Sins of the Ancients

by Tundara

Chapter Sixteen: Lullaby for a Princess

Sins of the Ancients

Chapter Sixteen: Lullaby for a Princess

"Once opened, no Door can close on its own,
Three Doors; two ajar, one barred, in the land of Sun and Moon."
-From the Prophecy of the Purple Wizard


Three mares stared at the fourth occupant in the room. Cadence shook her head slightly trying to deny what she had just heard while her aunt tried to re-assemble her famous graceful, calm mask. Rarity just sat blinking her now ruby coloured eyes in dumb shock.

"Necromancy?" Rarity repeated, the word rolling off her tongue like it was bitter.

For her part, Jasmine just shrugged and continued to look out the window at the moonless night.

Celestia had wasted little time in returning Equestria to its proper cycle, but when asked about the missing moon had grown quiet and sad, saying it could wait for the time being. Instead the four had appropriated a quiet office and tried to figure out exactly what had been happening in Equestria the last couple days.

"Your kind studies Necromancy?"

"Yes, but not many are open about it. Most have the same reaction you are having," Jasmine gave a rueful smile. "But I was given a spell book by my future husband that was almost entirely on the subject, and I never could turn down the challenge of mastering difficult magic."

Smile turning into a sour laugh, Jasmine continued.

"It's actually my fault, all of this," she said gesturing at herself. "I managed to irritate the First enough that he left his little castle to hunt me down. Now, that was a fight! He came for me while I was in the Winterlands. Thought I'd be easier to attack there I suppose. Too arrogant and powerful for his own good."

"We crashed through the boundaries of thought and mind, twisting and battling in places I've never dreamt existed, until we crashed here. We were both expending huge amounts of energy. Enough that he became the Fifth. I don't think he really re-adjusted to his loss of power, otherwise I can't see why he thought he could directly confront you on the physical plane."

Celestia indicated for the purple unicorn to continue her story after a few long moments of silence. Cadence found herself close to the edge of her seat, curious about what exactly had happened to Twilight. Jasmine seemed to be carefully considering her next few words, and Cadence couldn't blame her. Simmering deep in her heart, Cadence could feel anger and hatred towards this pony that had stolen Twilight from her.

"I was dying, separated so far from my body. I-I sensed someone with an immense connection to the flow of Aether. It was like," Jasmine's voice grew distant and wistful, lost to recent memories, "looking on the weave of magic itself. I've never seen anything so beautiful before. When the Fifth saw her, he had to have her, and together we crashed into her. There was an explosion of light and screaming silence as he tore a part of her off, but he couldn't hold onto it, and it was flung back along the void we had travelled. Everything after that is a confusing jumble until I woke up here with you odd talking ponies all around me."

Cadence felt tears come to her eyes, thinking about the abominable violation committed to Twilight. Celestia had a look of cold fury dancing deep beneath her calm mask. If it hadn't been the voice and face of her most Faithful Student telling the story, Cadence wondered what Celestia would have done to Jasmine.

"You are a fiend," Rarity hissed, her ruby eyes dangerous slits. "How could you do that to somepony?"

Jasmine simply shrugged, "I am a pragmatist, Rarity, and I am not a good person. Can you say you'd have done things differently if you'd been in my place?"

"Yes! Without hesitation, yes!" Rarity snarled, her upper lip curling.

Shrugging again, Jasmine looked out at the twinkling stars.

"What's done is done, Rarity," Celestia said, massaging her temples with her hooves. "There is something your story makes me curious about. I'd like to perform a quick simple test, with your permission, Jasmine. And to you as well, Rarity."

"A test? What sort of, 'test'? If you don't mind my asking," Rarity scooted back in her chair looking warily at the Princess.

Cadence hid a smile. She knew exactly what test Celestia was asking to perform. It was a 'test' Cadence had performed on a certain purple filly many times while foalsitting for the Sparkle House.

"Nothing to be concerned about. It's just to see your magic potentials."

"I don't mind. I doubt I really have a choice in the matter." Jasmine didn't even try to hide her disinterest.

After a few moments, Rarity nodded her agreement. Celestia made her way in front of Jasmine first, bending down to touch her horn to the unicorn's. A gentle glimmer of magic wreathed both horns for a moment, and then diminished.

