The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere

by Syric Philharmonica

Interlude 3 - ...Of his life

"... Sleep Soldier, for it is here that your story ends. Do not despair, for you will be remembered by the ones who come after you. You have done everything you could to ease the burdens of every soul you met, quite often to your own detriment. It is time to rest Knight, There is nothing else but that..."

-Author Unknown, Collection of Funeral Rights, translated to Modern Equish.

Stalwart always knew he was going to die. Be it from the corruption in stations above his, or to any of the many threats to the nation he served faithfully. But not once did he ever imagine it would be by his own hoof. With a desperate, shuddering breath he lifted the pulsing, Squirming heart into the air above the altar he had been thrown across. Stalwart glanced down into the reflective surface of said altar and saw the gaping hole in his chest where the heart had once resided, a bloodied knife marring the altar's pristine image.

"Gods Damnit!" With that rage-filled shout there was a cacophony of sound from the alcove Stalwart stood guard in front of, rolling his eyes at the tantrum Lock Away was having and tuned it out, looking around the ruin they were inside. It was clearly intended to be a temple of some kind, the ruined statue in a place of prominence above a seemingly metal altar. what had once been pews were scattered across the ground and most of the pillars had toppled over sometime ago, as evidenced by the plant growth all throughout the temple, except for the altar.

"Enough of this!" Stalwart leaned back to dodge the stone Lock Away had been obsessively examining in the mobile lab he had brought before said pony stomped out, casting a dirty glare at Stalwart before he spoke again. "Retrieve that. We shalt test the altar now. Clump!"

"Yessss." Stalwart repressed the jolt he felt when that rasping wheeze sounded out from behind him. Clump, Lock Away's homunculus, was an abomination of different creatures stitched together and brought to life by whatever Soul magik Lock Away had at his disposal. With the head of a Diamond Dog, the body of a Manticore, the skin and scales of a dragon, and whatever else Lock Away had shoved into the monster that dragged it's enormous, loose and sagging body past Stalwart, the many stiches and connections on It's deformed form glowing with the color of Lock Away's magik. Clump's Bulbous and wide, Unblinking eyes swiveled to stare at Stalwart and It's neck clicked and popped when Clump turned to look at him, mouth stretched open to show a Facsimile of a wide grin before his jaw fell open wide enough to trigger Stalwart's flight response.

"Ssshhheeeiillld." Clump's grating and garbled voice bubbled out from It's torn apart throat and Stalwart gathered his courage to look up at Clump and give him a polite nod.

"Clump." Stalwart's eyes flicked toward Lock Away who had already strode over to the altar and was examining it with a spell. "I taketh it that Lock Away finally replaced thine vocal chords?" Stalwart asked as he edged away from Clump, Lifting the stone to his vision and Idly noting that there was a symbol inside before bringing his gaze back to Clump, who had made his way to Lock Away with surprising speed. "... New muscles too then. Wonderful." Stalwart grumbled as he took up a new guard station facing the entrance to the temple, ready for this day to be over so he could try to forget being that close to Clump again, the smell almost worse than normal in this humid and damp cave Temple.

"Shield." Stalwart glanced over at Lock Away from where he had been idly spinning the Stone noting that Lock Away actually looked nervous, almost afraid, which set Stalwart into high alert, Dropping the stone onto Lock Away's little table and lifting the temporary spear he was given while his weapons were being repaired. "I hath made a... horrifying discovery."

Stalwart gestured with his head for Lock Away to continue, Scanning the room for threats and noticing the Clump had left the temple already. "Tell me as we leave, quickly."

"Shield, this temple, It is not meant to worship a god WE knoweth. But a Daemon!" Lock Away Furiously whispered as they both slunk away, jumping at shadows and feeling their fear mount higher. "We can only pray that It has not noticed us."

At that moment Stalwart felt the air shift, and he could tell Lock Away felt it as well from how he stiffened up beside him. Both Stallions turned their heads to look at the altar, where a flame innocently burned.

"Did thou lighteth that?" Stalwart whispered as he raised the spear into combat position, standing in front of lock Away.

"Nay. I Did not" Lock Away, gathered his magic around him and took position behind Stalwart, His time as a battle mage kicking in.

And for a moment, time itself seemed to still, both Stallions unmoving as they watched the fire, waiting for an opening to either attack or flee.

Then there was a sudden rush of sound and heat as the flame exploded outward, tendrils of burning energy lashing outwards and causing them both to jump apart to avoid them. Stalwart was being forced closer to the Altar no matter which direction he dodged, making him realize that the Daemon had actively chosen him. Suddenly there was a grunt which caused Stalwart to look for Lock Away, conversely having been pushed closer to the temple's exit.

"Lock Away!" At the call Lock Away looked up from his hooves and saw Stalwart gesturing at the exit near him and understood the silent commend. With a solemn nod Lock Away ducked out of the Entrance before a lashing tendril slammed above it, causing rubble to fall and block it, trapping Stalwart Shield alone with the Daemon.

