Golly Interrupted

by Golly4Ever

Naughty Filly

It was another casual weekend in Ponyville. The sun was out, the air nicely warmed by the sun in the clear blue sky. Cozy was out for the day with her friend, Tenderhoof while Astral opted to stay home and get some spring cleaning taken care of. She hummed to herself as she moved the broom around the floor with her magic, "sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep," she started to speak. "What's this?"

She had reached Cozy's side of the room and noticed an ant trail coming from the bed. "Oh, no." She lifted up the blanket to see a stash of cookies being carried away crumb by crumb. "...Oh Cozy."

with a sigh and a roll of her eyes, she magically picked up all of the ants and cookies, opened the door and sent them all outside from where she stood in the middle of the room.

"Ahh! Ants!" screamed a young filly's voice. Astral looked up to see Cozy at the doorstep about to come in, arriving home from her day out. Cozy instead started shaking and brushing herself off as well as spitting profusely. "What's wrong with you, Astral?!"

"Oh, welcome home, Cozy. I didn't see you there."

Cozy rid herself of the last of the ants and crumbs before stepping inside.

"Mind telling me how a stash of cookies ended up in your bed?"

"Oh, I was eating them there. I didn't feel like sharing, though," said Cozy as she set her saddlebags down in their usual spot by the front door.

"...Cozy, don't eat cookies in the bed. Don't eat anything in the bed, that's how you get ants. Where did you get them anyway? I didn't buy any."

"From the Cake Twins. They gave them to me."

Astral tapped her hoof on the floor, "...Like Allen gave you his tail?"

"No!" replied Cozy in a deeply offended voice. "It was the professor's birthday. They gave everypony in class cookies. They were super good. That's why I didn't want to share them."

"Cozy, I don't care that you didn't share them, I just don't want you eating cookies in bed and leaving crumbs everywhere."


Astral somehow thought that that wouldn't be the end of it.

* * *

Not more than a few days later, Astral noticed a new trail of ants. She rolled her eyes and lifted Cozy's covers almost afraid of what she'd find next.

Cupcakes. A trail of sprinkles was making its way down the mattress, into a hole in the floorboard, one by one.

"Cozy Glow!" shouted Astral.

"Yes?" answered Cozy, cheerfully from her desk in the corner. She looked up from her homework at Astral.

"Cupcakes? Really? How did these get here?"

"I put them there!"

"Oh Cozy, how many times do I have to tell you: No food in the bed!" She used her magic again to pick up the cupcakes and ants and send them out the window, looking first to make sure no pony was out there.

"Hey, I was saving those!" pouted Cozy.

"Cozy, they had ants all over them!"

"They gotta sleep sometime..."

"No, Cozy. It doesn't work that way."

"Well, it should." She continued to pout.

"No food in the bed! No saving food in the bed. Please, Cozy... Don't eat in the bed! We have a table right over there for eating, you can even eat at your desk. Just not in the bed, ok? We're down to the last of the clean sheets, and it's still the rest of the week until laundry day."

"...Yes, Astral," said Cozy in a low tone.

* * *

The next day, Astral checked the floor and the mattress before Cozy got home. To her surprise, there were no ants, nothing was sticky, there was no trace of food of any kind. She smiled and nodded to herself. "The bed could use some straightening up, though."

The sheets were ruffled and bunched on the end. "Cozy really needs to start making her bed in the morning," Astral said to herself. She used her magic to pick out the front two corners and whip them up into the air. She fluffed and straightened the blanket as it parachuted down onto the bed. She aimed to pull it nice and tight as it fell into place.

As the blanket rippled through the air, a glass of purple grape juice revealed itself, flying from within the bundle and through the air. Dumbfounded and stunned in disbelief, Astral watched as the glass flew across the room, seemingly in slow motion, landing and spilling its contents onto her own bed.

* * *

Cozy and Tenderhoof walked down the road toward her house. They were only a block or so away.

"I'm going to the doctor next week, for a checkup, on my hooves. He wants to see how living on the ground is working out for me," said Tenderhoof.

"I hope everything goes good," said Cozy.

