//------------------------------// // Ride 1: The Driver is a Rider! // Story: Kamen Rider Drive: Canterlot Overdrive // by Kamen rider accel 2 //------------------------------// Six months ago the world suffered an event, a disaster. A voice narrated as an image of the earth could be seen before a strange wave of light enveloped it. This event was called the Global Freeze, the entire earth, and all it's life were left trapped frozen in time, Gravity, the air itself worked against them keeping them from moving. the voice added before explosions visible from the earth's surface could be seen, as they spread, all over the globe. On that day...the world would have ended. The scene changed to the center of major cities as Figures marched through the crowds of frozen humans. their metallic bodies all seemed similar but different, all split into three different groups. The first group were basic enough in their bodies design having what looked like scale like patterns of iron spines on their legs, while their heads themselves while themed after a skull, had two extensions down the sides that made a cobra like hood and it was further stressed by the fangs that extended from where their mouth would be. their chests likewise had these small veins in the metal that added another scale like appearance to them. The second group was different their metal armor seemed more plated and rigid almost like an exoskeleton over them. Their toes ended in large spikes as if meant for climbing almost. Their chests had multiple red veins that seemed to resembles the legs of a spider as well as pipes, while they had collars around their necks that again resembles the legs of a spider all bunched up around their necks. Their heads like the first group also resembled skulls except their lower jaws were more like mandibles. The third group had armor that was more 'veined' then the others these veins looked like the spine/finger structure of a bats membrane wings, this caused a pinstripe like effect to the armor over their chests and their legs as well. With spikes along the sides of their thighs and on the tips of it's toes adding a more dangerous feel to them, they also had collars around their necks that resembles the winds of a bat. Like it's two predecessors their skull like heads were altered with fangs, a spiked nose, and wings covering the eyes adding a bat like feel to it's design. The Mechanical life forms raised their barrel like fingers before bright energy formed from the tips before firing off beams of plasma like energy, each energy buller hitting something and exploding with the force of a hand grenade if not more. The Monsters aimed at buildings destroying them, setting them ablaze, and letting their debris fall and hit more human civilians down below. The Mechanical life forms raised their barrel like fingers before bright energy formed from the tips before firing off beams of plasma like energy, each energy buller hitting something and exploding with the force of a hand grenade if not more. The Monsters aimed at buildings destroying them, setting them ablaze, and letting their debris fall and hit more human civilians down below. People tried to run, but their bodies refused to move, only their brains and minds working in real time as the monsters came closer. They then aimed and fired again their blasts aimed at people now. Mechanical life forms, known as the Roidmude tried to destroy and take over the world.the voice narrated as the cities of the world caught fire and were destroyed before they could counter by these monsters. But… the voice said as from the top of a roof three small toy cars moved as if alive and saw the destruction down below. They all honked before a gate formed at the edge and a long stretch of highway like road meant for their size formed for them. The Cars honked and ran down the road towards the Roidmudes that looked towards the honking. This world...your world did not end, for comrades who protect the world strike back against the end of the world! The road suddenly split into three roads a sign forming showing where each of the three little cars should go. A Fireball symbol pointing to the right, an orange hot rod car with a fire pattern honked as it took the right turn just as the road looped around a bat type monster trapping it. As the car raced up the road, flames ignited as the flamed trapped the monster in place, the flames heating its metal body even bruning it's exterior until it could take no more and finally exploded violently. Text then formed on the sign reading Large Explosion that way. The sign then had a spiked tire symbol as a Green hotrod car with spikes all over it sped down that path. It lead right up to the chest of a Cobra typed monster as it looked down at the road in confusion. The Green car sped up honking before all the spikes on it's body grew and extend the spikes in the back tipping it upwards before it began tumbling forward like a spiked ball that soon crashed right into and through the monster's chest making it groan seeing the large hole now in it's chest. It groaned once before exploding as well. A sign then formed on the road reading Tunnel ahead. The symbol that of a Shuriken(throwing star) formed pointing to the left, a purple hot rod car with a violet shuriken symbol on it's hood honked as it's roat grew wider and in a purple flash it duplicated into five versions of itself. Each car then began to fire small purple shuriken made of solid light. The barrage of throwing stars hit the Spider type monster each one exploding on it's chest. The cars combined into one before it jumped off it's road it then zoomed past the monster's neck leaving it to grab it's metal throat before it exploded like the rest. All three cars quickly drove away as the monsters were defeated all that was left was a trio of floating metallic numbers that cried in pain as they flew off into the sky. For a figure fought in the shadows. the voice finished as a black motorcycle pulled to a stop as rain began to fall. It's rider got off as his black armor seemed to glisten in the rain, he raised his black helmet as his headlight like eye pieces lit up in the rain a dull blue illuminating his silver mouthpiece. Three Monsters faced the armored figure growling in anger. "Who are you!?" one ordered of the figure. "Ha!" he roared swinging his arm forward as three roads formed from his left letting the three cars drive forward and attack the monsters. This is the year 2023, Six months passed since the Global Freeze, yet people were still afraid of the stopping sensation. People all over came to call the sensation a 'Slowdown' and programs were made to notify people of their occurence. Yet life still went on. People who died in the event were mourned, but people continued to go on as they would. A bright red car drove down the street. This car was odd in hat it had an extra pair of wheels over the back of the trunk almost like spoilers. The front of it was shaped in such a way it looked more akin to a racing car with an aerodynamic nose shaping, with front wings before the front tires. It had two large circular headlights and two smaller rectangular ones; it also had this odd silver accent along the right side of the hood just in front of the windshield. But to really set it apart stamped on the front near the leftmost front tire was the Canterlot Police Department symbol. The Driver of this one of kind machine was Canterlot Police Special Crimes Unit part time worker Flash Sentry.He wore a detective type suite with a red tie that was lose. He drove up to a local park before finding a parking spot. Flash walked out into the park before finding the perfect grassy hill where he promptly laid down, and sighed in relaxation as he began cloud watching. 