//------------------------------// // Death // Story: Day & Night // by Reminisce //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle, magical prodigy, and student to one of the wisest beings in the known world. Was now left completely helpless in the face of the adversary that she trained so hard to defeat. Maybe it is true, the Nightmare is simply too powerful for them to combat. Her lavender eyes never left the spear that Nightmare Moon repositioned to launch back at her, and all Twilight could think about was her failure. Nightmare Moon bathed in the mare's distraught state, there was nothing sweeter than despair. That gave the monster a wicked idea, it was going to make the five of them suffer. The night was the Nightmares, and the world would soon follow. Turning her back on the worthless Unicorn again, Nightmare Moon stared down the shaking Pegasus, she was the weakest link. But her element was powerful, she had to be the first to suffer for their transgressions.  Nightmare Moon walked slowly towards the Pegasus who attempted to fall back as many steps the Nightmare took. It didn't take long for Pinkie to intercept Nightmare Moon, yet the monster was able to predict her movement and spun the spear above its head with it's magic to forcefully break the mare's aerial attack. When Pinkie rolled to the ground, Nightmare Moon didn't stop, she followed up by blasting the pink mare out of her path with a beam of magic, causing the affected mare to scream in unreal pain as her fur singed and flesh was burned.  Next Applejack and Rarity stood together, lasso and blade prepared to strike. Still Nightmare Moon didn't stop her advance, and the two knew that they couldn't stop her. Spinning the spear once again above her head, it used the generated force to bring the spear down hard onto the injured Unicorn. A metallic clang could be heard from Rarity actually blocking the spear with her blade, but the force was great enough to cause her magic to waver. The nightmare followed up by smacking Rarity across her muzzle with the back of her armored hoof, sending blood and a few teeth flying across the chamber. But Rarity didn't fall, her horn began to glow a deep red in spite of the vicious attack.  "Rarity!" Applejack shouted while trying to rush to intercept Nightmare Moon's next attack, but she was stopped in her tracks by shadows clinging to her hooves. Twilight as well was interrupted from casting a teleportation spell because another shadow tendril shot up from behind her and started to strangle the life out of her. Rarity with her horn light brilliantly red looked up definitely at the monster before her. Her bloodied muzzle turned up in a deceitful smirk and her blue eye and even her hazy grayed eye focused on Nightmare Moon with pure contempt. "That's the best you got?" Nightmare Moon looked down at the Unicorn with interest. "You gluttonous whore, I shall enjoy flaying you, although your friends might not share in your sick pleasure?" Nightmare Moon didn't speak another word, she used her magic to thrust her spear directly at Rarity's heart to only be deflected. Yet she rebounded from the deflection and instantly went on a relentless assault that the injured mare couldn't keep up with, Rarity was getting peppered with painful shallow gashes and cuts. Nightmare Moon intended on playing with Rarity, but Rarity didn't falter. Twilight was trying her best to break free from the shadows, forcing her magic to channel through her neck, preventing her windpipe from being crushed. Applejack was at best struggling against the creeping tendrils of magic that was slowly traveling up her legs. Nightmare Moon had enough fun at that point, deflecting Rarity's sword wide, it monstrously slashed Rarity across the chest. The deep wound exposed bone and gushed with blood causing everypony to scream in horror. But Rarity's horn burned a bright red and right at that moment she casted a mysterious spell. Nightmare responded with a dark blue magical barrier, however it was useless. Rarity's horn cracked all the way down to its base due to the immense magical pressure that it wasn't used to. The end result was Rarity's blade glowing red, and she seemingly knew exactly what to do with it as she made a large sweeping motion with the blade that caused her spilled blood to practically act on its own. It was almost like Rarity's spill was an extension of her blade and it cut straight through Nightmare Moon's barrier.  