They heard a loud angry scream from down the road, followed by an uttering of Cozy's name. A chill ran down Cozy's back as her wings instinctively flexed and spread out while her ears flattened down. She paused and stood still in place.

"Um, Cozy? Are you ok?"

"Fly!" she said. taking off for the nearest cloud. Tenderhoof followed shortly behind.

The cloud was barely big enough to fit both of them, but it was thick enough to let them lay on it and remain hidden. Cozy peeked over the edge at her house in the distance. "I think I'm in trouble," she said, nervously.

"That's not good," said Tenderhoof.

"No, it isn't." Cozy's vision went a little hazy. "Oh, no," worried Cozy.

"What is it?"

"I think she's trying to find where I am." She closed her eyes tight until she could see stars.


"Astral! She's trying to see what I see!"

Astral's voice invaded Cozy's thoughts, "You fly your filly flank down here this instant!"

Cozy gulped. "I have to go now," she said in a sad voice.

"...Good luck," said Tenderhoof.

Cozy opened her eyes, looking down at the ground. She dove off, heading straight down, pulling up at the last minute, flapping her wings for a soft landing. Once she started heading towards the house, her vision went clear. She tried not to think about what she could be in trouble for this time. 'was it the other stash of cookies? maybe it was the bits I borrowed from the ponybank on top of the fridge'

"I already know about those!" said Astral's mental voice.

"Crap! She's still listening!"

* * *

Cozy stepped up to the front door, hesitant to open it. She reached for the handle but then put her hoof down. She reached again and paused. Hearing her name called out like that must mean it was super bad.

The door opened itself under Astral's magical control. Astral's stern voice could be heard on the other side, "In. Now!"

Cozy gulped and slowly made her way in. Almost completely in, the door closed abruptly, smacking her flank on the way. She hurried on into the room in surprise. In front of Cozy stood a very cross Astral.

"Uh... Hi?"

"Cozy..." Astral was putting a considerable amount of effort into controlling herself and keeping calm.

"Yes, Astral?" asked Cozy, timidly.

"What is this?" asked Astral, motioning to the fresh purple stain on her bed.

"D-Did you spill your drink?"

"No, Cozy! It was your drink that I spilled! Why were you drinking grape juice in your bed?!?"

"I was thirsty..."

Astral rubbed her face, speaking in a weak and strained voice, "Cozy, I don't want to sleep on a stain. I don't even like purple grape juice, I buy it for you..."

"...I'm sorry," said Cozy.

Astral took a deep breath and tried to relax. "It's... ok. Well, not really, but we'll just flip the mattress," she said, as she levitated the mattress into the air, turning it over.

"Wait, before you do that--"

Astral finished turning the mattress over, setting it into its frame.

"I should tell... You... never mind," finished Cozy.

On the flip side of the mattress was an even bigger purple stain. Astral fell to her haunches looking at her bed and began to weep. "Why is my bed so purple?" she cried.

"I'm sorry. I thought you'd never find out."

Astral just sat and cried.

Cozy went up to Astral, patting her on the back. "Um... There, there. You can use my mattress. It smells like cookies and cupcakes too!"

Astral wiped tears from her eyes, taking calming breaths. "I don't even know where to begin," she finally said.

"Begin what?" asked Cozy.

"Your... punishment. You need to learn to be responsible for your actions, Cozy. I, we can't keep doing this. I'm not your mother, Cozy, but I am the boss of you. We'll start with you washing all the laundry, by yourself. If it's not perfect, you'll do it again until it is. Is that clear?"

"That's all? I can do that."

"No, Cozy. That's just the beginning."


"You need to take this seriously, Cozy. Your actions have consequences. Remember Tartarus?"

Cozy gasped, "You wouldn't! Not there!!" She began shaking in her hooves.

Astral sighed, "No Cozy, I'm not going to send you there, I meant, remember what got you sent there in the first place? You need to think about the things you do, and decide if it's a good idea to do them or not."

"Ok, Astral. I'll, try and take responsibility. I'm sorry I made you cry. ...I'll start with the laundry, I guess."