"Interesting," Celestia said, then turned to Rarity, repeating the motion.

This time there was a snap that filled the office, and a white-blue aura of magic whipped through the air, knocking Celestia back a couple steps. Blinking in surprise, but otherwise unhurt, Celestia said, "very interesting."

"Oh my goodness! Princess, I am so sorry. I-I didn't mean to..."

Waving a hoof, Celestia calmed Rarity's panic, Cadence covering her mouth to hide a slight smile. She'd seen reactions far stronger over the years to the Aether test.

"Be calm, Rarity, while your reaction was stronger than I anticipated, it wasn't harmful, and certainly not your fault."

Blushing, Rarity dipped her head. "Yes, yes, I am just... upset with myself for what happened. I-I should have listened to you and Jasmine.

"Yes, you should have," Celestia said, but not unkindly. With a gold shod hoof, the princess lifted Rarity's chin when silent sobs began to wrack the unicorn. "I never would have let anything happen to your sister. Now, I'd like to hear what happened to Luna."

Cadence sat straighter on her cushion, ears pricking forward. A slight shiver of worry and curiosity tingled just below the surface, betraying her long seated anger and hate.

"Tartarus, it could have been no place other," Rarity shivered, hooves scraping at her legs.

Cadence shared in the motion as Rarity described the bleak furnace of a world she'd fallen onto through the portal. Celestia closed her eyes, sadness making her eyes wet. But no tear fell.

The details were sparse. Rarity had been cast back through the portal by Luna before seeing the battle's conclusion. No pony knew Luna or the two spirits fates.

"Discord is terrified of Tartarus, and what may be coming through the portals," Rarity said, still trying to control her shivering.

Cadence felt like a hammer had hit her in the stomach at the mention of the Draconequus. Celestia motioned for Rarity to continue.

"He, well, he told me an incredible story. One I am not sure I can believe," Rarity chewed on her lower lip. "He isn't a god or spirit. He's a Demon. The Draconequus, all of them, were sent as messengers and scouts for something he refused to name. When he came to Equestria thousands of years ago, he was confronted by a Herd of Alicorns. He tricked them into performing a spell that caused six to become what we call the Elements of Harmony in order to seal the Door to Tartarus. He didn't say what became of the others."

Rarity continued, going into as much detail as she remembered about everything Discord had said. About how the Elements of Harmony couldn't close a Door, but could permanently bar them instead. She went on to say that the Elements weren't an option as the Element of Magic was missing. At this Rarity sent a scathing glare towards Jasmine. Turning over the information in her head, Cadence missed Celestia's response.

"Discord said that it was years later he discovered that you and Luna had been hidden from him by your mother."

"So little is known about the pre-classical era now. Most destroyed by Discord himself. I wonder how much of what he said can be trusted." Cadence shook her head slowly.

"I agree, Cadence," Celestia nodded.

"He seemed earnest and genuinely afraid of the Doors, as he called them, opening. When we fought him, he wasn't ever afraid. But this scares him. Or rather, what could be coming through."

"You should be as well," Jasmine chuckled, looking away from the window. "Those imps we encountered in the forest are nothing, Rarity. There are monsters made of flesh formed from fire, and worse. Terrible beasts that seek only the complete destruction and enslavement of all life. They know only hatred, and wickedness, and evil; for that is all they can know."

Celestia contemplated what she'd been told, adding it and comparing it to her own information. Cadence smiled as she watched the ancient mind of her aunt turn and plan. For all her magical power, Celestia's greatest weapon was her ability to plot and outthink her opponents, often by decades. She was the undisputed master of the 'Long Game', guiding Equestria and the neighboring nations to centuries of peace and swiftly dealing with the threats, like Discord's return, when the arose quickly and with barely a ripple to the nation as a whole.

"Very well," was all Celestia said. Leaving the matter for the moment, Celestia turned her full attention to Jasmine. "Now, what are we to do about you."

Stiffening, Jasmine turned, almost imperceptibly, towards the door. Cadence knew she was thinking about escape. Jasmine wouldn't make it far. Not with the other Elements of Harmony, the royal guard, and of course, two Alicorns, all surrounding her. The thought must have gone through Jasmine's head, as she didn't try to bolt. Or she was an incredibly calm and self assured pony, Cadence added.

