//------------------------------// // Worry // Story: Sunburn // by Hypnotwist //------------------------------// I walked through the castle's halls after a long day of holding court, I would never admit it aloud but I didn't exactly care about many of the issues the various members of the nobility were coming to me with. Many of them begged for money to do Faust knows what with, and each time they asked I would politely deny them with a gentle smile. Today however, eight noble stallions had begged me for money, it had really started getting on my nerves after the fourth pony. But I declined them with a smile like I usually do. I make my way to the dining room where I find my student currently having her dinner, I sit down across from her and poke at my meal, I wasn't exactly hungry but I had hoped that I could talk to her over dinner. "Sunset." I begin, "I believe we need to have a conversation about your behavior lately." She gives me a non-committal grunt and looks up at me, I could tell she wasn't happy about my interruption but I wait patiently for her reply. "Sure." She says simply, "What about it?" "Well, I've been made aware that you were spotted in the restricted section of the library, could you please tell me what your reasoning is for being there?" I take a small bite of my meal while I watch her, I know why she was in the restricted section but I wish to give her a chance to tell the truth. "I was doing research princess, I needed something from the restricted section. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't've been in there but I really want- needed a tome from there." I was very disappointed that she would go into the forbidden part of the library, it was forbidden for the protection of my ponies and it didn't sit well with me that she would need a tome from that part of the library. "What were you researching Sunset, perhaps you would like to share your findings so far?" The filly shook her head no quickly, "No princess, I haven't found anything that interesting yet." I take that as my cue to back off, it was becoming clear that I wouldn't be getting anything out of her for the time being. "Alright Sunset, but I would like to learn about what you're researching eventually." She nods quickly and it's at that point that I notice she had been eating her food at a faster speed than before I had arrived. I suppress a frown and a sigh as I get up. "Good night Sunset, sleep well." She says nothing as I leave the dining hall, the whole encounter has left me feeling a little upset and worried. I walk through the pretty much abandoned halls looking for the library, I had a feeling Sunset must have left some clue behind as to what she was reading and what exactly she needed a forbidden book for. I don't pay attention to the guards stationed in the hallway, they stand at attention each time I enter the hall and the clanking of their armor as they shift was beginning to get on my nerves. I soon arrive in the library and I approach the first pony I see, I put on the royal mask and I force myself to smile warmly, "Greetings, my little pony." The stallion jumps and turned around, he bowed the second he realized it was me, "Your majesty! Hello and welcome, is there anything I am able to assist you with?" "Yes, of course. Was anypony able to remember the book that Sunset Shimmer was caught in the forbidden section with?" He tenses up somewhat, I notice his smile falter a little as well. He knows why I'm here now and I suppose he may believe he will be punished. "I believe so, your majesty. We've placed the book somewhere secure at the insistence of several house guards." My smile never falters even though my stomach feels strange, I was praying to Faust that my suspicions were incorrect but things were not looking good, "May I take a few moments to take a look at it?" He bows his head, "Of course your majesty, right this way please." I thank him and follow the elderly stallion as he leads me to where the book was securely kept, they had put in an enchanted glass case and I approach it. My heart skips a beat when I read the title of the tome. "Ascensio" I say aloud, this was what I was afraid of. Sunset was trying to figure out how to force an ascension. My throat feels dry all of a sudden, I have to get out of the area as soon as I can. "Thank you sir, I will have extra guards posted at the entrance of the restricted section for everypony's safety." I say, trying to appear calm, I will not allow myself to make my subjects panic unnecessarily. "But I must take my leave for the evening." He bows to me yet again, "I understand your majesty, good evening." I nod and turn to leave, the walk out of the library is agonizing now that I know what Sunset is attempting to do. I keep telling her that she is not quite ready, but it's all my fault. I never should have shown her the mirror of destiny. I am halfway back to my bedroom when I bump into Sunset, she's carrying a few books on how to improve mana flow throughout a pony's body. Normally I would be okay with her having those books, but now that I know why she's needing such an open mana flow it only serves to make me anxious. "Good evening Sunset, I see you are still studying when you should be in bed getting rest." I smile at her, giving her a hint that she should go to bed. The filly tenses and looks up at me, "Oh- Oh right- Sorry princess. I just got distracted and lost track of time." I chuckle, "It's quite alright, but you should be getting at least eight hours of sleep per night and I don't think you've been achieving that judging by how sleepy you are during our lessons." "Yes princess, I'm sorry." She sounds defeated, "I'll go to bed now." "Good night Sunset, sleep well." She nods and turns around, changing her course from what I assume was the library to hopefully her own bedroom. I sigh and I finish my walk to my bedroom, I sit down on an ottoman. On a nearby table there is a cup of Neighponese rice tea, the maids always bring me a wonderful rice tea in the evenings and I always enjoy it. Unfortunately, I had missed the visit this evening so I was unable to thank the pony who had brought it to me. I levitate the teacup close to me and I hold it up to my lips and take a small sip. I'm worried about Sunset, she's going down a dark path and I do not know if I am going to be able to stop her.