"Good. When you're done, we'll see if I have anything more for you. You're not off the hook for this until I say you are. Understand?"

"Yes, Astral." Cozy looked down. "I'm sorry."

Cozy and Astral sat and looked at the huge purple stain on the mattress.

"It kinda looks like Princess Twilight," said Cozy.

"Yeah. It kinda does," said Astral, tilting her head.

* * *

"Stupid ants," grumbled Cozy as she stamped on the laundry in the big washtub back behind the house. "...Always foiling my plans. I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for them."

Astral had gone to Canterlot for the day to deal with some paperwork and wouldn't be back until nightfall. She entrusted Cozy to get all of the laundry washed and put out to dry before doing anything else. Including all of the bedsheets, it added up to quite a bit of work.

The suds worked their way up from the water as Cozy worked around in the tub, careful not to splash too much water out. "At least this counts as a bath, right?"

Cozy hopped out and opened the faucet on the bottom of the tub, draining the soapy water into the yard. She jumped up onto the pile of wet laundry in the tub and began to stamp all the water out as much as she could, working out all of her aggression. "Stupid, stupid laundry! Ants! Purple stuff!!"

Once satisfied, she closed the faucet and began to pump fresh water into the tub from the pump that tapped a source deep underground. It was tiring work, but Cozy didn't mind it too much, she was on one of the last steps, and hopefully done for the day. Once filled, Cozy swished the laundry around in the cold water. A flying shadow crossed over her and the laundry tub. She looked up.

"Hi Crazy!" greeted Tenderhoof.

"Oh. Hi, Boots." replied Cozy.

Tender came around for a landing on the other side of the tub from Cozy, "Laundry day?" he asked.

"Yeah," replied Cozy. "It's my punishment." She motioned over to the clotheslines previously loaded with already washed laundry, hung out to dry. "This sheet is the last of it, finally. But I don't know how I'm gonna get it dry when all the lines are already used up."

"Oh." Tender sat and watched as Cozy finished rinsing the last of the suds out of the sheet.

Cozy drained the tub, stamping out as much water as she could again. "Now what?"

Tender perked up, "I got an idea!"

* * *

"This is the best idea ever!" called out Cozy through gritted teeth as she flew alongside Tender through the sky, their hooves stretched out. They each held a corner of the sheet in their teeth as it flapped in the wind under them like a flag.

"I know, right! ...And, turn!"

They banked in unison like a well-choreographed air show. Ponies on the ground watched in awe, wondering what the occasion might be.

"It's getting lighter," noted Cozy. "It must be almost dry by now! This way!" Cozy tugged gently to the right, trying to guide Tender into the next turn.

"No wait, this way!" said Tender as he tugged back to the left.

"It's MY laundry!" said Cozy, tugging harder in her direction.

"I know! Just wait, this way!" tugged Tender.

The sheet was stretching fairly taut and no longer flapping. A gust of wind caught the sheet pulling them both back in surprise.

"Hold tight!" said Cozy.

"I'm losing it!!" called out Tender, the sheet beginning to slip out of the grip of his teeth.

"Fly lower!" ordered Cozy. "We need to try to get under it!"

Tender nodded and followed down to the rooftop level.

"It's working!" said Tender, turning his head to look at Cozy.

Cozy turned her head to look at Tender.

A pony on the ground shouted up at them, "Look out!"

Cozy and Tender looked forward in time to see the pointy tip of a flagpole quickly approach and tear right through the sheet down the middle, separating the two. They came in for a landing together in the middle of the dirt road.

"Oh. Ponyfeathers."

* * *

"This is the worst idea ever," said Cozy.

"Do you think she'll notice?" asked Tender.

They were back at the house, Astral's bed was all made up with the torn sheet on top, the two pieces slightly overlapped and glued together.

"Well..." said Cozy, "She won't be back until nighttime. Maybe she won't see it until the morning when she wakes up."

"Why is her bed so purple?" asked Tender.

"Oh, that's because shut up," replied Cozy.

They stood and stared at the bed for a while.

"What now?" asked Tender.

"Well, let's bring in the rest of the laundry, at least. You can help me fold it."

