Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1

by MasterKen1803

Episode 4: Princess & the Raptor

One day in the Crystal Empire, a dinosaur was spotted near the castle. Shining Armor galloped to the throne room, telling Cadence what's going on.

"A dinosaur is spotted near the castle!" Shining Armor informed Cadence before asking "Do ya have Flurry Heart?"

"No. I don't," answered Cadence then she gasped, remembering where Flurry Heart is.

Both she & Shining Armor raced to Flurry Heart's room, opening the door & then they froze. The dinosaur is already there but it wasn't attacking Flurry Heart.

The animal appears to be nuzzling her. Flurry Heart, who is showing no signs of fear, giggle as she touched the dinosaur's clawed hand & pets its face. Shining Armor observed the dinosaur closely before remembering who it was.

"Blue?" he asked.

"Wait. You know this dinosaur," asked Cadence in confusion.

"Yes. She saved me, Twily, & Spike before," Shining Armor explained to his wife.

Then Blue turned to them then approached slowly. Cadence held Shining Armor's hoof tightly in fear as the Raptor closing in. Blue purred curiously at them. Then Cadence walked slowly to her.

"Cadence, be careful," Shining Armor tells her but Cadence didn't listen.

She walked toward the curious dinosaur & reached out her hoof, trying to touch her. Blue cautionly backed away, thinking it's a trap.

"Shhh. It's okay. Easy", reassured Cadence with a soft tone.

Blue immediately recognized that word "easy" so she brought her head closer. Blue hesitated a little, then brought her muzzle close to the hoof. Cadence gasped a little & chuckled softly when she felt the leathery scales of the dinosaur. The dinosaur didn’t know how, but she found it rather relaxing. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling.

"Oh wow. She did it", Shining Armor gasped.

Then Blue pulls her face away from the hoof before chittering happily towards her. Then spear land between both of them. They turned to see a royal guard at the doorway.

"GET IT!" yelled one guard as the other guards armed with weapons galloped in the room.

"No! Guards, stop! It's okay!" Shining Armor tries to stop them but no one listen.

Blue hiss & screeches at the guards before directing her attention to Flurry Heart, now crying. Mistakenly thinking she might be in danger, Blue picks up Flurry Heart from her bed and runs towards the opened window. Cadence saw this & tries to stop her.

"No, no, no! Blue, don't go! It's okay," Cadence tries to reassured her but she didn't listen.

Instead she jumps off and landed on tower to tower until she & the baby safely landed on the ground & ran in high speed.

Cadence saw the dinosaur, running off with her daughter before calling out for her.




Episode 4: The Princess & the Raptor


While runnning in full speed, Blue stumble upon a small herd of Nasutoceratops. While thinking it's a risk to pass the herd without getting notice, Blue sneak walked the herd, quietly. While Blue sneaks through the herd, Flurry Heart started to crying loudly because of hunger. The cry alerted the herd & they started to stampede. Blue gasped and started run while carrying the baby.

Blue run as the herd almost catching up. One bull Nasutoceratops run passes Blue, nearly knocking her & the baby down. Finally Blue was caught up in the herd. One Nasutoceratops pushes her & another almost stepping on her. Then she sees a fallen tree on the left side of herd to take cover. Blue decided to crossed the herd but she & the baby were both knocked over by the weak Nasutoceratops, separating them in the process. Blue started to get scared as she calls for her by roaring. Then she heard her cries. She sees Flurry Heart in the center of the herd, crying while the herd run passes her. Then a huge bull Nasutoceratops closing in to her. Blue runs as fast as she can & jumps into the air & catches Flurry Heart before she gets impale by its horns. They reached to the fallen tree & take cover. Blue wraps her tail around the baby & hold her close. Even Flurry Heart held tightly to Blue.

(After the herd passes)

Blue emerges out of the tree & heard a train honk nearby. She again carries the baby & head to the sound. Then they see a train station, heading to Ponyville.