Nightmare Moon actually cringed in surreal pain as her barrier inexplicably fell along with the spear that clattered to the ground. Nightmare Moon looked down in shock and saw her horn severed and rolling on the ground beneath her hooves. The monster's pain gave way to unreal rage as she shook and clinched her fang filled maw, she had been mutilated by a foolish mortal, she couldn't even feel her regenerative abilities. Her wicked rage filled eyes shoot towards the mare responsible, however Rarity had already collapsed in a pool of her own blood; essentially succumbing to her wounds. Nightmare Moon lunged at the defenseless Rarity like a beast unleashed while letting out a blood curdling roar that would put a Manticore to shame. Applejack acted instinctively and dove directly at the nightmare as the tendrils of darkness faded. Her large frame was able to topple the Nightmare and stop her bestial charge. However that victory was short lived as Applejack felt a searing piercing pain in her upper shoulder. Nightmare Moon had used her fangs to bite deep into Applejack's flesh, it was obvious that the monster was aiming for the jugular but had missed. It didn't matter at that moment as Applejack was lifted up and flung violently into the ground, not once but twice and then the nearly unconscious bloodied mare was thrown clear across the chamber straight towards a stunned Twilight like discarded trash. The impact from Applejack being thrown like a ragdoll sent Twilight tumbling to the ground before she could even cast a spell. Applejack landed square on her chest and Twilight could hear the snapping of at least a couple of ribs. The pain that soon followed was enough to bring Twilight to tears as she was unable to lift Applejack off of herself. Her magic was just about at its limit, she needed to time her last move right. Fluttershy, one by one saw her friends fall just to protect her, much like Rainbow Dash did so long ago. The shaken mare couldn't believe that she was helpless in the face of the monster, her element did little to lessen the stress of the situation. All she could feel was pain all around her, the suffering. Fluttershy could barely focus on the encroaching monster, its bloodied maw turned upward into a dastardly grin, its broken horn sparked and fizzled with life. The monster swept up the spear with a single hoof without missing a step, Nightmare Moon fully intended to end it all with the same weapon that Fluttershy and the others thought was supposed to save them.  Twilight teleported out from underneath Applejack and in front of the frozen Pegasus, fully prepared to protect the both of them by erecting a barrier with what little magic she had left. “Stay back!” Nightmare Moon stopped, only to launch the spear with amazing force at the barrier. Twilight yelped in surprise when the barrier cracked on the Nightmares first strike.  “Little mortal, thou life is already forfeit.” Nightmare Moon's dark visage grew relaxed at the near sight of her victory. Twilight had one eye closed, due to the intense struggle of holding the barrier up. Still she managed a glance at her book that inconveniently refused to open when she needed it most. The small Unicorn had nothing left to give, one more strike to her barrier and that's it, her horn was fried. Fluttershy's element however seemed as if it had one last trick. The butterfly landed squarely on her snout, causing Fluttershy to look inwardly at it. There was a force gathering within her, something she felt all too often and had no way of projecting it. Yet her element, her butterfly seemed as if it had figured something out that in all her years of working to embody kindness has failed to figure out herself. It began to glow a dim yellow, and as the glow grew brighter it dawned on Fluttershy. It was empathy, one of the first things that the Princess tried to teach her, but never fully understood.  "The ability to not only understand… but share the feelings of another.." Fluttershy whispered to herself as her confidence slowly began to rebuild.  Twilight didn't hear exactly what Fluttershy had said, but she couldn't focus on anything other than maintaining their literal last line of defense.  “Twilight…” Fluttershy said more clearly, staring the Nightmare down. “drop it.” Twilight's magic almost wavered at the absurdity of Fluttershy's request. “Now!” Fluttershy actually shouted, effectively making Twilight blink in confusion long enough for her feeble barrier to shatter like glass. Now nothing stood in between them and Nightmare Moon cracked an evil grin and cackle maniacally. Taking a few more steps forward Nightmare Moon scooped up the spear and clutched it tightly, it sought to end their futile struggle once and for all. With a single perfect lunge, it sent the spear barreling towards the unblinking Fluttershy who simply watched her Butterfly zip right off her snout matching the speed of the spear. Only Twilight and Applejack were still conscious to see exactly what was about to happen.  Fluttershy's Butterfly glowed blindingly bright and seemingly fazed right through the spear, causing it to suddenly glow a bright blue before impact and reverted back into its gem form. It bounced harmlessly off Fluttershy's snout and rolled to the ground. Twilight and Applejack gasped when she saw that Fluttershy's butterfly had such an effect. The triumphant element settled back into Fluttershy's mane, still glowing a blinding yellow. Fluttershy then picked up a gem and smiled somewhat softly at it. Nightmare Moon actually looked panicked at the exact moment the spear reverted back to its gem form. The monster's wide eyes didn't dare to look up at the glowing element, its offensive presence was weakening it, and without a horn it had no way of magical countering the effects. “Rainbow Dash is still in you, and she knows that I'll always trust her… no matter what!” Fluttershy spat, she could feel her empathic emotions bleeding into the darkness that was Nightmare Moon. Nightmare backpedaled attempting to create distance from emotions that were assaulting her. Not only did the Nightmare feel it, but everypony in the room slowly felt the emotions as well. It was even enough to rouse Pinkie and Rarity back into consciousness.  