//------------------------------// // 4: Pony-seeker // Story: Lost Crusaders // by Diloboi //------------------------------// Slipping into the gym, I quickly grabbed my bag from near the bleachers and retreated out. I dashed down the locker lined hallways once again back towards the bathroom, but instead of going into that side hall, I instead continued on. Eventually, it opened up to a larger area where a set of metal double doors stood, and beyond that, the outside. Bingo I pushed the heavy doors open, and stepped outside. The day was cool, being a little warmer than freezing. The sky was overcast with clouds, and the trees were barren. Disregarding the concrete path ahead, I turned onto the grass landscaping towards where the bathroom would be. I pulled my phone out, flicking it on to see the time. 2:17. We should be alright. Just gotta look out for anyone leaving early. Walking along the tall brick walls of the school, I came to my goal. I saw the still open window above, and below, the bush where the three ponies would be. As I made my approach, I called out for the three ponies. "Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Third one! I'm back!" I noticed the bush ruffle slightly, and a white horn and bright green eyes poke from it. "Kay! Come here!" Sweetie Belle said in a loud whisper. I hurriedly came up and crouched down, looking at the little pony who poked her head out of the bush. "I'm here. What's wrong?" I said with concern. "Scootaloo and Apple Bloom left!" My eyes widened, I felt a tinge of fear. Of all the things that could've happened. "Where did they go? I was only gone for five minutes!" "Scootaloo ran off as soon as we got out. Apple Bloom chased her and told me to stay here." She raised a hoof, pointing towards the parking lot, "I saw them go that way." I looked over where she pointed, trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of one of them. Alas, I couldn't. "Ah crap..." I facepalmed, but quickly dropped my hand. I slung my backpack off my shoulder, and set it in front of the unicorn. Unzipping it, I motioned to it, "Hop in. Lets go get them!" Sweetie Bell nodded, a determined look forming as she jumped in the bag. She quickly reoriented herself with her head poking out of the top and her front hooves gripping the sides of the opening. I grabbed the bag and put it on, carefully for my passenger, and began to sprint towards the parking lot. Running through grass, then concrete, we met the asphalt next as we arrived the small road between the school and parking lot. Careful as to not be run over, I looked side to side before dashing into the maze of cars. I weaved my way through them, head on a swivel to try and catch sight of the two missing ponies. No doubt Sweetie was doing the same for her spot. "Do you see them?" I asked, still looking around. "Hold on." She said before she leapt from the bag. My head jerked as the pony shimmied up on top of it. I looked up and stood still as she scanned before she pointed a hoof ahead of us. "They're over there!" "Hold on." I began to sprint that way, the pony up top clinging on to my hair, which gave a little discomfort. Weaving past a couple sedans and a large SUV, I finally saw an orange pegasus, standing atop a large Pickup truck. Beneath her, Apple Bloom looked to be shouting, waving a hoof frantically. "Scootaloo! Get down right now!" She called out. "I'm getting a lay of the land! I can see trees, and that big building, and... other stuff." She looked down at her friend, before looking back up at me and Sweetie approaching. Her eyes widened considerably, and she opened her mouth to respond before I cut her off. "Scootaloo! Get down before-" I was cut off when I heard a shout. "Bro! Get your weird dog off my car!" A guy, with black hair and small mustache, wearing a hoodie, shouted. He looked like he was a little shorter than me, but was still about 20 feet or so away. Scootaloo scowled fiercely, shouting towards him, "Who are you calling dog!? I'm a pony!" The guy stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes looking like they'd pop out his head. He stood for just a second longer before falling back onto the pavement. Oh god, she's killed him. "Scootaloo! Get down!" I said as rushed over, and in the corner of my eye, I saw her glide down. Coming up to him, I saw the guy's eyes were shut, and his mouth hung open slightly. "Did we hurt him?" Sweetie said quietly from her perch. I leaned down, a caught sight of his chest rising slightly. Breathing a sigh of relief, I spoke. "No. He just fainted." I hesitated for a moment, before reaching down grabbing the guys arms. Struggling slightly, I slowly drug him to the truck, hopping no one would spot us, before propping him against the front tire. Sighing to myself, I turned to face the other two ponies. Apple Bloom stared at the unconscious human, while Scootaloo twirled a hoof on the pavement. I opened my mouth, but it was Apple Bloom who spoke first. "Is he okay?" She asked worriedly. "Yes. He just fainted." I paused as she noticeably relaxed, before looking at Scootaloo. Her eyes met mine for a second before they quickly darted to the ground. "Scootaloo..." I started. "I'm sorry. I just got excited and... wasn't being smart..." She said, her ears folding slightly as her eyes watered slightly. The sight nearly took me off my feet, feeling like a wave of sadness had crashed into me. I decided to return it with sympathy. "It's okay Scootaloo. Just be more careful, okay?" She gave a small nod. I knelt down, and hesitating briefly, I reached out ruffled her mane slightly. She closed her eyes and jerked away a bit but smiled. "Alright. Who says we blow this Popsicle stand?" I said grinning. Apple Bloom look up confused at me. "What Popsicle stand?" Sweetie Belle asked from above. Nearly forgot she was up there. "Just a expression. Come on, lets get to my car." I stood up and, making sure the two were following me, walked towards the far side of the parking lot. After the short walk, my car came into sight, a Red, 90's, 2 door Nissan Z-Car. "Its this one." I dug a hand in my pocket, pulling out a small key loop, and stuck one into the car door. Twisting it, I opened the door and motioned towards the interior for the two. Apple Bloom climbed up into the seat, while Scootaloo buzzed her wings rapidly, taking to the air for a precious few seconds. I stared for a second before continuing, reaching up and pulling the white unicorn from my head and setting her in the seat next to the other two. I shut the door, and walked around the front to the other side. Opening it with a key, I slid into the seat before closing the door. I put my key in to start the engine, and it purred to life. The three ponies eyes widened, and Scootaloo looked at me. "How does a car work?" I smirked, reaching into the cup holder and retrieving a pair of sunglasses. Putting them on my face, I revved the engine slightly before looking at the three. "Buckle up and you'll see."