A Twilight Rose Love

by Mystic Sunrise

A Healer's Touch

Twilight sighed and rested her head back on the pillow under her head. The constant beeping of her heart monitor kept her awake. She looked and felt like a train had run over her at full speed. Not even her fight with Tirek had drained her this deeply. But then, she wasn't giving birth at the time either. She was glad for Kohaku’s help in preparing her for the difficult delivery. While he did want to deliver the child himself. The Queen did manage to convince him to let Lovejoy do it. Thankfully Pearl had been a great help with that.

Looking down at her wife she smiled. A bit of drool leaked onto the bed where her head was and the light snoring that Twilight had grown accustomed too rang in her ears. Reaching down Twilight caressed her beloved Pearl’s mane. The young princess had fallen asleep hours ago. Shifting a bit she winced in pain, a reminder of the injury she sustained, and giggled at the memory of her wife arguing with the doctor only a few hours ago.

“What’s going on? Why is there so much blood? And why is my wife in such pain?!” Pearl huffed as she slammed her hoof into the delivery room floor, a spout of flame erupting from her mouth. “You said nothing was going wrong!”

“Please princess, calm down. I didn’t lie, this is quite natural and very common amongst unicorn births. And by your friend's explanation that includes alicorns.” The doctor sighed taking a step back as the nurse returned with a freshly washed white alicorn foal wrapped in a red blanket. “A baby unicorn’s horn can be quite sharp and it made several lacerations on the way out. We simply have to stitch them up and wait for them to heal.” 

“And just how…”

“Pearl.” Twilight’s tired voice cut through the thick argument. Causing both Pearl and Lovejoy to look at the worn out queen. “I love your fiery concern, but I'm just fine. Please let the doctor do his job and come sit by me.”

Grumbling Pearl glanced back at the doctor but did as her wife bid and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry Twily. I just…”

“I know. But I’m going to be just fine.” Reaching out, Twilight lovingly caressed Pearl’s cheek, the two leaned in and touched horns affectionately. Both ignored the wincing Twilight made as she was stitched up.

Closing her eyes, Twilight tried to get some sleep when her room became eerily silent. Even the beeping from her heart monitor stopped. Looking around she saw a dark shadow drift across the floor. She recognized the shape with the nine tails that swished behind it as the shadow made its way to her daughter’s crib.

Twilight watched as the shadow lifted the child and cradled it slowly, rocking it back and forth whispering in a voice Twilight could barely understand. “Kohaku, I know you are excited about my daughter’s birth. But couldn’t this have waited until morning? My newborn daughter needs her sleep.” 

“As much as I appreciate the concern in your voice, I am not my little brother.” the shadowy head turned to Twilight. Set in the shadow were two aquamarine eyes that glittered like river stones under a midday sun. As the fox came closer Twilight saw it was a vixen, almost identical to Kazumi in stature and build, but instead of storm gray, she was river blue and had a face that inspired a soothing calm, rather than abstract awe. “Greetings child, I am Riko.” Riko smiled and lightly caressed Twilight’s cheek with a paw that was as soft and cool as running water.

Twilight’s mouth dropped as she looked at this vixen, who was no taller than Celestia. A vixen who currently was cradling and rocking her newborn foal with such motherly care, while at the same time soothing her own burning mind like a powerful anesthetic.

“You have such a beautiful child. So full of life and promise. I had to come visit her. Since it was my spell that helped bring her into this world.” Riko lightly nodded her head at Twilight. “It seems my brother was right about the two of you. He argued so passionately for this, and you should have seen his smile when she was brought out of you. You would have thought he was the father in question.” Riko giggled as Twilight groaned at the thought. 

“Not that I'm ungrateful, I would have thought you’d be helping out in more pressing engagements. What with so many hospitals and healing centers.”

“And what could be more pressing than the emergence of new life? I’m present for all new births. And I help aid in the relief of pain. Not unlike what my brother did for you.” Riko smirked as she touched just above Twilight’s small breasts. Her paw lightly glowed. Almost instantly Twilight no longer felt the pain of her injuries from birth. Laying the foal in Twilight’s open front legs, Riko sat back and looked at the trio.

