Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements

by cyber_pony13

Chapter 18: No More Secrets

The river flowed calmly through the forest at the base of the falls. The sky was gray but slowly cleared up. Everything slowly began to come to life as though now it was safe to come. A deep silence surrounded the forest but was broken when an azure pony rose from the water gasping for air. He grabbed the bank and dragged himself out carrying an unconscious lavender pony. He coughed attempting to get his breath back but was slowly coming to. He looked over to the pony he carried out and quickly went to her.

“Twilight…Twilight are you alright…answer me?” Revenant asked her through his coughs.

He put his head to her chest and felt murmurs within her breathing. Seconds later she coughed out water over him and stabilized her breathing. Revenant felt joy and laid out next to her. He looked up to the sky clearing up and felt the sun slowly beginning to shine.

“Damn…I lost the element,” He then turned his gaze to Twilight. “But it wasn’t worth losing you…nothing is.”

He then noticed that she wasn’t looking to well. He quickly got up and tried to figure out what was wrong with her. He put his hoof up to her forehead and felt an immense heat building up.

“What the…her temperature is rising. Could it be a fever?” He then saw her chest rise up and down frequently. “And she’s breathing hard…no…no…no no no no!”

He began to lose his cool and realized that he couldn’t. If he lost it then everything he did would be in vain. Revenant began to gather his thoughts and pondered on different solutions. He thought of using his bonfire technique to heal her but he’d probably only have enough magic in him to only keep her stabilized until medical attention was brought to her. Also the heat of the flame could send her body temperature high and make things worse. He knew some first aid but only for combat. Different ideas kept swirling through Revenant’s mind of what to do.

“This is bad…hopefully all the predators are still hiding from the storm, but the dogs….I can’t take any chances.” Revenant said to himself.

He struggled to stand and tried to carry Twilight. He couldn’t and finally succumbed to his injuries and fatigue. He even tried to drag her with his magic but couldn’t. All his strength left him.

“Damn…I’ve got nothing left in me. The fighting, the chasing, and the swimming…I can barely move.” He grunted.

He searched for any sign of cover and saw an opening under a tree. It would be the perfect spot and if any predator tried to come by, they wouldn’t be able to reach them with all the tangled roots. Revenant thought to himself if he could do it one more time, just to that location. He concentrated and felt it still within him. It was the only thing now that felt as though he could do. Revenant sighed and did it once more. He grabbed Twilight’s hoof and let the rift open and suck them in. Seconds later he saw that both of them were under the tree.

“What the….” Revenant said as he noticed that he felt a little stamina come back to him.

He struggled but was able to get up. Shortly afterwards he felt weak and sat down. He also felt some his magic flowing back into him. A chill then ran through his spine.

“I knew you’d be seduced by its capabilities.” The dark voice came back to him.

“What do you mean by that?” Revenant asked it.

Then it manifested into Revenant once more. It walked over to him and then looked at Twilight.

“Amazing what it can do. oh and congratulations on the cutie mark coming back. I don’t even know why you got rid of it in the first place?” The manifestation spoke to Revenant.

“Enough riddles…just tell me….why is it after I abyss walked…I feel some energy back?” Revenant asked.

“Heh…’abyss walking’. It was what the abyss bestows upon those who make a contract, but only those who can pay the fine can use it. You have a strong soul, it is what it likes.” The manifestation chuckled. “Abyss walking allows you the freedom to tread wherever you wish and the further the distance or the frequent the use, the more energy that comes back to you. So abyss walking from the river to Twilight, then both of you from the falls somewhere at the river gave you enough energy to swim and pull her out. Though you’ve already gone over your limits but the short distance to here did give you a small piece back, but only to help ease the recovery. Though your little girlfriend here doesn’t seem to be taking it well.”

“What do you mean by that?” Revenant asked.

“Because she hasn’t had any contact with the abyss like you.” The manifestation could see the puzzled look on Revenant’s face. “The reason it’s called ‘abyss walking’ is because you open a tunnel to your destination but to get there you travel through the abyss. You’re used to it, she isn’t….but don’t worry she’ll be fine with a little rest.” The manifestation finished.

