Dragon Ball Z: Equestrian Saiyan

by Kamen rider accel 2

Episode 1: Down goes Planet Vegeta, The lone survivor escape

Space. To the average person, it seemed to just be a giant void of nothing but stars and space rocks such as asteroids. Yeah, other planets were known, but due to the lack of atmospheres, there wasn't any life. They were pretty much just giant rocks floating in space.

Nothing really noteworthy.

At least, that's what people usually thought.

But far beyond what anyone could see, there laid hundreds, no, thousands of planets that had intelligent life. And the planet of the subject right now was Planet Vegeta.

Planet Vegeta was home to a race known as the Saiyans. The Saiyans are a warrior race. They were born and bred for one thing and one thing only. Fighting. All Saiyans had the job of going to other planets and eliminate all the life to make the planet…ready for sale.

One of the Saiyans most defining features were their monkey-like tails. And these tails did more than just wag around. Whenever a Saiyan looks at the full moon, the blitz waves the moon produces transforms a Saiyan into the Great Ape Oozaru, making them bigger, more monkey-like, and increasing their power levels.

But despite their fearsome nature, the entire Saiyan race, even the king and prince who shared the name of the planet, worked under one man. A tyrant, known as Lord Frieza. It happened a long time ago, but that was how things were for some time. Frieza assigning groups of warriors to conquer planets under his name.

However, that all changed today.

Because currently on Planet Vegeta…all Hell was breaking loose.

"Bardock was right! Bardock was right! Bardock was right!" A female Saiyan said as she ran through the halls of what appeared to be some sort of facility, as fast as she could while holding something close to her tight.

Much like all Saiyans she had black hair and a tail. Her hair was spiky and went a little past her shoulders. She had basic Saiyan armor which consisted of a skin-tight jumpsuit which was red in color for her and a chest piece which was primarily black with white highlights. This was Fennel, a mid-class Saiyan warrior and a part of King Vegeta's royal guard.

In her hands, the thing she was holding onto for her life, was a baby. A Saiyan baby boy that had hair almost exactly like a Fennel's and a tail but his hair was blue.

Why was Fennel running? Because currently, in her planet's atmosphere, was a large battalion of Frieza's soldiers. And even Frieza himself and his two right hands, Zarbon and Dedoria, were there, attacking the planet.

They should have listened to him. He warned them. But none of them, not even Fennel listened.

Listen to who? Bardock. A low-class warrior. Almost every Saiyan knew Bardock. He was the Saiyan known for coming back from perilous missions half dead. But he always recovered completely and was able to exploit the Saiyan only trait known as the Zenkai boost. An event where when a Saiyan gets beaten to near death and recovers, their power levels increases drastically. There were even rumors going around that Bardock was gonna be stronger than King Vegeta himself.

But ever since Bardock and his team came back from Kanassa, Bardock has been acting strangely. Earlier at the bar, he comes in with his body injured and bleeding all over saying things like "Frieza is coming for us." And "Frieza is scared of us, and he wants us dead."

At first, everyone just laughed at him and mocked him, including her. Lord Frieza being scared of them? There was no way. And why would he destroy them? The Saiyan race was some of, if not the best, part of Frieza's army.

But then the things he shouted started coming true. Out of nowhere, two Frieza ships went to the planet, one of them containing a large group of soldiers that began attacking the planet. And the other carrying more soldiers but also…Frieza himself.

Once the attack started, King Vegeta almost immediately ordered his whole guard to join him on an attack on Frieza's ship and demand the tyrant for an explanation. While the rest of his guard joined him in the attack…she didn't.

After seeing what happened before King Vegeta's orders, Fennel started thinking 'What if Bardock was right?' What if Frieza really did fear them? What if he really was going to destroy them? It couldn't be a coincidence that almost right after Bardock told everyone about Frieza, that this started happening.

So as King Vegeta and his guard were about to head out to Frieza's spaceship, Fennel slipped away with thankfully no one seeing her. Despite her Saiyan blood telling her to go fight, her Saiyan pride telling her to go stand up for her people against the tyrant that has ordered them around for so long…there was another part of her telling her to do something else.

To make sure that something…that someone was safe.

Her husband wasn't with her. He too was part of King Vegeta's guard. But unlike her, he went with his King to what would probably be a march into death.

