//------------------------------// // Välkommen Kristall Snö // Story: Kristall Snö // by Kawat3ngusan //------------------------------// The Chronicles of the Dragonheart Pegasi This story is more appreciable after reading the story of Stella the Anguana. Stella was with her pupils in the classroom telling the story she had written - "My dear students, today I will tell you the story of the first Dragonheart Pegasus we have news of, I'm talking about the sweet Kristall Snö, a pegasus who lived with the ice dragons, so listen to it", and Stella told the story -And it is time that our story begins, and to appreciate it we have to go back in time- Approximately 742 (Viking Age) Kristall Snö Välkommen Kristall Snö (Welcome Kristall Snö) In the northern lands in ancient Europone, precisely among the white landscapes of Horsweden, there is a large battlefield, in this field there are several bodies. All those bodies belong to ponies, minotaurs, griffins and bison, all of them had gathered for a battle at the last fight, but not a normal battle, not a fight between any barbarians, indeed, all these warriors who are now slumped on the snow they were almost all barbarians and people from different regions, but for once a truce had been placed, since the battle in question was not against simple creatures or any beasts, no, all these warriors had gathered to definitively defeat all the Changelings that infested the Scandineighvia. Just a long time ago, a group of Vikings had found a hive of Changelings in the mountains of Horsweden. Any warrior or pony or other species who knew how to fight even if not well had to give his part to defeat the threat of the Changelings in the northern lands. In that horror scenario there is a figure that stands up, it is a light blue pegasus looking around, he sees his friends and battlemates lying on the ground, but in that battlefield there were also corpses of the defeated Changelings, the battle had not been in vain, that army of barbarians had defeated the tribe of Changelings that populated those mountains, the pegasus rises from the snow thanks to a wooden spear that he wields, he is wounded in the legs, but he must get up, as his partner is waiting for him in his village. Without hesitation, and with what little strength he had left, he flew in the direction of the area to the west in Horsweden, in the direction of his village. After a long flight he finally gets to see his beloved village. It was a village in the snow made of wooden houses, inside the village there was a frozen lake, near the village there was a forest, and it was surrounded by a small wall made of wood and stones. The pegasus was greeted by a griffin, an old friend of him, when the griffin sees the pegasus he hugged him - "Finally, and the others who believed that you hadn't made it, but I knew it" -, the pegasus was happy to have returned to his village and asked the griffin - "I'm happy, but also tired" - the griffin noticed his wounds - "But you are injured, we have to heal you, I'm going to call our doctor" -, - "Yes I know, but now I would just like to see my sweet wife" -. In fact, the pegasus had a blue pegasus as his wife, and they lived near the edge of the village, but he wanted to see her again not only because she missed him, but also because she had been pregnant for a long time. The griffin when he heard those words told him about something important - "There is ... there is one thing you should know" -, - "What is it? Is it urgent?" -, - "Very urgent, just a little while ago the old medical griffin went to your house" - the pegasus was amazed, - "Oh, why? What happened? Is my wife sick?" - - "More or less, the fact is that your wife is about to give birth" -. The pegasus rolled his eyes at him, just when he had returned from that battle he learns that his wife was about to give birth to their heir. Without thinking twice, the pegasus immediately ran to his home. He immediately entered and found an elderly she-griffin who asked him to be quiet. On a wooden bed with straw and a blanket was a light blue pegasus with a blue mane, she was all sweaty and panting, she was the pegasus's wife, he took her by the hoof and looked into her eyes . - "Kristall Lumi, love, hur mår du? (How are you?)" -, the pegasus was struggling both to speak and to open her eyes, but hearing the voice of her companion she turned to him, - "Tømmer? Is it really you? Are you back?" -, it was now days since he had joined the group of warriors and barbarians, and his consort often prayed for his return, even with the pains of childbirth, she was delighted that he was there. - "Yes, I’m here, and we won, the Changelings have lost their queen, by now they are all dead, and if they had survived by now they could not survive without their leader" -, Lumi was very happy not for the victory against the Changelings , but for her husband to be there with her, and just as she was about to kiss him, she let out a big scream of