accept me as I am "

"No, I want a real boy, a mature man, not a child"

"Ok, then I'll change for you, I'll be tough, I'll give my best, I'll be a real athlete, I'll be the mature boyfriend you want"

"I do not want you to change"

"And why?"

"Because you are spineless, you would never be able to become as you were with the pendant, but also for another reason"

"And which one?". Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane by the arm, and with a judo move pulled him by the jacket and threw him on the road to the ground, then she looked him in the face.

"I would never have been your girlfriend, you're useless, weak, pathetic, mawkish, childish, spineless and you're also a damn whiner", Thunderlane got up from the ground.

"Dash, wait, I can change for you, please give me a chance"

"No, come back to me when you stop using the pacifier"

"And the dress?"

"I do not care, I'll wash it"

"At least we can study together", Dash could not take it anymore so she gave him another slap.

"Leave me alone, I never want to see you again, I hate you Thunderlane, I hate you, I hate you, I never want to see you again or talk to you, I'll drive you away from the soccer and baseball team, and never again give to you the word, because from now on I will never speak to you again, you are a liar and a child, goodbye ". Rainbow Dash closed the door of the house violently, poor Thunderlane he just had to go home. He was depressed, but never as he had ever been in his life, because at that moment his best friend as well as the girl he was in love with had told him all those horrible phrases. He started driving the car and began to cry, he would have liked that moment had never come.

"How I would like ... sniff ... to return to the times when ... sniff .... we were small and ... sniff ... we were friends". Thunderlane returned home all dejected, he was so depressed that he threw himself on the bed without even changing. His gaze settled on the photos he took at Rainbow Dash during the training sessions he held on the bedside table.

"Dash? I’m sorry I lied to you, but apparently there would have been no story between us."

The next day, Dash finally managed to study the afternoon with her friends, but none of them asked her about the appointment. Rainbow Dash was desperately trying to memorize everything, but now it was only a few days away, and the time to organize herself did not have it.

Sunset stand up,

"Good, who wants to take a break?", Dash relaxed her arms and legs on the chair.

"It was time, I could not take it anymore, I can not take it, Pinkie, please can you bring some snacks?"

"And snacks let it be", Pinkie Pie took from her pack lot of potato chips, tortillas, mini pretzels, various sauces and various drinks.

"Help yourselves", Dash took some snacks,

"You know, I'd like to have the space in my gym bag like Pinkie has it for her backpack", Applejack nodded,

"Impossible to imitate Pinkie, she is unique and rare, I do not think there is any girl like her in the whole continent", Pinkie smiled,

"No, unless you go to the old continent"

"What do ya mean?"

"My friend Gianduia manages to be much more organized than me and she manages to bring with her a lot more things than me", Rarity was surprised,

"You always talk about her as if you were two sisters"

"Silly Rarity, Gianduia and I are greatest friends in the world, and we behave the same way", Sunset smiled at the words of Pinkie, then stared at Rainbow Dash crunching chips and timidly spoke to her.

"Speaking of friends in the world, Dash, how was your appointment with Thunderlane?", Dash stopped crunching the chips, then opened a drink, took a sip and then answered Sunset.

"Let's make one thing clear, it was not an appointment but just a meeting between friends, and then it was embarrassing"

"Embarrassing? Why?" Thunderlane acted badly? "

"Very bad, I've never been so embarrassed in all my life", Twilight questioned

"But what exactly did he do to you?"

"It was him", Sunset wante to know more

"And that's the problem?", Rainbow Dash rose from her chair and slapped her hand on the table.

"Listen, if you care so much about that slacker, why do not you go out with him?", then Fluttershy and Pinkie spoke,

"Oh no, you did not fight the two of you?"

"Is it for the accident of the Christmas tree?", Sunset understood

"Or because did he tell you about his pendant?", Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset, she was surprised and angry.

"Did you know? Did you know about his pendant? Did you know it was his pendant that had changed it?"

"Dash, stay calm, yes it's true I knew it, but I only discovered it the day I saw you next to the van"

"And why did not you tell me anything?"

