Smolder's Got Trust Issues

by TheSuperTransformerFan

The Only Chapter

It was a nice evening at the school of Friendship as everyone was getting ready for the night and resting up for the next day. Twilight and the others had left for Tartarus to find Tirek, so the young six were on their own as well as the students. As Sandbar exited to head to the library, a few others were giggling.

“Cozy Glow baked our class cupcakes today!” Citrine Spark said happily.

“And she made all of us friendship bracelets!” Berry Bliss added, showing them a bracelet.

“She's the nicest pony I've ever met. I'm so glad she's headmare!” Patty Peppermint piped up as well.

“Uh, temporary headmare?” Sandbar corrected them. “Right, guys?”

“Oh, oh, of course.” Citrine said. “But if Twilight takes her time coming back, I won't mind.” They laughed as Sandbar picked up the books and headed for the library.

The door to the library opened as Sandbar stepped in, and went to the aisle where his friends were as he arrived. “Finally! We thought you forgot about study club.” Silverstream said in excitement.

“Sorry I'm late.” Sandbar confessed before telling his friends the big news. “Cozy Glow gave our class tickets to a Sapphire Shores concert in Ponyville tonight.” Silverstream beamed.

The others were suspicious of this news, and felt that something wasn’t right. “You get the feeling Cozy's trying too hard to make us like her?” Gallus asked, unsure of all this.

“Or maybe she just wants to help us keep our minds off of how scary it is that magic's disappearing.” Ocellus suggested positively.

Smolder felt that something was off. “I don't trust her.” She said defiantly, stretching her eyes. “What's she up to behind those big eyes and bouncy curls?” The other students were thinking the same thing as Yona took notice of Cozy herself sneaking around the library.

“And why Cozy pony coming out catacombs so late at night?” Yona asked, as the others saw her do just that, just as she flew out.

The students felt that it was a good time to investigate. “Let's go ask her.” Gallus said seriously as they quietly got up and started to follow her out.

Cozy made her way through the hallways and to the headmare’s office as the students were following her. As she came in, the young six were taking a peek through the door, and saw her with another pony. They could only make out a slender figure as they saw it.

The chair turned around to face her, and normally you’d expect a voice like Neighsay’s but… it was sweet like a girl’s. “So, how’d it go, Cozy?” The voice asked her.

“Oh, golly. I just gave the class tickets for Sapphire Shores tonight.” The filly answered. “I'm doing a good job watching the school for her, Counsellor Starlight.”

The other pony beamed with excitement. “That’s why you’re my number one assistant at the school, Cozy.” She nuzzled her hair. “You really ARE like a right hoof pony.”

Cozy smiled at the compliment. “Is there anything I can do for you?” She asked.

The other pony thought. “I don’t think so.” She calmly answered. “You can rest for the night. I’ve got a lot papers to grade before Twilight and the others get back.”

“Ok!” Cozy said as she smiled. The other students were shocked to see or assume…

“Chancellor Neighsay?!” Silverstream asked. “What’s he doing here at the school?!”

“I don’t know.” Sandbar answered. “But as long as he’s here, this night might be a little tougher than we thought.” The other students were scared now. With what they thought was Neighsay here, things would get a little dicey for them…until someone would blow cover by chance.

Meanwhile, back in the office, the other pony Cozy was talking to covered all the student records of the Young 6, and filed them. “So far, so good. Our six unique students are acing it.” She said happily.

"Perfect!” Cozy Glow exclaimed "To be honest, I was worried that Chancellor Neighsay would be here to toss them in the trash, but with you on the job, they’re safe!”

The other pony nodded. “Yep! I even put a lightning rod outside on the school, generating a force field to keep intruders out.” She said, as she shown Cozy a view from the window, revealing a electrical force field outside.

“Electrifying.” Cozy said with delight.

"It sure is." the other pony said "With Equestria under attack, ponies must stand together. And so, if this happens again, we’ll know what to do.” Cozy nodded, as the other pony went to the bookshelf to get a book. “Quite a relief that a pony wouldn’t try to drain magic.”

“I’m glad Twilight and the others are away to help.” Cozy said quietly. She then had a bone chilling thought. “But, then…who or what do you think is the reason magic is disappearing?”

"I honestly don’t know, Cozy.” The other said, unsure of this as well. “But since Twilight is gone, it falls on us to keep her school up and running.”