Pinkie, tentatively poking her singed midsection was the first to look up and notice the trademark tattoo of Loyalty forming across Nightmare Moon's black back. It was quick to spread across Nightmare Moon's wings as well, attracting Applejack's attention to it as well. The large orange mare smiled at the sight, which meant Colors was still putting up a fight in there, her element could see right through the Nightmares weaning form. There was the growing strength of Loyalty, but there was another power active within that she failed to see before. Thinking only of their success however, she cleared herself of the rubble and recognized a broken front hoof, Applejack hobbled slowly in Nightmare Moon's direction. So did Pinkie and miraculously Rarity, who was assisted up by Pinkie to get closer to the monster. Twilight almost was tearing up at all of them still coming together, at how close they were again. This time however, the small Unicorn saw something manifest between all of them, it was something magical. Nightmare Moon even saw it as well as she struggled for control against Unseen forces, one Twilight could only conclude to be the Rainbow Dash mare. It didn't take long for everypony to get close, and that's when Twilight's book decidedly chose to open once again. Twilight looked oddly at it when it only opened to the first page and a single word was legible, it wasn't even an incantation. It made all the sense in the world however, everything up to this point didn't, but that one word did. Twilight looked at everypony, even the Nightmare before her, it made sense. “Friendship binds us, that's something that you're unable to strip, even from the ponies you consumed… Do you underst-” Twilight was cut by a deep guttural growl “S-silence!” Nightmare Moon growled, struggling to stand. “Meanie!” “Now ain't ya a sore loser.” “Darlings this has been just lovely, but can't we just put this uncouth beast down already?” “Rainbow…” The book suddenly shut, and Twilight just knew what she had to do. With everything she had, every ounce of magic that she could spare, she forged the connection that would make the elements whole again. Her horn erupted with a multicolored light that swept through all of them, even Nightmare Moon. Twilight could feel the powerful magic flowing through her, she could see it flowing through everypony else and their elements respectively. The magic strengthened them, it even fully healed their wounds with astonishing speed, Rarity smiled brightly at the prospect of getting her luscious white coat back. Even Nightmare Moon glowed due to the element inside of her, the darkness was slowly evaporating from her body as she cringed painfully, unwilling to give up her form. But her final struggle would be for not, everything she was fighting for was disappearing into a radiant multicolored light. She had lost, Celestia had inadvertently bested her one last time. In its last seconds however, the Nightmare smiled bitterly as her fate neared. It was born through pain, and that was exactly what Nightmare Moon would leave behind. The Abyss Rainbow Dash could see their success clearly, the darkness had almost completely given way to the light. She could feel loyalty welling up within her and it only grew hot as the tattoo on her back grew and pulsed with magic. The little cloud that had kept her company began to return rapidly, the Pegasus was sure it was ready to be free as well. “Mwahaahaa!”  Rainbow Dash looked left to right attempting to find the source of the voice. But it was too late, one last dark tendril struck past the cloud of magic and ran straight through the Pegasus’s chest.  “May thy follow me into thy Abyss…” The evil voice tapered off as the last tendrils of darkness evaporated due to the intense light. The Chromatic Pegasus gasped and sputtered out blood as the darkness painfully spread from the center of her wound. Being there was nothing she could do about it, the Pegasus began to go limp. But the blue cloud of magic acted fast before their prison broke, it swirled around the dying mare before filling the wound with its own being. The cloud slowly dissipated as it stemmed the spread of darkness and even recovered the fatal wound. But Rainbow Dash wanted to scream for it to stop, she could feel it as it entered her body, it was alive. It really was another pony attempting to save her, vague and ancient memories plagued her mind as the magic saved her. In almost