//------------------------------// // It takes Sunset getting really hurt for Rarity to admit she has a crush on her // Story: The Gemstone and her Phoenix // by Hypnotwist //------------------------------// Sunset was late for school and was currently losing her shit about it, she realized forgot her school ID and backpack when she was a quarter way to school and had to haul ass back to her home to get the items she had forgotten. "Fuck fuck fuck." Was her mantra as she sprinted to school, the girl had no idea what she excuse she was going to give to her teachers because she definitely wasn't going to tell them the truth and say she overslept. She was ignoring her own safety as she ran through the streets, ignoring the cars that honked at her and the angry drivers that rolled down their windows to yell and curse at her, she had somewhere very important to be and she was already late as it is. Sunset eventually got to CHS and ran inside, hoping that she could make it to class without missing much or being too much of a disruption when she did make it. Sunset stepped into the classroom she was supposed be in and sat at her usual spot, unfortunately for her the second she stepped into the room everybody turned to look at her, including the teacher. "Miss Shimmer, would you care to explain why you're ten minutes late for class?" Ms. Harshwhinny asked her, looking quite irritated at the redhead's sudden interruption. She froze and looked at her teacher, not knowing what to say. "I- Uhm.. I got- I-" "Enough, you'll serve lunch detention with vice principal Luna. Now if you're not going to interrupt the class again, we're on page two twenty of chapter thirteen." The teen sighed in defeat and nodded, pulling her book on social studies out and flipping to the page she needed to be on. She was doing as she was told when she heard Harshwhinny address her again. "Miss Shimmer, there is a rule against having your backpacks in class. This is the second incident today and I'm going to have to send you to principal Celestia." The other students were now looking at Sunset, some had empathetic expressions and others had looks of bemusement. She groaned and got up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder as she did so, biting back a string of curses as to not get in deeper trouble. "Fine." Sunset left the room without another word, she heard the students start talking amongst themselves while she was leaving. She was incredibly frustrated with her teacher and wasn't looking forward to explaining why she was late and why she got sent to the principal's office. "Fuck her, she's targeting me for some reason, I know it." She mumbled, her anger rising with each passing moment. She got to the entrance to the offices and hesitated, she groaned and knocked on the door. "Come in!" The amber girl opened the door and stepped into the principal's office, she didn't let her speak and got straight to business. "Ms. Harshwhinny sent me. I was really late and I brought my backpack into class because I didn't want to be even more tardy, she has something personal against backpacks it seems." Principal Celestia nods and motions for her to sit down. "Why were you so late today?" "My alarm didn't go off and I overslept." "Ah. Did you tell Harshwhinny?" "No, because she didn't give me a chance, she asked why I was late and when I try to give her a reason she shuts me up and tells me to turn to the page the rest of the class were on." Celestia frowned, finding Sunset's testimony to be right concerning. There had been a lot of complaints about her recently and it was past the point that something had to be done in order to correct the teacher's unprofessional behavior. "I see.. Were you planning on bringing your backpack to your other classes?" Sunset shook her head no, "I was going to put my bag in my locker before the next one. She's given me lunch detention with vice principal Luna as well." "Alright Sunset, I'm going to give you a form to fill out. It's nothing too serious, but it'll help the school district keep a record of the grievances you and multiple others have with Ms. Harshwhinny." She rummages around inside her desk, finding the papers she was intending to give the frustrated student in front of her. She quickly attaches it to a clipboard and gives it to Sunset with a pen. "Don't worry about that lunch detention either, this is the first time you've been late in nearly three years and I don't feel you need to face punishment." Sunset takes the clipboard and begins to fill out the form, it was pretty simple. All she had to do is explain what had happened. The form is filled out in maybe ten minutes and she hands it to the older woman who takes it and smiles. "Thank you principal Celestia. If it's not too much trouble could I have an excuse note?" She nods and hands the teenager a generic note explaining why she was late to second period. Sunset takes it and stands up, waving to the principal before going out into the halls and towards her locker. Sunset gets maybe halfway there when the late bell chimes, she growls softly and continues, her mood was only getting worse due to all the bullshit she was dealing with. The incredibly annoyed girl got to her locker and fiddled with the combination lock, failing multiple times due to her accidentally missing one or more of the numbers. She grew even more frustrated and was so close to giving