Sunset Shimmer's magical adventures Volume 3: The Conclusion, Part 1

by Justafanfictioner

Chapter 2: Desperately seeking strenght

Sunset Shimmer had summoned everyone to her appartment, Including Stygian and the Sirens. She was obviously stressed and turning in circles. When the last one finally arrived, she sighed.

“You seem really, but really stressed, Shimmy” said Adagio. “What’s the bad news?”

“An anonymous source told me that our enemies are going to attack in 3 days” answered Sunset. “And that they will be infinitely stronger this time. To hope to win this battle, we’ll need to get stronger too and the only way is to awaken our geodes. Adagio, Aria and Sonata, see if you can upgrade your pendants’ power. We’ll need all the help we can get!!”

“Do you trust that anonymous source?” asked Twilight.

“I do” answered Sunset. “I met that source before and i know i can trust it.”

“If you trust it, then i believe you” said Twilight.

“So do i!” said Rainbow Dash. “And i’m sure it’s the same for all of us!”

“Damn right!” said Applejack. “Does that source also knows how to break our Geodes’ limits?”

“No” answered Sunset.

“It’s out of nowhere” said Pinkie Pie. “But would it be possible, somehow, to get inside our own geodes?”

Everyone looked at her with a surprised expression, except Sunset, who suddenly had a revelation. She took her journal and wrote in it. A few minutes later, she received a reply from Twilight.

“According to Princess Twilight, it is possible” said Sunset. “We just have to return to the place we found the Elements of Harmony on the day of a Total Solar Eclipse and cast the spell she wrote down.”

“There will be one happening in 3 days” said Twilight. “Sunset, didn’t you said that our enemy would attack us in 3 days?”

“I did” answered Sunset. “That mean while we’re at the Rock Carrier, someone will have to defend Canterlot.”

“If they’ll be as powerful as your source claim” said Stygian. “I doubt me and the Dazzlings could hold them for long.”

“They literally have two draconequus on their sides that can do anything with their magic” said Aria. “They could just teleport everyone at the carrier in an instant!”

“Cosmos and Discord won’t take part to that battle” said Sunset. “Tell them, you two!”

Discord and Cosmos appeared from a portal.

“It’s to make things fair” said Discord. “You’re already going to have a run for your money dealing with Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra, who all got an insane power boost. And if it isn’t enough, Moonlight and Sunny also got way stronger since last time. And Nightmare might be up to something, so you might wanna keep an eye on your more... Emotionally vulnerable friends”

Cosmos snapped her fingers. Stygian and the Dazzlings recovered their memories.

“The one behind all this is Grogar” said Stygian. “The Father of Magic himself...”

“What does he want from us?” asked Applejack.

“Our Elements of Harmony” answered Sunset. “He’s going to use them to conquier Equestria.”

“How?” asked Twilight, with a smirk. “I doubt he can use them even if he got his hands on them.”

“He probably can’t use their magic himself” said Rainbow Dash “But Moonlight certainly can. He was able to use my geode’s magic when he got his hands on it.”

“Indeed...” said Cosmos. “This is why Grogar kept him to his side since the day he found him. That is his sole purpose in Grogar’s plan”

“What about Sunny?” asked Stygian. “What’s her purpose in his plan? She seem to be a nuisance to Grogar more than anything. So why does he keep her around?”

“Sunny is the only reason why Moonlight even bother working for Grogar in the first place” answered Discord. “If Sunny decide to betray him, Moonlight will follow her. And without Moonlight, Grogar lose his only way to use the Elements of Harmony. He can’t allow that to happen and this is why he’s being so nice and patient with Sunny. Keeping her around also keep Moonlight around.”

“Well, that’s all we had to tell you” said Cosmos. “Good luck to you all!!”

She disappeared in the portal.

“Oh, one last thing before i leave” said Discord.

He made appear in front of the girls 7 different objects. Sunset recognized the Pillars’ relics at first sight: Rockhoof’s Shovel, Mistmane’s Rose, Somnambula’s Headband, Starswirl’s Hat, Flash Magnus’ Helmet, Meadowbrook’s Mask and Stygian’s Book. She looked at Discord with emotion, while her friends were looking at him with confusion.

“Don’t make that face” said Discord. “You’re more than worthy of possessing them.”

Sunset grabbed the book, but nothing happened.

“Oh right” said Discord. “They’re of no use to you right now...Because you have to awaken your Elements of Harmony’s true power first. Okay, bye!!”

Discord closed the portal and disappeared, as Sunset put the book in her bagpack. She gave the shovel to Applejack, the helmet to Rainbow Dash, the rose to Rarity, the mask to Fluttershy, the Hat to Twilight Sparkle and the headband to Pinkie Pie.

“Keep them with you” said Sunset.

“Those revelations, though” said Twilight. “Grogar? Never heard of him before...”

“He created us, the Sirens” said Adagio. “Along many, many other monsters”

“Manticores, Chimeras, Umbrums, Windigos, Yetis, Cockatrices, The Pony of Shadow, Timberwolves, basically every evil-spirited monsters, are his creations” said Stygian. “That’s why he’s called the Father of all monsters.”

“And if he’s called the Father of Magic, this is because he came up with the very first magic spell” said Adagio. “That served as a base for the thousands of new spells generations of unicorns would develop. That mean theorically, there is no spell Grogar can’t undo or use himself. At the exception of one...”

