Day & Night

by Reminisce

Blood, To Each Extreme

Seven Years Ago

“Rarity, each element has their secrets. Some are rooted in pure fantasy, others in the shadows of a darker history.” The Princess explained while rifling through her personal books.

Her newest student was obediently sitting before the Princess, taking in every word she said. Rarity would be the Princess youngest recorded student in ages, the news and nobles had already casted doubt on the Princess's decision to take her in. But Rarity was eager to prove, and make up for the mistake that got her there in the first place.

“You managed to display generosity in an abstract way to most who don't know its history.” The Princess continued looking through her books. She paused for a second, honing in on a single dusty tome. “Even the most talented Unicorns are incapable of performing blood magic, Yet a young eleven year old filly out of Ponyville was able to do it effortlessly… To mend a doll.”

Rarity looked down at her hooved, trying her best to hide her embarrassed blush.

“But it was not your doll, you gave your life magic for another little foal you didn’t even know.” The Princess didn't even sound critical, there was actually an amused tone underneath her voice.

“I'm sorry…” Rarity muttered.

The Princess didn't acknowledge her apology as she continued. “True blood magic can only be performed by an element of generosity, you have already been proven. But I must apologize for what I'm about to say… Your ability of generosity must remain hidden, which will consequently cast doubt upon you. Unlike my other two students, I must train you alone, out of the public eye.”

“I-I understand.”

The Princess did the unexpected when she sat the bookshe had down, and leaned down to hug the young Unicorn tightly. At first Rarity tensed up, but then soon melted into the hug, it was something she desperately needed. The princess’s fur was softer than she could've ever imagined, she wouldn't let her circumstances ruin the moment, this is what she dreamed of. The Princess was the first to disengage to give Rarity an understanding smile. Turning back to the large tome, she knew it was time to teach the budding filly.

“This book is nearly as old as I am, it was written by Starswirl the Bearded in his later years.”


“Isn't lt, I was the first practitioner of blood magic. But I didn't use it to mend, I used it to wage war, to take what I thought I could recreate in a better image.” The Princess looked elsewhere, as if she was reliving distant memories. “I was wrong, and Starswirl showed me how blood magic could be used to mend and create, not destroy and recreate… Now I shall teach you the truth.”

“Princess, may I ask a question?” Filly Rarity asked.

“You may, my little pony.”

“When I used it, it hurt a lot, but I felt happy afterwards. My mother said that I shouldn't like pain, but it felt right…” Rarity said quietly, the Princess was the first she told of how she really felt when using the normally unheard of form of magic.

“That would be the aphrodisiac effect of Generosity I suppose.” The Princess instantly noticed the little filly's perplexed expression. And she couldn't help but to laugh a little.

Rarity huffed.

“Sorry, what I'm trying to say is that Generosity wants to reward you for doing the right thing. Whether it be giving your blood or other things, your element seeks to comfort you. Otherwise the stress of it would surely take hold.” The Princess explained more clearly.

“Oh.” Rarity thought she was beginning to understand.

The Princess then turned her head to her balcony window and saw it was time to set the sun. The day was over and she had much to reach her new student. Generosity was a powerful and potent element, the young filly would have a difficult road ahead of her.


“Sorry…” Rarity looked up and knew she’d only have one shot.

Focusing on herself, she lit her horn. However it glowed a dim red as she concentrated on the monster before her. The creature looked as if a fly had just buzzed in her face, Rarity apparently didn't pose a threat to her. And she didn't, it was the chromatic mare perch on top of the rafters right above the two that did. Rarity could only hope that she was reading the Pegasus correctly, and her timing was sharp. 

No sooner the creature took its first step, Colors propelled herself with force from the rafters and straight down. With a single rear hoof extended, she was aiming for the creature's neck, a kill shot. Yet the creatures piercing blue eyes never left Rarity. 

In the split second before impact, the monstrous Alicorn lit its horn a bright blue. Rarity's reaction was synchronized, it all ended in a blur of motion. Instead of a spell the creature was left unable to cast, it only lasted a second. That was all Colors needed however, or so she thought. The aggressive mare was swiftly blocked by a gray hoof that literally materialized over the creature. Even her momentum came to a shattering stop. Colors eyes grew frantic at the sight of her master, element fully released. And since she hadn't used her wings, Black Star was able to throw Colors back down into the crowd where she crashed through several storage barrels.