'Can't believe people are still living normally after the slow down incident. But then again I seen a bit worse things but this got to the top.' he thought as he saw them all still going on there day but they were still talking about the slowdown incident.'Can't say I don't blame them... My mind is not working well and can't think cause of this.'He thought as he then had enough."Gah!.. Thinking about it isn't helping at all. Its only making it worse!" He yelled putting his hands in the air. A while later something cold was felt on his wrist as he looked to see he was hand cuffed. "Hah?!" He looked shocked. He looked at the one who did it and revealed to be a young women in a police outfit and had long black hair tied in to a pony tail and her facel features shows that she's Japanese. She is Nova Judgment Flash's cousin and coworker. "I knew you'll be slacking off hear instead of going to work." She told. Flash had a second to think before he made a break for it running out of her grasp."Waaaaaaaaaaah!" As he ran the Nova signed and took off her shoe and then throw in high speed as it went like a rocket hitting flash on the back of the head. He grunted as he fell down right on a family picnic place and landed straight on a pie. The family was taken back as Flash pulled his head up to reveal it was covered in cream and had pineapple over his eyes. He looked at the family as the parents found him strange and the kids saw him funny. "You ... need a bit more sugar." He muttered. Right now Flash and Nova were going somewhere in the car as Hana was driving and flash was hand cuffed to the side to not escape. "Is this really necessary couz. This feels kinky you know." "Don't try to make smart talks. Your late for the meeting which chief wanted everyone to be there. He told me to bring you there cause every time you are told you slack off and are hard to find." Nova complained. "Its not like I don't want to, it's just my engine isn't working on, so I kind of get lazy." Flash told. "You gotta get back up. Why did you joined the police and work as a part time detective if you ain't gonna get serious." She told. "I do get serious! You seen my accomplishments." He said. "Yeah, But where is that now. You been like this since the previous slowdown that had happened first time." Flash stopped talking as he remembered the incident. That day his life changed. That day someone close to him lost his life that time. Hana saw his state and regret a bit. So both just kept silence till they reach there destination. Unnoticed to Flash, he was going monitored by someone as he looked out of the window to now see the device on the car front looking at him with its digital eyes. "Owowowowow…" Flash groaned as Nova pulled him into a building called 'Canterlot Driver's License Course,' both hands cuffed with a second pair of cuffs, "Why a second pair?" "Because you ruined the first pair with a chub mackerel," Nova deadpanned as she pulled him through the building in front of people-several recording it on their Phones with snickers-and up a flight of stairs to an office near the top floor. "Mou...why's everyone gotta record it?" Flash complained as he was dragged through the halls towards a room. Said room had a sign reading: 'Centarlot Police Special Crimes Unit.' Once opened, it revealed a very tiny little room with a total of five desks, four of which were paired up and faced one another. With the one single desk being bigger and pointed towards the rest. Standing there was a middle aged man who was a good deal shorter than most of the adults present, his hairline was slowly and faintly receding but he still slicked it back regardless, he wore a large police jacket over his suit as he clapped. He was also holding a fish for some reason. "Ah... Nice catch Nova. I knew you could catch him on the act."he cheered, "Oh and welcome back, Part Time Officer Sentry . How was your break?" he smiled while slamming the fish on a cutting board, "Good job, Nova-chan! That uniform was perfect for the job today. See? Your lucky color today is blue!" he pointed at his phone, which showed a horoscope page with Nova's name and Birthday displayed on it with the result being Blue. "Your predictions really are on the nose aren't they, Chief?" Flash smiled. "Now that our resident slacker is here, it's time to make the announcement!" Jun cheered before sighing sadly, "The Canterlot Police Special Crimes Unit is actually going to be taking part in an investigation…" he gave another sigh, "Ain't that a shame? We just got chub mackerel, too..." "You're disappointed?!" another young man sitting opposite Hana complained; unlike Flash and her , He looked very far from being a police officer, which he wasn't. He has black hair and purple skin and wore shorts and a large sweater, he also had a pair of glasses over his eyes. This fellow is Micro chip, their part time Computer Specialist, no one knows more about hacking, searching the entire internet for information, or make a robot that can help him in his chores. "We're joining a case...for what?" Flash asked. "Haven't you heard?" Micro blinked as he pulled out a tablet displaying news information, "There have been an odd rise in sudden fires all around the city; and each time one happens, a missing persons case occurs in the same evening with no one able to respond in time due to the congested traffic from all the first responders." he recited word for word what was on the website, "Here's where we come in. Each and every day around the area of the fire and missing person where Density Shift effects in those same locations." "Density...Shifts...oh you mean slowdowns." Flash realized, making everyone flinch. "Are you oblivious?!" Micro demanded. "Did you call it that, Rin ?" Shinnosuke asked as he looked at another member of their five-person group. "That's right. Please try and remember the term, Flash," the last girl there sighed in annoyance; she had long brown hair and wore a labcoat over a teal and white button shirt and a black skirt. This was Special Crimes Unit Officer: Electrical Physicist Shana Rin. "The Crimes Unit is sending Inspector Armor to act as our liason for the investigation, along with Lieutenant Otta" Jun informed "Otta...Otta...Armor-san…" Flash complained, "Man... Being seen with him will fully brand us as weirdos." A real investigation…" Flash sighed as he sat in his car, "...Maybe I'll finally be able to move on…" he sighed as his mind flashed back, the sound of a gun being fired and then an explosion, but he quickly shook the memory off before he could relive the whole thing, "Oh well, I'm done thinking about it." "Have you decided to step forward and become a warrior yet?" a smooth male voice asked, startling Flash to look around. "You again…" he groaned, recognizing the voice, "Whoever you are, you're persistent." "Of course I am. I'm trying to make the choice easier. Getting you assigned to the Special Crimes Unit, not to mention getting you this car," the voice noted. "Ask someone else. I'm exactly what I seem like...a lazy washout," Flash sighed. "No, you're much more extraordinary. You've just forgotten how to start your engine." "...Start my engine?" he repeated as the thoughts raced through his mind, but he quickly stopped thinking about that and began looking around the car for the source of this incredibly talkative AI inside of his car. After several moments of searching, he looked at the dashboard, "Ah...There you are…" attached to the dashboard was a bulky device; it was primarily silver with yellow accents and sported a circular flat screen in the center displayed a red LED face with a red switch on the right side of it, "So this is where your voice was coming from." "Exactly! On the mark," the voice replied, as Flash grasped the device and pulled it out, revealing a red belt connected to one side of it with the buckle resembling one for a car. "Now let's…" Flash began before yelping as the belt shot out of his hands and attached to his waist, "Huh?! What the…?! WHAT?! What the heck?!" "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm a belt," the belt informed. "A belt? Wha...how...why...how and why again?" 