"Ahh, A Worthy Vessel." Stalwart's ears pinned to his skull as the Daemon's voice tore through them, directly invading his brain so he was forced to hear every slimy word. "Rejoice Knave, for thou shalt be the one to enforce mine will on this pitiful world!" Stalwart shook his head to clear his mind from the fear that had him trapped and cast his gaze around wildly, trying to find either an exit or the Daemon itself. Stalwart knew he stood no chance at killing his enemy, but he could buy time for Lock Away to return to the kingdom and get help, however Stalwart knew he would be long dead by then. He was ready.

The Daemon seemed to be lost in the sensation of freedom, gazing somewhere beyond the horizon and moving the parts of It's obscured form slowly before It turned It's gaze back to Stalwart with a sickening grin. "Still Defiant, Art thou? Good. Tis never fun when mine prey giveth up without a fight." Those words sent a thrill of fear down Stalwart's spine as he threw himself to the side, a lash of flame striking where he had standing only seconds prior. Upon landing Stalwart Threw his spear with all his telekinetic strength, knowing that he would never be able to get close enough to engage in melee combat and prayed that he could survive more than a few minutes in the oven the temple had become.

And on went the battle for Stalwart's life and freedom, The Daemon's unrelenting assault constantly wearing on Stalwart's stamina as he was forced to constantly either dodge a flaming lash or throw his spear. Stalwart could see that any wound he DID inflict on the Daemon was healed immediately, his opponent frustratingly smug and assured in It's victory.

"That is quite enough slave." At those words the Daemon raised an arm and Stalwart could no longer move, his entire body locking up as he was dragged through the air to the Altar his eyes wide with fear as he helplessly thrashed with his invisible bonds. "Thy antics hath entertained me for long enough, so I Shalt grant thee this boon." The Daemon gave a sick smirk as Stalwart was held down on the altar by the Daemon's large hand, It's other having transformed into a large point with a hole at the end. "I shalt not maketh thee mindless. Thou wilt watch as I maketh thou take all thee hold dear in mine name!"

Stalwart thrashed with renewed strength, Desperate strength filling his body that was ultimately worthless in the face of such power. He was forced to watch In disgust and fear as that pointed limb, 'A stinger', He realized belatedly plunged into his chest, so deep he felt the breath driven from his lungs when his ribs shattered, his lung immediately collapsing before the stinger pumped... Something into his chest, a black liquid bubbling up around the stinger as it withdrew from his body. That's when the screaming started.

He was only Mortal after all.

Through the haze, agony, the unceasing Laughter of the Daemon, and whatever was happening in his chest, in his Heart, Stalwart spotted Lock Away's reagent knife, left on his portable lab and a small sliver of hope reignited in Stalwart's mind. So with that hope fueling his actions, Stalwart reached out the grasp the knife in his hooves, fumbling for a moment before catching a hold and rolling off the altar, landing in a heap on the ground before using the altar to lift himself into a standing position Glaring with venom and hatred at the Daemon who was watching with an amused smile.

"Go on Worm. Strike me." The Daemon taunted Him but Stalwart was no longer listening, the pain and the fear and the horror and and and. It was too much. far too much for his poor mind to take. For any Mortal mind to take.

Stalwart knew on some level that what he would do next would leave a scar on anypony who found his corpse, but he knew this was the only way the stop this... Possession. So he raised that blade high.


And cut out his heart.


The knife clattered to the altar's surface, leaving a long smear of his life on it as he raised both his heart and his gaze to his tormentor, who was cautiously watching him. Still so assured In It's own victory. It seems even Daemons could be fools. Stalwart allowed himself a grin of satisfaction as his body went cold, everything growing darker and darker. So he took one last breath to say...

"I shalt... NEVER! Be thy Vessel." Stalwart rasped as he slammed the heart onto the ground, Proceeding to stomp on it until it was reduced to nothing but pulp. Defiantly, Stalwart sluggishly lifted his gaze to the Daemon who had attempted to use him for It's nefarious schemes. The Demon did not react to the bloody scene, In fact it seemed as though... It was frozen in place. Neither It or the flames surrounding it were moving, Before Stalwart could attempt to figure out what had happened a deep, Rumbling voice pierced through the fog that had settled over his mind.

"I commend thy courage little Pony. All I have met before hath neither thine courage nor strength to resist and deny that Demon. But thou hath shown thyself to be far more worthy." In the pause that followed the statement Stalwart was able to Identify the speaker, the small stone that Lock Away had tossed aside when the artefact had not reacted to any of his tests. It was glowing a rich red and he was now able to identify the symbol as a golden Ankh suspended inside.

Stalwart could feel the moment that his perception of time began to return to normal speeds, the Daemon's roar of anger ringing through his head and the sound of many small pops as reinforcements arrived, and the sound of two larger pops as his consciousness finally fled from his body, the last thing he saw before death claimed him was that small stone floating into the cavity where his heart used to reside.

"It is said that when faced with the certainty of death that everypony will show their true colors, and that their actions show the nature of their soul."

-Gypsy Teller, Philosophies of the Soul, printed 1976.