Day & Night

by Reminisce

Epilogue: Twilight Sparkle

The first month after reunification and the funeral, Twilight found herself a part of the arduous process of being a representative in Everfree Equestrian Equality Accord. The negotiations were long, winded, and were driven by emotions not facts. In the second month of negotiations, the Princess had all but removed a large portion of the Equestrian delegation. Leaving Twilight and a select few to contend with the entire twenty pony Council of Speakers and their President, who Twilight managed to have the best discussions with alongside Speaker Applejack. At the end of the second month, both Princess Celestia and President Harshwhinny signed the Accord into effect. Although Twilight was skeptical of the Everfrees democracy flipping the script in a few years, as their Presidents can only serve two five year terms and their current one is on her second. Meaning the next President could void her signing.

Twilight couldn't worry about that because she and her friends were assigned diplomatic statuses as they were to relocate to Ponyville which was to serve as a diplomatic embassy. The small Unicorn was quick to choose the town library as her dwelling when she found out it was an option. The move was tough for Twilight, having to leave the Princess to deal with her own demons alone wasn't optimal. It didn't take long however for Twilight to devise a plan with Spike and her friends, once a week she would send a report directly to the Princess. Something of a friendship and progress report with the Everfree, Twilight doubted that the Princess wouldn't read them. It was the last thing the small Unicorn could do for the pony that mentored her for the better part of her life.

Outside of that, Ponyville welcomed the Unicorn with open hooves and most of them seemed sedated about the Everfree ponies sudden appearance from the forest they border. That calmed Twilight and gave her time to focus on her studies which revolved around her artifact of harmony. There was still much to learn, and her connection to the element of Magic was still in its infancy, there was so much potential in them. And she knew the Princess was expecting her to unlock it one day, it was her turn, it was every element's turn to protect Equestria and the Everfree.