As the two ponies were talking, The Young 6 started talking from the doorway giving away their positions, which caught their attention.

"Cozy, did you hear something?" The other pony asked Cozy.

“I don’t know, but It sounded like it came from over there!” Cozy replied.

“Let’s go take a look.” The other pony suggested as they opened the door to reveal the Young 6, as they fell onto the office room floor and grunted. They looked up, and got up as they came face to face and saw…

“STARLIGHT?!!!” The students gasped all at once upon seeing her.

“What the? What are you all doing here?” Starlight asked curiously.

“We May as well be asking you the same thing.” Sandbar asked.

“We all thought you were off with Twilight!” Ocellus called.

“We thought you were Neighsay!” Smolder blurted out, as she turned to see the others nodding in agreement.

“What are you talking about?” Starlight said, confused. “I asked Cozy Glow to help me at the office around the school at night.” She nuzzled her. “She’s a very good assistant! If Chancellor Neighsay was in the school, we’d know about it .” Cozy nodded.

“But Yona saw her sneaking around catacombs!” Yona added in alert.

The two ponies chuckled. “It's just that sometimes I need some help at night. I can't ask you guys to stay up late.” Starlight said, smiling. "You all need your rest, so I asked her to help me late at night.”

The students chattered upon hearing this, and thought that sounded completely right. Smolder was still unsure about this. “But that still doesn’t explain the whole thing.” The dragon exclaimed. “I thought Cozy was secretly working for Neighsay, and we followed her to make sure, and we thought we saw him.”

Starlight scoffed. “Why would you think that?!” She asked in disbelief. “Uh, sorry. Listening.”

“Well, when Cozy said she was taking over the school, we thought it was weird, and that it didn’t make much sense that you didn’t explain your absence.” Smolder explained. “We thought Cozy was taking full control.”

“That sounds devious.” Starlight said with a grin, before putting on a serious face. “I-I mean, I see.” Cozy cringed at that.

“What?” She asked. “What are you talking about? Starlight was out for the day, and gave me the day duties. She was coming here to work on the night shift. So I could help her.”

Smolder was dumbfounded as she heard this, as the other students glared at her angrily. “I guess I was jumping to conclusions.” She said, as she sighed.

Starlight was surprised upon hearing this and sighed as well. “True, you did jump to conclusions, and also, that was a really, really bad assumption to make about your friend. I understand you were curious, and you could’ve asked other staff members for help.” She told her. “Twilight and the others were away, but I was here for night shift. You could’ve just talked to me about this, and the whole thing could’ve been avoided.”

“I guess it could’ve been avoided.” Smolder admitted, as she slunked her head down. “I should’ve trusted her.” She turned to the others. “Oh, guys. I’m really sorry.” She apologized. “I didn’t realize that Cozy was trying to help Starlight.”

“Hey, I’m not broken up about it.” Galllus agreed. “Straight up, we weren’t sure about what Cozy was doing at night.” The others nodded as well.

“But next time, tell somepony first. Okay?” Starlight asked as she smiled.

Smolder gave a weak smile. “Ok.” She said.

Starlight giggled. “You all look tired. Now, off to bed, all of you.” The other students nodded as they went back to their dorms.

“Come on.” Starlight said to Cozy. “We can start working on substitute headmare plans for tomorrow right now, if you like.”

“Thanks, Councellor Starlight.” Cozy piped up as they went back in the office.

“Anytime.” Starlight said, smiling as they started to go over another round of filing and substitute plans, all while the students went back to their dorms and to sleep.

The next day went about like any other school day. Lessons were being taught and Starlight and Cozy both worked on new substitute plans. At that moment, the door burst open to see Twilight and the others come in. “Twilight!” Starlight said, shocked. “I wasn’t expecting you back so early.”

Twilight just giggled. “Thanks for taking care of the school, Starlight.” she said.

“Did you two have a few hiccups?” Pinkie asked them.

“It was a challenge.” Cozy said as well. “Heh. But I think things turned out just the way you'd have handled them.”

The mane six sighed happily. “At least that was taken care of!” Rarity put in.

“That’s good to know.” Twilight said, as the others nodded. “I wonder if the students missed us.”

“I’ll bet they did, Sugarcube.” Applejack suggested.

