//------------------------------// // Trials [Part One] // Story: Day & Night // by Reminisce //------------------------------// Twilight could barely believe her luck, or lack of considering how wrong everything has gone for the group. Still Twilight never thought that she’d get to actually enter the Everfree forest after her first attempt. Everything was simply different, she could feel it in the air, the flow of magic was abstract. The trees grew twisted to the strong surrounding magic forcing its will on everything around it. It became apparent why Applejack advised against any form of casting. On any other occasion she would've been provided with a treasure trove of new information, there wouldn't have been a way to tear her away from her quill and scrolls. But it wasn't any other occasion, it might as well be the end of the world for as far as she was concerned. The moon was eclipsing the sun, they don't know what happened to the Princess, and they honestly don't have a real plan to stop the monster anymore. That died with loyalty’s apparent betrayal, and then there was that other strange mare. “Fluttershy, you obviously knew that Pegasus, who was she?” Twilight asked her friend, who was surprisingly walking ahead of the small Unicorn in the group. Fluttershy didn’t hesitate to respond clearly “Her name… was Rainbow Dash. She was my only friend in flight school…” “I-Oh, your friend that disappeared years ago after some race?” Twilight's face screwed up in confusion. “Then why does she look…” “Like us.” Pinkie finished for the cautious Twilight. “Well, I…” Twilight didn't really know how to respond. But Fluttershy did. “What happened to her?” Pinkie acted like she wanted to respond, but thought better of it when she caught the Speaker giving her a sideways glance. “You're going to have to trust us eventually.” Rarity chimed in. “That's Fluttershy's friend, a friend she thought had died years ago. I do believe she is owed at least an explanation.” Applejack stopped, and so did everypony else. They were getting ready to head down a path that was flanked by a nearly impenetrable wall of trees on the right, and on the left was the starry gorge. Eventually they'd have to cross it, but something didn't seem right, Rarity's quip about trust triggered something in Applejack's mind. Somepony should've intercepted them already, they passed the first checkpoint into the forest uninterrupted. Surely the council didn't put the whole forest on lockdown after she sent her sister to warn Nightingale. Applejack then focused her ears, she couldn't hear a single noise that resembled life. But she felt something, something unseen and underneath them. Pinkie obviously felt it too, she nodded to Applejack with a concentrated look on her face. “Somethin’ is approaching fast, and it ain't friendly.” Applejack shuffled her hooves one the ground, the vibrations stopped right after her warning. “What are you talking about?” Rarity's clueless expression was quickly replaced by terror when the ground erupted from beneath her feet. The same happened underneath all the mare's. Applejack and Pinkie were both fast enough to react, but the others weren't so lucky. Rarity was nearly impaled by one of the dark tendrils that appeared from the ground, the thing missed her by an inch, only seemingly grazing her barrel as she fell to the side. Fluttershy stumbled back in a panic as the ground crumbled and gave way into the gorge. Twilight tried to shield her friends, but was interrupted by the ground slipping away from her as well, forcing her to fall flat on her face before sliding with the earth. Twilight shrieked in response, flailing wildly for anything solid to stop her from sliding. Luckily Applejack's reaction was swift as she dove and caught one of Twilight's hooves. “Quit ya panicking, or else we're both goin’ down!” Applejack grunted. Despite Applejack being the larger and stronger mare, the crumbling earth couldn't support her weight. Her green eyes shot left to right, scanning for anything to aid her. Luckily the tendrils seemed to retract after it caused the landslide almost as if they were in sudden pain, but that didn't help the two mare's in danger of falling. That was until she saw the yellow Pegasus floating below them, it was better than nothing. “Let go!” Applejack said through gritted teeth, as more ground was giving away. “I-” “Trust me, let go!” Applejack screamed that time. Twilight did just that, the small Unicorn thought nothing else of it, she just let go and closed her eyes. She expected a lengthy fall in the abyss, but it was cut short by a pair of hooves gripping her around the barrel. Opening her eyes, she saw they were yellow, a welcomed relief to the panicked mare. Fluttershy struggled to get them back to safe land, that was until Rarity's magic enveloped her and swiftly pulled her to safety. Allowing Fluttershy to fly unhindered to safety as well. Everypony at that point was either laid out on the ground, or skeptical watching their surroundings. “What in the world were those things?” Rarity asked, while checking over herself. Mostly just brushing the dirt off her coat and out of her mane, she was doing her best to hide the blood dripping from her midsection. “Yer guess is as good as mine…” Applejack huffed, adrenaline still pumping in her veins. “Nightmare Moon.”  