"I did not tell you anything because I wanted Thunderlane to tell you the truth, and it was only in the penultimate game that we discovered that the pendant was running out," Rainbow Dash sat down, and folded her arms.

"Nice friends you are, now because of you yesterday I had the worst night of my life"

"But why do not ya tell us what went wrong? What happened between you two last night?"

"Do you really want to know?". So Dash told her friends about the evening, but she went over the details and did not talk about how she left Thunderlane. Her friends were puzzled by her reactions.

"All right, Thunderlane can have a carelessness, but I do not see why you were so angry"

"It's strange that you think so, Rarity, I would like to know if he had ruined a dress what would have been your reaction"

"It's true I definitely would be angry, but that guy was just opening up his heart, Dash"

"So go and comfort him",

Sunset spoke,

"And what did you say after you left the restaurant?"

"It's none of your business, but now I'm going to study at home, see you tomorrow", Rainbow Dash immediately picked up her things and went away angry.

Her friends looked at each other.

"But what happened to Thunderlane?"

"Knowing him, maybe he is crying at home "

"It's all my fault", Sunset got up from the chair guiltily

"Do not say that Sunset"

"No, it's true, if I did not get involved with Thunderlane's business now he and Rainbow Dash would still be friends"

"Honey, you can not blame yourself, it's Thunderlane who never had the courage to declare himself to Rainbow Dash"

"The fact is that I felt sorry for him, he seemed so desperate, so in love, it's like ....."

"As if you wanted to act for the good girl? Doing the guardian angel?"

"The only contact I had with Thunderlane was in the past when I was with Flash, I often mistreated him, and I did not even know his name, so I thought I could forgive myself", then Fluttershy spoke

"We are actually responsible for all of this too, maybe we should have helped Thunderlane from a long time"

"We did not do it because we thought that Thunderlane could do it alone"

"I have to go to him, I have to ask him some questions", Twilight stopped Sunset,

"Excuse me Sunset, but do not you think he would be angry with you?"

"I could call him, but I'd rather go to him, he'd have to be in the garage by now." Sunset greeted the girls, and headed to the workshop where Thunderlane was working, and when she got there he saw Thunderlane working under a car, she called him and he stepped out from under the vehicle, but he was not happy to see her.

"Are you Sunset? What the hell do you want?"

"Thunderlane, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday"

"Why? Dash told you?"

"Yes, more or less, but I wanted to know from you what she told you, because she did not want to tell us everything"

"I'm busy and this car also needs a change of oil, let's say ... never again"

"But why do you behave like that? What did Dash tell you?"

"I have no time, go away".

Sunset came out for a moment, but soon returned to call Thunderlane.

"What is it? Let me work"

"My motorbike has something wrong, can’t you give it a look for a moment?" Thunderlane did not want to waste time so he sent her away, but Sunset could be stubborn when she wanted to.

"All right, then I'll tell your boss that you've refused a client's request"

"But if you never came here, you never brought anything to repair," Sunset smirked and crossed his arms.

"Then I'll start now"

"All right, I come to check". Sunset took Thunderlane out and saw that her bike was full of dents.

"Oh my goodness, what have you done?"

"let’s say I used a bit of magic to do a service to my motorbike, and then now needs to be repaired immediately"

"Then you could even repair it with magic"

"We do not have motor vehicles at Equestria, so I need your hands"

"All right, I'll fix it right away, but remember that it will cost you"

"I'll pay you, do not worry", Thunderlane brought the bike in and tried to repair every bruise, and in the meantime Sunset passed his tools and tried to talk to him.

"Tell me Thunderlane, what happened last night?"

"It was ..... the worst night of my life, I wanted to disappear into thin air"

"Do you want to talk about it? I mean ... I was just trying to help you, help you and Dash," Thunderlane sighed and then immediately took courage.

"Okay, listen ...." Unlike Rainbow Dash's point of view, Thunderlane told all the details of the evening, including Dash's plans and what he told him before saying goodbye. Sunset was upset at the end of the story.