'Perhaps I should have included a Personal Terminal,' the belt thought. "Oh...this is weird…" Flash went on, still panicking."I've seen weirder things but this is getting in that list. Both Flash and the sentient belt were snapped to reality when Nova tapped on the window, earning his attention. Shinnosuke quickly covered the belt with his jacket before rolling down the window. "We're heading out to investigate the location of the last fire and disappearance. Inspector armor will meet us there." She explained, "Come on." she sighed walking over towards a van. "Their making their move already then. Lets go." The belt ordered. "No way! Not until you get off me!" "Suit yourself, then I'll drive." The belt spoke as his 'face' emoted an annoyed expression. With that, the seat belts looped over Flash as the car came to life and drove off by itself with no actions from him. "Aw, come on!" Flash screamed, "C'mon! Hold on a sec!" Meanwhile in another part of the town a purple skin girl was seen going on her way home. She is Twilight sparkle and is a member of a band. Many not know but she's also a magical girl and help in solving many cases in magic. She was checking her phone for seeing any slowdown right now but saw non. She signed in relief."Ok no slowdown hear. Just easy for me to move peacefully form hear." Her phone then rang showing the caller id as she answered."Hey BBBFF. What's you doing.... Oh just going back home.... Really another incident.... Ok I try to stay away... Ok love you bye." She said ending the call. She then looked back at the app to see no slowdown 'Calm down Twilight, Your not in danger anymore. You just need to chill.' She mentally told as she went off. Unnoticed to her someone was watching her as she went off. Sirens blared from police cars as an area was blocked off by police cars and tape blockades. Officers were combing over the area, being a skate park, and putting evidence markers about. Several blocks down, the burnt wreckage that had once been a house was blocked off with more investigators examining it. At the skate park, a pair of officers were talking with one another. One was an older man with a bushy mustache in a black suit and fedora while the other was in a grey pinstripe suit with Blue hair and a white skin. "Another missing just like at the last scenes," the man in the pinstripe suit noted, "How's the inspection of the fire, Oda?" "Same as all the other fires, Armor," the man in the fedora sighed, "The cause of the fire was the AC system being infected by viruses. It's more than likely that the fires are being caused by World Three." "We may have to send out an alert to shut down the AC Networks for a while then," Shining Armor noted, "Still...kidnapping hasn't been their modus operandi, so someone may be taking advantage of the fires." "How could they know if they aren't working together though…that's the hard part to figure out." "Detective Armor, Inspector Oda, the Special Crimes Unit is here!" another officer called, sounding like he was barely holding back a laugh. "Special Crimes Unit? Wasn't one of your men reassigned there from the first division?" Oda asked. "Yeah. That's the team Flash was assigned to," Shining Armor replied as he turned around and his eyes widened, "HAH?!" "What are they wearing?" Inspector Oda asked, his eyes widening underneath his fedora as Flash and Nova approached...wearing metal helmets covered in glowing electronics, wearing metal backpacks, and holding up radar guns connected to the backpacks. "Oh, sup, Shining Armor? Long time no see," Flash greeted. "Don't let people see us talking, you look ridiculous!" Shining snapped as Oda covered his face with his fedora, trembling a bit to hide his laughter. "Man, I agree." Flash sighed, "All this beep beep and piko-piko noise is annoying...but they say it detects Density Shift particles...so it's gotta be useful." he muttered walking past Gen before playfully tapping his head with the machine, "Piko-piko…" he giggled to himself. "Density Shift particles?" Inspector Oda repeated. "I believe he means the Slowdowns, Oda-san, de gozaru," Nova told "I still don't believe in this Slowdown nonsense…" Shining spoke up as several of the investigators, CSIs, and workers just stared at him at that, "What?" "Piko-piko." Flash giggled, tapping his head again. "Quit it!" Shining armor snapped at him. "Force of habit when someone says something dumb…" Flash laughed, as he took the helmet off and began to survey the scene, "The fire began from inside, the kitchen, most of these houses have their kitchen areas towards the center of the homes. It spread outward due to overheating, causing wall fires." he determined from just glancing at the house once. "All from one glance?" Inspector Oda asked in surprise. "We already knew that!" Shining Armor complained. "How long did it take?" Flash smiled as one of the CSI's held up all ten fingers, "Ten minutes…" he smiled, pointing at him. "Don't you have your own work to do?" Shining armor complained. "Machine's automatic. Don't even really need to wave it around." Flash revealed, taking the backpack off and putting it down, "Also, I feel like I need to zip up a jumpsuit and play 80's music while wearing it." "Don't expect to take over this investigation," Shining Armor informed. "Wasn't planning to...you need to work sometimes, Detective Armor ," Flash replied as he walked over to the other crime scene where he bent down next to a bucket of popcorn where he picked up a tiny piece of paper, "Paper?" he blinked, looking back at it; it wasn't from the bucket, it was still fairly intact save for someone maybe stepping on it in panic, he then looked over at the ambulance as it carried off a man who had collapsed during the event. Flash could see his skin was all red for some reason, but from how the EMTs talk, he was still alive. "That's the fourth person we've found at one of these," Flash looked up at Inspector Oda as he walked over, "A fire breaks out at a place, someone goes missing, and another ends up like that man, dead to the world and their skin a vivid red." "..." Flash hummed to himself as he processed all that at his own pace. The evidence he could observe and what he could assume so far was that both were related. But to what extent and how was beyond him at the moment, he knew the First Division already had a guess as to who was causing the fires, but the suspects he knew of didn't fit the MO of abduction or assault...at least, not in this brutally direct manner. "Oi, oi, oi! Turn that thing down!" the two looked over at Shining Armor as Nova's device started blaring loudly. "Shining, it's more than likely that…" "Oh don't start that," He fumed. "Careful, Flash. The assailant is still close," the belt spoke up, earning Oda's attention. 'A AI in the form of a belt? Kids these days…' Oda thought in surprise before a pulse washed over the area...and everyone slowed to a crawl, "?!" "Slowdown?" Flash gasped. "This is what they mean?!" Flash asked his face moving slowly and making it freeze in a goofy look, "It's already begun, one must be near!" The belt spoke up as Flash looked upwards near the entrance of the park. Walking towards them all was a tall muscular man. He wore a pair of black shorts, a tank top, and a green vest over his torso. He stomped down the steps closer as he scanned everyone present before he zeroed in on the tallest person present: Shining Armor. 