Day & Night

by Reminisce


If there was one thing Pinkie could say, Equestrian ponies were a curious bunch. So much so, that she and her traveling companion were surrounded by ponies that asked never ending questions. Pinkie did her best to keep them a safe distance from her friend and fellow Element Applejack. But the Pinkie could easily see the irritation painted over Applejack’s face, luckily it seemed like Applebloom was enjoying the attention somewhat. 

Apple Bloom was waving and periodically smiling back, causing a few of the clingy ponies to back up a bit from the sight of her coniferous teeth. 

Still Applejack was at her breaking point, the large orange mare's thick coat began to bristle up as she reached over her back  with her muzzle and grabbed Applebloom by the tuft of fur on her neck. Placing her little sister on the back of Pinkie Pie. Applejack was getting ready to end the little show once and for all.

“If y'all don't up and scram, I'll personally show each and every one of y'all what the Children of the Night do to pests.” Applejack growled.

None of the reporters or writers stayed a second after to meet her level green gaze. Applejack was easily head taller than most of the stallions that had surrounded them, and her fur helped add on to the impression that she was more of a bear than a pony. Being a generational descent of one of the original exiled was mostly what made her an apex of what the Children had to offer. Applejack even made Pinkie look tame in comparison, and her family was in its fourth generation. Plus the sweeping and flowing tattoo that marked her as an element curved around her right eye and stopped right at her neck gave her an even more intimidating stare.

“Aww, come on sis, they didn't do anything!” Applebloom whined from Pinkie's back as they continued to trot.

Pinkie only snorted in response, and Applejack just shook her head in mild disapproval as they trotted.

It was long after Applejack scattered the crowd that a light orange Pegasus with a streaky blue mane and bright gold armor landed before the three in confusion. He looked left and right swiftly before turning his sight upwards to meet Applejack's annoyed expression. 

Pinkie’s bored expression turned into a curious one as Flash Sentry stood cautiously in front of them.

“Well, I was sent to deal with the paparazzi… buuut-” Flash didn't even finish his previous sentence when it hit him. “You're a mare.”

Pinkie began to snicker behind a straight face along with Apple Bloom who wasn't doing nearly as good of a job holding it in. Applejack on the other hoof just sucked in a lungful of air before slowly exhaling. After her little attempt at calming herself, Applejack trotted around the stallion and continued towards Canterlot unimpeded.

“ Ya think she's sumthing, ya should see my brother!” Applebloom proudly pointed out, much to Flash's dismay.

“Rea-” Flash Sentry shook his head violently to get his mind back on track. “Canterlot is sending an escort to assist in your journey to the capital.”

Pinkie followed in Applejack's hoof steps as she walked around the stalled guard to catch up. “Fine by me, but we're not waiting around. It's bright out here you know.”

With Pinkie's comment being as ambiguous as a comment could be, the confused Flash had a knot stuck in his throat while searching for a response. Instead he looked up to see three Pegasi approaching in bright cloud blue jumpsuits. The Wonderbolts had finally gotten to the scene, and a bit faster than Flash had expected. But not a moment too soon, because he had finally reached an awkward impasse with his first Lunar Element interaction. He was pretty sure his report would earn him a bad scolding from his superiors. Opening his wings, the scout jumped and flew off back towards Canterlot right as the Wonderbolts landed in front of the three mares.

The first of the three Wonderbolts to land was none other than Soarin. The others landed in formation behind him as he peeled back his tinted flight goggles to blink a bit as if he was regaining his vision. Repeating the process of first contact, Soarin looked up at the stout mare before him. However he didn't share the same nervousness as the scout before him did. Giving the tattooed orange mare before him a warm smile, she returned it with a raised brow.

“My name is Soarin Sky, and this is Fleetfoot to my right and to my left is Gale Force. We will be escorting you to Canterlot, we Wonderbolts are at your service.” Soarin opened up, hopefully leading to a good start.

“Keep up.” Applejack deadpanned.

“Seriou- hey!” Gale Force’s hoof upside Fleetfoot's head stopped the mare from saying something stupid.