“Why….why are you being so…cooperative with me? In the past you tried to manipulate me and now you are submitting to my will. What is it that you are planning?” Revenant asked the manifestation.

“Dense and intelligent…I’m glad the intelligence is showing right now. You see, you do the abyss no good if you go off dying. You’ve become too valuable now especially with you being able to abyss walk once more. The abyss does not want to lose itself a prime candidate, so it will do whatever it can to keep you well.”

“But what of then when I’m no longer of use?”

“Smart thinking there...normally it would just consume you and gain more power but you….I think it likes you. I foresee that the abyss has big plans for you…for us…do take care until then. We will speak another time so enjoy your victories for now but remember like all contracts there will be a time to collect and I hope you are ready to pay up front in full.” The manifestation finished and faded.

Its words were spears that pierced Revenant’s mind and soul. None of that mattered to him now. He had Twilight safe and that was all that mattered. Not knowing when they’ll be found he prepared small incense from some of the dead roots with his bonfire technique. No heat would affect Twilight but would provide an aromatherapy for the both of them. Revenant went into a light sleep that would give him enough rest and awaken with some energy if danger came by.

A few hours passed by as Revenant slept and Twilight rested. Within Revenant’s mind he didn’t feel despair, fear, or darkness. He felt tranquil as he slept. It has been too long for him to have his mind at peace. Usually sleeping would always be torture but now he welcomed it. He didn’t fear his own thoughts anymore. Within his mind that moment played out over again where he was under the moon, deep in the Everfree forest, where he lost all hope but was re-kindled again. Revenant felt that he finally had a chance to win the battle within.

His dream was broken when he heard voices coming from the forest. Revenant got up and quickly observed his surroundings. For moment he lost where he was but quickly got everything back together. He was under the tree protecting Twilight. Revenant looked over to see that she was still unconscious and looked out from the roots to see if anything was coming. The voices started to become clearer and were nearing them. He couldn’t make out who they belonged to and decided to play it safe and used some illusion magic over the roots concealing them. Moments later he the voices sounded near and was able to make out who they belonged to.

“Twilight….TWILIGHT!!! Where are you….answer me…” Rainbow Dash called.

“Twi…Rev…where are you two? Come on out!” Applejack cried.

“Twilight, Revenant, I’ve got some snacks for you two if you come out!” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Pinkie I don’t think that’s helping!” Rarity scolded her.

“I do hope they are okay…I can’t imagine what we’d do without Twilight?” Fluttershy feared.

“Revenant come on out…please…. We’re all okay!” Levia shouted.

Revenant couldn’t believe it. When he left they were all injured nearly down and out, but they were still kicking. Filled with joy, he took down the illusion and called out to them. They all turned around and quickly rushed to them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash broke apart the roots to create an opening for them.

“REVENANT YOUR’E OKAY!!!” Levia embraced him. He could feel her icy tears of joy on his face.

“Where’s Twilight?!” Rainbow Dash asked frantically.

Revenant directed to where she was and all the girls rushed to her. They checked up on Twilight, who was now coming back to the world. They all hugged her and she was surprised at first but then realized all her friends were there now. Revenant went out from the tree and went to the river. There he washed up his face and stared at the reflection in the water. He didn’t know why but he felt like things were finally coming to an end. He looked at his cutie mark with concern. Before it made him grief but now he wondered what it truly meant.

“Revie….you got your cutie mark.” Pinkie Pie interrupted his solitude. “That’s one cool looking one. What does it mean? Is it something with your knighthood…oh are you becoming a knight again?”

“No Pinkie….that’s not it. Besides what happened up there, last I remember all of you were down on the ground?” Revenant asked her.

“Well the pegasus in the lab coat kept his word. After he got the element he got his buddies and left. I’m kind of sad though, for such a bad guy he kept his word so he couldn’t be that bad.” Pinkie recalled.

“He wasn’t….but that was a different time though…” Revenant trailed off remembering the past. He grimaced at the fact that they failed to retrieve the weather element. Knowing Professor Windston, he had an idea of what his goal was.