Black Star looked savage, his tattoos illuminated a bright blue, the same blue of the creature he just protected. His eyes were even sharper than before, and his fangs had extended, now protruding further than what his closed mouth could conceal. He was hovering above Rarity, prepared for whatever stunt they were going to pull next. Or so he thought, as he looked into the still frozen crowd, he saw Applejack, but no Pinkamena.

Looking into the crowd again, he noticed they all looked like they were in a trance… smiling. 

“Wh-” A pink body barely missed him as he dodged to the left, it then rebounded and blasted back towards him in a blur of speed.

Star then crossed his hooves in an X  and caught the full force of the attack that sent him hurling into the wall. The creature looked disappointed in the pink pony's attempt to attack, with her gift.

“Stop being a big meanie Star!” Pinkie said somewhat seriously.

Rarity noticed that her mane was a mess as it was in that dream thing and her tattoo was gone. Rarity never even felt herself fall asleep, no, she wasn't asleep. She could still feel the fresh pain of her counterspell, this was reality. She didn't have much more time to dwell on it as Star charged back but that time was intercepted by a flying barrel that was kicked up  by Colors. Sending him crashing back down to the ground below.

“Colors you’re becoming exceedingly annoying…” Star seethed, as he lifted himself from the myst of the shattered barrel. “What could destroy your Loyalty so swiftly.”

Color spat in his direction.

Star scoffed and saw her bandaged wing, grinning with murderous intent, he quickly realized that she was grounded. But he looked up and saw the other two elements still on top of the balcony with his master, he had to protect her. 

“Darling, I invite your timely interruption.” Rarity smiled towards Pinkie.

Pinkie returned it with a goofy grin. “Yea, looks like we made her mad?”

“I am Nightmare Moon, and I will not be belittled by my own creation.” The creature started with confidence, a confidence that made Pinkie’s smile falter.

Nightmare Moon began to step towards the two defensive ponies with a methodical stare. “Creating a waking dream state was impressive for a mortal, but that does not matter. For thou art my creation, my will, my servant!”

The entire auditorium seemed to crack like glass with the Nightmare Moon’s last word. Colors looked around and noticed that the daydreaming ponies were now frowning, some looked on the verge of tears. That distraction gave Black Star the opportunity he needed, opening his leathery wings, he shot up to the balcony leaving Colors on the ground.

“Behind you!” Rarity shrieked, her reaction wasn't fast enough that time as she had to turn to face the encroaching bat pony. 

Pinkie was still stunned by the creature's sudden influence over her, and by the time she had regained any senses it was far too late. Black Star looked like a windmill in a tornado when he spun and delivered a devastating kick to Pinkie's head. That was enough to completely destroy the dream state, Pinkie shattered much like the faux area surrounding them did, revealing it to not be real. Rarity could barely follow, but once she blinked it was real again. Ponies were screaming, scrambling, and crying. And once again Rarity stood alone in the presence of a monster.

“Pay for your insolence.” Nightmare Moon was prepared to end her life, Yet as soon as she lit her horn to strike, the ivory Unicorn disappeared in a purple flash.

Nightmare Moon looked down from the balcony to see the offending mare reappear next to a smaller purple Unicorn. At that point Everypony with half of mind had fled the scene, leaving only those who choose to defy the dark Alicorns will. She cared not for the Equestrian ponies, but the ones she created, imbued with her own magic, chose to stand against their master. There would be a penance to pay for their crimes, still she was weak. Nightmare Moon held her hoof up and noticed her form was disintegrating a bit, she needed more power. 

“What have you done with the Princess!” Twilight shouted up to Nightmare Moon.

The creature completely ignored the shouting Twilight, instead she turned her back. They were not the threat she was warned of, she had been whispering in Loyalty's ear for years now. And for twenty seven years he had warned her of Equestria's strength and her servants' waning faith. But Equestria was no more than a blight, Celestia a shadow of her former self when they faced off for the second time in history. Nightmare Moon snarled as remembered freshly how she was denied her own personal revenge, the coward sealed herself away in her own sun.

“The night will last forever.” Nightmare Moon reminded herself verbally. “And you, my children, will be the first to be cleansed.”

Black Star looked shocked much like the other elements at first, however he quickly masked it before anypony could notice. He was loyal to the Everfree, and nothing would change that; not even the ponies that foolishly stood in his way. As the old bat hovered beside his Princess, he had calmed down enough to see the white anger Speaker Applejack bore, and the look of defeat on Colors face. He knew there would be blood, the democracy their ancestors had built would ultimately be tested, their cleansing would start at the castle.