“By the way, with what Tirek told us…” Rainbow added. “That sure didn’t sound like it was Cozy.” Both Starlight and Cozy shuddered at that.

“That’s because…it wasn’t Cozy.” Smolder said, as the students saw them on the way to the next class.

Twilight was shocked that they knew this. “How in Equestria did you know?” She asked them.

“Lucky guess. We gotta get to our next class.” Smolder quickly answered as they dashed off.

Twilight just giggled. “We’re glad you two took care of the school.” She said to them. “You both can take the rest of the day off. You earned it.” As they walked off, both Starlight and Cozy sighed with relief as they get to frolic with what they wanted to do for the rest of their day.

Except for Starlight still thinking about what Smolder said that night.

That afternoon, Twilight was going through the files Starlight coded, as Cozy came in. “Professor Sparkle?” She asked. “Before I leave for my day off, I wanted you to know that The mailpony just came with, uh, a few things.” She brought in some heavy boxes, and set them on the floor.

Rarity took notice and knew what they were. “Ooh! The sewing machines I ordered for my class!” she squealed. Cozy just smiled, as she went out the door and outside, ready for her day off.

At that moment, Starlight came in with a concerned look on her face. “Oh, hey, Starlight!” Twilight called out. “Can I get you a comfort pillow? Security blanket? Empathy cocoa?” she got those things as she asked.

“Actually, Twilight…” Starlight said. “I have something I need to talk to you about.” Her expression said it all. “It’s Smolder.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked. “What about her?”

“Well…” Starlight said, as she was about to tell her the issue regarding her.

Meanwhile, back in the hallways, the other students were passing through since their classes had already wrapped up. Sandbar saw Smolder and Gallus about to head out. “Where are you guys off to?” He asked.

“We’re going out to the lake like we did on Friends & Family Day.” Smolder replied.

“Ooh! I can’t believe we get to hang out again!” Silverstream beamed. “I’m totally in!”

“I think we all could use a mental health break.” Ocellus agreed.

“And, it’s been a while since we been to the lake. So, yeah!” Gallus piped up.

“I’ll tag along too.” Sandbar added. “Let’s go!” The students giggled and chattered as they started to head out for the lake. However, as Smolder was about to head out, she heard a voice call out her name, making her freeze.

“SMOLDER!” The dragon turned to see Twilight, who’s expression was firm and serious. Smolder’s expression was now fear and sweating. “I'd like to see you in my office." She said firmly.

"Now?" Smolder asked shocked and nervous.

"Yes," Twilight nodded. "I have something very important I need to discuss with you."

Smolder gulped, wondering what she could've possibly done to get on Twilight's bad side.

As Smolder approached the office, she had second thoughts about this, and decided to back out. But, she realized what the consequences would be if she did. She got in trouble before, and she didn’t need to again. She sighed. “Might as well get it over with.” She said as she made her way in. She approached Twilight’s desk, as the alicorn was checking over the files.

Smolder gulped. “You wanted to see me, Headmare Twilight?” She asked calmly.

Twilight put the files down, and looked at Smolder firmly. “I can’t believe you’d do something like this!” she scolded her.

“Like what?” Smolder squaked out.

Twilight walked over to her. “You are A student at the school of Friendship, aren't you?” She asked her, her expression unchanged.

“Yes, and I still have a lot to learn on Friendship.” Smolder admitted.

“So, why did you falsely accuse Cozy Glow of something she didn’t do like take magic from Equestria?” Twilight asked harshly.

Smolder was shocked at this. “How did you know?” She asked.

“Starlight told me everything that happened last night.” Twilight answered her. Smolder gulped, and sighed sadly.

“I didn’t trust her!” Smolder pointed out. “I thought she was going to plan something to take over Equestria and I heard her talking to Somepony. I didn’t know that it was Starlight.”

“What made you think that jumping to conclusions about a foal was even remotely a good idea?” Twilight asked her.

Smolder thought about this question. “Well, when you put it that way, it sounds really bad.” she admitted.

“That's because it is really bad!” Twilight shouted, making Smolder jump back in shock. She stammered. “Smolder. I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed.” She told her. “You have been doing well here, I don’t understand how one simple substitute day could turn into this.”

Smolder took in a deep breath. “I didn’t know Cozy was helping Starlight. At least I admit that.” She answered.

