A Foxglove incident.

by PinkV5

Chapter 4

Thanks to the Princess, Twilight and Starlight managed to get everything for a hasty 2-week stay in Canterlot. At first, she worried her other friends wouldn't join them. Surprisingly, all of them relished the thought of leaving Ponyville for a while—the next day at the train station.

"Thank you again for planning all of this, darling. Sorry if we ruined the surprise," Rarity said, crossing her legs.

"Ohh, it's no biggy. It makes for a great excuse- I mean, escapade to re-visit Canterlot again," she said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"He-he, yeah. For the record, there really was a bug on the floor! You know I can stand those creepy crawlers," she said shyly. Having been caught by Twilight and Starlight in a rather "private" moment yesterday, saying there was a bug was the only believable thing she could think of. They both awkwardly laughed it off and turned away from each other, hoping something would settle this awkward silence. As if someone was listening, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

"Hey, y'all. Sorry, we're late," Applejack said. Behind her, the rest of the girls walking together with their suitcases in tow. And on time, too, as the sound of the train pulling in made them all stop talking and gather everything. As Twilight showed an attendant their VIP tickets, Spike offered to carry Rarity's belongings, which she happily accepted. To anyone else, including their friends, this was him simply acting as a gentledrake toward her. But, for the two of them, it was different, for every tiny action they did for each other now had a new set of feelings behind them. Once he finished placing everything away, a random mare who was passing by him "slipped" and spilled her drink all over his shirt.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. Here, let me get that for you, handsome!" Pulling out a small cloth and rather firmly pressing down on his shirt, unwantedly going lower as she did so. Visibly uncomfortable, he tried to gently push her away, saying, "That's ok, you don't have to." The mare, however, proved to be insistent on helping. Before he could say anything else or accidentally push her too hard, Rarity grabbed him by his hand.

"Come on, Spikey. You can freshen up in the bathroom," she said, gently leading him away while giving a stern look to the mare before closing the doors to the first class. As the girls discussed their plans for the destination, Rainbow suggested going clubbing, while Fluttershy preferred visiting a zoo. But their conversation came to a halt when Twilight reminded them that they couldn't make any plans until everyone was present, realizing that Spike was still cleaning himself in the bathroom.

"Spikey sure is taking a long time. Maybe someone should go check on him?" Rarity suggested. "I'll go!" said everyone, saving Twilight and Starlight. Twilight looked at her friends as they stared at each other like rival predators over a piece of meat. She glanced over to Rarity, who leaned away in fearful astoundment. She cleared her throat.

"Rarity, could you check in on him, please?" she asked, grabbing her friend's attention. She nodded, the girls sighing on the inside as Rarity got up and walked to the restroom. She quickly knocked before entering and closing the door behind her once she got an okay. The moment Twilight saw the door closed, she knew she had to ask them fast. "Alright, everyone! Listen up," Twilight said, slamming her hand down on the table as she stood up from her seat. "This is very important, so pay attention."

"Thanks again, Rarity," he said. She patted down the rest of the stain from earlier to where it was just barely visible.

"You're welcome, Spikey. Don't mention it. I-um-mhmm~!" she tried to say before Spike grabbed her hand, bringing their lips together. She didn't resist as the drake savored the taste of her. Rarity relished this tiny moment of intimacy, as she thought getting this close to him while on this vacation would become close to impossible. They stayed like this for a few more moments before breaking away, leaving her in a daze.

"You're very welcome," she said. Though he lacked experience in kissing, he made up for it with vigor and love. She chuckled before reaching into her bag, pulling out a towelette to wipe his face from her lipstick.

"You surprise me there. I thought you wanted to refrain from..."physical amity" while we're dating," she said.

"I thought so, too. But after thinking over this trip some, I couldn't stop thinking about how hard it's going to be getting to spend time with you," he paused, bringing her in until their noses touched, "being close to you like this. And, when I heard you knocking at the door, I...I wanted to get close to you again," he said.

"Aww~. That's so sweet. I assure you, darling. You and I will have time to spend with each other. Our moments may not last long, but they'll be ours," she said, cupping his face with her hands before pecking at his lips one last time. He sighed with contentment, parting from her embrace.

"We should probably join them now. I think my shirt's all good," he said. She looked down at his shirt and could vaguely see the outlining of his abs coming through the damp cloth. She blushed before turning her head and saying, "Let's. They might catch on to us if we take any longer," she joked, nudging his shoulder. The two walked back outside to their seats, and the rest of the girls (following Twilight's plea) did their best to show any attention to Spike.