“Servant, follow.” Nightmare Moon commanded before lighting her horn, causing Everypony to flinch. But she didn't cast an offensive spell, she instead was enveloped in a dark shadowy vortex that peaked at the ceiling. The wind of the vortex was strong enough to send debris and furniture flying around. Twilight acted quick enough to shield Everypony as they were forced to hear the Nightmares maniacal laughter reverberate across the entire room. In the longest few seconds of their lives, the laughter slowly subsided, as did the vortex. But in the end, both Nightmare Moon and Black Star had vanished from the balcony.

Everypony was helping each other at that point. Rarity, Colors, and Pinkie had taken the brunt of the introduction. Twilight was doing her best to assess the damage Rarity and Pinkie received, while Fluttershy worked tentatively with Colors. Applejack was left standing in the middle of her failure, trembling.

“Augh,” Applejack shouted in anger. “I'll kill him!”

Pinkie flicked her flat mane out of her face and looked up from her sitting position rubbing her aching head. Yet didn't say anything to reflect whatever she was thinking.

Twilight saw what clearly happened on the balcony. Yet she was still in a state of mental shock at everything that transpired. Rarity's unexplainable use of forbidden blood magic, Loyalty and Pinkie's full release of their elements were terrifying. Still the Nightmare stood above them all, unflinching, and fully prepared to end all of their lives. Twilight was no fool, the creature was at a fraction of its strength and it was already a league above them. Twilight blanched at the thought of the Princess, she still had to confirm it for herself. Racing out the doors of the auditorium, she saw ponies running any which direction, dragging possessions and valuables behind them. They were frightened, and ran from the town in droves, but it was too late, few noticed.

“No…” The sun was gone, totally eclipsed by the moon. The sky was dark and dismal, Twilight could feel the temperature dropping by the second.

“Surely you don't think...” Rarity's pained voice called out from behind Twilight. 

“...” Twilight was on the verge of tears.

“I see.” Rarity darkly responded.

“Pinkie, and Colors if you’re wit’ us. We're gonna to end this hogwash!”Applejack angrily shouted.

The large orange mare pushed past Twilight with Pinkie and Colors in tow. All three of them looked beaten as they trudged past, especially Pinkie who looked absolutely exhausted. They couldn't do it alone, that much was evident.

“We're going with you!” Twilight blurted out.


Twilight started to follow them regardless. “We have to, you can't deny us…” 

Applejack whirled around to chew out the small Unicorn. However Applejack wasn't met with a desperate and weak mare. Her purple eyes then bore the same intensity that her own green eyes constantly held true. Then looking past the Unicorn she was even more surprised to see the other two following, their eyes held the same fire as well. Applejack knew then what she was dealing with; nothing that she said would be able to stop them.

“Remember my warning?” Pinkie dead-panned.

“Remember my promise.” Twilight instantly shot back. “The Princess put all of her faith in us, we have to help, If it gets any stronger…”

“It won't.” Applejack simply put.

The large orange mare made a simple gesture with her hoof, the common symbol of follow along. Twilight and Rarity quickly caught up with the trio, ready to rush head first into the unknown. Fluttershy was more cautious in her approach, she didn't tell anypony, but she never stopped focusing her element. She could feel the anger, anxiety, and fear that clouded their minds. All of that combined with her own timidness was becoming too much. She wanted to help, she was determined like the rest of them to make things right. But at what cost, Applejack said she’d kill Loyalty, Fluttershy felt the burning desire to just do that well up when she said it. Everything was catching up to the timid mare then, the forest grew larger as they got closer and so did her trepidation.

Colors was the only one to notice Fluttershy lagging behind, seemingly lost in her own mind. The chromatic Pegasus decided to fall back herself, even though she couldn't say anything to console her, she still felt tremendous guilt for leaving her behind all those years. Fluttershy noticed her fall back to get closer, Colors was more lilith and stood a few inches shorter than Fluttershy, but her presence seemed to calm the timid mare. As they neared the same entrance to the forest that Twilight first tried to enter, Colors took one of her expansive wings and enveloped the taller trembling mare in a quick hug.

“Rainbow…” Fluttershy squeaked. She was pleasantly surprised by the sudden contact, but it was short lived.

Colors responded by flashing Fluttershy her old trademark grin. A grin that told the timid mare all she needed to know, her friend was about to do something foolish.

The chromatic mare looked back to the rest of the group, All of which were bickering on their approach into the forest. That gave Colors an opportunity to take the bandages off her wing. Fluttershy wanted to protest the action, Yet she fumbled her words when she saw the bandages unravel to reveal a perfectly healthy wing, feathers and all. Colors didn't even give her dumbfounded friend a second to recover before she shot off into the air, leaving a prismatic trail behind her.