"Come on where the hell are those pods?!" Fennel asked herself as she ran down the hallway while clenching the baby tight and looking in every room she passed.

She feared there wasn't much time. As she was running, she got an awful feeling in her spine. She wasn't sure how she knew…but something was telling her that…that…

King Vegeta had been killed.

She speeds up and searches as soon as she got that feeling. With their King down, her husband was soon to follow, she knew there was only a small amount of time before Frieza came down and do away with the rest of them.

And then finally, Fennel found them. The Saiyan pods. Spacecraft that are made for high-speed space travel over long distances and even long periods thanks to its stasis mode. But there was only one problem, the size.

The only pods that were still available were the smaller ones. One made for babies that get sent to backwater planets with creatures that couldn't put up a fight.

When a Saiyan baby is born, their power level is measured shortly after birth. Babies with low power levels get sent off the planet to destroy life when they get older on worlds that couldn't possibly have strong enough people to defend against even the weakest of low-class warriors.

But Saiyan babies with high power levels are kept on the planet to grow up to become warriors to take on higher level jobs. The baby in Fennel's arms was born with a rather average power level of 50, so he was to stay. At least, until all this happened.

Staring at the pod, Fennel shook a little. There's no way she could fit in this or any of the other remaining pods. That means there was only one option...let the baby go while she stays and most likely dies with the rest of her race.

She just spent a minute contemplating the option while staring at the pod. She had to do it. There wasn't much of choice. What would be the point if both of them died? At least this way, one member of the Saiyan Warrior Race would survive.

Finally coming to terms with it, Fennel took a deep breath and slowly placed the baby in the pod. "Goodbye Zen. Make the Saiyans…make me proud." And with that, Fennel closed the pod containing the baby…her son.

Fennel then went to the central computer that launched the pods and type in some coordinates. She didn't know where he would end up, but she made sure it was far, far away from any planet that was under Frieza's control.

Once she finished typing in the random location, she watched as the pod got ready for takeoff. And then, Fennel saw the pod take off at high speeds.

And so, Fennel lowered her head…and her and her race's fate. But at least she'd be sent to the afterlife knowing her son would make it out alive.


Currently, in the planet's atmosphere, it was absolute chaos. Explosions and the battle cries of many soldiers could be heard from the events transpiring. Frieza soldier after Frieza soldier was trying to blast and take down the single rebelling warrior.

However, it was no use. The warrior kept charging and screaming at the top of his lungs, taking down every soldier in his path one by one without stopping, and making his way to Frieza's ship.

This warrior was none other than the low-class Saiyan Bardock. Bardock was an adult Saiyan with black unkempt spiky hair that was standing on end, and his monkey tail was wrapped around his waist. He had slightly dark skin, fully outlined sharp eyes and a scar on his left cheek. He wore dark blue and green armor that had sustained severe damage and dark blue pants with black and green boots. He also had a red headband wrapped around his head.

Bardock had seen this coming, but no one listened to him. Ever since Kanassa, he's been having these visions of what he could only assume was the future. At first, he saw his son Kakarot as a boy on the planet he had been sent out to many hours ago, apparently training and becoming a warrior. Not a life-destroying conqueror.

But, he also saw visions of Frieza. Visions of Freiza destroying them all. Wiping the Saiyan race. Heck, before this, his own team had been killed by a group of Frieza's men, all lead by Dodoria, one of Frieza's right-hand men.

In fact, the headband he was wearing now used to be an armband wore by one of his closest friends, and the red coloring was from the blood he had shed.

Bardock tried to warn his people, but they all laughed at him and called him crazy. Despite the seriousness and truth in his voice, not a single fellow Saiyan believed him. But, he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was going to protect his fate with his own two hands.

He was going to kill Frieza.

As Bardock was charging, a large group of soldiers tried to grab and restrain him. But Bardock managed to get them all of them off of him by releasing a blast of energy from his hands, sending the group crashing to his planet.

But just as Bardock got that group off, even more, soldiers came to try and restrain him. But it was at this point that Bardock was right in front of Frieza's ship. "FRIEZA!" Bardock shouted for what must have been the 15th time. "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!"

"YOU COWARD! COME OUT!" Bardock shouted as he tried to force the soldiers off him again. If Frieza was not going to come out to fight, then he would just have to blow a hole in the ship and go to him instead.

