Fallout: Harmony

by Foreverking0

Second Chances

Twilight was not a good flier. What most pegasi learned over their entire childhood, she had only had a year to try to master. The saddle pack did not help matters. Thankfully, she had one of the best fliers in Equestria to aid her. when she wasn't periodically interrupting her gliding with intents flapping for lift, she scoured the world below.

The message from Celestia had given her Coordinates for the location of Luna's next mission. The Princesses had decided it would be quicker for Twilight to meet them at the place instead of waiting for her at Canterlot. Twilight had marked the journey and memorised the landmarks using her library map and Topography skills. Trees and rivers passed by, the occasional cloud causing her to change course slightly. It was in the lack of restrictions and peace of mind that Twilight found the freedom that was so appealing to Pegasi. That feeling was interrupted as she once again had a misbeat and threw off her rhythm.

"waahhgh!" she cried out as she rebalanced herself.

Once her flight was stable, she frantically looked around to see if anyone had seen her. Upon realising she was how stupid that seemed in the middle of the sky above nowhere. She face-hoofed her own stupidity. However, her shame was broken by the spotting of another landmark. A lumber mill that marked the last leg of her journey.

"Right, there's the mill... and over there is the village, so that means the fort is-"

Twilight cut herself off as she finally saw the airship moored in a nearby clearing. Marked with the flag of Equestria, as well as a giant sun emblem on the main balloon, it was definitely the princess's ship. Colourful tents started to become visible as she descended towards the landing. The camp was much more open than last time, with the tents and layout reminding her more of a carnival. Her thoughts were confirmed as she closed the last few yards.

As she touched down, Twilight looked around. Instead of defences and medical areas, the entire camp was filled with catering and seating. Guards were unloading and assembling frames to hold glass panes in viewing areas. Nobles, Industrialists and high-ranking officers were being served refreshments and getting caught up in conversations. If she hadn't known better, Twilight would have thought this was an outdoor party instead of the heart of a military operation. Her walk through the camp was interrupted.

"Princess Twilight, Glad you finally arrived, Princess Luna said you would be flying in."

Twilight looked up to see Rapid Fire hovering above her.

"What's with all of this?" Twilight waved to the surrounding reception.

Rapid Fire did a mid-air shrug before popping down in front of Twilight.

"Princess Celestia thought that the M.O.A needed some good publicity, so they brought out some big shots to watch us storm the fort. I guess they might give bits or at least get ponies to shut up." Rapid Fire said as she looked at the VIPs with contempt.

"But the entire camp is wrong. Isn't the command tent supposed to be closer to the centre, and there isn't even a ditch around the wall," Twilight pointed out.

Rapid Fire looked at Twilight as if the Unicorn had just swallowed an apple whole.

"How do you know so much about our camp layouts, your dossier never mentioned you on any tour."

"Actually I read several historical accounts of early equestrian military theorems. The Camp layouts are practically the same." Twilight explained.

"Huh, guess that's what happens when you don't have a real war in over six centuries," Rapid Fire mulled.

Twight took the moment to look at the reception. Had Equestria really become so comfortable in its peace that it viewed war as a foreign novelty? Had they learned anything from Chrysalis's invasion?

"Ahh, I'm sure it'll be fine. Come on, I'll escort you to the command tent, princess." Rapid Fire shrugged it off.

Walking away from the main area, Rapid Fire led Twilight to the back of the camp to a Much larger blue tent. Inside was a whole different story from the outside. The inside of the tent was dim, torches left shadows swaying across the cloth of the tent. Two dozen guards surrounded a giant table, with a map of the surrounding area. At the end of the Table was Princess Luna, lording over the map. Beside her was Battle Bowler and the three humans. They were all furiously arguing while pointing at the map.

"If they have even the slightest amount of firepower, then rushing the gate is suicide," John pointed out.

"What about if we drop in from the ship? Overwhelm them in one swoop." Battle Bowler offered up.

"Can't risk it. If they have any explosive ordinance or even just a crack shot, they could knock it out of the sky." Six countered.

"What about our flying contingent, could they not screen the drop?" Luna asked.

"If they have anything automatic, they'll just get chewed up. " Nate added.

"if that's what it takes," John responded.

"HEY, my team is not going out there to be a pin cushion!" Rapid Fire snarled.

"Indeed, Our pony's lives will not be thrown away so frivolously." Luna glared at John.

"Unless something else changes, a bloodbath is pretty much guaranteed.." John countered.

"He's right, without knowing what equipment they have, we have no idea what they can do. Did your scouts report anything we can use?" Nate asked Rapid Fire.

