//------------------------------// // Ponies....Ponies everwhere // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "No school still." I sighed, out. Don't get me wrong but this whole no school power outage crap, is starting to piss me off. Not just a bit I mean a lot because my teachers, are so 'nice.' That they still send me home work, and Twilight she gets no homework still. Of course maybe her teachers don't have computers at their houses, or maybe they just are nice. "Ok I'll talk to you later." I heard Twilight say. I slammed my laptop shut, and opened my door. "Oh hey Tyler." Twilight said, giving off a friendly smile. "Hey." I said, in my normally still tired morning voice. Twilight just giggled, trying to hide it. "What's so funny?" I asked, looking at Twilight like she was crazy. "Nothing, you'll see in a while." Twilight told me. I just shrugged it off, and walked into the living room. "You hungry?" I asked, looking at Twilight. "Um yes, I like those pancakes you made." Twilight told me. I sighed out. "I felt like just having cereal but I guess, I'll make pancakes only because it's you." I told Twilight. She gave off a smile. "Thanks but you know you don't have to make me pancakes." Twilight said. "It's fine." I said taking off my sweat shirt. I looked at Twilight then at my other arm. I gave off a weak smile. "What happened to this arm!?" Twilight asked me. "Um glass." I said meekly. "Glass look at it! It's still bleeding! Oh that's it sit down young man." Twilight told me, pulling me with her magic. "Come on Twilight I just got a little cut up nothing more, it's not even that bad." I tried to reason. She just gave an agitated sigh. "I don't care." Twilight snorted out, using her magic to slam me on the couch. I tried to move but she did the same spell as before. She quickly yanked off the ace bandage around it, she gasped seeing the marks on it. "A little cut up! A little cut up, you call this a little cut up? I think you're crazy, this looks likes you just ran through glass." Twilight told me. "Just hurry up and heal it." I sighed out annoyed. "Now you expect me to heal it? Really you just don't tell me, and you are all like oh just like heal it for me." Twilight said, continuing her rant. "Pretty much." I told her, unamused at her lecture. "You're lucky I'm nice." Twilight huffed out. I watched as Twilight's horn light up, she quickly placed it on my arm. I was always amazed as how my body looked brand new again. I sighed in relief seeing my arm no longer cut up. "Thanks kiddo." I told her, while seeing I could move again. I quickly grabbed her and gave her a light hug. "It's no trouble, I help out my friends." Twilight told me. I gave off a slight smirk, hearing her call me a friend. "Oh yea while we are at it, quit calling me kiddo." Twilight said pulling away from the hug. I gave a swift nod, and stood up heading into the kitchen. I started the stove and, grabbed a pan. I looked back seeing Twilight watching me. "You sure do like to sneak up on me don't you?" I asked, giving off a smile. "Well I just wanted to know, how you make pancakes." Twilight said to me. "It's simple watch." I said grabbing some milk. "Can I help?" Twilight asked. I nodded and she gave off a girly shout of enjoyment. "Ok what first?" Twilight asked. "Grab me some eggs, and butter first please." I said, while grabbing some cooking spray. I watched Twilight's horn quickly light up, as she grabbed the items I asked for. She neatly set them on the counter next to the milk. "What's next?" Twilight asked, wanting to help more. "Can I trust you to mix these?" I asked, handing her a bowl, filled with the eggs and milk. "Of course." Twilight said grabbing the beater, with her mouth. "Not to fast or to hard." I told her. "Rike dis?" Twilight asked, slowing down. "What was that?" I asked moving down closer to her. She let go of the beater and wiped off her mouth, which had some saliva on it. "I asked do you mean like this." Twilight told me. "Oh well yes that is much better." I said throwing in the mixed dry ingredients in. "What was that for?