"All aboard!" shouted the conductor as the train started to move. Blue follows the train then jumps on the roof. Blue & Flurry Heart both rested on the roof of the train as they headed to Ponyville.


After reaching Ponyville train station, Blue sees the Everfree Forest, just a few meters away. She was about to take off when suddenly....

"Aaaaaahhhh! Dinosaur!"

A mare caught her & starts screaming. Blue immediately froze in terror and her eyes widen.

"Help, police! Help!" screamed the mare as Blue quickly picks up Flurry Heart and runs to the forest.


After the Mane 6 & Spike arrived, Cadence explained what happened.

".....and then she picked Flurry from her cradle and jumped out of the window," sobbed Cadence while Shining Armor comforts her.

Our heroes either sobbed or saddened by the story until Twilight breaks the silence.

"Don't worry, Cadence. We'll bring her back. We promise," reassured Twilight.

"But how are we gonna find them?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, can't we call Owen or Claire to help us out?" added Rainbow Dash before all of our heroes agreed.

"But Owen, Cousin Claire, and Maisie have disappeared after the Lockwood Estate incident, remember?" reminded Spike.

"Oh...right," frowned Rainbow Dash, crossing her hooves. "They would have come help us by now."

"So what do we do?" asked Fluttershy in fear.

"Well looks like we'll have find Blue & Flurry Heart on our own," answered Twilight. "If we find Blue, we'll find Flurry Heart."

"Oooh! A search party! I like it," Pinkie Pie cheered before Cadence & Shining Armor stepped in.

"We coming too, Twily", Shining Armor said as our heroes' eyes widen.

"What? Why" asked Twilight in confusion.

"Because Flurry Heart is our daughter & we're both responsible for this. So we'll coming whether you like it or not, Twilight", Cadence answered as for our heroes' confusion. So the Mane 6 and Spike decided to let them come.

"Alright, you can come", said Twilight with a smile.


After our heroes got off the train to Ponyville, they meet up with the same mare who saw Blue.

"And the dinosaur picks up the filly and rushed to the Everfree Forest", the mare explained.

"Thank you, kind ma'am", thanked Twilight. "Take care of yourself, okay?

"I will and good luck, Princesses!" the mare wished them the best of luck as our heroes headed to the Everfree Forest.


Night has descend in the Everfree. Blue is still carrying Flurry Heart around and she's getting tired. She then sees a junky-old school bus. Once she gets inside, she built a nest from the trash inside the bus to takes shelter for the night. She puts Flurry Heart down and wraps her tail around her & they both slept.


The sun shone through the window of the old school-bus next morning. Flurry Heart slowly opened her eyes, as she yawned cutely looking around. She sees Blue next to her sleeping while snoring out loud. She nudged her to wake up then Blue start to stirred and opened her eyes too. She yawn and sees the baby awaken. She nuzzle Flurry Heart as if she was greeting her, making the baby giggle and nuzzle her back. Few minutes later Blue exited herself out the bus to hunt but Flurry Heart nips her tail as if she was trying to make her stay. Blue lowered her head and licks the baby, reassuring her that she'll be back in a few minutes then Blue took off.


Our heroes, Cadence, and Shining Armor were sleeping on the ground in the opening of the forest while a rumble was heard and Rainbow Dash was the first one to heard.

"Twilight, wake up," Rainbow Dash wakes her.

"What? What is it?" Twilight yawned while rubbing her eyes.

"Shhhh!" shushed Rainbow and points out to the trees where the rumbling noises are coming. Twilight's eyes widen as she and Rainbow wakes the others.

"Rarity, no time for beauty-sleep. Wake up!" Rainbow Dash shakes Rarity then she wake up and ask "What's going on?"

One by one as our heroes slowly wake up, the rumbling gets louder & louder as if something huge was coming towards them.

"Get ready", ordered Shining Armor. "We don't know what's coming".