Getting all the strange looks out of the way, the three Wonderbolts took their positions around the three mares. Soarin could see the flashing of a few cameras off in the distance, either they were keeping them at bay or something had already happened. He was betting on the latter due to the surprising lack of mobbing paparazzi surrounding them. Looking over to the quiet mares they were kind of protecting, he couldn't help but to catch the young one on the pink mare's back staring oddly at him as if there was something on his face. Seeing that on hoof they still had a ways to go, Soarin saw it as an opportunity to put things on track in a way.

“So do you all have Pegasi where you're from?” Soarin asked the filly. 

The light blue Pegasus couldn't help but to notice the larger mare's ear turn in their direction. It was extremely obvious that she was interested in the conversation, but the pink mare who was carrying the filly either didn't care or was much better at hiding it.

“Umm, not really I guess… I’mean we got us Vamps, they can fly like y'all.” Applebloom responded with a hoof on her chin as if she had to really think about it.

“Vamps?” Both Soarin and Fleetfoot questioned simultaneously. Gale Force only shook his head in disbelief at his two comrades.

“Yep! Vampires, I guess y'all don't have many of them do ya. You know, wings all leathery like, narrow eyes, and cool fangs. They're kinda like mine; just a little smaller and sharper I guess." During the little fillies explanation of Vampires, Soarin couldn't help but to shiver a bit. "Oh, and ma name's Applebloom!”

“Nice to meet you,” Soarin gave himself a little mental hoof bump for playing his cards right. Looking at the little fillies' content face made him feel slightly bolder. All the tales he heard as a child about the dangers of the Everfree, just might be that… tales. Turning his attention to the pink mare harboring Applebloom on her back, it was time to take a bigger step. “So, you must be Pinkie Pie.”

“What gave it away?” Her question was direct, almost as if she was expecting a serious response. But he knew better, there was humor behind it.

“Oh I don't know, I think the touch of pink in your mane.” Soarin cheekily responded.

That in turn earned him Pinkie's full attention as her dull blue eyes scanned the talkative Pegasus up and down, almost as if she was sizing him up. Soarin however didn't back down, even with Gale in the rear of the group shaking his head in a firm no.

“I think… no, I'll know this will end well, I mean I don't know much about the Elements and stuff… but I- You'll like them.” Soarin stuttered through what he had to say, instantly reversing what little progress he thought he had.

“Smooth." Fleetfoot whispered, earning another wap from Gale. "Ow, whadda do wrong this time!”

Gale simply responded with a roll of his eyes.

“You know what, you Equestrian ponies are funny.” Pinkie calmly observed.

Applejack turned and acknowledged Pinkie’s statement. “Ya think.” 

Feeling a bit stupid at that point, Soarin finally decided to take a bit of Gale’s advice and shut up. Unlike Applebloom, the two Elements were extremely guarded in terms of conversation. Almost as if they were saving their breath for the Princess and the others. Overall he had to admit that they were pretty scary looking, but they were still equine. 

Applejack noticed the talkative stallion stuck in deep thought, and wondered if all Equestrian ponies talked as much as he did. The trip wouldn't be a long one, yet the stay was another situation altogether. Applejack could only assess the situation as it came, and at the moment it wasn't ideal with her little sister tagging along for the ride. She had yet to properly discipline her for sneaking out and following her all the way out of the Everfree.

The rest of the trip went off without any complications to note. Soarin kept surprisingly quiet, all except for the moments when Applebloom had questions. Like when they passed a Unicorn down the road, Soarin didn't know what to properly say when Applebloom mentioned that she had never met a Unicorn before. Fleetfoot staved off her boredom by flying and doing a few tricks along the way, despite Gale’s arguing.  Pinkie was following Applejack's lead the whole way, keeping her eyes trained forward on the growing sight of Canterlot castle walls. The trek up the mountain had Applebloom slightly agitated because Applejack had made her walk most of the way. But that didn't hinder the filly from looking up in awe at the massive walls they began to near.

“Wow sis, that place is way bigger than Nightingale ain't it!” Applebloom exclaimed.

“It ain't small, I'll give it that much.” Applejack skeptically responded.

