Spike, Discord, and Secret Admirers

by Starlight Fan

Mail Call

Twilight wasn’t surprised that Derpy crashed inside the castle again, she definitely respected the blonde haired pegasus but she wasn’t really the most coordinated.

Derpy soon happily gave Twilight an envelope to which she levitated towards her.

“Thanks for the letter Derpy.” Twilight smiled gratefully as Derpy nodded respectfully before taking her flight out the window.

Soon Starlight and Spike walked in the hallway where Twilight was as Starlight smirked playfully, “Did Derpy show up again? We heard a thud.”

“Yep. It looks like I got a letter.” Twilight smiled as she held up the envelope before opening it to see the letter.

“Oh, it’s another one from my secret admirer.” Twilight smiled neutrally much to Spike’s shock.

“Secret admirer?” Spike asked curiously.

“Oh. You didn’t know?” Starlight raised an eyebrow to the dragon, “Twilight’s been getting letters from a secret admirer for a while now.”

“Really?” Spike asked in shock to Twilight who nodded, “Yep. Now let’s see what it says.”

Twilight then began reading out the letter:

Dear Twilight Sparkle, I know it’s a shocker for you to gain these letters but I must say, it’s hard for me not to fall for somepony like you. You’ve always shown kindness, compassion, and care when we’ve met. In the decently short time that we’ve known each other, I ended up falling for you more and more. You helped me at my lowest point even if I may not have even deserved it. You were a true friend to help me despite all the stupid stuff I’ve done. That is why I care about you so much. Love: Your Secret Admirer

Spike’s eyes widened in awe at the letter, it spoke like pure poetry in his eyes. Only someone with true passion would write this type of letter out.

“Wow. That’s a really sweet letter.” Spike complimented, still awestruck from what he just heard.

“Do you have any guesses on who it might be?” Starlight asked with a curious smile.

“It’s probably from one of the old friends I made in the past or a young student of some sorts from our school.” Twilight admits with a shrug before smiling warmly, “These letters are sweet but I kinda have my eye on somepony else anyway.”

“Fair enough I suppose.” Starlight shrugged dismissively but Spike did not believe that explanation for a minute.

“I better go work on some notes for my next lecture. It was a good read though.” Twilight told her two roommates before levitating the note to Spike, “Here Spike. I think you can figure out something to do with this.”

Twilight soon teleported out of the room, leaving Spike and Starlight alone.

“Y’know Starlight, I feel like that letter held a deeper connection to Twilight than she’s insinuating. No one would just write these letters if they weren’t connected to Twilight in some special way.” Spike admits to the unicorn next to him, “Maybe it’s one of our friends.”

“You sure about that Spike?” Starlight asked curiously, “It could just be from some other pony or creature.”

“That letter was way too heartfelt for me to believe that some random student wrote it.” Spike argued insistently, “It has to be from somepony close to her. What do you say, will you help me find out who did it?”

“Not gonna happen.” Starlight rolled her eyes, “I don’t feel like messing with this type of stuff. Sorry Spike, but I’m gonna sit this one out.”

Starlight soon walked off much to Spike’s annoyance, he could have used some help in this quest but now he’d probably have to find out the secret admirer on his own.

“Great.” Spike sighed, “I guess I might as well try to find out who the secret admirer is myself.”

“You know, you don’t have to do this alone.” A familiar chaotic voice was heard which made Spike roll his eyes.

“You can come out now Discord.” Spike crossed his arms.

Discord soon did just that by opening up the crystal wall and then closing it back up. Spike gave up on questioning Discord’s tricks at this point and just spoke up, “What do you want Discord?”

“Well Spike. I was in my Thinking Tree and I remember being made aware of how our mutual friend Twilight has a secret admirer.” Discord smirked playfully.

“Wait, you knew before me?” Spike asked in shock, “How?!”

“Fluttershy and I discussed it over tea.” Discord explained before noticing Spike’s raised eyebrow making him groan, “It’s not weird.”

“Yeah whatever. So what do you want?” Spike groaned.

“I noticed you were unaware of Twilight’s romantic letters until now.” Discord smirked. “That’s why I wanted to ask if you would let me help you to find out who it is.”

“And why do you want to help so badly?” Spike asked with an eye roll.

