//------------------------------// // The Beginning of the End // Story: My Little Celestia // by StarGuardian //------------------------------// It was a dark evening as my old silver ford explorer noisily pulled into the driveway of my house. I sighed as the engine died and I got out falling face first onto the cracked cement, again. I started cursing at the top of my lungs at the pain, the horrible day I'd had, and that life just hated me in general. I wasn't worried about anyone overhearing me, everyone in town knew to stay as far away from the 'accursed one' as possible. My presence scared people so much that the neighboring blocks had been abandoned out of fear. The only time that people weren't afraid of me was when I was at work, for some reason nothing went wrong there. I slowly walked over to the front door while nursing the bump that was slowly forming on my head, and unlocked the door. The inside of the house was musty and hadn't been cleaned in months. The faded blue wall paper and stained carpeting only testified to how old this house was. I dropped my backpack off by the door and walked into the kitchen to see if I could find an ice pack for my throbbing head. That search failed as I walked into the adjacent living room before flopping onto the couch. Letting my gaze gently shift over to the two photos on the wall. One was a family portrait that had been taken years ago before my mother died of complications due to breast cancer, the other was one of me and my late girlfriend who'd died about a year ago in a car accident. The vivid memories came back, my father in hysterics as the news of my mother's death came in and the scene of metal twisted and warped into shapes unimaginable and the sight of the bloody arm sticking out of the wreck. I just wanted it all to be over, even my friends online were shunning me. "Fate! Why do you torture me like this!" I shouted at the ceiling as tears welled up in my eyes. I began to cry as I fell onto the couch and cried myself to sleep. My phone started ringing as I slowly sat up and removed the source of my annoyance from my pocket. Happy birthday! was written on the screen as it continued to play its cheerful theme. I shut off the alarm as I thought about how to spend my day off from work and school. Several scenarios played through my head as I made my way to the fridge. I was running low on food and had barely anything to eat. giving up on that idea I slowly walked into my late father's room and spied his old hunting equipment leaning on the wall. I remembered the first time he'd taken me to hunt wild boar, all the fun we'd had and how proud he had been when I finally bagged one. The memories made me feel all the more lonely as I stumbled upon some unused ammunition. You could always rejoin them. An evil little voice spoke in my head. It took several attempts before successfully shaking the voice out of my head, but even then the echo still lingered. A grin spread upon my face as the ultimate birthday gift idea came into mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The old clock in my house struck 9 as I finished setting up my room for the suicide about to take place. Though the set up in my room looked very complex it was actually really simple. I'd wedged the gun between the dresser and the wall so that when I lay down on my bed the barrel of the gun couldn't possibly miss its target. Then I'd used two yo-yo's to set up the firing mechanism so that when I pulled on the one beside me the other would pull the trigger and I'd be killed instantly. I calmed myself as I lay on my deathbed excited that I'd finally get to see my loved ones and end this horrible existence. Gently closing my eyes, I took a moment to reflect on any happy times as of late. Fortunately none came to mind as I grabbed the string. I was about to end everything when knock came from the front door. Ignore it. I thought to myself as the sound persisted. After a few minutes it finally stopped and I was planning to finish my death when curiosity began to bug me. Begrudgingly I sat up and walked to the front door. "Whaddya want!" I shouted trying to sound intimidating, only to find nobody there. I looked around and was about to go back inside when a multicolored flash caught my eye. Looking down I saw a rainbow ball of fur with white feathers poking out and a red gift bow on top. I was about to crouch down and get a better look when. . . it moved? After blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming, it arched it's back before looking up at me like some sort of lost puppy. Only it wasn't a puppy, it was white, had wings, a horn, and a beautiful rainbow mane. Looking at this creature which defied the laws of nature itself I noticed a small white card sticking out of it's mane, I pulled it out and it only had two words on it, Happy B-day She innocently giggled as I looked around for the person who'd placed her at my door. Seeing no one around I did the only thing I deemed logical at this moment, I slammed the door in its face. "Back to business." I mumbled as I prepared my suicide again. I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts when the little creature outside my house came back into my thoughts. I tried to force it out, but she wouldn't leave. "Fine! I'll check on her!" I barked at the empty room as I walked back to the front door. I swung it open and was surprised at what I saw. She hadn't left, she was still waiting for me. She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with a childlike purity that captivated me. She unsteadily walked over before leaning against my leg, I picked her up and she was ice cold from being outside by herself for so long. I sighed knowing that my reunion would have to be pushed off for another day as I cradled the little filly in my arms before walking inside. "Don't get used to this, you're going to the pound in the morning."