every memory she saw Princess Celestia, and felt the magic association with the Princess. They were sisters, and more specifically Princess Celestia was the oldest of the two. All of the emotions the family would bear for each other, Rainbow Dash personally felt them all in an instant and it was painful. But what hurt the most was the betrayal, she saw and felt what clearly led to this point. How the younger sister's jealousy and bitterness lead to her destroying herself, leaving only a monster in her place. The Pegasus saw the battle the younger had with the older sister, and felt the massive amount of anger and pride that made the battle what it was. And she was absorbing all of it, every ancient memory that the young Alicorn had in her life was now Rainbow Dash’s. Whatever was to happen next, it was very obvious at that point that the Alicorn saving her wouldn't be part of it  “Sorry.” The Pegasus was absolutely shell shocked, the voice came from her lips, but it wasn't truly hers. A tear came to Mares eyes once the magic completely disappeared inside of her, leaving nothing but herself in the waking light. Castle Nightingale It was done, the light faded, everypony fell to the ground racked with exhaustion. Sunlight then cascaded into the ruined chamber, signaling their victory. Twilight was the first to regain her bearings, looking around she saw everypony was perfectly fine. Even the chromatic mare known as Rainbow Dash sat hunched over in the middle of the group, but she was gripping something tight. Twilight, despite her exhaustion, attempted to check on the strange mare. But a large shadow loomed over the group and Twilight whipped around instantly, prepared to defend herself once more. “Twilight…” The angelic voice of the Princess sounded out through the chamber, gaining everypony's attention except for Rainbows. “Princess you're alive!” Twilight exclaimed. “With the Nightmare’s magic gone, I was released from my prison.” Celestia looked over the group and their elements, but something was missing. “Where is she?” “Princess?” Twilight was taken aback by the Princesses sudden shift in demeanor. Celestia didn't see her sister, but she could feel her authentic magic, it was faint, it was still there. Taking a few steps forward, she honed in on the familiar chromatic mare from Ponyville.  “Luna?” Celestia could see a small dark blue form gripped tight in the Pegasus's hooves. “Sorry.” A voice that sounded all too hauntingly familiar said, but the source of the voice struck the Princess dumb. “Rainbow?” Fluttershy was shocked as well, that wasn't her friend's voice from many years ago. It sounded demuring and elegant, not raspy and tomboyish. It reminded her of Rarity in a way, and that word came from her friend's muzzle. All semblance of composure evaporated for the Princess as Rainbow Dash turned all the way around with a limp and lifeless filly in her hooves. The small child had a navy blue coat that seemed faded from its natural color, her wings laid limp and the filly’s horn was chipped for some reason. The facial expression on the Alicorn looked serene as well, it was Celestia’s worst fear finally realized. The Princess fell to her haunches, tears freely cascaded from her single eye. Everything she fought for, everypony she promised to save, and she failed the one that mattered most to her.  “Please, let me hold her…” Celestia sobbed, worrying no more of her appearance in front of those that saw her as royalty. Rainbow Dash looked at the filly in her hooves, the filly that could've been alive and happy instead of her. None of it made sense to the Pegasus, and her reluctance to unhand the dead child added onto the confusion. “She'll do no such thing.” A measured and calculated feminine voice replied from the doorway of the chamber. Following the voice a dozen heavily armored Everfree ponies marched uniformly into the chamber and secured every exit and corner of the room. The voice soon revealed itself to the confused ponies as a mahogany brown Everfree pony that nearly matched Applejack in size. She was properly dressed in a simple black blazer and her ice cold blue eyes honed in on the unmoving filly in the center of the chamber. Two lightly armored bat ponies escorted the mare in, one had a spear and a shield, the other had an impressively sized crossbow slung over his back “President Harshwhinny?” Applejack sounded completely blindsided by her sudden appearance and declaration. “Speaker, you’ll be addressed later.” The mare responded in the most professional tone possible. