//------------------------------// // Heartbreak // Story: Sunburn // by Hypnotwist //------------------------------// I ended court early using the excuse that I was not feeling well, when in reality if one more pony asked me for money I would burn all of Canterlot down in a fit of rage. I wondered if there had been a natural disaster somewhere that I was uninformed about and it was causing so many ponies to come to me asking for bits. I decided I probably needed to go to bed early today, today was simply not my day. The outraged cries of the nobility fell on deaf ears as I walked past them and out of the throne room, I felt a migraine coming on and I needed to rest before I snapped and did something I would regret or that would damage my reputation. The guards sensed I needed assistance and they leapt into action, keeping the nobility from attempting to follow me. It was little things like what they're doing now that made me appreciate them, technically I didn't need guards, the ponies did, but having them around did have it's perks at times. Despite what ponies may think, I do have friendships with some of the guards and at times we get into a bit of a prank war. I smile at the memories of some of the pranks we've pulled on each other, I suddenly get an idea for another prank I could pull on a few of them that I'd have to plan out another time. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I notice that I'm in front of my bedroom, I go inside and get onto my bed, I don't get under the blankets since I don't want to move, I just want to be.. It takes me a while to fall asleep, but I do eventually and I wake up when I'm supposed to lower the sun and raise the moon. I groaned, I really didn't want to get out of bed right now but I had to in order to fulfill my duties towards everyone on this planet. I yawned and got out of bed and went out onto my balcony, I lit my horn and I got a grip on the moon that I had imprisoned my sister on. The moon didn't rise immediately, I stood there holding the huge rock in my magic, "Oh Luna, I'm so sorry.. You should be the one doing this.." My chest tightened and my grief was threatening to spill out, the memory of banishing my little sister to the moon would forever be with me. There were so many other ways I could have handled the situation but I immediately chose to banish my sibling. Raising the moon always is hard for me, I know I should never have had to raise it in the first place, it was not my duty, and yet it is all my fault for what happened to her. I take a deep breath and I start moving the moon upwards, it was slightly lighter than the sun but it was still incredibly heavy. At the same time I get a hold on the sun and I start to drag it down below the horizon, it didn't take long for my job to be done for the night. I sorrowfully went back inside and I got under the covers, I was about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door, I sit up and look over as the door opens. It was a guard and he looked disheveled, his helmet was even on sort of sideways. "Your majesty! Lady Shimmer has been caught in the restricted section again and will not follow the commands of the guards, she's demanding your presence." I felt a chill go down my spine, I knew what this was about and this was my last chance to keep her from falling into darkness. I get up and rush past the guard, I'm lacking my barding but I don't care, I need to convince Sunset not to use black magic to get what she wants. I run as fast as my legs will carry me to the library, I throw the doors open and rush past the night staff. My main focus is to get to the restricted section. I see Sunset next to the mirror of destiny, scattered around her are books on ascension and dark magic. "Sunset Shimmer." My voice booms, "I have said this multiple times before, you are not ready to become a princess!" She roars in frustration and throws one of the books at me, I catch it with my magic and toss it behind me. "I am ready! I've studied so hard, I watched you deal with stupid nobles for hours on end!" I shook my head no, I was fighting back my tears by now, I really didn't want to have to do what I needed to, "You are not. You have been acting like an arrogant, egotistical, selfish fool Sunset Shimmer. You are no longer my student, you are welcome in Canterlot itself, but you will not be allowed back into the castle at any point in the future. Should you need to speak with me then you may send me a letter." The guards that were with me moved forward to apprehend the now screaming foal, she was calling me all sorts of cruel names. "This is the worst mistake you'll ever have made, I'm glad your sister is gone and I hope she stays gone!" I have since turned around to leave, her words cut deep. I had high hopes for the filly, I said what I was thinking because our student-mentor relationship was clearly shot, "I suppose I was a fool for taking you under my wing in the first place." I took maybe ten steps out of the forbidden section when I heard the guards who were attempting to escort Sunset out yelp in pain, I spun around to see them on the floor unconscious and the mirror's surface shimmering. It didn't take me long to put two and two together and figure out what had happened. Any semblance of control I had over my emotions was lost and I collapsed onto my haunches, for the first time since I lost my little sister just under a thousand years ago, I began to sob. And I could not stop. I couldn't help myself, I pulled at my mane in despair, I couldn't keep my long overdue emotions in anymore. I force myself to get off of the library's floor, I stand up and start running towards my bedroom. I'm lucky that it's dark and the castle is pretty much abandoned because it would be humiliating if they saw me having an emotional breakdown. I can't control my sobs as I run, but as soon as I get into the safety of my room I let it all out. The tears would just not stop flowing as I wailed to my heart's content, I let out a thousand years of pain and suffering over the course of the next few hours. My sobs slowly die down into hiccups and sniffles, I long since curled up into a ball of sorrow. I was such a fool, I always was one and I'd forever be one. I just hope wherever my former student is, she's at least safe.