"Right", Twilight nodded, readying her magic.

"I'm scared", said Fluttershy, trembling.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. Mama Pinkie will protect you", said Pinkie Pie, making Fluttershy rolled her eyes.

Then it appears out of the treeline. A 7-ton bull Stegosaurus. Our heroes sighed in relief.

"Don't worry, guys. It's just a Stegosaurus," explained Spike. "They're big but pretty much harmless."

"Yeah, until they swing their tail on you", Rainbow Dash teases Spike, making him fold his arms and frown.

"We better move on", said Shining Armor as he and the group resumed their journey, leaving the Stegosaurus in peace.


"Ugh. I feel like we're walking in circle", groaned Rainbow. "We should have call Owen for help."

"Yes, darling", agreed Rarity. "He would have found Blue by now."

The group kept walking forward while Cadence and Shining Armor stayed behind. Shining Armor sees how sad his wife is.

"What's wrong, Cadence?" asked Shining Armor, worriedly.

"We should done something", replied Cadence, making her husband raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"Done what?" he asked.

"We should have told the guards that this was all a misunderstanding," she replied, almost crying. "If we did, we wouldn't be in this situation right now and it's all our fault. It's our fault that our baby is taken."

Shining Armor sees how sad his wife is so he putted his hoof around her, trying to ease things for her.

"Hey, it isn't our fault. It's no one's fault", said Shining Armor with a smile. "I sure Blue's taking care of the baby right now."

"Still, we should told the guards that Flurry Heart is safe or Blue is a friend or how I've tame Blue", said Cadence until Spike interrupted.

"Wait. You tame Blue?" asked Spike, curiously. The group heard their conversation until Cadence nodded slowly.

"Ooh! Now we have another dinosaur trainer", said Pinkie Pie with a big smile. "I'm sure Owen would like to meet her."

"But how did ya done it?" asked Twilight while Rainbow Dash and Applejack found something on the ground.

"Well I hold up my hoof and I said easy to her", Cadence explained her sister-in-law.

"Just like that?" asked Rarity, rasing her eyebrow.

"I...don't know", answered Cadence. "It's just a theory. Depends on whether she trust us or not."

"I hope she trust us. She should", said Fluttershy then Rainbow Dash jumps in.

"Hey guys. I hate to break up the conversation but Applejack found something", Rainbow Dash points at Applejack, still looking at the ground.

"What is it, Applejack?" asked Twilight.

"Ah found these two-toed tracks on the ground", Applejack answered, pointing at the footprints. "And they kinda fresh, Twi."

"Could it be Blue?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"It could be," Twilight answered. "C'mon, everypony."

Our heroes followed the tracks until didn't notice they're being watched. 4 Pteranodons on the tree stalks them. They snickered mischievously then follow the group.

Few minutes after our heroes following the tracks left by Blue.

"Ah think we're almost there", Applejack told them. "We just need to..."

Applejack was cut off when a Pteranodon jumped outta nowhere and tackles her on the ground. Our heroes gasped and turn to see three more Pteranodons flying towards them.

"Go!" Applejack ordered. Our heroes run off, leaving Applejack and the Pteranodon behind. She kicks the Pteranodon off in the lower beak and tries to join the rest. Pteranodon regains and pin her down again. It squawked viciously at her before it starts pecking her.


The group continue to run until Fluttershy tripped herself.

"Seriously?!" asked Rainbow Dash before helping her up.

Twilight shoots a laser at them but they dodged. She sees a tree which they can hide.

"Everypony, this way!" She leads them to the tree and they all hide under it. The Pteranodons try to get in by tearing the roots. Rainbow Dash grabs a rock and tries to smash them with it. Rarity and Spike both huddle together, screaming and Fluttershy covered her face with her mane.

"Twilight, what are we gonna do?!" Pinkie Pie panicked. "They're gonna get through!"

"I don't know!" answered Twilight. Then Shining Armor got an idea in mind.

