//------------------------------// // chapter 13 three day trial. // Story: LUCKY CHAINS // by discordjediknight //------------------------------// Everyone was rushed to the hospital. As Discord lay in several hospital beds unconscious, the others got their injuries checked out. Nothing worse than a few black eyes and bruises were made, luckily threw out the fighting. Those who were villains were checked out and then transported to the jailhouse. Except for Discord. They chained him to the bed with anti-magic handcuffs, much to the dismay of his friends. It was Fluttershy who stood over Discord the longest. Refusing to leave the room. Most sat in the hallways. Eventually, twilight had to leave due to having to set up the trial. Otherwise, she never leaves the hospital. Spike called Big Mac, and he rushed over along with Son Burst, cheese sandwich, and zephyr breeze. They were shocked to learn the truth about Discord. While zeffer did fall asleep standing up against a wall, no one else got one hint of rest that night. It took another day for the other leaders of the friendship alliance world to get to eqretriah. That entire day, discord didn't give any hint of being alive. Not even his chest moved. The only hint of him being alive at all was the heart monitor. By then, most of the others who voted left to get ready to watch the trial. The only ones who stayed behind were Zephyr Fluttershy and Spike. As the day passed by, Zephyr brought some snakes from the vending machines and offered some food to his sister. Bus, she refuses to eat any of it. Zephyr sighed. Come on sis, eat something. It's been over twenty-four hours since ya had anything. She sat there quietly. Not a tear not a whimper, just silence as she stared at Discord. At the courthouse, everyone sat down in front of a long table full of judges. This wasn't a normal trial. All the leaders sat as judges. However, it was indeed Twilight who sat in the middle and called the court to action. All the villains were in striped outfits. With anti-magic chains. They say at a table across from the judges. Behind them was the entirety of ponyvill. All cramped into the small courthouse. Not one creature was going to miss this. Not one, except Fluttershy. Right behind the villains sat Rainbow dash and Rarity. Apple Jack stood beside the table in her police uniform with several folders packed full of reports. “All rise.” Twilight demanded. They all rose from their seats. “You may now be seated.” After they say down, twilight continued. “We have a long list of things to do today. I and the other judges spent all morning going through the reports.” She said, floating up a stack of papers with her magic and setting them on the desk. “At this point, we all already know most of the story, but we would like to hear from the accused themselves. When I call your name, please rise, state how you plead, and explain in your own words your experience of the past year. And why or why not, you shouldn't be in stone or imprisoned.” “Tireak.” Tireak rose. “How do you plea?” “Guilty.” “Should you be imprisoned?” “A punishment should be in order for my actions, but no.” “Explain.” “A year ago I was unstone but kept in prison. I was supposed to be reformed by Discord. He came to me and tried his best. And in all honesty As much as I hate to admit it he was right. All the power in the world. What if doing with it would be selfish? Especially since I betrayed him and so many others like my brother in the past. For my entire life, I just wanted power. And didn't care who I stepped on to get it. But even with all of that. Discord gave me another chance. I did not know he was lucky chains at first. After me, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow escaped going our separate ways would be a stupid idea. We stuck together and somehow became friends. And then Mr lucky Chains himself approached us with the idea of disguising ourselves. At first, we didn't know if we could trust him. I don't trust anyone and seemingly didn't have any loyalty to him. But it was the best way for us to get food and stay hidden. Hidden in plain sight. I had to learn the drums, but overall, it was a good time. After a few months, I suspect it was Discord. To think even after everything I did to him, he was kind enough to give me a 2ed chance. And for the first time in my life. Loyalty and respect are all I had for the guy. In short, I have been reformed. And you want proof. My proof is that I fought against these ponies so that he could go and save his little girlfriend. I'll take any punishment. I am guilty of hurting others. But I am reformed.” Tireak then sat down. “Thank you Tireak. Next. Cozy glow how do you plea?” “Guilty and proud of it.” She said standing up. “Explain.” “I always knew friendship was power. And I used it to take over eqretriah and then the world.mwahaha. Ummm, sorry. It's a habit. Anyway, a year ago, discord was assigned to reform me. We went to his little