//------------------------------// // Arc 11-2: Diagnosis from the Pie // Story: My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" // by SaburoDaimando //------------------------------// Diagnosis from the Pie “Pinkie Pie.  I’m surprised that you came back just for me.” Those words came from Sunset Shimmer, still bedridden and sick.  Pinkie Pie walked up to the ill unicorn filly, with Bright Mac, Buttercup, Majordomo Kibitz, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow standing in the doorway.  Right next to the bed were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Adagio Dazzle.  “Oh you have no idea,” Pinkie Pie said.  “Normally, I was just gonna let you rest and relax.  But Twilight wanted to make sure you’re alright.” “Twilight did?” Sunset Shimmer said. Celestia looked down at her adopted daughter and said “Twilight Sparkle has this thing for the well-being of others.  It’s been like this recently.” “Did Wanda’s hospitalization have to do with all of this?” Sunset asked. “It might have,” Princess Luna responded. “But another theory of mine was when she witnessed Princess Celestia’s near death experience at the hooves of Queen Chrysalis.” “But wait,” Sunset said.  “Why would you come along when Twilight was concerned for me?” “Because,” Pinkie Pie said with a grin.  “Twilight wanted to check up on you.  But I insisted on doing that in her place.  She insisted on doing so and wouldn’t stop whining about it.” “But you wanted to do this because you’re the incarnation of Discord,” Sunset joked. “I would have done so regardless,” Pinkie Pie replied. “Oh real cute, Pinkie,” Sunset laughed.  “And I take it you have a diagnosis about me.” “But of course,” Pinkie Pie said as she pulled up a clipboard and began to jolt down notes.  “Besides the illness, you suffer from a fear of being alone, without your friends, and without your sisters.  And not just Wanda or Cadance.” Sunset looked at Adagio Dazzle before turning towards Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, all while the latter waved back at her. “Wait,” Sunset said.  “You’re saying they’re also my sisters?” “But of course,” Pinkie Pie said.  “After all, sisters don’t need to be directly related to qualify.” Sunset laughed and said “Wow.  I didn’t realize that.” “Me?”  Adagio Dazzle said.  “Sister of Sunset?”  Adagio let out a raspberry and said “That’s something I didn’t even expect.” “It’s as I said,” Pinkie Pie said.  “If sisters care for one another, then why does it have to be directly related?  Even colts can be brothers the same way.” “Maybe that means I can be your sister,” Sunset asked with an innocent look in her eyes. Pinkie looked down at Sunset and said “My child.  Don’t push yer luck.” The words of both Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie were enough to cause Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to laugh.  Even Adagio Dazzle couldn’t hold in her laughter.  But as Celestia and Luna’s laughter started to fade, Bright Mac walked up to Princess Celestia and whispered in her ear. “Are you sure about that?” Princess Celestia asked. “We can look after her while you and Luna take care of looking after the kingdom,” Bright Mac said. “But what if she transforms again?” Princess Luna asked. “Then I have a backup plan, just in case,” Princess Celestia said as she cast a spell in her mane and pulled out a sparkling stone. “What is that?” Bright Mac asked. Princess Celestia levitated the stone in front of Bright Mac and said “This jewel contains a fraction of my magic.  If Sunset is forced into her demon form, use this on her forehead to change her back.” Buttercup walked up to Bright Mac and said “I hope this can help out.  We may have experience raising younglings.  But Sunset Shimmer may be a different matter.” Bright Mac held out his hoof, allowing Celestia to place the sparkling stone on his hoof.  He looked down and said “It’s better than having no plan at all.  We’ll do it.” With that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked towards the entrance of the bedroom with Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Cozy Glow and Majordomo Kibitz moving out of the way. “We have some tasks to take care of,” Princess Celestia said.  “Which unfortunately means having to put up with the Equestrian Senate.” “Though judging Sunset’s illness and her curse,” Princess Luna said.  “I’d say a trip to the golden land may be necessary.” “Golden land?” Aria Blaze asked. “We’ll discuss this later today,” Princess Celestia said.  “But for now, take care and be on your best behavior.” With that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked down the hallway until they disappeared through another doorway.  Aria, Sonata, Cozy and Kibitz watched on before turning towards each other. “I have never heard of this Golden Land before,” Cozy Glow said. “Neither have I,” Sonata Dusk responded. “Oh it’s a place that’s perfect for healing the mind and body,” Kibitz stated.  “Only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know how to access it.  Unfortunately, when Wanda got sick, there was no way to take her there.” “That explains why Wanda had to be in the hospital,” Cozy Glow said.  “If what you said is true, then they could have used the Golden Land to heal Wanda of her illness.” But before anyone could say anything, they overheard the sound of Sunset Shimmer groaning in pain.  The group went inside and saw Sunset Shimmer start to transform into a demon once more.  