pain. - "Aaahhhh, what a pain, he's about to be born, he's about to be born" -, the pegasus had returned to sweat and cry, plus her face was all red with pain, the elderly she-griffin ordered Tømmer to go out and let her do her job. So Tømmer went back to his friend griffin to be healed by the village doctor. The griffin took Tømmer to the hut of a bison who was the person in charge of care and medicine, as well as the wisest individual in the village, he prepared a kind of cream made of snow flowers and moss, then used some leaves for the wounds of the pegasus. The griffin carried Tømmer out of the hut and asked him how he was. Tømmer still felt a little dazed by the battle but thanked his friend - "Tack (Thank you) Vinge, my friend, now I would just like to be close to Lumi, and maybe eat something" -, Vinge understood what Tømmer was going through, so he invited him into his house for a good warm beer. So Tømmer was finally able to rest, while his friend Vinge went to get some freshly made bread and mushrooms left over from their lunch, then asked his wife to bring some hot beers, the griffin then took a pitcher and poured the contents into two horns of animal for her husband and for Tømmer. The blue pegasus sipped his beer and ate the bread and mushrooms with relish, the pair of griffins were interested in his story on the battlefield. Tømmer didn't want to rethink the moments he lived there, but he talked to the two griffins about the battle anyway. After sipping another bit of beer he spoke clearly - "It was horrible, all those ponies, and those griffins, minotaurs, bisons, most of them were all Vikings, and they were also in large numbers compared to the Changelings" -. Tømmer remembered everything in great detail, he was behind two Viking minotaurs, his task like that of other pegasi was to fly high to spot the enemy. Tømmer could not forget the moment in which the Changelings came out of a cave in the mountain, it was precisely at that moment that the Vikings and the various ponies launched an assault against them, and between sword and axe blows many Changelings were killed, but in the attempts to attack even some Vikings lost their life, as the Changelings had strong fangs, as well as their magic, and were helped by their queen, who was killed by a Viking bison who hit her in the neck immediately after the guards around her were defeated one after one. Tømmer always felt bad thinking about those horrible scenes, also he felt guilty for not doing much, as he was armed only with a spear and not very sharp, and in an attempt to kill Changelings he was wounded and passed out. Vinge consoled him - "You don't have to worry, you weren't ready for such a battle, in fact you shouldn't even have gone" -, Tømmer felt better and thanked his friend and wife again. Immediately after, the elderly she-griffin; mother of his friend Vinge, slammed the door to call Tømmer. The pegasus was surprised, but he was even more surprised after he heard the reason for the outburst of the old she-griffin, the foal was born. Tømmer got up from the table and turned to the old she-griffin - "Really? Is he born? Is our foal born?" -, Tømmer was thrilled by the news, but the she-griffin hadn't finished speaking yet - "Yes, he‘s born, or rather she’s born, he is not a foal, but a filly" -. Tømmer was even more surprised by the story, so he immediately ran to his house. When he entered, he found his wife Lumi lying on the bed, clutching the filly with rags and sheepskin. As Tømmer approached Lumi, he heard the baby cry. Lumi hugged her tightly and cradled her to calm her, and while she did so she cried too, but with joy, then crying, she looked at her husband - "Tømmer, come and see, she is beautiful, our little filly is the most beautiful filly I've ever seen" -. Tømmer looked closely at his daughter, she was a small pegasus with a light blue coat just like her mother, and had a light gray mane, but with various dark blue spots like his mane, at the sight of such a beauty he was moved and not it mattered more than what he had been through before, because now their filly was born, and she was truly the most beautiful filly they had ever seen. - "Can I keep it in my hooves?" -, - "Of course you can, take a closer look" -, Tømmer held his filly tightly in his left hoof, placing it carefully against his chest, he felt a warmth that only a father could feel, and for him it was an indescribable moment. The filly kept crying, but he tried to calm her down by rocking her and singing her a lullaby. - "Hey little girl, don't cry, dad is here, I'm here with you, my baby" -, after these words the filly opened her eyes, and Tømmer was moved again - "She has .... she has blue eyes, all blue, like mine" -, He was delighted to see his daughter's eyes, Lumi dropped her head on a pillow made of straw and finally she too could rest, for her the sight of Tømmer cradling the filly was a beautiful sight - "She is our filly, and as such we will