“Revenant now it’s time.” Rainbow Dash went up to him. Revenant had a look of concern on his face. “Don’t give me that look. It’s time for you to tell us everything…no more secrets.”

“Aye reckon she’s right.” Applejack added. “Twi said that yesterday you were going to tell us but now all this happened. So now that things are all calm it’s your turn to talk.”

“Yes…I’ll talk…but let’s get a move on back to the town. I’m sure down there they want to know if we’re okay.” Revenant said to them.

“You promise that you’re going to tell us the way there?” Rainbow Dash asked him up close.

“I promise.”

“How about Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie Pie asked jumping in between the two.

“*Sigh* Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” Revenant promised as he did the motion. The girls looked at him with surprise, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were holding back there laughs. “Oh give me a break…Sweetie Belle had me do it to promise her something back at the school. Let’s get a move on so I can tell you girls.”

Revenant took the lead of the mane six but he could hear a couple snickers at him still. As they walked back to the town he informed them of the origins of the abyss. No pony knew of where it came from or what its purpose is but the ponies in Animardia speculated as a form of true evil that wished to control everything. It reminded the girls of Discord, but he assured them that the abyss was worse. Not because of its power, but of how it brings out your dark thoughts, nightmares, phobias, and weaknesses. Also the contract made one power hungry and increased their dark desires. It broke you down and when you were weak, it would devour you. He then explained that in his past, during the time his father was gone he made a contract with the abyss. Revenant told them that he isn’t sure when he did it but he noticed that when his father disappeared he began to hear the darkness. Since he made a contract with them, his soul was blackened and could always be tracked by the abyss whenever it decided to collect. The weak ones were instantly devoured but those who could handle it like Revenant would gain power, but would have the chance of losing control and succumbing to dark emotions. Even though it was an immense of power, he explained that it was a sin for what he did and hopes that he can be redeemed one day.

“So that thing you did back there….when you appeared right next to me in the river…what was that?” Twilight asked him as they neared the edge of the woods. The town was coming into view.

“Yeah…when I went to catch you and Twilight, you both disappeared into….I don’t know some sort of black hole?” Rainbow Dash asked to the best of her ability.

“That is called ‘abyss walking’. Since I really couldn’t do teleportation magic that was my substitute. What I do is tear a hole in the fabric of space and time and jump into the abyss.” Revenant explained.

“Hold on there, so all that talk earlier of how bad it is to go in there and what not and you still do it so carelessly?” Applejack asked with great concern.

“Not entirely, you only enter the abyss for a short period of time but only few can abyss walk whoever makes a contract. Personally I think I may be the only one who can do it now.” He continued.

“So why was I unconscious for a while after you saved me?” Twilight asked.

“Because I brought you with me in the abyss.” He replied. The girls then looked at him with great concern for Twilight. “Don’t worry; nothing could’ve happened to her as long as I was there. Her body couldn’t handle it so she passed out. She’ll be fine.”

“Then why do you have your cutie mark now….that is if you don’t mind me asking?” Fluttershy asked changing the subject.

Before he could answer, they realized they were at the town hall near Neighagra Falls. They didn’t notice it at first but saw that the town was still in good shape. Some places had things tossed about but everything was okay. The local town folks were beginning to move out and about to see if everything was truly safe. A crowd was slowly forming near town hall.

“Well guess I should answer this before the whole town is here.” Revenant mumbled to himself. “You see girls I’m still trying to figure it out myself. Before I thought my cutie mark meant that the light was me and the darkness around it was always coming for me, and that the dark sword was a reminder that I used darkness easily but could corrupt me at any time…”

“That’s awful…how could someone bear something like that.” Rarity sympathized for him.

“But a cutie mark represents your special talent….unless….was the abyss your special talent?” Twilight asked with a heavy heart. Revenant was silent for a moment before he answered.

“I believe so…it would make sense now that it appeared after I used a special ability from the abyss to save my mother when we were getting mugged.” He then looked at it with grief. “Normally anypony would be excited, but this….this thing….only brings me grief.”