"You'll be kept under supervision, for the time being. I confess, this doesn't please me, at all. Twilight Sparkle is very dear to mine and many hearts, and beyond that her importance to this nation is, complex. But I see nothing else that can be done other than lock you in a dungeon or tower," Celestia let a wry smile touch her lips. Letting the smile fade she nodded to the pair of unicorns, saying, "You both may join the other Elements of Harmony."

"So, what did the test reveal?" Cadence asked, though she felt she knew the answers already, when the door clicked closed behind the two mares.

"Jasmine has slightly above normal magic for a unicorn. Rarity, on the other hoof, her magic is much stronger, and 'off'."

"Only above normal?" Cadence asked, her stomach clenching at the news. "Then?"

"I would guess the rest is with Twilight, where it belongs."

Gulping down a knot in her throat thinking about the precocious filly she'd foal-sat, Cadence forced herself to focus on the Element of Generosity. There was nothing she could do for Twilight, and worry wouldn't help.

"How much stronger is Lady Rarity's magic?" Cadence looked over her shoulder to the door. "I know you, Auntie, and something like the magic of the Element of Generosity would be tracked and recorded."

Smiling proudly, Celestia inclined her head. Among the two she didn't play games, the answer rolling off her lips instantly.

"She was a Seven on the Star Swirl magical aptitude test before. Now she'd be an Eleven."

"Eleven? Unicorns don't reach Eleven." Cadence's eyes were wide as she thought to the only four living ponies that rated an 'Eleven' on the test.

"No, they don't. Lady Rarity has joined a very exclusive group. I believe that is in part why her eyes have changed colour. I don't know what she is, precisely, except that the spirit that saved her was concerned that there would be consequences. This is undoubtedly one of them. What I saw her do to Rarity, it defies everything that I thought I knew about life and death."

Celestia grew quiet, losing herself in her thoughts. Cadence watched her aunt, eyes pinching together as her own thoughts turned over and processed everything she'd heard.

"Cadence, I'd like you to watch over Jasmine. I don't think we can fully trust her beyond the fact that she wants to return to her own world and body." Standing up, Celestia moved to the window. "I'm going to fly to the Door to Tartarus and check on its seals."

"Do you think she's alright?" Cadence whispered, not daring to look at her aunt as the words passed her lips. "Luna, I mean."

"I don't know. Your mother is strong. But Tartarus?" Celestia shook her head sadly.

The silence again drifted and lingered in the room. Cadence chewed on her lip, thoughts swirling around Luna, and the terrible reign of Nightmare Moon a millennia earlier. At last Celestia stepped away from the window.

Nuzzling Cadence, Celestia whispered, "You should go. Send Captain Shining Armour in please."

Doing as she was asked, Cadence headed towards the hospital lobby. There she found the Elements of Harmony, as well as a tired looking Sweetie Belle and Spike. The dragon sat on the back of the Element of Honesty, Applejack, Cadence corrected. If she was going to be spending time in the town, it would be better to think of them as individuals rather than the Element they bore.

Smiling as she approached, Cadence waved for the group to follow her.

Stepping into the crisp summer night, fresh air filled her lungs banishing the harsh smells of the hospital.

"Princess Celestia has asked that I be the one to watch over you, Jasmine," Cadence said, turning to face the named pony.

Jasmine just shrugged and continued to look disinterested. The look was starting to grate on Cadence's nerves. Before she could mention anything, Spike luckily spoke.

"Where are we going to sleep though? I mean, the library was destroyed."

Applejack and Fluttershy both offered together to house the dragon, unicorn, and Princess. Cadence thanked them for their hospitality, then turned to Rarity.

"I believe it would be best if we stayed with Lady Rarity," Cadence indicated herself, Rarity and Jasmine.

"What about me?" Spike grumbled, kicking a loose stone.

"You c-can stay with me, Spike, if you want." Spike looked up towards Fluttershy, the pegasus smiling bashfully, over to Cadence and Jasmine, then nodded slowly.

All eyes then returned to Rarity. Blinking at being put on the spot, Rarity sputtered for a half second, then she looked down at her sister.