"Not really, anypony who got too close is dead. we know there are at most two dozen and that's about it." Rapid Fire Answered.

Twilight stood there and watched the arguing go back and forth. She wished she had something to offer, but this was out of her depth. After last time, why did they even want her here? She felt like an imposter, somepony pretending to be what they're not. Like some agent from one of Rarity's spy novels. It would be so easy if she were, she could just slip in a back door and woo one of the guards.

"Wait... backdoor?" Twilight thought aloud.

Looking back up, Twilight pushed herself in between two guards to look at the map. The two ponies instantly moved out of the way upon seeing who it was.

"why would they take a giant wooden horse?!" Rapid Fire asked a guard who had dropped his own suggestion.

"What about a back door?" Twilight piped up.

Suddenly everyone was looking at her.

"The Fort only has one door. besides, what are we going to do, dress up and sell them cookies?" Battle Bowler commented sardonically.

"No, she's right, what we need is a way to sneak in," Nate affirmed.

The same guard from before seemed to light up as he was about to say something, only to get cut off by Rapid Fire.

"Enough with the wooden horse!"

The guard's eyes dropped as his face sank disheartened.

Six patted the guard on the back.

"I liked it, Steve." Six encouraged the guard pony.

After a beat of awkwardness, Luna looked at Twilight.

"Battle Bowler is correct, the fort only has one entrance," Luna reaffirmed.

"Maybe we can make our own way in. A window or sewer system," John pondered.

"One of the scouts did see a drain pipe big enough to get through, but it has a locked grate. Without the key, we would need to burn through with magic or try and pull it off the hinges. That's gonna draw attention." Rapid Fire commented unconvinced.

"I could get through that." Six chimed in.

"You, how could you get through that?" Battle Bowler scoffed.

"I'm good with locks?" Six answered.

"Maybe where you're from, but our locks could be completely different. There's no guarantee that it could work." Battle Bowler shot back.

Six casually walked over to the end of the tent, where a chest stood. The entire thing was solid metal, with intricate engravings. Six crouched in front of the lock mechanism and pulled out a screwdriver. Everyone crowded around him to see what would happen. Moments later the lid popped open revealing the pay chest filled with bits. Six gestured to the open box and waited.

Twilight saw Luna slowly lowering herself to whisper into Battle Bowler's ear. Twilight could only barely make out what was said.

"I want him under watch at all times..."

"We still need a diversion. Some smoke and mirrors to keep them occupied so we can sneak in," John pointed out.

"Smoke and mirrors, That could work..." Nate considered, looking at Luna.

The princess stood back upright as she noticed Nate's gaze.

"You have a plan, general?" Luna inquired.

"Something I saw in an old movie. Is there any magic that can make a giant fake copy of someone?" Nate asked.

"You mean illusions?" Twilight offered up.

"We make a big enough distraction with fire and smoke, just before the clearing. We make a large illusion image and project sound across the clearing. There's no way they will ignore it. Princess Luna can be our wizard." Nate explained.

"We do not understand..." Luna responded, confused at the reference.

"It's from the Wizard of OZ. With half the stuff I've seen here so far, I expected to find the yellow brick road." Nate said in jest, only for Luna to mouth the last part in further confusion.

"You want Princess Luna... to be a wizard?" Twilight asked.

Everyone was just as confused as they looked to Nate to Enlighten them about his wayward plan.

"We need someone who can be intimidating. We use special effects to make them bigger and more intimidating. Then our infiltration team sneaks in the back. Once the guards in the fort are preoccupied, we send in the rest to overwhelm the front."

Twilight could see that something Nate had troubled Luna. Her attention seemed preoccupied. This became more evident as two certain humans began arguing.

"This isn't going to work." John doubled down.

Nate had seemingly had enough of it.
"This is the best chance we have."

"It's ridiculous and you know it." John snapped back.

"No, your right. This isn't going to work. Let's go with our backup plan. I'm sure you look great as a girl scout." He threw back sarcastically.

Twilight flinched as she prepared for another round of shouting between the two. Thankfully, Princess Luna cut both of them off before they could start.

"Do You have a better plan, that does not involve simply throwing ponies at their defences?"

If John wanted to say something, he didn't.

"No? Then this is our course of action, And you will be leading the frontal Assault."

The standoff ended as quickly as it had begun.

You are all dismissed." Luna Commanded.

Twilight watched as everypony left the tent, some took longer than others. Some of the ponies that had worked with Luna longer seemed to hesitate. More than a few looked to Twilight, clearly feeling it wasn't their place to have a one-on-one with the Princess.

