//------------------------------// // Chapter8: Heading Home. // Story: The Story To Dizzy Paws // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter8: Heading Home. -------------------------------------- It's been about a year from when the stallion and mare told DizzyPaws that they are not his true parents. They agreed to let DizzyPaws walk back though the forest to find his way back to his real home. DizzyPaws wakes up from the sun shinning through the window filling the room full of light. He sits up and looks out to the trees. He knew that today he would be ready to go out back into the woods. He packs a few of his things into his backpack and head downstairs. The mare look up the stairs at DizzyPaws see him with his pack. She can tell that today is the day that he is going to leave. He looks over at her when he gets to the bottom of the stairs, "Well... I guess I'll be seeing you..." he tells her as she grows teary eyed, "Are you sure you don't want to tell both of us when you leave..." she asked as she walks over to him, "You can tell him that i'm going... It's hard to say it now with just you..." he said looking at her with both of them teary eyed. She nods her head, "Can I at lease walk with you to the fence... I want as much time with you as I can before you leave..." she tell him. DizzyPaws can tell she is close to brake down crying, "Yes you can." he told her as he opens the door. They walk down the street to the park where he was found so many years ago. As they walk the mare looks over at him, "We will really miss you Dizzy... Home won't be the same without you..." she tells him looking at his mane flow in the genial wind. He looks at her, "I know... I'll miss both of you to... This will change my life a lot... I'll make sure to come back and see you two..." DizzyPaws tells the mare to help calm her down. Clip, clop, clip, clop. They make it to the path that leads down to the fence. The mare's tears start to roll down her face and onto the path way. They make it to the fence where the hole is, "Well I guess i'll be get going..." DizzyPaws looks at the mare and back to the woods. Before he gets a chance to spread his wings he feels the mare hold him. She cries and hold him close as the tears roll down her face onto DizzyPaws gray coat. After a few minuets of the mare holing onto DizzyPaws as if she will never see him again she lets go, "... Be safe out their Dizzy... We love you..." she tell him backing up letting him spread his wings. DizzyPaws looked at the mare as he spreads his wings out wide. He flew off the ground just enough to get past the fence, "I'll miss you two... I'll be back when I can..." he tells her as he looks over to her, "Why don't you just fly..." she asked still teary eyed. DizzyPaws looks down the woods, "Well hopefully i'll remember how to get back by hoof." he replies as walks off into the woods. The mare watches DizzyPaws step by step till he is out of sight. She takes a few minuets to calm down and walk back to the house. She decided to walk up to DizzyPaws room. When she makes it up the stairs and to the door to his room. She opens the door and sees that he clean the room. On the bed DizzyPaws left a note, a muffin, and his little silver ball next to it. The mare walks over to the note and sees the muffin was freshly made. She picks up the note and reads it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To 'mom' and 'dad' I would like to say thank you vary much for keeping care of me. Today is the day that i'm heading back to where I was born. Well Hopefully I do. I want you to know that you two are the biggest part of my life. Taking me in your home when I have no where to go. I would love to stay longer, but I need to go back to my real mother and father. I left my ball so you two can remember me and keep me in mind. I'll come back as soon as I can. ~Love DizzyPaws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the mare reads the note her eyes fill with tears. She picks up the silver ball that DizzyPaws has had from when he was little. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As DizzyPaws walks though the woods with the leafs falling for the breeze. Clip, clop,clip, clop. He makes his way back from where he came from. After a few minuet of walking past the trees he comes across the tall cliff that he jumped down from. He slowly climes up from the bottom from cliff to the top. When he made it to the top he looks back down. For a fast moment a flash of him looks down being much taller. DizzyPaws just turns around and walks. Clip, clop, clip, clop. After a some time of walking though the woods he comes across a small river. It grew some form the last time he has stepped hoof in it. He slowly walks agents the stream of the water. With each step his memory came back from when he was a little colt. As the stream of cool water flows under and around DizzyPaws hooves he lets them take control. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He makes his way up the genital river he comes up to an apple tree the almost towers over the others. The leafs are a dark forest green, some of the bark is missing and the roots intertwine with the air with the ground. As he looks up in the sky to the round red apples resting on the arms of the trees. They had a shine to them by the sun's rays hitting them. DizzyPaws mind zones out on an apple. Moments later an apple picks its self off the tree an into the river. The slash surprised DizzyPaws and gave him a flash back of what happen when he was at the river before. As he looks over at the apple that rest on the surface of the river as it flows past the rocks that lie under the water. He knew that he is going the right way. As he makes his way though the woods the breeze keeps blowing past him gently pushing his mane and tail up. He watches the clouds slowly pass him by as he wonders. When the day draws to an end he finds a cave sitting in the side of a mountain. He slowly walks over to it and sit inside. Deeper inside the cave was an echo of water drops falling form the top of the roof to the cold floor. DizzyPaws rest his bag onto the ground. and rest his head on it to act like a pillow. Though out the night DizzyPaws sleeps restlessly. His mind flashes back from when he was little wondering in the woods. When the sunlight shines out of the sky an into the cave where DizzyPaws is sleeping. He wakes up and knows now he is heading the right way. He picks up his bag and heads out of the cave.