My chaotic wander

by Cocolove217

Happy beginning

“Come on discord! “ spike pulled discord from the window that he opened to plan an escape.

“N-no! I’m not going out there!” Discord was now clinging to the bottom of the window as spike and Big Mac tried to pull discords bottom half. Although discord was pretty light to pull, he still had a lot of strength.

Discord could feel him self loose control of his grip as the power of both Big Mac and spike was getting the best of him.

“Discord come on! She’s going to be heartbroken if you just leave her!” Spike commented as he tried pulling him more. Spike was bigger than a few years ago so now he could really pull discord.

“I can’t!” Discords claws sharpened as he tried to reach for the window more. But then he could feel more and more of him self being ripped apart from it.
Spike grabbed discords tail more tightly pulling it to the other side of the room. Big Mac pulling his torso.

Discords body was now pulled from the window and his body had flung all of them to the floor.

They all regained their consciousness and got up. Spike caught discord try for the window again so he flew quickly up to him pulling him away tightly.

“Discord stop! Fluttershy! Think of fluttershy!”

“Fluttershy..” discord uttered her name. He imagined a picture of what would happen if discord just bailed. Fluttershy walked down
The aisle but he wasn’t there to meet her. She waited and waited but no show of him. She begins to cry and run out of the castle.

“Oh I could I hurt her like that?” Discord sighed in defeat as the image he imagined went away.

“Exactly.” Spike said as he relieved his pull from him.

Discord turned to the mirror that stood before him. What was he doing? Leaving? Why? Fluttershy is his happiness. The one pony that sees the best in him. The one pony that has been with him when many were against him. She gave him something he never thought he needed. Love. Friendship was one thing but love was better. Love was something he cringed to. It was something he despised. But when fluttershy and him got more close, it was as if he couldn’t help but want her, and now..

“Okay I’m ready.” Discord smiled and snapped his finger poofing on the suit that was made from rairity. Because if he made it, it would
Have been awfully chaotic.

“Finally!” Spike sighed in exhaustion.


The wedding was beginning but discord still clung to his tail in unsureness. Maybe she will bail.. maybe she left. Maybe she knew what a bad idea it is to marry him.

He glanced at the window. Spike glanced at him and shook his head while whispering the words don’t.

Discord sighed in frustration as his nerves flooded his body.

The doors began to open revealing three small ponies with baskets in their mouths decorating fluttershys favorite flowers on the floor.

The bridesmaids all came out as well. The mane five ponies all matching in light green color of dresses.

Discords heart raced rapidly in his chest as he knew who was next.

The lights dimmed as the small signing ginseng tea bags flew from the door way making a beautiful song together instead of the same on sung for their tea party.

Discord smiled as he saw them. What a great memory for both of them.

Fluttershy could her the tea bags sing as well as see them in the room. She put her head down as she walked with her father leading her to the aisle.

Discord eyes widened to the sight of her.
He could feel tears be welcomed to his eyes. The sight of her beautiful self in that dress, her mane done perfectly, hooves dazzling, and her eyes sparkling.

“ she’s so beautiful.” Discord said quietly. Spike nudged him
“See what you would have missed?
Discord nodded but didn’t break his focus to her.

Fluttershy finally reached the end as her father kissed her forehead and went to his seat next to her mother.

Fluttershy went up to discord. He removed the veil from her face. Shy then placed one hoof in his paw as he held it gently with his claw over it.
Discord felt himself grow more emotional at this moment as well as fluttershy.

Twilight smiled at both of them and began to spoke:
“We are gathers her today to honor fluttershy and discord. Both have proven that loved can surpass the most biggest differences and be turned into something amazing. That no matter how different love is possible. Now if there is anything you both like to say to eachother go ahead.”

“Fluttershy..” discord immediately spoke.
“I am not the best with words but, I want you to know that no matter what happens , no matter how many times I’ve messed up or broken your heart In the past I want you to know that I’ll always charish, hold, and love you as long as your here. Which means..” discord pulled her more closely. Fluttershy blushed.

“I’ve given up my immortality to to leave a full life with you.”

“Discord..” fluttershy raised her hoof to her lips as tears began to fall from her eyes.

“Fluttershy.. you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.. you have took me from a dark place and lifted me to the light. You’ve stuck by my side longer than any pony ever has. You gave me something I didn’t think I You don’t know ho much I’ve longed for a pony like you.” discord reached his paw to crease her cheek brushing away the tears on her face.

fluttershy whipped the remaining tears and took a deep breath.

“ meeting you was unexpected.. I was frightened of you..but when I got to know you and spend time with you it felt like for the first time I found some pony I can share my deepest fears with… somepony who listens to me.. somepony who is there when I need him and somepony who knows me better then any creature. you opened me up to many possibilities and impossibilities. I love you..and.. I can’t imagine a life without Chaos in it.”

Discords eyes were flooded with tears. He raised his claw wiping the tears away.
“Oh fluttershy..” discord smiled warmly to her words.

“Now with all that being said. The rings. “ spike came around with the rings on a small pillow.

They both grabbed each others.

Fluttershy putting discords on his eagle claw and discord took the necklace with the ring on it and put it over her head to be on her neck.

“I know pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride!” Twilight backup letting the couple complete the wedding.

Discord pulled fluttershy up to him and kissed her passionately on the lips. As his lips made contact with hers, his immortality was officially stripped.

The both separated and smiled at each-other warmly. They didn’t care what would happen in there future it was a happy beginning for them..