up and going home for the day. "Are you kidding me?! Why me? Why is this day going so sideways?!" Rarity, who had been trying to get to the restroom, overheard Sunset and decided to go see what was wrong and if she could help her friend. "Sunset? What's wrong darling?" Sunset huffed and turned to look at her, "Stupid lock.. I'm trying to get to class but I keep screwing it up and I can't get it open." "You're rushing it, take the time to open and make sure you're focused on it otherwise you'll make mistakes and it'll make it harder to open because then you'll get annoyed and your hands will shake, which in turn will make things worse." She took several deep breaths and nodded, trying to open her locker again. Due to Rarity's advice it worked and she looked overjoyed. "Yes! Thank you so much Rarity, I could kiss you!" Rarity chuckled. "You're welcome darling. Forgive me but I really must go, nature's been calling for a while now." Sunset was too busy putting her things in her locker to reply properly, she instead grunted affirmatively to let her friend know she heard her. Rarity had gone back to trying to find a bathroom and had left the amber teen to her own devices and Sunset was now speedwalking to class since she knew if the vice principal saw her running in the halls she would get in trouble. She sighed and got to class, she didn't hesitate in going up to Ms. Cheerilee and handing her the note. Lucky for Sunset, Cheerilee was one of the better teachers and was incredibly understanding. "Thank you Sunset, please take your seat so we can continue our learning." "Yes miss Cheerilee, I'm sorry for being so late." The students were watching Sunset the entire time, they had no reason to watch her but they did anyways and it made her feel a little awkward. She quickly took a seat and looked at the teacher, paying attention to the lesson the whole time. Class had gone smoothly for her and she was making her way to the cafeteria, since it was lunchtime she didn't need to worry about much besides getting to the cafeteria first so she could have some of the better food. The pony turned human just wanted to see her friends and eat lunch but life had other plans. she wasn't paying attention and unintentionally bumped into Gilda and her cronies. She sighed internally and hoped they would be forgiving, she doubted it due to their history of not letting things go. "Hey!" Gilda spins around to see who'd run into her. She sees it's Sunset and scowls. "Oh.. It's just you Sunshit, I thought you were someone else." Sunset growls softly and bites back a retort, the queen bitch in her was demanding she not take such disrespect, especially from Gilda of all people. "Look Gilda, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you, can you please let this go since it was an accident?-" "Hah! No. You know what I do to people who piss me off Sunshit. You're no exception. Not you or any of your friends." She hisses, grabbing Sunset by her shirt and slamming her into the nearby lockers. Sunset winces as she's slammed into the metal, she chokes back a scream and instead lets out a pathetic sounding whimper. "Fuck's sake Gilda, your asshole must be jealous from the shit that's coming from your mouth. You think you're so tough but in reality you're a scared little bitch." The students were now staring at them and starting to form a crowd around the two girls, none of them knew what to do or if they should get a teacher. Gilda howls with rage and drops Sunset, letting her hit the ground before kicking her in the stomach. Gilda had knocked the air out of her lungs, she let out a pained wheeze and attempted to regain her breath but unfortunately her attacker was not nearly finished with her and kicked her again, this time her foot connected with her head and caused her vision to swim and her ears to ring. She couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a pained cry, however she was silenced by another kick to her stomach, which caused her to whine and attempt to scramble away from the girl who was beating her. "Shut the fuck up Shimmer, I thought you were a big girl and could handle it!" She screeched and landed another kick on the poor girl's head, causing her scream in pain again before blacking out. Gilda had decided that after another few kicks Sunset had learned her lesson and backed up, turning around to face her goons and the students who had gathered. "Scram." "Hey!" Someone southern shouted from nearby, the person who yelled was quickly identified as Applejack and she was followed by Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy who quickly caught up. "What in sam hill are ya doin' Gilda, attackin' my friend? For what reason!?" Gilda scoffed and wiped Sunset's blood on her shirt, "Go away Applejack, this ain't your business. And it ain't their business either." "Ain't my business? You're attackin' my friend and I'm makin' it my business!" "It is our business Gilda." Rainbow snapped and stepped forward, cracking her knuckles, she was furious that someone would dare harm Sunset and she was now itching for a fight. "You're a no good bitch who deserves to be in prison." Rainbow growled and looked ready to attack Gilda when Applejack moved and pulled her back in an attempt to prevent a further incident. Rarity stepped forward and pointed an accusatory finger towards the bully. Her tone was even although it was obvious she