28 pranks later alt ending

by Anonymous15

Chapter 1: Alt Ending

Thank You, God for helping me write this.

Rainbow Dash dashed to the corner, a tear was in her eye, she yelled "No, Noo, don't eat these cookies they will make you sick!"

The cookie zombies were trying to corner and make sure she doesn't escape. She hugs to jar of rainbow cookies. She said in a fearful tone, "W-wait.. I- I am a.. pegasus.. i can just fly away but they could maybe fly too.."

She was on the floor crying hugging the jar of rainbow cookies.

Then the "cookie zombies" stopped and started laughing and pointing their hooves at Rainbow Dash.. Rainbow Dash raised one of her eyebrow and said, "H-Huh? What is going on?"

The "cookie Zombies" wiped the rainbow icing from there mouths and started laughing. Rainbow Dash didn't understand what was going on and asked, "What is going on?"

Pinkie Pie said, "HA HA we got you, Dashie.. we pretended to be cookie zombies and scare you. It was LIKE SO AWESOME, you were scared and it was crazy!"

Rainbow Dash's right eye twitch and said calmly, "I don't get it!"

Twilight said, "We were pranking you back since we were tired of pranking us. I guess it worked very effectively and I think you learned your lesson.." she giggled after saying that

The other ponies who were part of this prank started laughing at Rainbow Dash. They pointed at Rainbow Dash and yelled, "You been pranked!"

Scootaloo said, "Got you, Dash, in yo face!"

Mr. Cake said with a giggle, "We pranked the prankster."

Spike felt a bit guilty about this.

Rarity stepped forward and said, "Darling, you should have seen this coming, your pranks are so lame just like you! You shouldn't have pranked us!"

Twilight said in a snarky remark, "Your pranking spree is over!"

All the ponies in the crowd started laughing their hooves off and pointing at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was embarrass and her face was glowing red like strawberries.

Apple Jack said to Big Mac, "Oh Big Mac, didn't we prank 'er good?"

Big Mac said, "Yup!"

Derpy was sad and ashamed she took part in this.

Cheerlie mocked, "Ha ha, now I have a funny story to tell my students."

Starlight Glimmer said in a snarky remark, "You are a great friend.

The other ponies except Derpy and Spike made fun of Rainbow Dash. (Poor Rainbow Dash :( )

Derpy had enough and said, "This is not right!"

The other ponies look at Derpy except Rainbow Dash since she was embarrass and she was trying to think of the situation.

Derpy continued, "Why didn't we try to stand up to ourselves by telling Dashie that what she did was not okay plus most of her pranks were harmless except for her prank for Mr. Cake and Cranky doodle donkey."

Twilight said, "And?"

Pinkie Pie screamed, "But this prank was so much fun and we scared Rainbow Dash so hard that she have learned her lesson. what is wrong about that?"

Applebloom and Sweetiebell said in unison, "Yeah!"

Derpy said, "Well, if I stole something from you will it be okay for you to steal my muffins? EXACTLY NO! AND DON"T STEAL MY MUFFINS."

Apple Jack said, "I am the element of Honesty and honesty I think this prank was well done."

Derpy then countered-argued and she raised her voice, "Well, were all those pranks worth embarrassing her in front of every pony in Ponyville, twice? You had the nerve to prank her but you don't have the nerve to tell Dash that her pranks were not okay and she should stop?"

Twilight said, "What do you mean twice?" she said with an angered expression. Rainbow Dash was smiling that at least some pony is defending her and not making fun of her. She wiped off the tears from her face.

Spike Deserted the room and ran to Twilight's house.

Derpy said, "Well you did this before in Mysterious Mare do well, and sure she could be a bit cocky but she had the nerve saved several ponies lives, she saved that filly that was stuck in the well, she saved those senior ponies from dying when the balcony collapses from below.. and to mention she saved that baby who was on a runaway stroller. You outshining her and trying to showoff was a terrible way of handling the situation. " The other ponies in the crowd, was mad at Derpy.

Fluttershy said, "Well I mean, Derpy is speaking the truth oh and Rainbow Dash don't hate me for this! Also, instead of making the situation better we just embarrassed her and made things even bad, two negatives do not make a positive!"
Rainbow Dash nodded her head and said, "I forgive you y'all!"

Apple Jack said, "We taught her a lesson and that is the important part at least we know that she won't be pranking us anytime soon!"

Rainbow Dash had a frown on her face.
The ponies except Fluttershy and Derpy made fun of her. Fluttershy and Derpy walked away they had enough crap for one day.

Rainbow Dash flew home, she was crying on the way home..
(Do not worry this story will have a happy ending and I feel bad for Rainbow Dash)

Spike was at Twilight's library and said, "Twilight and the others made a fool of themselves. I feel kinda bad for Rainbow.. I know what to do!"

He grabbed a peice of paper and a quill and wrote a letter to Princess Celestria.

He finishing the note to Princess Celestria and took a deep deep breath and blew fire. The letter was now officially sent.

The letter looked like this:

Dear Princess Celestria,

I came to inform you about Twilight and what the other residents of Ponyville have done. Rainbow Dash was pranking, everyone and well most of her pranks were harmless except for the prank she had for Mr. Cake and Cranky Doodle.

The ponyville residents pulled a prank and pretending to be zombies in order to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson. I think this was very unjustified, they could talk to her about how her pranks are not okay but they decided to be terrible friends and pulled a prank that embarrassed her in-front of all the residence of Ponyville. They also made fun of Rainbow Dash everypony

I hope this letter found you well, I hope you can talk to Twilight about her actions or do something.

Spike, Twilight's assistant

Princess Celestria got the letter was was very angry. She went home to home and told them what they did was not okay and they should apologize to Rainbow Dash!"