Twilight walked around the table, watching Luna stare intensely at nothing on the map.

"Luna?" Twilight asked.

Luna snapped out of her thoughts, her surprised expression meeting Twilight as it turned to see her waiting. Her face warmed upon seeing Twilight.

"We forget, Celestia is no longer the only one who can do that. It is good to see you, We feared the unfortunate result of our last mission may have dissuaded you." Luna said.

"Luna, are you ok?" Twilight asked.

"Those humans seem to argue for the sake of it."

"Do not fret, It is nothing." Luna dismissed.

"If you don't want to do this, we can find another way." Twilight offered.

"You are a good friend Twilight Sparkle, but if a creature of fear is what they need, then a creature of fear We will be," Luna responded, resolute yet clearly uncomfortable.

"Creature of fear..." Twilight considered the line, an idea in her head.

"Luna, Do you remember Nightmare Night?"

Sitting in the loge of the assembled seating, Princess Celestia watched stoically as some of Equestria's most politically powerful ponies mingled. She had helped Luna create a second chance to gather the support for her Ministry, now she waited to see what Luna would present.
Great glass mirrors had been placed around the primary function area, enchanted to show the reflections of other mirrors that had been placed just out of sight of the derelict fort. When the presentation began, the mirrors near the fort would be raised to show the operation to the spectators from safety. Celestia used the time to listen in on the conversations around her.

"It all seems rather cut and dry to me, A forward assault and flyers from the air."
"Won't a lot of ponies get hurt?"
"These monsters are tiny compared to the ones that attacked Canterlot, and they can beat them."

"I don't see how this 'Ministry' is going to solve things, the increased patrols by the guard have barely stopped the attacks on my shipments."
"Well, maybe you should stop importing machine parts from Asterion..."

"I heard some of the monsters are under the employment of the Ministry..."
"Everyone has heard that, it was in the paper. Don't you ever pay attention?"

"I'm telling you, coal is going to be big! give it a decade or so."
"Just because you bought that mine, doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to."

Celestia's eavesdropping came to a halt as the command tent in the distance opened. If she had been drinking, she would have drenched half the crowd at the spit-take she would have done. Alongside Twilight was her sister, In the form of Nightmare Moon. Celestia sat Frozen, unsure of what to do. The spell was broken by watching her sister's dark counterpart sneak away, trying to hide as far from everyone as unmajestic as possible. Celestia calmed at the display, as the Real Nightmare Moon would never act that way. An embarrassed sister trying to hide from the public, would, however. As her panic left, a curiosity took its place. What could they possibly be up to?

Deciding to unveil the mystery herself, Celestia stood up from her loge's seat and left the stands, stopping only to gesture to her guards not to follow. As she left the stand, she followed down the path her fellow Princesses had taken. But as soon as she started, she lost them. The many tents become a city itself. She could fly but that would draw more attention than she needed right now. The high tents became the walls of a maze. Celestia decided that the best action would be to go in one direction until she found a clearing or the wall. Whatever Luna was playing at, this was dangerous. For her reputation, for her authority, and for her mental health.

Celestia stopped dead in her tracks. Something was wrong. Over her long reign, she had developed a keen sense of her surroundings. She was alone, and yet being watched. She looked around with her eyes only, keeping her posture still. There it was again, from inside a tent to her side. Mentally preparing herself for whatever it may be, Celestia went over to the tent's opening. Using her magic, she threw open the flaps.

Nothing, the tent was filled with boxes of tools and materials. Was she just on edge? She watched the inside of the tent, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It was nothing. Just to be sure she went inside, the flaps closing behind her. The dark interior had many shadows, and she scanned every single one. She couldn't shake the feeling. yet her attention was grabbed by the sound of two ponies.

"Ah, pony Feathers, whose idea was this?!"

"Just keep pulling!"

Shadows crossed over the opening of the tent as the frantic flapping of wings and the dragging of something across the ground was heard.

Celestia popped her head outside of the tent, just in time to see two pegasi dragging one of the mirrors from the viewing area across the ground. One of them happened to be a pony Celestia recognised as Sergeant Rapid Fire. Maybe they would lead her to wherever her sister and Twilight had gone. Celestia followed them at a distance.

"Why not just use magic?" The other pegasus asked.

"They are magic, numbskull," Rapid Fire Groaned.

"You know what I meant!" The other one pushed back.

"I don't know! Because they still needed a receiver or something? how else are they gonna have something to project? " Rapid Fire Answered.