friend's concert and were knocked out and kidnapped by a random pony who isn't as random anymore. She grinned wildly. We then escaped her. And while Chrysalis and Tireak wanted to leave, I convinced them to stay and work together with me till we could find a way to take over the world. Only for us to meet lucky chains and befriend him. He was across Discord and…” Her wild grin flattened to an honest expression.” I didn't know he was hurt. All that time and, and he helped us. I can't believe it, but. She shook her head. He got to me. I'm reformed. I don't care if I'm in stone again. Just please don't hurt my friends. They're all I got.” “Thank you cozy.” “Next, we have.” Twilight looked at her papers and then back up. “Mr's buzzers.” The changelings male who was known as Drake stood up. “Ok, so there we were about to be processed. When a tip came to my sister. She said a guy called lucky chains was willing to help us go free if we joined his band, becoming dancers. I laughed at first and figured for one show I'd do it. Here I find myself a year later having fun with some of the most wanted criminals in equestrian. This is some band and I ain't gonna leave it. I plead guilty. But I am reformed.” “Next Lilly buzzer.” “My siblings and I didn't like thorax rule. After the events of well, the big three. We wanted some choice over our ruler. So we staged a rebellion and got arrested for it. What can I say? I plead guilty.” “Next caterpillar buzzer.” “Yeah, I'm the youngest of the group. And I just do what my siblings say. But I made friends. I don't care what they did in the past. What they do now is what counts. And sure, we might have kicked some pony flank. Ut if we didn't then lucky chains, our friend and boss who's been like a father to all of us wouldn't of save his girlfriend. I don't regret a single action.” “Thank you next.” After going through the list and listing to about 30 other people working for lucky chains corporation managed by the film Flam brothers, they finally got to Chrysalis. Chrysalis stood up. Her face was filled with what could only be described as regret. “How do you plea?” Chrysalis said nothing. “How do you plea” “Guilty.” “Explain.” Aging, she didn't speak “Chrysalis.” Twilight asked in a tired voice “You want me to explain, you want me to go through my life story. On how I became crystal. How somehow Had friends. And. She froze as a small whimper escaped her throat. I don't care, it doesn't matter anyway.” She sat down. As day one of the trial continue, by lunchtime they took a break. It was Son Burst who ran over to the hospital and gave the update. Spike Zephyr and Sunburst decided they needed to get cheese and Big Mac and have lunch together in honor of their fallen friend. They tried to coax Fluttershy to come with them, but she refused to leave. This is where a miracle happens, folks. I was so sure that Discord wasn't gonna wake up. I wish I was there. But I'm happy someone was. Discord started moaning and moving in his sleep. He then moved his head a little bit. Fluttershy wasn't even paying attention. She was too sad. While her eyesight was on him…her mind was lost in thought. All the grief she felt from losing her friend the first time came slamming back to her over the last two days. So you can imagine the shock and joy she felt when Discord opened his eyes. From Discord's perspective, it was as if he saw an angel. His eyes glowed slightly due to the restored magic. But it was nothing compared to the crystal blue that shines on him. Fluttershy in that very second, didn't know what to believe. Was her best friend truly awake? Or was it just some cruel trick? Was her mind playing tricks on her? She didn't get any sleep the past few days. And didn't eat anything. Somehow, she didn't care. She wanted nothing more but to be with Discord. She already lost him once. She couldn't stand to lose him aging. She said nothing as her bottom lip began to quiver. Discord slowly roes his eagle claw and crested her face with it. It was the touch that finally broke her. In an instant, she fell over him, eyes balling out. Discord's face turned as red as it could. He nervously chuckles. Tho, it could barely be heard”. Thank you”. It was a bit of a struggle to get the words out due to his dry throat, but she heard them. She grinned at them and was about to say something else when she felt him wrap his arms around her, turn onto his side, and fell asleep. She could feel his breath on her neck and felt his chest rise and fall against her. She then knew he was going to be ok. And just like that, all the sleep deprivation came to her at once, and she instantly relaxed to the sound of his heartbeat. With every slow breath, he took. With one small yawn, she and drifted to sleep alongside him. After a few hours, the five friends came back and saw the two lovebird asleep together. The five boys all had quivering lips. They knew Fluttershy couldn't possibly move Discord in that position. And