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity after tampering with her messy bang to expertly hide half of her face all slowly huddled closer to their Princess, entirely unsure of what to expect. The Princess however didn't react to the new presence, her teary eye was still locked into the filly, as if she was expecting the little Alicorn to come back to life. “She was my sister…” Celestia choked out. “That may have been so, but respectfully the body belongs to the Everfree.” President Harshwhinny added in, while stepping closer to the body. “Don't you dare touch her!” Celestia lashed out, causing Harshwhinny to stop in her tracks and all of the troops in the chamber took defensive positions. “You will not speak of her as if she's your property!” Celestia’s crestfallen display swiftly turned into an aggressive as she stood to her full height and spread her wings to inflate herself. Her students had nothing to say, they were confused and scared all over again, having never seen their teacher and princess in such a state. Rainbow looked at the body in her hooves and realized it was just that, a body. What was in the body now resided within her, it was what healed her wound, it was what protected her from being entirely consumed by the Nightmare. Watching the Princess lose control made her instantly come to terms with what she was. Setting the filly down gently and folding her little hooves over her chest as if she was putting the child to rest, Rainbow's magenta eyes watched the Princess carefully. “You have no rights under Equestrian law, I tried to humor you, light forsaken creatures. But I realize now that you're nothing but spawns of the monster that stole my sister for a thousand years. The same monster that destroyed her mind and body!” Celestia’s emotional screams did little to faze the mare she was approaching. Celestia stopped when she heard the click of a crossbow ready to fire. The Alicorn didn't even grace the armored stallion with a glance, she stayed focused on the seemingly calm mare. “Was this your plan all along, you knew what the Nightmare was, did you not!” President Harshwhinny didn't speak, she just broke eye contact and looked at the pile of bodies that were piled on the far corner of the chamber. “I am addressing you!” Celestia screamed. “The body belongs to the Everfree.” Harshwhinny stated once again; albeit a bit more strained as Celestia loomed over her. The two bat ponies guards next to her were fully prepared for any attack. Celestia shook with rage, a rage that almost brought something dark in her to the surface. That was until Rainbow Dash swiftly flew in between Celestia and Harshwhinny, taking both by complete surprise. Rainbow said nothing, she only looked up at Celestia pitifully, almost as if she were begging her to let it go. Instantly recognized her near mistake that the strange Pegasus prevented, the Princess withheld, the anger and rage slowly ebbed away. It was her fault and only her fault, lashing out at the ponies that were more victims than aggressors proved nothing but to make her look like a fool. Her sister was gone, there was nothing she could do about it. That realization crushed her big display and made her knees weak, so weak that she simply fell to the stone slab sobbing violently. “I…” there was nothing else after, just sobs. “General Strafe, have your troops identify and collect the bodies.” President Harshwhinny commanded the armored bat pony that was wielding the crossbow steadily. "I need to notify their families…" He simply nodded and flew over to a group of troops guarding the door. Applejack snarled. “This ain't right, ain't none of it right darnit!” “It's my job, Speaker, and you've done yours.” The President replied to Applejack before turning to Pinkie. The professional mare paused for a moment at the strange sight of her now fluffy pink mane, but rolled her eyes in understandance. “Pinkamena, how much longer till your tantabus will be restored, we will require its aid soon.” Pinkie didn't respond, she never took her eyes off Celestia. “Pinkamena.” Harshwhinny harshly called again. That time it garnered a response, a response that the president wasn't expecting from the real pink mare. Pinkie looked up at the uptight mare with an utterly annoyed look plastered on her face. “I might not be tanny, but I know you need to have a care Miss Prez.” Harshwhinny just raised a brow. “They're our friends, and you being mean to our friends just won't do.” Pinkie said with her surprisingly stone cold expression holding. “Are you thre-” “Threatening you, ohhhh, I don't know….” Pinkie’s expression flipped on the last word. She went from cold and serious, to oddly happy and smiling in a second. Not only did Pinkie make a display, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood next to the pink mare. Showing full well that they stood by Celestia and the others. Some of the troops looked perplexed by the sudden shift and had no clue on how to handle the elements if they followed through. “Like ah said, this ain't right.” Applejack all but made an ultimatum. Twilight and crew were absolutely Astonished that Pinkie would defend them, and outright threaten their leader. Their astonishment only grew when the uptight mare decidedly huffed and started to exit the chamber with measured steps “Madam President?” The General that was addressed earlier called out to the retreating Harshwhinny. "Get the bodies to the coroner, have them prepared, leave the filly.” It was barely noticeable, but Harshwhinny's tone was slightly