"Everypony, stay here", Shining Armor said. "I'm gonna lead them away."

Before Shining Armor could go, Cadence grabbed his hoof.

"Please don't go!" pleaded Cadence.

"I'm be back." he reassured before kissing his wife in a cheek. He exited from the other side of the tree. He picks up a rock and starts yelling at the Pteranodons.

"Hey! Over here!" he waves at them before throwing the rock at them. The rock managed to hit one in the face while the other two heard his yells. Enraged, they squawked angrily at him before chasing him.


The Pteranodon squawked viciously at her before it starts pecking her. Luckily she dodged the attack and kicked the Pteranodon in the special part. The Pterandon groaned as Applejack yell "You stupid piece of....!"

She kicks it for a short distance before putting it in a headlock. Then she mockingly sings a lullaby at it.

"🎵Nice little birdie🎵"
"🎵 So mean and vicious🎵"
"🎵Time to put your claws away🎵"

The Pterandon loses consciousness and Applejack let go of it.

"That'll teach you to mess with me", Applejack growled before running to join the others.


Shining Armor runs as the Pteranodons closing in. He climbs a hill and shoots magic or throw rocks at them. He managed to hit one with his magic and other one with a rock. But third one was not with them.

"Where's the third?" he asked himself before hearing chittering sounds behind him. It was the third Pteranodon! Before Shining Armor could react, it pushes him off the hill and grabs him with its talons.

It carried Shining Armor for a short distance and throws him on the tree that the others are hiding. Shining Armor breaks a branch and tries to hit it. Pterandon almost stab Shining Armor with its beak when a rope ties around its neck. Shining Armor looks back and see Applejack holding on the rope.

"Ah thought ah missed the party", she said with a smile. She sees the other under the tree. "Are ya'll gonna help me or what?"

The group immediately came out and help Applejack pulled the Pteranodon down. Then they tied up the Pteranodon with the rope. Shining Armor climbs down the tree and hugged Twilight.

"Are ya okay, Twily", he asked his little sister.

"Yeah, I'm okay", Twilight replied.

"Where's Cadence?" asked Shining Armor. Twilight points under the tree. Cadence emerged outta the tree and hugged Shining Armor and kissed him on the lips.

"Ugh!" gagged Rainbow Dash in disgust.

"Awww!" Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike cooed.

"Well there's something ya'll don't see everyday", Applejack smirked.

Pinkie Pie was the last to get outta the tree. She sees a familiar dinosaur carrying an apple in its mouth.

"Guys look", Pinkie Pie called. "Isn't that Blue running?"

The group immediately look at the direction where Pinkie's looking.

"It is her", confirmed Twilight. "C'mon!"

Our heroes took off. Little did they know, the Pterandon that they tied up snaps the rope and follows them.

Blue runs back the the bus while carrying a apple in her mouth. Flurry Heart sees her and immediately galloped out of the bus. Blue chitters lovingly before nuzzling her. Flurry Heart start eating the apple. Our heroes quietly followed Blue and finally found her.

"Ugh what a dirty place for dinosaur like her", commented Rarity.

"Shhh!" Twilight shushed her. Our heroes laid close attention to Blue and Flurry while hiding in the bushes.

"Whoa!" Pinkie Pie accidentally falls down before Rainbow Dash grabbed her back. Then Rainbow Dash slapped her.

"Ow!" Pinkie Pie winced. "What did ya do that for?"

"Be careful next time", said Rainbow Dash.

Blue looked up suspiciously before picking up Flurry Heart and putting her in bus. Then she runs off in the other direction. The ponies and Spike peered out of the bush, looking around for the Velociraptor.

"Where did she go?" asked Spike.

"I don't know", answered Twilight. Then Cadence trotted out the bush.

"Cadence, what are ya doing? Come back!" Shining Armor called her but Cadence didn't listen.

"Everypony just stay here. I'll go with her", Twilight followed her sister-in-law. Twilight and Cadence trotted to bus.