Pinkie stated. Everypony glanced around once more, and even though they were rattled, they continued. Applejack took the lead once again, quickly putting the narrow path behind them. They walked quite a bit longer before Twilight actually noticed signs of life, there were more broader trails that led off from the one they were traveling. She saw signs that she couldn't read and a few shack like houses along the path… all empty. She could feel the uncomfort radiating from the two Everfree mares, it didn't take Fluttershy’s element to notice it. Twilight didn't know what to say, there was nothing that she could say. “Fluttershy right?” Applejack spoke up while still slowly trotting, eyes forward. “Umm… yes?” Fluttershy's response was stereotypically meek once again. “Ma brother found her years ago, unconscious in a cursed patch of flowers we call poison joke. We have a natural resistance to it, by ya ponies don't, and long story short, Black Star was the one to save her by performing a forbidden blood rite.” Applejack explain clearly, obviously not wanting to repeat herself  Fluttershy didn't respond, however Twilight was quick to pick up on the implications. She finally understood why talking of that mare was so sensitive, Colors or Rainbow Dash is an Equestrian citizen. And much like the stories of old, she went into the forest, and never returned. But what was exceedingly clear now was why most ponies in the past didn't return, they transformed somehow. Possibly by the blood rite Applejack spoke of, but due to its forbidden status, Twilight would leave it there, they still had a world to save. They soon exited from the broader paths, leaving behind the scenery of the scattered homes and huts. Now the overgrown trees and vegetation hugged them on each side. Rarity was clearly annoyed with the situation as the trotted, Pinkie snickered at the alabaster Unicorn's expense. “Glad you find this amusing…” Rarity huffed. “Don't worry, we’ll be crossing a river soon enough, you can wash your pretty coat there.” Pinkie responded as if her advice would be taken seriously. Rarity audibly gagged at the thought of washing her coat in a dirty Celestia forsaken river. Luckily for Rarity and the group, they found their way out of the rougher part of the forest. Now their path was much clearer and unobstructed, allowing the group to spread out from each other. “If you don't mind me asking, why are we straying from the roads?” Twilight asked. “Isn't it obvious?” Rarity said first. “Clearly nopony knows what's going on, it's probably better that we remain off the beaten path. Even if it means sacrificing my grooming efforts.” Neither Lunar element denied Rarity's assumption, leaving Twilight pondering what was to come next. Fluttershy however wasn't pondering on what was coming next, she could literally see it. Every other tree they passed had broad claw marks on them, the butterscotch Pegasus could also smell the strong scent of urine as they traveled. Something was ahead of them, and it was obviously a predator. Fluttershy was quite knowledgeable when it came to animals and creatures, she possibly knew more than Twilight on the subject. Her Cutie Mark Truly defined her ability to understand and communicate with animals, they were much easier to deal with than ponies in her opinion. But she hoped the Lunar elements knew what they were walking into, they caught the previous surprise attack after all. Fluttershy was in line with the rest when she noticed Pinkie uncharacteristically tensed up after looking down as they traveled. Fluttershy looked down in response as well, and instantly saw what had caused Pinkie alarm. There were massive paw prints deep in the dirt, and they were fresh. Yet what was even more startling was the spacing of the prints, they weren't consistent at all, Almost as if the creature or animal was injured. Fluttershy didn't like the idea of crossing paths with a possibly injured predator, or a hungry one. Predators were extremely rare in Equestria, but she knew other parts of the world were filled with them, and some had no qualms with taking ponies as prey. “Speaker?” Pinkie questioned out of nowhere. “Yea yea, ah was hopin’ the thing would've veered off deeper into the forest by now. What in tarnations is it doing here, this