'He can move normally in a Density Shift?' Flash thought in surprise. The man smirked as he started approaching Shining as he was looking the other way. A red aura flared around the man before he was engulfed in it. It dispersed...revealing one of the robotic monsters from the Global Freeze in the man's place, a '029' on its chestplate. Everyone present gasped in shock and terror...except Gen, who was the only person not facing this. "What...what's happening!? Why is everyone panicking?!" The monster rushed over to Flash before punching him across the face. It then kicked him and sent him clear across the skate park into a light post. Flash's body was unable to react to the pain now coursing through him as the monster lifted him up. "Well now don't you look lively!" the cobra themed monster spoke, looking up at Flash as it studied him through those attacks, "You'll do just fine." "Shift Cars, Assemble!" The belt called out, getting the robotic creature's attention. "Nani?" A loud set of honks made the robotic creature turn its head around to see a small track forming before his head. The three colored toy cars shot down the formed track and slammed into the robotic creature, knocking it away from Flash. The orange car sped towards the creature, igniting itself and ramming into its chest. The creature was knocked back and landed on the green car...before jumping up with a scream with spikes stuck to its behind from the green car growing them. The Monster looked up as the cars raced around the ground as if taunting him. The Monster raised his index fingers and began shooting to try and get rid of them. However, they were too fast for him to aim and each shot missed. A new track formed before forming a loop/ring right in front of him. The orange car ran the track before igniting it with flames. The purple car jumped into the air and launched several shuriken through the ring of fire, lighting them with fire too, as they struck the monster that tried to form a barrier only for it to shatter after one shuriken strike. The monster looked up as the Green car jumped while rolling forward, its spikes extended as it was now covered in fire as it passed through the ring of fire. The Monster just gawked as it was struck and sent flying away and landing on its rear...digging the still lodged spikes even deeper into his damaged area. "GH?!" the monster groaned as it got up to see the three cars revving their engines and prepared to ram once more. The monster tensed before quickly firing at the ground before him. The smoke cleared from the explosion to reveal the monster was gone. Their task done, the trio of cars drove away from the area just before everyone began to move normally again. "What the hell was that?!" Shining shouted. "M-Mon-Monster!" several officers shouted, pointing to where the monster once stood. "What? Is something behind me?!" he jumped and turned around, "Nothing's there…" he slumped his shoulders as he gave a sour look to the officers. "It could be it had been there before and escaped, Shining Armor." "You hush it." "What was that...friends of yours?" Flash asked his belt. "No...Yours!" Belt replied as his face changed to emote a happy smile. Twilight was sitting at the chair and was searching on her computer. 'These Fires are being caused in every direction when ever a slowdown accores and then people go missing because of that.' She thought as she checked the sitings on the computer where the incident accored.'Its like a computer virus infect the technology around when ever theres a slowdown. Its almost like.... No Twilight that's not possible it's just some simple theory that's all.' Her phone rang suddenly making snap out as she looked to see Sunset calling right now. She quickly answer it,"Hey rainbow dash what's up." =Hey Swi-Twi, me and the girls wanted to hang out at the park this time and we're hoping that you'll come. We just finished our shifts and thought to why not.= "I'm not sure, I'm busy on a project right now so I can't." =Come on Twi, Get a grip and hang out once in a while so we get to know each other.= "I know but I just." Just then her computer showed up a message display on her screen. "Dear Miss Sparkle, I know your searching for the missing people. I know something about them and is need of your assistance on figuring this out. That's why I am sending you this message. Come alsine and don't tell anyone or else I will block this and say goodbye to your only lead." Twilight read this and soon develop a serious expression. =Swi-Twi, You there... Hello!= She heard the other line. "U-um yeah, you know what I meet you guys later in the evening I just got a call from mom saying she needs my help down stairs." She replied quickly. =Ok, But you better come then.= She ended the call and checked the message on the screen and then saw it was showing a location of some place. She dewel ok it later as she grabbed her bag and went off. "Nice to meet you, Detective Armor and Inspector Oda!" Rin greeted in the Special Crimes Unit's office as she sat down across from the two, "So, how was your encounter with your first Density Shift?" "Startling, to be honest," Oda admitted, "It was almost reliving the Global Freeze in just a concentrated area." "I-I still don't believe in it!" Shining armor declared, trying to move away from the leaning-in Rin only to hit his head on the lockers behind him and having some stacked items on top of the lockers smack him on the head, "Gah!" "You're quite close-minded," Micro noted, looking up from his Computer screen. "It's part of his charm," "Micro, what are you doing?" Jun asked as their resident net expert was typing away like a madman. "Flash gave me something to do and I take it as a challenge to my skills!" he exclaimed before hitting enter, "Done!" "Nice, Micro !" Flash smiled, patting his shoulder before massaging them, "Okay! Address, address and date!" he spoke, hyping him up. "You insult me!" he smirked, typing again, "This is the addresses which fit the pattern you gave me! And the dates in their order and time separating them.I thought you knew me. We go to the same school together!" "Addresses? Pattern?" Jun repeated. "You have an idea where the next fire and abduction will be?" Oda asked. "I've realized a pattern after taking to the families who lived in those houses," Flash explained, "After the first fire, one family called in a technician to check their oven for glitches, and with each new fire more and more families called to have them checked." he explained, "I ran a list of all the houses which called the company and then ran each of the trucks' routes and which houses they checked. But...there was an anomaly. One truck shouldn't be on the list, meaning the criminal behind these arson attempts has been faking being a technician to get into his next targeted home. With the victims letting him in." "But...but how did they...?" Shining armor gawked as everyone stared at Flash. "It took me a few, but I put it together. These ovens are linked to the network so you can turn them on and off even outside of your home. The way to overheat them past their safety limits is simple...a virus. This criminal uploads a virus to make the ovens exceed their allotted heat safety limits." "But no virus can be that complex as to both override the limitations and activate it when the time was right,"Micro told. "That's right." Shinnosuke went on, "Meaning the criminal had help...a Jamer he leaves implanted in each oven until it overheats." Nani?!" Gen shouted in overreaction. "But then what about the abductions?" Inspector Oda asked. "You're right; the two crimes are linked. But not in the way you believe. The one who abducts the people and the one who start the fire are without a doubt two different people." Flash explained, pulling out a picture of the man who transformed