Pinkie chose not to say anything, instead she wore a wicked grin at the sight of the scrambling ponies on top of the castle walls. The pink mare could feel it in her bones, there was fun to be had beyond those gates. Unlike Applejack and her sister, she was no stranger to the nuances of Equestrian ponies. Even though she was forbidden years ago from entering Equestrian dreamscapes, she still did it anyway and learned much of what they were. Which was everything the Speakers thought they weren't, now was the time to cross a new bridge. Plus with Applejack being one of the newest Speakers to take the council, change would be imminent after history is made here.

As they got within a few yards of the castle doors, Everypony could hear the sound of what seemed like bugle horns. No matter what it was, the Wonderbolts reacted immediately and took to the sky. Leaving the Children of the Night by themselves as the large gates began to open. Getting as far as they had with only minor interruptions, the Children weren't expecting any manner of ambush or plot. But what they saw beyond the gates left them struck.

Princess Celestia herself had magically opened the gates, allowing the visitors to see her horn shine a bright gold as she stood tall heading what seemed like a small Honor guard that was flanking her sides. It only took a few moments to completely lower the gates in which the Children of the light could then fully recognize the size of the Alicorn before them. Even though Pinkie hadn't seemed all that impressed, Applejack's eyes were glued to the Ivory pillar that was Celestia and the scars that adorned her face.

“Wow.” Apple Bloom gawked from her position in between Applejack and Pinkie.

The princess almost seemed serene as she trotted past the gates to get a better look at her guests. It was a moment of realization that each party recognized all too clearly. The world was shifting in a direction that may very well lead to ruin or creation.

“I'm Princess Celestia, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to Canterlot as esteemed guests of Equestria.

“Hi, ma name's Apple Bloom!” Apple Bloom shouted excitedly.

The Princess gave her undivided attention to the filly as she knelt down to address the young one. Celestia looked past the fillies' more unusual features as she greeted her with a warm smile that earned one back in response. But Applejack was far less amused with the display, opting to cut the cuteness short with the clearing of her throat.

“Speaker Applejack, and Element of Honesty, the mare next to me is Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter." Applejack wasted little time with pleasantries. "I've come to the understanding that y'all requested our aid. And I hope ya just didn't just rope us into some meet an’ greet.”

“I apologize for the way my ponies may have approached you and your friends. But they're attraction is nothing short of speculation and wonder.” The princess courtly replied.

There were a few more words exchanged between the Princess and Speaker Applejack as they began to move past the gates at the Princess’s request. Pinkie at the moment was content with staying silent, especially with Applejack's probing of the situation and the Princess. It didn't take much of an observant eye to tell that Everypony beyond the guards blocking the road they were traveling down had their vision trained on them. Whispers of fear and confusion were rampant among the colorful ponies. The sparking of horns in every direction was odd enough as it was for the trio, Pinkie still had an edge she couldn't shake off from being around so many unicorns. Still it was only a fraction of what Applejack must have been feeling at the moment. Keeping a strong posture against one of the most powerful magical beings in the known world had to be a new record. 

Even though Pinkie did ensnare the Princess in her Dreamstate, that only happened because the Alicorn had humbled her. The princess’s consciousness still held a great deal of power even in a dream; there was no telling what she was truly hiding. The pink mare noticed that Applebloom had made her way back onto Applejack's back as they made their way to the large castle that kept growing as they neared. Still the Princess just as before seemed serene, but at that moment Pinkie swore she saw a break in the mask as the Princess turned to meet her dull blue eyes. Sadness, regret… whatever it was it was nothing but a flash, because the princess broke eye contact as soon as three figures appeared up on the front balcony. Two unicorns, one alabaster and the other one Pinkie clearly remembered as Twilight. Then there was a Pegasus hiding partially behind the two unicorns, it was hard to make out her face hiding behind her long pink bangs.

“I'm guessin’ they be your elements.” Applejack plainly stated.

“Yes they are my pupils, all individually accomplished and training to master their elements.” Celestia responded with a specific emphasis on the word there. Which caused Applejack to gaze up at the Princess with interest.

Applejack decided to drop it as they made it to the large double doors of the castle. That time however Two unicorn guards used their light blue magic to swing the gates open, and bowed to the Princess as they did so. Applebloom giggled at the guards, as she had never seen a pony do that before. Applejack and Pinkie just ignored them as they followed behind the Princess.