“Annd, then there were five…” Pinkie didn't even glance up, just the sound of the take off was enough to alert the Everfree mare.

“Colors!” Applejack yelled to no avail.

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves, once again her friend was going to put her life in danger for her. Looking back up, she immediately realized that all of her friends were going to put their lives in danger, even Pinkie and Applejack.

“Let's do this.” Fluttershy said uncharacteristically.

“Fluttershy is right, we're wasting time are we not?” Rarity reconfirmed.

Applejack looked contemplative for a moment before recollecting herself as well. “We gotta head to Nightingale, that thing is probably already there.”

“Nightingale?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but first, you Unicorns have to not use your magic unless absolutely necessary. The forest doesn't respond kindly to your horns. So stay close and don't touch nuthin’ ya got it?” Applejack aptly warned.

Both Twilight and Rarity nodded their heads.

“Good, now let's get moving.”

“to adventure.” Pinkie sarcastically replied while blowing some of her flowing pink mane out of her face.


Colors knew exactly where that thing was headed, or at least her master. Flying at near her top speed through the barely navigable forest was like second nature to her. She had spent upwards to ten years in the Everfree since she crash landed in the center of it ages ago after doing the most amazing thing she ever did in her life. But for what, those were the questions that plagued her mind day in and day out. She failed the one pony that trusted her, and she failed herself in the end. Just for a single shining moment that she’d never get to relive.

Getting lower below the treeline, she could see patches of unmanaged Poison Joke here and there. The very demonic plant that literally stole everything from her. When she crashed nearly ten years ago, she landed in a thick patch of Poison Joke, and stayed there for nearly two days before a Everfree pony found her broken and mangled in the patch. She spent months recovering and getting the effects of the Joke reverted, it had done such a number on her that she contemplated suicide several times. It did horrible things to her like destroying her equilibrium, reversing her wings, making her colorblind, and stealing her voice. It was all too much till Black Star came along and gave her an ultimatum. He could take her life, or she could take his blood, and even then there was little chance of success. To each extreme there is an answer, those words resonated with the silent mare. 

The blood rite was the most agonizingly painful thing the young Pegasus ever experienced. It changed and molded her body in ways she never thought possible. It effectively overrode the Poison Joke, the only things that his blood didn't fix was her color blindness and being mute, but she could fly freely again. That was until the council stepped in and told her that in her new state that she was forbidden from leaving. It didn’t stop her from trying many times, but irregardless of what she did, they seemed like they were always a step ahead… he was always a step ahead.

Dodging under a few low hanging branches, she reminisced deeper about her countless escape attempts, then the family and friends that she lost. It took her a long time to forget them, but Black Star helped after a while, he always understood somehow. Now, she wasn't sure anymore, the things he taught her, the things he showed her.

What were they for she thought, if in the end he simply tricked her into becoming a pawn. He promised her freedom, surely he didn't mean the complete destruction of the council and its laws. Yes she hated them, but there was more than just her living in the Everfree. It took her forever to realize that Pinkie Pie and Applejack both had families to worry about. 

She had to stop him, or at least beat him into his senses. Black Star may have saved her, but the Council of Speakers and the Everfree did not abandon her.

Her flight slowed a bit once she thought that she was close to her destination. It was a small clearing that had several statues of grand looking ponies built around it in symmetrical order. Landing just short of the clearing, Colors made sure that she remained silent. If she remembered correctly, the clearing was something sacred to the Vamp ponies, but not anypony else that lived in the Everfree. It held some type of cultural significance that was lost on the chromatic Pegasus.

Getting lower to the ground, Colors ears twitched at the movement of the air around her. Ponies were approaching, more accurately flying towards her. It didn't take long for two bat ponies to appear on the scene, Colors immediately recognized the two of them. Wicked Cyclone and White Wind, both of them were both the best fliers in the Shadowbolts and the Everfree. Still Colors had never had the chance to prove that she was faster, and was for bayed from joining the Bat pony exclusive group. However that meant little at the moment, she wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying. They actually were whispering between each other, White Wind's dirty white tail was constantly flicking in annoyance. Cyclone then started to look around, his orange bat eyes scanned the forest surrounding them.

Colors knew that she couldn't have been discovered that quickly, no, she knew that something else was agitating the two stallions.

“What's taking Star so long?” Cyclone finally spoke loud enough for Colors to hear. 

“For the moon's sake, I don't know… We all felt it, and yet were the only two fools here?” White Wind responded with a dark tone.