into a monster, and then an artist sketch of the man people claimed repaired their ovens. "They're two different people!" Micro shouted. "The man in the sketch fits the description of a man known to work for World Three, while the other man is totally unrelated, and has been reported missing for a while now..." Flash informed, "The first step is to find these guys." he grabbed his tie and fitted it on him properly, earning Nova's attention, before he ran out. "Hey, wait!" Shining armor snapped as he got up and chased after Flash, "Are you trying to show up the First Division?!" "Looks like he's finally in gear…" Kiriko noted. "Gear?" Inspector Oda repeated, raising a brow. "His brain's gear," Nova explained, "His engine might be starting…" she opened her notebook to a page depicting a drawing of him tightening his tie before putting a tiny yellow '3' sticker over a green '2' sticker below the words 'Times Sentry Has Tightened His Tie.' "I heard he transferred from a special investigation unit, but that's the first time I've ever seen little Tomari-chan act like that," Rin noted. "Hn…" Oda agreed with a nod before looking at the papers, "More than likely, he's investigating who our missing person is. From this report, the time between the 'inspection' and the fires is three days. The next one will most likely be tomorrow at this residence." "Hehe...this is the full power of Sentry…" Micro whispered to himself."..His back in gear." "Are you really running there by yourself?" The belt asked Flash. "I don't like being driven around," Flash spoke, "I take the wheel everywhere." "Hmm...what a prideful fellow," the belt noted. 'I can feel it going away...that muddy feeling in my head for the last year,' Shinnosuke thought as he ran around a corner and ended up colliding into someone, "Gah!" "Ouch!" Flash looked to see who he collided to and was surprised to see Twilight. She was also surprised to see him as she didn't expected to bump in to him. "Flash/ Swi-Twi??" Both asked at the same time. "What are you doing hear?" She asked getting up. "I was about to ask the same thing."Flash dusted him self."I got lead on a case im doing and am close to it. Hear I accidentally had run into you, sorry thought." He apologized. "No, I'm sorry. I was going to a destination and didn't mean to bump in to you."Twilight apologized she then suddenly liked at the belt around Flash waist as it was different."Um, what kind of belt is that?" Flash looked at it and quickly had to make an excuse."O-Oh.. um... Its from my job. Micro made it in order to help me in slowdown and contacting the car." He quickly told.'Crap hope she buys it!' She did buy it,"But why a belt?" 'Crap! Think of something quick again!' He mentally panicked."Um, You know how Micro get with creativity. He thinks of weird ways to help you know." "That... I can agree on." She excepted the lie. Flash mentally signed in relief as he then remembered his task."Um we could catch up later. First I have to go to the destination of mine and solve this case" "Oh, ok I won't stop you." Twilight got out of the way as he went of again running. But as he did he drop something down. Twilight looked to see he had dropped his phone. She picked it up and was about to call him but he was far gone. She thought she could give it to him later. "From your in counter I can say you know her ?" the belt asked. "Its a long story and I'm saying a bizzzare type but also Fairy tail type story." "The anime or the graphic?" "Graphic.. Her name is Twilight sparkle and she's Detective Armor little sister. She's a top genius and is A+ in her grades except for gym. She also is a magical girl who happens to gain magic from another world were there are pony version of 6 girls who use magic in there daily lives and don't think anything is better without them and this world girls gained the magic by my ex-Girlfriend who was actually using me and then turned in to a she demon and was defeated by the other world Twilight and then redeem her self and then there this Twilight came and turned in to another she demon who wanted to bend reality and then stopped by Sunset and then a camp council president who became a magic maniac and terned in to a she demon aswell and then stopped by the girls and now there in band.. did you get that.." Flash finished explaining "...." "Mister belt?" "... Adding this to a list of things I got to study later.." "Yep," Flash replied as he entered a neighborhood, "Right now...I have a place to be and a job to do. That's a part time police officer." "I see...So what is your plan now?" "Plan...ah right...Sorry. Once I get going, my brain becomes tunnel visioned," Flash spoke, "My partner was the plan guy, I'm the action guy." he went on, "Right now...all I care about is protecting someone from danger, so hang on, Belt!" "You could at least use...wait...what...you're not the plan guy?!" Shinnosuke kept running towards the address he was given from Kyu. Eventually, he reached the address, revealing it to be a gym. "A gym?" the belt asked. "Micro found that the missing people are all related to this man," Flash explained, showing the picture of the monster in its human disguise, "Nobuo Masuda. The missing people all knew Masuda-san and all considered one another good friends. One of those friends happens to go to this gym." "And you think it will appear?" the belt asked skeptically. "More than likely, the higher ups have already released that they know the identity and method of the arsonist," Flash replied, "With the man's cover blown, he'll more than likely set off his current attack today, giving an opportunity for another abduction and someone becoming red." "Are you s…" the belt asked before Flash sushed it and hid behind a tree, seeing the robotic monster in its human disguise walking towards the gym. "See? Told ya," Flash whispered, Twilight finally reached to her destination and looked to see she was in a park. She looked around to see where the person is who send the message. At that she went further but soon stopped as she saw something infront of her. "Wait, what the hay?"Its was a marigo round and what shocking was that this had some people typed to it and not just that but these were the missing people who disappeared in the past week. She was about to go but soon felt a wave as her movement become slow. 'Wait! Slowdown Hear!'She mentally panicked as she saw a figure come towards her. She couldn't make out but saw that he wasn't human and he had a spider like head design. "So great for you to come easily to us miss sparkle. I didn't need to lift a finger to get you hear. But enough of that, time for you to join them." The android chuckled darkly as he went towards her. Twilight was in state of panic as she soon lost concessness and everything went dark. At the moment, he was following the disguised mechanical monster as it entered a small park with a large pink squirrel statue in the center of it. The being was currently following an older man in a jogging uniform that had run out of the gym Flash had been watching earlier. The disguised monster quickly cut off the man's path after using a quick burst of Slowdown. "Eh? Masuda?!" the man gasped, "You look so different. I almost didn't recognize you. You've been gone for a long while. Where have you been? What've you been up to?" "Attacking humans…" the monster replied as, in a burst of red energy, he dismissed his disguise. "Ah!" the man screamed as the monster grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and began to hold him up above the ground, "Help! Save me!" "Crap…" Flash grunted, getting out from behind his cover and rushing over, "Stop!" The monster looked away from his target to see Shinnosuke heading for them. Giving an annoyed growl, the monster let out a pulse, creating a