"Oh. Ok." said Tender as he followed Cozy out into the backyard.

"Where is all the laundry?!?" asked Cozy.

"It was right here, I remember I saw it," replied Tender.

They looked around.

"Is that one?" asked Tender. There was a piece wrapped around a fence post.

Cozy went to inspect it, "Yeah. that's Astral's underwear."

Tender Blushed.

"There! More!" said Cozy, flying further down the field to collect it.

It wasn't until sundown that they finally found every last dirtied-up piece and brought it home.

"I'm gonna have to do this all over again!" pouted Cozy.

"I'm sorry, Crazy. I'd stay and help, but it's getting dark. I need to go home now. But I'll see you tomorrow?"

"That's ok. I'll work on this tomorrow then. Maybe you could help and we can get it done faster.

They piled the laundry up in the bin. Tender was flying off when Cozy heard Astral walking in the front door.

"Cozy Glow!" yelled out Astral from inside.

Cozy shuddered and moped her way in through the back door.

Astral spoke in an unnervingly calm voice, "Cozy. Why are my sheets glued to my bed?"

"Oh," Cozy laughed nervously, "Well you see... I was trying to get the sheets dry when a flagpole tore them in half. And then when I came home all the laundry was gone. And then Boots saw your underwear, and--"

"Why were you showing Tenderhoof my underwear? What do you mean it was all gone?"

"I, it-- The wind must have taken it. But we found all of it, I think. We flew all over Ponyville looking for it."

"Cozy... I just. I just don't know anymore."

"At least it was clean underwear," offered Cozy.

"That's not the point, Cozy."

"I don't get why we have so much laundry anyway. It's not like we wear it all the time."

"Cozy, it's getting late. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I've been out all day. Let's just make some dinner, and you can start over tomorrow."

Astral walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge. She sighed dejectedly.

"Oh, right. We're kinda out of food, now." Cozy joined Astral in the kitchen to peer into the empty fridge. Only condiments remained.

"Why Cozy? How could we be out already? You were here, alone for only one day."

"I worked up an appetite," shrugged Cozy.

"That much food?!"

"Well, I messed up making it, the first time."

Astral frowned.

"...And the second time."

She let the fridge door close slowly on its own.

"I almost had it the third time. I really thought it would have been the charm."

Astral sighed.

"But just like you wanted the laundry, I got it perfect on the fourth try."

"I'm hungry, Cozy."

"...It was delicious. I didn't eat any in the bed either. Are you proud of me?" She smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm..." Astral just stood, ears drooping as she gazed past Cozy.

Cozy looked down and slowly squeezed by Astral, back into the main part of the single-room dwelling. She went over to her bed, sat down and brushed Sandra's mane and tail quietly.

* * *


"Bye, Cozy. I'll be back tonight. Try not to set the house on fire while I'm gone," said Astral. She turned and walked out the door and paused for a moment before worriedly shaking her head and continuing on.

"Bye!" said Cozy, closing the door. "Why would I set the house on fire?" she asked herself.

She went into the back and once again got started on the laundry. It wasn't long before Tender showed up and helped. By midday, they were nearly done. All that was left to do was to let it dry, then bring it in.

"This sure is a lot easier when you have somepony to help you," commented Cozy.

"It sure is. I hope the extra clothespins I brought help too."

There wasn't a space on the lines without a pin; that laundry wasn't going anywhere.

"I'm hungry," said Tender, "What are we going to do for lunch?"

"Astral gave me some bits to go for hayburgers since I used up all the food yesterday. I should do that more often!"

"That sounds good! Then we can finish the laundry when we get back."

* * *

"...A hayburger, some carrot fries, and an oat shake, with extra shake, make the fries large-- I want them really big, not just more of them, large. and make the shake large, and the burger large, basically everything large," ordered Cozy. She slid her bits over the counter.

The pony behind the register took them with disinterest and counted them out, giving back two. "And how about your friend here?" he asked.

"Yes, he is my friend," smiled Cozy, hugging Tender close with her wing.

The pony rolled his eyes and looked at Tender, "What will you be having today?"