always love her" -, Lumi's words were something special for Tømmer, and while he was cradling the little filly he asked his wife - "How will we call her? She will need a special name" -, Lumi would have liked to sleep a little, but now it was necessary to find a name for the baby, Lumi then began to think - "Let's see, my name is Kristall Lumi, and I'm from the eastern lands, instead she was born here in Horsweden, so I think we'll call her Kristall Snö, what do you think?" - Tømmer nodded and with still tears looked his daughter in the eyes, - "Then Välkommen Kristall Snö (Welcome Kristall Snö)" -. An atmosphere of peace finally arrived in the village, three days had passed since Tømmer's return, and the other ponies and griffins of the village continued their daily life as before, Tømmer and Vinge headed to the nearby forest to look for food. However, Tømmer would have preferred to stay in the village with his wife Lumi. - "Why didn't we stay in the village? We could fish in the pond" - - "I know why you say that, you prefer to stay at your house rather than look for food, right?" - - "Don't be offended, it's just that I still feel tired from that experience and then ...." - - ".... And then you would like to spend more time with your little filly, right?", Vinge had guessed right, in fact Tømmer wanted more than anything else to be close to little Kristall Snö, but as food was becoming scarce, he had to go and look for it outside the village, while some ponies and griffins took care of fishing and cows, other villagers instead they looked for food elsewhere. Tømmer and Vinge searched the nearby forest well for supplies, and indeed they found berries, leaves, acorns and various mushrooms. With their bags full they returned to the village, but Vinge noticed something unusual from afar, he saw a dragon in the village. - "There is a dragon, there is a dragon, we are attacked, we must hunt it, and it is right next to your house" - - "Oroa dig inte (Don't worry), that's just Regn, my wife's friend" -. The village in question had a peculiarity, it was known as the village where Kristall Lumi lived, the pegasus who had dragon friends. It was said that when Lumi was younger, she had saved the life of a young dragoness, and that that she-dragon had been so grateful that she became friends with her, the dragon in question was just the same one who lived in the village. The dragoness named Regn was frowned upon by her pack of ice dragons, but Regn didn't care, both she and the pegasus often hoped ponies and dragons would be friends. Regn was a medium-sized ice dragon, light blue color, had rearward horns and her scales and wings shone when the sun shone on them, Regn had come to the village because she had recently returned from a migratory journey of her pack from Iceland, and was aware of her pegasus friend's pregnancy. And she finally could see the baby born. Lumi came out of her house to show her filly to the dear dragoness. The dragon looked at that little filly sleeping between Lumi's hooves and was moved. Lumi was happy to be able to talk to her dear friend again and even happier to show her the little filly. - " Hon är vacker (she's beautiful), we called her Kristall Snö" - - "Kristall Snö? It's a really nice name, and she looks a lot like you" - - "She has a little bit of me and a little bit of Tømmer" -. At that moment little Kristall Snö opened her eyes, and when she saw the dragoness Regn she got scared and started crying, Regn moved backwards, Lumi instead cradled her little one to calm her. - "Sshhh, don't cry baby, you don't have to be afraid, she is your Auntie Regn, she is an ice dragon, she will not hurt you, she is a sweet dragon" - - "I'm sorry, I scared her" - - "No Regn, now I'll calm her down, so I'll let you hold her" - - "In my arms? Do you really want me to hold her?" - - "I also hope that Kristall Snö like me can dream of a world where ponies and dragons can walk around together without fear and without disagreement" - - "Once I would have laughed for such a thing" - - "You mean…. if I hadn't healed you?" - - "I remember as if it were recently, I was a young dragoness, and those Changelings attacked me, then you and your father came and hunted them, and then you took me to the village to medicate me" - - "When you woke up you were confused, but you didn't attack me" - - "That day you changed my life, I always hope that the other ice dragons can learn from us too" - - "Tell me, you and Flod haven't thought about having dragons yet?" - Regn was a little blushed by Lumi's question, but she too had a little surprise. - "To tell the truth, I came back here in Horsweden also because I had to lay some eggs" -. Lumi stopped cradling little Snö when she heard that sentence - "Does that mean that .... you and Flod will have dragons?" -, Lumi was happy more than ever to ask that question, and Regn was just as happy to answer - "Yes, and having heirs allowed Flod to become the new pack