Slowdown. Once Flash had frozen to a crawl, the monster put the man on the ground before spinning him around to grab the back of his head. The man screamed as his body started to turn red like the people the police have been finding. "Gh...not again…" Flash muttered reaching his hand out once more, "I'm not gonna make it…" he grunted at more flashbacks came to mind, "Not again…" "Max Flare!" At that, the orange car from before drove in on the self making road once more. It looped around as a clip formed on Flash's right hip. It quickly dove and attacked itself to one of three slots. And, suddenly, Flash could move normally again. "I can move?" he blinked for a second before he charged and grabbed the monster's arm, "Let go!" he shouted as he made it growl in annoyance. It then grabbed Flash before pushing him away; as he tried to rush back, he was kicked to the chest, sending him stumbling even further away from them, "Gonna need to do more than just move…" Flash and Belt looked up as they heard the sound of shots being fired. They looked up to see a Bat and Spider version of the same kind of monster jumping down at Flash. The two aimed at the ground, forcing Shinnosuke to step away. Upon landing, the two swung at the police officer who was able to dodge most of their swings until the Bat one finally landed a kick that sent him tumbling away once more, even if Flash had better skills their strength was to large a gap to cover. "It had backup," the belt noted. "What took you?" the Cobra asked. "Sorry was just waiting for our pray to come to us," Bat grunted. "Had to come quick. Beside the girl already gained when we got to her," the Bat added. "Wha...?" Flash gasped as blinked upon hearing that. The two new beings let out purple pulses, layering two more Slowdowns upon the first. Max Flare lit up, trying to overpower it only to dim out, letting out a slowed down honk from its horn. Nodding at the two the cobra grabbed the man by his neck, choking him while continuing to turn the man's skin red. Flash grunted as he tried his best to move even an inch. All he could do was just stare at the man as his hand slowly turned more and more red. The image of a hand stained with blood flashed before his mind once more, "It's happening again...I can't save him!" The remaining two aimed their hands at Flash and a click went off in them. His eyes slowly widened as he realized that their fingers...were guns. The two open fired, only for Flash's car to drive up and block the shots. The two charged at the car only to be knocked back by the door being swung open. Nova emerged from the car, wearing the same belt clip that Flash wore, but sported the green and purple cars on the topmost and bottommost slots. She fired off a shot, forcing them to back up as she shut the door. The two tried to charge in at her, but she fired two more shots that made them move back and prepare their finger guns. The two open fired and Nova jumped over the car while firing another shot. The Cobra groaned as he dropped the man and stomped towards them. "If you want to refuel yourself in peace…" the Cobra grumbled in annoyance. "Nova, you too?" Flash asked while he blinked, confused. "What are you doing Flash?!" she snapped at him, making him jump. She then moved his jacket to show off the talking belt, "Your Engine started, right? Then why aren't you letting him help?" "How did you know about him?" Flash blinked as the car came to life again. "Tridoron shoot!" with that the car began shooting energy blasts from its headlights that blasted the two monsters making them back away. "Eh...Oi, oi, Belt?" "Again with the blunt form of addressing someone…" he frowned. " Mr Belt…" "Hm…Call me Belt-san" he smiled, "Well now that you got it down, you need to Henshin." "Henshin?" Flash repeated, utterly confused. "You don't like being a passenger, right? So why not take the wheel for yourself?" Belt-san asked as another track formed and a red sports car drove along, dragging something. Flash raised his hand as the car jumped onto it, the device looping around his wrist and locking into place. It was rectangular and set across his wrist in a perpendicular slant. It resembled a gear shift for a car with a red button and seemed just the right size to fit one of those little cars into it. "Rotate the back of the shift car and insert it like a lever into the Shift Brace." Nova reached for the belt and twisted the small key in it starting up some sort of standby music. Flash twisted the back of the red car before slowly lining it up with Shift Brace. He breathed quickly as he ran by all his options in his mind. One by one, all the answers lead to this being his only gamble at pulling something off. "Like a Lever and...Insert." he spoke, pushing the Shift Car in as an engine sound came from the brace. "You lost an important part of yourself in the past," Belt-san stated, "But now you have the chance to save someone. With me and your new friends, you can move through the Density Shift faster than anyone! That's how you become the warrior known as 'Drive!'" "In that case...if it will help me get there in time to save that man…" Flash spoke as he looked ahead past the monsters at the poor man who was attacked, "Kangaeru no wa mō yameta!" he declared raising his left arm up as he grabbed the lever of the Shift brace, "Henshin!" he declared before lifting it up, causing the Shift Car's headlights to flash, a beam transmitted from the brace to Belt-san as the process completed itself. =DRIVE: TYPE SPEED!= Belt-san declared before a jazzy tune blared out of him. Two red tire-like projections of light formed around Flash before forming an area around his person. The framework for armor formed all around him, each and every piece lining up with his body and adjusting to his body's proportions. Multiple pieces of armor all flashed red as they became solid. As they all linked up with his body, a sudden surge of black material covered the empty spaces between the armor. The suit set as it finished materializing into reality. Flash was now clad in a black leather-like body suit with white racing stripes going down his arms and sides, bright cherry red armor covered his forearms, shins, and upper torso, with a black stripe going down his left chest to his right. The armor looked like it put parts from multiple vehicles onto him, his shoulder pads had turn lights shining from the sides, his gauntlets and greaves resembled the cowls of a bike, and his chest resembled a side of a car with a silver decoration resembling a door handle and an exhaust port along the bottom side. The Red Helmet stood out the most as it had multiple piping running along the jaw connecting the large silver mouthpiece to twin exhaust ports along the back of the helmet, it had two bright white eye pieces resembling headlights, a red light along the back of the helmet and finally a spoiler like decoration atop his head. An stylized R-shaped crest that also appeared to resemble a 'K' due to how it was styled finished the overall design of the helmet as he stood there. Tridoron circled around them as its front left sire tire pushed itself inward as a pipe extended from the center of the tire. Red energy charged around it before forming a second, thiner and slightly smaller tire. The tire flew off and around the armored warrior before somehow phasing through his torso and locking into place as a sort of sash across his chest. The tire had a white stripe across it and on the wall it read: type SPEED. "AH! That's the guy who punched my head off six months ago!" the Bat yelped. "Sorry, but I'm new to all this, so I'm not sure myself," the warrior spoke as he looked at his gauntlet, "It's my first time behind the wheel. Hey Monsters!" he called out as he leaned forward and put his weight on one