agitated. General Strafe saluted, before issuing his orders to the troops still milling about. It took them less than a minute to finish wrapping the bodies, and after that they started filling out of the destroyed chamber with bodies in tow. That left the six elements and a broken Celestia who quickly took the opportunity to scramble to her dead sister's side. All everypony else could do was watch the depressing sight, Celestia began to sing softly to her dead sister as she picked up the body and cradled it. Twilight couldn't imagine any other result to their fight, and still she felt like it could've ended differently. “Am sorry, truly I am.” Applejack apologized. Instead of a standard response, Twilight threw herself into the chest of Applejack. The purple Unicorn tried her best to envelope the larger mare in a hug. Applejack froze, unsure of what to do, then Pinkie threw herself into the hug as well, followed by Rarity. At that point, Applejack relented and wrapped a single hoof around Twilight’s head. Fluttershy moved slowly to do the same as the others, but stopped when she realized that one pony was missing. Fluttershy spotted her friend standing very still, watching the group hug it out. “Rainbow Dash, you're a part of this.” Fluttershy reassured the best she could, waving a hoof for her to join. Rainbow was close to saying something, but decided against it. After the first reactions she got, the Pegasus thought she’d still be better off saying nothing. Everypony may be shaken, still she knew that it would only be a matter of time until they started to poke and prod her for answers. So instead of joining, Rainbow Dash settled on a warm smile before nodding her head to Fluttershy, pretty much telling her that she understood. Rainbow Dash still had much to figure out on her own and looking towards the open way that gave way to the open skyscraper, she knew exactly where to start. The butterscotch Pegasus respected her request for distance and joined the others in their little group hug while Dash just took a few more steps away. It only really dawned on chromatic Pegasus that it was all actually over as she picked up the gem of loyalty. It transformed back into the accursed spear that Nightmare was using against Fluttershy and the ponies that saved her. She had the freedom that was promised to her years ago. Strangely, she didn't feel entirely free as there was a pressure building in her chest.  “Pegas… Rainbow Dash…” The raspy voice of Princess Celestia quietly beckoned to the Pegasus. Dash turned to face the direction of the voice, and was weirded out to see the Princess still holding her sister in her hooves. Celestia’s light purple eyes bore into the Pegasus, indicating clearly that she expected her to come closer. Rainbow Dash did just that, albeit very cautiously due to the Alicorn's previous mood swing. “I have only one question.” The Princess asked morbidly. Rainbow Dash just blinked in response, that was enough for Celestia to continue. “Was there… Did she say anything else?” The Princess’s question seemed hopeful. Rainbow Dash just shook her head negatively. But when she saw Celestia’s visible disappointment when she didn't speak, she felt obligated to say something at that point. “She saved my life, I didn't even know what or who she was until…” Celestia smiled painfully at the sound of her sister's voice. “I do not cast any blame upon you, I failed in my responsibilities. I must pay the price.” “Not alone.” Rainbow responded with a sagely glean in her eyes. The Princess wanted to break down and cry again, she could feel it all around her. The dark magic the Everfree was grown from was the last vestiges of her sister. Everypony of the Everfree was an extension of her, and the Lunar elements bore the weight of her. Celestia couldn't believe the Nightmare would leave such a loose end as the Children of the Night untethered. They weren't products of the Nightmare, they were products of Luna, Princess Luna. After a few minutes of silence, the uptight pony from before marched back into the chamber with only the pony she only called General. “Done?” Harshwhinny courtly asked. “I-I’m sorry, so very sorry!” Princess Celestia literally prostrated herself before Harshwhinny. Even gently putting down the body of her little sister to do so. Harshwhinny scoffed angrily. “You are a Princess, a leader, do not sully yourself in front of the ones who seek your guidance.” The elements just watched Harshwhinny critically, expecting something bad to happen. “The Speakers will deliberate on where she’ll be buried, and if there will be a funeral.” Harshwhinny explained while Celestia stood back up. “They will also deliberate on your rights to attend.” “President ya can't be-” “Speaker Applejack I am very serious, I may already know your vote. But there are eighteen other Speakers yet to cast theirs… We will need a fill-in ballot for Speaker Star as well.” The President clarified as if she was reading right from some invisible text. Applejack wanted to say something stupid, but she was better