//------------------------------// // Dawn Approaches (Celestia Part 1) // Story: The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere // by Syric Philharmonica //------------------------------// In all things there is a beginning. The seeds of the tallest trees, a newborn's first breath, the first brush of ink on a page. On a larger scale is every new dawn to start the day, where if you were to be observant enough you would see it. In these few examples the pattern of the universal cycle of perpetuity reinforcing itself into the lives of all with sentience is established. Life, as with history, is repeated Ad Nauseum in it's well worn and comfortable role of continuing existence for everything and anything that falls under it's wide and loving reach. Live long enough and you see the patterns in the world, the grooves in the fabric of reality. Live even longer than that and... A sigh echoed throughout the warm interior of a private office belonging to the elder leader of the Equestrian kingdom, a fire merrily crackling from within the hearth across from her desk, a large and plush cushion situated perfectly beside said fire to allow the optimal amount of warmth to cascade upon her form while she relaxed away from the demanding affairs of state. The walls of her office had many shelves full of items that carried great personal importance, collected over her many centuries of life. Sitting astride the large picture window, of which had a beautifully unobstructed view of Canterlot and the land onward, was a personal table laden with a tea set and lower compartment where she kept a chess table and other similar games for her close friends. "… I'm stalling." A concession uttered from the mouth of The Sun in physical form, Celestia... 'Oh dear. Has it been so long that I have truly forgotten my name? I should...' Celestia shook her head softly and directed her mind back onto the present "Stop stalling." Celestia said as she scolded herself before raising her gaze to a incredibly... Interesting, bottle her sister had left on her desk in her office, a not quite subtle nudge from the younger sibling to move forward with something she had been putting off for a very, VERY, long time. Not out of apathy or cruelty, of course, but a fear of the unknown outcome of the meeting where it to happen. Emotion was and always will be a complicated manner when it came to her subjects. Yet did he still count as one of her subjects? He hadn't lived in Equestria since the old kingdom, and Equestria's borders no longer reached his place of business. An interesting problem, one that... 'is very good at distracting me.' "Enough. This procrastination must stop, else Luna will take matters into her own hands." At that thought Celestia laughed to herself, the thought dredging up memories of the wild schemes her younger sister would get up to in times long past. "And nobody wants that, I'm quite certain that the nobles would attempt a coup of some type." And with that happy thought Celestia stood from where she was definitely NOT hiding from this long overdue meeting and turned her eyes out the window toward where she and her sister used to rule, deep in the Everfree and beyond. It's gnarled grasp unable to contain the expansive reach they once had, all the way to the farthest shore. Celestia knew that between that very shore and the limit of the Everfree lied his peaceful and quiet home. As much as she appreciated Luna's directions, she knew where she and her sisters oldest living friend was residing. and once every year she asked the Spymaster to send an agent to check in on him in her stead. Was it cowardly? Yes. Celestia made no allusions to that fact. Yet it was all she could could do to both refrain from going herself and keep that peace he had made for himself intact. But Celestia could feel the urge to make her way down to The Sleeping Alicorn straining against her self-control grow stronger with each passing year, Luna's "gift" not helping her ever decreasing resolve. Celestia's mouth twisted as she regarded the bottle with a heavy gaze, the stoneware blissfully unaware of the havoc it had wrought upon her normally calm and collected thoughts. "this decision should NOT be as hard as I am finding it." She mused as she wandered over to her desk where the offending item sat. With a gentle tinkling, Celestia lifted the bottle up into the air and sequestered it away into one of the many drawers of her desk, knowing that if it sat out any longer she would be far too tempted by it. Another sigh echoed through the quiet room as her eyes looked toward a nearby calendar, idly noting that the yearly check-in was coming in the next week. And then her eyes widened as an idea occurred to her, a very self-indulgent and reckless idea, but one that tugged at her so insistently that she had no choice but to consider it. SHE could go in the spy's place! all she would need to do is assign Luna to rule in her stead, inform the palace staff and the Day Court that she would be taking a break on that day, tell the spymaster to forego sending an agent this year, and conjure a inconspicuous disguise. If all went well, no-one would be any the wiser, except her sister, that Celestia had not only left the castle, but Canterlot entirely! Which would give her the free reign needed. Before Celestia could dismiss the entire operation she had built inside her mind and, if she were being honest, put it off for an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes that she did not remember closing to see that in the time she had gone on this little flight of fancy she had already written out rather convincing letters to the Spymaster, the Head of Staff, and her personal assistant. "I shouldn't do this. I really should not do this. I should just throw these away and forget all this nonsense... But if I don't do it now, will I ever? ... No. I won't." Celestia looked out over her city again and, for the first time in a long time, decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it. "Get ahold of yourself! You are Celestia. The Everlasting Sun! Sister to The Unconquered Moon! Though our wilder days are long behind us who says I cannot do as Luna does for once and do something for myself? It will only be for a day." Celestia assured herself as she used her magic to teleport the written letters to their recipients and levitate over her personal spellbook. "Now which mare shall I take out this time?" Celestia mused to herself as she perused over the different disguises she had made over her long life before her gaze wandered back to the her desk, More specifically, the drawer she had hidden the bottle that started her little short-lived revolution. "Oh why not? I've already given in. I'll celebrate a little." After saying that she reopened the drawer and lifted out the bottle, using a small amount of magic to pop the cork out and brought it over to her muzzle to take a deep breath. "Now THIS is a pleasure long forgotten." With a sigh of contentment Celestia took a moment to consider grabbing a glass, before that thought died a quick death as she lifted the bottle to take a swig directly.