Somewhere He Belongs

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 31: Venture to a Familiar World (Edited)

Twilight, Sam, and the rest all waited for Applejack to get to the Train Station. She was the last one to get told back what had happened in the Laboratory at Canterlot. She soon arrived just as the train arrived at the platform. Once they were all onboard and took their seats, Rainbow spoke up.

“So what really happened?” she asked, “Bon-Bon just told me that a Laboratory was broken into.”

“I’m afraid that even I don’t know,” Twilight replied, “All Celestia wrote was, ‘Dear Twilight, please come to the castle urgently, the Laboratory was broken into’.”

“That’s it?” Rarity questioned, “It must be urgent if that’s all.”

“She didn’t say anything was stolen or anything?” asked Fluttershy.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Twilight said as the train thundered down the track to Canterlot.

Once the Train came to a stop at Canterlot Station, the girls and kids ran towards the castle where they were escorted to the throne room. Celestia and Luna were in the throne contemplating on what to do, when Twilight and the others entered the room.

“Twilight, thank goodness you came,” Celestia announced.

“Unfortunately it’s not for a good reason,” Luna stated.

“Your message said that a lab was broken into,” Sunset said.

“That is correct, and something from the lab was stolen,” Luna replied, the ponies gasping in surprise.

“Indeed, follow us to the lab,” Celestia said as she and Luna started to lead everyone to the lab.

They lead them to the Canterlot Laboratory, where the ponies research all sorts of sciences, from chemistry, to astronomy. Royal Guards of both Solar and Lunar were examining and inspecting the crime scene, outside sitting on the ground, huddled together were two ponies, one stallion and one mare. The stallion was a greeny-blue earth pony with a dark blue mane and tail, the mare was a little taller than the stallion, she was a midnight blue unicorn, with a two toned mane and tail.

“Twilight, everyone, this is Comet Façade and Midnight Aura,” Celestia told them, “they were in the lab last night when it was broken into.”

“Comet, Midnight, can you please tell us what had happened,” Twilight asked them.

“Well, it went like this,” Comet began, “We were the last ponies in the lab at the time, researching the stars as us astronomers do. When suddenly the power went out, we thought it was a normal power out and waited for the back up power to come on. But it didn’t. The lab didn’t have a security guard last night as they were busy somewhere else. We decided to go down to the basement and see if we could see what had happened to the power. When we arrived in the basement, we saw that both normal and backup generators were unplugged from the wall. Suddenly, somepony attacked us from behind, knocking both of us out.”

“When we came too, noticed that the power was back on and that we were in one of the chemistry rooms, where it was a mess, someone had fixed the generator, we got up off the floor and once we got a bearings, we headed to the security office, and checked the cameras to see what had happened while we were out,” Midnight finished.

“What did you see?” Sunset asked.

“We saw the figure that had broken in, unplugged the generators and had dragged us to a messy room,” Midnight replied, “also the cameras showed the figure looking around the room for something.”

“What was it they were looking for, and who was it?” Rainbow asked.

“We don’t know from the cameras weren’t that clear, plus the figure wore a black cloak that hid them, but it seemed like they found what they were looking for as they lifted their cloak, and put something inside it, but they may have not grabbed all they wanted as they seem to panic once hearing us groan and turned and ran away,” Comet answered.

“But why did they take you to that room, when your astronomers?” Rarity questioned.

“I guess they thought we were going to get the blame when the other sciences returned this morning,” Comet retorted, “but they believe us because we don’t work in that part of the lab.”

“I still want to know what was stolen,” Devon thought out loud, “like why did they do this?”

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” came a voice, everyone looked out to see a bat pony Lunar guard come running up to them, “We found out what was stolen.”

“What was taken, Knightmare?” Luna asked.

“Three out of ten vials holding a serum of sorts,” Knightmare reported.

“Do you know anything about what this serum is?” Celestia queried Comet and Midnight.

“We don’t, we don’t know what the sciences in the chemistry rooms are doing,” Comet replied.

“Hmm,” Sam thought, “I don’t know why, but I believe that whoever stole them, will come back tonight to get the rest.”

“I believe so too,” Gwen added, “you did say that they panicked as you two started to wake up.”

“Ok I think I know what we need to do,” Twilight said.

“What?” Pinkie asked.

“We need to catch them tonight if they do show up,” Twilight replied, “we’ll come back here tonight and stake them out.”

