//------------------------------// // ponies? {V2} // Story: large bot small battles // by Status L //------------------------------// As an old unicorn pony was finishing up his greatest masterpiece an orange pegasus pony flew into the room to interrupt him. "Starswirl!" Said the pegasus. "There is some kind of giant metal minotaur thing heading strait for our keep!" "huh sorry what did you say flash?" Asked the old pony. "My hearing isn't what it used to be why I still remember the good old da..." But the pegasus interrupted him saying: "Shut the buck up you old horse we literally have a giant metal problem on our hooves!" "Oh sorry i just ust like to joke you kan be such an anoying pony when jou get all worked up." Said the old unicorn as he cantered out of the room . "you really need to lighten up sometimes, and it cant be such a big problem cant we just try to befriend it like we did with those sirens?" "Starswirl we banished them into another world and this thing has been scowling the entire time we suspect that the minotaurs are planning to destroy the one thing stopping them from taking over equestria! Said the sussy peg as they made their way dow the way tall staircase. "and why is your room so high up my cloud mansion is not even halfway up here?!" "Well flashy I can always just teleport downstairs you know." Informed the unicorn. "you mention that now? why have you not done so yet!" Said the floating pony very calmly. "Well you didn't ask. :)" said the corn of unification in a very factly tone. "What does double point closing Parentheses mean? And teleport us already! Stated our orange friend. "very well then flashy." Spoke the one lighting up his horn in preparation for the spell. Downstairs there was a bright flash as two ponies suddenly appeared there. "Ah Your finally here we need to stop this thing!" said a grey unicorn with a blue mane. "of course my friend Stygian how could I not come when I heard the minotaurs are laying a siege upon us?" asked the swirly beard. "So do we have a plan of attack yet?" "Does just get out there and shoot it with our rainbow of friendship sound good?" Asked a blue pony. "Great plan lets just blast it and get it over with." spoke an Egyptian ish winged peach. "Eayup" said mr. Rock. "Okay lets get out there and blast this thing!" Screamed the misty horn as they went outside to confront the ruffly 121 hooves tall sentient mobile suit. 'Huh? are those incredibly colorful short horses?' Thought the 18,5 meter tall mobile suit. 'I wonder if they are friendly. Wait I'm a giant robot I shall have to do my best.' That was the moment the seven pillars started charging the Friendship-lazer of Doomâ„¢ making the mech think. 'Nukemanureholymotherofcheeze that does not look good or friendly at all I have to do something.' Then the bearded unicorn spoke. "Begone foul beast we shall send you back to whense you came!" This did not look good for our mecha but then it had an idea. 'What if I shoot my own lazer but how?' Then it saw that the horns on the heads of the unicorns were glowing. 'Wait what if I try using my antenna like that?' this made its silver antennae glow a scarlet color as they went into a beam struggle.