“I understand where you’re going with this.” Twilight added. “But Cozy would never do a thing like that. If that happened, the worst she’d get is community service or a paddling."

“Oh.” Smolder sadly said. “I guess I have missed the whole point without even thinking.”

“I never thought you would do such a mean thing as to falsely accuse a student.” Twilight scolded her. and she opened the doors motioned for her to leave “I'm afraid I'm gonna have to suspend you from the school for a week for you to think about what you did and why?”

Smolder bowed her head down. “I deserve it.” She said sadly. “You have every right to be mad at me. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions quickly about Cozy.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” Twilight said. “Please leave for now.” Dejected and with tears in her eyes, Smolder walked sadly out of the office, and out the school doors, which Twilight carefully closed shut. She looked back and walked out the doors, and started to fly off for the dragon lands, starting to ponder about what she did.

“SUSPENDED?!” Gallus said in shock. “For a week?!”

“Did you really have to do that?!” Silverstream asked horrified as well.

“That’s a little extreme.” Ocellus added.

“I get it.” Twilight told them. “I understand how you feel about Smolder, but she was supposed to support you guys as well as Cozy Glow. And it’s clear that she failed that. It’s not permanent. She’ll be back next week.”

Spike got up to her face and grabbed it. “Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle?” he demanded.

“Every school in Equestria has punishments.” Twilight reminded them. “I understand that Smolder’s was like the Crusader’s punishment. But she’ll learn the discipline she needs to learn.”

“I never thought that’d actually happen.” Silverstream said sadly.

“She needs to learn her lesson.” Twilight reminded them. “If not, how will she learn the importance of support?”

“I guess we should go back to class?” Cozy asked.

“I understand how you all feel.” Twilight reassured them. “But, things will be back to normal next week.” She smiled. “Run along, and I’ll see you Monday.”

As the students left, they couldn’t shake the feeling that their friend was missing. “It’s just not the same without Smolder.” Sandbar said.

“I know.” Ocellus agreed. “Without her, it’s just incomplete.” Nevertheless, they went to their dorms to contemplate.

It wasn’t going well for Smolder at the Dragon Lands. Her thoughts of what happened that night drove her into a severe depression. Not only that, but Ember heard about the whole thing, and was angered with her for jumping to the wrong conclusions about Cozy Glow,

"You oughta be ashamed of yourself, Smolder!" Ember shouted at her.

"I know, Ember." Smolder said sadly. “I have no excuses. I was completely over the line.”

"Why did you do it in the first place?!” Ember scolded her. “Did you ever stop to even think about why and keep those thoughts to yourself?" She asked.

"" Smolder admitted.

"Then, why would you even bother jumping to conclusions about a pony?” Ember asked her.

"Because, I thought Cozy was really taking the magic from Equestria, plus She was sneaking around at night.” Smolder said calmly.

"That's no excuse, Smolder!” Ember said, pointing to her. “You’ve got a lot to think about!” She said as she walked away. Smolder started crying tears.

She went over to an area by the mountains and sulked, not even moving a muscle. She took in a deep breath and sighed sadly. She then heard bongos and turned to see Garble, playing them. “Fire, dragon. Wig and waggin'. Feelin' like…” Garble stopped to see Smolder saddened. “Smolder?” He asked. “Are you okay?”

“If you’re trying to cheer me up, It won't work.” Smolder said gruffly to him.

“I was just trying to cheer you up.” Garble answered. “Hey, you wanna do some poetry?”

“No.” Smolder said, still sulking.

“Come again?” Garble asked, as he didn’t hear her answer.

“I said no!” Smolder said harshly, turning to Garble furiously. “Curse your gosh darn beanie and shirt!” This made Garble jump in shock as she took off.

“What’s her problem?” Garble asked quizzically as he saw Smolder fly.

As she flew over the dragon lands, she felt a tear trickle. “They way I see it, even Poetry has lost its charm on me.” She said silently to herself. She flew for a few minutes, and suddenly noticed. A few dragons in the hot lava tub, she smiled. “Maybe, that could help me.” She said as she flew over to the lava tub and started relaxing.

A week later, Twilight was going over the Color coding for the next year of the school’s semester. “Spike! I have horrible news!” she fretted.

“What's wrong?” Spike asked.

“We only have twenty highlighters! And they're all orange!” The alicorn said with worry, showing the drake the highlighters. “How will everycreature color-code their notes?!”