"What kind of manners? Rainbow Dash was using you and you did not tell her anything?"

"It was also for this reason that I told her the truth, I can not believe she was not really in love with me"

"I absolutely have to talk to her"

"Better not, I've already made a lot of troubles last night, I would risk worsening the situation"

"You should talk to her instead, are you a man or a rabbit?"

"Said from a girl who once was a horse is a rather strange sentence"

"First point, I was a unicorn, and second, Dash should not treat you like that, or tell you those horrible phrases"

"What should I have done?" Being a tough guy did not do any good, being myself only infuriated her more, apparently there was no future for us "

"But you can not say that"

"Do not worry, I'll talk to her tomorrow, at least for the baseball squad." After a while Thunderlane got the Sunset motorbike back on track.

"I’ve made it, Sunset, like new"

"Wow, of course you have the magic in your hands, it's incredible that you're a mess"

"When it comes to repairing engines or creating things, I'm always the first to answer"

"How come this passion? And how did you work here if you have not finished your studies?"



"My father Construction Site, is a famous architect and foreman, and since I was a child he took me around on his building sites, he showed me a lot of cars and machines"

"Is your father who gave you this passion?"

"More or less, I often read his magazines about cars and motors when I was a kid, then growing up I asked him to buy me the set of construction games, and then growing up I started learning to repair several things, then three years ago my father spoke to the owner of this workshop who was an old friend of his school and here I am "

"You would say that you are lucky, you already have a job and you do not have to worry about the future"

"More or less"

"What do you mean?", Thunderlane made a melancholy expression,

"Dad would like me to get a job out of Canterlot, and in fact in recent years I traveled out of town to work in some workshops and some buildings sites"

"Seriously? Over the last two years? Maybe that's why I did not see you at the ball when Twilight, I mean the other Twilight defeated me"

"You can say it loud, when Dash told me everything I was surprised "

"When did Dash tell you?"

"Yes, I returned to Canterlot two days later, and Dash told me what had happened, and then she told me that I should have stayed"

"Why?", Thunderlane sat on a chair and blushed.

"Because ...... she asked me to dance with her two months ago", Sunset was amazed at that sentence.

"What, you asked her to dance?"

"Yes, when we were young, we promised that if we went to high school together we would have danced at the prom."

"Oh ... so you did not keep your promise?"

"Well, it was not the only one"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember the Dazzlings?"

"How could I forget them, since I have faced them too?"

"Dash asked me to be there on the day of the concert, but I could not be there"


"I had to go and do an internship in a workshop outside the city, but a bigger one, you see ... my dream is to open a workshop of my own, and that was fabulous"
"Wait ... did not you come to the concert, to work in a workshop?"

"Well, yes ......"

"And Dash how she acted?"

"I'll talk to you in front of a drink, come with me ......", Thunderlane got up from his chair and took Sunset near a dispenser, he took drinks, then sat down on a bench.

"Here ... the day after the concert she told me how things went"

/ In the past, after Rainbow Rocks /

Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were talking in front of high school, Dash was very excited after the performance of her group.

"And then there was this huge horse of light that hit them in face, and so their stones disintegrated"


"And when they started singing again they were out of tune, and an avalanche of BoooH covered them with shame"

"In their face, it should have been magnificent", Rainbow Dash looked at the ground with a sad look, and then she looked Thunderlane.

"Yes, but ... you were not there to cheer for me"

"But I did it for the auditions, I was always behind the scenes"

"Yes, but you were not at the concert"

"But I defended you, I often sent you those messages of encouragement on the phone, right?"

"Yes, and it made me feel better, but how come you were not under the spell of the sirens?"

"I do not know, I found them intoned like grunting pigs, it did not make me any effect"

"Well anyway, next year there will be the Friendship Games and I hope you will participate"

"I'll be there, if I pass the selections"

"If you give your best, you will do it," Dash punched with a friendly fist Thunderlane and he gave her a clenched fist.