Bright Mac had his eyes focused on the sparkling stone before shifting it back to Sunset while Adagio, Pinkie Pie and Buttercup watched in horror. “Sunset,” Aria Blaze yelled. Kibitz turned to Bright Mac and said “Now.  Use the jewel.” Bright Mac held the jewel in his hoof before he said “You don’t need to remind me.  I know just what to do.” As Sunset Shimmer struggled to hold back turning into a demon, Bright Mac ran up to the sick filly and placed the stone on her forehead.  “Be gone, foul demon,” Bright Mac said.  “And do not disturb Sunset Shimmer again.” The sparkling stone glowed brightly, filling the room with light.  The demon form of Sunset Shimmer receded, turning her back into her former self.  Bright Mac breathed a sigh of relief before removing the stone from Sunset’s head. “Guess being sick wasn’t enough to keep it back,” Sunset Shimmer said. “What matters is that you’re back,” Bright Mac said, holding the sparkling stone.  “And what matters is that you’re safe, even despite your illness.” “Don’t worry,” Buttercup said.  “While your mother and aunt are gone, we’ll look after you.” “Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said.  “You will always be in good hooves, no matter who.” “I hope you’re right,” Sunset said with a sniffle.  “I don’t know how long I can handle this demon form.” “Well as long as he has that jewel that Princess Celestia gave him,” Adagio Dazzle said.  “You should be alright.  Besides, we’re not going to leave your side this time.” “She’s right,” Bright Mac said.  “You have friends and family who support you.  And we won’t leave your side.” “Are you sure about that?” Sunset said before coughing into her hoof.  “I don’t want you to get sick after your leg just healed.” “Don’t worry about me,” Bright Mac said.  “I can handle a broken leg, and I can handle being sick.  Nothing can take me out.” Sunset Shimmer laughed before letting out a small sneeze, causing everyone else to laugh out loud. “All that time I spent away from Sunset,” Adagio laughed.  “I think I missed way too much.” “There’s nothing wrong with a little laughter,” Pinkie Pie said.  “After all, laughter is medicine for the soul.” “Medicine for the soul?” Adagio Dazzle asked. “Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said.  “Sometimes we need to brush all that gloominess away, and it takes a bit of laughter to do just that.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Adagio Dazzle replied. Nearby at the doorway, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Cozy Glow and Majordomo Kibitz were also laughing out a bit, though not as loud as everyone in the room. “It really doesn’t take much from Sunset to get everyone laughing,” Aria Blaze said. “Oh?” Cozy Glow asked. “Back when she was in the same orphanage as the rest of us,” Sonata Dusk said.  “Sunset Shimmer used to make us all laugh.  Some called her the orphan clown of the group.  Even the matrons found her funny.” “Quite a fascinating origin story from Sunset Shimmer,” Majordomo Kibitz said.  “It’s a shame that her happiness there ended when she transformed into that demon and tore right into the orphanage.” “Yeah,” Sonata Dusk said.  “Truth be told, I wish it didn’t happen.  But at the same time, it would have meant Sunset Shimmer would have never become a princess, nor met her sister Wanda.” But as the group were about to walk in, Adagio Dazzle walked up to her sisters, Cozy Glow and the Majordomo. “I think we should give Sunset Shimmer some time to rest,” Adagio Dazzle said.  “Bright Mac and Buttercup said they’ll look after her.” “What about Pinkie Pie?” Cozy Glow asked. Adagio turned towards Sunset Shimmer, where Pinkie Pie stood by her bed and looked at her. “You sure you’re going to be alright?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I’ll be fine,  Pinkie,” Sunset said.  “I bet Twilight is worried sick about you.” “Aww,” Pinkie Pie said, looking a bit dejected.  “And I wanted to make sure Twilight worried less.” “Then tell her this,” Sunset said.  “She doesn’t need to worry about me.  I’ve been in far worse situations than being sick.   And she has my word.” Pinkie Pie nodded.  She walked away from the bed and towards the rest of the fillies.  But she turned towards Sunset and waved at her. “Promise me you’ll get better,” Pinkie Pie said. “You better believe it,” Sunset Shimmer replied. And with that, Pinkie Pie nodded before following Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow out of the room.  Majordomo Kibitz nodded to Sunset Shimmer before following the fillies out of the room. “Once I get better,” Sunset Shimmer said.  “I’m going to be playing with my friends for who knows how long.  Especially Wanda and the Dazzlings.” “Sounds like you have a strong connection with your sister,” Buttercup said. “More like sisters,” Sunset said.  “Wanda may be my youngest sister.  But I also consider the Dazzlings to be sisters in their own right.  And while I do miss the days of the orphanage, I’m glad they’re living here.” “Well as long as they’re by your side,” Bright Mac said.  “You’ll never be alone.  You have friends and family who are here to look out for you.” “Even if I am sick?” Sunset asked. “Even if you are sick,” Bright Mac said with a laugh. Later that day in the royal courtyard, Pinkie Pie, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow laid down in the grass, looking up at the sky. “Hey Pinkie,” Adagio said.  “I have a question to ask.” “Fire away,” Pinkie Pie said. “You claim to be the reincarnation of Discord,” Adagio asked.  “Why do you believe that?” “Well believe it or not,” Pinkie Pie said.  “I have this special sense that allows me to detect anything from the future.  Some call it a Chaos Sense and many in La Maresa refer to me as the reincarnation of Discord.” “They do?” Adagio Dazzle said, getting up from the grass. “That sounds like a major conspiracy,” Aria Blaze replied. “Not really,” Pinkie Pie said.  “Sometimes, I conjure these kinds of powers up.  Case in point.” Pinkie Pie reaches her hoof into her mane and pulls out a cupcake.  She holds it in front of Adagio, who takes the treat. “Enjoy,” Pinkie Pie said. Adagio Dazzle took a bite out of the cupcake, and her face popped out a bit.  She swallowed before taking a bigger bite, chewing with delight. “Wow,” Adagio Dazzle said.  “How did you know I like double chocolate fudge?” “Guess.” Pinkie Pie said. “Even I can’t seem to understand Pinkie Pie,” Cozy Glow said.  “She’s an enigma who would baffle modern day psychologists.” “Psychologists?” Sonata Dusk laughed.  “Are you nuts?  They’re all hoarse.” Aria Blaze just laughed before she said “That was completely random, sis.  I didn’t expect you to say that.”  Soon, Adagio, Cozy and Pinkie were all laughing it up. “Surprisingly,” Pinkie Pie laughed.  “I understand that reference.  And I’m afraid to tell you where it came from.” “You don’t need to tell us,” Cozy Glow laughed.  “I’d rather we didn’t know.” Pinkie Pie wiped a tear from her eye as her laughter began to recede.  She got up on her four hooves and stretched out her legs. “Hey wait,” Adagio said.  “You’re about to go?” “I have to depart,” Pinkie Pie said.  “I think Twilight might be worried about me.  And besides, there might be other friends that could use my guidance.” “Hey do yourself a favor and be careful,” Aria Blaze said.  “Word has it that the Predacon Brothers are still in Canterlot.” “Oh I’m aware of them,” Pinkie Pie said.  “They want Wanda because of her magic potential, and they want Sunset because of her adoption ties to the Royal Family.  But they want Twilight because of Queen Chrysalis’ revenge.” “So,” Sonata Dusk said.  “Are you going to give them what they deserve?” “Oh if they mess with Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said.  “Then they mess with me.  Anyway, catch ya on the flip side.” With that, Pinkie Pie bounced down towards the gate, leaving Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Cozy to stare back up in the sky. “That pony is an enigma, wrapped up in a sugary sweet layer,” Aria Blaze said. “That may be true,” Adagio Dazzle said. “But at the same time, she sounds like one of the most helpful ponies ever.” “What if I told you three that she could easily handle those changeling Predacons?” Cozy Glow said. “Wait,” Adagio said, sitting right up and looking at Cozy Glow.  “She could handle the Predacons?” “Let’s just say she helped out when the changelings and the Windigo’s Guild attacked us during the Grand Gallopin Gala,” Cozy Glow explained.   “That reminds me,” Sonata Dusk said.  “We did experience some changelings breaking into the orphanage ruins during that night.  One of them pretended to be Sunset Shimmer.” “Yeah,” Adagio Dazzle said.  “But while I was in a sad mood during that time, I knew that changeling wasn’t Sunset Shimmer for three reasons.  One, I was still hurt for what I did to her.  Two, the fake Sunset who approached me sounded more optimistic despite the swarm.  And three, I assumed that she was trying to stay safe in the castle during the invasion.” “Well you weren’t kidding,” Cozy Glow said.  “Sunset, most of our friends, and even I were stuck in the castle with the changelings and cultists in pursuit during the invasion.  But even despite their numbers, we were able to fight back.” “It was that bad, huh?” Adagio asked. “It was,” Cozy Glow said.   Meanwhile, near the walls of the castle, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator peeked over, looking at Cozy Glow talking with the Dazzlings. “Do you see that?” Quickstrike said.  “Four little fillies, ready to be plucked from the garden.” “It’s tempting, but it’s not our goal,” Inferno replied.  “Right now, we follow that pink filly to where Twilight Sparkle is.” “Aww,” Quickstrike said.  “But I want to kidnap one of those little brats for a consolation prize.” “We’ll worry about that later,” Inferno explained.  “We are under orders from the queen to kidnap Twilight Sparkle and bring her back, so she may punish her.” “Waspinator like that idea,” Waspinator said.  “At least not surrounded by endless fillies and colts, ready to tear us apart.” “And most likely,” Inferno said.  “Twilight Sparkle will have fewer ponies surrounding her.  So capturing her will be a breeze.” “Oooh, give us the signal, big bro,” Quickstrike said in anticipation.  “I’m ready to kick some keister and bring Twilight back to the boss.” “Then let us be on our way,” Inferno said.  “Follow that pink pony to Twilight Sparkle, and bring her to the colony.  For the glory of the royalty.” With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator transformed into three separate pegasi and ran through the streets of Canterlot, hoping to capture Twilight Sparkle. “If we Predacons capture Twilight bug,” Waspinator said.  “Then maybe Queen Chrysalis will give us a vacation in Kludgetown.  Best place for drinks and random fights.  Waspinator miss that place.” To Be Continued in Arc 12: A Doggone Afternoon Danged Spell’s wolf blues