“Are you sure that’s a wise idea Twi?” Applejack asked.

“I know it doesn’t sound fun, but if they show up tonight to get the rest of the vials, we need to be there to stop them,” she told them.

“Well count us in,” Sam said, motioning to his team.

“Same here,” Rainbow replied.

“Good,” Twilight responded with a grin as she gathered them closer, “ok this is the plan for tonight.”

The plan was simple, the Rainbow, Fluttershy and a couple of pegasi Rainbow knew called Flitter and Cloudchaser would stay outside to keep a look out for the intruder. Twilight, Rarity, Sunset and Trixie would roam the halls that led to the chemistry room with the vials, which themselves where locked in a safe. While Applejack, Pinkie, Octavia and Vinyl stayed in the security office and watched the cameras. Sam and his team were hiding in the room to guard the safe, Sam, Nick and Ace even went the extra mile in changing their suits to black rather than red (and blue in Ace’s case), calling it a stealth mode.

Everyone was in position, ready to catch the thief, but as time went on and the intruder didn’t show up, Rainbow and Cloudchaser began to get bored.

“This is so boring!” Rainbow complained, “when is this thief going to show themselves?!”

“Maybe if you stopped shouting, the Intruder would come,” Flitter snapped.

“We should be the ones protecting the safe,” Cloudchaser whined, “at least we could be warmer there than out here. I can’t believe we listened to Sam. I know he’s family but he’s just a kid.”

“If you two were guarding the safe you would be spotted before the thief would have spotted you before even entering the room, you two were so bright with your manes and fur coats!” Flitter told them off, “And Sam is not just a kid, he’s a kid that can fight giant monsters! Something you two can’t do!”

“Is that so?!” Rainbow and Cloudchaser exclaimed.

“Urm girls,” Fluttershy called them softly.

“Yeah!” Flitter shouted.

“Girls,” Fluttershy tried to get their attention, speaking a little louder.

“Well at least we’re better than you,” Cloudchaser responded, pointing a hoof at Flitter.

“What?!” Flitter shouted.

“Girls,” Fluttershy was now getting slightly impatient now.

“We’re cool and kind to everypony,” Rainbow said, “while you act kind you’re actually boring and by the books.”

“And have no sense of action,” Cloudchaser added.

Flitter was annoyed at that, “Why you little pieces of…”

“GIRLS!” Fluttershy finally snapped, cutting Flitter off and startling the three with her outburst.

“What’s wrong, Flutters?” Cloudchaser asked.

“While you three were shouting at each other, the thief had entered the building,” Fluttershy replied in a calmer, deadpanned voice.

“What?!” exclaimed the three, “This is all your fault!”

“Celestia give me strength,” Fluttershy groaned as the three Pegasi behind her bickered.

She was right, while Rainbow, Flitter and Cloudchaser were arguing, the thief had snuck into the lab again. But the figure was spotted on the cameras by Applejack and her little team.

“There they are,” Applejack said pointing at the figure that was sneaking around the halls, “they’re definitely making their way to the chemistry room.”

“Well obviously,” Octavia retorted, “where else would they be heading.”

“Ooh I can’t wait to stop them,” Vinyl said to Pinkie.

“I know, and when we do, I’m gonna throw a party!” Pinkie exclaimed as she leaned on the table, but no soon had Pinkie spoke, the figure stopped and slowly turned to look at the one of the cameras, this freaked the four out a little.

“Why are they staring at us?” Octavia questioned.

“Do they know we’re in here?” Applejack quizzed. Her question was answered when the camera suddenly shut down and everything on the screen was static. Just then another camera shut off and another, followed by another.

“What’s happening?” Vinyl Scratch asked just as a Sunset wrote a letter and heard it up to the camera, Applejack read it.

“‘Pinkie you turned on the Intercom system’,” she read as the all turned to Pinkie, who was leaning on the switch that turned on the Intercom.

“Pinkie you blithering idiot!” Octavia shouted.

“Oopsie,” Pinkie replied with a sheepish grin.

Applejack sighed as she turned to the microphone to warn Twilight, “Twi, the intruder is somehow shutting off the cameras, and judging how fast they’re turning off, they’re running to your location,” she warned.

“Thanks Applejack,” Twilight said looking at the camera before she galloped away to meet up with the others.