/In the present/

"Dash never told us about this"

"She is very proud"

"But .. now that I think I did not even see you at the Friendship Games"

"Because I did not pass the selections, and I could not even cheer for Dash .... again"

"You were not present even in the audience?"

"No, my father took me with him, I had to help him fix the electrical system of a house under construction"

"And you did not keep your promise even that time?"

"No, and when Dash and I talked she was furious, she told me that my work was more important than our friendship, she did not speak to me for a month, then she forgave me by joining her baseball team , and always coming to her martial arts tournaments "

"Dash told me when you embarrassed her by screaming like a crazy man around the gym"

"The fact is that I was late, and I tried to show myself, so to make myself noticed I took a megaphone and I shouted"

"And then you were beaten"

"Yes, but I think it was worth it, since I then invited her to bowling"

"Can I ask you a strange question?"


"You're so good with repairs, how did you burn Dash's father's tree?"

Thunderlane looked down and then confessed the truth to Sunset.

"See, everything was perfect, but then I got distracted"

"Were you distracted?"

"Yes, I saw Dash looking at the tree, she was so pretty, she reminded me when she was small, she looked like an angel, as if time had come back, I liked watching her, she had magical eyes, and her smile then ..... so beautiful, I made her happy "

"Wait, did you get distracted because you've been watching Dash?"

"Yes, I did not notice a defective cable that burned and so I ruined everything, but luckily I brought a fire extinguisher, I always do it if it's about using cables"

"And then your friendship ended?"

"Yes, and you know, I've never opened her Christmas present, because it's the last gift she ever given me"

"But Dash does not know these things?"

"I wanted to confess to her last night but I did not do it, I never even told her that I took my revenge on those idiots who whistled on her in rehearsals"

"What did you do?"

"When they performed on stage for rehearsals, I sneaked out of high school, I had in my rucksack some tools, so I tampered the bikes and motorbikes I found outside"

"Wow, Thunderlane you have a wild side"

"It did not end there, I looked for Snips and Snails and took both of them for the pants, then hanged and tied them together with the belts and covered them both with the paint"

"Did you really do it?"

"Ask them, they talked to Principal Celestia, but luckily I only got a punishment"

"Dash should know this"

"And you do not know what I did to Trixie"

"What? What have you done to her?"

"With some iron I opened her locker, took her cloak and tore it off, and broke even her wands, then tampered the motor of the motorcycle, so she had to take it to the workshop, as all the students did I tampered the bikes”

"So you took revenge and earned money"

"And it did not end there, to Octavia and Photo Finish I sabotaged the engine of their cars, so they paid a lot of money to put them back in again, as for Photo Finish, I secretly put the camera under the car , so while I did a test I crushed the camera under the car "

"Thunderlane, wow, but you're a true hero"

"You should have seen the face of Photo Finish when she realized she had lost all her pictures, I've never heard so many bad words in German"

"Why?Do you speak German?"

"Ja, ich spreche Deutsch, Französisch und Japanisch (Yes, I speak German, French and Japanese)"

"In my opinion you should say all these things to Dash"

"No, I do not think so, she will not change her mind, but tomorrow I have to tell her something"

"By the way, how much do I owe you for the bike?"

"Listen, because we are friends, I'll give you a special price, in fact I will not charge you a full price"

"Did you do that with Dash?"

"No ... she never paid"

"What do you mean? That she never paid your job?"

"No, it's just that .... I never made it to ask her for money, so every time she took her bike to repair I always said it was nonsense"

"And how did you do with your boss?"

"Nothing, I paid for her, until he found out"

"And he threatened to fire you"?

"No, luckily he was in love too once, he had a crush on a girl and ... just like me he paid for the repairs here in the workshop, but he always told me that if I continued like this, Dash would always take advantage of me "

"However, you also have a reasonable boss, I feel I prefer to pay you the whole amount"

"Okay, but let's do a half now and the other half another time"

"You and Dash would be a nice couple, it's a pity that she's so stubborn"

"And yet that's why I like her".