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?" I asked, until I looked up and started laughing. Her face covered in powdered ingredients. "Oh you think that's funny?" Twilight asked. She quickly grabbed the pancake mix and threw some at me, I gave her a playful grin. I quickly ran into my fridge, and pulled out whipped cream. I ran up and sprayed Twilight in the face. I watched her expression change from a playful, one to those of a competitor. "Um Twilight are you alright?" I asked, stopping from putting a cherry on her head. She gave off a small chuckle before she quickly tackled me. "My turn silly." Twilight told me. I gave her a look of questioning, before I found out what she meant. She used her magic and poured out an entire box of pancake mix on me, she didn't stop there she poured a gallon of milk on me to. I tried to throw her off, but she was much stronger then I thought. Well given she is a pony her legs of course would be much stronger then a humans. "Twilight my phone!" I shouted noticing it was covered in milk. "It's fine silly, I can fix it with my magic and if not I'll buy you a better one." Twilight told me. "No it's not fine!" I shouted, using my real strength to throw her off of me. I ran to my phone and tried to turn it on, only to find it was soaked way into the battery. "Why is it such a big deal, I mean come on we were playing around." Twilight told me, almost sounding like Rainbow Dash. "It's fine I'm not mad at you, it was my fault." I told Twilight. I sighed before I left the apartment. I couldn't even drive my car, the repairs made me want to cry. The price even with the insurance was crazy. 'Why did they even bring this piece of crap, back here it's totaled.' I thought kicking my car. "Well I guess I should clean up." Twilight thought aloud using her magic, to clean up the mess in only a few minutes. She went into her room and grabbed a book, she silently read the book. She stopped for a second, and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm maybe he had something important on his phone, ugh he probably is just mad." Twilight said, before returning to her book. I quickly threw the battery of the phone in the garbage, and put in the new one. "Thank you come again." The salesman said. "Thanks again you're a life saver." I said, giving off a friendly smile. I tried to turn on my phone and, surprisingly it still worked. I pulled up the pictures and smiled, they were the first pictures of Twi and I. I decided to make a quick dash home. It was all ready four, I picked up the pace. 'Oh man I've all ready been gone for, two hours.' I thought before I opened the door. "SURPRISE!" I heard someone yell. I looked to see a pink mare in front of me. "Whoa, what's the for...it's not my birthday." I asked, actually surprised. "Silly it's your surprise welcome party." The pink mare said. "Welcome party I've lived here." I said crouching down and untying my shoes. "Well we are welcoming you to...to.." The pink mare said, before she couldn't figure out what to say. "Um how about it's a welcome to my life with Twilight party." I said, noticing Twilight show up from behind the pink mare. "Oh yea, that's what we'll call it!" The pink mare shouted. "Friends of yours?" I asked Twilight. "Yes." Twilight said to me. I looked around to see two regular ponies, two with wings, and one with a horn. I scanned around a little more, and found two ponies in the hallway much taller then the others. They both had wings and horns. "Whoa this sure is a lot of ponies." I told the others. "Ok then, it's time to meet each other." Twilight said. I just stood there and watched the others form a line. "Pinkie say hi to Tyler." Twilight said. "Pinkie say hi to Tyler." Pinkie said taking Twilight's words literal. Twilight was about to say something, before I stopped her. "Let's do this the easy way." I said. "Easy way." They all asked in unison, which creeped me out a little. "My name is Tyler, it's very nice to meet you all." I said. "Ok this is Rainbow Dash, that's Fluttershy, this here is Pinkie I'm sure you know that by now, this is Rarity, the one with the hat is Applejack." Twilight said. "And the tall ones?" I asked, looking at them. "Well they are royalty." Twilight said. I was about to bow, after hearing what Twilight said, before being stopped by a hoof. "No need to bow human, my name is Celestia I am the princess of the sun." Celestia told me. "I am the princess of the night, my name is Luna it is very nice to meet you human." Luna told me. "I'm honored to be in the company of royalty." I said. "We are just glad, you didn't faint seeing royalty." Celestia giggled out. "Um Princess if it's not rude to ask, what do you mean by that?" I asked. "Please I'm off duty, treat me like one of your friends." Celestia told me. "Um, ok." I mumbled confused. "Well let's say some of the humans fainted, as with some of my subjects." Celestia exclaimed to me. "Who want's to party!?" Pinkie asked. She was holding some of my secret alcohol, as well as some of her alcohol.