Corruption and Chaos

by Peridork

Chaos Risen

Never let the Elements break for Chaos, not Discord, rises. If anypony stared into the eyes of Chaos they would surely go mad. For there is power hidden away; buried under the guilt of their rulers, the alicorn royals. Chaos and Harmony were part of the Elder Gods. They had always existed, exist, will exist eons from now...and the puny races of the planet always bowed down to them. They were above what the mortals called ethics. The Elder Gods were what the world was made of...and that’s the beauty of the matter. The races of Equestria were literally standing on the shoulders of giants.

Chroma felt excited. She could finally show Rainbow Dash her skill at flying. She quickly opened the door and stopped. Something felt wrong. All of the lights were off in the house.

“Mom? Mom? Where are you?”

“Right here sweetie...come to your mother.” Rainbow Dash stepped out of the shadows. Chroma definitely knew something was wrong. Rainbow Dash never talked like that. She talked much more informally than that.

“You are not my mother. What have you done with my mother?”

“I have not been in a female body for a long time...since we got banished by those upstarts. those Princesses, and it feels good to be back. So good, in fact, that I feel a family reunion is in order. Psyche!”

Chroma was worried. She knew that if she stayed here she would be cornered and something...bad would happen to her. So she did what any sane mare would do. She ran as fast as she could.

Psyche walked out of the cottage’s kitchen. “I knew that would happen. Betrayal,” she looked at Rainbow Dash, “it seems our daughter will soon have to be grounded.” Psyche began to laugh at that little joke she made.

“The Eternal Herd is moving. Betrayal get ready to call the others into session. We will call the Ancients in order to avenge our Lord and Master, Samael...the rightful Aspect of Death. Not the impostor, Scootaloo...Princess Fortuna.”

Betrayal piped in. “It seems Rainbow Dash had a connection with that brat. Oh boy, I can’t wait to mess with her head.”

Chroma called out to her friends, and surprisingly they heard her. They all rushed towards the sound of the crying filly. After a while she finally calmed down enough to tell them what had happened to her parents.

And so, our true adventure began.

The foals began the journey towards Canterlot.

In Carousel Boutique

The Six Discordant Stones showed their faces.

Psyche was the leader because she was the oldest. She forced ponies to learn to hate each other by whispering into their ear.

Next was Betrayal, who was currently enjoying being in Rainbow Dash’s body. He caused ponies to backstab each other with a look.

Following him was Power, corrupting ponies with their secret desires, in the body of Twilight Sparkle. She was grimacing at the display that Betrayal was subjecting them to.

Next youngest was Greed, in Rarity’s body, he corrupted ponies using riches and wealth. He was one of the strongest because nopony could resist money.

Next, was Falsehood, in Applejack’s body, she corrupted ponies with her lies. Lies that always led to bloodshed and grief.

Finally, there was Depression, in the body of Pinkie Pie, he corrupted ponies with their own feelings of wrongdoing. He was the most powerful in the group, but he followed Psyche’s lead because he was the youngest of all of them.

Psyche spoke up, “Now we must go down to business...we must find a way to accomplish two things: First, we have to deal with the little ponies that are stopping our plans. Next, we need to show the wrongdoing of the alicorn sisters. We need to perform the ritual to free our Mistress Chaos and bathe the world in fire.”

All the ponies present but one agreed with her. Depression, with his strangely limp mane stayed silent.

“Ok then, from the geography of Equestria and with Power’s help, we discovered that Canterlot is the seal on the Elder Gods. Therefore, we will head out in order to destroy the alicorn sisters tonight.

With that, the six teleported out of existence.

In Canterlot

Celestia stared down at the foals in her chambers and felt sad. They had done nothing wrong. It was all her fault. It was time to tell how the things came to Equestria.

“My dearest subjects, you know of our destruction of our original home, Elysium, but we had not told you about how alicorns came to Equestria...”

“It was when we were drifting out in space that we met another like us, but different. He was our savior and he told us about his planet that was also destroyed. Gallopfrey, he called it. Also, he told us about the race of Time Ponies. He said they were the oldest race in the galaxy and that he was the last of them. He also said he had...certain differences in biology. He could regenerate into a new body once he died and he had two hearts."

Midnight Snack spoke up. “Princess, I don’t think this has to do with about how you got to Equestria.”

“My little pony, you are incorrect, he has to do with everything. You even see him around town- The Doctor. I’ve even heard he has a family with that mailmare...but I digress.”

“You’re saying that Dinky is...”

“Well back to my story, we finally reached the space of where Equestria was in the multiverse. As The Doctor put it, there were many versions of me all around us just in a parallel dimension...but nonetheless we arrived in the land ruled by Chaos, one of the Elder Gods...”

“But, this isn’t in any books of antiquity, how is this even possible?”

“I think the colt doth protest too quiet. Ok, skip that part...I am talking to children for Faust’s sake. As I was saying, Luna and I couldn’t defeat the Elder God so we enlisted the help of Harmony to seal it. And to make sure nothing happened, we built Canterlot on top of the tomb of Chaos.”

The six foals cried out in unison. “What the buck did you do?”

“Manners my dear ponies...”

Then the ground began to shake.

Beneath Canterlot the Elements of Discord were deep in ritual. They were almost done with it...they just had to chant the spell to break the chains on Chaos.

“Mirabar quid amicitia posset est. Donec omnibus vobis participatur eius magicae mecum. Magnum valebat, sortium ludum, et pulchro cum pectore, fidelis et fortis, communicansque benignitate, suus facilem gestum. Et magicarum facit eam perfecta est.”

With those words said, the pentagram lit up an Chaos began to stir.

The horn of Chaos, the mountain, began to rise.

The Elements of Discord teleported as far away as they could.

Celestia paled as she realized that the mountain was moving. “Everypony run away! The mountain is going to move! Run, run, run!”

She stared at the foals. “I did not tell your parents all of these years but the alicorn magic worked on you too. You have powers as well. I believe that awakening them might save us.”

Zap Apple spoke up. “Why tell us now, of all times! But, if that means we could stop this thing, how do we awaken our potential?”

“You’ll figure it out...just go!”

Celestia teleported them as far as she could...far away from the borders of Equestria into zebra territory.

“Ok Chaos, come and get me.” She saw the Elder God raise its leg. “Oh horseapples...” The hoof came down and the entirety of Canterlot was crushed underneath.

Equestria has no government now. Anarchy now ruled. The Elder God stared down at the specks of harmony running away from it. One thought ran through its head. “Transform into one of these pony creatures, best disappear.”

Chaos transformed into an earth pony foal. It was red with a green and purple mane. “Now why did I transform into a shape with such ugly, purple and red don’t match. Oh well time for Chaos’ reign.

She walked towards the remains of the Canterlot sculpture garden to pick up her cargo.