seeing his chest rise and fall as normal once aging, they knew their friend would be alive. A few years of joy erupted from their mouths, waking the two up from their nap. Fluttershy instantly turned red and hid behind her hair. It took Discord a moment to recognize anyone, including the mare he had in his arms. His head and whole body ached. “Discord, can um you let me up?” She asked him Discord was slow to comprehend her request but followed it. He then realized he was chained to the bed. As he examines the chains, memory of the story events came rushing back to him. , Including whom the guys were around him. He quickly sat up, a bit too fast, judging by the pain that coursed through his body. He began panting and looked as if he was going to lose consciousness from it. Fluttershy quickly grabbed a paper bag from the sink and handed it to him. “Calm down discord, please.” He took the bag and breathed in and out. His body looked silly as it rose and fell. After he got control of his breathing, again he spun to the dragon in the room. “Spike.” He uttered. His voice was low and raspy due to his dry throat. “Where's Cherry?” Those who were there explained the situation calmly to Discord. “Yeah, you gave us quite a scare there.” Spike finished his story. Discord leaned back on the bed as he thought about the events after he blacked out. So she's alive then. “Yeah, if it weren't for Chrysalis”, Sun Burst chimed in. “It wasn't her fault.” Discord said to all of their alarms. “I could see it on her face, she was putting her magic down. It was an accident Cherry got shot. And I went ballistic and blacked out.” “Yeah, it seemed like you lost your memory or something. Using your magic randomly. It wasn't till Twilight had the idea of reminding you of who you were to us that brought you back.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded. Discord smiled at that. “Still, there was something else too.” He said under his breath. “What was?” Spike asked. “I think I. Well. I think perhaps I wasn't always the Lord of chaos. I think perhaps I. I had a mother. I saw her clear as day, as I see you now. A memory from over thousands of years ago. He shook his head slightly.” “Oh, what did she look like?” Fluttershy asked. “Was she a deacoonquis too?” Asked cheese. “That's just it. I think she was a, a Pegasus.” He shook his head. As they all gasped. “Anyway, it doesn't matter everyone is on a three-day trial, including me”. He said as he tried to stand up. “Discord no. Give yourself some time.” Fluttershy told him. As much as he didn't want to. He did as she suggested, and  lay back in the bed. “Only for today. I got to get to that courtroom and put an end to all of this.” “Well, help in any way we can.” Big Mac spoke. “Yes, that's right, if you need anything, just let us know.” Cheese told him. Son Burst nodded as Zephyr gave his sly grin as usual. “Welp, actually. If you could get me a copy of those documents and files, that be mighty helpful.” “I'm on it,” come on cheese. Son Burst and cheese sandwich said as they headed out. “I got to get back to my wife. So glad to see you alive.” Big Mac stated before he waved goodbye and left. “I'm gonna spread the word you're awake. Come on sis. It looked like you could use some sleep too. Zephyr stated.” “Yeah, ok. Discord, I'll be back as soon as I can. But I am gonna need something to eat. Do you uh want anything?” “Some ginseng tea would be great, thanks.” She nodded before she left. “Welp I should really go and,” “Wait Spike, can I talk to you for a sec?” “Sure what's up?” “Alone if you don't mind.” He said to the other two, who were heading out anyway. They have a little nod and the sibling is left together. As soon as the door was closed, spike looked back at Discord and asked, “What Is it?” “Spike, I need you to be my lawyer in all of this.” “WHAT! But why me?” “Because you're the only one I can trust right now.” “But.” “Spike, big Mac, has a wife and a family. I can't get him involved. Son Burst has his job. Cheese has his company name to think about. And I really rather not have Zephyr do it.” “Well, what about Flu…” “I put her through too much already. She's a mess. Her brother can watch over her. I need to free those who are reformed.” “Pinky's under arrest too.” “Rainbow Dash and Applejack's hands are tired. Twilight can't pull too many strings without looking biased. It has to be your spike. Spike, your  last chance.” Spike breathed in and out as he took in this information. He set a claw on his chin as he thought about it. “Alright, I'll do it but, we need a plan. We need to convince the other judges of their reformation. Some define proof you changed them.” “I could talk to Twilight and get us a hearing. But without that proof, we might do more bad than good.” “Then get the proof. Those papers that Son Burst is getting, be sure to look through every file. Anything that would convince the judges.” Spike nodded and left to go figure out a plan. Day 