leg, "You're coming along for the ride!" he declared as he charged forward with a burst of speed which took them by surprise. The Bat Monster rushed first, only for Drive to slam his knee pad into his chest, knocking him back. The Spider aimed to shoot, only for Drive to quickly punch him across the face. The two companion monsters rushed him at the same time in hopes of overwhelming him. Drive kicked the Spider monster, making him stumble back. Drive used his left to grab the bat's wide right swing. He then used this opening to slam his elbow into its torso,, making it grunt in pain. Drive then punched the monsters right arm, making him turn around. As the Bat tried for another swing with his left, Drive grabbed that swing as well. Drive slammed his arm up into the bottom of the bat monster's elbow, causing it to cry in pain, before another elbow jab hit its torso, making it back away with both its arms feeling extreme pain. Drive grabbed a kick from the Spider Monster before spinning around him while keeping his leg suspended in the air. Drive slammed the side of his left hand into its face, disorienting it. Drive twisted around as he pushed his leg out and struck the Bat in the stomach, making him groan in pain and back away, as Drive kicked his foot off him and used the force to spin around while swinging the Spider's leg up, knocking him flat on his rear. Drive, however, twisted his body around to land on one knee. Drive blinked as he was kicked by the leader of this trio. The Cobra monster growled as Drive backed away from his surprise attack. The Cobra monster rushed him, swinging with better skill then his two companions. Drive blocked one swing only for another to strike his helmet, making him stumble back. The Cobra monster pressed its attack by charging a red sphere from its chest and blasting it at Drive, sending him flying away several meters and out of the park before he landed in the road. Drive got back to his feet before he was pelted by energy bullets from the Bat and Spider monsters. "Use the Shift Lever to accelerate!" Belt-san explained as Drive was struggling with the monsters' superior range abilities. "Accelerate?" Drive repeated before turning the red switch on Belt-san and liften the Shift Car three times, "Like this?" =SP-SP-SPEED!= "Whoa!" Drive yelped as the tire of his torso began to spin rapidly, "Alright…" He charged at the monsters as they started shooting at him once more. Drive performed a slide and the spinning wheel accelerated him right at them, letting him perform a sweeping kick that knocked the Bat and Spider monsters into the air. Drive roared as he began to punch at them rapidly to the point he was making his punching resemble a speedometer increasing speed. "Wow, this is fast and even after then Rainbow dash speed!" Drive exclaimed in awe before delivering a final punch that sent to two rolling away to the feet of the Cobra monster. "Try that with me!" the Cobra monster snarled before charging at Drive. The two charged at one another as Drive blocked one punch from the Cobra monster before it blocked one of his. It then landed a bolo punch to his chest armor. The blow knocked Drive back as the Cobra landed a solid straight punch to his chest armor again with enough force to send Drive flying back across the air, literally flipping him head over heels with sparks racing off his armor. "Oof...where's the long count when you need it?" Drive grunted while pushing himself up, "Well at least I got a helmet on…" "Ah good. Talking to ensure you aren't suffering a concussion." "Actually, I'm probably having a miniature panic attack due to monsters and super heroes existing," Drive sarcastically remarked as he rushed back at the monsters. Nova was mostly watching, partly due to the fact she'd already run out of bullets and she wasn't hotheaded or stupid enough to risk rushing in at this moment with little means of self defense. But even she could see Drive ws having a hard time with the range and teamwork of the three monsters. He needed more of an edge to beat them. She quickly grabbed the two Shift cars on her holder and held them up to look at them. "Spike, Shadow, go help him." she sighed, "Make sure he doesn't make things into a bigger mess." she ordered as they honked, accepting the orders. She quickly tossed them into the air as roads formed for them instantly. Sadly without the Shift Cars, the remaining Slowdown affects caught up to her, 'Fight, Drive!' Drive grunted as he tossed through a boarded up door into an empty warehouse. The Cobra chuckled as he stepped into the warehouse, cracking his knuckles before squeaky honking made him pause. He turned around to see the purple and green Shift Cars driving at him on their floating self-making roads coming at him. The monster grunted, trying to knock them down, only for the roads to curve out of the path of his hands. As the roads curved around him Spike grew his name sake scratching the side of his face. Shadow honked shooting a shuriken at his chest making him stumble back. The two cars then drove and jumped onto Drive's Shift Car Holder along with Max Flare. "Change Shift Cars to use different tire powers," Belt-san spoke up as Drive looked at his now full holder. "Nothing like vehicular versatility," Drive noted. He twisted the red switch on Belt-san and his mask's eyes lit up. He removed the red Shift Car from his brace before pulling out Max Flare. He flicked the back half of it with his thumb and it spun around, revealing a fireball-like symbol on the other side. He inserted the orange Shift Car into place and pumped it. =TIRE KOUKAN!= "Tire Koukan?" Drive repeated." As in Tire Change?" Outside, the car drove up to beside Kiriko before its exposed wheel slid inside its body. A burst of flames erupted in a spiral where it had been before shooting out when the wheel deployed. The wheel-shaped blast of flames flew through the air before going into the warehouse. It struck Drive's wheel, sending it flying off and smacked right into the Cobra monster's face, knocking him flat on his back. The wheel of flames spun around before colliding where Drive's wheel had been, dispersing to reveal a bright orange wheel with flame-like spikes growing out of it. On it were the words 'MAX FLARE' that glowed with an inner fire as Belt-san's screen displayed a fireball. =MAX FLARE!= "Oh?" Drive awed as he raised his hand as it was ignited with fire.'Hah, Guess I can get the powers same as the girls.' He charged at the monster as it got up and landed a punch to its chest as the flames caused a burst of heat and pressure that knocked it away. Drive kicked up his leg, striking the monster again as the flames caused another small explosion upon impact. Drive grunted, landing another straight punch to its chest as a burst of fire sent him flying away. As the monster skid across the ground, Drive lifted the new lever of the shift brace three times. =FL-FL-FLARE!= Drive formed a mass of fire in front of him as it began spinning into a tight circular shape almost like a tire. He then kicked it and it crashed into the monster before exploding into a huge tornado of fire that carried it up through the roof and into the sky, before crashing back down outside. "Well...that was hot," Drive spoke, walking outside. He then blinked, remembering there were two more, who had just got their second wind. How he knew that? They roared as they charged at Drive, ready to pummel him. Drive ducked under the Bat's swing before deflecting a punch from the Spider. As he did he reached down and twisted the key of the belt again as pulled Max Flare out of the Shift Brace. He quickly pulled out the green car as he twisted the back, exposing a circle covered in spikes as a symbol. He ducked around another swing before pushing Spider into Bat, knocking them back several steps. Drive used this moment to insert the new Shift Car into the brace and lift it up. =TIRE KOUKAN!