ain't their huntin’ grounds?” Applejack replied, turning her hat further up as if to get a clear view ahead. “It hasn't even made a noise yet, you don't supposed?” Pinkie chuckled darkly. The Equestrian ponies paled at Applejack's mentioning of hunting grounds. Then Pinkie's statement brought Fluttershy’s worst nightmare to bear, they're being stalked. “Manticores don't-” “Prey on us Speaker, I know, but don't forget about our guests…” Pinkie replied. At that point Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy all stopped to just gaze mercifully at the Lunar elements. “Pinkie?” Applejack said, as if they already had a plan preconceived. The mare in question first looked at her tattooed leg before replying. “Can't, our meet and greet with our thousand year old master took a lot out of me.” Pinkie sarcastically quipped. “Besides, I doubt I could even sleep a creature like that… no access to their dreamscapes and such.” Applejack had never thought of that before, no matter, they now had a big problem ahead. Manticores were one of very few apex predators in the Everfree Forest. They’d attack with fangs, claws, and a scorpion-like tail that boasted deadly toxins that would paralyze any unwitting prey. Although they typically avoided Everfree ponies, and chose prey that wouldn't put up to much of a fight. A starving Manticore still would try for a young pony foolish enough to strike it out on their own, making them a very real threat regardless. Applejack seriously didn't understand why a Manticore was in the area, she could only assume it had to do with the current disturbance to the forest. Either way they had to move forward, they couldn't let Nightmare Moon breach the inner sanctum of Castle Nightingale. “Straight ahead…” Fluttershy muttered. Twilight was prepared to light her horn, that was until Applejack shot her a stern look. Pinkie on the other hoof was impressed with Fluttershy's ability to preemptively detect the Manticore, surely that had nothing to do with kindness. It didn't take long after the Pegasus made her statement that the path ahead of them was softly blocked by a large body that barreled out of the darkness. Applejack wasn't shocked by the Manticore, more so by its unnatural behavior. They were walking in a herd, and for the thing just to block their path instead of waiting for a straggler or a weak link just seemed stupid.  The Manticore was very large, larger than even the massive mare that was Applejack. Its huge mane was a blood red as the rest of its unruly coat was a lighter shade of orange. The creature twitched randomly as it didn't make a move nor sound, its eyes seemed unfocused and glazed over with a dark tint. Preventing its irises from being seen, that alone was enough to scream possession, which actually made sense now that Applejack thought about it. She looked back and could tell that Twilight had come to the same conclusion. “Can you dispel-” Applejack couldn't finish her question before the Manticore let out a blood curdling roar. It unfurled its large bat like wings before leaping at the group, aiming specifically for Twilight. However it failed to connect due to Applejack's swift reaction. The creature's leap was met with equal force before it could land, leaving Pony and Manticore at a fierce standoff. Hooves and paws pushing against each other, both Applejack and the creature were standing at their impressive full heights. But it was abundantly clear that the massive mare was no match for the brute of a Manticore, it was slowly but surely pushing her back. “Speaker!” Pinkie tried to rush to Applejack's aid, but was intercepted by the Manticore’s large red scorpion-like tail.  The pink mare had ducked the stinger, but it whipped its tail back to send Pinkie flying right through a tree. Twilight was frozen with fear once again, unable to process the speed of the situation to act. Yet Rarity seemed fully prepared to step up as she rushed in front of Twilight, prepared to light her horn. Once again however, the Manticore countered by clinching Applejack's hooves and flinging the mare like a rag doll towards Rarity, who simply blinked in bewilderment. Applejack subsequently crashed into Rarity, leaving the both of them rolled up in a heap at Twilight's hooves. The Manticore victoriously lowered itself back down onto all fours, before twitching again. It then turned its attention to the frozen Twilight, who simply scuttled back in response. “Please, no!” Fluttershy jumped forward and placed herself in between her friend and the Manticore. Twilight had a flash of regret as she clearly remembered her altercation with Applejack outside of Ponyville. Now it was happening again, and she felt absolutely powerless to stop it. The Manticore did hesitate, its huge paw was nearly the same size as Fluttershy’s head. And