But just then, some doors in the ship opened up slowly. Every single soldier started shaking and sweating nervously at the event as they knew full well who was preparing to come out. Bardock seemed to know as well and watched the doors in focus for who was to come out.

Right as the doors opened, an alien in a hover chair rose up from inside the ship. An unamused expression was on the alien's face. The alien was wearing basic armor, this version having shoulder guards, with a purple coloring. He had two sideways horns on his head, and his body had white and purple patterns all over it with his arms being pink and his tail being pink with a purple tail.

All the soldiers present could just watch nervously as they stared at the alien.

However, Bardock could be seen smirking. So, the person he's been calling out to finally decide to come out. "Frieza," Bardock said, confirming this alien's identity as none other than the evil space tyrant, Lord Frieza.

"L-lord Frieza." One of the soldiers stuttered as the group holding Bardock let the low-class warrior go.

"We salute you, sir!"

"Y-yeah. Long live Lord Frieza!"

Most of the soldiers started saying this or things similar to try and please the tyrant. The last thing they wanted was to make Frieza mad at them. Because Kami knows that making him made was pretty much asking to be sent to Hell.

However, Bardock quietly laughed as he started at the tyrant. "No way!" the Saiyan said as Freiza's expression remained unchanged. "You've lived long enough!"

"Actually it's been too long for my taste." As Bardock kept talking, Frieza directly lifted up his hand and pointed his index finger up and created a small ball of red energy above it.

"Frieza, listen up! We quit! All of us! We don't work for you anymore!" Bardock shouted as Frieza continued to hold the small energy ball above his finger. "You can find someone else to do your dirty work for you!"

"Oh yeah, there is one last thing." Bardock then started to create a blue ball of energy in his right palm. "This is for all the people we killed in your name! I wish we were never foolish enough to obey you!"

"HERE! HAVE IT!" Bardock then threw the ball of energy in the direction of Frieza while all of the tyrant's soldiers gasp at what they were watching.

Frieza's expression reminded the same, but as soon as he saw the ball of energy heading toward him…he smiled. The smile then turned to maniacal laughter as the ball of energy Frieza made started to grow and grow to insane proportions, mostly resembling a mini sun.

Once Bardock's energy attack collided with Frieza's ball of energy, it merely was absorbed into it. Bardock's expression changed to one of shock as he watched the events transpire. "NO WAY!" He shouted. He put everything he had into that attack, and it didn't even make a dent in Frieza's own attack.

Frieza just continued his evil laughter as he pointed he flicked his index finger. What resulted was the Death Ball launching in the direction of not only Bardock, not only many of his own soldiers that would be caught in the crossover but the Planet Vegeta as a whole.

All Bardock could do was scream as the attack collided with him and eventually Planet Vegeta. But, as the tyrant's attack was vaporizing him, he had one last vision.

He had a vision of a Saiyan that looked almost exactly like him with the exact same hair wearing an orange gi facing off against Frieza.

And so, despite the inevitability of death in just a few seconds, Bardock smiled and screamed one last thing…


And then, once the Death Ball reached the planet…


In a matter of seconds, the entire planet was blown to bits. All the inhabitants on the Planet Vegeta, Saiyan or not, were killed. Many of Frieza's soldiers were also caught in the crossfire and were destroyed themselves.

But Frieza didn't even care.

All the space tyrant was doing was laughing. Laughing at the show of the planet blowing up by his hands, but more importantly, smiling at the destruction of every single one of those Monkeys.

There were some survivors though. Prince Vegeta was very recently sent off on a mission of great difficulty, and some were already on tasks such as General Nappa and a low-class warrior named Raditz.

But, what the tyrant didn't know was that two Saiyan babies had made it away before the destruction of the planet.

One pod containing the Saiyan Kakarot, Bardock's recently born son who would go on to adopt the name Son Goku and ultimately become the Saiyan that defeats Frieza.

And the other pod, which made a much closer call then the pod Kakarot was in, contained Fennel's son Zen. And this Saiyan…was about to go on a journey involving things and abilities you could only see in the world he was about to end up in.

Currently on a planet far, far, far away from where Planet Vegeta was, or any planet under Frieza's name, was a planet known by its inhabitants as Earthland.

