The war between Man and Pony

by Glitched Grim

Prologue: How the war started.

Gunfire, explosions, sounds of death and destruction seemed to be the only thing johnathan could and would hear nowadays, he couldn’t understand it, what caused such a tragic moment in history, it didn’t make sense to him no matter how many times he tried playing it in his head, always trying to find a reason yet never once succeeding in doing so, so he did what he would always do, go back to the beginning

Before the war (6 years ago)

It was the exciting day for Johnathan, because today they would make contact with another society from another dimension! Although he and the rest of his squad never really got specific details on what these inhabitants of this dimension looked like, only that they would love them the moment they saw them so that brought his spirit up by a lot.

When they eventually saw them, as stated, they instantly loved them and were slightly confused as well, because the society was made of ponies? “What?” A soldier to the right side of john said, this soldier was Gary Michael, weird name but his mother gave it to him so he kept it all his life without thinking much of it, despite the fact that gary seemed to be playfully bullied by his friends cause of his name he and John became best friends and stuck to each other’s side in their entire time in the military.

When they met the ponies, it unsurprisingly took place in some sort of lab, with the soldiers aware that they were being monitored by scientist ,government officials, and other higher ups. The amount of information that the squad got from the ponies was surprisingly a high amount, almost as if the ponies never had an ounce of fear of the squad and saw them as trustworthy beings, I mean they had to think that if they were just going to spill all that useful information to a completely new species/society, like for example, they revealed that they had two goddess like rulers titled Princess Celestia & Princess Luna, as well as the fact that there are currently 5 alicorn princesses with the youngest being Flurry heart.

Now with that all out of the way, you may be wondering how this war started so we’ll skip the boring parts. Now Celestia was someone or somepony the John never really had his full trust on, sure her motherly tone and her love for her subjects would’ve been enough to get even the grouchiest of people to like and trust her, but John had other thoughts, other thoughts that seemed to be shared with his best friend Gary and his two other friends Henry Stein & Martin Stein. If you couldn’t tell, Henry and Martin were brothers and just like John and Gary, had each other’s back.

Day of the war.

This was a weird day for John, he was just about to go and hang out with Gary, Henry and Martin but slowed down a bit when he started noticing strange behavior coming from the ponies, they all had a mix of regret, saddens and hatred splattered all over their faces, especially a pony by the name of sparkler, he was surprisingly great friends with her so you could imagine that he was quite upset about seeing her in this condition, “hey sparkler!” John said happily but the face sparkler was making didn’t change, eventually she decided to speak.

“I-….I’m….I’m sorry” sparkler said barley above a whisper, as she said this tears began to form in her eyes, but before John could ask or say anything she ran off, “Hey!” He heard a voice call out behind him, he turned to find Gary running towards him, Henry and Martin following behind him, the three appeared to be in their respective uniforms.

“Hey man! Hey can you please tell me why everyone here is all gloomy as shit?” John asked, although John already asked he probably already knew the answer.

“I don’t know man” bingo “ that’s why we came to ask you, but judging from your question earlier you only know as much as we…………” Gary began to look up as well as Henry and Martin, John looked behind him and saw something he will never forget, a giant airship descended from the clouds, things started to poke out of it, and that’s when he realized that those things were canons………THOSE THINGS WERE CANONS.

“HOLY SHIT, GUYS RU-“ but before he could scream out to his friends, the canons started firing at structures, “RUN” John yelled, his friends didn’t need to be told twice and the bolted out of there, as they kept running the noticed on their lefts and rights that the ponies from the ground began to attack, torching buildings and killing nearby humans, it got chaotic quickly with this amount of carnage going off. The crowed of ponies began to get bigger and bigger until they couldn’t run any further, they stopped as ponies began to surround them, all four of them got into a battle stance each one reaching for their respective guns but stopped once the heard a whistle sound getting close and closer and-


A missile exploded near them, sending them flying, once John collided with the ground he slowly started to lose consciousness with the sound of gunfire and yelling fading as he slowly became unconscious….

POV: John

I awoke to the feeling of being dragged, I look behind me and see Gary dragging me to safety while Henry and Martin and a few other soldiers were fending off any remaining ponies, the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and screaming were all I could hear at the moment, I was eventually brought to a medic and had my wounds healed and bandaged, after that me, Gary, Henry, and Martin ran out of the building and ran towards the evacuation chopper out of four choppers, we got our guns out and began firing at any enemy pony who tried to stop and kill us, it took awhile, three soldiers were injured and two were dead, we kept firing at the ponies, they eventually stopped their advance, we took this opportunity and we all got onto a helicopter and flew to safety, as we did I got the chance to see all the destruction that was happening below us, it. Was. Horrible. I saw tanks and other military vehicles drive down roads filled with debris shooting at other ponies who were also trying to destroy and kill anyone on said streets. I couldn’t believe my eyes, these were the same ponies who were friendly to us and managed to coexist with us for 2 whole months, and now they were killing us slaughtering us like we were nothing to them, I looked down again and saw unicorns trying to use their magic to destroy the tanks, so far the only managed to destroy two of them but nothing else.

The air force had managed to bring down the airship as it gracefully descended in flames, the chopper finally managed to escape the carnage all around us….God help those who didn’t follow us.

Present day.

I stopped thinking, I still couldn’t find a reason, the ponies just started attacking us for no reason! Gary came over and told me that we were going to leave in 15 minutes so I began to pack my things, you know the usual, red cameo back-pack, ammo, a few mags, flashlight, helmet, mask, knives, gloves, and of course my M4 rifle, after I packed I went to go meet up with Gary Henry and Martin, while walking I decided to pull out my rolled up sleeves, we were in the middle of a forest and they said it was going to rain cats and dogs out there, after I meet up with them we all nodded and hopped on a military vehicle and drove with the other vehicles and tanks, alrighty let’s see were this day’s gonna get us this time, hopefully it will be better then the last. I mean hey, it will probably be worse then the last but hey, can’t hurt to hope and wish can it?