The next day Sunset talked with the other friends about what Thunderlane had told her, all of which had been bad for the poor boy. Then, Rainbow Dash arrived with her bike, after parking it went to them happy.

"So girls, today we'll do a good job, because I'm sure we'll be able to memorize everything"

"Why this belief, Dash?"

"Simple motivation, then, what do you tell me?".

None of her friends answered her after what Sunset reported, but Dash did not care and went to her locker. Sunset and the others followed her. In the hallway she saw that Rainbow Dash was arguing with Thunderlane, and she looked really angry.

"How could you Dash?"

“How could I what?"

"How could you replace me?"

"Ah, that's why you're attacking me? For a simple reason"

"Which one?"

"You suck at baseball"

"It's not true"

"Really, you're a wimp"

"You did not have the right to replace me, you also replaced me with Snips, and he can not even hold the bat in his hand"

"But at least I know that he sucks, you lied to me"

"It's not true, I'm still a great hitter"

"I want you to be strong in everything"

"And do you think Snips can help you? Do you know how bad the team will go?"

"Listen .... I'm not interested in what you think of Snips, I've replaced you because I'm the captain and so you do not have to complain about what I do"

"You did not even warn me that you would do it"

"I'm sorry but you and I have nothing to say". Sunset and the others were watching the scene without saying anything, they could not even speak, Thunderlane left but wanted to say one last thing to Rainbow Dash.

"I know because you did it, because you do not want to talk to me anymore, and because you hate me", Rainbow Dash slammed the door of her locker and screamed at Thunderlane,

"I HAVE SAID THAT THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS, AND LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU IDIOT", Thunderlane approached Dash, but she ignored him by staring her locker.

"I know, I was a fool, but you accused me of being an immature, and what you did is immature behavior"

"Do not you dare say I'm an immature"

"If I am childish you are a selfish little girl with a feeding bottle",


Rainbow Dash slapped Thunderlane, but he did not react, his only reaction was a grim look.

"Do not you dare to get closer to me"

"Okay, then this will be our last conversation," Thunderlane pulled an envelope out of his pocket and gave it to Dash, she took it curiously.

"What's this?"

"The money for the laundry, for your dress", Rianbow Dash opened the envelope, and it was full of money, a lot of money.

"They are too many for a stained dress"

"In fact they are so many because you can buy another dress"

"Look, I do not want your money"

"Well, you'll have to accept because I do not take them back," Thunderlane turned and sobbed,

"Goodbye Dash", Thunderlane went away from the hallway, ran away without being seen crying, but Sunset and the others knew he was sad. Sunset approached Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? What are you going to do?"

"I keep the money, obviously, worse for him, but I'm not going to have any debts with him"

"I meant what you will do with Thunderlane"

"And what should I do?"

"How could you drive him out of the team?"

"Because I'm the captain and I can decide who to team and not," Dash took the money from the envelope and put them in her backpack, then realized that there was something else inside, it was a half plastic ring, she held it in her hand, stared at it, and then put it in a backpack pocket.

"What's that ring?"

"It's none of your business, Sunset"

"Hey calm down", even the other girls had stood near Rainbow Dash to talk. And some of them were watching the contents of the Rainbow Dash locker. Rarity, grabbed a picture in the locker and looked at it with Applejack.

"And this picture, when did you do it?"

"Why you embrace Thunderlane, and why is there a title To my hero?", Rainbow Dash blushed and took the photo by the hands of the friends.

"But how do you dare to rummage into my things?"

"You seemed so cute when you were little, you never told us in detail about how you were meet by children"

"Yes, why do not ya tell us about that picture?". Rainbow Dash closed the locker violently and left, but her friends followed her quickly.

"Dash? Why so much hate for Thunderlane?"

"We want to stop talking about that idiot?"

"Dash, but you would never have said these things to Thunderlane"

"It's true, you were such friends, why are you so mad to him?"

"Do you want to do your own business, since when do you care about Thunderlane?"

"Because we had never been interested in your affairs once," Rainbow Dash turned and pointed at Rarity.