“Simply put. I’m bored and have nothing else to do.” Discord explained, “Besides, it would be so fun to find out if one of Twilight’s friends is actually her potential lover.”

He then grew an amused grin, “Perhaps the Magic Of Friendship would actually become the Magic Of LOVE!”

Discord then broke out into a cackling fit which left Spike unamused as he watched his good friend laugh hysterically. Once Discord noticed Spike wasn’t laughing along he sighed.

“So what do you say?” Discord asked bubbly.

“I’m probably gonna regret this but I suppose I need a partner.” Spike sighed before smiling and shaking Discord’s paw, “Alright. So who should we interrogate first?”

“Ohoho. I have a good idea.” Discord slyly chuckled before snapping his fingers and suddenly with a flash, they were outside Rarity’s Boutique.

Spike looked at where they were and sighed, “Really? I thought you were more mature than this.”

“Aw, but I thought you’d wanna see if your precious crush didn’t harbor any feelings for your master.” Discord said with a mocking smile.

“First of all, Twilight’s my sister, not my master.” Spike crossed his arms bitterly, “Second of all, I’m beginning to get over Rarity so you can stop the teasing.”

“Oh fine.” Discord rolled his eyes with a carefree grin but even then, he still knocked on the door politely which was a relief for Spike, at least the Draconequus had some level of decency.

Lo and behold, Rarity soon opened the door and smiled at Spike, “Ooh, hello there Spikey Wikey…” she then turned to Discord hovering above them as well and gained a raised eyebrow, “Discord? It’s odd to see you here.”

“Well Rarity, the thing is that we have much to discuss. It’s about Twilight.” Discord said boldly.

“What’s going on with Twilight?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Why don’t we come in, and we can discuss about it.” Spike offered with a polite smile, he figured Discord might make this as dramatic as possible and figured it would be best if they weren’t in public.

“I suppose.” Rarity replied neutrally before the three went inside and soon Discord immediately snapped his fingers and turned the entire area black and white as well as poof-ing up a table between Rarity and the two reptilian creatures as a means for interrogation.

“Seriously?” Spike asked blandly to the Draconequus.

“Don’t look at me. Black and white is the latest trend nowadays for interrogation purposes.” Discord said haughtily.

“He’s not wrong.” Rarity smiled lightly.

“Now Ms. Belle.” Discord narrowed his eyes at Rarity, “We suspect you of potentially being Twilight Sparkle’s secret admirer. Do you deny it?”

“Yes.” Rarity chuckled hysterically.

“Don’t you laugh at us, this is a serious situation.” Discord said, clearly offended by Rarity’s behavior.

“I’m so sorry but this is so overdramatic that not even I can take it seriously.” Rarity gasped for breath.

“Ugh. Screw this.” Discord grunted before snapping his fingers and bringing back the color to the area they were in.

Spike had enough of this and just straight up said, “Look. We just need to know if you’re the one who wrote Twilight the letter.”

“Okay, I’ve calmed down.” Rarity breathed out before answering, “No. I’m not the secret admirer. I think I made it very clear that I am straight.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that it wasn’t you. Thanks for hearing us out.” Spike smiled before giving a wave to his semi-crush as Discord floated behind him.

“That’s it?!” Discord asked incredulously as they left the boutique, “You seriously trust Rarity’s word so easily?! You’re more of a simp than I thought.”

“What’s a simp?” Spike asked curiously.

“Some creature with a hopelessly dedicated crush. I plan to get that lingo started, what do you think?” Discord asked happily.

“Oh please. That will never catch on. Also, I just trust Rarity isn’t lying. If she says she’s straight then she’s straight.” Spike explained with a shrug before smirking mischievously as he wanted to take a little vengeance on Discord.

“Y’know, since we interrogated my crush earlier, it’s time we interrogate yours.” Spike suggested with a grin.

Discord laughed before realizing who Spike meant, “W-We’ll talk to Fluttershy later.”

“Oh, funny. I never said Fluttershy’s name.” Spike’s smirk widened, “But please tell me Discord, how do you truly feel about your ‘best friend’?” He further interrogated.

Discord grumbled incoherently before saying, “If we go see her, will you shut up?!”

“Yep.” Spike nodded honestly.

“Ugh, fine.” Discord rolled his eyes.