When they finally arrived in Canterlot, they were greeted by a mare wearing a black suit with two bodyguards coming out of a limo. She said, "Greetings to you all. My name is Grey Tulip, and we'll be your escorts via Princess Celestia's orders." The two guards took all their belongings as they entered the limo, Except for Spike.

"Excuse me, forgive my abruptness, but may we get a selfie with you?" she asked him. Not seeing the harm in taking a picture, he gave his okay. One of the guards took out a phone and counted down from three.

"3.2.1. Pucker up!" the guards said.

As the phone flashed, Spike was surprised from all sides as the bodyguards and the mare kissed him. They thanked him as they got into the limo. Spike felt conflicted, not knowing how to respond. He rubbed his face and hurried into the limo, hoping to sit next to Rarity. He was too late as she was sitting next to Pinkie and Twilight. In the end, he ended up sitting next to the bodyguards. Rarity could only watch from a distance as she saw how awkward it must have felt to sit next to them. As they drove, the girls opened up a bottle of champagne Pinkie found and partied. During the fun, one of the guards tried to wrap their arms around him but was stopped by Applejack.

"I know y'all was hired by Her Majesty, but you should lighten up some. Play with us a bit," She said' sounding more threatening than playful. They said nothing and straightened themselves out. Spike mouthed a "thank you" to Applejack. She gave a wink before turning her attention back to the girls. When they finally arrived at the Hotel, Spike grabbed his and Rarity's belongings and dashed to the head desk. The stallion there greeted them before noticing Spike and directed all his focus on him.

"Here are all of your room keys. And here's yours, handsome. Say, are you doing anything later? Cause I go on break around five-"

"Thank you, but we all made plans around that time," Twilight said. She snatched the keys away and B-lined to the elevator. Pinkie stuck out her tongue at him before the elevator door almost closed on it. She passed everyone their keys as they reached the top floor. She told them to go ahead and unload all of their things before meeting back downstairs around six. They all walked to their door before Spike realized something.

"Uhm, guys," he said. They looked over at him next to Rarity.

"Everyone is supposed to get a separate room, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. Yours should be room 912," she said.

"Twilight. That's my room," Rarity said. Twilight's eyes widened.

"Oh no. I think I booked a couple's room," She panicked.

Spike looked at Rarity, who was biting down hard on her lip. Her concealed excitement read as animosity to the others. Before shaking her head and saying, "It's ok, darling. I don't mind sharing a room with Spikey here. It's not like he's a stranger or anything," trying to hide her glee. In the end, she sounded displeased.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked. She nodded before opening her door with Spike following her. As soon as Twilight finished putting up her things, she formed a Private group chat to explain to the rest of the girls why she really booked this trip.

:rainbowlaugh: For once, I would have liked it if we could've lounged out and partied without something weird like this happening.

:fluttershyouch: Did you hear how Rarity spoke? She's probably upset with having to share a room.

:ajsmug: Considering she already shares a home with Sweetie. She must have really wanted some privacy.

:twilightsmile: This might be for the best.

:pinkiehappy: Why?

:twilightsmile: If one of yall were paired with him...you know!

:ajsmug: ...Point taken. Let's hope they're doing well.

Back in Rarity's room

"Ha-HA~! I can't believe our luck," she said, hugging him tightly, jumping up and down together on top of her bed. She screamed out in excitement. They collapsed together on the bed, his frame beside her.

"Thank you, Celestia," he said as they soft laughed together. "So, what now?" he asked her. Rarity looked to her side, glancing at the clock.

"I don't know. We have a couple of minutes to kill before we head out," she said.

"Wanna talk?" he said.

"About what? she replied,

"I meant, can you talk? About yourself?" he corrected. She sat up, confused by his words.

"You just want me to talk?" she asked.

"Yeah. It can be about anything. Your business, how you keep your hair so luscious, stories of things you did as a kid. Stuff like that." he said, moving to sit beside her.

"You-you really want to hear all of that stuff. I don't want to bore you with my life history." she rubbed the nap of her neck, thinking he was pulling her leg. That was until he placed a hand on her leg, making her jump at the sudden touch.

"You're anything but boring," he paused for a split second, scratching the side of his temple. "Plus, it helps that I love the sound of your voice also." he finished. Rarity couldn't help but coo over his sweetness, blushing as she grabbed at his resting hand.