“Why should it? If that is your special talent then you must be good at controlling it.” Rarity assured him. He was caught off guard and never thought of it that way.

“That may be true….but still I would rather have it gone then to see it again.” Revenant said as he looked at it with hate.

“Speaking of, no pony has ever heard of a cutie mark that disappeared and then re-appeared. What happened to it that made it go away?” Twilight asked.

Little did she know that the mane six were going to regret what they were about to hear. The three ponysprites looked at Revenant as if he shouldn’t speak of it. He nodded to them that he had to. They readied themselves to hear it for it brought up a painful memory for all of them.

“Are you sure you want to know?” Revenant asked.

“Yeah we want no more secrets from you. So we want to hear everything.” Rainbow Dash said as she stomped her hoof.

“Very well…up to now I’ve truly told you everything except for this.” Revenant took a deep breath. He still felt the pain of this portion of his past and had to brace himself for it. “When I first got it, I was overjoyed but when I was in the knights I noticed my…dark tendencies on missions. Soon I became aware of what was inside of me and the danger I was to everypony. My mark practically let everypony know what I was capable of and was even feared by my own comrades. So in order to renounce myself….I removed my cutie mark in front of everypony.”

“But how, through magic?” Twilight asked.

“No….I cut it off.” Revenant somberly responded.

The girls had an expression of horror on their faces. To think that somepony would go through self-mutilation in front of their peers made them cringe with fear. They now knew Revenant hated himself for what he had; even though he did everything he could to prove he was good. All of them felt the mood drop and all the excitement that would be held for a safe return faded. It didn’t last long when they heard the doors of town hall open and four fillies came rushing out and tackled Revenant with joy.

“Revenant you made it back! Did everything go well? Did you kick some flank? Is everything now okay with you and the girls?” The cutie mark crusaders and Pip asked as they were on top of him.

“Little ones, what are you doing here?” The mane six asked breaking the somber mood.

“Revenant needed our help so we came with him.” Spike said as he joined the group. “Sorry about not letting you know but it was kind of urgent.”

“Spike…you’re here too?! Revenant explain yourself.” Twilight demanded.

“Sorry girls, I need the little ones to help gather supplies for the teleportation amulet and Spike’s dragon breath help gave it charges. I figured since it sends message to Princess Celestia and he receives them, there had to be some sort of teleportation involved with it.” Revenant defended himself as the fillies got off him.

“So our heroes return!” Steadfast exclaimed as he appeared with his wife. “Citizens of Neighagra Falls, we have been saved thanks to this band of heroes here! To honor their efforts, we shall hold a feast in the grand dining hall within my establishment!”

The ponies cheered for the mane six and Revenant for their efforts. The mayor then dragged them inside his study while his wife guided the town folks to help set-up the feast. Once in his office Steadfast turned to them and began to ask for answers.

“I really must thank you ponies for all that you’ve done. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know what would’ve happened.” Steadfast thanked them.

“You would’ve taken care of your people like you did earlier.” Sage answered him. “You are a good stallion, don’t ever forget your will to help your people and you’ll never let them down.”

“Ah Sage, your infinite wisdom is a blessing…now tell me how things went.” Steadfast turned to the ponies.

“Unfortunately we failed in retrieving the weather element…” Revenant began.

“But we did stop the weather and kick some bad guy flank.” Pinkie Pie cut him off. “So I say we did alright and we should still have the party. Which reminds me I hope I can help set-up some of my own things. I’ll get my party cannon and see what I can do.” With a flash the pink mare was gone from the office.

“Awkward….still you saved this town and we owe you so please enjoy the feast and stay one more night so you may return home fully refreshed.” Steadfast told them. A couple of them were having second thoughts on his offer but they decided to stay. “Thank all of you for this and Revenant you look different…”

Revenant then showed him that he got his cutie mark.

“Magnificent….even more reason to celebrate. I have never seen anything of its sort. It’s ominous, mystifying, and powerful…I like it. Now come on, the celebrations should begin soon.” Steadfast up as he pushed them out of his office into the grand dining hall for the ponies to enjoy their victory.