was furious. "You were trying to end her life, weren't you? I thought you weren't that foolish, but I was proven wrong just now." Students around them gasped and murmured amongst themselves until one spoke up. "W-Well why-" "Shut up!" Dash roared and struggled against Applejack's hold on her, "Why didn't any of you morons help her!? She could be dead for all we know and you all did nothing to help!" Fluttershy had snuck around them and dragged Sunset out from under Gilda and her gang while they were distracted with Applejack and Rainbow, she was trying to keep herself together and get Sunset to the nurse's office, she wasn't strong like Rainbow and Applejack were and was struggling to carry the unconscious girl. Luckily Pinkie and vice principal Luna rushed over to the crowd, Pinkie had gone to get a teacher when her Pinkie sense went off and told her that something awful was going to happen to Sunny. The vice principal was quick to act, her voice boomed throughout the crowded hallway. "Enough! All of you, get to your classes or you'll all get detention for the next month. As for you Gilda, you'll be reporting to my office at once." "Or what? You'll expel me?" "Yes. And the police will be called. We've caught the whole incident on tape." Luna replied curtly, pointing to the security camera on the ceiling before crossing her arms and shooting Gilda a look that dared her to try something with her. Everyone else noticed that Gilda turned pale as she realized that she was completely screwed should Sunset decide to press charges against her, she glared at the vice principal and her shoulders slumped. She gave up and began her slow march to the main office. "Fine.." Rainbow wiggled free from AJ's grip and ran forward to where Fluttershy was trying to lift their injured friend's unconscious body, "Shy- Fluttershy. Here. Lemme help-" "No-" The fashionista interjected, she waited for her friends to look at her before she tapped her geode. "Let me summon something for her to lay on so we are able to move her without shaking her too much. We don't know if she has any neck, head, or spine injuries and we're likely making a mistake simply by trying to move her." Pinkie, who had been completely silent the entire time, walked over and nodded sadly, watching as the butterscotch colored girl gently put Sunset down. "Rarity's right girls, we don't know how badly Sunny's been hurt.." "Ladies. I believe it'd be best to leave her where she is and let the paramedics take care of her. Don't move her, or if you have to then move her as little as possible." The five girls jumped and looked over at Luna. Rainbow and Applejack opened their mouths to protest but Luna held her hand up and silenced them before they had the chance to talk. She held her phone up for the girls to see. "I've texted my sister and she's calling the emergency services, I'll stay here and wait for them, but you five should get to class." "Will she be okay?" Applejack asked her, fidgeting anxiously in place. "Ah'm worried 'bout her VP." Luna looks over at Sunset's unconscious form and sighs. "I think she'll recover without further complications, but I'm no medical professional so don't take my word for it. Now off to class with you ladies, I'll make sure Sunset is left alone while I wait for the medical professionals to get here." Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy hesitated and eventually started moving to get to class. Rarity however wouldn't move as she was too lost in thought and didn't respond to her friends' attempts to get her attention. She remembered how Sunset had saved them and the world from the sirens and a certain conversation where she confessed to being bisexual, she was afraid that her friends would abandon her. She of course had reassured her that no matter what they'd stick by her until the end of time itself. Rarity looked over at Sunset's body and felt her chest tighten and tears start to form, she knew her friend would most likely be okay in the end but it still felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart and twisted the knife. Applejack grumbled worriedly and grabbed Rarity's arm to gently drag her to their next class. "Rares, hey, look at me. It's going to be okay, Sunset's gon' be fine." "I know darling. It's just- Goodness.. I wish we could've intervened sooner." Her voice breaks and she struggles to speak, "And n-now she's seriously h-hurt and might be going to the hospital." Fluttershy had gone up to Rarity and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a big hug, she hated seeing her friends so upset and wanted to comfort her but instead ended up breaking out into sobs. She was just as worried as Rarity was, if not more so. The rest of the girls and Luna stood around awkwardly, not sure what to do. The display was so awkward and they wanted to comfort their friends but they had no idea how to. Luckily for everyone, especially Sunset, EMS had arrived and had located the patient. They immediately got to work taking Sunset's vitals and checking for any further injuries. Luna took the opportunity to shoo the girls away and send them back to class. "Vice principal Luna, may I go to the ladies room so I could make myself a little more presentable before I return to class?" "Wow Rarity, that's a fancy way of saying you look like a trainwr- Ow! Hey!