"but why did we have to steal it?" was what she got back.

"Because shut up!" Rapid Fire FInished.

They led Celestia to the camp's side, in the fort's direction. Reaching the gate in the barrier, Celestia could see her sister and Twilight, in mid-conversation with some of her command staff, including two of the humans.

"Seriously? Does Princess Celestia have one? Do you?" Nate asked, Twilight.

"This Form was the consequence of envy and wrath. It is Our own, and no one else's," Luna answered, clearly unimpressed by the insinuation, or the topic.

"Still... It does command respect, makes you look taller too," Nate Noted.

"Commanding Respect was Our previous mistake. We intend to earn it. Now, tell us of this Wizard and Our role to play." Luna asked.

"Ok, yeah spill it. What's this wizard thing about? you said it was a movie?" Rapid Fire asked as she helped lift a commandeered mirror into position.

"The heroes of the story are looking for this Wizard to help them get what they desire most. When they eventually reached him, he appeared as this big see-through head with fire and smoke everywhere. But the dog finds the real wizard, who is this small man. he used a big machine to project this facade and used the effects so people would be too awed to notice it was all fake," Nate told to everyone present as if he was recounting a timeless legend.

"And you wish for Us to create this Facade. Once everypony is in place, we can use the mirror as a focus for our magic to project the illusion." Luna presumed.

"oh, that's what they meant by a receiver..." Rapid First commented. Finally letting go of the mirror.

"Most raiders are not that smart. You give them something big and loud and they'll shoot at it," John added.

Celestia used the moment to announce her presence.
"And what do you intend to do with this diversion?"

Apparently, no one had expected her to come down here. Least of all Luna, who scrambled to piece together a response.

"Sister! I... this is not what it looks like!" Luna exclaimed.

Celestia usually loved catching her sister in these awkward moments, however, the circumstances around it allowed for no such pleasures.

"No, but it sounds like you are planning to create a diversion by pretending to be Nightmare Moon," Celestia responded candidly.

"That is half of the plan, yes," Luna affirmed.

Celestia hated arguing with her sister in front of others, it did no good to their collective authority and image. Worse, she hated Twilight seeing it.

"Miss Fire, Have these three seen the camp? Perhaps a short tour is in order," Celestia suggested.

"Yes mam, just doing some last-minute che-" Rapid Fire started.

"Now, Sergant." Celestia ordered.

Rapid Fire took the hint.

"Yes, Princess. You two, let's go!... Princess sparkle, if you would follow me please."

Celestia watched as Twilight looked from Celestia to Luna, knowing what was up. If she wanted, she could have refused, She was a Princess in her own right. However, Twilight acquiesced and followed Rapid Fire.

The other ponies in the area quickly caught on and made tracks. The last few lingering ponies promptly took off with a glare from their Princess. Once the area was clear, Celestia spoke.

"What were you thinking!?" Celestia chastised.

"Tia..." Luna started with tired restraint.

"Besides the fact that this is treading a very fine line of what I would consider ok, considering the last time I saw this." Celestia gestured to Luna's new form.

"Do you have any idea how much damage this could do if the public saw it?" Celestia continued.

"Tia..." Luna tried again.

"NO, we spent too much getting your throne back. Loyalists have already informed me that important nobles are already unhappy at how quickly you were reinstated. BrassHorn has already informed me that the General staff are opposed to you overseeing our defences," Celestia stressed.

"They don't care about our abilities, they just don't want another obstacle in their way." Luna shot back.

"We have to play their game, Lulu. It's not like before, we have limits too." Celestia responded.

"What harm can it cause? We have scared the children of Ponyville in this form before, no harm came of it." Luna reasoned.

Celestia did not have the time or desire to know what Luna was talking about.

"Tia, Trust Us. It will work, It was your student's idea after all," Luna reassured.

Celestia took a step back to register what Luna had said.
"Twilight. Twilight told you to do this?"

"She believed that by pretending as if it is merely once again Nightmare Night, the role would be more bearable. She also said that it would, 'add flare'."

Celestia did not think this was wise, but undermining her sister and Twilight would help neither.
"You know how important this is, just promise me you know what you're doing"

She watched as Luna's form reverted to the sister she know and loved.

"Do you trust her?" Luna asked.

"Of course I do," Celestia replied.

Luna walked slowly up to her big sister.

"Do you trust us?" Luna followed up.

"Of course I do," Celestia replied, warmer than the last.

"Then trust in us both, in this moment," Luna finished.

Celestia smiled, her sister having come so far in such a short time.

Luna walked around Celestia.

