Cuddling Conversations

by Sunnydaze911

Chapter 2

1 Month Later...

“Alright Ms. Shimmer, just one more push!” 

“You can do it, Sunset! You’re almost there!” 

“Alright, on the count of three, push as hard as you can. Ready? One, two, three, push!”

A screeching wail fills a delivery room at the Canterlot City Hospital. 

“Congratulations! It’s a boy!” 
Sunset Shimmer lets out a draining sigh as she leans her head on a hospital bed. Her crimson-red hair with golden streaks was tied up in a short ponytail. But despite all of that, her hair is still unkempt. Her amber skin is filled with salty sweat as it sticks to her hospital gown.

Twilight Sparkle is near the left side of the bed, gripping her wife’s hand tightly. Although she wasn’t as sweaty as Sunset, her hair was also rumpled. She looks over to Sunset. “Hey, how are you?” 

Sunset wearily chuckles. “What do you think? I just gave birth to our first child during the past 6 hours. It’s pretty clear that I’m freaking tired right now.” 

Twilight giggles. “Right, should’ve thought of that.”

A small whimper catches the new mom's attention. A nurse wearing teal scrubs comes out of the right corner, holding a pure white blanket. “Congratulations again, girls. You have a healthy baby boy.” 

Sunset barely had time to contain her excitement, as Twilight swiftly planted a kiss on her cheek. Sunset giggles as her wife tenderly rests her head on her shoulder.

“Would any of you like to hold him?” the nurse asks. 

Sunset feebly attempts to raise her right hand, but luckily, the nurse sees it as approval and gently hands the blanket over to her. Both she and Twilight gaze down in wonder at the newborn in the blanket. The boy has grape-colored skin, and a small sign of his hair is indigo with streaks of crimson and royal purple. 

As Sunset and Twilight start to chuckle, tears well up in their eyes. Their laughter intensifies, and tears stream down their faces. The couple shares an emotional kiss before they both laugh tearfully and give numerous kisses on her son's head.

"We did it Twi." Sunset croaks as she gently leans into Twilight's head. "We did it." She looks over to the nurse, who’s also tearing up at the scene. “Thank you so much. This meant a lot to us, and we can’t thank you enough.”

The nurse wipes away the tears on their cheeks. “Of course. Oh, before I forget, do you have a name for him?” 

Sunset looks over to Twilight. She nods.

“Yeah," Sunset replies. "We do.” She looks down at her newborn son. “Welcome home, Gleaming Dusk.”