The castle was rather amusing to Applebloom, looking at all the strange portraits and ponies walking around in funny black and white dresses. Pinkie was also staring at them, although for different reasons as Applejack had noticed.

“ Pinkie…”

“I'm only observing, Speaker.” Pinkie slyly responded. 

“Yes, I designed the maid dresses myself.” A courtly voice responded pridefully from behind them.

Pinkie and Applejack were greeted by an alabaster Unicorn, the same one that watched them from the balcony. Her coat was pristine and her indigo mane shimmering, everything about the mare spoke stature. Applejack however wasn't very impressed, but Pinkie knew her friend was only sizing up the advantage.

“Rarity, I thought we agreed to hold discussions in the dining hall.” The princess didn't sound pleased, nor did she seem surprised to find the mare somehow meeting them only mere moments after being seen from the balcony.

“I'm sorry princess, I had forgotten something err… rather important and I just rushed down. Fluttershy and Twilight are still waiting however.” Rarity responded.

Applejack's face soured at the Unicorns response. It was a bold faced lie, and a terrible one at that. That caused the large and imposing mare to turn her sharp gaze from the Unicorn, and the gesture wasn't lost to Rarity either.

“I'm sorry darling, did I happen to offend you?” Rarity politely asked, while holding a hoof to her chest.

“No, ya migh’ be offending y'all princess with all that lyin though.” Applejack drily responded

“Excuse me?” Rarity indignantly raised a brow.

Offense was taken, and the Princess recognized it. Stepping in between the two mare's as if by accident, the Princess looked down to Rarity, the heaviness in her purple eye on her was telling the young Unicorn all she needed to know. Rarity quickly turned tail and took a different path, and the Princess and her guests traveled down another.

“I Apologize for Rarity's excitement speaker Applejack, she is still very young and spirited.” Celestia calmly explained.

“What element she's supposed ta be?” The apology was apparently lost to the large Everfree pony.


“She's ain't proven.” Those three words raised a reaction from the Princess, one that Applejack didn't blink to.

Pinkie knew it was coming, she had or better yet hadn't felt it either. Rarity possessed no connecting to the elements whatsoever, thus there was no point in calling her one. But for Applejack to point it out as she had, was very dangerous to their mission. Also it was ignorant for the large orange pony to assume Solar Element's earned their figurative stripes the same way they did. Luckily it didn't look like the Alicorn took any offense, but they came to a complete stop at the guarded door before them.

With a deep sigh, the Princess turned towards the three Children of the Night. “The young one may not be present during our negotiations.”

“Apple Bloom goes where I go!" Applejack's swift and seemingly angry response prompted the two door guards to grip their spears. "If ya gonna-”

“Sis I'll be fine; besides, ya got Pinkie here with ya!” The mostly quiet filly piped up from Applejack's back.

“Apple Bloom… I, ya… fine." Applejack finally surrendered after she noticed Pinkie's critical gaze. Honesty then got a little closer to the critical pink mare and whispered "Keep track of her.”

Pinkie just nodded and helped Bloom off Applejack's back. And before the filly could trot off to the side, Pinkie’s tattooed hoof tapped her on the head.

“Thank you for complying, she will be treated respectfully and can wait in the guest wing of the Castle. Her movement will not be restricted from there." Celestia calmly explained. "Yellow Gate, please escort and watch over the young one.”

“Yes Princess.” The dull yellow mare saluted before leaving her post.

Applejack watched the guard suspiciously as she approached her little sister. Bloom was waving goodbye to ward off any fear, but her older sister couldn't shake off the thought of something going wrong. And that fear wasn't founded from the Equestrian’s doing something wrong, no, Applebloom was notoriously troublesome alone. Now she had another thing to worry about.

“Well, shall we then.” Pinkie gestured toward the large door with an odd knowing look on her face. One that Applejack hated with a passion, something was bound to go wrong.

Stoically the Princess nodded to the last guard at the door. Causing him to unlock them, allowing the heavy oak doors to swing open to reveal a long table with more than several ponies present. Applejack didn't seem impressed, yet the Princess was shocked; angry even. It was clear something was wrong, a foal could see it.