"Oh," replied Tender, sheepishly. "I um, didn't bring any bits with me."

"Here, you can have my leftover bits," said Cozy, placing her two bits in his hoof.

"Oh, thanks," said Tender. He looked the menu over and ordered. "I'll have the small carrot fries then, I guess." He placed the bits on the counter and the Pony deposited them in the register.

They picked up their orders and found a booth by the window.

* * *

Tender went through his fries fairly quickly and just sat and watched Cozy while she ate.

"The food here is so good!" She slurped on her shake, chewing down some of the oat pieces that came up the straw.

"I like it," said Tender. "I wish I could have gotten more of it, though. I'm still kind of hungry."

"Really? I'm starting to get full. This is a LOT of food."


Cozy leaned back. "I'm stuffed! Well, are you ready to head back?"

"Well, um... I was wondering if you're done, if I could maybe have some of your food since you're not going to eat any more of it."

Cozy looked down at her tray. Half a burger, surrounded by oversized carrot fries; more like carrot sticks. She pushed it away from herself, "I can't even think of eating another bite right now."

Tender reached over and picked up the half-burger. "Thanks," he said. "You know, it was really nice of Astral to give you lunch money to eat here. Aren't you supposed to be grounded?"

"Yeah. I probably shouldn't have gotten the shake. ...But it was so good!"

"She seems like a really nice pony, Crazy."

"She is." Cozy remained leaned back, resting her forehooves on her belly.

"Especially with all the trouble you've been in, and the sheets, and her bed," continued Tender. "My mom would kill me if I did half the stuff you did."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah! You don't know how good you got it. Nopony's parents are usually that nice."

"Oh," said Cozy. She looked down at her tray in thought.

"You should find something really nice to do for her, to show her you're thankful."

"You really think so?" asked Cozy.

"You're thankful, right?"

"I am, for everything. If it wasn't for her, I'd still be a statue."

"Then show her! Get her something nice, or something," suggested Tender.

Cozy thought some more as Tender finished up the meal. The flight home was silent, as was the majority of finishing the laundry once they got back.

"There, perfect," said Cozy, putting the last bit of folded clothes away.

It was time for Tender to go home and so he left. Astral would be home soon. Cozy got the idea to make the house a little cozier, so she lit a scented candle, placing it on Astral's nightstand.

She sat and played with Sandra for a while, then she decided to read by candlelight for a while. "Just like the ponies of old use to do it!" she said to herself. Cozy pulled on Astral's sheets a little. They really were glued to the bed.

Cozy put the book down and studied the sheets more carefully. It would really suck to not be able to pull the sheet over yourself all the way because down the middle it was now part of the mattress. She pulled on it a little and noticed at the very top, it came off ever so slightly.

"Maybe if I can separate it, Astral will be able to sleep better! That would be nice." Cozy nodded to herself.

She got up on top of the bed and gripped the loose end of the sheet with her teeth and pulled. With a small tearing sound, she was managing to make just a little bit of progress. With a considerable amount of more effort, she was sure she could free the whole thing.

Cozy pulled and pulled, putting her back into it; then also putting her wings into it. She got down to the very bottom end of the mattress and was hovering in the air with all her might trying to pull the very last of it off. The bottom end of the mattress was lifting into the air as she pulled.

With a final rip, the sheet was free. The mattress fell and settled back into its frame, bumping the nightstand along the way.

The candle bounced and fell over onto its side on the nightstand.

"Oh, no no no no no no no!" said Cozy as she began to panic. The candle began to roll towards the edge of the nightstand. Cozy gasped and flew in to try to catch it before it fell onto the bed, but it was too late.

She quickly picked up the candle and was relieved that the bed had not yet ignited. She began to fly over to the kitchen to set it down when a drop of melted wax ran down the side and landed on her hoof.

Cozy reflexively dropped the candle, shaking her hoof in the air, "Ouch!" She sucked on it until she realized there was a more pressing issue to attend to at the moment.

The candle had landed into the wadded-up sheet. While the mattress had been factory-pretreated with flame-retardant material, the bedsheet had not. Up in flames, it went.