Sighing, the fashionista said, "I'm afraid I don't have the room. I promised to let Sweetie stay already and only have the one guest bedroom."

"Don't worry, we'll manage..."

Cadence paused, looking up towards the open window of the office where she had left her aunt as a slow sad voice began to call out to the moonless night.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you
All these miles away

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

Turning briskly away from the window, Cadence said, "Come we'll all want some sleep. I suspect the next few days will be long."

* * *

"So, that entire building is dedicated to housing and treating the sick and injured?" Jasmine asked as she trotted.

Biting back several choice words, Rarity just nodded, thankful for Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy on either side of her, and the top of her home coming into view.

"Yes. Surely you have hospitals where you come from?" Rarity realised then she actually had almost no idea about what it was like where Jasmine was from. Considering Twilight would be there, curiosity prodded her to slow down waiting for a response.

"We have hospices in the Kingdom run by Priests, but nothing like this. There isn't the need."

"Ponies don't get sick?"

"Oh, people get sick all the time, but judicial use of magic makes most illnesses or injuries a moot point, unless you live far away from a town. There will be tithes to the church or services returned for services rendered."

"Sounds like a wonderful system," Cadence said, Fluttershy nodding enthusiastically.

Jasmine chuckled ruefully.

"Oh, it's far from perfect. The number of people who can actually perform the spells, especially the more difficult ones, is actually rather small. Those that can tend to have their services purchased by the nobility." As the small group passed Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Splitting off to enter the building, Jasmine said, "What concerns me is that for a society that uses magic for everything from cooking to opening doors and lighting your streets at night, that you don't have healing spells."

Rarity didn't have a reply to the statement, though she wished she did. The condescending bite in Jasmine's voice rankled Rarity's nerves. How Rarity wished she had Twilight's knowledge and understanding of magic to throw at the body-thief's face. Or, better still, for Twilight herself to be there to lecture Jasmine.

She was also a bit surprised that Jasmine thought ponies cooked with magic. Everypony knew that stoves used natural gas. There was a canister out behind the kitchen of every modern home in Equestria.

"Healing magic is supposed to be nearly impossible," Cadence said, drawing Rarity out of her thoughts. "Even unicorns that have their marks in medicine can't actually heal wounds or illness."

"Huh," was all Jasmine said to the information, her eyes growing distant.

Rarity didn't know how she was going to be able to stay under the same roof as Jasmine. On one hoof, Jasmine had been the one to save her and Princess Luna from the Fifth the first night. On the other hoof, she'd killed those helpless creatures in the woods, stolen Twilight's body, and didn't even seem to feel remorse for what her actions had caused.

As she was about to bite out a comment towards the lavender mare, something caught Rarity's eye. It was only for a couple moments, but Rarity swore she saw a tall figure standing next to the door to her boutique, a figure that was watching her. In those moments she noted the dark steel armour it wore, the helmet that hid its face, and the fur cloak hanging off its shoulders as it rested hands on its hips.

Then Rarity blinked and the figure was gone.

"Did you see that?" she asked turning towards Fluttershy.

"Um s-see what, Rarity?"

"Nothing, must have been a shadow playing with the lamplight," Rarity muttered, peering at the empty space.

Applejack and Fluttershy bid the Princess and three unicorns good night at the door to the boutique. Worrying about her little bunny, Angel, Fluttershy quickly trotted off into the dark, Spike sitting on her back and watching the pony that had been both sister and mother to him with long yearning eyes.

Stepping back into her home for the first time in days, Rarity felt her mouth fall open.

Everything was destroyed. Bolts of fabric had great gashes through the material. Dresses were torn and scattered over every available surface. The heads of all the display dolls had been removed and hung from a net that dangled from the ceiling. Curses and violent declarations had been scrawled over the walls in red marker and lipstick.

"And I thought I caused disasters!" Sweetie shrilly squeaked, ducking her head in anticipation of a scowl from her sister that never arrived.

"The Fifth sure made himself at home," Jasmine muttered as she walked into the show room of the shop.