"Now, If you will excuse us. We must relocate our ponies, since you sent them afar," Luna jested.

Celestia, watched her sister leave. She couldn't help but wonder how this would play out.

John sat under one of the many trees inside the camp. He watched as Nate was slammed into the floor by Rapid Fire.

"That can't be an allowed move," Twilight commented beside John. Both she and John had decided to stick to the shade while Rapid Fire squared off against Nate in biped Wrestling. Nate was sorely getting his ass kicked.

"Hey, the minotaurs of Asterion take the rules very seriously. They have been passed down for generations, I learnt from one of the best athletes on the isles. I keep the rules-free stuff to the underground ring," Rapid Fire protested.

"You said she pushed down." Nate wheezed.

"She did for me," John answered.

"See, that was your second mistake. Gotta keep a low centre," Rapid Fire told Nate.

"What was the first one?" Nate groaned.

"You agreed to play," Rapid Fire gloated with a smirk.

"What in blazes are you doing?!" Battle Bowler shouted from a distance.

It was enough for everyone to turn to see him approaching with a team of ponies and Six.

"We're half an hour out from operation, and you're here faffing about!" He continued to shout as he marched straight up to Rapid Fire.

"Don't blame me, we got sent away because the Princesses are at it again." She said as she shrugged.

The sound Battle Bowler made was somewhere between a sigh, a groan and a snarl.

"Ngaaahh! Why can't these bloody things ever go as they're supposed to?" Battle Bowler stressed rhetorically.

"It's not like there was much left to do anyway Unless the Princess needs a script. We have weather ponies bringing in our special effects and the mirror is in place." Rapid Fire dismissively told him as she helped Nate to his feet.

"Mirror?" Battle Bowler inquired, his head tilting to the side.

"Yeah, one of the specialists figured Princess Luna could reverse the enchantment and use it like a camera." Rapid Fire clarified as she swatted Nate's rear to get him on his way.

"Ow, was that really necessary?" Nate asked.

"Sorry, habit." Rapid Fire casually apologised.

Battle Bowler shook his head.
"Anyway, this is the infiltration team. Once you're done doing your magic trick, we're going to be kicking their backsides in."

John had a good look at the assembled group of ponies.

"Do any of you have stealth training?" John asked.

Their replies were a mix of no's and this one time's.

"Unfortunately, The Princess's personal guards are some of the few covert soldiers I know of, And they only tend to work at Night." Battle Bowler explained.

This was the team that was supposed to break in and disorientate the enemy, John had seen enough.
"Well, might as well get something to eat. Not worth dying on an empty stomach."

"Not enough time, didn't you find the mess hall on the flight?" Battle Bowler asked.

"I was busy making sure I had a working gun," John said as he stood up.

"He's right dude, Someone's going to call us up long before you find the mess tent." Rapid Fire added.

"I thought we had half an hour?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, half an hour until showtime. But somepony will come looking for us long before that to make sure everyone is in position." Battle Bowler explained.

"Great, there goes that idea," John scorned.

"Wait, I packed some sandwiches before I left," Twilight announced, lifting off her saddlebags and rummaging through one.

"I hope you don't mind Daffodils. Wait, what's this?"

Twilight pulled out of her saddle bag a round glass bottle with a cork. Inside was a strange-looking liquid.

"Zecora's potion!" Twilight squeaked.

The bottle jumped from her shock, forcing her to scramble to catch it. When she was sure she had it, she let out a relieved sigh.

"A Potion, don't see them too often. what's it do?" Rapid Fire asked.

John looked at the bottle. From the way Twilight was handling it, it must be important. Maybe it was an Aid item, like a stim pack. Maybe it helped her magic somehow.

"When Zecora threw one, it exploded."

Or maybe it was a fucking hand grenade.

"You know an alchemist that makes bombs, that's new." Rapid Fire commented.

"Zecora's home is in the Everfree Forest, It's been even less safe recently. I don't really want to hold on to this." Twilight said as she held the bottle away from her.

She looked at each person there in turn before facing John.

"Here, you should take it. You just throw it at something and it should explode... I think."

John hesitantly took the bottle. He didn't know what to make of it but held on to it anyway.

"Is it a good idea to let him have that?" Rapid Fire asked Battle Bowler.

"Too late to regret it now." Battle Bowler Answered as he pointed towards Princess Luna, who could be seen approaching.

Everyone present stepped out of the way as Luna walked into the middle of the crowd of soldiers

Luna looked at everyone one at a time. Then she addressed them collectively.

"Prepare for battle."