“The Elements of Harmony” said Sunset. “Their magic is the only one Grogar can’t wield and use, since the whole formula used to create them was a Starswirl original.”

“He’s relying on Moonlight to use their magic” said Rainbow Dash. “So, if we got rid of him, Grogar wouldn’t have any mean to use them!!”

“It’s Grogar we’re talking about” said Stygian. “I’m certain he have a plan B if Moonlight become unavailable.”

“Of course he would have a backup plan” said Sunset. “Grogar planned this for thousands of years and i doubt he will solely relies on Moonlight to realize his dream. Well, that’s all i had to say...Thank you all for coming. Reunion dismissed!!”

Everyone quickly left her room, while Sunset went to the bathroom. Meanwhile, at Grogar’s castle, Sunny, Moonlight, Tirek, Chrysalis and Sombra were training in a magic virtual room. There, they would fight magical copies of the girls over and over again, learning more from each of their failure. Tirek priorised on improving his martial skills in view of a rematch against Applejack. Sombra was perfecting a new fighting style, who would combine unstoppable offense and impenetrable defense, and surpass Rarity’s. Chrysalis, her, was using her shapeshifting magic to find out which creature would be the best fit to counter each one of her opponents. Sunny was working hard to master the abilities and powers of each species she assimilated. After that, she’d had to figure out which ones mix together the best, and finally, she would apply that in a battle simulation. Moonlight, him, was learning space magic. A couple weeks ago, he started learning time magic, but quickly realized how magic consuming it was to use defensively. Being the genius he is, he came up with the idea of concentrating his time magic on a single individual. It required a lot more precision and skill, but way less energy to cast. After mastering the time freeze, he worked on learning how to rewind and fast-forward someone or something frozen in time. This is by rewinding time on a dying bird that he saved it and continuing in the same vein, also used a fast-forward spell to accelerate the eclosion of an egg. He even once used a rewind spell on a rabbit’s corpse to see if it could revive it. To it’s surprise, it worked and the rabbit looked at his savior, as if he was grateful. But the rabbit’s joy was short-lived, because he ended up in a stew that very night. Back to the present, everyone had their motivations up.

“I have to be strong enough to protect her” said Moonlight to himself. “With time and space magic, i will be able to protect you from anything, even death...Sunny...”

“I have to get stronger, way stronger” said Sunny to herself. “I will become the Apex Predator...and submit any opponent who dare face me!!”

“Once i’m done with those girls, you’re next” said Tirek, looking at a picture of his brother. “The weak don’t deserve to rule...even less the traitors”

“Agreed” said Chrysalis, to his side. “I shall get my revenge on this traitor of Thorax, and take back the kingdom that is rigthfully MINE!!”

“And i shall take over the Crystal Empire, once and for all...” said Sombra.

“If you do take over that kingdom, could you hand me their princess?” asked Chrysalis. “I shall repay you very kindly if you do so. But are you just going to limit yourself to just the Crystal Empire?”

“I have no use for Cadence, if you want her, she’s all your” answered Sombra. “What are you going to do with her, anyway?”

“I’ll make both her and Thorax my breeding slaves” said Chrysalis. “With their DNA, and mine, i’ll make a new breed of Changelings that won’t need to feed on love, can use Love magic and possess a magic power able to rival an Alicorn. With such powerful subjects, my conquest of the world will only be a matter of time!!”

“And to answer you last question” said Sombra. “No...After i’m done conquering the Crystal Empire, i will force every leader in Equestria to submit to me. Griffins, Hippogryffs, Dragons, Yaks, Zebras, Abyssinians, Diamond Dogs and Storm Beasts, they’ll all join my Army of Darkness. And with such a large and powerful army, Equestria will be mine for the taking...”

“But didn’t Grogar told us Equestria would be his to conquer?” asked Tirek. “Every Kingdom you want to conquer, including the Crystal Empire, are part of Equestria.”

“We’re villains, may i remind you” answered Sombra. “Since when villains respect their engagement?”

“Good point” said Tirek.

“I definitively like what you’re saying, Sombra” said Chrysalis. “Equestria will not be his to conquer, it will be mine!!”

“You’re both wrong” said Tirek. “Equestria shall be MINE!”

“But we first have to take down Grogar” said Sombra “Let’s unite our forces to bring him down, then we’ll see which one of us 3 will rise out on top...”

“Agreed” said Chrysalis. “Against the 3 of us, that old man won’t stand a chance...”

“This is the most logical thing to do” said Tirek. “And if Grogar could take both of you out before being beaten, it would be great, since Equestria will be all mine!!”

“That’s supposing we beat those girls first” said Sombra. “Even if we are leagues above them in power, they could still pull out a deus ex machina on us”

“I only see 3 things happening to us if we lose” said Chrysalis. “Either we will get sent to the Limbos, be reformed like Stygian and the Sirens or be depowered and delivered to Princess Twilight, who will lock us up in Tartarus for sure.”

“I definitively don’t want to return inside Tartarus.” said Tirek. “That place suck”

“And i definitively don’t want to be sent to the Limbos, again” said Sombra. “It’s the worst place to be sent”

“And I definitively don’t want to be reformed” said Chrysalis, shivering of disgust.

“Then let’s win, at all cost” said Sombra.