than that. “I understand.” “As do I.” Princess Celestia said as well, regaining some of her lost composure. “... You may proceed.” “Thank you, General, retrieve the body and remake preparations with the others. I have to get the forest back in operational condition, so do not stray from the schedule.” “Yes mam!” The armored bat pony saluted before making her way around Celestia and gently scooping up the small body. “Speaker, you have reports to file.” Harshwhinny’s blue eyes then locked with Pinkie’s. “You do as well.” “Boo!” Pinkie playfully chastised. Harshwhinny decidedly ignored the mare before acknowledging the new element of Loyalty. “Colors, you're coming with me.” “Her name is Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy chimed in with a hint of assertiveness. “Very well.” The President didn't care, as long as orders were followed. Followed they were, Applejack and Pinkie said their goodbyes before retreating from the large chamber to go do what they had to do, taking their artifacts with them as well. Rainbow Dash just looked at the spear and the inviting skyline for a long moment, Harshwhinny’s annoyed grunt was what brought her attention back to the president. Rainbow Dash looked at everypony and sighed knowing she was going to be bored out of her mind for hours on end. Rainbow eventually started towards the chambers doors while dragging the spear of loyalty across the brick floor. Fluttershy giggled at the way the President's eyes twitched with each bum of the spear on the brick floor, she knew all too well the irritant Rainbow Dash could be.  It was oddly relieving to know not everything about her had changed, even if Fluttershy wished that she could've at least gotten a hug from her long lost friend. “I need a bath… Maybe two?” Rarity broke the tension that was left in the room with her off comment while she oddly toyed with her mane to get it to sit right over her face. Despite the elements not recovering her sight, the alabaster mare seemed relieved. “Rarity!” Twilight scolded at first, but her expression quickly changed once she realized what Rarity was doing. "Rarity… is your e-eye ok?" Rarity looked up at Twilight somewhat painfully, she didn't want to worry her friend. Yet there was no real way to hide it, and Rarity would have to get the worrying over eventually. So she decidedly abandoned trying to style her mane and just brushed her messy indigo bang out of her face. Revealing to everypony still left in the room her milky grey left eye. "O-oh my!" Fluttershy squeaked. Celestia frowned when she saw Rarity's blind eye, it was obvious what had happened. They now shared in the same fear that would never heal, Celestia even slowly brought a hoof up to her own patched left eye and never imagined Rarity suffering such a mutilation. At that, a self inflicted one that was the product of Rarity's generosity no doubt. The Alicorn wiped the last few tears that hadn't yet dried into her ivory coat, but couldn't bring herself to speak. Just as she had failed her sister, she also failed her students, leaving them to suffer in her place.  Rarity looked directly at Princess Celestia's and smiled. No pony could tell if it was sincere or not, but Rarity made it convincing. "I'm just glad I'm not dead darlings, the rest I can sort out later." Sort out later, those words were the story of Celestia's life. Now she had to sort out a future that no longer included Luna, a future that she no longer wanted a part in. She is the ruler of Equestria, but now she’s just a broken mare that will have to put on the face of a Princess. Who could she honestly guide anymore, her charade is over, her weakness all the more exposed. Celestia was thrown from her dark thoughts when she felt somepony nuzzle into her chest. Looking down, she saw Fluttershy trying her best to tend to her feelings. Celestia respected the gesture and returned it with a nuzzle of her own, due to her height she simply nuzzled the top of the Pegasus’s head. She needed that, she'll need much more than that, however in the moment her students' nuzzle was enough to corral her from her increasingly dark thoughts.  “I-I do believe we're done here…” The Princess said quietly, as if she was disturbing somepony. “Of course Princess.” Rarity responded. “Do you have a chariot coming or?” Twilight then questions. “Teleporting, your brother is holding the spell on the other side with some college casters assisting.” Celestia responded on auto-pilot. “There will be annoyances awaiting us I'm afraid.” Twilight grimaced at the Princess’s tone, it was clear that she wanted to be alone. “We'll handle anything you ask of us.” Both Fluttershy and Rarity nodded in agreement. Celestia said nothing, lighting her horn, the world around them turned white before The trademark popping sound of a successful teleportation rang in their ears. And like that the ruined chamber was now empty, not a sound nor soul was left in the place where harmony was reunited for the first time in a thousand years, the place where history was once again made.