"Oh no!" yelled out Cozy. Panicking once again, she thought she could blow the flames out with her wings. The flames only got bigger. She picked up Astral's pillow and began to beat at the burning bedsheet, but it was no use, and now the pillow was on fire.

Cozy threw the pillow down onto the sheet and quickly tried to stomp the flames out before the actual house caught on fire, the one thing she was told not to do that day. Her tail was getting singed as were some of her longer wing feathers, but she finally got the fire out.

She moved the burned sheets and pillow to the washtub out back and filled it with water as a safety measure.

Dinner was awkward and silent. There was no breeze to help air out the smokey house. Astral just glared at her plate while she ate. Cozy tried not to look.

"So, I did the laundry like you wanted. It was perfect too."

Astral remained silent, looking at her plate while she continued to eat, her expression too hard for Cozy to read.

"...I got the glued sheets off your bed--"

"Shh! Just... shh. Please," said Astral, putting a hoof up. She tried to keep her voice calm and quiet.

Cozy's ears drooped as she also looked down at her plate. She spoke softly, "...The house didn't light on fire."

Astral finally spoke. "I'm not mad... I'm just, ...not, mad." She didn't know how to finish her sentence. "Tomorrow will be a new day," she finally said.

* * *

Cozy lay in her bed that smelled of cookies and cupcakes, comfortable all snuggled up with her pillow under her freshly laundered sheets, snoring lightly.

Astral lay awake on a bare mattress without a pillow, staring up at the ceiling.

The crickets chirped, the frogs croaked and the owls hooted. It was a very long night for Astral.

'This is how it is!' Astral thought to herself. 'Why have foals when you can have Cozy Glow?' She rolled to her side. 'No, Astral. Cozy is trying really hard, she's not doing it on purpose.'

The hours slowly went by. At some point, Astral finally did fall asleep, because when she opened her eyes, it was already morning. She got up and started her morning routine.

Cozy was out back, trying to scrub the burned-ness off of the sheets and pillow.

Astral came out to see what Cozy was doing.

"The black won't come off. And It's full of holes now. I don't know how to fix this," cried Cozy.

Astral sighed softly. "Don't worry about it, Cozy. I know you didn't mean to. I'll get a new pillow and sheets... somehow."

"I'm sorry, Astral. I know I've been saying that a lot lately, but I really mean it."

"I know you do, Cozy. It's ok. Just try to be more careful. I need to go to Canterlot one more time today. Maybe you should... not be stuck at home all day. That might be best, for all of us."

Cozy nodded.

"I've left some bits by your bed for lunch. Please don't try to make food without me to watch you. Before anything else happens, you can be off the hook now, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks, Astral," said Cozy, giving her a hug.

Astral hugged her back for a moment. "Ok, I should be back about the same time tonight. Don't end up in jail or anything." Astral turned to leave and paused for a moment before worriedly shaking her head and continuing on.

Astral made it home earlier than expected. She stopped at the front door, smelling the air. "Nothing burning, good," she said. She put an ear up to the door. "Quiet inside. Not sure if good."

She opened the door and cautiously went in. "Cozy? I'm home!"

The house was clean, quiet; nopony was there.

Astral checked the fridge. "Still some food, good." She looked out of the back door window, "Nothing unusual out there. Hmm..."

There was an authoritative knock at the door. Astral went to answer it. "Um, hello?"

"Are you the unicorn Astral Bell, in care of one pegasus filly Cozy Glow?" asked the pony on the other side of the door. It was a royal guard accompanied by two others who were armed, standing at attention.

"Oh, Celestia, what has she gotten herself into now?"

"Ma'am?" asked the guard.

"Oh, yes. I am Astral. What is this about, may I ask?" Astral stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

"We come on behalf of Her Royal Highness Flurry Heart, bearing a message for Cozy. Is she here?" asked the guard.

Astral shook her head, "No, I just got home and she seems to be out at the moment."

"Understood. As her legal guardian, you have the right to receive this message on her behalf, but since it is addressed to her, only she alone may open and view its contents. Do you accept this responsibility?"