She met up with Rarity and the two then met up with Trixie and Sunset in front of the room, where the vials were being held in.

“They should be here soon,” Twilight told them, as they looked down the halls reading their horns. Suddenly the lights started to flicker.

“What the?” Trixie remarked, all of a sudden, a smoke bomb was tossed from the side and set off causing the girls to start coughing. As they did, the intruder snuck into the room and shut the door, so the smoke wouldn’t enter the room.

The figure looked around the room, they knew that the vials weren’t going to be in the same place, if the elements of harmony were here then the vials would have been moved to another place. They saw the safe and used their magic to levitate it over to them. That’s when Ultraman, Seven and Tiga jumped out for hiding.

“Halt Thief!” Ultraman shouted deploying his Specium Blades.

“Halt Thief? That’s the best you could come up with?” Seven questioned.

“Well it’s better than ‘Stop right there criminal scum!’ that Ace came up with,” Ultraman replied.

“Hey, I thought it was cool,” Ace retorted.

“Whatever,” Seven said as he pulled out his sword.

The thief just stared at them, they couldn’t see the stare as the cloak they wore hid their face. They then pulled something out from their cloak and threw it at the Ultras.

“Flashbang!” Seven shouted as it smacked on the ground and caused a blinding flash, and the Ultras’ ears to ring. The thief ran out the room and passed the four outside the room carrying the safe with them. Sunset, Rarity and Trixie had collapsed to the floor from the smoke and Twilight was about to join them. Just as Ultraman, Seven and Tiga got their bearings and exited the room, Twilight fell to the ground.

“Mum!” Ultraman cried as he went over to her.

“Get… Them…” Twilight said before passing out.

“Seven, Tiga, chase them,” Ultraman ordered.

“Right,” they replied and ran after her.

“Zero, Mary, get ready, the thief has got the vials and is fleeing,” Ultraman told them, through the inbuilt earpiece in the helmet.

“Roger,” Zero replied. He and Mary had been on the roof with the Pegasi and were ignoring their argument.

The thief ran through the halls of the laboratory, just barely avoiding Ultra Slashes and beam attacks. They soon accidently took a wrong turn and ended up running into a dead end.

“We got them now!” Tiga cried. But then, the thief used their magic to throw the safe at the window, smashing it, and sending the safe falling to the ground. The Thief then followed it, Seven and Tiga were shocked, the chemistry floor was on the second story floor, but were even more shocked that the thief opened a pair of wings from under the cloak.

“What on earth?!” Seven exclaimed, “Are they an alicorn?!”

The winged thief touched the ground softly and sprinted away, Zero and Mary noticed this and gave chase. Tiga and Seven reported to Ultraman, he nodded and told them to take care of Twilight, and the others that were knocked out by the gas. Mary and Zero fired beams and Specium Buzzsaws to stop the thief, but they just kept dodging by teleporting out the way, even using their teleportation spell on themselves to get further away. They followed the thief into Celestia’s garden, where the Thief seemed to trick Zero and Mary to get them off their path. Once they lost Zero and Mary, they made their way to a fountain that had an elegant statue of Celestia stationed behind it streaming water into the fountain. The thief came to a stop and was just about to put the safe into the fountain when Ultraman suddenly landed next to the thief.

“Got ya,” he remarked, as he dived at the thief, but just before he could grab them, they teleported just in time as Ultraman grabbed their cloak, “What the?” He then looked up to see the pony that had teleported out the cloak and was shocked to see what he was seeing.

The pony was a Pegasus that seemed to share Twilight and Sunset colours, a red and yellow mane and tail with purple and pink streaks. Her fur colour appeared to be similar to Twilight’s but dark, with the fur on her hooves, and muzzle closer to Sunset’s. Her eyes were also strange, she had one violet eye, like Twilight, and the other cyan, Like Sunset. But what was the most shocking of all was her cutie mark, it looked like the left side of Twilight’s star and the right side of Sunset’s sun, divided into two with a blackhole behind the two halves.

“Who are you?” Ultraman asked.

“You don’t need to worry about that, well not at this moment,” the Pegasus replied, “but I know who you are, Sam.”

Ultraman was shocked that she knew who he was, “How do you know who I am?” Ultraman questioned, “I’ve never met you before.”