-" Applejack scoffed and had gently smacked the back of Rainbow's head at her rather snarky comment. Rainbow rubbed the back of her head where AJ hit her, the smack was rather powerful even when she was trying to be gentle and it stung pretty bad. "We're all upset Dash, that ain't no reason to make comments like that. Ya know how worried Rarity is, we all are but it ain't an excuse to make rude comments to no-one ya walkin' gay pride flag." "Hey! I am not a walking pride flag. 's not my fault that my hair is the color that it is." The 'not a walking gay pride flag' girl threw her hands up in frustration, immediately forgetting that she should've apologized to the fashionista. Luna cleared her throat and crossed her arms, her phone still in her hand. "Yes Rarity, you may. As for you Applejack, do not smack your friends. Now I'm not going to say this again, get to class. All of you." They all made various sounds of disapproval but didn't protest, all of them except Rarity- who had gone to the bathroom to remove her makeup- went to their respective classes and tried their best to pay attention to what was being taught. The Rainbooms sans Sunset had gone to their usual meeting spot at Sugarcube Corner after school, the mood among them wasn't like it usually was and was quite the opposite. Pinkie kept making an occasional joke but it was quite clear to her friends and family that she wasn't her normal upbeat self. They were talking softly when Rarity blanches and looks down at her smoothie, realizing something quite important and very much related to her friendship with Sunset. She realized that her relationship with the former Equestrian wasn't as platonic as they had thought at first. She cringes and brings the smoothie up to her lips, taking a sip of it daintily, she wasn't listening to the conversation her friends were engaged in since she was too lost in her own thoughts to pay attention. "I've been such a blind fool.." "Huh? What're you talking about Rarity?" Rainbow asks and they all turn their attention to her, ceasing their conversation to learn about what had been troubling their friend. "Oh, did I say that out loud?" She laughs awkwardly, feeling the sweat start to form on her forehead, she was not interested and revealing her attraction to Sunset in fear of it ruining her friendships with the others. "Oh it's nothing darlings, I'm sorry for interrupting." "Sugarcube, if something's botherin' ya we're here to listen." "Mhm! You're one of my bestest friends and I don't like it when you're sad." Rarity cleared her throat and took a deep breath. "Alright.. Please don't let this affect our friendship in any negative way. I've been thinking lately and.. I've had some intimate conversations with Sunset and I.." she pauses and takes another breath, she was shaking slightly as her nervousness was becoming more obvious. "I've caught feelings for Sunset it seems." They all stared at her for a good ten seconds before Fluttershy pipes up. "Oh my- Rarity.." "I know darling, you all think I'm a disgusting freak!" Rarity says a little louder than intended, slamming her hand down on the table and drawing the attention of nearby patrons and staff to her. "Chrissake Rares, we don't think you're disgustin', why would you ever think that? I think we're jus' a little shocked that Sunset is the one you'd have feelin's for." "You.. Don't?" She looked at her best friends who shook their heads no, Fluttershy and Pinkie looked a little sad that their best friend would ever think that her being gay would put a dent in their friendship. "Of course not! We wouldn't be good friends or people if we abandoned you cause you're gay. Hell, we don't care if you're gay or not, we're friends and nothing's going to ever change that." Dash smiles and gave her thumbs up, reassuring her that they were always going to be there for her no matter what. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! This calls for a 'Rarity's coming out' party!" "Hold on Pinkie, I'm sure Sunset would want to attend, so maybe we should wait until she's back?" "Oh gosh Fluttershy, you're right! Sunny would probably wanna join in." The party girl paused and looked at Rarity, desperation clear on her face. "Rarity, you must tell Sunnybuns how you feel about her!" "Pinkie Pie darling I don't-" "Shhh, it'll work out. My hand twitched twice earlier today and I know that means something good will happen to my friends, so I know it's going to work out." "But it could be anything.. What if she doesn't feel the sa-" She wasn't allowed to finish her sentence because Pinkie moved closer and now there was only about an inch of space between her face and Pinkie's. "Rarity, don't worry about it and just get your pretty behind to Sunset's when she gets out of the hospital and tell her." Rarity sighed and nodded, she knew her pink friend had an unsettling talent for just knowing things about people she's just met or events that she wasn't present for. "Alright. I trust you Pinkie but I'm still nervous.." Pinkie moved away from her and sat back at her spot, the others had been watching the whole exchanged and decided to give words of encouragement to their fashionista friend. "Ya got this sugarcube, ah've seen how you and Sunset interact and I've got an inklin' she feels the same." "Mhm, I agree with what AJ said for once." Fluttershy chuckled at Rainbow's comment and looked towards her. "I'm sure it'll be lovely, it takes a lot of guts to confess to