"Oh, uh. Yes. Ok. I do," said Astral.

"Very well." The guard reached into his pouch pulling out a scroll sealed with a royal wax imprinting and hoofing it over to Astral who took it in her magic. "The princess eagerly awaits Cozy's reply."

"Yeah... sure," said Astral, still trying to process what was going on.

"Have a nice day," bowed the guard before turning and taking off to the sky, the other two drafting behind him in the classic "V" shaped flight pattern.

Astral took the scroll inside, placing it on Cozy's nightstand next to Sandra. She noticed Sandra's new tail was missing. "Oh. I wonder what she did with it. ...It was always kinda creepy."

Astral turned and looked at her bare, purple, glue and wax-stained bed. She stood still for a while just looking in silence. With a heavy sigh, she turned and walked into the kitchen to get a head-start on dinner.

There was a commotion at the front door. It opened and Cozy stepped inside.

"Oh, hi Cozy. I got home early and--" started Astral.

"Astral?! You ruined the surprise!" huffed Cozy.

"Wh- What?" asked Astral.

"You weren't supposed to be home until later!" frowned Cozy.

"A surprise? What is it? I wasn't expecting anything, so it's still a surprise."

"Yeah, I guess so. But I really wanted to have it all ready before you got home."

"Oh? What is it?"

Cozy turned to call out the front door, "Ok, ponies, bring it in!"

A unicorn in overalls stepped inside being directed by Cozy, he nodded to Astral, then used his magic to levitate Astral's mattress out of its frame, through the air and out the front door, following it out.

A second unicorn also wearing overalls stepped inside, nodding to Astral, "Ma'am." He used his magic to levitate a brand-new mattress into the room. He carefully guided it into place, then levitated in a new set of pillows and sheets, dressing up the bed to showroom perfection.

Cozy tossed a couple of bits to the ponies, and they bowed their way out of the door. Cozy closed it and turned to face Astral. "Surprise!" she said, beaming a bright smile. "Do you like it?"

Astral dropped her dinner preparations and walked around the corner. "Cozy... This is amazing! How could you afford this?"

"I used the lunch money you left for me," said Cozy.

"That couldn't have paid for all of this."

"Oh, I also sold Allen-- Sandra's tail, to the instrument pony. He said he had never seen such perfect strands—real top-quality bow material," explained Cozy.

"Oh, Cozy. You didn't have to do that," said Astral going up to Cozy.

"I know. But I wanted to say thank you. For everything."

Tears welled up in Astral's eyes. She scooped Cozy up in a tight hug. "You're welcome, Cozy."

Cozy pushed back a little for some breathing and talking room, "Yeah. And... Thank you for not being mad at me for everything, too."

Astral held Cozy out as far as she could reach, "Oh, Cozy. I could never be mad at you. You bring so much... Uh, excitement to everypony around you."

"Uh-huh! Come on, Astral. Let's break this new mattress in!"

"You got it!" said Astral. She jumped up, throwing Cozy down onto the mattress, ruffling up the sheets.

Cozy squealed and bounced with joy.

"Incoming!" yelled Astral as she jumped up and landed on the bed, causing Cozy to bounce up into the air again.

Cozy came down hard, giving Astral just a little bit of bounce.

They laughed and rolled around and took turns hitting each other with the new pillows until they were both exhausted, laying back on the bed and panting.

"This the most fun I've ever had in a bed," said Cozy.

"Yeah, me too," said Astral. She swung and landed a pillow on top of Cozy.

Cozy was too exhausted to react. She stayed under the pillow for a moment before lightly pushing it off of her to her side in between her and Astral.

"Oh. You got a scroll today, delivered by Princess Flurry Heart's royal guards. It's on your nightstand."

"For me? Golly." Cozy flittered her wings, hovering over to her nightstand to read the scroll.

"What is it?" asked Astral.

"It's an invitation, to a sleepover! Can I go, Astral?" asked Cozy, excitedly.

"Yeah. You can't cause trouble here when you're over there," replied Astral, magically sending a pillow to Cozy's face.

Cozy threw the pillow back and the war started once again, lasting into the night until dinner time.