Rebirth of Magic: Royal Approval

by The Blue EM2

Fun, Fun, Fun

Well, I have to admit that was all quite exciting. After the parade had concluded, we returned to the Palace. The sun was beginning to set in the sky, with the previous blue light beginning to shift to spectacular oranges and reds. The results were absolutely spellbinding to look at, and I have to admit that I was caught off guard by their beauty. Where I had formerly lived, there was so much light pollution that it was very difficult to look at the skies in any meaningful way. And yet here they were unfolding right above me. As I said, stunning.

"Enjoying the view, mom?" Pipp suddenly asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Why, yes," I replied. "Stunning sky, isn't it?"

"Never gets old, huh?" Pipp answered. "I've got a picture of a particularly spectacular sunset as the backdrop to my laptop screen. The Pippsqueaks also LOVE a sunset stream. I might give them one."

"There's something you need to do first," I said to her.

"Mom, I've already cleaned my room. Besides, I thought that's what household staff were for!"

I laughed. "I didn't mean that, darling. Looking at the time, It would probably be sensible to eat next."

A palace guard heard this as we stepped through the front doors. "I'll notify the kitchens right away, Your Majesty," she said, and picked up a telephone. "Her Majesty and Their Royal Highnesses have returned home. Prepare the kitchens for duty."

It was now I realised my lack of knowledge was going to cause us some trouble. I had no idea where the dining room was, so I looked about for any obvious clues. "A map of this place wouldn't go amiss," I said to myself.

"Sorry, mom?" Zipp asked. "A map? Already got you covered."

She passed me a map, and I took a look. It was on the top floor, past the cable room on the right. The cable room sat right above the throne room, so I assumed there must be some sort of elevator to allow us to access that level. "Thank you Zipp. I've lived in this building my entire life, and I still get lost!"

After we made it up there, we went our separate ways to prepare for dinner. I spent some time rearranging things in my stateroom. This was certainly the largest office I had ever seen. It was enormous, and was about the same size as several smaller flats would be normally. They certainly weren't short of space up here, that's for certain.

I continued to look through the room, and saw a stack of papers. I'd work my way through those after dinner and then perhaps drop off to bed. That seemed like a sensible schedule.

A few minutes elapsed, and then the intercom in the room rang. I went answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Your Majesty, dinner is served," said the voice on the other end. He had a French accent for some reason. Sorry, I meant to say Prench accent.

"I'll be down in a moment," I said.

Well, this was certainly rather extravagent for what was meant to be a family dinner. Firstly, there were numerous courses of food, and each was brought to the table by an army of serving staff. There were also security guards within the room itself, all of whom were standing completely stock still. The room was certainly airy, but also a bit large. The table was very long, clearly designed for hosting dignitaries and state banquets. This meant we were squashed up at one end, which looked a bit silly.

A band was providing music on a nearby stage, which meant the entire experience was somewhat surreal. I felt like I was in the middle of a Monty Pony sketch and any minute now the punchline would land. Pipp and Zipp at least seemed to have healthy appetites, though watching Zipp trying to eat in a restrained and regal manner was amusing, to say the least.

I glanced over to them. "Well, how was today?"

"I got some great photos of the parade!" Pipp replied, suddenly checking her socials. "Got some new subs. The Pippsqueaks wish you the best, mother."

I smiled. "Let them know I thank them for their support. After all, I am merely a servant of the people, as we all are."

That seemed to get Zipp's attention. "How many units were involved in that parade?"

"A lot?" I suggested. "I hadn't realised we had so many!" I laughed, but the result sounded rather odd and a bit forced. "Still needs some work."

"What if we get attacked?" Zipp asked. "There's always a chance, and if so many units are on parade they-"

I sighed. "We have the Palace Guard, and plenty of troops according to the Colonel. If you're that worried about being in danger I can have your security detail increased. But there's always a final line of defence."


"Me. What sort of mother would I be if I was unable to protect you two from the world out there? There's nothing to fear, because I'll be here for you. Always." I paused. "That's a promise."

Zipp looked both surprised and relieved at that. "Thanks, mom," she nodded.

I could only assume Haven wouldn't normally react like this to a situation, but I chose to switch the subject nontheless as the dessert arrived, drawing on something I'd noticed on the map inside the sky transport. "Now, to calm our fears who fancies a visit to Dynamite Beach tomorrow?"

Pipp's eyes went wide. "The new water park? Yes please!"

Zipp looked quizzical. "Don't you have loads to do?"

"Well, seeing as we've been so busy we all deserve a chance to let off steam, I feel," I replied. "Besides, I'll work through the morning and try to clear the backlog."