leader" - - "The new pack leader? But that makes you the most important female in the pack, you're almost a queen" - - "Speaking of this, I was wondering if it was possible that you could look after my eggs" - - "Do you want me to ... do you want me to hatch them? What if I am the first that the puppies see?" - "You don't have to worry about this, I will come every day to check, and if their hatching is close then I will stay in the village" - - "Then you can do it" -. Regn had asked Lumi for that favor not only out of necessity, but also to find an excuse to visit her friend, and Lumi was happy to help her dear dragoness friend, but before saying goodbye, Lumi gave her the baby in her arms. Regn tried to rock her without letting her fall, this time Snö wasn't crying, on the contrary she fell asleep. Regn was touched again, Lumi instead thought that this must have been a benevolent sign, that maybe even Kristall Snö would have appreciated the dragons. In the village it was only Tømmer who approved the visit of the dragons, while the other inhabitants were always terrified, even if they liked the presence of a dragon, because that village had never been attacked. Regn gave Kristall Snö back to Lumi; and then she said goodbye, promising to come back the next day. Regn flew to the high and snowy mountains, entered a cave where various ice dragons lived, waiting for her was one of medium size of dark blue dragons, he was her husband Flod. He went up to her and took her back. - "You went to the village, didn't you? I told you not to see that mare anymore" - - "What would be the problem? You have never reacted like this, or rather it has been years since you didn't care what I did" - - "But now I'm the pack leader and I'd like you to stop seeing you with that mare" - - "That mare saved my life, how many times do I have to tell you?" - "You were a fragile and weak dragon, now you are no more, so now you should stop with this debt of honor" - - "You only care what the dragons think of you, but listen to this, Lumi has agreed to take care of our eggs" - Flod was angry at that sentence- "You ... would you like to entrust our eggs to that mare? Are you crazy?" - - "She saved my life, and then she became a mother too, besides there is no dragon to whom I would entrust her besides me, or rather no pony" - -Do you know that if something happens to our eggs I will hold you responsible? "- Regn gave Flod no answer, on the contrary she went to a corner of the cave to look at her eggs, and began to think. We need to know one thing, unlike Equestria, in Europone there are dragons of different natural elements, the ice dragons inhabited the mountainous areas where there was an abundance of ice and snow; which was their ideal climate. It is not known why, but this breed together with others never abandoned the Europone, moreover the abundance of ice was not only useful for their habitat, but also for their diet, because the ice dragons ate meat, but in lack of game also retreated with the fishing of salmon and other river fish, otherwise they fed on the mountain rocks and ice that abounded in the caves. The next morning, Regn began to lick her eggs to clean them a little, then she loaded them in her claws and left for the village of Lumi to bring them to her. Regn was always happy to see the pegasus who had saved her life, but mostly because she was a friend of hers. After a half hour flight, Regn arrived at the village, Lumi went out of her hut to receive her. - "Hi Regn, it's always nice to see you again" - - "I brought you all my eggs, there are six in all, try to keep them warm" - - "I will pay close attention to them, as if they were my children, and then you will stay here in the village with me" - - "Not the first few times, in fact the hatching is still far away, but if you want I will come and see you, also because I would like to see little Kristall Snö again" - - "Now she's sleeping, but when she wakes up I'll show you her again" - -She has beautiful eyes, I love her, I hope she can grow up as beautiful as her mother "- - "What beautiful words you say, and I hope your dragons can look like you" - - "Flod hopes they are more males than females, he absolutely wants to ensure the lineage of a future pack leader" - - "But isn't it better if a female commands the ice dragons?" - - "Believe me, the circle of elder dragons is very clear, it must necessarily be a male to rule" - - "In any case, I will make sure that nothing can happen to your eggs, my word" - - "I trust your word blindly, now I have to go back to my cave, see you tomorrow" -, so Regn flew away to her refuge, while Lumi brought the dragon eggs to her house near a lit fire, she stayed there and stopped staring at them and then her gaze ended up on little Kristall Snö who was sleeping, never was a vision more beautiful for her, she had become a mother and was about to become the aunt of six dragons. To be continued…. My little pony By Lauren Faust & Hasbro