Earthland may seem simple on the surface. A rather beautiful planet with lots of land covered with life as shown by the continents having a green color to them as well as other features and clear blue oceans covering most of the planet. There was an atmosphere that could support life as shown by the uncountable amount of white clouds covering the upper skies of the planet.

There going through a road was an old man who looked in the age of 40 was on his way home, He was coming back from a karate teaching class. Yes this person isn't any regular old man but a black belt master who has his own school and teaches young kids to learn to fight.

The old man grumbled as he walked through the woods. "Those bums of parents they do nothing but complain. If kids don't learn fighting they will always become a pray." He grumbled as he looked up at the clear night sky. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky so the stars could be seen clearly.

"Well, at least it's a nice night." He said as he examined the night sky. He just couldn't help but smile at the sight of a night sky full of stars with a beautiful Moon to go along with it. It truly seemed like a perfect night.

And just then, the old man saw something fly through the night sky. "A shooting star?" He asked himself as he watched it go by. But then, something started happening that didn't seem to right. The 'shooting star' started to…

"It's getting closer!" He said with widened eyes as the 'star' started to come closer and closer into view. He watched as it got closer…and closer…and suddenly it seemed like it was coming right at him.

The old man quickly jumped and duck to try and avoid the falling object. He peeked an eye out to see if it had landed but saw as it went straight over where he was. And then in only a few moments…


The ground shook and a large explosion was created nearby. The old man got up and looked to see smoke coming from nearby, presumably where that object landed.

Deciding to investigate, the old man picked up his cane and headed to the crash site, preparing to face whatever the heck just crashed down.

After just a few minutes of walking, the old man found the crash site and was rather stunned at what he saw. There was a very large crater with a few trees knocked down. Looking inside the crater, the old man saw what had crashed. It was a rather small pod-like object, perfectly spherical with some glass in the front that he couldn't see through from here.

Humming to himself, he went in the crater and slide down to investigate the stranger foreign object. Once he was down in the center, he walked up to the pod. "What in blazes is this thing?" He asked. It was nothing he had ever seen before. It looked to be made of some kind of metal but he couldn't determine what kind exactly.

Deciding to get a little closer, the Oldman got right in front of the pod and tap it a little bit with his fist. And the pod reacted. The door opened up and crack and released some steam.

On instinct, the old man backed up and got in a fighting pose. Just in case there was something hostile inside. He watched and prepared himself as the door opened all the way and released even more steam.

The old man stayed in position and watched as the steam continued to exit the pod and into the air. And once all the steam was gone, the old man gasp what he saw.

Inside the pod was a baby boy that looked a few weeks old at most. He had a rather blue spiky hair for his age as it went just a little bit past his shoulders. "A baby?" The old man said as he walked up to the pod, right in front of the infant.

The old man just watched for a moment as the baby slept soundly inside the pod. The old man then slowly moved his hands toward the child and, without waking him up, picked him up and cradled him.

And doing this gave the old man a clear view of the child monkey-like tail. 'How bizarre.' He thought to himself as he watched it waggle around aimlessly.

As the old man held the child, he looked up to the pod that held the child origin. The sky. Or more specifically…space. "Did you come from…up there?" He asked despite knowing he would get no answer. "But that's impossible…right?

After a moment of thinking it over, the old man decided he would dwell on it later. Whether this child was truly an alien or not didn't matter. It was still just a small baby out alone in the woods without even any clothes on.

Humming a bit, the old man smiled at the sleeping baby and said this. "Why don't you come with me?"

Why not? He already had the baby in his hands and he didn't trust enough to just leave the baby on someone's doorstep. For all, he knew he could have handed it to a criminal. Plus, where he planned on taking the child might just be the perfect future home for it.

Just then the baby shook a little bit. The old man looked to see that the baby had opened its eyes a tiny bit. Seeing this, the old man flashed a kind smile. "Hello, there little one. My name is Master Den."

"How would you like to come with me to my dojo but what will I call you?" He thought then remember." I know I always wanted my son to have this name but couldn't...your name is Flash, Flash sentry." He told the baby welcoming Flash sentry to become his new student

And thus there was the start of this young boy adventure as he will soon grow up to face challenges and meet new friends and enemies and learn to become stronger and faster to fight. This is the start of his journey to become the Saiyan of the earth.