Numbness overcame Rarity, and with a little squeak, she excused herself and headed upstairs to her room. Like the showroom it had also been destroyed. Her alarm clock and one of the new electric style lamps had been tossed into a heap of smashed bits in the middle of the bed. Pressing her lips into a solid line, Rarity tossed the debris aside with her magic. She had to forcibly remind herself that compared to Twilight's home, her boutique had come off light. As desecrated as it was, at least her home was still standing.

Laying on the ripped and slashed sheets and pillows, Rarity beckoned Sweetie to join her. Curling up together, both were soon asleep.

Almost at once Rarity found herself coasting through a pristine sky. Turning her head she saw long alabaster wings gently lifting her higher on a warm thermal. Letting out a little sigh Rarity knew she was dreaming immediately. At least it was a pleasant dream, and one she'd had often over the last few years. Banking around, Rarity closed her eyes and just enjoyed the warm wind tickling through her coat and over feathers.

To her left Rarity spotted a bank of soft white cotton clouds. Turning towards the clouds Rarity did a little corkscrew maneuver she'd watched Rainbow Dash perform many times. Diving and swooping like a dolphin through the clouds Rarity was surprised to find she could feel the small droplets of dew and water clinging to her legs and body.

Never had her dreams been this vivid or intense, and for several moments Rarity began to wonder if she really was dreaming or not. Lucid dreaming had never been something Rarity ever really experienced. This experience of being aware she was dreaming, at least she hoped it was a dream. It'd be awkward if she'd suddenly sprouted wings when Rarity next saw Celestia and Cadence. No, this was certainly just a dream, Rarity finally concluded, a happy lady-like laugh rippling from her mouth.

Rarity lost in the pleasurable dream, the night slowly became day.

* * *

Morning dawned only a few hours after sleep came over the boutique.

Cadence was not normally a morning pony. She preferred late nights, sitting up and letting her awareness expand to the many lovers and romantic partners enjoying the night. Morning wasn't known as a time of day renowned for Love, and Cadence didn't care to change that perception. Rolling to her hooves off the remnants of Rarity's guest bed, the Princess stumbled down towards the kitchen.

Like the rest of the home it had suffered terribly under the Fifth's short reign. Spoiled food hung out of the ice box or had been tossed against the walls and ceiling so that both looked like some modern art project. Almost all of Rarity's make-up had been destroyed in the oven so that a black acrid pile of cosmetics sat like half chewed food in a foal's open mouth. Cadence just shook her head and set about cleaning up as best she could.

An hour later a bleary eyes Jasmine stumbled into the kitchen. Heavy bags hung under her eyes and her mane was a tangled mess from sleeping on Rarity's 'fainting couch'. Shortly afterwards Rarity and her sister joined them in the kitchen. Rarity was practically prancing as she came into the kitchen, while her sister glowered and grumbled in her wake.

"So, ladies, what is the plan for today?" Rarity asked, her nose barely crinkling at the foulness of the kitchen. "Looks like breakfast out, but what after? Hmm? We have a plan for getting our Twilight back and miss Jasmine home?"

Cadence arched an eyebrow at the chipperness of the fashionista. It seemed very out of place, and earnest. Rarity was practically glowing as she sat at the table.

"I'll have to take Sweetie home to her parents, naturally, but afterwards?"

The eyebrow arched higher at Rarity's choice of words, but Cadence didn't comment.

"If I can finally forge a new Focus, I might be able to recreate the spells used to cause this," Jasmine grumbled, hooves massaging her temples. "But I am not all that confident to be honest. Not unless I can find a way home, or your Twilight comes here."

"But either way, you need your Focus, correct, darling?"

"If I am to perform the spells, then yes. I'm no good at controlling this thing on my head."

"Lady Rarity, I am not so sure my Aunt would welcome the idea of an admitted practitioner of necromancy from regaining her ability to use magic.

Lips pressed together and hoof rubbing her chin, Rarity considered Jasmine for several long moments.

"No, I feel that this is for the best." Rarity's ruby eyes twinkled mischievously. "Not too sure why, but I do, and there we have it."

"Well, we already collected everything, yes? And I saw you had your saddlebags in the hospital."

Standing up Cadence walked around the table, peering closer at the white unicorn. Craning away at the sudden intrusion into her space, Rarity asked Cadence what the Princess was doing.