"Affairs? Me and Thunderlane were just friends, we have never been in love"

"Is not that by chance you have it with him because he was not present for you at the Battle of the Bands?"

"What is it, did he tell you that?"

"Maybe you're angry because he was not there at Friendship Games to cheer for you?"

"One more one less, I do not care about him, he no longer exists for me"

"Dash, can I tell you something? If you do not care more about Thunderlane, why do you wear the star-shaped pendant around your neck?", Rainbow Dash blushed, and gripped the pendant with a fist, then turned and walked straight into the classroom. Her friends did not know what to think.

"Maybe I should not have asked you that question", said Rarity,

"You know, I do not want to be wrong but I think Rainbow Dash was crying"

"Are ya sure? Dash crying?"

"It never happened," then Fluttershy spoke shyly.

"To tell the truth ...... it happened once", the other girls were amazed. Fluttershy whispered to them what she knew.

"But you do not have to tell her, because she told me in secret, I was putting some tools in the gym when she ..."

/ In the past, during the Friendship Games /

Fluttershy went into the gym put away some circles, when she heard a voice, she hid and saw that it was Rainbow Dash who was talking at the phone.

"So you will not be there, I know, working out of town, and maybe you will not be here before two days? I'm happy for you, Thunderlane, and I'm glad you found the time to call, no, I'm not angry that we promised that we would race together, yes, yes I understood, then we'll talk, I'll tell you later how it went ".

Rainbow Dash turned off the phone, then went next to a training bag and punched and kicked it, she seemed to be venting, Fluttershy tried to back away for not being discovered.

"Liar, liar, you're a liar Thunderlane, you promised me, and once again you do what you said, nice friend you are, I thought you were my best friend and instead you're just a liar", Fluttershy stopped, and saw that Dash had stopped beating the bag, Dash remained motionless, then got down on her knees, put her hands on the ground and began to cry. Fluttershy backed away but she hit some obstacles that fell and hearing that noise Dash turned. Rainbow was embarrassed, she never wanted to be seen by one of her friends in that state, so she got up and went near Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here? How long have you been here?"

"Do not ... do not worry Dash, I will not tell anyone what you did, I promise", Dash was blushing, but she spoke calmly to Fluttershy.

"Can I tell you something? But you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone"

"I promise"

"I was talking to Thunderlane ..."

"Oh, well ..... and why are you crying?"

"Because ...... he will not come"

"Oh I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I did not know you cared so much that he was there"

"It's not like you think, it's that he and I have done a lot of things together, and he's the only guy I can talk to, we're great friends, and we've always been rooting for each other, but it is the third time says he can’t come, he preferred to go to work in a stupid workshop rather than being here to cheer for me

"I’m so sorry, Dash"

"No, I do not want to deal with him anymore, I do not want to talk to him anymore"



"I think you should understand that, Thunderlane maybe he made this choice not to spite you, maybe he's insecure ... as I often am, but the fact is that he's paying his school fees by himself, and then he's gone to live alone long before, so I think he needs a lot of money to keep going "

"Yes, it's true, I know this, it's just that since we are in high school our friendship is as if it had changed"

"Maybe because you've grown up now"

"You're right Fluttershy, maybe I should give him another chance"

"Now you’re reasoning"

"Do you promise that you will not tell anyone about my outburst?"

"No one, I promise".

/In the present/

Sunset was surprised about that story,

"Dash who reacted like that? Who would have thought it?", but Fluttershy was a little worried,

"But now I have broken the promise, and I do not know how I will sleep tonight", Rarity calmed her, and Applejack too,

"Do not regret Fluttershy, I have often thought that Dash has a tender side"

"In fact the friendship that she and Thunderlane had was really special, she spoke to him often, as if she did not care about what he thought of her", Pinkie smiled,

"It's nice that they grew up together, like a young couple of the best love movies", Twilight replied,

"And now it's all over, I can not say anything, because I'm the last one, but I'm sorry for you and especially for Thunderlane", then Sunset think

"I wonder how Thunderlane feels now".

To be continued........