“I'm pretty sure you're the only one that does that.” Spike said skeptically.

“Still, twenty isn't enough for the new school year!” Twilight panicked, just as the doors swung open.

“It is if you only had twenty students.” Smolder said as she came in, carrying a few supplies and a bag of her belongings.

Twilight and Spike saw their dragon student was back. “Smolder!” They said happily as they came to hug her. Surprised but not alarmed, Smolder returned the hug.

“So, how was your suspension?” Twilight asked her. “Did you learn anything?”

“I sure did, headmare Twilight.” Smolder replied. “Don’t judge ponies till you give them a chance.”

Twilight and Spike looked at each other and smiled. “Well, we’re all glad you’re back.” She said. “The finals are coming, and…”

“…and you need some help with highlighters?” Smolder said, as she chuckled. “I can help you with that, and other stuff on that matter.”

“Really?” Twilight beamed. “Smolder, that’s amazing!”

“Thanks, Twi.” Smolder said, as she unloaded the supplies. “I’ll give you a hand. After that, there something I need to do.”

“Take all the time you need.” Twilight said smiling.

“Thanks.” Smolder said, as she flew to the office to stock up on supplies. The two watched and smiled.

“It’s good to have Smolder back, huh Twi?” Spike asked her.

“Yes, it is, Spike.” Twilight answered as she smiled. “Yes, it is.” As Smolder corrected the supplies, Twilight went to check on the other classroom, with Spike tailing with her.

Later that day, the students minus their dragon friend were heading outside through the fountain way and to the library, as they had a final exam to study for. “So, who wants to study together?” Sandbar asked his pals.

“With other students?” Gallus scoffed. “This is Equestria! If you want the real scoop, there's only one place to go.”

“Like maybe the library?” A voice asked. They all turned to see that it was….

“Smolder?!” They all asked in shock.

“SMOLDER?!” Gallus asked. “Where have you been?! And furthermore, how was your week off?”

“It gave me some time to think about what I did.” Smolder answered. “And I sure learned not to jump to conclusions.” They all giggled at that.

“Good to have you back, Smolder.” Ocellus piped up.

“Thanks, guys.” Smolder said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have unfinished business in one of the classrooms.” She turned heal for the school.

Cozy saw where she was going and decided to follow her. “Wait, Smolder!” She called out as she followed her. “I’ll go with you!” As she followed her friend, the others went to the library to study.

Smolder entered a nearby classroom in the school, and looked around. So far, it was empty. She smiled as she picked up a piece of chalk and started drawing on the blackboard, “I will not jump to conclusions about other students.” Once she drew that, she smiled as she knew it was her lesson.

She started drawing that multiple times, as she heard a knock on the door. “Aah!” She turned to see Cozy enter, as she sighed with relief. “Oh, it’s you, Cozy.” She smiled.

“Hi, Smolder.” Cozy said, happily. She took notice at the message Smolder wrote on the blackboard. “This is what you learned?” She asked.

“Yep.” Smolder answered bluntly. “Hey, Cozy? Can I talk to you?”

“Sure.” Cozy answered.

“I’m sorry that I mistrusted you after all this time.” Smolder apologized. “Can you forgive me?” She put out her hand.

Cozy saw it, and smiled as she took it and shook it. “Of course I can.” She said. “Friends?”

“Till the end!” Smolder said, smiling, “Y’ wanna help me write that message on the board?”

“Sure!” Cozy said, as she helped Smolder write the message a myriad of times. From that moment on, following her suspension, Cozy and Smolder became good friends as a result of their makeup. There are certain things you should never do against your fellow friends, and jumping to conclusions about them was one of them.

Luckily, after they wrote the message, they headed out to have a lunch together as good pals. Cozy was glad that Smolder forgave her, and Smolder was glad to regained a new friend. Things were happy at the school of friendship.

As they came back, they saw Chancellor Neighsay entering, as he was about to approach the office. “They’re gone!” He said quietly. “Time to turn the school into…” He stopped when he saw Cozy & Smolder, arms crossed and death glares at him. “Who are you?” He asked.

“Nice try, Neighsay!” Cozy growled at him.

“But you’re not taking over the school on our watch!” Smolder added. Neighsay gulped as he wondered what the girls would do to him. One could only wonder as the chancellor started to back away and leave the school.