"Cadence, you gotta be careful. Blue maybe friendly but she's also dangerous", Twilight informed her sister-in-law. "Only Owen can tame her."

"I know, Twilight", replied Cadence. "I tamed her once, I can do it again."

Flurry Heart heard the commotion and sees them from the bus and runs to them. Suddenly Blue jumps right between them, scaring all three of them before roaring viciously at Twilight and Cadence.

"Uh..hey Blue", Twilight greeted her. "Trying outta trouble?"

Blue hisses and walked slowly towards them. Twilight and Cadence backed away before Cadence stepped forward.

"Cadence, get back!" Twilight tells her.

"Hold on. I'll talk to her", Cadence reassures her. She trotted to Blue. "Do you remember me, Blue?"

Blue stopped hissing and looked up curiously.

"I'm so sorry about what happened back at the castle. It was just a misunderstanding", Cadence apologies before raising her hoof. Blue cautionly backed away before Cadence said the only word she understands. "Easy."

"What is she doing?" asked Applejack worriedly.

"Taming Blue", Shining Armor answered.

"But she gotta get herself killed", Rainbow Dash said.

"Blue, we know you're just looking out for our baby but you gotta give her back please", Cadence gets closer to Blue.

"Oh my! I can't watch!" Fluttershy covered her eyes while Pinkie's biting her hooves fearfully.

Then Cadence's hoof touches Blue in the muzzle. The ponies stared in awe.

''Oh wow!" Spike said. When Cadence's hoof departed from the Raptor, she looks back at Flurry Heart, whose playing with her tail. She thinks for a moment and then gently picks up Flurry Heart with her mouth & putted her right in front of Cadence. Cadence was so touched for Blue's decision but Flurry Heart stared sadly to the dinosaur. Blue lowered herself to her level and licks her goodbye.

"Awww!" Rarity, Fluttershy, & Pinkie Pie cooed while Rainbow Dash gagged. But Applejack nudged her with her elbow. Cadence reach out for the baby and then the same Pteranodon that Applejack tied up grabbed Flurry Heart and flies away.

Our heroes and Blue gasped before the Raptor starts running after the Pteranodon.

"That vermin! It must have snapped my lasso!" Applejack growled.

"Who cares about your damn lasso?!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "That thing got the baby!"

"C'mon, everypony!" declared Twilight and our heroes chased after Blue and the Pteranodon.

Blue and the ponies followed the Pteranodon as fast as they can. They can hear Flurry Heart's screaming in the distance while also hearing the Pteranodon's screeching. Blue alone follows the screams before finding Flurry Heart hiding in the hole of a tree while the Pteranodon ripping the hole, trying to get her.

Thinking fast, Blue runs over and pounces on the Pteranodon, almost rolling off the edge of a cliff. Blue and the Pteranodon circle around each other before both of them started to brawl. Flurry Heart watches in horror. Blue grab hold of the Pteranodon's beak with her mouth but the Pteranodon pushed her off and tries to stab her with its beak. Luckily, Blue dodges and jumped on its back. Then she impale the Pteranodon with her sickle-shaped claw. It screeches in pain loudly before flying in the air. It tries to slam Blue by tree to tree until it managed to hit her in the arm with a tree Flurry Heart is hiding. Blue roars in pain.


The ponies ran through the forest, desperately looking for Flurry Heart or Blue. Rainbow Dash scouted ahead, searching for either of them.

"Anything, Dash?" asked Twilight.

"Nothing. I've lost them" Rainbow Dash answered.

"Damnit!" cursed Applejack, stomping her hoof. "Now the damn bird's gonna finish them off!"

"We can't give up!" yelled Cadence. "We have to find them!"

"But they could be anywhere!" Shining Armor said.

After that, the group heard Blue's roar.

"Eep! What was that?" Fluttershy asked, trembling.

"It's Blue!" Cadence said.