“Oh trust me, you have, I recognize your voice anywhere,” the Pegasus said, “I’ll just give you this warning. Don’t interfere with my plans, to resort myself back to my true form. And tell your mothers that their sister will be back for them.” The primary feathers on her wings started to glow as she shot blasts of magic at Ultraman forcing him back.

Ultraman placed his arms over his face in reflex, and put them down just in time to see the Pegasus drop the safe into the fountain and then she jumped in herself. He ran over to grab her leg, but he didn’t expect the fountain to be deep, he stuck his face in and saw that it appeared to be bottomless.

“What the heck?” he queried as he stared down the dark abyss of the fountain. As he stuck his head out, the team arrived.

“Did you catch them?” asked Ace as they deactivated their suits.

“No, she escaped,” Sam replied as he did the same and pointed to the fountain, “down there.”

“What are you talking about?” Nick asked.

“Bro that’s bottomless,” Sam told him, the team didn’t believe him until they too had a quick look.

“How is that bottomless? How can she hold her breath that long?” Ace questioned.

“I don’t know, but she did tell me something,” Sam replied, “She said that she knew me, that we met before, and to tell mum and Sunset that their sister will be back for them.”

“I thought Twilight only had a brother,” Gwen remarked.

“That’s not all,” Sam responded, “she looked like she was both Twilight and Sunset at the same time, she also had magic despite being a Pegasus.”

“Oh my,” Ace commented.

“So what do we do as team leader?” Devon asked.

“We make sure Mum, Sunset, Rarity and Trixie are ok, and we tell Princess Celestia and Luna right away,” Sam told them.

“Right,” the group replied, as they walked off to check on the gassed ponies, all the while, Sam couldn’t get the thought out his head, how did this pony know him.

They waited to tell Celestia and Luna once Twilight, Rarity, Sunset and Trixie woke up that morning. After Sam told them and the others, they were all shocked to hear this, and then went to the throne room to tell Celestia and Luna right away. Once Sam had told them, Celestia was uncharacteristically surprised.

“WHAT!!!” She yelled.

“Sister is there something wrong?” Luna asked, but Celestia was in deep thought.

“I thought she disappeared, I thought she was gone,” she muttered to herself, “but why has she returned? And why does she want those containers.”

“Princess, is there somethin’ you ain’t telling us?” Applejack asked.

Celestia heard her, and calmed down a bit, “Well, I guess it’s about time Twilight, you knew about your real origins.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked.

Celestia then walked to a painting which told the story:

Long ago, after Nightmare Moon was still imprisoned in the moon, Celestia ruled alone. She managed at first but soon she began to struggle with the responsibilities of both the night and day duties. That was then an old friend of hers, stepped in to help her out, the Princess of the Dawn and Dusk, Princess Eclipse. The two ruled over Equestria with ease, Eclipse took up the responsibility of the night, while Celestia returned to her normal duties of the day.

But then came, that day. An evil monster named Geronimon attacked with his army of resurrected monsters. They were unstoppable, and tore through towns and cities, but then Princess Eclipse did something heroic. She sacrificed herself for all of Equestria, by detonating her magic causing a massive explosion that caused Geronimon to perish with her army of monsters. Moments later three glowing orbs floated down and three little fillies emerged, one was lavender with purple mane and tail, one was yellow with fiery mane and tail, and the third appeared to be a mixture of the two, or rather the colours and bits left over. They were Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Nightfall.

Twilight was given to her now parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet, Sunset to her now parents Sunspot and Stella Flare and Celestia decided to adopt Nightfall Herself as she was interested in a Pegasus that could use magic. Over time, It would appear that Twilight, Sunset and Nightfall don’t remember being Eclipse, as they grew up with different sides of her personality. Twilight was smart, Sunset was rebellious, and Nightfall was kind. But as time went on, Nightfall started to grow out of her kind personality, and grew more and more harsh and mean to others.

She was given the nickname 'Divided Dusk' from bullies as she had half of both Twilight and Sunset's cutie marks, she also started to feel like she was being isolated by Celestia as she was busy with her Princess duties. One day, she started to get memories of Eclipse back, and tried to convince Twilight, but she was too busy with school work to really listen to her, and she could tell Sunset as if she had run to another world. Nightfall grew more and more angry and started to see herself as nothing more than the left over bits from Twilight and Sunset.

Soon she ran away from Celestia believing she had known the hold time and never told her. She wanted to make herself whole again, and she vanished from this world.  Never to be heard from again.