After dinner, I quickly learned that being Queen was much harder than it looked. The stack of paperwork never seemed to end! Admittedly, most of it was laws that had been passed by Parliament that simply needed signing off on, but I had made the critical error of trying to read through each and every document to try and understand it.

This was a bad idea, seeing as each was incomprehensible. The words were Ponish, but had been put together in such a way that it might as well have been written in another language. I suppose legalese is technically another language.

I rapidly figured out that my signature was a formality, and like the British monarch I had no real power. It was then I had a brilliant idea. Why not acquire an automatic signature machine to automatically apply my signature to documents?

By the time I began to feel tired I'd only gotten through 25% of the stack, and there was still a lot of paper to look at. I decided I would look at it in the morning after I'd gone to bed.

I dropped off my crown on a bedside table and hung up the other objects nearby, before retreating under the covers of my bed, which was about the size of a room in its own right. Seeing as I'd formally lived in a crummy bedsit to suddenly be propelled into such luxury was a remarkable shift.

It helped the sheets were soft too. I wonder what sort of packing they use?

The next morning, I woke up thoroughly refreshed and with a bad case of bed mane. After a quick shower, I went to get my mane and tail into order, to no avail. At around 6:30 in the morning, there was a knock at the door. "Enter!" I called.

A pegasus entered. "Good morning, Your Majesty," he said. "I trust you slept well?"

"Like a log," I replied. "If you don't mind me asking, is there something I need to attend to?"

"No, Your Majesty," he replied. "I am your stylist, remember? It is my duty to ensure your mane and tail are in order."

Perfect timing. "Well, then, you may set about your duties. You can hardly have a Queen looking like she was dragged through several bushes, can you?"

He soon got to work, and I must say he was seriously good at his craft. With only a few minutes of work he had gotten my mane and tail into the exact same configuration as yesterday. "Everything to your liking, Your Majesty?"

I nodded as I popped my crown on. He finished securing the tail support in place. "Yes, indeed. Thank you for your help."

"I am but a cog in the mechanism that keeps Zephyr Heights running, Your Majesty," he replied.

"And yet every cog is vital," I said. "If but one cog was missing, the entire system would stop functioning. You are excused now."

"Very well, Your Majesty," he answered, and exited the room, shutting the doors behind him.

Time to get back to work.

Sure enough, I was able to speed through the rest of the paperwork with my new strategy. In fact, I was making such good headway the pile was down to just a few small items when the bell for breakfast rang.

Breakfast was a similar gaudy affair to yesterday, just with considerably less energetic music. Nothing of particular interest happened, and the next major item on the to-do list was the morning court. This was due to last about two hours.

The number of ponies packed into the throne room was ridiculous. It seemed that everypony who was anypony was there. I suspect it was mostly a display of spectacle rather than any actual importance, but I must say the ceremony and splendour was enjoyable.

I hate to admit it, but I was starting to enjoy all the attention and luxury my status offers. Most of the ponies were diplomats from other cities in the Pegasus Empire, and I used what was being discussed to get up to speed on political happenings within the country. You never know; this might be information I would need at a later date.

After all that was done, I was relieved to be relieved of some of the formal regalia for a bit. It was pretty, sure, but also very heavy. And sometimes quite hot. It was then time for lunch, which I had requested be light considering where we were going next.

After a short flight to the next stop, Dynamite Beach, we entered the property. To my amazement, they had rolled out the red carpet, and the media were there to snap pictures and ask questions. They'd even built a separate entrance for us so we wouldn't get hounded by those who had less than noble intentions, so to speak.

I had the good sense to leave all the valuables at home. After changing into a bathing suit and heading out into the sun (one cannot forget their bathing cap, after all), I knew from my recollection of the film what I had to try first.

Whilst Zipp seemed to be doing her best impression of a paddle steamer, and Pipp was streaming on a float, I made my way up to the nearby diving board.

The others figured out what was going on. "Pipp, you may want to put a waterproof cover on your phone."

Pipp nodded. "Gotcha. Guys, I gotta go!"

I bounded forward on the diving board itself, bounded near the end, and then pulled myself into what approximates a cannonball, and waited for the spash.

Water flew everywhere and drenched many things. I floated back to the surface, water collecting in my fur. Not that I cared.

"Been a while since you last did one of those in public," Zipp commented.

"Even Royals need to have fun sometimes," I replied, a smile still lighting up my face. "Pipp? You still have your phone on?"

"I like what you're thinking, mom!" Pipp replied, and she hopped off the float and doggy paddled over.

I drew them together, with my forelegs around their shoulders, and Pipp snapped a picture of us on her phone camera.

I mean, who said a monarch can't get be a normal pony every now and then?