"Wait Cadence!" called Shining Armor but Cadance running off ahead. "She's gonna be kidding us! Sh*t!"

The ponies followed Cadence.


Blue was thrown to the ground hard, making her groan. Flurry Heart watched helplessly before the Pteranodon landed to the ground, smiling even with its back bleeding heavily. It grabbed Blue's neck with its clawed-foot, strangling her tightly.

"GET AWAY FROM BLUE!" Cadence roared before shooting a huge laser at it. The laser knocked the Pteranodon off Blue and it got hit by a tree. Cadence rushed to Blue, helping her up.

"Are ya okay, Blue?" Asked Cadence worriedly. Blue chitters in respond. The Pteranodon swoop in and kicked to duo. It roared angrily toward them. Cadence and Blue picked themselves up before running over to the Pteranodon. Blue scratches the Pteranodon and Cadence threw a punch at it but Pteranodon gets the upperhand. It slaps Cadence with its wing, making her roll on the ground. Then it flew over to Blue and kicked her right in the face. Blue falls toward the cliff but she managed to hold on the edge. The Pteranodon walked over to her before it pecked her one hand, making her roar and lose grip on one hand. Flurry Heart whimpered fearfully from that. The Pteranodon prepare to do the same with Blue's other hand. Then Flurry Heart glared angrily toward the Pteranodon. Cadence gains conscience and saw what the Pteranodon's doing.

"No!" Cadence reached out her hoof. Then Flurry Heart jumps on the Pteranodon and pulls its crest with her teeth. Pteranodon screamed painfully before Flurry Heart yanked its crest before hit its face with a tree. Cadence run over to Blue, helping her up. Then Flurry Heart levitates branch and repeatedly hitting it on the head. Then she jumps the Pteranodon and glares at it. Cadence and Blue joined in. Pteranodon whimpers and flies away.

"And for good measure" Cadence levitates the same branch and throw it to the Pteranodon, hitting it directly in the face. It falls down dizzily somewhere in the Everfree Forest. Blue growls before letting out a victorious roar.

After a battle between Cadence, Flurry, & Blue, the ponies & Spike finally showed up and couldn't help but stared in awe.

"Oh wow!" Shining Armor said. "What happened?"

"We won", panted Cadence before Flurry Heart jumped onto her, hugging. "Flurry Heart!"

Shining Armor and the ponies run to Flurry Heart happily either hugging, kissing, or nuzzling her. Blue smiled from that before sadly walking away. Flurry Heart sees her before reaching her hoof to her, calling for her. Blue looks back.

"Do you want to say goodbye to her?" asked Cadence Flurry Heart nodded in reply.

"Alright. Go on baby", Cadence puts Flurry Heart down. Flurry Heart trotted towards the dinosaur. Blue walked toward the baby before picking her up with her hands. Blue & Flurry Heart hugged together then Blue shed a tear from her eyes. Flurry Heart cooed before wiping away Blue's tears. The Raptor chitters lovingly before putting her down and nudges her to go back to her real family. Then Blue runs off to the forest before stopping and turning around. She then let out a final roar before disappearing. Flurry Heart sniffed before the ponies approached.

"Goodbye Blue", Cadence bid her. The ponies and Spike smiled before something else caught their attention.

"Bye-bye, Blue."

The ponies were shocked. Flurry Heart actually said her first words! The ponies either gasped or laughed excitedly while Pinkie Pie yelled "FLURRY SAID HER FIRST WORD!"

The camera zooms out before showing the title labelled "THE END".


Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle.

Twilight: Hahaha

Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air


The CMCs run happily with a baby Triceratops, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck.

Blue looked up curiously.

The Young-6 stand dramatically.

And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop.


Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba

Rainbow: Whoo-hoo!

Applejack: Yee-haw!

Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha

Fluttershy: yay

Pinkie: Ha!

Rarity: Darling

Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab

Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what

The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close.