“Until now,” Celestia finished.

The ponies and humans were all stunted and shocked to hear this. But none were more shocked than Twilight herself, she had to lay on the floor, as this was all too much for her. All her life, she thought that she was born from Night Light and Twilight Velvet, but now, she was being told that had been adopted the whole time and was just a third of another being.

“Mum?” Sam asked her, breaking her out of her thoughts, “are you ok?”

“Yes honey,” she replied as she gave him a hug, “this is all just so much.”

“I’m sorry that you had to find out like this Twilight,” Celestia told her.

“It’s ok,” Twilight sniffed, as she stood up.

“I suspect that Nightfall is probably trying to find a way to re-combine herself with Twilight, and probably doesn’t know that Sunset here is the one from this world,” Celestia said.

“It’s likely,” Luna replied.

“What could happen to us if they fuse with me?” Sunset asked.

“Because you’re from a different world, it’s possible that the fusion could become unstable and you’ll lose control over yourselves,” Celestia replied.

“Yikes,” Sunset gasped, “we got to stop her!”

“But how?” Rainbow asked.

“Sam said she disappeared into the fountain,” Rarity stated.

“Sam take us to this fountain,” Celestia told Sam, he nodded and led them all to the fountain in which Nightfall disappeared into, Celestia and Luna stuck their heads into the water and saw Sam was right. The fountain did seem bottomless.

“It does look really deep,” Luna remarked.

“So let’s go and stop her,” Rainbow announced as she was about to dive in.

“Woah hold your horses,” Applejack cried as she grabbed Rainbow’s tail.

“I… I think me and Sunset should do this ourselves,” Twilight said.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow complained.

“If she wants me and Sunset, then hopefully, we could try and talk some sense into her,” Twilight replied.

“It’s possible she’ll listen,” Celestia remarked, “she wanted to convince you that she and you were once one.”

“It’s rather deep,” Sunset stated, “is there even a bottom?”

“Only one way to find out,” Twilight said as she took a deep breath and jumped in. Everyone watched her curl up into a ball and sink until she was out of sight.

“Well, wish us luck girls,” Sunset said as she too took a deep breath and jumped in as well.

But Spike grew nervous and jumped in after them. "Spike!!" Everypony exclaimed.

“I got him!” Sam said as he donned his Ultrasuit and jumped in as well.

"SAM!!" They exclaimed as they watched.

“Brother!” Gwen cried as she wanted to go after him, but Nick stopped her.

“No, Gwen,” he said, holding her back.

“I can’t just let him go alone!” Gwen shouted.

“He won’t be alone,” Nick replied, “He’ll know where he will be.”

In the water, Ultraman saw that Spike didn’t take a deep breath and was struggling to breathe. He grabbed a hold of him and saw that Twilight and Sunset were having the same problem. Ultraman drove deeper and caught them, but the lower he went the water seemed to get brighter, and it almost felt like he was swimming up rather than down.

Twilight groaned as she opened her eyes, she felt very wet and a little sow. She saw that she was laying on her side on the ground, she sat up slowly and clutched her head.

“Ow my head,” she moaned as she moved her wet hair out her face with her… hands? “Wait… Huh? What the…?”

“Twi, are you ok?” groaned Sunset’s voice from behind her, Twilight turned to face her as was surprised at what she saw. Sunset looked human again, but, not human, her eyes were smaller, her skin was cream, and her hair was brown with yellow steaks. She then took note of herself, she too was the same, except her skin was a little darker.

“Sunset? Is that you?” Twilight asked.

“yeah, why, what’s…?” Sunset began to ask as she looked up to see Twilight and was shocked as well, “Ah!” the two heard barking, they turned to see a dog.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, the dog nodded.

The Sunset stood up and then helped Twilight to her feet as well, they then looked around, they seemed to have fallen out of a pond, in a school playground. Twilight then saw Sam starting off a bit from them.

“Sam? You followed us?” Twilight questioned, but Sam didn’t hear her, “Sam? Sam what’s wrong?”

“Hey kiddo what’s up?” Sunset called out to her.

“I thought I had left this place behind,” Sam said.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“This pond, this playground, this school,” he replied, “I know this place.”

“You do?” Sunset questioned.

“Where are we?” Twilight asked.

And Sam’s only simply replied one word:
