//------------------------------// // Battle Negotiations // Story: Battle Negotiations // by pubbyrot //------------------------------// The prarie at sunset was barren, but hot against Tianhuo's skin, and far favorable compared to the colder climates Tianhuo has learned to become accustomed to in her many travels. She swayed in rhythemic loops as she searched for a familar form, caught off guard as the particular bovine she's looking for rams into her. Tianhuo is quick to counter, sweeping her head beneath Arizona's hooves to trip the calf up. It is a success- partially- and they both are sent tumbling into the dirt. They recover in a tangled ball of limbs, Arizona springing up and facing Tianhuo in a wide stance. "You!" Tianhuo reared her neck upwards to stand proudly. "Yes. Before you start attempting to batter me, I would like you to listen closely." She blew smoke from her nostrils, trying subtly to catch her breath. "And why should I listen to you? This is our gosh darn sparring match, here! Once every two weeks, per your own suggestion!" Arizona stated with a stomp, holding one eye shut with suspicion. Tianhuo mentally noted how silly she sounded- like a petty child. "Because... while I admire your fighting spirit, I'm afraid it is neither the time nor the place." Tianhuo looked at Arizona with a serious gaze. "I'm here to make some... negotiations." Arizona stood up straight, looking awfully pleased with herself. "Negotiations, eh? Giving up, already?" Tianhuo fought the urge to roll her eyes to the back of her skull. "Quite the opposite. Could we both sit?" "Er... Sure." Arizona planted her rump straight down in the dirt. Tianhuo blinked. "Yes... right." She slowly took a seat, remaining on guard in case Arizona decided to pull a fast one. "What is it exactly that yer fitting to negotiate?" "I was thinking..." Tianhuo licked her lips. "I was thinking that you could forfeit for this match." Arizona immediately sprang up, visibly peeved. "And why in hay would I do that?!" "Because," Tianhuo chose her words very carefully, "you cows are very strong. All of you are greatly fit in battle. It would be in your best interest... for the sake of your pride... to allow the weaker species to take the win, at least for today. At the moment I am quite weary from making the journey here." "Huh? Am I hearing you right?" Arizona hooved at her ear as if to be sure. "...Yes." Tianhuo replied. The truth was, Tianhuo was weary. She was still certain she could win this fight- but for this match, she was hoping she could outsmart Arizona instead of a traditional win. It would serve as a lesson for the spirited young ungulate. While not directly under Tianhuo's training, it would do Arizona some good to learn a thing or two from the more seasoned fighter. "Well, uh..." Arizona looked perplexed. "Supposing the journey really took it out of ya, I could hold off and let you rest up. Sparring can wait until you have yer energy back. I guess it's a bit hot out today, huh?" "Indeed. But... I think it would be simpler for you to forfeit today, seeing as you are already so powerful." Tianhuo hung her head and swayed her long neck from side to side. "Alas, I just don't think I can keep up at the moment." Clearly Tianhuo was pushing it, because Arizona looked doubly suspicious now. "What? What in the wide world are you getting at? You can absolutely keep up with m–" Arizona suddenly clamped her hooves to her mouth. Tianhuo smirked. "I-I mean..." Arizona stammered, turning red in the cheeks. "Aw, shuddup!" Tianhuo ebbed forward, weaving around Arizona in a taunting manner. "Oh, ho? Do my ears decieve me? I was hoping I might trick you to forfeit, but this seems equally good." Arizona gaped offendedly. "Hey! You watch it before I start pounding ya. Is that what all this was? You were tryna trick me to sing yer praises?" Tianhuo backed up, feigning innocence. "Not at all. I just thought that with your strength, it would do you good to give up." "Do me good to..." The gears started turning in Arizona's head. "Oh, so it was just a buncha bull! You tried to say it all fancylike, but you just wanted me to lose!" "Aha... seems you have realized my play, but it does prove the point I was trying to make." Arizona blew air from her nose angrily. "And what's that? Better not be making a fool out of me!" "Oh, no. While that's a bonus, I merely want to teach you a lesson. Even in battle, you need to be careful with your words. Battling is a matter of the mind as well as the body- and a display of words, as well as actions." Tianhuo straightened her posture, "It would be wise to sharpen your wits, my friend. Then you will become far more formidable." "Aargh! It was a slip of the tongue." Arizona stomped the ground with both forelegs. "Quit teasing! I'm already plenty formidable. You were just playing dirty! Actin' all weak in order to win seems awfully contradictory to winning a battle of words if you ask me..." "Strong as me and my fellow kirin may be, I wasn't bluffing about one thing. I really am tired, which is why I thought I might test this strategy." Tianhuo laid down again, gently folding her hooves beneath her. "I was challenged to many games by some kirin youth back home just prior to the journey here. I spent more energy then I would care to admit, and, the heat certainly didn't help things." "Oh. No kidding, huh? ...Well, that's alright. I suppose we can rest awhile instead. I already know you can occasionally give me a run for my money, so I guess there's nothing to prove." Tianhuo grinned, giving Tianhuo a playful nudge. "Thanks, Arizona." "Hehheh," The cow looked prideful again. "No worries. I can be a good sport about things." A fiery thing like her? Tianhuo counted herself a little surprised. "Mind if I make myself cozy?" Tianhuo asked. Arizona tilted her head. "Uh... go right ahead." Tianhuo grinned at the admission, swooping forward only to flop herself down against the cow. It wasn't enough force to seem like an attack, but just enough to get Arizona flushing in frustration as she protested. "Ah... this is nice. The best seat in the house." "Git off me you varmint!" "Maybe I should try negotiating with you more often." Arizona slumped in annoyance. "Hardy har. Two can play it that way. I can be plenty comfortable with such a scrawny thing on my back. Just don't burn me on accident." "Have I ever? You mind your horns." Arizona snorted. "Hah! Guess we both don't make for the best cuddling companions." Tianhuo said nothing, and the silence stretched between the two creatures for a moment too long. "Hey- give me a response! You're gonna embarass me!" "You said it, not me," Tianhuo snickered.