it hung dangerously in the air, fully prepared to swat the mare away. “Please.” Fluttershy seemingly begged. “You're in pain, I know… Let me help you.” Pinkie was just escaping the rubble of the tree she crashed through to see the unbelievable. Fluttershy was talking down a possessed Manticore, and it was slowly working. The creature seemed to blink a bit, as the haze over its eyes tried to clear, its paw wavered in the air. That was until Fluttershy slowly reached up and brought it down. She knew violence couldn't solve every problem, the Princess taught her how far the simplicity of kindness could reach. As she brought its paw down, she gripped it, letting the creature know she understood its pain. The Manticore shockingly purred with acceptance as Fluttershy held its paw tenderly. Just as Applejack and Rarity were both getting up, thinking everything was under control. The Manticore flinched violently, effectively shoving Fluttershy to the ground, as its eyes began to haze over once again. Without warning its large red tail lashed out, shocking everypony into silence. “Wow…” That was all Pinkie could say. Fluttershy quickly got up with tears swelling up in her large blue eyes. The Manticore struck itself right in its back, it let out a pitiful growl as its toxins began to work. Fluttershy rushed to the Manticore, haphazardly lunging at the creature to hug it as it grew limp. The haze over its eyes completely cleared to reveal them to be a brilliant orange, and they seemed content, almost peaceful. The Manticore had one last gesture to give as it slowly fell, it gave Fluttershy a wet lick that trailed all the way up her face, leaving her pink mane slicked up. After that Fluttershy let go of the creature, allowing it to completely fall to the ground, un-moving.  “Tragic, let's move!” Everypony looked at Pinkie with a hint of disbelief, all except for Applejack. “What, it just paralyzed itself, the thing is still alive. So are we shoving off or are we waiting for a hydra now?” Fluttershy wiped the tears from her eyes to get a better look at the Manticore, she was relieved to see its chest rise and fall. “I-sorry…” Fluttershy muttered to nopony in particular. “You have nothing to be sorry about darling, what you did there was nothing short of amazing.” Rarity gratified. Fluttershy nodded back as the group got their bearings again. Pinkie  and Applejack were both a bit ruffed up, but it was hard to tell if they sustained any injuries due to their thicker coats and neutral disposition. Rarity on the other choice winced painfully after her first few steps, her wounded barrel had started to shoot rhythmic pain throughout her body. Clear her tumble with Applejack only made it worse, still Rarity saw fit to hide her wound to continue with the group. No pony knew any better as she lagged even behind Fluttershy as they picked up speed. “That was yer Destiny mark wasn't it?” Applejack asked Fluttershy without taking her eyes off the path ahead. “Umm, yes… My Cutie Mark allows me to communicate with animals and some creatures to a degree.” Fluttershy whispered, not at all liking the attention. “Cutie- whatever, we owe ya our hides.” Applejack simply put, causing Fluttershy to blush. Still they continued deeper into the forest, their convictions carrying them further. As they traveled, the trees grew larger and the temperature seemed to dip. The sudden shift was lost on nopony as they moved through the trees. It was hard for the Equestrians to keep up as they already lacked natural light from the missing sun, not to mention the thick tree line above them that even blocked the large ominous moon. Twilight noticed that the Everfree ponies were trotting ahead with ease, it never really crossed her mind that they're eyes might be adjusted to darkness. That inadvertently brought her back to Loyalty’s betrayal, surely there were others who thought the same as he did. Were they going to meet more resistance than just an ancient evil Alicorn and a rogue Element. Twilight looked up to the two ponies leading the and thought more clearly on what it might mean to them. “When we approach Nightingale, what then?” Twilight asked. “Plan B.” Applejack answered in autopilot. “And that is?” Twilight pushed. “The inner sanctum of Castle outside of the city is our destination. That's where the artifacts of harmony are, with those, even one short we should be able to give that darn thing a run for its money.” Applejack replied. “ So ya need to be expectin’ a fight, don't hesitate.” “Are you reassuring yourself?” Twilight questioned. “We ain't no Equestria, but a lot of ponies live here, ma entire family calls the Everfree home. And there ain't been no hide nor hair of anypony, not a soul. There is no telling who else is willing to follow Star to oblivion…” Applejack spat darkly.