“I feel ashamed now…”  Twilight muttered silently but knew Riko’s ears perked.

“Why should you feel ashamed?”

“Because I lumped all of Kohaku’s sisters together, thinking you were all like the Kazumi I saw that one day.” Twilight quickly looked up as she heard the most beautiful laugh she had ever heard. Riko was almost on the floor giggling. 

“Don’t feel bad about it. It happens more than you realize.” Getting up, the vixen stretched and cracked her neck a few times. “Well, I have to get going. As your teacher said, a healer’s work is never done. Your wounds have been healed and you should be good to head home tomorrow.” Riko said as she picked up Twilight’s chart and made several notations on it. “Just make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions and take it easy over the next few weeks. I can’t afford to make a house call, even if you are family.” 

Twilight blinked, looking into those stern healer eyes, and nodded. She knew in her heart that this was one doctor to never cross. 

Doctor Lovejoy read the chart, unable to hide his surprise at the notations that had not been there earlier. “You are truly in luck, your highnesses. It seems Saint Riko has taken an interest in you. I’ve only seen her name on extreme cases. Nothing this common.”

Pearl just barely held back a giggle. “Saint Riko?”

Lovejoy nodded. “Indeed. There are stories going back thousands of years about injuries that are miraculously healed overnight. She’s healed all types of injuries, both physical and mental. Some say she taught the first healers their craft. All doctors know her name but is incredibly rare to see her writing and name. But it also happens enough that we all know that she is real.”

Twilight smiled, sharing a discreet wing touch with her wife as she held their daughter. “How is my wife, doctor?” Pearl looked at Lovejoy with a smile.

Lovejoy could only shake his head in amused disbelief. “She is completely fine, princess. I must admit that with only one other known alicorn giving birth, we were worried as Queen Twilight and Princess Cadence are different enough that not everything from her time could be used here. I would recommend that you take it easy over the next few weeks. Nothing strenuous, let your body recover its full strength before you do anything ‘normal’.” Lovejoy huffed at the last word. Knowing Twilight’s pension for experiments and week-long study sessions.

Pearl smirked, giving Twilight a knowing poke. “Oh I’ll make sure she does, doc. Even if I have to tie her down myself. I’ve gotten better at it over the last few years if I do say so myself.”

Twilight huffed at the reminder, while Lovejoy chuckled. “I know, I've seen the rope burns. Try rapping some silk cloth around it first. It’ll cut down on skin abrasions. That's what my wife and I do.” Placing the clipboard back on its stand the doctor ignored the staring blush on both mare's faces as he walked to the door. “I’ll get your discharge papers ready.” Closing the door behind him he left the trio alone.

Pearl waited a moment, before shaking her head. “Okay. What really happened last night? I know enough that unicorn and alicorn births leave something behind on the mom.”

Twilight nodded. “He was right. Riko was looking out for all of us. She showed herself while you both slept, and helped heal what I had.”

Pearl sighed in relief. “That’s a relief. Is she any nicer than Kazumi?”

Twilight chuckled. “She is. But you also know that going against something she says is a very bad idea. Perhaps it is a kitsune thing. Even for the nicest ones.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Go figure. She smiled down at her daughter. Her white coat and multi-colored mane and tail reminded her of Celestia’s. “So what’s her name? We never picked one.”

Twilight nodded, smiling as she rocked the newborn alicorn. “I did have one in mind. Summer Rose. Not only for the season.” She smiled out towards the Rose River. “But for your sister as well. It’s not fair to leave them out of this.”

Pearl smiled as she stroked Summer’s mane. “It’s perfect. Think they’ll wait till we get home? Or crash the party here? Wouldn’t put it past either of them if they did.”

Twilight giggled. All of their family and friends were waiting in the lobby for the family. Pinkie had already promised a party, but Twilight would need to talk her down. “Honestly, Rosie? I couldn’t care less right now.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she finally allowed herself to relax. She made a mental note to thank Kohaku when she had the chance. And Riko if she ever had the opportunity.