Summer Sun Scavenger

by AizakkuHorooee

Teaser/Cold Open

It’s been a few days since my last birthday party, the third one here in Equestria.  The strange thing is that the one before that was shortly before all this retirement business with Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis.  And since my birthday passed already, Cozy Glow has actually been staying with me, Twilight and the rest for the summer.

And before anyone asks, yes, Cozy was at my party.  She and Starlight collaborated to make the food there.  It only seemed like yesterday that Starlight used to freak out over collaborating, and now she’s the one to come up with the idea.

Currently at the castle dining room, Cozy, Spike and I are playing a classic game of War after Spike cleaned the table off from breakfast.  The cards we use are the same ones from almost two years ago when Twilight, Sunset and I went on our friendship mission.  I use my magic to handle my cards, Spike uses his claws, but all Cozy can do is flip the top card forward with her hoof and launch it overtop, so when she wins, I just put the cards out onto her winnings deck.

Spike’s winnings deck has the most cards currently.

“One, two, three…” I count during a particular round, prompting all of us to flip over our top cards.  I have an eight, and Cozy and Spike have an ace each.

“WAR!” the two shout in excitement.  All I can do is watch as Spike and Cozy start a three card buffer, Cozy launching hers and Spike simply laying down his.  When they show their next card, there is a jack on Cozy’s side and a seven on Spike’s.

“Ha!  A jack!”  Cozy points to her card.

Spike faceclaws.  “Ugh!  It’s always a seven!”

“Come on, Spike.  Aita didn’t partake in half the round and you don’t see her complaining.”

I float the laid out cards and realign them and put them into Cozy’s winnings.  “I’m the dealer, Cozy, so I kinda can’t.”

Cozy and I widen our eyes when Spike puffs up his cheeks, turns around and burps up a letter.

“Huh.  I wonder who that is,” I say, floating the letter to myself.

Dear Sibling Supreme Aita,

The Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow, so while sis is handling the main event, I would love to see you there in the crowd, watching her properly raise the sun for the first time.  So to pass the night, I have a little something for you to track down as a belated birthday present.

Shining Armor.

P.S. This hunt is between you, me, and your teammates.

I mumble out what I read and gasp when the thought sinks in.  “Spike!  Cozy!  Do you guys know what this means?!?”  The two look at each other as if they don’t know.  “It means Shining Armor has invited me to Canterlot for a scavenger hunt!  I’ve always wanted to do that since Twilight’s surprise with Flurry Heart!”  I toss the invitation letter in the air, letting it float down.

“Flurry Heart?  Was she the one that was over a couple of times for the weekend while I was here?” asks Cozy, which Spike and I nod.  “Golly, do you think we should tell Twilight?”

“The letter did say no to that, but what do you say?  Scavenger hunt?”  I hold my hoof out in front of Cozy and Spike.

“Scavenger hunt!” they say, putting their claw and hoof on top of mine.