“I think we're in trouble, we need to head straight for Nightingale!” Cyclone responded in panic, he looked as though he was ready to fly off before he even finished speaking. “Black Wood was deserted, nopony was in the city below, not even Speaker Echo…” 

Something was severely wrong if Black woods was deserted. The town above the city is what it’s known as, the Everfree isn't a large place. As the population grew, they dug underground much like the Diamond Dogs. Black Woods was nothing but a small town above the ground, but below it was a city sizable enough to head in any direction and be lost for at least a day. And apparently Everypony was gone, and along with Speaker Echo.

“Speaker Star left the Everfree hours ago with Colors, so what do you think?” White Wind questioned loudly. 

The two of them were prepared to fly off, that was until a strange noise alerted them. Colors was also confused, it sounded like there was something cutting through the trees and foliage. Before either station could assess the situation, several black tendrils rocketed out from the surrounding tree line. Cyclone’s reaction was a second too late, the tendrils wrapped around his neck and left wing, grounding the thrashing stallion.

“Wicked!” White Wind managed to dodge several of them just to see his friend and comrade get caught.

“Grr-Run!” without warning, the black tendrils dragged the doomed stallion back into the thick of the forest.

White Wind was shocked, but that shock soon turned into rage as he flew straight towards where his friend was dragged away. However he didn't make it far, because one of the black tendrils that he had previously dodged came back for him. The thing whipped him back down to the ground violently, causing the stallion to cry out in pain. While on the ground, three more of the things came out to control the struggling survivor. Colors watched in horror as the things started to drag him away as well, his front hooves were leaving gashes in the ground where he was digging them into the dirt, trying to save himself.

Colors had to get out of there, and no sooner had she thought that, the tendrils left out in the clearing shook a bit and immediately turned in her direction. Her magenta eyes lit up in surprise, no matter how ready she was, the prospect of being restrained and dragged to an unknown fate frightened the mare. Spreading her large wings, she shot straight up into the sky, ignoring all the branches and vines she was hitting on her way up. Glancing back, she saw five of them literally right on her tail. Bearing her malformed fangs in frustration, she made a sharp left as soon as she cleared the tree line. Still there seemed to be no escaping those things, because they mimicked her angle and speed perfectly, giving her zero breathing room.

Colors began to frantically look for anything to aid in her escape. Her mind working in overdrive much like her body, she came to an all or nothing conclusion when she saw the stormy and unpredictable Everfree clouds overhead. Flying at increased speeds, she headed right for the center of the dark gray cloud above her. With a smile that could only mark a daredevil, Colors punched right into the cloud, the tendrils weren't too far behind. The mare stopped dead inside the cloud, her vision blurred by the murky gray, and her coat wet with condensation. It was then she knew she hit the jackpot, she could feel her coat stand on its end as the energy built around her.

It only took a fraction of a second, but two of the tendrils expertly found her within the storm cloud. They latched around her neck and right forehoof, prepared to drag her back down to earth. She felt two more touch her thighs and the last one wrapped around her barrel. They felt ice cold and Surprisingly soft on her fur, she knew exactly what they most likely belonged to. And if she were anypony else, I'd be too easy to surrender, but she was Colors… No, she was Rainbow Dash.

Right when the tendrils began to tug, Rainbow spread her wings aggressively and with her one free forehoof, smacked the stormy cloud with all her strength. It rumbled and groaned before the thunder spontaneously erupted from the unpredictable mass. Rainbow Dash’s world turned white for a moment, everything froze around her. Her only hope was that she wouldn't pass out, that meant instant death for the mare. But on the other hoof, what she attempted to accomplish worked expertly. She could hear the tendrils screech and burn away as the thunder proved too great for them to withstand.

The thunder ended shortly after the tendrils were gone, leaving the lone mare to fall out of the cloud limp and singed. If the entirety of her coat was still intact and not covered in scars and patches. She’d might’ve resisted the effects of the thunder a bit better, but that wasn't a luxury that she could afford anymore. Not that it mattered, it seemed as though she could move anything as she fell. Still fully conscious, Rainbow Dash gazed into the dark sky. 

Truly would there never be a sun again, what type of world would that be, Rainbow thought. Being resigned to her fate, she wouldn't ever be able to apologize to Fluttershy. Closing her eyes, for the final time she thought, she accepted her failure.

But as death was just a second below her, she was caught roughly out of the air by the last pony she’d expected.

“Colors, you're too much for this old soul.” Black Star's gruff voice was the last thing she heard before finally passing out.