= A green tire with a full ring of spikes formed as it flew off the car's wheel and towards Drive as he blocked punches from both of the monsters. The Max Flare tire flew off while on fire and crashed into both of them before bouncing along the ground. The new tire locked into place shortly after. =FUNKY SPIKE!= Drive grunted as he jumped forward with a flip as he aimed his torso down. The Funky Spike tire began spinning as it shot all its spikes downward at the two monsters. They cried in pain while being pelted by sharp pointy projectiles from above. Spider recovered first as he charged at Drive, who for his troubles punched him in the face and disorienting him. Drive quickly grabbed Spider and brought him in, jamming the spikes of his new tire into his back. Drive then shifted his brace three times like before. =SP-SP-SPIKE!= The tire began spinning and like a saw cut into the Spider monsters back. After a while, the force of the spinning tire propelled the Spider monster up into the air before exploding and leaving a floating number that read '042' in the sky. The two remaining monsters looked up at the floating number as it flew away quickly before snarling at Drive. Drive managed to remain calm and switched Funky Spike with the purple car, flipping the back to expose a shuriken symbol, pumping it the moment he inserted the purple car into place. =TIRE KOUKAN!= A purple wheel with multiple four point stars along it and four jutting blades making the appearance of a shuriken came from the car's sliding wheel before it slammed into Drive's chest, replacing Funky Spike. =MIDNIGHT SHADOW!= "Huh...Feels kinda ninja-like, though...Shouldn't it be blue?" Drive asked. "I try not to make multiples of the same color," Belt-san replied with a frowning face. "Touchy subject…" Drive complained while shifting the car three times. =SH-SH-SHADOW!= Drive raised his hands, forming two shuriken from transparent energy. He tossed them as Cobra ducked to the side and let both hit Bat. Each one his with an explosion upon impact that greatly damaged the bat themed monster. Drive jumped out of the way of a strike from behind by the Cobra monster. He used this to close the distance and kick the Bat monster making him back away. Drive leaned back towards Cobra as he swung his hand and used multiple palm thrusts to stop him from kicking and punching, he then pushed him away before he dodged a punch from Bat and pushed him into Cobra. Drive formed a slightly larger energy shuriken in his hand. Cobra panicked and pushed Bat forward as Drive tossed it and the resulting damage completely destroyed its body as its numbered core '088' floated up with '042' where both shorted out before exploding. "AH!?" Cobra panicked, "The Cores...you...you destroyed their cores?!" "Huh?" Drive blinked, "Isn't that what's supposed to happen?" "Onore!" Cobra roared as he charged at Drive, who quickly blocked his punch and sent one back to make Cobra stumble back. "Use the Speed Tire again for the finish!" Belt-san ordered. "Right!" Drive spoke, inserting the original red sports car back in. =ALL TIRE ATTACK!= Belt-san declared as all of the tires from before bounced around as Type Speed locked back into place, the rest all rushing the Cobra monster and began repeatedly bashing into him. "Wow...those are some useful tires…" "Oh! I-guh-I hate-gh!-these tires!" Cobra snapped before Funky Spike's spikes struck his behind, "EYOW! AGAIN?!" "Now," Drive spoke, twisting the key and hitting the red button on the brace. =HISSATSU!= The belt began charging up, the screen resembling a speedometer rising up to max. As it did, four tire towers formed around the monster, keeping him from moving. As it looked around, confused, Drive lifted the lever up and back down. =FULL THROTTLE: SPEED!= Drive turned around and crouched down, ready to jump. As he did, the car-Tridoron-drove around him in a tight circle as it lifted on its side in the process. Its speed left a trail of light, forming a sort of barrier around Drive. The tire towers began spinning before ejecting the monster and into the circle. Drive jumped forward before kicking his leg off Tridoron and sent him flying into the Monster. As he passed it by, he bounced off Tridoron once more, continuing the process as he pinballed around at amazing speed and striking the Monster repeatedly. Each strike caused sparks of fire as Drive kept pummeling the Cobra themed monster. After one final bounce, Drive aimed his leg as he was covered in a red aura. His kick struck the monster and tore its robotic body in two before it exploded violently. The explosion tore apart the asphalt as Drive skid to a halt across the ground. Drive sighed while getting up, unaware that the 029 core did not explode along with the main body. Instead, it flew off as best it could in its weakened state. Nearby, the red on the man's body faded away to its normal healthy tone as Nova knelt down to examine him. Drive walked up to the two and removed the Shift Speed Shift Car from his brace and his armor faded. "Nice drive!" Belt-san beamed, a smiley face displayed on the screen. "I saved him…" Flash noted in relief, leaning down to look at the man. "Correct, and you did it with your own strength," Belt-san added. Flash looked down at Belt-san as his screen displayed a smiley face. He began to look back at the man before pausing. Kneeling down, he reached to the man's foot and picked up a tiny flake of metal. Nova looked at him as Flash just focused on the tiny flake. Meanwhile another part of the city while that was happening. Six girls were at the mall. They were Rainbow dash, Pinky pie, Flutter shy, Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset shimmer. They were busy chatting as Rainbow dash was trying to get a hold of Twilight number. "Dang it, she's ignoring me again." She muttered. "Any luck there darling." Rarity asked "No, it keeps going to voice mail. When ever I go to call. Its like something happed to her." She said in worried toon. "Well, she'll be fine as long as she keeps her geod with her or else something worse will happen." Apple jack "Not to mention the slowdown appearing and the distruction happening every time."Fluttershy shyly said in fright. "Don't worry Fluttershy. Its not like we can't handle it." Rainbow dash assured. "I won't joke in this Rainbow." Sunset told in serious toon."These incident are happening and are causing a Maelstrom all around the world and there not equestrian magic or anything. So I can say what ever is causing this isn't human or from our dimension." "Geez... No need to kill the mood." She muttered. Somewhere else in town, the weak core of 029 was left twitching at the top of a metal staircase. Sparks coming off his core every few seconds. "Ah…" he groaned unable to move. But in that second a pair of leather boots stepped down next to him, long red coat tails scraping against the floor. a Man dressed in a red leather trench coat that cut into four tais, two in front and two in back, with a black fur collar stood over the fallen core. His black hair swept to one side. "You look like you're in pain 029" the man said as he crouched down and pulled out a car like device that was all black but had a blue cobra head on the hood with it's mouth opened and it's tail extending around the roof and window of the little car. "Allow me to give you a new body my friend." he smiled as he put the core down for 029 to be absorbed into turning into a glowing blue orb. "there, that should ease the pain for you." he said happily. This man was none other then one of the commanders of the Roidmude forces….no he was their leader, the King's vessel, the Executive: Heart!