Lost Crusaders

by Diloboi

7: Ponies in the house

"So I'm thinking there's three ways we can play this." I said, still facing my brother as he pulled into the drive in a old blue ford ranger. Turning to the three fillies on the couch, I continued, "One, you guys hide until the portal reopens, which is probably the least appealing option if you're staying for a while. Two, I try to introduce my brother to you three, and let him down easy. Knowing him though, he might freak out or something. Three, we just pretend everything is normal, and the three of you are just here. Even though that might make him feel crazy, I think it would be pretty funny."

The trio glanced at one another, considering my words most likely. They also huddled together and began to whisper, which made my heart melt a little. After a couple seconds, Apple Bloom turned to face me, standing up on her hooves. Behind her, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo did the same.

"We think that y'all should just talk it out. I think ya can convince him to not freak out." She spoke. Scootaloo gave a indignant look to her companion, raising a hoof and speaking.

"That's not what we said! I said we should just act like everything is normal!" Apple Bloom scowled at her.

"That's not a good idea! What if he freaks out! We'll be toast!"

"Better than him not believing Kay!" The two fillies bickered, while Sweetie muttered quietly.

"We should just hide..."

I facepalmed, shaking my head simultaneously. Well this is bad. What should I do? Leave your answers in the comments-

My train of thought shattered as a loud knock rung out. The fillies stopped arguing almost instantly, instead staring with wide eyes towards the door.

"Uh oh." Apple Bloom said quietly.

Shit. "Uhh... Just go downstairs and be quiet. Be careful on the steps. I'll talk with him and call for you three."

Scootaloo frowned slightly but nodded, while Apple Bloom looked content. Sweetie Belle on the other hand, looked a little uneasy. Together, the three ponies jumped from the couch and made their way towards the kitchen. Sweetie looked back towards me, a small anxious look on her face. I gave her a quick smile and thumbs up.

She returned it with a small smile and continued after her friends. They disappeared from sight around the corner. I looked on for a second more before another knock at the door brought me back.

Taking a breath, I gripped the metal nob and twisted, pulling open the door. Standing there, my other brother, Patrick, stood. He was wearing a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and a set of tan boots. On his back was a brown bag. He smirked upon seeing me, speaking.

"Hey Kay. Thanks for getting the door." He walked in the house, and I pushed the door closed behind him. Despite being older than me, he was a few inches shorter than I.

"Hey Pat. Can I talk to you for a second? I kinda have a... problem, and you probably should know." Upon him raising an eyebrow towards me, I continued, albeit a bit quickly, "It's not bad or anything, it's just kinda... eh."

He stood blank face for a second before a hint of understanding crossed his features. "Did you find a cat or something on the way home again? You know mom doesn't want anymore pets."

"No I didn't. And I've only done that twice." I pointed an accusatory finger at him, "You're the one who used to bring snakes home."

Pat frowned slightly, but continued, "Then what's the 'problem'?"

I decided to just be blunt about it, and taking a breath, I spoke sounding a serious as possible about little horses that could talk.

"Today I found three ponies in a bathroom stall and brought them home."

He stared blankly, shifting slightly from my sudden change in mood. I stared back. Nothing was said for a long moment, until he broke it. "Uh... Okay? Are you being serious?"

"Yes." Again the silence returned, only briefly though.

"Show me then."

"Alright... Don't freak out or anything." I turned and began to walk to the kitchen, my brother trailing behind me.

"I swear Kay, if this is some joke or some-" As if on cue, a large crash rung out from the floor bellow. My eyes widened as my pace quickened. I jumped down the short of stairs, unsure if Pat was still following behind. Looking about the room, the only thing that could describe it was chaos.

Atop a bookshelf, Scootaloo bravely fended off against a black cat swiping its paw at her, tossing books down. Underneath the couch, a small pink and white tail stuck out, twitching as a orange cat sniffed and batted at it with a pay. And in the center of the room, Apple Bloom ran around wildly, the poor filly trying to shake a Bobtail Cat off from he back, bumping into side tables and other things.

"Dude what... woah." Pat said from somewhere behind me.

Damn it. The cats got out! "Monkey! Get off Apple Bloom!" Almost instantaneously, the cat dropped from the filly's back and darted past and up the stairs behind me.

"Pepper! Stop messing with Sweetie Belles tail." I walked towards the cat, who's gaze snapped up towards mine. She quickly left, going after the other cat. The only left one, the most persistent of the three, still heckled Scootaloo.

"Uranus! Down! Stop!" I dashed over to the bookshelf, snatching the cat in two hands. He squirmed slightly in my grip, but didn't break loose. I hastefully set him down on the floor, and he dashed towards the stairs, past a stunned looking Pat. I regarded him for a second before looking back up at the filly above.

"Here. Do you need help down?" I reached my hands up.

"Y-Yeah." She set the book down beside her and jumped into my awaiting hands. Gripping her mid-section, I slowly brought her and set her gently on the floor. After that, I passed Apple Bloom and gave a small pat on her head. "You okay Apple Bloom?"

She looked up at me with with wide eyes, speaking with a quiver in her voice, "I d-don't c-cats."

I crouched down and laid my hand down gently on her shoulder, speaking "I'll make sure that they don't be mean next time, okay?"

She gave a small nod and smile as I stood up and walked to the couch. Dropping to a sitting a position next to the tuft of hair sticking from beneath, I called out to it's owner.

"Sweetie? The cats are gone now."

After a few seconds, the white unicorn shuffled around, revealing her snout poking out from underneath the furniture. "T-They are?"

"Yup. Do you need help getting out from under there?"

"Yes please." She reached out a foreleg, which I gripped and tugged her out from underneath. She stood to her hooves and trotted over to where the other two were. They joined up and gave each other a group hug for a good few seconds.

I'm going to have a heart attack if they don't stop being adorable.

I turned and looked at Pat, who still stared wide eyed at the trio from the bottom of the stairs.

"Pat? You alright?" I called to him. He barely moved, only raising a finger to point towards the three ponies.

"Talking... Ponies... Cute..." He slurred out before tumbling forward onto the carpeted floor with a dull smack. I nearly facepalmed at the reaction.

The three ponies had ended their group hug and now looked at my fallen brother. Apple Bloom spoke as she shook her head.

"I don't get it. Why do ya humans keep fainting when see'n us?"