someone that you like them." She nodded and took another sip of her smoothie, they all seemed a lot livelier now that they knew about her huge crush on Sunset. They engaged in conversation about random things and were like that until Pinkie froze suddenly and looked at the entrance. "Sunset's out of the hospital and is home!" She squee'd and grabbed Rarity suddenly. "Come on now's your chance!" Rarity stumbled and protested as she was practically dragged out the door by an ecstatic Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie! I am able to walk perfectly fine you know." Pinkie immediately let go and Rarity fell forward, she would've faceplanted if she didn't put her hands in front of her and catch herself. "You sure you're able to walk? That didn't look like very good walking." "Yes darling, I'm sure. I know the way from here, and I'll uhm.. I'll tell you how it goes." She nodded enthusiastically and waved as Rarity walked off in the direction of Sunset's apartment. She slightly regretted not taking her car to school since it would make the journey from Sugarcube Corner to Sunset's place much easier but she wasn't about to go back home and bring her vehicle. The whole time she was walking to her apartment she was rehearsing what she was going to say to Sunset when she got the chance to talk to her, she was incredibly nervous and was tempted to run home and hide. "I can do this, I've faced down demons and sirens and came out on top." She murmured, walking up the steps of Sunset's apartment building. She only got more nervous as she approached the door of her best friend and potential lover. She marched up to the door and had her fist balled and hovering over the door to knock. Rarity hesitated and took a very deep breath before bringing her fist down and knocking. She waited patiently for Sunset to open the door, when she eventually did, Rarity's words wouldn't come out. She stood there with her mouth open looking like an idiot. Sunset snorted and decided to crack a joke, unaware by how accurate her joke would unintentionally be. "What? Stunned by my beauty?" She blinked a few times and got herself together. "Sorry darling, my mind's been in the clouds lately. I um.. Could I come in? I have something I need to tell you." "Mhm, come on in. Welcome to my humble abode." The alabaster girl nodded and stepped inside, standing just in front of the door awkwardly. She was not acting herself and Sunset noticed, she didn't know if something was wrong and was getting a little nervous. "Are you okay Rarity? You're acting.. Not yourself. It's starting to worry me." "I'm fine Sunset, I just have a lot on my mind currently." "Penny for your thoughts?" Rarity's breath hitched and she was unable to look Sunset in the eyes. "Of.. Course. I remember when you saved the school from the Dazzlings, and I remember thinking that you looked so very beautiful. You were like a phoenix rising from the ashes of ruin to come and protect everyone you cared about." "Mhm? You really thought I was pretty even though it maybe a month or two after the Fall Formal?" She looked at her friend, a light blush had formed on her cheeks. She never knew someone found her pretty and it was the first time in years someone had told her that she was beautiful. "You always were pretty Sunset, but when you saved us from the Dazzlings is when I noticed just how pretty you were. You put aside your own personal discomfort so everyone could be safe." "If I didn't then everyone would suffer and the world probably wouldn't end, but it would be ruled by tyrant fish people." "Even so, that's the moment that I had realized that you were gorgeous. Your personality only intensifies your beauty because it is important to have that inner beauty as well. And I.. Well.. I find you incredibly attractive because you are so kind and you'll go out of your way to help someone. I know you probably don't feel the same and I apologize, but-" "Rarity." "But I hope that this doesn't affect our friendship at all, I don't want to be the one who-" "Rarity." "Who's the cause our friendship breaking apart because I couldn't handle not letting you know how I feel, because-" Sunset wasn't able to catch Rarity's attention so she sighed and walked over, grabbed her face gently, and kissed her to communicate to her that she felt the same way. Her plan of kissing her to shut her up so she was able to tell her that she loved her had worked and she pulled away from the blushing Rarity, gazing into her now wide diamond blue eyes. "Rarity." "I- Y-Yes?" She smiled and kissed her, pulling away only to whisper into her ear. "I love you too." She gently pushed her back towards the loft in the apartment, she quickly led her up to her loft and pushed her down onto the bed, pinning her down and kissing her again and again with lustful vigor. Rarity quickly figured out what was going on and reciprocated, she let out a soft whimper when Sunset who had since pulled back for air and was panting didn't resume. Sunset chuckled kissed her cheek, starting moving slowly down with her kisses, despite still being dressed it caused Rarity to shudder in anticipation for what was to come. Back at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie and the others were getting ready to say their goodbyes for the evening when the baker shuddered and looked at her friends with wide eyes and a huge manic grin. "It worked!"