2 of the trial had Discord, now awake, join the party to give his statement before proceeding. “Discord please wisely state your plea and whether or whether not you should be imprisoned for the crimes you are accused of. Twilight said clearly and emotionless.” Wow, in the few years of being a leader, she really got the hard cold leader type down right. Discord thought as he got up. “I Discord plea not guilty, nor do any of my subordinates.” The crowd gasped at this, and Twilight couldn't hide her smile.” Ease explains.” She said, trying to sound emotionless but coming off cheerfully. “You accuse my subordinates to be high-type criminals. Which they are not. Not anymore. Tireak was a high-class criminal that ended up on the loose due to my dumb actions. Same for chrysalis and cozy glow. Crystal, Beast, and Dozey's only crimes were resisting arrest and getting into a street fight, with little to no injuries to anyone but themselves. A little community service is more attuned to their crime. And I know that since I was a cop. The same goes for all who worked under me. Crystal might be due for a year in jail. but is not trapped in stone for eternity. As for Cherry pie, you people are talking about putting to death a filly. Shame on you.” The crowd then mumbled as they heated his statements. “Order”. Twilight demanded as she slams a hammer down on the table. The crowded quiet down giving Twilight the chance to further the notion. “Mr discord. Cherry pie is not real. She is a clone of Pinky Pie who was left unnoticed for eleven years. Ranked up a great amount of debt, stole from a dragon's bank, escaped you our top cop, and was placed at a level 2 threat.” “The Pinky Pie clone, maybe. But is Pinky really responsible for this? The clone, unlike other clones lasted long enough to gain its own intelligence. Perhaps the clone should be imprisoned alone. However, the clone disappeared, leaving a young filly who doesn't even have her talent mark yet. Some time out by her parents and perhaps some community service fits that issue quite well.” “As for me. With granted. He nervously chuckled. Some mixed results, I did my job quite well. I reformed the big three and other crimes deemed unworthy of a 2ed chance. Saved one of the elements of harmony. Ended up getting myself shot by the way. And would like to sign some adoption papers for a little filly that just got way over her head in all of this.” Once aging the crowd rioted on mumbles only to be silenced by twilight at first, but then another voice spoke up. It was the queen of the kirin herself. “So Mr discord. You deny freeing your previous underlings and running off with them in order to create an army to take over Equestrian aging like you've done in the past.” “Absolutely.” Discord said without hesitation. “I'm all for 2ed chances Mr discord, but time and time aging you have made one too many mistakes and withheld information that could have stopped such events in the first place. Just recently, your Magic broke out and almost destroyed the world again. You deny that this was intentional.” comedically. He told her with a straight face. “That's the thing, Mr discord. You say your intentions are good. But your records are against you. Perhaps you are not reformed at all. How do we know the reformation program works at all?” At this, the crowd aging chapter amongst themselves before discord shouted at the Queen. “You've made some mistakes your self, yet you still stand ruling your homeland. Let us rule ours.” “True, I made my mistakes, but I haven't repeated them or made any others. Especially not ones that put my homeland and other countries at risk.” Discord rolled his eyes. “A power like yours needs to be distinguished. And those of the reformed program need to be put to honest testing before we set them free to destroy our world again.” The crowd then began rioting, yelling back and forth. Twilight tried to calm them down, but when nothing else was working she shouted at the top of her lungs. A true royal voice similar to that of Luna and Celeste came bellowing out of her mouth. ENOUGH,!!! When the crowd went silent, twilight did her calming technique before continuing. “Discord.” She said a bit too calmly for his liking. “Anything you would like to add?” “Yes. Only this. I am your ally. Not your enemy. He gave a slight bow of the head to Twilight.” She nodded, knowing what he meant by that. “Ok, well, we now have all the statements. And all the evidence. The judges and I shall take a recess for a few days to think of things before final judgment on all the accused. If any other details or proof comes forward in that time, do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. Till then, the accused shall go back to their cells.” Twilight picked up the hammer and banged the tables. “Meeting adjourned.” Discord turned his head to Spike, who was sitting behind him. “Well, that went well. “He told him. Spike just set his hand in his claw and he moaned.