"Trying to see if you've been brainwashed," Cadence admitted. "It's like a complete switch from last night. Then you could barely look at Jasmine, now you're practically pushing her to regain her magic."

Tilting her head to one side, Rarity nodded slowly. "I know it seems that way. But I had the most amazing dreams, and in them I realised that Twilight wouldn't want me to be angry and spiteful. No, she'd want us all to work on getting her home! And that is exactly what I am going to do, darling!" Rarity thrust a hoof into the air at the end of her very short speech. "Now, come, come, we have a, what did you call it? A Focus? Yes, a Focus, to make!"

Shrugging, but not arguing, Jasmine left to retrieve the bags she'd left beside the couch she'd used as a bed.

A short time later the kitchen Cadence had partially cleaned looked again like a disaster area, this time table filled with bubbling beakers and alembics, among other alchemical tools. Cadence had little idea what was happening, and much of what Jasmine said failed to penetrate the haze of fatigue and centuries of relative disinterest in magic.

You couldn't live for close to a millennia without picking up more than a little knowledge, but what Jasmine was doing was far outside the norm. Cadence wondered if anyone alive, even Celestia or Discord, would have understood the jabbering lavender unicorn.

The most surprising moment came when Jasmine asked Rarity to shave a thin unbroken strip off her horn. Even more surprising was when Rarity had not only taking a sample from Twilight horn, but also her own.

These shavings would become the cores, Cadence was told, and were placed into a bubbling concoction created from the other gathered materials to be prepared.

Next Jasmine had taken out a small number of bits. She'd already determined that Equestrian coins were only a tenth gold, the rest a combination of tin and bronze, with the amounts depending on the year the coin was minted. Scoffing at the use of impure materials, Rarity went to her room and from it retrieved a box filled with several nuggets of pure gold. Jasmine, showing again how little she was alike to Twilight, took the gold and placed it in a metal working mold. Rarity, using a spell she had learned for use in making accessories for her dresses, struck the metal with a spell that melted the gold.

At this point it was made clear that it'd be a slow and difficult process attuning the cores to their owners. Preferring to take a short walk rather than watch the remainder of the process of creating these focuses, Cadence excused herself and stepped out into a wonderful summer day.

Looking left then right, Cadence wondered which way she should go, and picking a direction at random, began to walk.

It wasn't long before Cadence found herself approaching a nice park of gentle rolling green hills and a few shade trees. Ponies gathered and frolicked as if nothing strange had happened the previous few days. Ponyville's ability to cope and recover from the odd and unusual had greatly improved over the last couple years, thanks to constant practice.

A familiar sound reached Cadence's ears as she trotted past a crystal clear pond. Drawn to the sound, Cadence turned and found a small gathering of fillies and adults listening to a mint green unicorn playing a harp. Smile touching her lips, Cadence joined the small crowd.

Coming to the end of her tune, the unicorn nodded politely to her audience as a few bits were placed in her open instrument case. Cadence would have donated more than a few bits, the unicorn was exceptionally talented, but she never carried any. Money wasn't needed ever in Canterlot Palace. Instead she joined in the grateful stomping of hooves.

Nodding and smiling, the musician surveyed her audience, a very slight blush showing through her coat. Then her eyes settled on Cadence, and the blush grew deeper as the smile became uncertain and almost afraid. Other ponies had began to notice the Princess in their midst, most taking a polite step away and bowing.

"That was a marvelous rendition of the Lullaby of the Sun, if I am not mistaken." Cadence gave the calm and polite smile taught to her by her aunt. "May I have your name?"

"Lyra, her name is Lyra Heartstrings, Princess," answered a cream coloured earth pony with a two toned pink and purple mane. Cadence arched an eyebrow at the rude interposing into the conversation, but before she could comment, the earth pony explained her actions with two simple words, "Lyra's mute."

"Oh," was all Cadence could say to such a blunt statement.

Lyra, for her part, winced and blushed a bit harder. Cadence came to a snap decision there as she fought to maintain her calm outward expression. Taking another step forward she gave one of her warmest smiles.

"Miss Heartstrings, I'd love for you to come to the palace and play for my Aunt and I. The Summer Sun celebration is in a short while, and though most of the festivities are already planed, I'd greatly enjoy it if you could play for a small gathering I've been preparing for the evening."