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you," she said. They both lay there as she shared her likes, dislikes, and the stories behind them for the next few minutes. He already knew some of the things she shared, but he didn't mind listening again. He enjoyed how passionately she spoke about everything. He tried not to interrupt her, but he couldn't help asking about a few things here and there. Rarity didn't seem to mind; rather, she enjoyed the fact that he was interested. Whenever she usually spoke about herself to other stallions she was seeing, they would tune her out or talk about themselves and their supposed achievements. This left her either forced to believe them or bite her lip throughout the conversation. But with Spike, their connection was far stronger, and the truth in their words was visible. Soon, her one-sided story turned into a questionnaire as she reveled in the attention he was giving her. She would have loved to continue, but her phone's alarm went off. It was signaling that it was 15 minutes to six. She let out a sigh as she shut it off.

"We should get ready," she said. "Who knows what Twilight has planned for us."

"Yeah, I hate to think how she'd react if something else went off schedule," he said.

"What?" she asked.

"Well, usually whenever she'd make plans, I'd be the one to double-check over it. Even last-minute things like a grocery list, but since she planned this in secret, I couldn't," he answered.

"You don't think she mad at herself for marking us down in the same room? Maybe she's upset because of what I said." she thought aloud. Spike held her hand.

"Hey, you did nothing wrong. Mishaps happen now and again. She'll be fine the very next day," he reassured her. "I know Twilight, and she can handle this."

Twilight told everyone that she marked down all of the fun places in Canterlot for them. The 1st one they're heading to is Canterlots Ice Skating Ring. Twilight said she remembered her parents taking her and her brother as kids. As they made their way to the ring, Spike noticed that everyone was acting the same as the people back in ponyville. All the rest of the girls got a glimpse of what Twilight told them over the chat about what Spike said that day. They unconsciously formed a bubble around him as they walked. When they finally reached the ice skating ring, he let out a sigh of relief. They slipped on their skates and played on the ice.

"Having trouble," said a voice. She turned her head to see a tall, green-haired stallion behind her.

"No, I'm just waiting on someone," she said.

"That's cool, that's cool. Mind if I wait with you?" he said, moving closer. She backed away, saying, "That won't be necessary. He'll be here shortly," trying to dissuade him from advancing. He ignored her, arrogantly taking a seat next to her.

"Come on, babe. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if-

"BABE! OK, I tried being nice, but clearly, we don't speak the same language!" she was outraged. The people nearby looked over at her.

"Alright, I'll leave. Can't imagine what kind of guy w-would wh-wanna..." he trailed off after seeing Spike arrive next to Rarity. The stallion felt his heart racing as he looked at him. "Holy Celestia. Who's that?" he thought to himself, little hearts in his eyes.

"Did I miss something?" he said, confused. Rarity looked at him and shook her head, her anger subsiding.

"No, I solved it myself," she said. The two skated away and joined their friends on the ice. While he was gone, Spike had bought a scarf at the counter to avoid people's attention. Around two hours passed by. Before long, nearly no one was left skating. They all decided to head back and eat.

"This was so much fun," Fluttershy said.

"Pretty cool moves out there, Pinkie. You gotta show me how you did that sometimes," Starlight said.

"Ahh, It was nothing...JK, I was awesome," she joked, earning a laugh from everyone. They all gathered their things and headed out.

"Hang on, I think I dropped my wallet," Spike said, checking his pockets. He went back to the ice ring to look.

"We'll help you look sugar-cube," AJ said. They checked around the ring to no avail.

"We're was the last time you had it," Fluttershy said.

"Maybe I dropped it when I bought this scarf," he said.

"Then we'll check the shopping stall," Twilight said. While the girls left for the stall, Applejack hung around Spike to help search near the ring.

"Hey, this yours," someone said. He glanced around to find the stallion from earlier holding his phone.

"My wallet! Thank you!" he said. He grabbed it and was fixing to walk over to Aj when the stallion suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Hold on, aren't you gonna thank me?" he said, grinning.

"But I did," he said back.

"Nah. I'm not talking about a verbal thank you," he said. Spike rolled his eyes on the inside. He pulled out a couple of bits, but the stallion declined them. Annoyed by his greediness, he pulled out a large emerald he was planning on eating later instead. The stallion's eyes lit up for a second in surprise, but rebutted this, too.

"Well, what do you want?" he asked him.

"Your number would be great," he said. Spike grew annoyed and walked away. The stallion snatched his arms and violently yanked him backward.

"Hold on now, we ain't done-" he was cut short as Spike delivered a strong kick to his stomach. Spike didn't even realize he did until he heard him whine in pain. Applejack rushed over after hearing the commotion. The stallion covered his stomach. He looked up to see a panicked Spike. In the stallion's mind, he thought, "Playing hard to get, huh? I like that." He rushes at him with open arms and a nasty perverted smile plaguing his face, ready to not let go this time. Applejack stopped him with a clean punch to his chin, falling flat on his back. She looked over at him, breathing rapidly.