The mint green unicorn's mouth fell open at the offer, Cadence having to stifle a giggle at the expression. Lighting her magic, a small board was lifted from a pair of saddlebags along with a piece of chalk. For a moment Cadence wondered what Lyra was doing, then the chalk scribbled a quick line on the board that was then turned around for Cadence to read.

"Yes, Bon-bon may come as well."

Cadence assumed Bon-bon was the name of the earth pony. It certainly fit with the wrapped candy cutie mark on her flank.

Just as Cadence was about to ask questions and form a solid plan for Lyra and Bon-bon coming to the gathering a scream cut through the morning. Wings flaring Cadence turned towards the sound and found herself facing the ruins of the town library. Half the tree lay on the ground leaving the open interior exposed to the sky. Several ponies and a few royal guards under the direction of Shining Armour stood around the building moving books and Twilight's possessions. They had all stopped working and instead were fixated on a point several strides away.

There, the around it bending and recoiling, was a large blue disk. It grew and grew until it was wide enough for two wagons to enter side by side.

"Everypony go to your homes, NOW!" Cadence commanded, her voice raising into the Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice at the end. The ponies didn't hesitate to do as the Princess commanded, a multicoloured sea rushing about for a few moments before silence overcame the town, a silence broken only by the hiss of the Door. Satisfied that the townsfolk would be relatively safe, Cadence leapt to the air with a flap of her wings and then landed next to Shining Armour.

"Captain, order your stallions to protect the town if anything should enter it, but not to directly confront whatever comes out of that Door."

The captain nodded once, turned to his stallions, and issued the necessary orders.

"That's a gateway to Tartarus, isn't it," he stated more than asked when the orders were given.

Cadence just nodded and then tensed as she saw movement on the surface of the Door's watery surface.

Out of the blue disk, now the size of a small cottage, came a long leg of matted black fur. Gobs of oil dripped from the limb and sickly yellow claws curled from the attached foot. With a roar like the frothing maw of a volcano, a great bear head emerged, chipped horns of a ram thrust from behind its ears. Hellish green smoke fell like curtains from the demon's open mouth, highlighting the hundreds of needle-like teeth that glinted in the morning light. Over eighteen hooves tall, the last of the demon's six legs touched Equestrian soil, a long chain wrapped around its neck hung waving back and forth, connected to the blue disk.

A second identical demon stepped through afterwards, this one two chained to something beyond the portal. Side by side the demons stalked forward, their footfalls making the ground tremble and the sky shake.

Attached to the chains, its sides painted the tone of the blackest night, came a terrible chariot. Flames were its wheels, and bones its frame.

With a multi-headed whip, the chariot's driver was more terrible still. She was tall and slender, adorned in a carapace of black armour that clung to her form and was designed more to accentuate her curves and feminism rather than as protection. At first Cadence thought it was one of the humans that had been described to her, but then a frill of five obsidian snakes rose up from behind her head and a set of black leathery wings spread like a tattered canvass. Glowing green eyes surveyed the town and guards to settle on Cadence. Tossing aside the reigns of the chariot, the demon stepped down, the high heeled boots grinding into the ground.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Cadence called, nervously wetting her lips.

Cadence held no hope that any sort of dialogue could be achieved. This thing oozed evil like an infection did puss. But Cadence, for all her centuries of life, didn't know hardly the first thing about fighting. She was no battle-mage, like her mother and aunt, or dragoon like a few of the guards who flanked her. Shining Armour had narrowed his eyes and lowered his horn, a blue-white sheen barely detectable along its length. Cadence knew that she should leave, that she barely knew how to even cast a basic defensive spell. All her magic revolved around Love, music, enchantments, and things of more peaceful natures. Not bringing war and destruction to an enemy.

Lifting a hand covered in a serrated black gauntlet the demon pointed at Cadence.

"I can sense the power you contain, Alicorn, and your fear. It tastes so sweet," the creature hissed, a sadistic smile carving her face. "I am Stheno, Gorgon and your doom, little Alicorn. All of Alicornus will again tremble before our might."

Whip cracking the air, the gorgon leapt towards Cadence.