"Hey, Surgarcube. You good," She said to him. Spike managed to compose himself and took smaller breaths.

"I-I didn't mean to...thanks," he managed to say. She smiled at him before tipping her hat down, her arm around his shoulder as they walked. When they regrouped with the girls, Applejack told them what she did before Spike explained what happened. Rainbow complemented how he made him buckle with one kick, cheering up the drake before he shifted the credit to Applejack. As they talked, Spike quietly pulled Applejack to the side.

"What's up, sugar? Still shaky about earlier?" she asked him.

"No...a little, but I'll be fine...When he grabbed me, I- didn't mean to. I didn't even realize that I kicked him until-" He stopped, feeling her hand on his shoulder.

"You reacted. I know you're still shaky about it all, but you have us for a reason. You can talk to me. If anything, that creep had it comin'. That kick of urse is pretty impressive, too. I could've mistaken you for an "Apple," she said.

"Thanks, AJ," He said, Hugging her tightly. Rarity glanced over from the group to see Spike holding her. She bit her lip in frustration and left for their room.

Later in Rarity/Spike's room

Spike and Rarity sat down on the bed and enjoyed the sushi platter room service brought up. Rarity scrolled through her phone as she ate while Spike watched TV. Afterward, she left to take a shower. It took about 40 minutes before she came out. The water straightened out her hair.

"It's all yours now, Spikey," she said, Looking at her bright-eyed and blushed Drake. She wore a see-through purple nightgown with pink undergarments. She grinned before taking the towel off her head and winking at him. He quickly got up and rushed into the bathroom. She chuckled and made herself comfortable on her bed. About 20 minutes passed before Spike came out, wearing a plain white T and some black briefs. Rarity whistled, making the drake turn his head in embarrassment. She motioned over for him to lie down on the bed.

"Well, today was...eventful, wasn't it," she said. He hummed in agreement.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"A lot better, that's for sure!" he replied.

"Yes, well... never mind," she said. Spike looked at her before asking, "What is it?"

"I just...I wish I stayed behind with you. I would have taught that creep some manners," She said, surprising him.

"He got want he deserved in the end, though," he said.

"I know Spikey, but it's the meaning behind the matter," she said, leaning up. "I'm mad because I wasn't there. You showed up when that jerk was bothering me, but instead of me being your lady knight, it was Applejack! I'm mad at...I'm mad at myself," she said. She looked up, infuriated that her desire was unfulfilled. He tried to say something, but nothing could come to mind. Instead, he cut the TV off and hugged her gently, looking into her eyes as they slowly fell on the bed. She strapped herself around his belly. Rarity felt her frustration subside and flipped herself atop the drake, smothering his head with her bosom.

"I promise to be your lady knight next time," she said.

"I'd like that," he said, popping his head from her breasts.

"Thank you. Now, can I ask you something?" she said. He nodded, his hands stocking up and down her sides. "Still thinking we're moving too fast?" He paused for a moment before continuing his massage.

"Maybe a little, sure. Do I want to slow down? Not right now." he said, rubbing his nose to hers. Feeling playful, she tried to smother the drake again. Spike managed to pull himself up, leaning on the headboard. He pulled Rarity closer to him, locking his lips with her once again. Only this time, he was bolder and more intense. She let out a few soft moans before he tried to retreat for air. Spike switched tactics and kissed around her neck, lightly biting her as his hands moved down her body. He massaged her lower back, occasionally using his thumbs to dig into her sides. She let out even more moans of pleasure as she surrendered herself to his work.

"Dear Celestia! You're making Aloe and Lotus' look bad, Spikey," she told him. He then advanced down her back, reaching her flank. He looked over at his lover, brimming with pleasure.

"Did I ever tell you I love you?" he said, delivering one last kiss on her lips.

She hummed in delight, saying, "You could mention it more."

"I promise, my dear," he said.

"Dear!" she said, surprised.

"Too cheesy. Or is it too bland, 'cause I thought about diamonds since they're so tasty, but-" She shhh'd him saying," It's perfect!" She slid down, resting her head atop his chest. "You're really warm," she said, nuzzling closer.

"You too," he replied.



"C-Could you share this bed with me, at least for tonight?" she asked him, her voice trembling lightly

"I'd like that," he said with a yawn, tightening his grip on her as she relaxed to the sound of his heartbeat.

"Good night, Spikey," she said.

"Good night, Rarity, he said. The two then drifted off to sleep, embraced in each other's arms.